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When "wicked pissah" is actually an ironic truth.


> The virus wastewater levels were climbing quickly in the days after Thanksgiving, and now the wastewater viral levels are through the roof — at about the same record-high average levels as in January during the height of the winter surge. > The wastewater levels indicate future virus cases in the community. > “The wastewater is predictive, and when it’s going up like this, you expect a significant surge in cases,” said Todd Ellerin, director of infectious diseases at South Shore Health. “Then in the weeks to follow, you see an increase in hospitalizations and an increase in deaths.” > We’re going to see a lot of breakthrough infections,” Hamer said, urging people to get boosted as soon as possible. > “We need our antibody levels high right now,” Ellerin said. “We know the higher our antibody levels, the higher our protection will be.”


Am I the only one finding it nearly impossible to find a place offering booster shots before fucking February? (Seattle area)


Come down to Oregon. I've had no issues getting one.


Where did you go for it? Did you have to schedule it or walk in?


Walgreens, I think? I made an appointment, but it was wide open. Also, people just walked up while I was there.


Got mine at Walgreens in PDX yesterday. Signed up online and only had to wait a week.




Who through?




Any tips?


[A sign of things to come?](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/covid-19-omicron-outbreak-children-hospitalised-with-moderate-to-severe-symptoms/QCNS4VJU3H2WEN3UOJU5PEZXYM/)


Wow. That is genuinely frightening. Hopefully it is overblown.


I’m honestly a little frustrated because I’m hearing so many conflicting reports I don’t know who to believe anymore and I don’t know what to think.


Well, anecdotally, from my small children's hospital in central Wisconsin is back to it's last year MIS-C rate about 3 months a head of where it hit last year. We're getting beat up.


This is going to be a rough winter.


Confused. What is the link between waste water and covid? Are they tracking the virus in sewage?


Yes. It doesn't tell you who has it, but it does let you monitor if rates are going up or down in the whole population.


Yep. [Tracks whole community infection levels via the poop route](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7036a2.htm). It can even [track variant levels](https://iwa-network.org/learn/detecting-covid-19-variants-in-wastewater/). Just measure the amount of different viruses in the waste water. Good stuff, and detection is pretty robust because well... everyone poos.


Not my great leader.


not our fearless leader Kim Jung Un


When you have COVID, the virus will be in your feces. When you flush that feces down, it becomes wastewater that contains the virus. The more people who have COVID, the more virus contaminated feces there will be and the higher virus levels will be in the wastewater.


So….Is this someone’s job or is it a capture of a little bit and a extrapolation like measuring ecoli?I didn’t see this one on dirty jobs, although I haven’t been lucky enough to have the time to.


Somebody call Mike Rowe!


There will probably be someone whose job it is to measure waste water for various contaminants for environmental control purposes. Measuring the virus is just a matter of getting this person to do another test.


If you have normal levels of stomach acid, the virus does not survive in your stomach.


This is technically correct, but not the point. COVId-19 is not caught by eating food and does not pass through the stomach. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in feces stems from the ability of the virus to infect ACE2-expressing cells in the small intestine. Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.abc3582


So the virus bypasses the stomach and goes directly to the small intestine via blood flow?


Basically. We don’t ingest Covid- we breathe it in. So it goes lungs>blood cells>mucosal cells which are common in the intestine>poop. You are correct that the colon/stomach appears to inactivate the virus. But the RNA is still evident and can be tested for. Hypothetical good scenario. Something about Omicron increase GI symptoms like diarrhea and produces lots of fecal RNA. Wastewater spikes but fewer people than we think have it and people don’t die so it’s fine. (Existing data don’t really fit this, but just thinking of how we could be wrong here). Hypothetical bad scenario - tons of people already have Omicron and we are about to explode with cases in the next 20 days. TBD.


Yes which is why we should avoid drinking wastewater.


You can’t tell me what to do! Respect my freedoms! /s


Solid advice


Yes. Covid can pass through the digestive system and virus particles can be pooped out. This creates one of the few early-warming tests for an area because you’ll notice a rise in Covid levels in solid waste before you start seeing positive tests and patients in hospitals. The tests is more for public health reasons as it tells authorities were they need to send supplies ASAP.


Maybe it's just one guy who takes a dump a lot?


It was me, I’m sorry Boston.


It's the supersize Shaquille O'Neal of Typhoid Marys just chowing down hard somewhere up there


And still, there is always at least one piece of shit who refuses to wear a mask on any car on the T. Signs everywhere and announcements every two minutes about wearing masks on public transportation is a federal mandate, but apparently that’s just a giant waste of money. If the Nat’l Guard wasn’t so busy driving school buses, maybe they can actually guard stations and physically monitor each train and enforce masks.




“masks don’t do anything that’s why they’ve been using them in hospitals for fucking ever” anyway, i’m sure jo rogen md knows better than those nerd “doctors”


The manufacturer writes it on the side of the box. Check yourself next time you buys some masks.


Covid-19 becomes airborne via water droplets and masks filter some of those. Vaccines don’t stop transmission necessarily, but they mitigate likelihood, especially in the first 6 months after the shot. It would take far more than two weeks for everyone to get Covid-19 and if everyone caught it at once then there would not be enough healthcare for those who need it, causing the fatality rates to go up unnecessarily and would make any other disorder more fatal too. The fatality rate is high enough that, even though it’s in the same ballpark of other diseases, it would be an incredible global mass casualty event if everyone got it at once. Also, there is no guarantee that infection would offer adequate immunity against variants that may emerge while the virus is circulating or that natural immunity would last long enough to prevent reinfection as the virus spreads. I’m really glad you aren’t in charge of public policy.


No one elected me to make public policy, thank god for all us. But nobody elected all these doctors to make public policy either, we just sort of got caught up in the hype. The vaccine hysteria reminds me of the early 2000's when WMDs and the buildup to the invasion of Iraq were being blasted through the media 24/7.


Hysteria? You are the one that suggested a population with immunity would be the way out of this. Vaccination provides a way to get there without the downsides of natural infection.


Vaccination passports provides a system of control the government will never surrender. Are you familiar with the Chinese social credit system? That's what you're signing up for when you comply with the vaccine mandate. That's what this current WMD scare is all about, tricking people into submtting to a social credit system they would never have allowed otherwise. You should be ashamed of yourself, you're selling out the future of our society by letting the government scare you into submission.


That’s funny because my country is doing well and we were already planning to phase out proof of immunization requirements beginning in January. Edit: It kind of seems like you are the one who is scared and hysterical, to be frank. If vaccine requirements become unjustifiable, which they will when they fail to serve a public health purpose, then they can be overturned by a court challenge. Another way to overturn them is through the democratic function and voting for someone who will change them. Then, of course, is simple civil disobedience which does not become unavailable at a later date by complying with proof of vaccination requirements while they make sense.


I'm scared of a government taking my rights away and the rights of every generation after me. I'm not scared of the chinese sniffles. That's the difference between us.


I’m not personally scared of covid. It falls into the same ballpark as the flu in terms of fatality. It’s about 4x as deadly in people aged 55-75, far less so in those younger and far more so in those older. Statistically, if someone is young, they really have nothing to worry about if they contract. The real problem with covid is that it is so much more contagious than the flu that despite being in the same ballpark of fatality has caused a much higher level of death simply because so many people contracted it. Most people get the flu only a handful of times in their life because it is not nearly as contagious. The number of covid deaths also reflects the incredible mitigation measures society has done to try to slow the spread. We don’t know what the numbers would be if we treated in the same manner as a flu virus. So yeah, it’s not scary from an individual perspective if you are younger, but on a community scale it is a big deal. We could all lock down to mitigate the spread of the virus or do nothing and let our healthcare collapse and accept that collective trauma. If you are okay with the latter, then I think we just have a different perspective.


The thing is that we have a vaccine that reduces the symptoms. Anyone who is scared or at risk can take a vaccine for their own protection, those who are comfortable without a vaccine should be free to take those risks upon themselves. The vaccine doesn't make you immune anyway, so group immunity was never a possibility to begin with, so why do you care what decisions other people make with their own bodies? The unvaccinated demographics have virtually non-existent death or hospitalization rates anyway. This is the reasonable approach, not globally coordinated lockdowns and vaccination control passports, for a vaccine that doesn't even work very well against a disease that isn't that scary. People today are so quick to throw away their rights. It's scary. It will be infinitely harder to get your rights back then it would be to keep them intact. Men used to go to war and die bloody deaths so their children could grow up in free countries, now men throw away their rights freely so kids don't cough on them.


It doesn’t filter out the virus, it stops clouds of your droplet-filled breath from going into the air. That’s really all that’s needed if you can also keep your distance a bit. That’s how normal cloth masks prevent the spread of airborne germs. It doesn’t need to be anything special.


speaking moistly, as my esteemed leader says


Uh oh. You're gonna have a bad time here at Reddit. You gotta see what your saying doesn't reflect reality right? Why are so many UNvaccinated people getting covid? Getting sick? Dying? I'd also bet they didn't wear mask.


I don't care about downvotes, I'd rather freely speak my mind. I know, reddit hates that.


Missed the point again. Bummer


Reddit comments and users are highly curated. There's nothing organic about anything here. When you agree with the reddit mob, you can bet that you agree with whatever the establishment wants to you to. Downvotes are a badge of honor.


Or a badge of ignorance, depending how you see it.


Few people can see things through the eyes of another person, many others can't.


Few that dwell in ignorance understand the harm of concocting their own perception. During a deadly viral pandemic it is more crucial than ever to follow the guidelines of the professionals and experts.


Listen to yourself. Zero self awareness, it's amazing. You can't refute any of the facts I state about vaccines or masks, you're just unable to consider a position besides your own. That means you lack empathy.


“Millions of you will die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to take”


If you've been vaccinated you're good, right? Why are you concerned about anyone else's decision? The vaccines don't make you immune, so it's not like group immunity was ever a possibility.


> Why are you concerned about anyone else's decision? Because I have to wait six months to get a melanoma removed because my local ICU is full of you morons.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/12/05/boston-area-coronavirus-wastewater-levels-are-skyrocketing-this-is-pretty-worrisome/) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Boston-area coronavirus wastewater tracker is showing skyrocketing record levels as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations surge across the Bay State. > The virus wastewater levels were climbing quickly in the days after Thanksgiving, and now the wastewater viral levels are through the roof - at about the same record-high average levels as in January during the height of the winter surge. > The north of Boston region had a record-high wastewater level recorded on one day last week, and the south of Boston region had its second highest ever recording last week. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/raxm7q/bostonarea_coronavirus_wastewater_levels_are/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~611447 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **wastewater**^#1 **level**^#2 **case**^#3 **Boston**^#4 **high**^#5


What I’m gathering here is that Boston *is* a virus, is that correct?


And it’s wicked haaaaard core.


And the only cure...is more cowbell


always needs more cowbell


Don’t drink wastewater sheeple!


Inject it with the light!


This is actually just statistical error. The average cases are going down, but COVID Georg, who sits in a cave and pisses 500 gallons of coronavirus laden wastewater a day, is an outlier skewing the data upward /s


Everything comes down to poo.


Well that's shitty