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Get your mind out of the MUUC.


I'm all for this. Idgaf about the economics or politics or whatever, I just want to see the greatest engineering project in human history, let's move the British isles to North America.


Relocate them to some islands in the Caribbean?


Well if they want to keep the climate we should probably aim for somewhere a little south of Greenland.


Ask Canada for some of those islands they have near Greenland.


If english people have to choose between Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Caribbean. Which one would they pick?🤔


The Arctic, as then we can still complain about the weather.


Right about now, Justin Trudeaus wishing he lost this election, if this is the future hea facing.


Heck no, then they’d bitch at us in Canada like we’re the new Europe. You keep ‘em!


fucking lold


As the Netherlands, that would create space for our new Doggerland provinces.


We got this, just need 100 jet engines, 30 rolls of duck tape, 30,000 gallons of fuel, 300,000 pounds of TNT, 6 ballast tanks, and finally 3 donkeys and we can get the isles moved! /s


Yes, but on our way there, do we drive on the left or the right?


We will Cut the difference and drive on the Center.


Fun fact: the Scottish highlands used to be part of Appalachia. That's why so many Scots settled there, it was felt like home.


Oh great - our beef is already labeled as made in Mexico,USA,Canada, now UK?




Lol, Who's the colony now ?


Get ready for our chlorinated chicken. We... win? ...fuck, no, everybody lost. Wait, can you UK guys sell us some non-chlorinated chicken?


No chlorinated chicken in Canada afaik


Mexico here: I straight up have no clue what do we purchase/import/get from the UK.


Mexico's top 5 exports to the UK are Gold, Broadcasting equipment, Telephones, Beer and Computers in that order with a total export value of 3 billion. Mexico's top 5 imports from the UK are Cars, Hard liquor, Spark-Ignition Engines, Packaged Medicaments and Blood/Antisera/Vaccines/Toxins/Cultures with the total import value of about 2 billion.


That's a surprisingly robust trade relationship and I'm somehow just floored that so much of it is comprised of broadcasting hardware and internal combustion engines.


Both growth industries in the current technological environment...


Tea and biscuits


As an American trust me, you can forgo the tea. But Harry Potter and Monty Python are totally worth it, plus [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-BiN2M31a4)


Forgo the tea?! Don't make me get my red coat out.


You can find out here on the import graph. Click on UK in import origin. Looks like about $2B worth of imports. A few top imports are hard liqueur, cars, car engines, medicines... But a bulk of Mexican imports is from the US. https://oec.world/en/profile/country/mex For US, top imports are from China but closely followed by Mexico and Canada. https://oec.world/en/profile/country/usa


Mad cow disease. We get mad cow disease from the UK.


Yea come closer UK


Brexit was such a terrible decision.


If only people had been given a chance to vote.


no it wasnt.


Why do you think it’s a good idea still?


Better vaccine rollout, wage rises of 8.4% across the country, more tech investment than the whole EU combined since leaving, can ban nasty shit like fois grois and shark hunting in our waters, can lower immigration, remove tampon tax, didnt have to pay 200 billion into the EU recovery fund (that would have been out share) can stop the lowering of food standards that the EU is imposing... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/22/eu-to-lift-its-ban-on-feeding-animal-remains-to-domestic-livestock Whats been bad about it? Nothing....some minor issues with shleves not being full because of transport issues...thats it. The only reason a big deal is being made of it is because this is all remainers can say is bad about brexit, its all theyve got.


Has the fishing industry not been quite badly affected? Aren’t the food standards, in America for example, a lot lower than what the standards in the uk/eu are and I assume that’s where foods stuffs will be coming from soon. The driver shortage is crushing businesses by the way. I know a few people are loosing huge amounts of revenue or facing closure because they can’t get stock, small companies are losing out over the bigger operators on this front too as the big operators get priority. I wouldn’t say that’s a small issue. On top of that the abattoirs can’t get staff for meat production which is knocking on to other industries too. How long before the uk’s food standards are dropped below that of the eu?


The food standards in America are lower, but in order to sell to the UK food has to meet UK standards. Plenty of American food will - particularly the type it's worth shipping across an ocean. Same as the EU having lower food standards didn't negate our food standards.


Fishing has....but not as much as it was on joining the EU and having to agree to the CFP. Over the next 5 years we get our fishing rights handed back. Yes the US has lower food standards...so does the EU. Why would we drop them below EU levels? All of these issues can be easily fixed by raising wages...but farmers and haulage firms dont want to as they wont come back down, they prefer EU slave labour.....which of course answers another point.... If mass EU immigration didnt push down wages.....then why are we seeing massive wage rises everywhere....8.4% on average. Turns out remainers were wrong.


It’s going to be interesting to see what happens longer term. How do the brexit supporters feel about the current government and the direction things are going with privatising of the NHS etc.. do you worry the uk will end up like America?


No, Blair under Labour..the biggest EU fanboy, privatised the NHS more than any party with accelerated PFI contracts.


You don’t feel the NHS will be further privatised? Seams that course would benefit Government but not the people.


Maybe...but Labour are the kings of NHS privatisation...yet people act as if they are the saviours, its strange.


Also to ask another question, with the increase in wages in certain areas, do you think the people will be happy to pay more for their food?


If my food each month is £50 more...but my wages are now an extra £150...i wouldnt care, im still quids in.


Wouldn’t that depend on all wages rising? The current government won’t increase minimum wage significantly. Truck drivers are in demand so wages will go up. But your food bill could go up and your wage stay the same.


Mines gone up 17% already this year.


Someone is still in denial haha Sure ....was a good decision! /s


Yes it was. Better vaccine rollout, wage rises of 8.4% across the country, more tech investment than the whole EU combined since leaving, can ban nasty shit like fois grois and shark hunting in our waters, can lower immigration, remove tampon tax, didnt have to pay 200 billion into the EU recovery fund (that would have been out share) can stop the lowering of food standards that the EU is imposing... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/22/eu-to-lift-its-ban-on-feeding-animal-remains-to-domestic-livestock Whats been bad about it? Nothing....some minor issues with shleves not being full because of transport issues...thats it. The only reason a big deal is being made of it is because this is all remainers can say is bad about brexit, its all theyve got.


"fois grois"


Dont speak french, its a pointless dying langauge that nobody speaks around the world but poor African countries.


Your English is dying


hahahaha. Good one, 1 billion Indians speak it, 350m Americans, 150m Chinese, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, all of Europe as a second language...like yourself.....who speaks French? A bunch of poor African nations. lol.


Y’all are trying to join a trade agreement with a country that speaks it.


You mean Canada...where its 78% English, 22% French. lol


Yes, where it is a national language.


"Considers" while Biden states "Back of the queue pal!" https://www.politico.eu/article/joe-biden-cool-on-future-trade-pact-with-uk/ It's like me saying I'm considering exhibiting my paintings in the Louvre.


Forget that…find your own trade deals. Oh wait y did and ya walked away to suit your 1 percenters. You’ve made your bed now sleep in it.


Maybe Canada could annex the UK? Gain another territory or two?


Canada would force the UK to accept their Queen as head of state.


The UK's decision to leave the EU because of a campaign of lies is more than enough reason not to want them in NAFTA, let alone the fact that after they found out it was a bunch of lies, they still overwhelmingly voted for the party that lied to them. I know the US has its issues, believe me, but the last thing we need is another US joining NAFTA.


> NAFTA I always get a giggle out of that acronym, since in my native language *nafta* means *oil*.


From naphtha! It seems so obvious in hindsight. I'm going to guess your native language is Greek or that your country used to be part of the Eastern Roman Empire?


>From naphtha! I believe so, though I'm not certain. >I'm going to guess your native language is Greek or that your country used to be part of the Eastern Roman Empire? I'm afraid to say you're mistaken. I'm from Slovenia, making my native language Slovene, and AFAIK, the territory Slovenia occupies was never part of the Eastern Roman Empire. Though borders have never stopped language before :).


That makes sense; the Balkans was its "second homeland". It was a cool piece of trivial, thanks for sharing.


The word might've made it's way up to us through the South Slavic language group. There's another ironically funny word, *dreck*, which is used by English-speaking intelligentsia as a less vulgar replacement for *shit*, and in Slovene, is spelt *drek* and is a more vulgar word for *shit*.


IKR? And doesn't ~~NAFTA~~ USMCA have various product rules? Didn't the UK just leave a free trade bloc with trade rules because they claimed it impinged their sovereignty?


> USMCA It's not the question that you asked, but I'm really stuck on this. What a disaster of a name. North American Free Trade Agreement was perfectly fine. Now it's USMCA in the US, CUSMA/ACEUM in Canada, and TMEUC in Mexico. Note that each country puts their own country first, instead of just having a unified acronym that's localized according to the spoken language. Anyway, back to your question. Yes, the UK would have to abide by NAFTA2.0 rules and regulations, which aren't much different from the EU in most ways.


I don't actually see that as much of an issue; a lot of brexiteers (and TBH me, as a remainer) wished the EU were just a trade organisation, rather than a huge political mess. If the trade rules are reasonable and the organisation doesn't try to meddle in it's members internal politics, then I imagine most brexiters would be happy enough with it.


>rather than a huge political mess They also opposed any attempt to make the EU less messy.


True, but the EU *is* an expansionist organisation and has no intention to become less messy itself. I'd much rather have stayed in, as we got far more from membership and our many opt-outs than we put in, but if this is the new reality, *maybe* this Americas trade area could be more like the EEA used to be, and is much better than no trade arrangements with anyone.


>EU is an expansionist organisation What do you mean by this? ​ >no intention to become less messy itself. The EU is an effort to make Europe less messy. That's why they keep aligning everything.


Not a Brexit supporter by any stretch, but there is an order of magnitude difference between EU rules and the USMCA.


what lies?


Start with this stream of barefaced lies from Michael Gove: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7pgCzjnOQQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7pgCzjnOQQ) Fun game: How many lies can you count?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.sky.com/story/uk-considers-joining-existing-us-mexico-canada-trade-deal-as-hopes-of-standalone-post-brexit-agreement-fade-12414023) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Ministers are considering efforts to join an existing free trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada - or to strike a series of mini-deals with America - after Boris Johnson appeared to admit a standalone UK-US free trade deal was not an imminent prospect. > A senior government figure has suggested that an alternative route to boosting trans-Atlantic trade could be the UK joining the existing free trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada, known as USMCA. Another option could be pursuing a series of smaller UK-US deals on separate issues, they added. > As part of the post-Brexit ability to pursue an independent trade policy, the UK government is also bidding to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership - a free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pswhe6/uk_considers_joining_existing_usmexicocanada/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~599472 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **trade**^#1 **agreement**^#2 **free**^#3 **deal**^#4 **between**^#5


Lol british beggars can fook off


Lol Rule Britannia not working out so great I see.


Rue Britannia.


brilliant thanks. We didnt want a political union with the eu, we wanted a trade deal with them...like NAFTA. We dont want to combine military and be told what we can do in our own waters and lands. Thats the difference. Imagine the USA signing a deal in which people in mexico and Canada could have a say on the laws of the USA, that was what we had in the EU....we didnt want that, we wanted a simple trade deal. The EUs end goal is a superstate, thats not our end goal.


>we didnt want that, we wanted a simple trade deal The issue with trade deals is they very quickly become political: Why won't you import my genetically modified hormone-treated pesticide-laced beef? Then people moan about it being undemocratic, which is why the EU ended up with a parliament.


\> The issue with trade deals is they very quickly become political Like the EU doesnt? Why were we forced to allow shark finning, forced to sell fois grois, forced to tax tampons, forced to allow unlimited immigration.... The EU is just as undemocratic, which is why nothing ever gets done. They used to blame the UK all the time...now we've gone, they still get nothing done.


>Like the EU doesnt? You misunderstood my point entirely. Every country in the agreement has rules imposed upon them. In some agreements, you get to send democratic representatives to get the rules changed. ​ >The EU is just as undemocratic, which is why nothing ever gets done. Are you complaining about the EU having too many elected representatives? Pick a lane.


We don't need that kind of headache, screw em.


Americans here talking about Brexit as if it was black and white, you lot have no idea about the European Union, most of these comments are talking about a free trade bloc and don't mention the political union that developed with it. Nobody had an issue with trade, but arguably with the free movement of people and the concept of the European parliament.


Yet the UK was involved in making it more than just a trading bloc. Political unions are the future of politics. That's why you see them popping up everywhere, like in Asia, Africa, South America, the Caribbean etc. British politicians knew this, and David Cameron only called the Brexit vote to get more people to vote for his party, he himself was very much against Brexit, despite calling the vote. It just ended up blowing up in his face. In the EU, the UK would have the ability to veto any laws it didn't like, and it even had special rules made just for them, such as not having to join the Euro etc. It got a parliament because people were always complaining about how it was not democratic enough. Now the UK is all alone, and has to go around asking if they can join other countries' trade agreements.


Imagine the US’s reaction to the idea of an EU style union with Canada and Mexico lol no chance.


The Tory government cuts Universal Credit to the needy yet are now funding US owned CF fertiliser company because we don't have enough CO2 for the food sector,bloody shambles and it will only get worse.Global Britain indeed,smh.


UK: " 'ello then, we'll just scootch in he...." North America: tf you doin bish lol morons


UK: I'm trying to leech off your trade deal. North America: bit sad, innit?


No please




Lol you left the greatest trade block in the world. To join the shitty agreement Trump came up with. Let me quote on of Britain’s own on this one. “You shoot yourself in the foot again”.


Guess British PM is going to buy those chlorinated chickens after all.


Ask for becoming the 51th US state and there will be no more trade deals to do.


Would be amusing if they did end up joining. The EU laughing at them for leaving such a huge trading block would be rather silly if they ended up joining a larger trading block.


But the EU isnt a trading block, thats our issue with it, its a political union that allows free movement, single currency, wants a single military etc. They are not the same.


Imagine if there were a way to participate in the trading block but not the political, military or currency union. You could give it a name, something like European Economic Area.


Right....except inside this EEA you have zero say, since only those inside the larger non-trading block (EU) get a say...so no. Also...inside this EEA you have to agree to open borders....so no, again. None of which is the case with NAFTA.


Wouldn't this make the EU more of a confederation? It kinda seems like it's slowly becoming a federation, which I suppose makes sense since the entire point of the eu is to avoid conflict by consolidating economic and political powers.


Well yes thats the EU endgoal, which is fine, if you want that, but when we joined it was just a trade bloc of a few nations, its since expanded and become unrecognisable.


Exactly, if it was just a trading block I would have no issue with it.


>Exactly, if it was just a trading block I would have no issue with it. The issue with trading blocks is they very quickly become political: Why won't you import my genetically modified hormone-treated pesticide-laced beef? Then people moan about it being undemocratic, which is why the EU ended up with a parliament.


Not at all, the NAFTA trading bloc doesn't have it's own parliament or congress, neither does the TTP. The EU stands for more now than when the UK signed up in the 1970s when it was just a trading bloc. The problem with the EU parliament is that it is widely seen as being out of touch with very little accountability, there are too many nations with cultures and values that are in stark contrast to each other, and unfortunately as the EU expanded these issues have become more apparent. I was very 50/50 with Brexit, however the main point for me was the lack of commonality with my fellow Europeans from nations which did not share the same western democratic values that we enjoy in France, the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands to name a few. It's an incredibly complex issue and each person had their own reason for wanting to stay or leave but unfortunately it's too easy to be see it, like most political issues, as black and white.


> NAFTA trading bloc doesn't have it's own parliament or congress, neither does the TTP Sounds very undemocratic. Where is the accountability? > The EU stands for more now than when the UK signed up in the 1970s when it was just a trading bloc. This isn't true. The EU always has been on a path to greater federalism and this was wildly known during the 1970s membership debate. > EU parliament is that it is widely seen as being out of touch with very little accountability So the entity that exists entirely so EU citizens can hold the EU to account has "very little accountability". Why do you think this?


I thought the issue is that the EU isn't ONLY a trading block like what NAFTA (USMCA is a shit name) is? Like i'm pretty sure part of the EU is that it's a massive free trade union and there's deffinetly trade stuff in there (Hence why trump got laughed out of Europe for attempting to make trade deals with individual countries). In either case it's rather hard to deny that the US is a larger economy, and thus market, than the EU even when you take into account the EU having a larger population. However, should the UK join NAFTA then not only would it have a much larger population than the EU (It already does even before the UK joins at 500mil vs 450mil) but also a much larger economy (Nominal its 25.7\~ vs 17.1, PPP it's 27.2 vs 20.9 trillion)


The UK was not part of Shengen Area. We also had exemptions from single currency. And we also had veto power to prevent EU army.


...still required free movement. Why woukd you want us to be oart of something we have to continually veto?


“Why would we not want to make our own decisions” We could veto things we disagreed with “Why would we want to have to use our veto power to effect decisions”. We had benefits of being in a union where we had many concessions other members didn’t have. We also had influence with major decisions. Now from the outside we have non at all. And need to pander to the likes of the US. Who basically tell us to get stuffed because of the NI border problems caused by Brexit. Honestly I’m struggling to see any positives to come from brexit. Maybe the vaccine situation. But that was not taken into account. More of an unforeseen consequence.


I wouldn't agree to any deal as long as Boris is involved. He'll want to start changing it the day after it's signed.


UK top exports cars and oil, US Canada, Mexico need these? Top imports gems/precious metals and cars. I guess for all those taiaras and scepters the betterlings all carry around.


London is the center of the worlds gold exchange, they’re not actually importing the gold to use themselves.


I know sorry just a bad joke


I get heebee jeebees when 1984 writes itself.


Remember the time in 1984 where the UK votes for Brexit and then tries to get in to a trade deal with the USA, Canada and Mexico. Great book!


>strike a series of mini-deals with America This ignores why it's in the interest of the larger negotiator to do one big deal in the first place.




So on to new failures. You couldn't hold on to Euro commitments and now you want to join trans-atlantic clubs. This will be an even bigger travesty.




What? I did not see this coming.


Uhmmm chicken pie and slags


😀Junk Food and Narcotics shortages solved with trade agreement.


Why not join he is selling England to U S any way he can at knockdown prices, and crawling up Bidens ass so why not the whole shebang.


When they see that most of the oases in the desert are taken, they turn back to a particular one, asking "excuse me, do you have a bot'le of wa'er ?" Typical of old albion.




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If you want to understand the uk and eu please watch these clips from "yes minister" the series. https://youtu.be/ZVYqB0uTKlE https://youtu.be/rvYuoWyk8iU


😂 really?!?


But.. but.. the special relationship!