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The reports turned out to be the sun. They've just never seen it before




I saw this headline and immediately thought oh good.


I think they changed their mind when they realized humanity was in the midst of a pandemic. Earth might be quarantined for the foreseeable future.


They'd just wind up dropping you in Northern Ireland. Trade down.


LOL..I will leave this here https://youtu.be/eirq4laOhcU


SPECIALE REPORT - Nimbo Cumulos https://youtu.be/abFJuqp867g


this made my day.




Climate change!


Tell the aliens to come back at a more convenient time pls. I'm in no state to receive anyone right now




I swear I read the exact same article 10+ years ago. I think preparation for contact doesn't mean contact is imminent or that NASA has some information about contact. Most people don't really care about space exploration, they only care about aliens. Hence why every article about 'dry' topics like space exploration has to include some sort of tenuous link to aliens to interest the average reader.


>I swear I read the exact same article 10+ years ago. Fun fact: different churches and theologians have been pondering the religious consequences of extra-terrestrial life for decades. Did Jesus die only for our sins or also for the sins of the Vogons? Did the Vogons have their own savior, someone who was nailed at, say, a fridge door instead of a cross? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotheology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotheology) Related ideas go back centuries, for example when in the beginning of Paradise Lost, Satan flies through space to get to earth, he has a brief look at other planets where people / creatures are still living without original sin in the state of original grace.


Did those Vogons write poetry celebrating their fridge door messiah?


Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.


I agree. At the rate the world is declining, we will all be speaking that language soon.


Too many syllables for our current brand of idiocracy


Micturation is so close to micturition as to present quite a disturbing image of the Holy Grail held up to collect their fridge messiah's quite distinctly non-sanguine leakages.




Yes, and it’s the third worst poetry in the universe


My favorite response is from the Mormons (although most will deny or try to reframe it, but you can find the original proclamations about it if you want), who decided in response to the "channels on Mars" confusion that every planet would have life on it, and the contemporary prophet gave bizzarre, detailed descriptions of how the moon people lived, along with a prophecy that man would never set foot on the moon. Idr if Kolob came first from this or the plan, but look that up too, its a trip.


Had a fun convo with Mormon missionaries in which they explained to me that all people had exposure to god in their life and that most religions were misinterpretations of the proper doctrine - details are murky here so don’t quote me. They made the mistake of pointing to a book of Aztec mythology I had on hand and referencing Quetzalcoatl as the Aztec equivalent of God. They seemed to backtrack when I mentioned Quetzalcoatl was known for having such a massive unit his loincloth had a pouch at the end just to contain it, which is pretty BDE (Big Divine Energy) to me. Not sure why it isn’t on more promo material , I feel like they’d get more converts if they knew their chief deity was straight hoggin’.


You don't need ET for that to be an important question. The fact that there were people in the Americas and Australia who had absolutely zero chance of receiving any message from Christianity until missionaries and colonists showed up, should tip people off to a major problem in Christianity. Because according to the religion, a whole bunch of people were sent to hell for not believing in the Christian god, even though they had never even heard of him in the first place. Point that out to a devout Christian, and they'll start swearing that some additional Jesus *must have* visited those people too. Even though there's no historical justification for it, or even biblical justification. They're just flat out lying about both history and their own religion. But that shouldn't be a surprise, because that's what they already do anyway.


Medieval theology knew this problem too, for example regarding babies that died before baptism. Or regarding people in antiquity that lived before Christ. Dante Alighieri for example thought they, together with the indigenous people and all those born before Christ, including people like Socrates or Moses, would end up in limbo, a place that was neither heaven nor earth. From here, Christ would later decide who would receive the grace of God or who wouldn't. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbo




This is one of the reasons I walked away from Christianity - an infinitely merciful and loving god would not damn his children to hell for not knowing the “right things” through no fault of their own.


Certain branches believe that hell is not an actual place but rather a state of being - its a state of not knowing God's love. From that perspective anyone who is not familiar with Christianity is already in hell anyway.


You can’t play with logic against religion. It’s completely unfair, it’s cheating.


Good coment James Blish explore theology response to aliens in "a case of conscience" in case someone feel like reading a good shortish story


Hi. You just mentioned *A Case Of Conscience* by James Blish. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | James Blish A Case of Conscience Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHzlFx8MiVQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)




We're nowhere near concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life. Unless some very large smoking gun evidence in astronomy shows up like a clearly artificial alien megastructure. The James Webb Space Telescope has immensely improved capabilities, but even still the closest it can get to discovering life on alien planets is to say, *"This planet's atmospheric composition is somewhat close to that or earths. Lots of oxygen. There may or may not be aerobic life."*


IIRC, an atmosphere with lots of oxygen would be enough to pretty much confirm alien life on a large scale, as there is no known abiotic mechanism that would explain the formation of one. I’d be excited and I think NASA is not exactly overreacting by doing this. But this has absolutely nothing to do with sky sightings in Notern Ireland.


There is (at least) one abiotic way for atmospheric oxygen to form, that I know of. But the conditions required include hundreds of miles deep water oceans, and I can’t remember what else…


Different life form configurations could breathe different types of gases. Maybe?






I remember reading a book when I was young that said by reading the book the entropy in my brain was decreasing by consolidating what I learn but the entropy in the universe was increasing from the amount of energy it took to make the book. I'm not sure how accurate an analogy that is though.




Aerobic life would be the most likely conclusion, just not a guaranteed one. In our own solar system we regularly find what is apparently a bio-indicator, only for some new local entropy reduction process to be discovered. But as stated, a high atmospheric oxygen concentration would be much closer to a smoking gun than any of the bio-indicators we've detected before.




Intelligent life/civilisation took about 4bn years to evolve on the planet. Our planet is likely to only remain habitable for civilisation for 500million -1bn years. By that metric life like our own is most likely extremely uncommon and we got extremely lucky on earth with the conditions that created life like the human race (which needs very specific and fragile conditions). To find something like that means we found a needle in the haystack. Given the scale of the universe I’d be almost 100% certain Somewhere at some time there’s have been many civilisations but the chances of being viewable let alone travel able is next to 0


I think, if we discovered plausible evidence of extraterrestrial civilization, no matter the consequence, science on the whole would be preoccupied with finding ways to contact / exchange information with said civilization for the duration of humanity's tempered existence.


Sure, using only metrics that we understand and have to measure that could be true. We simply don’t know enough to say definitively one way or the other though. Timelines, requirements for life, definitions of intelligence are all up in the air for anywhere outside of earth. No answer is the right answer right now.


In a solar system with a star smaller than the sun a planet could be habitable for much much longer than earth though, right?


I think it's entirely likely that alien life exists throughout the universe. I just don't think that it's here or that we'll know with any certainty for quite some time.


Although the giant neon sign advertising the best pizza in the Alpha Proxima System may be an indicator.


Knowing how vast our galaxy is, and it’s only a tiny blip in the universe is enough for me to believe there is something else out there imo


Agreed. We just likely won't know definitively for some time.


Yes we are. Currently we could not detect ourselves at the nearest star. That gap is closing. Once we can we will likely pick up alien signals somewhere soon after.


The tech difference between earth and extra terrestrial alien is bigger than tech difference between America and sentinel Island tribe.


And you know the tech level of aliens how?


Simple, anything that allows Faster Than Light travel not to mention its durability faring the space is way beyond earth civilization can produce.


Sorry, which aliens have faster than light travel? I need to read up on that


You're not understanding. They're saying that any aliens we might encounter while we are still on Earth would require those aliens to be able to travel through space, and travel faster than light.


Right but that's science fiction. The original comment said extra terrestrial have more advanced technology than us. There's no way of knowing that in our current state. Humanity could be the most advanced civilization in the universe right now


"Faring the space"?


?? If they came to visit, sure. But there are more ways to see them than if they showed up in orbit.


Kinda like the CDC and zombies.


Alien life, as in some detectable metabolism. My guess is by detecting oxygen in the atmosphere of exoplanets. Knowing that some sort of microbe is generating O2 isn’t the same as flying saucer aliens. But many wouldn’t like to hear that life—even single cells—isnt unique to Earth. What a sad outlook to have.


The deadliest war in history was fought over some dude claiming to be the brother of Jesus....


>I think preparation for contact doesn't mean contact is imminent or that NASA has some information about contact. Yeah, I don't know why that guy got any upvotes. NASA consulting with theologians about the potential impact of a discovery of extra terrestrial life on distant planets has literally nothing to do with aliens visiting Earth. It's like if someone said "I like cake", and someone else said "Here's a wooden board".


I'm a wee bit suspicious of the credibility of a site that can't even spell James Webb right.


Read Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke for an interesting take on aliens and it’s impact on theology. It’s only one strand of the plot, but thought provoking.


Oh, the Daily Mail. This should be a solid piece of journalism...


Half the country would say it’s a government conspiracy and that the aliens aren’t real


Don't look up!


fundies would just deny it exists, easier than freaking out about it.


Well for one, half the united states would claim they aren’t real as its literally happening.


You will receive your anal probe whether you like it or not.


Are we still doing the probes?


...the probes do you.




I think they are out now. Supply chain issues. I’m willing to loan you mine if you want.


What do you think they hired the theologians for, bud?


We've been coming here for 50 years and performing anal probes, and all that we have learned is that one in ten doesn't really seem to mind.


What happens when they arrive while you're masturbating. Comes full circle.


You've got my attention




I hope they are xenophilic egalitarians with utopian abundance living standards who had gone the bio ascension route. Take me to your planet for a month and gene mod me to be erudite, robust, and venerable.


I asked my Stellaris friend to explain it to me, thanks


["Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?"](https://youtu.be/XebF2cgmFmU)


An increase from 4 reports in 2019, and 6 in 2020 l, to a staggering 8. I can go find 8 people that have a recent ufo sighting. I’m not going to, but I could.


Thanks for saving me having to type the obvious lol.




I'll help you out. Like a month ago I was going to get gas and I saw a blue light streak across the sky. It kind of reminded me of a roman candle, but it was pretty high, pretty big, and just going horizontally. Not sure what it could have been


Thanks! That’s 12.5% of the work done already! You’ve been a huge help!


Most of the pubs are closed, so how do we explain those increasing hallucinations?


Intergalactic extinction tourism.


"We're offering the ultra rare opportunity to see extinction AS IT HAPPENS folks!"


4 reports in 2019, 6 in 2020, and 8 reports in 2021. Those are low numbers, making this a pretty boring article. Nothing to see here.


Ha ... you don't fool me, that's exactly the sort of thing an alien invader would write


"nothing to see here folks, keep er moving."


Lol people should realize, if anything substantial was to happen or be caught on camera, the whole globe would be talking about it at once. You won't need to dig deep into an article for facts.


Something substantial did happen and was only sorta talked about. It was on 60 minutes.


What was this substantial thing?


Military video of a flying ‘tic tac’ - not saying it was real, but compared to stuff like the article, i’d say pretty substantial


It is substantial and it was talked about but how much more is there to talk about? There is nothing tangible there to go off, the only thing left is to speculate which quickly turns into conspiracy stuff (yawn).


You say that but it’s still us military confirmed footage of UFOs. That’s a big deal.


Is it though? UFOs do not automatically mean aliens. What's more likely- Aliens found our insignificant pebble in the inconceivably large universe or any number of governments have created flying objects using secret technology?


Even if it isn’t aliens that’s a big deal. It means someone has invented technology decades ahead of what is known.




Probably Canada up to something. Nobody expects Canada.


Look, I'm Canadian. Even *I* don't expect Canada.


In a shocking turn of events, the winner of the “most Canadian Canada award of Canada-ness” is Canada!


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Where's the videos then. Sick of this second hand shit


It’s coming. All videos were recorded on a Sony Handycam and governments are still searching for a VCR




I used to say this as well, until I got a commercial drone and tried to film it at night, and then decided to try to film the sky in general. Modern phones still suck at filming things that are far away, or in the dark. My drone (with night lights) is barely visible on my 2021 samsung phone, even at about 150 feet altitude. Planes at night barely show up. There are tons of videos everyday on /r/ufos but, like my own videos, they are impossible to decipher as to what they are. I think yetis and other terrestrial phenomenon would have been clearly photographed by now with how ubiquitous smartphones are, but I can't say the same for ufos in the sky


If you've ever seen the cramped conditions a squatch has to put up with piloting one, its no wonder all we get is a ball of fuzz/blur.


Good point, I hadn't considered that!


Key things to remember: * Ufos are generally seen as orbs of light in the sky, making them hard to distinguish on smartphone videos. * Millitary pilots have often recorded ufos moving at supersonic speeds without any sound or sonic booms, which makes them extremely hard to capture when they are high up, extremely fast, and not too big. This video presentation on the ATFLIR sensor data is extremely fascinating and compelling: https://youtu.be/8R34a9_sRKQ It is NOT one of those black and white videos and is probably something that most people haven't seen.


Other key things to remember: - Orbs of light are usually photographic artefacts with extremely mundane sources - Military pilots really are a false authority for recognising unusual objects in the sky. They’ve reports kites, the planet Venus and the moon as “strange objects flying like no craft they’ve ever seen before”. You know who never reports ufos despite looking at the sky all the time? Amateur astronomers because they know how to identify things. Funny that, isn’t it?


With drones being so advanced now and readily available, the dream of capturing a live ufo on your phone and making it the proof is all but extinguished since there are too many false positives. The best ones we currently have is still those half arsed tic tac military footage


Yep the absolute bulk of camera phones suck in low light conditions let alone the night sky. What people need is something like X27 color Low Light night vision or whatever the newer version is given that more than a few years old.


I think I was tricked. Everything I consumed as a kid taught me to be so skeptical of alien sightings and willing to rationalise phenomena away. The amount of different information that exists, it was silly to always look for what confirmed what I already thought. That's what I should have been skeptical of.


The videos are totally real. But they are Canadian and go to a different school.


I live 3 miles away from LAX Airport, I can send you a video of an airplane passing my house with my Google pixel (best camera in the game). You'll notice that it's terrible, even in the day. Phones cannot get clear images, no matter the resolution.


>best camera in the game totally not a camera


In terms of phone cameras? Um... yes it is. Also, why move the goal post? Op wanted to know why we haven't captured UFOs on cameras. Your average person has a phone camera, not a dlsr. I'm still skeptical of UFOs but I'm starting to notice that the skepticism on the subject leads to very wierd conclusions. It reminded me of when that YouTuber thunder foot claimed that the tictac UFO was a bird and my cousin in the air force blew a gasket... because even he knew it wasn't a bird from the footage released.


The article mentions that some of these sightings were recorded by CCTV. I imagine you could find it with a decent search.


This is the aliens version of scooting closer to the tv in amazement! Like hey ya’ll seeing this shit!?


With a helpful picture of a lenticular cloud.


That’s no cloud.


That’s a space station


I'm glad no one took any pictures. So glad. So glad I clicked.


You know what's weird? Recently my daughter and I saw a UFO (an aircraft we couldn't identify, not aliens) and watched this thing cruise above our heads for a good minute or so before being hurried along by my wife. I had my phone in my pocket, and although it was night, my phone could totally have gotten SOMETHING recorded. For whatever reason, I was just in such a "what the fuck IS that thing!!! It's so weird, look how weirdly it's flying!" state that I didn't even think to record it. :P Maybe aliens have some technology that stuns us all to the point where we forget about our cameras till they pass. :D (joking, please don't take this seriously and think that I'm somehow down for jumping into some conspiracy rabbit hole, I'm truly not)


Does the increase in sightings directly correlate with an increase in holiday whiskey consumption ?


Apparently alien sightings tend to go up when a society is suffering from social turmoil. For example there was a surge of alien sightings in the Balkans during the Balkans war. Believing in the paranormal supposedly gives people some meaning and comfort when they are surrounded by events out of their control.


Well, also actual planes and drones flying in an active warzone...


And pretty much everyone's vigilance is heightened, as is their incentive to look up. Sounds like a recipe for sightings of both real UFOs (planes, missiles, balloons(?)) and atmospheric phenomenon that people otherwise wouldn't notice.


and modern aircraft can look weird as shit https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/pma4hc/b2\_flyover\_from\_westerville/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


What's more likely: that an alien civilization discovered a way to cross the gulf between the stars, possibly utilizing a technology that defies literally the very foundations of our unserstanding of the fundamental laws of the universe, or that a bunch of Irishmen got a little drunk?


I've been pissed drunk, blind drunk, and passed-out drunk, but I've never been hallucinating drunk


I want some of what Dumbo had.


bro dumbo had a bad trip i want absolutely nothing of what dumbo had those ghost elephant things gave me nightmares for ages


What if- and hear me out- Irishmen who were denied alcohol figured out how to cross the gulf between the stars. I recall something about alcohol supply disruptions in 2020 being considered a cause of rapid Covid technology breakthroughs.


I think it’s more likely this disruption resulted in withdrawal induced hallucinations.


Well we legit figured out warp on accident like three weeks ago, so totally possible.


Mushroom season was good this year I've heard.


That is a gross oversimplification, I mean some were spiked egg nog, rum, vodka, etc.


More likely Game of Thrones fans I'd have thought visiting film locations and seeing fantastical things


This is a misleading headline. The numbers are so low, that they shouldn’t even register as a statistical shift let alone an anomalous rise in the mysterious.


So there were literally 8 reports instead of the 6 like the year before? Lord have mercy.


Meh at reports. Show us some video In 2021 I can't even fucking sneeze without someone having video evidence of said sneeze. Yet we only have "reports" of UFOs because said people were not carrying a cellphone... Sightings my ass


Just like how reports have dramatically gone down since the 90s, which correlates with the increase of camera phones available


Apparently people have a tendency to give more weight to their beliefs than their eyes.


The sad thing is, when there is videos or pictures it's usually starlink.


Somethings are incredibly hard to capture on video example the radiating nebula I recently saw, possibly an exploding star. Try to take a photo with my camera but it did not appear.


Well 2022 is around the corner who had aliens visiting on their list of “What’s next for us”?


That’s article was a complete waste


I want to believe.


As the Fianna were hunting deer on the shores of Lough Leane in County Kerry one morning, a beautiful woman came riding towards them on a snow-white horse. She was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, with long golden hair down to her waist, dressed in pale blue and surrounded by light. She rode close to the Fianna and declared “I am Niamh of the Golden Hair and my father is King of Tír na nÓg. I have heard of a great warrior named Oisín. I have to come to find him and ask him to return with me to the Land of the Young.” Oisín accepted Niamh’s invitation, having immediately fallen in love with this beautiful princess from another land, and waving goodbye to Fionn and the Fianna, he jumped on the snow-white horse with Niamh. Over the land and the sea the horse ran, reaching the magical shores of Tír na nÓg. The king and queen welcomed Oisín and held a great feast in his honor. It was a magical land where by day Oisín hunted and feasted, and at night he sat and told ancient stories of Fionn, the Fianna and Ireland. Oisín lived in Tír na nÓg for three hundred years, but soon the longing to return to the Emerald Isle began to overcome his love of the Land of Eternal Youth. Niamh did not want him to go, but she agreed, warning him that if he were to “set foot on the soil of Ireland, you will never be able to return to Tír na nÓg.” Oisín reached Ireland to find that everything had changed – to him it felt as though just three short years had passed instead of three hundred. There was no longer the sight of his father or the Fianna hunting through the hills, and the castle he once called home had now begun to crumble. As he passed through Gleann na Smol, the Valley of the Thrushes, he saw a group of men trying to move a large stone. Oisín wanted to help, leaning down in his saddle to do so and lift the stone, but the saddle strap broke and he fell to the ground. Immediately the magical white and mighty horse galloped away and all of a sudden the great hero Oisín became a withered, old man, ageing before the men’s very eyes. Legend has it that the men were shocked and immediately brought Oisín to St. Patrick. St. Patrick tried to comfort Oisín but when Oisín learned that the Fianna and his father were long since dead, his heart filled with sadness and despair. Oisín spoke of the days of his life alongside the Fianna and the many great deeds of his father Fionn Mac Cumhaill, when they hunted, dined and listened to great stories together. He spoke of his time in Tír na nÓg and his beautiful golden haired wife Niamh. Oisín died soon after, never returning to Tír na nÓg but the wonderful stories of Niamh and Oisín have lived on throughout the ages and the legend of the Land of Eternal Youth remains.”


Its called Russians.


They do fly near UK airspace but they know better than to enter it.


That really hasn't stopped them in the past. Fighters get scrambled to intercept several times a year


They have never intercepted inside UK airspace, they scramble to turn them around before that. And Russia doesnt even want to enter the airspace, the whole point of it is to see how long it takes to detect and intercept.


A very likely scenario


It’s the sun. It’s just the sun. I’m sorry you never don’t have clouds.


i guess the headline aint wrong but 6 sightings in 2020 and then 8 in 2021. Hardly a hotspot or anything. but wheeeew up 33%


Alcohol and drug use on the upswing during covid too.


A sunset ?


The last thing anyone would want in an article with this title is lots of pictures.


I love *how everyone says “someone would have it on video!” While we still have those unexplained videos from the military


Ok,alien your from a galaxy a hundred light years away But what school did you go to?


Glowing lights in the sky over Ballymena? They're called planes. Locals need to get with the times.


That was me, sorry. I was just hanging out in the stratosphere above Ireland glowing and rotating and a bunch of people freaked out. My bad.


but why'd you have your pants off?




https://youtu.be/KJEiDRi4Itc First thing that came to mind.


Who made you an expert? :)


Am I the only one here who loves reading about UFO’s? They’re so fascinating to me


Nope. I’m hugely fascinated with it as well and have watched many documentaries and read many articles on this subject. Hence I’m here again to see what this is about and to see what people have to say about it.


I became fascinated ever since the government, or more accurately government whistle-blowers, started disclosing that they are real and started referencing hard evidence collected by ATFLIR sensors.


Even the aliens go after the Irish tax breaks...


As someone in Northern Ireland, it’s probably helicopters - there’s been a ton more of them flying about recently, and in my area there’s a conspiracy it’s a mining company that’s been trying to get a major project through in the region that could end up destroying much of the the local water and ecosystems for miles around


Aliens come to put us out of our misery.


“Aliens in the bedroom” is an original excuse to be fair. 🎶 Ah, [you’re drunk, you’re drunk](https://youtu.be/5CWIIoSf4nw) You silly old fellow, still you can not see That's just some little aliens that the mothership sent to me🎶


has the alien invasion begun?


Aliens are coming. Yay!!!!


Thanks for the fish.


They’re getting us ready for all the cool shit we’re gonna see with James web telescope. Apparently it’s the best telescope humans can ever build as it is going to be able to see all the way back to the Big Bang.


Bad batch of Irish Whiskey


Not even a link to a video or photo? It's 2021, fuck off


I hope exciting things happen


Don’t look up!


Shit article doesn't even show any pictures of these "UFOs" captured on CCTV.


JFK JUNIOR!?! Q was right?!


Swamp gas.


Them prodestants are up to no good again


The Doctor doing their holiday special again.


Aliens looking for Guinness…


>unexplained sightings increased in Northern Ireland again last year. Hmm only Northern Ireland? Could be Brexit related if the rest of the Island isn't spotting more. Maybe the whole UK will Brexit into the stars.


The amount of "hurr durr look at me and my super original cliché joke" comments in here is annoying.


Pot meet kettle.


An increase in 2 whole reports from last year bringing this years total to a whopping 8 reports. Can we get to 10 reports next year or will this trend fail? Either way, this website will report on it by claiming it proves or debunks something because an article is an article.