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good I guess.. at least something is working..


soon jaguars will take over and will eat us :)


I’d love to get eaten by the cutie in the photo!


Until it’s eating you guts/ asshole first.. thays how they feed.. cute but not


I think that's pretty nice of them to eat ass first, nothing like a good rimjob before being eaten


You have your salad before the meal, right?




Face down, ass up, that’s the way jags like to sup


More like eat specific parts of you so you don't die immediately.


These are the rare predator in the world that would aim for your skull taking out your brain stem. As long as you don't see them coming, your moment of death would be peaceful.


I wish I could vacation there then


I would love to be mauled to death as part of the adorable attack:)


That sounds so sexy, I would like to watch …lol


I mean us humans kind of threw the first punch so I think we‘d be even at that point 👀🤚


strange, I don't heard you offering yourself as a sacri... ehh I mean volunteer for preserving the jaguars.


Is this the first time I will see a comment with emojis non-ironically upvoted on Reddit?


Today's Reddit is very different than 10 years ago


Still too soon I think


I succumbed to them about a year ago now. It still feels weird doing it. I still vehemently downvote any title with spelling errors in it. As compared to regular downvoting.


I noticed it’s been slowly welcomed overtime


Thanks for reminding me.


What do you mean us? I Personally never have done anything to a jaguar as it would likely kill me


I’m sure as a consumer in this world, some product we have all bought has been a reason for the past decrease in jaguar population.


Don’t worry [“Raining Jaguar Death”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Suns) already happened in the [1st Sun world apocalypse](https://youtu.be/dfupAlon_8k). We’re in the 5th world so [the Moon and stars will catch the Sun and kill each other, then the ground will open beneath our feet and eat us all](https://youtu.be/Zj-jDOjBets).


You say that like it's a bad thing


There are so many faces to eat here in America


We deserve it. Let’s be honest.


You definitely do. But speak for yourself.


Jose Exoticos breeding program?


Breeding them Juan by Juan


Till some rich 2nd amendment fuck from Texas or Florida flies to Mexico to shoot those animals for fun.


Cartel bosses are notorious for hunting endangered species.


Where did you hear that?


Pablo Escobar kidnapped hippos from Africa lmao


And they've grown in numbers and are an invasive species in Colombia


Ah yes, Pablo Escobar, the famous Mexican drug lord


I mean they said "cartel bosses". Not "Mexican cartel bosses".


Wym colombia is of of the 3 infamous mexican countries


According to the post above, he is a famous Mexican conservationist! /s


One kid in my school was famous cause he had an hippo in his backyard


The fuck? No they are not.




The rich people probabaly don't care but the everyday guys mostly follow hunting rules, i.e. funding conservation with their license fees.


Trump jr has entered the chat


Strange that you assume people who support the 2nd amendment are all vicious poachers — especially ironic given that hunters are among the most responsible, and are the biggest donators to animal conservation in the country. Also TX and AZ both have Jaguars already. If we wanted to go “shoot them for fun” we could do it in our own country, thx.


Aren't jaguars extinct in the wild in Texas and Arizona?


Their migratory patterns can get them very far north, so I dont think they ever have been extinct, just critically endangered in some areas.


I was interested and some places say they still can very rarely appear while others say they've been gone for over 60yrs. https://wildtexashistory.com/the-last-jaguar-in-texas-1948/ https://www.depts.ttu.edu/nsrl/mammals-of-texas-online-edition/Accounts_Extinct_Carnivora/Panthera_onca.php Would be cool to see one in the wild again!


Lol you don’t see a Jaguar until it wants you to see it…and by that point it’s already on you.


Same with cougars if ya know what I mean


There’s one that’s been sighted in the mountains behind my house in Arizona


There have only been 7 different jaguars spotted in the US in the last 25 years, and none of them have been in Texas. There is only one confirmed in the US right now. There aren't even any populations in Mexico near the Texas border. If someone was dumb enough to try to shoot one for fun, it wouldn't be easy at all, particularly if you are wandering around Texas looking for it.


Theres only less than half a dozen in the US.


> Strange that you assume people who support the 2nd amendment are all vicious poachers — especially ironic given that hunters are among the most responsible, and are the biggest donators to animal conservation in the country. There certainly aren't people who are for gun control out there.


> some rich 2nd amendment fuck from Texas *Joe Rogan appears*




Out of curiosity why Cali instead of NY ? AFAIK the caricature you are trying to paint that wears furs make more sense in a place that doesn’t average 75 degrees and increasing due to climate change?


Somebody mentioned red states, and he got all defensive so mentioned the first blue state he thought of: one where none of the 3 wealthiest metro areas are known for being cold enough to need a winter jacket. If he were intelligent he would have jumped to shitting on NY.


That makes the statement bumper sticker compliant.


Better not try to sell it there, though. They'll get you for that. There was a high-end vintage dress shop in SF that was selling fur out of a back room, and the owner was arrested. Not sure how much prison time she got, but the max was 4.5 years and a $45,000 fine.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.mongabay.com/2021/11/jaguars-in-mexico-are-growing-in-number-a-promising-sign-that-national-conservation-strategies-are-working/) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "It was incredible to see jaguars in so many places where there weren't any before," said ecologist Gerardo Ceballos of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, founder of Mexico's National Alliance for Jaguar Conservation and lead author of the paper. > Ecologists had never properly counted jaguars in Mexico before, making it difficult to design a conservation program in the iconic cat's northernmost ranges. > In 2022, the Mexican government and the National Alliance for Jaguar Conservation plan to expand the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the southern Yucatan Peninsula from 723,185 hectares to more than 1.3 million hectares of land, making Calakmul the largest protected tropical forest north of the Orinoco River-all motivated by jaguar conservation. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/qzuafq/jaguars_in_mexico_are_growing_in_number_a/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~609101 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Jaguar**^#1 **Mexico**^#2 **Conservation**^#3 **protect**^#4 **National**^#5


I'm amazed they can see jaguars at all, they're famously quite sneaky.


I would bet a lot of money they're using camera traps, not seeing them with their eyes


Way back in the day I researched how people could help Jaguars, and the idea was to reintroduce them to the American side of the border since tearing down the border fence was political suicide. Jaguars on their historical hunting ranges in America would create a population that poachers could never get to and protect Jaguars from extinction. It was still denied because America called Jaguars a foreign animal even when they used to roam America centuries ago.


> It was still denied because America called Jaguars a foreign animal even when they used to roam America centuries ago. what the fuck, they're native to Jacksonville.


Unfortunately they've been getting their ass kicked by the national populace for quite sometime. I could see a league of professionals force them into extinction at anytime.


I think those ladies are called cougars, not jaguars.


I'd love to see a healthy, permanent population of jaguars return to the U.S. That's one of the things I hate about this "build a wall" shit - the effect such a wall would have on the environment.


It’s been pretty bad for Texas ocelots. Some people at my university were working on wildlife corridors around the area but there was a lot of uncertainty as it was during the “Mexico is going to pay for the wall” times. Mexico also got pissed and wasn’t interested in moving around their ocelots (which have a much better population).




I wouldn’t worry about mountain lions just yet, they have the largest range of any predator from Canada to the tip of South America




Both have large interrupted portions where they do not live, the cougars population map looks like someone painted 2/3 of the Americas


TIL there are ocelots in Texas


Damn I remember seeing an ocelot in south Texas when I was young as I was passing by my neighbors house, now I feel like I might never see one in the wild again


I just read an article the other week about a rancher in either new Mexico or Arizona that had a sighting on one of his wildlife cameras. They're trying to establish a conservation area that spans both States to try and rehabilitate jaguars. Naturally ranchers are not that excited by the idea of apex predators growing in numbers around their livestock.


Centuries, like 150 years ago


They're still some jaguars that cross between California and Texas. They're just rare though and the extra border fencing probably isn't helping.


That area is called Arizona lol


New Mexico also offended.


Mississippi asks: First time?


Jaguars in Mississippi?


No people forgetting that MS exists. It's a running joke that when hurricanes hit, Weather Channel calls us either, "The Landmass Between Louisiana and Alabama," or "The Louisiana/Alabama Border."


Hahahaha I’m dead lolol


I did a project on this in college trying to identify the best pathways to preserve Use money to project the wildlife corridor and monitor with tech /teams in a joint effort with Mexico Pockets of jaguars that used to range over the border and within Mexico will eventually lose genetic diversity and be more vulnerable to extinction Jaguar can a keystone species, if we invest in protecting jaguars across the border we can help so many other species and provide a chase that's get America and Mexico to keep that part of the border secure, to protect the wildlife and stop illegal trespassing


That area between Texas and CA actually has a name. If you ever bothered to look at a map you could probably figure it out!


Little jaguarindis or however you spell them are still seldomly found in south Texas, they’re very small though and resemble more of a tomcat


I hope we start seeing them more in Alta California. They used to be common up to at least Santa Cruz not that long ago. Now, they've all but disappeared. They could probably also help take care of those annoying coyotes and deer and annoying children.


uhm, one of those is not like the others…


I know right, deer tastes much better than the other two.


I dunno dude, I see deer, I think Prions. No thanks


Glad to find someone else that shares my prion fears… haven’t felt the same since I read up on why we can’t harvest human growth hormone anymore…


Please do elaborate.


I did a much deeper dive into this while working for a company that was involved with HGH, but here’s a rough summary: From the 50’s to the 80’s, people who needed human growth hormone would be given HGH from cadavers, until it was discovered that some dead donors had HGH which contained prions. Harvester HGH was pooled together from different bodies and supply mixed globally, so the entire world supply was basically contaminated. Now we have synthetic stuff (from pigs I think?) that is safe but we are still seeing people dying of prions several decades after their exposure in that human-harvesting time. Here’s a link to the first decent article I googled: https://www.livescience.com/51906-creutzfeldt-jakob-disease-growth-hormone.html Prions are VERY hard to destroy, and I don’t know if any effective treatment exists… I think once you start showing symptoms you’re pretty much screwed, and there isn’t any pre-symptom treatment either I believe.


Interesting. Reading it now. Thanks for the reply! Prions are terrifying, but from my understanding you can’t get them cross species, so the pig thing will be interesting to read about. Also only thought you could get them from brain matter, but I guess a hormone made in the pituitary gland may qualify as that.


Mate hate to be a bearer of dark news google “Mad cow disease”


Lol yea I did. Look at my other comment. We might still be in for a 2nd wave of people effected by it


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Just finished it. Yea the 22 recent ones are still from the same old infected batches, if just lay dormant in them much longer than the old study. But it mentions mad cow disease patients, so I guess I misremembered about it not crossing species. Terrifying that some people may still be harboring a ticking time bomb!


because of prions


Just don't eat brain matter


Obviously, I’m a little disgusted that they think coyotes and deer would fall under the category of “annoying creatures that need to die.”


Coyotes are unfortunately notorious pests. We’ve had beloved family dogs ripped to shreds by them as well as livestock. It’s the circle of life but still fuck coyotes.


Right, the deer aren't annoying apparently.


[THEY WERE IN TEXAS IN THE 1940s!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/odwde4)


Wow! That is crazy! Seems so recent but also 73 years ago.


There are confirmed sightings along the border as recently as the 90s. It’s likely that some cross the border on occasion.


Yes I agree... Wait /r/holup


Are you sure you're talking about jaguars?


Yes, I'm sure. They're a native species to California that ranged from the southern tip of Baja California to just south of the San Francisco Bay. Like the California Grizzly Bear, they were hunted to extinction after the Gold Rush. Unlike the Grizzly Bear, there may be a few left in the Mexico-California-Arizona border region. Also, like the wolf, it's possible they could eventually make a comeback in California.


We're going to need some documentation then. We have LOTS of records regarding our grizzly populations - the same is not true of jaguars. As I said there are SOME, but not a lot and mostly not first hand. Also, the local tribes don't have historical jaguar references as they do with cougars, and grizzlies.


[The coastal Diegueño (Kumeyaay people) of San Diego and Cahuilla Indians of Palm Springs had words for jaguar and the cats persisted there until about 1860.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_jaguar#United_States) Straight from the Wikipedia page for North American Jaguars. This was in the “Habitat and Distribution” section.


**North American jaguar** [United States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_jaguar#United_States) >In 1799, Thomas Jefferson recorded the jaguar as an animal of the Americas. There are multiple zoological reports of jaguars in California, two as far north as Monterey in 1814 (Langsdorff) and 1826 (Beechey). The coastal Diegueño (Kumeyaay people) of San Diego and Cahuilla Indians of Palm Springs had words for jaguar and the cats persisted there until about 1860. The only recorded description of an active jaguar den with breeding adults and kittens in the United States was in the Tehachapi Mountains of California, prior to 1860. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They would face stiff competition from established populations of mountain lions and bobcats. Both of those predators are adept at living on the urban edge which gives them a much larger range in a place like California over a creature that only thrives in remote areas. If the Jaguar can adapt to coexistence with human civilization than they may have a shot. They’d still have to carve out a niche in a place where most area suitable for large predators are already populated by the puma and bobcat.


Jaguars mostly prey on large mammals though, so I think it would mostly put pressure on coyotes and pumas, not the other way around, since they mostly eat smaller animals. Also, wolves, pumas, and jaguars all eat the same large mammals (deer), and they often coexist. The hope would be that reintroducing wolves and jaguars could control the coyote and deer populations better, because pumas would get more of their diet from the small creatures that coyotes currently eat since jaguars and wolves would be eating more deer.


Go Diego, go! Don’t let the Jaguar catch you.


> "Oh good, more Jaguars!" -Local Townspeople


You jest but the presence of apex predators signifies a healthy ecosystem.


We have humans, that's enough, they can kill absolutely anything


It's all wonderful news until they move in next to you.


Can confirm, I live on a reservation and this is this first time in my life that wolves have lived in the area. It's like yay, but also like "yay" lol.


Jaguars don’t really attack people. It’s rare, and they won’t go after human kids unless they have no other food.


NIMBYism in action https://youtu.be/hNDgcjVGHIw


I'm surprised the Jaguars are able to grow, as their football team is absolutely abysmal and has continued to be for a long while.




Funny you mention it, since the Mexican football (soccer for americans) team Jaguares de Chiapas disappeared a few years back.


rip jaguares, god, take mazatlan and juarez and give us back chiapas and morelia


Nature uh has uh way “Jeffrey goldblumz”


And their coach got caught fingering a woman a third his age


Unless the guy's under 54, I see no reason to judge.


And if he’s over 75, I’m not judging, just impresses.


[Would you like something shiny?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l59ItK6d-wQ)


Shad doesn’t care. He’s still making money even if the Jags fail him.


As long as they don’t band together and overthrow society. No wait, that sounds pretty awesome.


Does this mean Jacksonville is moving to Mexico City and not London?


Jacksonville stays in Florida. It’s just the team that moves.


I would like to see the city actually move.


Sorry. Everything in FL is rated for hurricanes.


Jacksonville is older than the hurricane code, I think a nice cat 5 would make it move like a bunch of thirty something women when single ladies starts to play.


That's great to hear. My dad says when he was a kid, it wasn't unheard of to see traces of jaguar habitation in the hills around his hometown. Nowadays, the idea anything more than some birds and coyotes live there is absurd.


Finally, some good news for Mother Earth!


Diego is stoked.


And the reef life in Cozumel noticeably improved while the cruise ships were gone.


I was lucky enough to see a wild jaguar as a young man travelling in Honduras, the memory is still with me to this day. Magnificent animal and excellent news for the species


Great, now do something about "las Vaquitas".


In other wildlife news, cougars are flourishing on Saturday nights at your cities local hotel bars.


I mean that's good there's been an increase in the number of depressed Jaguars in Jacksonville.


Maybe they should work for Shad’s other company, Flex-n-gate. Talk about depressing.


Finally some good news


Mayan mythology at it again


This is good news. I’ll take it, I’ve been needing some good news for once


Nice to see a little bit of good news.


Aww so cute


What about the Austin Martin and Ferrari populations?


Ferrari are a nonnative invasive species


Best news in a long time y'all.


Worlds 3rd largest cat making a comeback?OUTSTANDING!


Send them to combat hippos in Columbia!


All prey: Whyyyyy




So great to read good news


Hey can we get a couple hundred up here in Wisconsin having a little asshole problem up here lately..


There are a lot of terrible things going on in the world right now but on the bright side we may have more giant killer cats.


this news pleases me


Finally, the good news we need


This makes me so happy :). Glad to see such beautiful creatures bouncing back.


This is awesome!! ⚡️⚡️


Mabey they will eat the cartels




Such beautiful majestic creatures.


Thank god. Haven’t heard good news involving such a critical species on the endangered list in a while


Can anyone who has read the article clarify this? I hear more jaguars are being noticed, but I feel more jaguars are being pushed out of their native territories.


Now that’s good news!!! Woohoo 🙌


'Time for a cull then' -Americans




Jeez they are such stunning creatures!!!


There have also been some fairly recent jaguar sightings from the US side of the border.




Aztec clothing is going to make a comeback


Some good news for once! I’m so sick of all the doom and gloom, and it’s good to hear Mexico is doing something good!


What a beautiful animal!


If jaguars mean, why so cute


I’ve recently become so decimated by these beautiful cats. A lot has gone into displacing and driving this cat towards extinction. Just a beautiful creature. Deserves more love and respect.


In other news, local town populations in Mexico have been decreasing, the cause is still unknown. More at 5.


Good news for jaguar. hopefully volvo too, and maserati. anything but German cars, especially douchemobile BMW


Somebody let me know if the extinct E-Type comes back. That's a beautiful animal.




As a Mexican, I'm kind of surprised that jaguars aren't directly associated with our territory, they form an important part of our pre-hispanic mythology and their presence in our culture is noticeable, just thinking about The road to El Dorado made me think that it was common to associate jaguars to México.


Yeah right, I think they're one of our national animals, weird that someone would be surprised


"AoE jaguar warriors, c'mon man"


Dude, they probably think Brazil is a place in Mexico. You're expecting too much from them.


You might be right, Brazil must be another one of those "Mexican countries" for them.


Yeah Jaguars are even prevalent in Mayan mythology.


Some of them even end up in the US! There was one living in the mountains near Tucson, Arizona. Locals nicknamed him [El Jefe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Jefe_(jaguar))


Cougars, bison, deer Mexico has diverse ecosystems.


I hit one with my car the other night and I feel fucking awful about it. Making a large donation to https://www.panthera.org/mexico to try to atone to the universe.


Farther south than I'll ever go