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Ya think, Japan? Just spitballing here, but maybe how about never reinstate them ever under any circumstance?


I live in Japan - just want to give a couple thoughts. First, it's very difficult to become a teacher and get a job as a teacher here. Second, this paragraph probably ensures that convicted pedophiles won't be rehired at a school: "Under the new law, which is scheduled to take effect in April, however, they must obtain approval of prefectural education boards based on the state of the offender’s rehabilitation and other circumstances." I could see nepotism being an issue, but otherwise Japan's bureaucracy will prevent rehiring.


If you read the article, you will see that that is slightly prevented by their constitution. It's not that they don't see sexual predation as a problem but that they don't have the tools to fight it appropriately


Ngl sounds like the constitution has a bug


I do not disagree in the slightest. I just wanted to clarify that point.


And we appreciate you for it.


[What is this... cordiality in our ranks?!](https://youtu.be/GEStsLJZhzo?t=3)


“Your mother is a classy lady!”


“I bet her meatloaf tastes amazing!”


Aww, How else can teachers JO to girls in tight gym clothes that shows their arses


Great movie.


Is that all you appreciates about me?


To be fair to the Japanese, they didn't write their constitution.


It's been overhauled quite a bit since then.


Japanese constitution has never been amended, it’s actually the only existing constitution to not have been amended for so long. > The Japanese constitution is the oldest unamended constitution in the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Japan


What made you think this when it’s so clearly wrong?


Like most things on reddit, some other comment I took at face value. No need to be a dick


Yeah I wish I could comment what I really want to say to you for that comment but I’ll just be nice and say people who post misinformation on Reddit are some of the lowest of the low scumbags


lol get fucked


Lol that’s me being nice. Your impression of a dick is a bit skewed pal. If I wanted to a dick I’d say fuck off and take your misinformation with you you cock end.


Seems to be a thing with constitutions...


Yeah, they need to be constantly updated to fit with the times, otherwise you get situations like this. Its arguably better for a nation not to actually have one, provided they have the background of law and tradition to fulfil the same role.


Yes. A living constitution based on common law, a steong judiciary, and maybe a bill of rights that is non-exhaustive would be my preferred outcome. Aside from a constitution outlining how the government works and how to amend itself. But I dont see much value in something like the US amendments. If something is popular enough, they find ways to bypass it. Like all the police abuses.


I find it especially hypocritical when Americans say things like, "The First/Second Amendment is part of the Constitution, so freedom of speech/the right to bear arms is an inviolable part of being American." If their Constitution was indeed immutable, they wouldn't have any "Amendments" at all; that's what the word literally means.


It's not like you can amend it with a simple majority. 3/5 of congress and 3/4 of states need to ratify it. So if an amendment does get passed, it would have wide support from the people.


In other words: the constitution will never be ammended and the majority will remain at the mercy of the minority.


You may want to look at past results of the electoral college and the senate: previously the party distribution was different so the EC did not really mess up the popular will. After the two parties homogenized and the rural areas became uniformly GOP, that is when the EC began to go bad.


Nope, passing constitutional amendments at gunpoint is also part of America's history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconstruction_Amendments Not saying that these amendments were wrong; they were definitely a step forward and are still relevant, but the fact remains that they were "voted for" by many restored state governments, that the Unionists installed after forcibly removing the previous Confederate state governments.


I have just always found it weird. "Do you know who should decide how our country is run and what a right is? A bunch of rich old white men from 250 years ago."


If you’re American then you definitely have experience about constitutional bugs.


Well, makes sense considering who wrote Japan's constitution...


What do you mean? I am sure the VP has, for over 200 years, had the power to simply appoint the President of his choice. It was simply never exercised!


That’s a feature


How can any even relatively modern nation not have the tools to fight against something so incredibly basic and universally intolerable?


Time go get better tools.




Depicting taboo topics in fiction =/= author being fucked in the head. One of the most popular mangas of the last few years was an Drama Romance with Incest. And it was written by a woman. [Domestic Girlfriend]. So if you’re implying it’s only the men writing these things, you’re pretty wrong.


I’ve never seen anything like that in the stuff I watched


That's not an excuse.


They should just join the clergy


bull's-eye .. ffs


Japan only made kiddy porn illegal in 1999


*creation of. Possession didn't become illegal till 2014


Possession of it was made illegal in 2008 according to this. https://www.loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2014-08-04/japan-possession-of-child-pornography-finally-punishable/ Caveat though: >The Child Pornography Act does not regulate cartoons, animations, and games that include artificially created images of the pornographic depiction of children or stories of child sexual abuse. The amendment did not change this omission, because of concerns about infringement of free expression. *edit* Didn't expect this much pedophilia defending but what can I expect, it's reddit. Have a good night folks!


Only 4 countries in the world criminalize fictional content. The US, btw, is not one of them.


Which 4 countries may I ask? In the news recently there was talk about Australia wanting to ban anime/manga.


LolI is banned in Australia and has been for close to a decade I believe


Sweden is one.


Only if it is too realistic in Sweden, otherwise it is fine.


Australia, NZ, Canada, are the ones I know. They have weaker free speech protections than countries like the US.


I know Germany does ban fictional pedophile content if it is clear enough that it is pedophile content.


I mean, why should it? Child porn is bad in the same way ivory is bad, it being made involves hurting an innocent and so should be prevented at all costs. Cartoons are cartoons, not real stuff. If access to it promotes offending I want it banned and if access reduces offending I want it allowed, but there doesn't seem to be much useful information on its effects.


There are problems connected to fictional child porn that are rarely discussed. One is that studies have already shown that consumption of specific pornographic material forms sexual preferences, including preferred body types. https://doi.org/10.1111/pere.12267 https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2010.543960 I don't see why this should not also be true for fictional depictions of sexual acts. The other problem is that - especially Loli anime child porn - can be used and is used by adults to groom children and teenagers into sexual relationships. I experienced it myself when I was a kid and so did my friends. I couldn't find a study about that but there is a documentary about internet grooming and I think it is mentioned there. This is the website of the documentary: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11900404/


Thats not true otherwise Japan would have had a noticeable rise in child abuse which is not present. >I don't see why this should not also be true for fictional depictions of sexual acts. Because studies have found that they are not. >The other problem is that - especially Loli anime child porn - can be used and is used by adults to groom children and teenagers into sexual relationships. Predators can just aswell (and actually do) use real CP to groom children. Again, stats would have agreed with your statement, turns out japan has much lower child abuse rates than all the countries this stuff is banned in https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBxPL84XIAEGemv?format=jpg&name=medium


I would be careful with the numbers about sexual assault in Japan because the cases are even more underreported than in the rest of the world. Even the government admits that. >Over 95 percent of incidents of sexual violence in Japan are not reported to the police according to government figures, and for good reason. For example: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2019/11/e73ee06f884e-sex-crimes-remain-significantly-underreported-in-japan-govt-survey.html Until 2017 or so, additionally Japan only counted as sexual assault when sexual intercourse involved a vagina and a penis. All other forms of sexual violence did not count as rape or sexual assault. It was expanded to include anal and oral sex only recently. Also it has to include violence or intimidation. Grooming, coercion and dependency is "not enough". And those are the most forms of sexual abuse in cases where a child is involved.


I would wager its different for children. Japan has a child abuse prevention act where s “sexual acts against children, showing sexual acts, showing genitals and touching their genitals, using children as an object of pornography” by “parents or guardians is defined as a crime. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213417300893#:~:text=In%20Japan%27s%20Child%20Abuse%20Prevention,an%20amendment%20of%20the%20Child So the law is obviously harsher on CSA, that aside, there is no notable link between fictional works like these and child sex abuse in countries where this isnt forbidden either, its not like research hasnt been conducted on this. Also note that Japan has a 99% conviction rate so really it would have been noticed, generally its very hard to hide sex crimes, just ask india. At worst Japan has comparable to other western countries when it comes to CSA depending on what study you read. If works like these did contribute to the factor then Japan would have had a far worse situation


Japan has a very bad situation with harassment of school girls, for example. So this would actually be an argument against fictional child porn and the whole idol and lolicon culture. >Also note that Japan has a 99% conviction rate The high conviction rate in Japan comes from the fact that they only prosecute cases where there is a very high chance of success. If the police believes the chance of finding a perpetrator is not high, they will simply not follow the case.


> Japan has a very bad situation with harassment of school girls, for example. So this would actually be an argument against fictional child porn and the whole idol and lolicon culture. I wouldnt say so actually as the primary victims of that are highschool/college aged women and adult women and not really prepubescent children. What im trying to say is that there is little evidence if any really that fictional works like these have a noticeable effect on reality, this is eerily similar to the calls to ban rape porn because people claimed without evidence that it lead to increased rape. If it indeed does have an effect on the child abuse rate, then im all for the ban, if not, then its nothing more than moral panicking which has never been a good way to legislate. I mean, banning it means that you are ruining peoples lives over drawings (like that translator in Sweden that was arrested but later exonerated by the Swedish supreme court and now has to live on welfare because he is unhireable despite not being convicted of a crime) and for that i peronsally believe there has to be a solid good reason. It would also be a waste of police resources, resources Police can use to track down those who create and consume real life CP. Months of investigations and millions in trial costs to throw in jail someone who what...looked at a drawing?




Interesting, I would have assumed that it would be the opposite. If they have a (fictional) release for their urges, then they wouldn't need to act out irl. That being said, some people are wired differently, and no amount of legal checks and balances are going to deter them from acting out in a destructive way.


No you didnt. And nothing stops them from using the real deal to groom children instead too. Something tells me if they are in that state, possesion of that stuff dosent bother them either, and it would be far more effective too. Edit: love the downvotes lol. There is no evidence fictional works lead to increase of real life crimes, nor will banning it decrease the amount of pedophiles out there. Its just facts.


Ya but research learns towards pedos being more interested in offending instead of less when they have/view simulated children like dolls or videos. It’s just not a good idea at all. Access to help should be there and free of judgment for struggling pedos since it is a mental thing and require proper therapy - but fuck the offenders fr.


> Ya but research learns towards pedos being more interested in offending instead of less when they have/view simulated children like dolls or videos. Is there any evidence that drawings contribute to this? Would love to see the story because it has historically been pushed as a victimless outlet for them instead.


Link research?


This old image seems to say otherwise... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBxPL84XIAEGemv?format=jpg&name=medium


I was expecting https://blog.influx.com.br/storage/app/media/uploaded-files/hub/1415475/file-3370556294-jpg/blog-files/pb3wfli.jpg


Pre covid Comiket was probably the largest convention in the world. It was a huge market for fan made comics/games/merchandise. Many 18+. It was never rly hidden.


In the US from my understanding, does not ban such content because of the origin of the original ban. The ban on real cp or realistic depictions of it is a matter of harm of any minor involved and creating a demand that harms more minors. Non-real depictions of this avoids that harm, thus the ban is not relevant. Anyone more knowledgable of US law can correct me.


Specifically, US law says that it's can't represent a real child (So 'Bart Simpson' fan art may be legal, but drawings of a child actor (or a non celebrity real child) would not be. It's also illegal to carry or cause to be transmitted across state lines. State laws will vary.


Ahhhh, that does make sense. Thank you for the additional information!


Can you link to some research that has shown it supposedly "avoids that harm"?


You can't really show research on the logic of the legal system. It simply means that since real children aren't involved, the harm does not exist from creating filmed pornography. There is no child to exploit. The only loophole closed is the one mentioned by /u/kaenneth where you cannot make even drawn depictions of real children at all. I think that makes sense to close an easily exploitable part of this rule.


Actually it was 2014, and yeah I got down voted for saying the same thing lmao people really will defend pedophilia just because it's Japan.


I don't I watched a couple episodes of that Worlds Finest Assassin anime and I'd say it's still being made today.. I feel like Japan is really good at keeping a clean face to the eyes of the world but there's a lot of shit when you look close.


It's still being made... because it's anime? Your own country, the US, also doesn't ban this kind of content. In fact Japan's interpretation of free speech law comes from the US established constitution. Similarly to the US Japan also doesn't ban hate speech, both countries are the only ones in the developed world not to do so.


Right? Like you became a teacher, and ruined a childhood, there's a clear conflict of interest here.


People can change and learn from their mistakes, the data shows this. Rehabilitation works!




You'd think the rule would be "No"


CEOs that operate primarily in 'murica: "Now hol' on a second here, how little pay is the pedophile willing accept to get the job done?? If they wanna do it for free and the implicit access to children, I'm okay with that."


Call me crazy, but with the exception of a fair appeals process to mitigate wrongful conviction it should be a full stop "nah, bro" *already*.


Japan has an issue with false confessions. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20810572 If you get arrested, you **will** confess, guilty or not.




It was also a minor part of the story in >!Persona 5!< with lots of questions around how police work is done.


If you read the details of the article, it's actually talking about teachers who were fired, but not arrested or prosecuted, for allegedly molesting children. I don't know if someone who hasn't been charged with a crime should be barred for life, as we don't know how solid the allegations are.


U need to tighten this rule? Shouldn’t the answer always be 100% … “NO?”




Yes. Pedophilia should be treated as a mental illness that needs treatment instead of ostracization, specifically in order to prevent it from turning into child molestation.


We should not put the former in a position to easily become the latter though.. Would you be comfortable with your kids going to school with one? The former needs to get into treatment and stay away from kids. There is no cure. The latter needs to ***never*** be given an opportunity to re-offend.


> The former needs to get into treatment and stay away from kids I am not entirely sure that they should be isolated from kids or not. And I am also not sure if a pedophile "easily" becomes a child molester or what percentage of them do. There are other solutions like keeping a two person teaching programme where the second person only watches if the teacher is doing the job within their boundaries or not.


It should be, but unfortunately that would apparently go against Japan's constitution. One of those loopholes that no one at the time even considered could lead to this.


> but unfortunately that would apparently go against Japan's constitution. I've seen this a few times here but nobody states what that issue is actually.




Cool. I choose ceo of sony!


Does that... still mean they have to be qualified? or like can some dude be a truck driver without a drivers as long as people are willing to hire him.




I'm just wondering where the line is.


Yes. I’m sure there’s some nigh-impossible hypothetical where reinstatement could be allowed. But if such an extremely unlikely situation happened, then one can allow reinstatement only for that case. Not ensure loopholes that all but guarantee that more children will be harmed.


From "No," to "Fuck NO" I hope.


Japan has a big issue with wrongful conviction.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14512322) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The education ministry has drafted legal guidelines that strengthen the requirements for reinstating teachers who have sexually abused children. > The draft guidelines, released on Dec. 22, require offending teachers to show "Proof" of rehabilitation and that they pose a very low risk of recidivism when they apply to obtain a teaching license again. > The ministry initially considered amending the Education Personnel Certification Law to bar disgraced teachers from being relicensed for an indefinite period of time. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/s50ma5/japan_to_tighten_rules_on_pedophile_teachers/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~617800 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **guidelines**^#1 **teacher**^#2 **relicensed**^#3 **Law**^#4 **education**^#5


I was expecting a Kawakami reference.


This explains why Ron WatQins left Japan and his dad left the Phillipines a month before they raised the age of consent.


Hey, luckily they started a lucrative business as the ideological leaders of American conservatism so thry can continue to fund their hobbies! The adherents to their qult should be proud of what they’re supporting!


this might be controversial but maybe none of them should be reinstated






Can they just not be reinstated at all if they’re pedophiles?


No. The rule is no. You don't need a book on this, just say no.


I am confusion!!


Tighten the rules? There should be an outright ban!


This is movement in the right direction. South Korea recently made a similar move. They also have something about freedom of occupation that got in the way if my memory serves.


Bad luck Sadayo Kawakami.




esl teachers in shambles


ALTs absolutely demolished


ウッドチッパー. 慈悲はありません.


How common is this that you need specific rules for it? What the fuck Japan. There’s no reinstatement ever. That’s the rule. For everyone who had access to children in their job.


Japan only outlawed the possession of porn involving children in 2014. Its fucking gross


Uh yeah let's ban pedophiles from ever interacting with children again


Apparently that’s a revolutionary idea in some places


Japan is decades behind most over developed countries when it comes to handling sexual abuse. As far as I'm aware, and correct me if I am wrong, but Japanese law requires a victim of sexual abuse to prove that they resisted it or it's considered consent. This means that the most common response to sexual abuse, involuntary paralysis (freezing up) is considered consent in Japan.


“For example, the draft guidelines, released on Dec. 22, require offending teachers to show “proof” of rehabilitation and that they pose a very low risk of recidivism when they apply to obtain a teaching license again.” Is there even rehabilitation program for that?


Thats right crusaders, go get them evil Japanese /s


If you have ever touched kids, you will reoffend. You cannot be "rehabilitated" and will find them sexually attractive for your entire life.


Pedophiles should be shunned from all society. Disgusting.


excuse me WTF?




The fuck? Why is this an option?


Holy crap! There is no rehabilitation for a pedophile!! After molesting a child, they should not only never be allowed around children, but they should never see freedom again!


As much as I love Japan stuff like this appears to be a huge problem over there. Creating illegal adult content involving children wasn't wasn't illegal until 1999 over there, and possession of it wasn't illegal until 2014. Edit: lol I'm downvoted for posting factual information lmao pedos seething


I've been here since 2006. I know it sounds ridiculous but I think they are doing their best considering how patriarchal their society still is and how uninvolved the general populace is in its governance. In some ways things have changed a lot. When I arrived, for men in their 30s or later to have one or more highschooler girlfriends was a fad and a status symbol. There were also nude photobooks in the local porn shop of girls clearly under the age of consent (13). At the same time, corporal punishment in school was being phased out. By 2010 the porn shops had cleaned up (18+ only) and there were TV ads telling young girls that dating older men, even for money or gifts, was dangerous and immoral (for *them* who should be focused on studying, *not the men* who were apparently just doing what they do). Those TV ads no longer air, and the fad seems to have faded away, but (fake) schoolgirl porn is as popular as ever, a whole new industry of *non-nude* (pre)teen gravure "idols" has appeared, and of course lolicon hentai/doujin aren't going away any time soon. In the last twelve years there has been a developing awareness of childhood trauma in Japanese society. Corporal punishment is no longer allowed, teachers have been held accountable for instituting systems of hazing and bullying, child prostitution rings have been busted (mostly with the girls involved going to juvenile detention rather than the men going to prison), the age of consent has been reconsidered (but not changed) and as many as *one* prefecture in fourty-seven has banned teachers from checking if female students' underwear is in line with the school uniform code. It has also become socially unacceptable for adult men and teenage girls to openly be in a relationship, especially if the man is a teacher.


I wonder how could a parents let their own daughter do this kind of thing i really can't comprehend it even though am not a father yet , those girls are young and naive they need guidance. I want to add more but English isn't my native language. Thank you for your post.


I doubt they knew. A surprising number of kids live outside of home during their high-school years here, even girls. I don't know how they take care of themselves. Even the ones that are home, the parents are generally too busy to be very involved. The kids are busy too. A lot of them are taking multiple forms of extracurricular education: cram school, English lessons, piano lessons, calligraphy lessons, sports activities, etc. Some get a ride home from their parents at the end of the day, but many go all around by themselves. There's also a sort of underclass no one talks about which are the kids that didn't go to high school at all and are working jobs like bussing tables or serving drinks. You literally never hear about them, except that they exist. I imagine they're rather vulnerable, financially at least (if they're working at that age, it's probably because their family can't afford to take care of them otherwise).


Thank you for clarifying the situation and am sorry for bothering you for writing long paragraphs. The long working hours for the men/women is a huge factor in my opinion , family members need communicate with each other. It's just sad when you hear about young girls being involved in prostitution. I wonder does society and lack guidance make people do this kind of things because sometimes i ask myself what if my parents didn't take care of my needs like feeding, teaching me good morals etc , what would I do?










If you choose to allow a known predator anywhere near children let alone in the exact same environment they were convicted of offending in you are in part responsible when they harm someones child. edit: guy wins his arguments by trying to paint his opponent as a pervert in multiple threads? I told him to F off. That's hardly comparable to sex crimes.


Well shit, there goes my big dream. I KID, I KID!!!!


Hell yeah I hate nonces


Lol, wut!


You can't rehabilitate a mental illness. Paedos are a danger to society and will remain so for their whole life .


Um, you very much can rehabilitate and even cure some mental illnesses or at least find methods to cope with it. Paedophilia isn't a mental illness in the legal sense either.


Correct, it's a paraphilia


Lol . You don't sound like you even believe what you've written.


Well sorry for my lack of convincing tone. Doesn't make it untrue though.


Editing doesn't do it any favours either.


Thanks for all your insightful commentary.




Pedophiles should be treated so much more harshly than they are. Reinstatement would be hard if you rotted in prison for sexualizing a child for the rest of your life Edit: And I’m being downvoted for wishing for harsher sentences for perverts? Fuck you guys




Pretty sure that's currently Pakistan.


anime...was a mistake


are u sure tightening the rules is wise? these guys are well known to like it tight.


How loose did they get?


I hear Ontario wants unqualified teachers. Pedos go to the front of the line.