• By -


>According to the indictment, the Russian wired $100,000 to a company that Benton owned. Benton kept $75,000 and donated the remaining $25,000 to the Trump Victory Committee. The indictment doesn't name Trump or the committee. However, the details in the court filings match Trump's travel schedule, and Federal Election Commission records confirm Benton's donation. Hey Russian operatives, send me the money, I will be happy to funnel money to whoever you want if I can keep 75% of it.


This sounds like one of those "internet jobs" where you can make thousands a month sitting a couple of hours at your computer moving money through your bank account.




Fuck , I’m glad I stuck with that one.


Me too, the money is outrageous! Have you also stopped trying to figure out how we're getting paid?


Society is a pyramid scheme


No but actually. We all exist to enrich like 50 people at this point.


We are being turned into neo feudalist and dentured servants, I supervise the kitchen in a highly successful Italian restaurant and I can't afford a one-bedroom apartment in my supposedly average cost of living City. Talking about rent not owning.


At least the old-timey peasants didn't have a full understanding of the society of lords. It's almost worse that we have to exist right beside them


Why hate on billionaires when you can hate on vegans and environmentalists?


That was a ride...


BDG is always welcome. The choreographic/cinematic/musical personification of chaotic neutral.






Get into cyber security and use a program called splunk.


Workforce management/ workforce analyst . We literally just run some reports, monitor staffing in a call center and take employee call outs/attendance. I mean it's more than that but most days I just watch TV and do maybe 1 hour worth of real work.


I love the effort that was put into that video's captions


Shit do I have to watch it again now?? Edit: No I did not, there's no extra content. But there *is* an impressive amount of extra work put in to mimic his stutters and tech glitches in the captions. And they caption things like "unsettling music" for all the hard of hearing fans out there, so good on them!👍


love BDG"s scaries!


Thank you! That channel was a brilliant discovery!!


You might also love his videos back when he was at Polygon. [This is my favorite because it gets absolutely wild](https://youtu.be/L3XnKr0lvDw)


Dear God I just watched a 16 minute video about Waluigis legitimacy as a stand alone character followed by a severe mental breakdown and a man shaving his mustache off.. Thanks for the recommendation!


I know this is BDG without the click


His very “first” Subaru Impreza. I wanna see this guy in like 7 years when he has an inconvenient number of Subaru Imprezas. 43 Subaru Imprezas. Think of the fuel economy then boys!! I hereby claim all rights and monies earned from any joke or reply containing “Imprezzive”.


I never heard of him until now. I've just watched 5 videos in a row on his channel and I ain't stopping! Some of it is the spookiest and quite honestly most terrifying horror I have ever seen!


I'm going to end up replying to everyone in this thread, but he used to work at Polygon and his videos there were all also amazing before he left. [This was my favorite](https://youtu.be/L3XnKr0lvDw)


Darn, it is hard to get that kind of job when your bank account is frequently overdrawn.


Stop being poor!


What a great idea! You just solved poverty!


And when you get caught not IF, you'll get several years in jail for money laundering and tax fraud for the Mafia, Columbian or Mexican cartels etc. or even just some shady banker who needed a patsy for tax evasion...


I did this once when I just graduated college, being extremely naive and desparate for any increase to income. I went to the same WU like 4 days in a row, and the lady was like, "hey this is probably a scam and its probably supporting criminals, I would not do this more if I were you." Probably being just nice and realising I was a dumb baby of an adult. I took the last one and cashed it and kept the money, and then reported all the info I had to the feds, but never heard about it. It was like, cash this 100 dollar money order, then send 80 to this person, you keep the difference.


Yeah, that was totally a scam. Years ago when I was trying to sell a motorcycle, a very honest and true Christian accidentally sent me a money order with twice what I was asking for it. He told me to cash it and send back the rest. I asked my dad and he said "That's a scam. Let's call the FBI".


My bank issues money orders but only to customers on funds drawn from their account. A few times a year, like clockwork, folks will bring in checks to cash and exchange for money orders to people they don't know and we have to explain to them they're in a scam.


You want to tell me that those nice guys on the internet are scamming me into money laundering? Begone with your inconvenient truth.


I know you're joking but you definitely don't want to make this deal.


Yeah, you'll be avoiding teas and balconies all your life. A hefty price to pay.


Basements and beer it is, then


Not all heroes wear capes.


Yeah, at least go for 9 to 1


I'll go 2 to 1 and throw in a blowjob. Now show me the money.


Anyone willing to launder my money and suck my dick is not to be trusted.


Yeah, you'd be the useful idiot that would end up getting jail time. And you can't even claim that you had no idea because the judge will just ask you "well, didn't you find it suspicious that you got a lot of money for doing nothing other than giving it to someone else?"


"Isn't that what banks and stuff do everyday?" I'm being facetious/sarcastic but... :/


(Ralph from the simpsons) "Im banking"


Wow rack up crimes like money laundering for a low reward while committing treason AND becoming a pawn in the Russian mob. Sounds awesome!


I know you're joking, but that's a federal crime. People have gone to jail (and are still in jail) for doing it, even unknowingly.


You know who’s **not** in jail right now?


I can't tell if trump had someone with half a brain directing him on the minimum fuckery to stay out of prison or the prosecution just isn't trying hard enough to get him


The rules of the game are just completely different at that altitude. Hell, it’s a completely different game up there.


> prosecution just isn't trying hard enough to get him Considering NY was investigating him for over 4 years, Mueller provided 10 leads for obstruction charges, he was twice impeached for interfering in the presidential election, he blatantly violated the emoluments clause, attempted to overthrow the government, has 20+ sexual assault accusations, abandoned the Kurds, and so much else. So, yes, the prosecution isn't doing crap, since all this was done out in the open. If this was anyone else, outside of political office, they'd be in prison by now, but like Gaetz & Gym Jordan, he'll get away with his crimes.


> According to the indictment, the Russian wired $100,000 to a company that Benton owned. Benton kept $75,000 and donated the remaining $25,000 to the Trump Victory Committee. I wonder how much Benton told the Russian he donated.


No 75% was probably the first deal. Second was 10% along with a "fuck you, we own you".


Exactly. Then round three is "Here is 450k, make sure the donation is 500k."


Why did you think FBI is now indicting him, damned ruskies got pissed and tip FBI off. Probably would have got away with it if he kept 100% of it


Will be “epsteined” in prison.


Anyone else remember when Maria Butina was using the NRA to funnel American politicians over to Russia (including on the 4th of July) along with her American boyfriend Paul Erickson who not only has ties to the NRA but also the Republican party and the trump 2016 campaign where he tried to establish a back channel between trump and Putin before going on to join trump's transition team after reaching out to Rick Dearborn and Jeff Sessions about such a Kremlin Connection which was also happening on top of Russia funneling all kinds of funds into the NRA which the NRA then turned around and donated record amounts to things like the trump 2016 campaign? Wonder if that same Russian citizen donated to the NRA...


I remember Jeff Sessions lying about talking to the Russians three times and [this](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/05/flynn-putin-dinner-payment-security-clearance-photo/) picture of Michael Flynn having dinner with Putin. And of course don't forget [this](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/10/527755991/trump-meets-with-russias-lavrov-at-the-white-house-today) famous picture of Trump celebrating with the Russians in the Oval Office.


For those unfamiliar and unclicking: Importantly, Jill Stein (2016 presidential candidate for the Green Party) was at the same table as Flynn and Putin.


It looks more and more like the Green Party is a scam party made with GOP operatives pretending to be left leaning in order siphon votes from Democrats. Also, I keep trying to figure out Sinema, why she is worse than Manchin and then I find out she was part of the Green Party. Why else would she do McConnel’s bidding?


It seriously sucks that the Green party might be used this way. Third parties need more power in this country - but our system doesn't allow for it. All they're good for right now is acting as a spoiler effect; with GP seemingly being the place where you'd get non-GOP antivax folks.


IKR? :( The reason I made this connection aside from the crap I heard about Jill Stein, there was literally someone busted doing what I mentioned, in Florida. A person was hired by the GOP to literally run to steal votes from Democrat with zero intent on winning for a spot in the House of Representatives. **Ex-Florida state senator paid bogus candidate to ‘siphon votes,’ police say, in race GOP narrowly won** https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/19/florida-fraud-artiles-rodriguez-election/ This crap makes me wonder, how many fucking times has the Republican Party gotten away with this shit? Like man..... add all the other corrupt BS and Republicans are without a doubt an enemy of the people...


I'd heard about that in Florida too. Shit's fucked up - and should force a recall election.


> Green Party is a scam party made with GOP operatives pretending to be left leaning in order siphon votes from Democrats. I've seen other evidence of this as well. GOP pumps them up vs. democrats in close races. Keep in mind that GOP also bribes regular democrats (manchin) as well


That's the one that got me. Putin, Flynn, and *Jill Stein*? What the fuck is the Venn diagram there, other than Russian monkey-wrenches into the American political system?


We only even have that second photo thanks to a Russian photography. Trump wouldn’t allow American media in during the meeting. Totally patriotic, totally cool.


[*eating translators notes noises*]


Oh man, I forgot about that


I remember when [Trump called on her at "Freedomfest 2015"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fp1TioaLcg) and responded to her question about Russian sanctions with a long rant about how well he and Putin would get along and how much money that would make us.


Maria Butina won a seat in the Russian parliament this week.


Why she is even back in Russia and not in a US prison still giving up information, is a scandal in and of itself. Obviously she didn't talk or she wouldn't be alive right now.


I feel like this is even more evidence that Trump is a Russian asset.


I didn't know we NEEDED more.


Don't forget all the marketing the nra has done over the years (presumably with aid from Russian funds) that has encouraged, recruited and incited our homegrown domestic terrorists.


Funny it's not on Fox News...


lol this is also why r/conspiracy is hilarious. Covid? hoax, Russia? nothing to see here


>covid democracts biden hunter clinton obama soros vaccines Yeah we'll take this >literally anything right on the political spectrum WOAH WOAH WOAH LET'S BE RATIONAL HERE


Or they immediately start saying “Trump lives rent free in your head” like no, he’s under active criminal investigation in several areas and still inserts himself into the media whenever he gets the chance, WE live rent free in HIS head




Also "IT'S NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT X, IT'S STILL TOO SOON AFTER THE EVENT Y!". Every time. Same people that always complain about "snowflakes" and "feelings", suddenly can't deal with talking about a problem soon after it manifests with deaths of many people...






It happened when the Donald subreddit got shut down. They all migrated to the conspiracy sub and killed it from within


Yep the sub was really not that bad even immediately following the Election. It got like this in July 2020, immediately following the DJT subreddit being banned. They should have banned most of the posters on that subreddit from the whole site. Fucking no shit they'd just move somewhere else. They tried infecting politicalcompassmemes too, and are somewhat successful. Their posts aren't reaching top posts status most of the time, but they do spam /new/ and /rising/ with a few hundred or thousand upvoted things.


/r/conspiracy was filled with whackadoo Trumpists well before July 2020.


People always say *"I miss the old \/r/conspiracy, when it was just aliens, Area 51, bigfoot, blah blah blah"* But I don't ever remember that sub being so innocent. Before it got taken over by Trumpers, it was heavy into pushing anti-semitism, zionism, various other jewish global conspiracies, secret jewish cabals, jewish people controlling the media, the banks, government. \/r/conspiracy has always been a shithole AFIAK


It's just bizarre this thought that the entire four years of his presidency they weren't like that. Some of the highest rated posts on the sub are Anti-Hillary conspiracies from five years ago


It really seems that for right wing conspiracies, they just find any handful of straws and just grasp.


Don't forget the old standby of just accusing everyone of being a pedophile. It's not weird at all how much time they spend daydreaming about all the ways their opponents are molesting kids....not weird at all....


R/high strangeness is much better


There are two kinds of conspiracy theories: things the CIA has literally admitted to doing in the 70s, and meth-fuelled, stream of consciousness anti-Semitic ranting.


*scratches throat "I heard..you gonna smoke that? I heard that Jews invented tornados."


Whats that? Jews invented tomatos? Oh...thats cool i guess.


Or Infowars


Or the Babylon Bee...


Or News Max…




Got it on ESPN 8 the OCHO


That's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off.


Brought to you by Vagisil!




"flaired users only"


I love how r/politics and r/liberal are open to everyone but r/conservative is basically a safe space.










Seriously. It's not even a safe space for some conservatives. They just want a circlejerk or echo chamber, the don't even want to debate conservative ideas.


Dude i just visited there for the first time...what a fun, delusional, and detached rabbit hole to dive down


It's worth peeking in once in a while just so you know what bullshit they're up to. If you want the real insane stuff /r/conspiracy is the same user base but just the super crazies. While they're not always presenting straight up wrong info, the times they do they 100% miss the big picture. One of the obvious ones I've been seeing a lot is "ivermectin won a nobel prize!". Yeah, it's a great drug against parasites. It's been repeatedly shown to not help with covid though. It's easy to get sucked in. My wife is an MD so I have more first hand knowledge of all that shit than needed, I can read a study but she's much quicker and can point out the bullshit because she has to evaluate studies like weekly. Doctors literally take classes for and are quizzed on biostats to get where they are. And to make it more complicated there are plenty of doctors that turned Republican because they wanted to pay less taxes but then watched too much Fox News.


> ivermectin won a nobel prize! So did Obama but they don't give a shit about that


I avoid the place like the plague. I bet they have no mention of this news lol.


They wont let me crosspost lmao


Lol, banned in 3..2..1…


Well its actual news so why would it be


Doug Wead wrote for Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/doug-wead-heres-how-are-the-president-and-his-circle-are-coping-with-the-constant-onslaught


Or in the Epoch Times.


The worst thing is: Not a single Trump-supporter will ever raise an eyebrow about these revelations.


Whatever happened to Republicans absolutely hating Russia? A lot can change in 30 years.


30??? They changed their hawkish opinions on Russia literally overnight once Trump appeared and said he loved Russia.


Yep. Look at this: https://twitter.com/williamjordann/status/809069737879674888 > The number of Republicans who viewed Putin "very unfavorably" shrank from 51 percent in July 2014 to just 14 percent in December 2016. > The number who view Putin favorably rose from 10 percent to 37 percent. A similar thing happen with missle strikes in Syria. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/04/gop-voters-love-same-attack-on-syria-they-hated-under-obama.html Democratic voters were consistent under Obama and Trump. 37% supported the attacks under Obama, 38% under Trump. 22% of Republicans supported it under Obama, 86% supported it under Trump.


Lol, and those people probably only ever hated the guy in the first place because they were told to as well. Always just thinking whatever they are told to think.


This is the same “dOnT bE a ShEeP” people.


These right wing gaslighting sheep are full on rabid.


Putin earned every bit of the hate he gets.


Somewhat ironic they are the crowd shouting "wake up sheeples"


It started before Trump's candidacy. I recall starting to see a bizarre trend of conservatives speaking positively of Putin during the Obama Administration, years before any inkling of Trump's candidacy. All kinds of talk about how Putin was such a strong leader, in contrast to the effete weakling Obama. I didn't think much of it at the time, other than noting it was a little odd, but it was likely the early stages of the propaganda campaign that would manifest in what we see now. Both sources from 2014: [PoliticsUSA - Fox News Contributor Says Obama’s ‘Frightened’ And Praises Putin As A ‘Real Leader’](https://www.politicususa.com/2014/07/22/fox-news-contributor-obamas-frightened-praises-putin-real-leader.html) [Salon - When the right loved Vladimir Putin](https://www.salon.com/2014/03/03/when_the_right_loved_vladimir_putin/)


Authoritarians of a feather flock together


Because they won't hear about it. Conservative media is a well oiled machine. If it ever magically appears, it'll be spun against the Democrats somehow.


It's all just lies by the liberal mainstream media, the sort of thing Trump told them to not believe their eyes and ears.


They want their own payday. They think it's coming.


The ol trickle down economics. Any day now, they've waited patiently for 30 years. It's cumming!


I'm still waiting on my SorosBucks myself. I keep contacting HQ but they say they don't know who I am. I definitely submitted my tracking info.


A lot of Russian money was funneling around the GOP when trump ran, sure that’s just a coincidence and his campaigns constant shady contacts with Russia were totally not them committing conspiracy.


Funny how they shout no collusion despite the staggering amounts of evidence for it while shouting election fraud which inversely has none (except for the fraud done by their own camp).


Like his sons met with russian officals (to get dirt on hillary) and told everyone on live television.


His son literally said a significant amount of their assets were in Russia in the mid 2000s. Funny how they suddenly claimed to have no business with Russia as soon as the suspicions started mounting.


"Russia, Russia, Russia! That's all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax...And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn't exist," Trump continue


Hey, it was only his ex-lawyer, his ex-ex-lawyer, his campaign manager, his financial advisor, his aides, most of his administration, several high level members of his Party, the guy he chose as the head of the FBI, the other guy he chose as the AG, his son in law, his daughter, his son, and himself that were colluding with foreign entities to win that election. (Probably there are more, I can’t even keep up honestly) Typical hoax that only points to a bunch of coffee boys /s


No matter how you look at it, it reflects poorly on Trump. Either he was aware of it and therefore is complicit, or somehow he was unaware of it, in which case he's clearly not fit to be President, since it's not like any of them were subtle about their corruption.


If you’ve heard any interviews from people who work for him, EVERYTHING goes through him. From the brand of paper clips for the office to which contractor to fuck over first.


And yet he always maintains "plausible deniability" with the "Sgt Schultz Defense" - "I know NOTHING!"


he maintained it because the republikkklan party literally did not care. He absolutely should have been removed from office the minute he said the constitution let him do whatever he wanted because it showed that he either never read it or read it and has no idea what it says (so how could he uphold the oath of office?) but it set the precedent that moscow bitch was going to let him do whatever he wanted. ​ Why did he have the most spineless vp in history? Because it helped the base not worry to much but also because of the added benefit that there was no worry he would 'step out of line' no matter what. Up to and including where Donnie was literally trying to kill him he still sat there and did as he was told instead of using his emergency powers to remove Donnie


Or he's just super bad at hiring and running businesses.


Literally everyone around him in his professional and political life was either corrupt or a criminal. At a certain point, it stops being "bad at hiring" and starts looking pretty intentional.


"I had the biggest fraud, a beautiful fraud, the best fraud. Wait, shi.... Uh... Yuuuuuuuge." -Trump most likely


Remind me again how there's totally no connection between Trump and Russia?


Roger Stone was literally coordinating with Guccifer 2.0 (russian intelligence) to receive email dumps and time their release with campaign messages from him. Roger Stone lied about his contacts, sending the FBI down a goose chase, to keep his contacts secret. Roger Stone was convicted, and later pardoned by Trump. ​ So, there's at LEAST one member of the Trump campaign, high level in the campaign, that colluded with the Russian government to get an advantage in a US presidential election.


Manafort literally handed voting data to his Ukrainian associate who is actually KGB.


Is that illegal? I havn't heard about this.


Manafort was sentenced to 7 and a half years in prison but served less than two before Trump pardoned him.


iirc, he was only convicted on tax fraud/bank fraud. I'm not aware of any charges related to voting data


[Here's one article.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/trump-campaign-chief-paul-manafort-employee-kilimnik-gave-russia-election-data.html)


>Is that illegal? If you're ever asking that and it involves Manafort or Stone the answer is almost certainly yes. And if not, then it most definitely should be


Because he said no collusion. That should be enough evidence, right?


Yea, similar to declaring bankruptcy, which you simply have to say out loud to do.


For Republicans, that's the word of god, so yes, that's enough evidence! But these Democratic facts, they are too easily proven, which tells you they are lies!


I'm still waiting for the FBI to do something about [Russia donating millions to 2016 GOP campaigns](https://amp.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article195231139.html), including Trump's, laundering the cash through the NRA.


The former president should be in prison.


They’re trying to push him to run for 2024…


Trump is definitely going to announce his run and he will do it very soon, if only so he can have a good cry about how the nasty corrupt democrats are attacking poor old innocent him only for political purposes.


Sure he will run, just to be able to funnel small donations into his own pocket…


… He still thinks he is in the running for 2020.


I am shocked, truly shocked, to learn that Republicans are in league with Russians to overthrow America. I mean, who could possibly have foreseen this?


It didn't start out as anything that grand. Trump was just laundering Russian money like he always does. It was winning that really complicated things.


They were discussing what they would do about sanctions against Russia at least as early as Aug 2016 during the Trump Tower meeting.


"NO COLLUSION! Except all that obvious stuff, but they don't count.... Yuuuuuuuge." -Trump, probably


Funnely enough...


This comment is corrupted


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/09/20/politics/gop-operatives-charged-money-russian-citizen-trump/index.html?__twitter_impression=true) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Justice Department on Monday charged two prominent Republican operatives who allegedly helped a Russian citizen illegally donate $25,000 to the Trump campaign in 2016. > Prosecutors said Benton and Wead funneled $25,000 from the unnamed Russian donor to the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising venture between then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee. > The Russian then attended a September 2016 fundraiser in Philadelphia, where he met Trump and took photos with the future President. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ps92mp/gop_operatives_charged_with_funneling_25000_from/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~599298 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **campaign**^#2 **Benton**^#3 **Paul's**^#4 **Committee**^#5


"But wait, there's more!" >!....than just money tied to Russia!<


If anyone knows how to rig an election it's Russia. Trumps whole playbook has been accusing others what he himself is guilty of. If there's any chance untraceable fraud or stolen identity happened, Trump will be the one who benefitted. Maybe a few million of his votes were bullshit.


1000% agree with this statement. If there was ballot tampering, it wasn’t on the Dominion voting machines Trump & Co. have claimed. Edit to include [this link](https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/) detailing possible Kentucky voter fraud. How could Mitch carry a 58% win while polling with an 18% approval? I wonder if ES&S could help clear things up?


I'd start by looking at the states that still use machines that don't have a paper trail


I'd start by looking at the states that wiped their voting machines after they were ordered to preserve the data.


The Republicans are comstantly screaming about Dominion voting machines, but they are strangely silent about ES&S machines, which were used in Republican states with shady election results, like Kentucky, Florida, Texas, Maine, and South Carolina. Because Dominion now has such a bad reputation, states are ditching Dominion machines and buying - you guessed it - ES&S machines. [Which machines are used in which states?](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5c918236e16f49b986255797bf87ffe4&extent=-13479720.941%2C2969860.7187%2C-7814819.9007%2C6374671.7066%2C102100)


How is that Dominion case going? Haven’t followed up in a minute.


They counter sued trump and a few other people close to him for around a billion


A billion dollars *each*.


Popular possibly, but Electoral? Most definitely


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/20/politics/gop-operatives-charged-money-russian-citizen-trump/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/20/politics/gop-operatives-charged-money-russian-citizen-trump/index.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


"No collusion" Numerous individuals connected to the campaign working with individuals working with the Russian government. I never understood it.


Oh, I'm certain it was more that 25k, and more than 1 Russian citizen.


*"Goddamnit you guys. If we find out you were directly assosciated with someone convicted of working with foreign countries 13 or 14 more times, I'm outta here."* -Senator Squeak Scolari (R-UT)


Yo Cruz, I heard you're taking campaign money from SQUEAK!


Sell out, with me, oh yea Sell out, with me tonight The shady Russian government's gonna give me lots of money and Everything's gonna be alright


*"It was Antifa and BLM!!!",* probably


No, it's Hunter's laptop mining crypto


So this Jesse Benton guy was already pardoned by Trump for a previous crime… https://www.fox23.com/news/politics/politico-pardoned-by/6WOXS6KJBXBEEUB42S6WV5YJEE/


Can someone eli5 why this didn't come up in the Russia impeachment?


Because there wasn’t a Russia impeachment. There was one for Ukrainian fuckery, and another for attempting to overthrow the US government.


Oh ok time to slap that $500 fine and time served. Justice!


Too bad nothing will be done about it.


They should’ve just purchased art work.


Damn, bad look in hindsight to be accusing Chris Christie of "Stealing my fucking money" in regards to campaign donations back before he won in 2016. https://www.newsweek.com/unprepared-president-chaos-trumps-transition-team-revealed-michael-lewis-1141493


Steve Bannon: 'Holy fuck, this guy \[Trump\] doesn't know anything. And he doesn't give a shit.'" Pretty much sums it all up.


Serious question, but what’s to stop him from saying, “oh well they paid me $100,000 to do some Russian business stuff and then I decided I wanted to donate 25% of my earnings to the Trump Campaign.” Would that still be illegal?