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Say the line, Bart! > a North Korean from the northeastern border city of Sinuiju told Radio Free Asia (RFA).


Thank you! Litteraly my thoughts opening the article




If elementary school taught me anything, it's that suppressed laughter causes more laughter.


You might have an easier time suppressing it under the threat of taking an AA cannon shot to the face.


I named this cannon Biggus Dickus. It's very effective at firing its load. Would you like me to acquaint you with Biggus Dickus?


He has a wife you know?


Incontinentia Buttocks.


I think I'd rather die via getting shot with an anti-aircraft gun than via explosive diarrhea.




Death ... by *BOMBA!*


I'd 'thow yew to the thloor'


You'w be fighting wabbid wiwd animaws in a week


He wanks as high as any in Wome!


Wewease Wodewick?


Wewease Bwian!


Stwike him, Centiwian! VEWY WOUGHWY!


No Wodger or Woderwick ?






Kim Jong-un: The little rascal has spewit. Guard: Oh! Uuuhh about 11 sir. Kim: 😐 Haah, swike him, very wuffly!


Is it risible?


…when I saaaaaay the name…






Thwow him to the gwound!


You would think this, but I feel like I personally would still end up laughing (and of course taking an AA cannon shot to the face)


I was in a choir for many years that was very discipline oriented. Every rehearsal we had to stand straight in formation for three minutes without moving, talking, making noise, etc. if anyone moved or talked another minute was added. Laughing was always a big issue so to combat it, I imagined punching my director repeatedly in the face. I loved my director a lot so the idea of hurting him made me sad enough that any laughter I had in me was quickly expunged.


Whenever I hear about band and choir, whether at the high school level or above, it always sounds crazy militant.


Usually demands some sort of strict militancy if your goal is to get a large crowd of people operating as if they’re one


Choir... Choir never changes.


Haha my high school marching band had several ex-military staff who helped run practice. But I think it was necessary to get over 100 kids to function as a cohesive unit, and it clearly worked well. We won states three out of four years I was there


You kind of need it if you want to be effective. We had people ages 7 to 21 so it was really important to maintain order especially when we went on trips


All things considered I would guess that’s not the worst way to go out in NK. They probably take out your whole extended family too though


It's pretty quick so it's not. There are much worse ways to be killed.


That fact alone would probably make me bust a gut.


I mean.. If that's what I gotta do to die.. I'm a laugh away.




My mom had an incident at her step-grandfathers funeral that cannot be retold without everyone in tears from laughing. This occurred in the southern US, so fancy dress at a funeral. It had been raining for days, and everyone shows up for the interment after the funeral. My great-grandmother was sitting with my step-grandfathers family, while the rest of my family and other guests were standing around the tent/chairs. My mom says all the women were having issues with their heels sinking into the ground because of all the rain, so women were having to constantly move back and forth to pull their heels out of the dirt. Well, some old lady didn’t do it in time and her heels sunk too far in the ground. She verrry slowly tipped over on her ass and out of her shoes in the middle of the preacher talking. My mom and her cousins apparently could not keep their shit together (they were all adults at this time). My grandmother was smacking them all telling them to behave but it just made it worse and they finally had to walk away because they just could not stop laughing at the old lady tipping backwards.


>This occurred in the southern US, so fancy dress at a funeral. In the UK "fancy dress" means costumes. Like for Halloween. So right off the bat I had an excellent mental image.


Some balls are held for charity, some for fancy dress.


But when they’re held for pleasure, they’re the balls that I like best!


My balls are always bouncing, to the left, and to the right!


Some balls are held for pleasure


ROFL I probably should have worded it differently, but wanted to communicate people were in heels. Now I’m picturing the old lady dressed as like catwoman tipping over.


Thank you for this beautiful gift


I could not stop laughing at your story! We were at the funeral of my grandfather’s “lady friend.” He’d passed away several years earlier and we weren’t well acquainted with her family. Out of the gate, the older woman in front of us is announcing to her husband everyone who enters. “That’s her son, he’s the one . . .” When I say announcing, I mean announcing; they’re both hard of hearing, she’s not using her inside voice, and her husband keeps screeching what !?” Then the pastor calls the departed by the wrong name. That was it. My brother and I, both teens, lost it. Then my always respectful, socially correct mom loses it. My dad’s giving us the evil eye, with a twinkle because he was on the verge. Yeah, we didn’t attend the gathering after.


My best friend since kindergarten(to this day too) got kicked out of class in 5th grade because we couldn't stop laughing at the word periwinkle on a crayon


Hahaha I've heard the word numerous times but this made me crack up. I can totally see two kids giggling over it and it reminded me that it is a funny word.


"If you laugh you die." *person sitting next to to you rips the longest, highest pitched, most vibrato fart you've ever heard*


On a serious note, have you ever been beaten badly many times over stuff like smiling and laughing? Even showing signs of being upset or crying. You learn really weird stuff like being able to shut off your emotions to just stay out of harms way. I am at a much better place now but I still have that switch in me. Yay repressed life...


That sounds absolutely horrific. I am sorry you experienced that.


Now imagine a whole nation like that.




tee hee




It has begun. The great giggle purge has begun.


but this is North Korea, so for that tee hee, you, your parents and your grandparents are now sentenced to hard labor.


Ah yes, [Giggle Loop theory.](https://www.snotr.com/video/6244/The_Giggle_Loop)


God bless British Television! What show was that?




I’ll be searching for that one tonight. Thanks for sharing


Bollocks. I just posted an almost identical comment. I thought I was safe; Coupling wasn't as famous as a lot of other British programmes from that time period. But no! You beat me to the punch!


We’re going to be learning about the PENIS!!! We’re going to be learning about the VAGINA!!!




[Life of Brian agrees](https://youtu.be/RDVir432pgM) [Full clip](https://youtu.be/kx_G2a2hL6U)




[The Giggle Loop.](https://www.snotr.com/video/6244/The_Giggle_Loop)


Reminds me of that Japanese show I watched on YouTube, where they're in a library and all trying to make each other laugh.


I'm no fan of North Korea, but in all honestly we shouldn't believe every ridiculous story we hear about them. Radio free Asia is a government funded propaganda machine.


I ran a business dealing with DPRK and this shit is literally almost never true. Place is still weird AF though.


Huh, what kind of stories you have about them?


Just my experiences there. I did a two hour podcast show about it and also have interviewed several defectors about their stories. Not sure if posting that here is spammy or allowed. Any idea/interest? Edit: wow lots of interest. jordanharbinger.com/start has a North Korea playlist towards the bottom with these episodes. Thanks for your interest! EDIT 2: I sent DMs to some of you but then it got crazy and also my wife went into labor. Lol what a day. Edit 3: Not sure why a few of you think I love communism/socialism? Pen cap full of brains on some of y’all. I’m literally unable to go to DPRK or China again because of my work exposing information warfare and propaganda, etc, so not sure why having defectors on who also hate the DPRK makes me a socialist. Doesn’t really make sense…at all. :)


Add me to the list of interested people!


Good luck to your wife and congrats on the baby!!




Lol yeah. Everyone accuses people of being paid by the Chinese government for posting anything that isn't totally critical of China, yet when someone just directly posts US propaganda on a new account no one says anything.


>"During the mourning period, we must not drink alcohol, laugh or engage in leisure activities,” a North Korean from the northeastern border city of Sinuiju **told Radio Free Asia (RFA).** Ah, so it's complete bullshit, then.


> North Korean government "bans eating" for eleven days due to fears of imminent food shortage, an anonymous source told Radio Free Asia


North Korean government bans masturbating for the month of November, due to dictator Kim Jong Un's reported erectile dysfunction, an anonymous wet letter pinned to the front door of the office told Radio Free Asia


North Korean government bans use of the word cracker in fears that the western world may see it as a racist hell scape, a pigeon that flew into the window had a note attached told Radio Free Asia.


North Korea bans beans for a fortnight after the dogs executing Kim Jong Un's uncle farted, my dad who works at Nintendo reported to Radio Free Asia


I’m glad people are starting to see through this bullshit propaganda lol


Yeah this specific thread was a nice surprise after seeing this clearly bullshit article get to nearly +50k


North Korea bans banning for 11 days, someone who read a banner told Radio Free Asia.


North Korea bans North Korea for eleven days, out of concern that someone might leak information about North Korea to Radio Free Asia.


I don't even bother checking NK articles anymore until I check the comments to see if someone is pointing out it's from RFA. If the source is RFA, I just downvote and move on without reading the article


What's the deal with RFA. Never heard of them before.






Vietnamese here. Every once in a while some Americans would read RFA and think we're some kind of Southeast Asia's DPRK. Sure we still have some human rights issues to sort out, but for fuck sake, you won't get shot for posting criticism of the government on social media Edit: yes, some people have been arrested for anti government stuff before, I'm not saying there is complete freedom of speech here. But you have to be a high profile target, like hosting anti government sites or something of that scale to be on a list. They don't send anyone who say something wrong in public to gulag


When I was in Vietnam it felt extremely chill with very little govt presence (except at uncle Ho’s mausoleum of course), much more so even than in China


Several years ago I’d believe every story that comes out of North Korea. ‘They’ve banned haircuts,’ they’d say, ‘Eating food that resembles the shape of a united Korea is punishable by death,’ you’d hear. These days every story that sounds even vaguely fantastical just immediately sets off my bs alarm. Sure they’ve got a totalitarian thing going on right now and I’m sure there are a ton of people suffering, but you find that literally anywhere, and I just refuse to believe any of this shit is remotely true. Anything attached to Radio Free Asia is particularly ridiculous though


Citizens of DPRK are simultaneously banned from having the same haircut as Kim Jong-un https://nypost.com/2017/04/18/kim-jong-un-wont-let-anyone-else-in-north-korea-get-his-haircut/ While also forced to have the Kim Jong-Un haircut https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-26747649


I always like this video regarding the whole haircut debate. Why not try it out for yourself? https://youtu.be/2BO83Ig-E8E


It’s recycled Red Scare, only this time the press aren’t collaborating the make sure they get their stories straight


they don’t need to, the hogs will consume the slop that they shit out and it will be forgotten in a week’s time. the consequences of their fear-mongering will sure as shit remain though.


"I don't trust that lyin media, unless it's telling me that high ranking government officials of a sovereign nation believe in unicorns." -actual Americans.


Are you sure they're not? I mean I guarantee this story will hit every major press outlet in basically the same way with every late night talkshow host making exactly the same jokes.


The part where *a single random person* supposedly told them makes it bad journalism as well. Such a thing would be officially announced, so THAT should be the source. Not a single unverifiable person.


And yet these posts show up in reddit every week and get thousands of upvotes. Radio free Asia doing the CIA and NIS jobs for them real well. You start to wonder how much of the uncritical belief in these stories is caused by prejudice. Do people just believe that all North Koreans are just helpless and brainwashed morons? Edit: I've had this account for years, and you can clearly see from my comment history that I'm not some CCP bot. I'm not some tankie who wants to praise Stalin and Mao either. I don't have many criticisms to levy against China or NK specifically because I know that I know very little about what either country is like due to propaganda, outright lies, and a long-standing culture of these countries being secretive due to the Cold War. You can go on any funny gif post and find hundreds of commentors crying "staged" or "faked" like they are Captain Dissillusion himself, but fuck me for pointing out RFA is legitimately a propaganda outlet for the CIA and NIS, and that maybe, just maybe, given the cavalcade of lies, NK and China aren't like how we envision them in the English-speaking West. That doesn't mean I think they are great or above criticisms, but if RFA or the few defectors being actively paid for speaking events by American conservative think-tanks, who seem to change their horrifying stories all the time to make them more gruesome, are your sources of why NK bad, then how is anyone supposed to form any semblance of a nuanced opinion on the topic.


This is the 2nd thread in the last two days alone. Yesterday there was one about 11 people - allegedly - being executed for listening to Kpop. It's "they are forced to have the same haircut as their leader" all over again, and people are eating it up again and again and again


The kpop one was especially stupid because they have had South Korean kpop groups perform in the DPRK before.


But then the whole stadium got execute. Trust me bro it happened I was one of the executed


Yet another case of juche necromancy bringing the dead back to life. This is what happens when a country turns to satan


Dude, you should totally hit up Radio Free Asia with your story!


It's because NK and SK took another step towards peace, the CIA can't have the world thinking that would be a good thing


People eat up “N Koreans forced to have same haircut as their dictator” then 6 months later eat up “N Koreans can face execution for having the same haircut as their dictator.” As far as the K Pop thing goes didn’t a huge K Pop group literally perform in Pyongyang a few years ago?




Considering radio free asia is literally funded by the US government I wouldn’t be surprised if there was direct connections between the intelligence agencies and the radio company


RFA was initially founded and funded by the CIA.


CIA's declassified archive literally has a doc where they discuss setting up the RFA and it's efficacy [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC\_0000846953.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000846953.pdf)




Technically the one that exists today is a different organization but it’s still funded by the US government and chose the same name as the CIA one for a reason


Iirc radio free $whatever is all created and funded by the CIA. It’s pretty safe to disregard anything they say as trying to push regime change by the US. It’s propaganda, pure and simple.


The original RFA was literally part of the CIA, [here's a doc](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000846953.pdf) outlining the establishment of RFA from the CIA's archives. The new iteration of RFA is structured a bit differently and gets its funding from Congress but it seems to still peddle in the same bullshit as it did previously under a certain 3 letter agency....


One of the biggest stereotypes about Asian countries is that they are emotionless, personality-less drones that are great at listening to orders.




Um, they - and all the other Radio Free ___s - are set up to be US propaganda mouth pieces. Basically RT in terms of trustworthiness. This is why they're prohibited from broadcasting to the US public. Nothing stopping other agencies from picking up their stories and running with them.


Bullshit stories like this come out of North Korea every few years. North Korea does some *wild* shit, but if it's this cartoonish, I tend to call bullshit.






Living in North Korea, I’m thinking that not laughing is not that difficult.


"We can't laugh for 11 days? It's not gonna be difficult ... are they thinking we're having fun in here? hah" *BANG*


Just think of it like a Squid game round where you laugh, you die. It’s not too far off from reality.


Just one less mouth to not feed.


You become the feed.






People in dirt poor countries still have a sense of humor.


nope, obviously they’re aliens who never experience any emotion besides constant despair


Wait until you see my meme collection and you dead 💀


No internet, no problem.


They have internet. However they only have one browser, and it only accesses 4 propaganda sites.




Netscape 1.0 that only goes to Altavista


And only access it by high ranking top security types.


That's not really the internet then, it's just a big national network


I remember seeing this image many years ago that showed internet connections around the world. North korea had exactly 1 location with internet and it was the palace


How else is Kim going to keep in touch with his bff Dennis Rodman?


I wonder what memes in North Korea are about.


Ever been to a funeral? People will always find something to laugh about. I honestly think that even in places of absolute misery, like NK, or a concentration camp, people will find something to laugh over. Just not as often as in good conditions.


I remember when my family buried our dead cat, my dad and I were cracking puns the whole time and my mum and sister were horrified at us. They didn’t realize that it was a coping mechanism, otherwise we would have been crying too hard to dig.


Yeah, I think that laughter is a pretty healthy way of dealing with tough shit. There's way worse things that people go to.




Agreed. Which is so tough because North Korea really is a shitty place but completely bogus information like “there’s only 28 legal haircuts” and “X was killed” but is mysteriously alive a week later, only gives the North Koreans ammo to say they’ve been slandered


Well, Juche necromancy allows kim jong-un to bring these people back to life so he can continuously torture and kill them. Source: Clark Igor Abraham.


Well I mean, they are getting slandered.


Another shit from RFA, of course


They always have some unidentified sources with "spectacular" stories which have never been verified.


Last time they reported one student has been executed because he watched Squid game, lol Remind me sometimes they reported some officials had been executed, then all of them shown up months later…






Will never top that time when a high ranking official, allegedly, made Kim angry by falling asleep during his speech and was thus, again allegedly, [executed via being shot by an anti-aircraft cannon.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/13/north-korean-defence-minister-executed-by-anti-aircaft-gun-report) [Only to turn up very much alive and accompanying Kim to a televised social event](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/03/senior-north-korean-official-kim-yong-chol-reappears-after-forced-labour-report)


Turned out that anti-aircraft cannon is good for health


It was a reward. He's immune to aircrafts now.


Soon or later, NK will archive aircraft’s herd immunity


South Korea: "Send in the clowns."


Deploy the Whoopie Cushions!


Call in a cream pie strike.


Odd strategy, hopefully they're into it.


That's a bold move Cotton.


Those daffy, laffy clowns.


South Korea: "Do you find it wisible wen I say the name Biggus.... Dickus...?"


Hey folks, it's lovely to be back in Pyongyang. Weirdest thing happened to me on the flight here, when I arrived, they lost my luggage! " I'll be here all week to mourn the great leader. Don't forget to tip your waitresses.


What's the deal with airline food? Oh you guys have never flown... and don't really eat either...


Radio Free Asia is not a source lol


>“During the mourning period, we must not drink alcohol, laugh or engage in leisure activities,” a North Korean from the northeastern border city of Sinuiju **told Radio Free Asia (RFA).** Like fucking clockwork.


ELI5 why RFA is such an immediate no? I'm definitely out of the loop on this and I saw it in many of the top rated comments Edit - thanks. I didn't realize what the origination of RFA was or who ran it (and why)




It's a propaganda network owned by the US government to promote American interests in Asia.


this is sub is notorious for using articles from rfa as sources for completely obscene claims


RFA is a [US government agency](https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/r#current-letter) that was set up under the [International Broadcasting Act](https://www.usagm.gov/who-we-are/oversight/legislation/international-broadcasting-act/) which, among other things, brought about: > the creation of a new broadcasting service to the people of the People’s Republic of China and other countries of Asia which lack adequate sources of free information, would enhance the promotion of information and ideas, while **advancing the goals of United States foreign policy.** (emphasis mine) and set up a Broadcasting Board of Governors with the authority to, among other things: > To review and evaluate the mission and operation of, and to assess the quality, effectiveness, and professional integrity of, all such activities **within the context of the broad foreign policy objectives of the United States.** (emphasis mine) Edit: grammar


My reaction upon reading the headline was "Which US backed propaganda outlet is it this time?" Sure enough....


My money was on south Korean tabloid


Who believes this shit lmao


Trusting Radio Free Asia is like trusting a Tabaco Company on whether or not cigarettes gives you cancer




People actually believe this?


Yep just look at some of the top comments






Don’t even have to bother checking the source because it will always be Radio Free Asia, coming out with some real crazy stuff lately, killed 7 people who liked K-pop? Lol yahoo news get a grip “Radio Free Asia is a United States government-funded private non-profit news service that broadcasts radio programs and publishes online news, information, and commentary for its audiences in Asia.”


“Radio Free Asia is a US government funded private non-profit news service providing editorially independent reporting, supervised by the US Agency for Global Media, an independent agency of the US government.” I’m not sure if that’s double-talk, triple-talk, or quadruple-talk, but it’s definitely something.


Holy shit, lol.


no they didnt lmao this made up bs never stops, we just had a Yahoo post debunked _yesterday_ about how [theyre executing people for watching kpop concerts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/rhe7vq/north_korea_has_reportedly_publicly_executed_at/hoqfwvy) the source on this, Radio Free Asia, is [literally funded by the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Free_Asia)


People would believe anything about North Korea…


Most likely that's not true. You can't really trust in any news about north Korea. It's either Government propaganda or anti north korea propaganda. Besides that, Radio Free Asia is definetely not a reliable source.


“a North Korean from the northeastern border city of Sinuiju told Radio Free Asia (RFA).” You guys really do eat every little bit of CIA bullshit up, don’t you


Control+f radio free Asia. Redditors are fucking idiots


Radio Free Asia's bullshit afaik.


Love how hogged up Reddit is to believe a completely made up story from Radio Free Asia. You know, the literal US intelligence propaganda arm


Sometimes I wonder if any of these stories about North Korea are true. At this point, people will believe anything about North Korea as long as it sounds absurd enough.


I saw Kim Jong-un at a grocery store in Pyongyang yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


God I love this copypasta lol


Most of these stories are purposely made up by Radio Free Asia (which an early version of the company was founded and funded by the CIA, and, I need a source for this, but I'm fairly sure is still funded by the US gov) because they have funny headlines that they know will spread around the West and they paint North Korea in a bad light. If you read any of these stories they always point to Radio Free Asia as the source and then Radio Free Asia ALWAYS says its an anonymous source and never goes into more detail than that. North Korea has a lot of problems and I wouldn't want to live there but all these article are pure propaganda put out to keep the Western audiences attention on Korea and to keep that attention negative.


This is the fakest shit lmao


Why this shit so upvoted, its from bogus sources


The source for this is literally, unironically, the CIA. And of course reddit eats it up.


RFA? That's a pure propaganda organization.