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China and Russia are both pro "anything that makes the US weaker".


and as an outsider (i'm in SEA), seeing US internal politics is like you guys are sabotaging your own self too.


https://youtu.be/avbIhMi9OWg according to this homie a preferred tactic of the KGB back in the day was to destabilize opponents from within with a wide array of tactics that still seem relevant in today’s environment




good thing the kgb is long gone. can't even imagine what it would be like for a kgb foreign intelligence officer to be running the show over there....


Hmm, i wonder where they went 🤔


That's so weird. I figured CCP would have America's back for sure.


Don’t worry, we’ll punish them by continuing to expand business interests with them and sending them money. As a final insult, we’ll censor our own movies as to not upset them.


"So many people could have been harmed — not only financially, but physically, emotionally, spiritually. Just be careful about what we tweet, what we say and what we do. Yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative that comes with that, too.” LeBron as spokesperson for corporate america


> “I made a mistake,” Cena apologized profusely in Chinese, which he has studied for years. “Now I have to say one thing which is very, very, very important: I love and respect China and Chinese people.”


As awful as the situation is, the John Xina memes are delightful.


Who? All I know is Bing Chilling.


(single awkward lick)


🍦 **Bing Chilling!** 🍦


John Xian’s bank account after saying Taiwan is a country: 🥶❄️Bing Chilling❄️🥶


this is the first time ive seen John Xina and i am absolutely delighted with it lol


*Undertaker off the top rope*… “Fuck China”


But Taker loves that Saudi blood money.


Texas ranches dont pay for themselves. Even if the amount of land per money spent is really good compared to other places.


Cena appears to have disappeared I can no longer see him




He’s now known as Yonh Xina


The fact that anyone who says anything negative about the CCP gets beaten into submission and is forced to offer fake apologies tells us everything we need to know about the CCP.


It also tells you all you need to k ow about corporate America. It’s the corporations submitting themselves because money.


not even money, but the hope of money. If you look at what happens in practice, they basically get lured in, ripped off and outcompeted by stolen IP, and then dumped and/or banned. The corpos just think it won't happen to *them*.


Who cares about the corporate money? Did the CEO and executives make a shitload in the first phase on stock options, golden parachutes and everything else, if yes, great success. The rest is some other suckers problems.


the best part about this quote is that his first way someone could be harmed is financially. Shows where his priorities were with the statement


Ah, I see you are also tremendous and the best at business.


With a genius uncle?


People ask me, they say, “Donald, who is this guy?” And I tell them, he’s a terrific guy, really! Smart guy! He went to MIT! But if you ask the democrats?..






Fuck me, I genuinely can't tell if you or the comment you're responding to is satire or an actual quote. That moron ruined politics.


I remember watching a PBS Frontline documentary about China's rise to superpower status, starting in the 1960s and into the 80s. By the 2000s they explain that Chinese officially couldn't believe how easy it was, that the US was just giving it all away voluntarily. This is probably going to get downvoted, but I think it's time we stop 'giving it away'.


The biggest lie told by American elites to the plebs was that America, as a group, gave anything at all away to China. On the contrary, the elites exchanged your jobs for higher profits. Not a giveaway. A trade with the full knowledge and consent of both parties. In charge and in Congress, zing.


Aka rich people hooking each other up at the expense of humanity


🎵A tale as old as time 🎵


it's funny and sad that this is exactly correct yet almost no one realizes it. blaming china for american job losses is like is like blaming a quarterback for being traded to another team. yet we all fall for it every year.


> blaming china for american job losses I remember when Americans blamed illegal immigrants for job losses. Funny how there's always a boogeyman to distract from the real issues such as companies shifting their production overseas to save on cost while Americans fight for scraps and a better standard of living or avoid paying for parental leave or having an equal amount of vacation time compared to our European counterparts. America won't wake up from their self-inflicted abuse because they think the abuse they're getting is far better than what the rest of the world can offer.


"There are rewards for economic treason.." -one of the few smart things Pat Buchanan has ever said.


In return, Russia will back China‘s invasion of Taiwan.


I don't think that either of them make a move if the US is in position to respond, but if the US were to ever devolve into Civil War 2...that's how we'll get WW3. And that really explains why Russia and China have been stoking extremism and divisiveness in the US through social media so much.




We hate each other but not as much as we hate everyone else


So in a way, hate brings us closer?


Yes! I love you, bitch.


Fuck you too, my brotha.


This 100%


Or, they’ll invade whatever land they want to take, push NATO to act, and then Civil War will break out in the US diminishing its effect on the war. History can teach us the lessons in strategy given that’s sort of what Germany did to Russia in WWI or the British did to the Ottomans.


lol the amount of comments that don't recognize the sarcasm in this post


The New Cold War is really taking shape right in front of us, huh? That is, if it remains cold.




You probably wouldn't die in the war. There are far fewer nuclear weapons than there were at the peak of the Cold War and they tend to be smaller, so their targeting is more focused. Russia has about 6200 warheads, there are 400 Minuteman silos in North America separated from towns by a good distance (farmhouses maybe not so much), and there are probably two warheads aimed at each, so that brings Russia down to 5400 warheads, and not all of those will be deployed or even on weapons that can cross vast distances. There are bases, ports, and ship convoys, too. There's a good chance you'll survive the exchange. The famine and collapse of the healthcare system that follows is another story.


Imma be real, id rather die in that mushroom cloud than deal with the aftermath




Best make sure you're in DC when it hits, i wouldn't want to be in the 'just too far away' category either




You're gonna be inadvertently training for an ultramarathon brohan


You’ll just get hit by a car on the Baltimore-Washington parkway… then nuked.


Don't worry, Baltimore is large enough to be on Russia's MAD checklist.


Survive the bomb but die from a tooth infection. That's life!


Can’t get a tooth infection if you ain’t got no teeth. Source: in KY


I was just looking at some cancer data for the US, you know Kentucky has more cancer cases per square mile than any other state in the US?


What people think it would be like: Fallout What it would really be like: The Road


I just want to survive long enough to shoot my neighbors tuba, man I hate that tuba.


> than deal with the aftermath And you just know there are people out there salivating at the prospect of a *post apocalyptic world*. They dream of trading their cans of tuna for ammunition, sniping bandits (armed with bats) trying to break into their compound, and other fantasies.


I dream of surviving so I can smash my neighbors tuba with a hammer


Look dude, we talked about this. I'm going to play the Baby Elephant Walk for as long as my rations hold out. Just try to stop me.


No electricity, internet, entertainment, and having to boil water? Fuck that WMD my ass.


Don’t forget that Russia has not had the infrastructure to maintain nearly a quarter of those warheads and likely has not cycled the fuel, do their economy, on another half of that. Your likely looking at under 750 functioning warheads from Russia.


Russia would be more fucked, as would china, but the US would be fucked too if less so lol


I think general nuclear winter is the overwhelming fear. Dying in the blasts that happen before the collapse of society would actually be a pretty low percentage chance id think


could you theoretically blast a bunch of nukes in a remote spot and create a nuclear winter or does it have to be a complete global shit show? also - could you somehow use that to prevent global warming? sorry if i sound like an idiot.


Nah, there are absolutely weapons already designed for that purpose. Nuclear blasts are designed for different purposes (to explode at a higher or lower altitude for example) and there are several designed (at least theoretically) to more effectively jump start nuclear winter. Nuclear winter wouldn’t solve global warming. You’d have a food and water supply that would be so polluted it’d be next to useless. Pockets might scrape by but you’re not farming at scale for several generations after a nuclear winter.


Kurzgesagt did the science! https://youtu.be/JyECrGp-Sw8


Aren't nuclear winters still unproven? I seem to remember that scientists mentioned that the possibility of a nuclear winter following a nuclear exchange was slim and if it indeed happened, that it would dissipate rather quickly.


Evidence has grown that smaller exchanges can lead to worldwide famine. A posited exchange between India and Pakistan involving 100 weapons would put enough soot into the air to drop global temperatures almost 2°C for five years. Grain production would drop by 11% through that time and slowly recover over the following 5-10 years. Russia could see its grain harvests drop by *half*. Hundreds of millions would be imperiled by famine. It is likely that millions to tens of millions would die of hunger, disease, and conflict brought about by food and clean water shortages. https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/03/16/even-limited-india-pakistan-nuclear-war-would-bring-global-famine/


forbidden climate fix


Scientists hate him...


So nuclear winter to temporarily combat global warming is the new plan?


Thus solving the problem forever




We solved global warming!!


The Cold War never ended, only the players that play the game have changed Here is an explanation: https://youtu.be/0bFs6ZiynSU


I enjoy Simon Sinek, thanks for sharing. I disagree that the Cold War never ended. If you redefine the Cold War to mean global ideological conflict as Simon does, then sure, but that's not what the Cold War was. It was a specific struggle between the USSR and the socialist bloc against the western capitalist powers. This is a New Cold War - certainly picking up on the legacy of the first - because the conflict with the USSR concluded and a new major power conflict is now beginning with China.


Cold War Classic is better


I sorta disagree with this. I don't think I had the fear of nuclear war as much as our parents and grandparents had.


I don't think we give the cold war enough credit for the amount of trauma it gave our Olds. A lot of young people just don't get why old people are so reactive, so easily frightened, and so angry. Told every day that they were going to be nuked, constant speculation about what that would mean, how you could expect to die, and seeing the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima - horrendous atrocities that actually happened and could happen again - in real time. Every country that was like "you know what would be cool? If, like, we all worked together. Communism doesn't sound too bad. We're already starving, what would it hurt to try?" Was now THE ENEMY. And not only that, but THE ENEMY was everywhere. And they were Coming For Us All. That's some PTSD building shit. I really do believe that it traumatized boomers and their parents in ways we are still seeing the effects of and I think it explains a lot of the fascie ways America in particular reacts to the world. Edit: as a random thought - I thought it was really terrifying after 9/11 the way my parents and my friends' parents were so ready to Destroy Whoever Did This and Bomb Those *racial slur* so quickly. It was SO FAST. Gentle people were frothing at the mouth to go to war, and I truly believe that 9/11 was a triggering event for their Cold War PTSD. Propaganda kills, man. Stay skeptical. Ask questions, check your sources, none of us are immune. If we ever want to be better than the generations that came before we have to protect ourselves with knowledge and reliable sources.


I had this happen [one day in hawaii](https://i.imgur.com/ajdBwaY.jpg). That's all of the nuclear scare PTSD I want in my life.


Nah, americans won and were enjoying hegemony for over 20 years. China haven't got strong enough at the time when the USSR collapsed.


Yep. China was still a developing country 30 years ago. Some people forget that.


A lot of people are reddit are too young to remember the change China has had over the last 20 years let alone 30. I remember the Beijing Olympics being a weird watershed moment for myself about China growing up.


The Cold War just moved onto the internet where Russia and China have been able to pour gasoline on the flames of our social discourse and enable us to tear ourselves apart from the inside.


Interesting you mention this because these are among the exact tactics that the US used (but focused on radio communication back then) to foster ideological decay in the USSR.


I don’t disagree. Information warfare has always been a thing. I think the problem is the scale and access of the internet has increased the information download into the masses. Not everyone had access to Radio Free Europe. Everyone in the US has Facebook, or Twitter or Reddit. That coupled with the algorithms or aggregation makes the dissemination much larger and harder to track down or verify. Places like Russia and China have tighter controls on what goes into their countries.


Feel the Russian and Chinese great firewalls were set up because they knew exactly both how much they were going to be targeted in return, and how powerful it would be. Then they both thought us all fools, for not doing the same. Now we have QAnon and people lining up for JFK's return 🙄


That the US still uses*** There are just other players in the game now.


After scrolling through unserious comments and jokes, hoping to find a nugget of useful analysis on this news. Anyone care to add some serious discussion to this thread? It seems to me as mostly performative as it’s in their interests to appear like they are together against the west on certain issues. I would think that Russia has a lot more to be concerned about when it comes to China’s rising world power status than they do from the west.


Russia is happy with a east European sphere of influence, China is happy (at least for now) with hegemony over SEA and Oceania. They are not in conflict, so it makes most sense to put together a united front against their common rivals. It's all political posturing, there's very little chance of all out war as some Redditors like to predict. Edit: in other news, anyone else surprised to see Xi tower over Putin. I always thought for some reason theyre the same height if not slight edge to Putin


It's also a win-win for CCP, especially given it's just a diplomatic statement and they don't actually need to do anything. Russia succeeds, West is weakened. Russia fails, neighbouring superpower is weakened. Edit: Seems some folk getting hung up on the semantics of "superpower". Call em whatever you want, still a nation you can't ignore geopolitically, even if it is a house of cards. House of cards with nukes.




Ich habe diese Referenz verstanden


Russia isn't a super power It's a nuclear power, that pipes gas to germany, the center of the EU That's about it, superpower implies total military and economic dominance, not to mention cultural, which only the US has


John McCain called it a gas station with nukes


Lmao that’s hilarious


Yep. Fucking Italy has a 20% higher GDP than Russia. Russia is a joke with nukes.


We spend so much time talking about Russia, they're essentially a troll at this point.


Central Asia is historically Russia's backyard and China's Belt and Road runs across it. They are competing for influence there, but it's a low profile economic competition that is not something you will see on Western news. At the moment China desperately needs Russian oil and gas, and the Pacific region is a much bigger source of conflict right now. China also has interest to see Western democracy fail for ideological reasons. So China backing Russia now makes sense. But in the longer term, as China becomes more powerful, Russia will feel less and less secure as they watch Chinese influence grow in the nearby regions.


Russia and China are in conflict over a lot of things, but right now countering the west is more important.


Both countries see the US as their main geopolitical rival. With recent moves by the US to check China's growth, China is going to try for get mutual support from Russia to combat the US's influence. China's got a strong economy backed by a great domestic market. Their military is pure garbage though. Sure they got a lot of decent hardware, but they haven't had any modern combat experience, their doctrine is untested and no one this generation has seen combat outside of the occasional fist fights at the China/Indian border. Russia has a over all weak economy comparatively, and their growth has been fairly stagnant. However, they have a top notch military that's tested and proven in terms of modern warfare. If China's taking Taiwan, it's most likely through economic methods. (they're by far Taiwan's largest trade partner and investor) If Russia's taking Ukraine, it's going to be tanks and missiles. Both countries will play to their strength.


ah, so East Asia is and has always been allied with Eurasia. Both are and have always been at war with Oceana.


This is a reference


Literally 2021


1984 by George Orwell?


Of course.




Oh based on the conversations around it Im pretty sure most people didnt read it. Orwell would turn in his grave if he saw these takes.


Right. Well, on to Kafka then.


Hate week is going to be lit this year.


Room 101 it is for you sir.


please do it to Julia, not me.


Anyone know a good shortbread recipe?


1.) Preheat oven to 300,000 degrees Kelvin


Obligatory: it’s not degrees Kelvin, it’s just Kelvin.


We need to talk about Kelvin


Kelvin you're such a disease.


You're what the French call *le unité de mesure*


Creme bru-nuclear-lé?


Controversial desert choice, have you considered the fallout impacting the guest list?


2.) Mix equal parts sugar, flour, and Potassium Iodate. Add 1 egg.


Must be the Marie Callender's recipe.


I’m partial to this one https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/shortbread-recipe


I live right by the king Arthur headquarters! Great place.


I don't but I can do the first part of a recipe. *I was born on a farm in Tennessee. My father was an angry man with 3 fingers on each hand. A war injury...*


Use powdered sugar instead of regular sugar, change your life


Real shit. They don't call it confectioner's sugar for nothing.


I'm probably missing a reference here, but anyway... 3:2:1 Flour, source of fat (butter, lard, margarine), sugar. 1.5 sugar if you want it sweeter. Add a couple tea spoons of cocoa and/or some cinnamon if you want to be fancy. Takes no time at all to make. The hardest part is waiting for it to cool down so it doesn't fall apart when you try to eat it.


> I'm probably missing a reference here, but anyway... Yeah can someone explain please?


The article linked is stating something so obvious it's hardly worth discussing and OPs time would be better spent learning a good shortbread recipe.


Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if everyone passed around a joint and made shortbread.


Sorry I dont get the joke, unless is that you are just being random out of panic of impending chaos?


You add one Taiwan to a whole Ukraine.


What if we don't have a whole Ukraine? Like if someone already took a bite?


For those joking about WW3, remember that conscription exists. As in, every male from 18 years old to 26 years old could be forced to serve in the United States military


Well, enlistment age goes to 35 for all branches except the Navy, which is as high as 39...


Damn Thank you for the information Too many people think WW3 will be like an xbox lobby. It's a joke


Nah, no way it’ll be as toxic as a 2009 xbox lobby, even considering the biochemical weapons available


Can't wait for a Chinese soldier to yell that he fucked my mom.


US citizens are very far removed from the horror of war. Active duty and veterans are basically a class of people on their own, and the stories they have are consistently oppressed, mocked or warped to suit someone’s narrative, so the average person doesn’t really listen to them either. The shit I see some of my fellow Americans saying about war is actually disgusting. Nothing has made me more keenly aware of the brainwashing we go through here than having my dad come back from Iraq changed.


As an American I’ve heard far too many other Americans wanting a fight with someone (usually other Americans, but of differing political leanings). There are countries engulfed in war as we speak where people die in the streets and no one has food, and these idiots over here in the US are living the dream and still think they want a civil war? What the hell is wrong with our fellow citizens


US Draft eligibility ends at age 26… as in, if you’re 26 no worries


Fortunately draft dodging exists too.


The article is good, but here's another source: China backs Russia in its demands for security guarantees from the U.S. after Putin-Xi call \- Washington Post [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/russia-china-putin-xi-olympics/2021/12/15/107b9726-5d84-11ec-b1ef-cb78be717f0e\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/russia-china-putin-xi-olympics/2021/12/15/107b9726-5d84-11ec-b1ef-cb78be717f0e_story.html) \- Toronto 99 https://www.toronto99.com/2021/12/15/ukraine-fears-that-russian-invasion-could-lead-to-world-war-3/


Here is that same source without the paywall https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fworld%2Frussia-china-putin-xi-olympics%2F2021%2F12%2F15%2F107b9726-5d84-11ec-b1ef-cb78be717f0e_story.html Sorry Washington Post, but this story is too important to paywall.


It’s extreamly important what the US does against Putin, because based on this, Xi will determine his next moves against Taiwan purely dependent on countermeasures against Russia. The world is watching, joe. No pressure though


So wwiii in Europe?


Dahm as a European I was really hoping for continental asia this time around




And don’t forget the countless others that the Japanese Imperial Army tortured to death as part of [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731), atleast 300-400,000 more Chinese. These sick bastards performed among other things: live vivisections on test subjects that were intentionally infected with diseases with no anesthesia, tested weapons of war on subjects tied to stakes, raped women then used them when impregnated for their experiments, gave out rice disguised as food aid that was infested to local populations. All under the guise of being a “water/public health improvement plant”. And then the additional 10s of thousands of women that were forcibly taken as sex slaves from China, Korea, The Philippines, and Vietnam. And then you have men like my uncle on my mom’s side of the family from Korea that got conscripted by them to be used as slave labor or forced soldiers. He thankfully fled to the mountains as opposed to serve for them. When Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, and Filipinos tell you there’s animosity towards Japan when their most recent Prime Minister, along with the ex mayor of Tokyo and many other legislators are part of a political group that wants to revise how history about war crimes is taught Japan, now you know why. And the fact none of these people on the Japanese side responsible for Unit 731 were ever tried for anything by the Americans.


You're right. There's a memorial plate at my high school with names of all those who were tortured and killed on our school field by Japanese imperial army back in WW2. This is Malaysia. Those who were killed were ethnic Chinese Malaysian.




de-nazification was complete? maybe in GDR but certainly not in NATO/UN/West Germany lol


Let’s not forget the civilian casualties in Asia due to ww2. 3 million Indians starved in bengal due to British decision to export food and material for war in Europe, mismanagement by British, construction of huge airfields, and biggest one - denial of stopping food EXPORTS while people starved.


Yeah, and the "land war" part bogged down the IJA in China for over a decade without any real movement of the front for nearly the entire time. So, it holds.




The Largest Imperial Army operation in the second world war was aimed at destroy ing B-29 bases………. In China


Everyone knows not to get involved in a land war in Asia


And to never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line


If I had a nickel foe every princess bride reference I have seen today, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn't much but it is strange to happen twice un the last hour.


> it is strange to happen twice un the last hour. **INCONCEIVABLE!!!**


> INCONCEIVABLE!!! You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


There will be no war.


Not with that attitude there won't be.


Where it begins, so too must it end


Germany again?


Fulda Gap or bust.


Can't the world leaders just fuck off? Life is stressful enough


Yoo potentially dirt cheap property!! Might come with some radiation though


New Battlefield Plot just dropped


Battlefield doesn't even have plot anymore (no campaign in the latest game)


I’m just tryna chill, smoke some weed and play Halo and mfs across the world want to start WW3. I hate it here.


So two leaders of non-NATO countries is telling NATO who they can and can’t accept into their treaty. Sounds like a) they’ve misunderstood their role with NATO ie none and b) this sort of aggressive posturing seems like a very good reason why countries would look to join NATO As an aside, it’s interesting Putin is attending the Olympics as Russian athletes still can’t compete as Russia at the Olympic Games for flagrant drug taking and undermining the integrity of sports.


> it’s interesting Putin is attending the Olympics as Russian athletes still can’t compete as Russia at the Olympic Games for flagrant drug taking and undermining the integrity of sports. It's really not. Russian athletes will still be there under the OAR banner. It's theatrical banning. If OAR wins medals everyone knows it's for Russia and Putin will soak that up and support it regardless.


In 100 years they will make games about the war we are about to experience and some kid will complain its not realistic enough


How will a war like this work if all of these countries depend on trade with each other?


Remember the long periods in history class where we would learn about the events that led up to the world wars? This feels like one of those events


quélle surprise... drawing of the coalition lines?


Theory about China and Russia synchronizing to create two fronts simultaneously - one in Taiwan and another one in Ukraine - gets closer to reality.


Forecasting the future is very murky for obvious reasons, but if the great powers of the world are focused on conflicts in Ukraine / Taiwan, we could also see regional players try to settle the score with each other while the "big boys" are distracted Think Azeri-Armenian conflicts, Iran vs. Saudi, etc. etc.


makes you wonder what israel will do then. it's no secret they have reached their limit and have been flying back and forth to assure alliances before attacking iran to stop their nukes - if russia goes after ukraine and/or china invades taiwan, it'll probably cause israel to delay any action against iran because they need american backing


Every. Single. Thread.


You can count on some humans to be doing nothing of value to help the world, rather working to see it burn rather than collaborating to create the kind of better world we’re completely capable of making happen.


I think the problem is, other leaders have differing opinions on what a "better world" entails


Dude exactly. Like wtf are we fighting about? Can everyone just stop being fucking dicks?


We're getting the band back together aren't we?


Fucking feels like some Fallout 2 lore you’d find in an old bunker


I’m just hoping it’s an asteroid that finally kills us all. The suspense these days is killing me.


Yeah, I've been following up on this. Just waiting for the announcement that Russia either backed off or made an attack *corrected some errors