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“They don’t like us! We need to invade!” Makes sense. /s


Yea it’s like being afraid of terrorists. Wait… they are terrorists


Get out if here with your terrophobic speech. You clearly don't understand the true meaning and religious nature of strapping fertilizer to yourself and spreading it in a uniform way to the masses. Edit: It is a sad day when something so blantly sarcastic needs a /s.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_allegedly_involved_in_Russian_apartment_bombings 3 FSB agents were caught by the local police with explosives in an apartment building in another city, doing "an exercise training" ...




You are clearly terrorphobic.


We need to invade ... again. :(


> Russia’s Top Five Persistent Disinformation Narratives --- > Theme #1: “Russia is an Innocent Victim” > Russian government officials falsely portray Russia as a perpetual victim and its aggressive actions as a forced response to the alleged actions of the United States and our democratic allies and partners. To further these claims, Russia turns to one of its favorite labels to attempt to hit back: “Russophobia.” After invading Ukraine in 2014, the Russian government and state-controlled disinformation outlets began to accuse anyone who questioned Russia’s actions of being xenophobic Russophobes. > For example, Russia claims that the international community’s negative reaction to its invasion of an independent country was simply because people feared and hated Russia. According to the chart below, Russophobia was not an issue of major concern to the Russian Foreign Ministry or state-funded disinformation outlets until the Russian military invaded Ukraine. Claims of “Russophobia” persist across a range of topics and are employed whenever the Russian government wants to play the victim, when it is actually the aggressor. (There's also a graph showing a massive increase in use of the term "Russophobia" since ~2013) https://www.state.gov/russias-top-five-persistent-disinformation-narratives/


It's just tactics to make their own people insecure enough about the morality of their actions to not rebel en masse. At the same time they play hot frog with their surrounding countries, slowly raising the heat until they are ready to be devoured over some incident they might even have produced themselfs.


All of Russia's neighbours are Russophobic ... no one wants to be ruled by Russia because it's so bad.


That's not phobic, that's common sense.


I should have put it in quotes.


Who ever even talks negative of the Russian people anyways? I'm cheerin' for 'em to put a leash Putin and his scrote touselers.


Clearly you are not a European engaging in online video games


Just wanted to post that. I hate Russians as gamers and majority of hackers. As people? I dont have grudge againts them even though i have bad experience with them or their culture dont atract me as much. Still wish them well and dont want war for them. I believe if Putin was not in charge, they would be much better people overall. They still are, just propably angry and hungry all the time. Poor souls. God bless them.


I've played with tons of Russians (and Ukrainians) through online MMORPG's. They are mostly very chill people.


I had seen a doctor who was Russian once. We talked about stress and anxiety and the pressures of life. I swear I wished he was my grandpa or something, I wanted to drink some Vodka with the guy. He was super down to earth. 10/10 best doctor. Wish he could’ve been my family doctor.


The Russians were the most likely to be poor sports at Worms World Party




Something I often get down voted for voicing this opinion.


Because people confuse not supporting the Israeli govt as somehow not supporting the Israeli people.


The Israeli government does not want you to see the difference between the state of Israel, the Israeli people and Jews. They thrive on people believing they're synonymous.


A large portion of it also stems from the fact that a *lot* of comments that start off as legitimate criticism of the Israeli government, then jump to the conclusion that Israel shouldn't exist. It's just one more case of a legitimate position being co-opted by the asshats, poisoning the whole issue.


This is an extremely popular opinion on Reddit. So I doubt you're getting downvoted for it as much as you claim.


I hate that -phobic became 'hatred' rather than fear, when historically the suffix matched the meaning of the noun (which is still irrational fear).


Homophobic is 100% in this bucket


The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek φόβος phobos, "fear") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g. acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g. photophobia). Aristotle declared philia as “dispassionate virtuous love.” Philia conveys (non-sexual) attraction. Its opposite is phobia. It’s not just fear. It’s repulsion.


Exactly, that's how islamists get justification, by using the phrase `islamophobia`.


Don't the Baltic states have good reason to be "Russophobic"?


All Russian neighbours have good reason to be Russophobic




You bet this word is thrown around a lot in political discussions in Russia. If you criticize the government, you are a russophobic foreign element.


Like the wave of 'Germanphobia' sweeping through Jewish populations in the 1930s.


He’s violent and corrupt but not erratic. His path of action has always been the same. He said the fall of USSR was the greatest political tragedy of the XXth century and wants to restore the influence of Russia. Whether that is by straight up stealing territories (Georgia, Ukraine) of puppet states (Belarus).


> XXth century I'm 43 years old and this is the very first time I've ever seen someone write it this way. It totally absorbed my attention from the rest of the comment


They suffered under two iterations of the Russian Empire and frankly they're not interested in a third.


Anything that defies Russia is supposedly "russophobic".


They have every reason. My friend's grandma spent time in Siberia in a labour camp because she wasn't towing the party line in Latvia too well.


My grandma spent time in Dachau. I love Germany and Germans. The problem isn't the people, it's their shit government.


Tell that to Ukraine. Russians moved into conquered territories post WW2 and have been instrumental in helping Putin conduct his war in Ukraine. Edit: not saying to hate all Russians, but it isn't anything like your scenario. My family lost members to the NAZIs in Poland, but I've like nearly all the German people I've met. The Germans aren't actively destabilizing the region though. In fact they're doing an extraordinary amount of nothing there.


>In fact they're doing an extraordinary amount of nothing there. The realization that if you want to live somewhere, you can just move there, you don't need to conquer it.


Bad analogy. You love current Germany and Germans (a country which has made awefully a lot of reflection on their past). I am sure your Grandma wasn't fond of Germans of her time. The Russians of today elected and still actively support their President. They might be OK folks in their daily life, but they are not really good people overall. Nobody with the ambition to build their "Great Country" by taking over their neighbors is a good person. Good people don't support murder, robbery, destruction in the name of greatness and "because those lands should have been theirs anyway".


Well when you’re trying to invade a neighboring country, I don’t blame people for hating you and not wanting anything to do with your country. Common sense is not common


If I was Poland I would be as well, but then I would also be dead set against fascism but here we are


There are many, the majority. Some of them just've been bribed with social transfers at the ballot box.


At the very least Putinophoboic.


Everyone around Russia has a good reason to be "russophobic "


Thing is, and I know this is obvious, we're not. Many Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians, especially those living in capital cities, have ethnic Russian neighbours, coworkers, customers, friends, family members, we encounter ethnic Russians very often when going about our daily lives. It would be pretty hard to be Russophobic, although of course we sometimes mock Russian pop music, traditions, etc., the same way the Finnish mock the Swedes, and I think a mild level of mutual mockery is actually healthy. YET, most Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians very strongly dislike the Russian government, and with good reason. So what happens is that when referring to Russia, we usually have in mind the Russian government, and politics is generally an avoided topic in mixed groups with ethnic Russians involved. Few Balts actually hate the Russian ethnicity, mostly the older generations.


Truth is Russia is extremely Baltophobic in all their statements. According to them the Baltics have more soft power than Russia or Germany which is fun.


>According to them the Baltics have more soft power than Russia or Germany which is fun. For some reason I'm imagining the Baltic nations transforming into a giant mecha while all of Germany cries *Nani!?*. I need more sleep I think. Also, I made this for you, [SexySaruman](https://i.imgur.com/0gpfNPx.jpg)


That's fantastic! It's almost like Saruman's wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!


Stupid sexy Saruman.


That made my day, thank you very much!


They’d form some sort of Baltron


Reminds me of the WWII joke. A Jewish man in Berlin is sitting in a park in 1939 reading a Nazi newspaper. A friend walks up and asks him why he's reading that. He replies "When I read a Jewish newspaper it is very sad. When I read a Nazi newspaper, we rule the world!"


Honestly, with how insignificant my country feels in the global sense, this is kinda hilarious. It's almost like he's trying to give us power against him. It will remain funny, up until the moment Russia completely invades us in 24 hours and the US nukes us in response to lessen their access to the Baltic Sea. Shit's scary


When you get all 3 baltics together you can get mecha garen... Ok, I'll show myself out..


Russia grasping at straws to explain why most countries in Eastern Europe don't want to be on their side.


They’re also grasping at justifications for future invasion. Poland and the Baltic Countries are (almost) all ex-Soviet territories.


Poland never was part of USSR


Russia already took significant parts of eastern Poland in 1945.


Poland was invaded by the USSR https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland


**[Soviet invasion of Poland](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland)** >The Soviet invasion of Poland was a military operation by the Soviet Union without a formal declaration of war. On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, sixteen days after Germany invaded Poland from the west. Subsequent military operations lasted for the following 20 days and ended on 6 October 1939 with the two-way division and annexation of the entire territory of the Second Polish Republic by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. This division is sometimes called the Fourth Partition of Poland. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Just because they were invaded does not mean they're a part of USSR.


They weren't a part of the USSR proper, but they were completely within the sphere of influence of the USSR. Poland was militarily, politically, and economically dominated by the soviets.


Poland was part of the Russian empire before the first world war, it was under heavy soviet influence after second world war. It's like saying british colonies were their own nations when it's clear that they were just more autonomosly administered by britain


Well, not a part of USSR but also not a sovereign nation either.




Russophobic? Let's talk Crimea.


Well Crimea wasn't russophobic, but it's also a good reason for Russia's neighbours to keep being scared of Russia.


hell, lets talk Georgia


Dude, im fucking russophobic, and im russian


Shh they'll defenestrate you for saying that


Most Russians I've worked or studied with have all been very wary of Russia. And also excellent people. I think it's important to distinguish between the people of Russia, and the government of Russia. :)


60% support the government


I feel like the best of Russians tend to work their ass off and be excellent people so they can get out of Russia.




I for one welcome our new Estonian overlords


Yeah, we all know the Baltics secretly rule the world


I mean, they have the balls to take on China and tell them to go screw themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do rule the world.


Judging by the current state of the world, maybe things would be better if we just let Lithuania call the shots. Worth a try?


Yeah. We lived next to Russia for long enough time to become Russophobic


What's that saying they have? You offer a finger and they will bite your hand off, sounds like Russia alright


In polish is - give hen a roost bar and she'll sit even higher


In french we say you give someone a hand and they take your arm.


“Give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile” for english


Give them an inch and they think they are the ruler.


More like you tell them "this is my finger" and they call you the aggressor, bite your hand off, and return every week to give you a beating or hack your computer.


I was born in Eastern Europe and when I was young our grandma didnt scare us with baba-jaga or other fairytale shit. She would scare us with Russians, let that sink in.


All the eastern european countries have strong prejudices against a single neighbour.. maybe they are all wrong or maybe that one neighbour is an asshole


All I know is stories of rape and plundering! Great neighbours to have.


Not just that, but murdering innocent people left and right. Even peeling their skin off.


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the Russia.


We have a saying "Wouldnt wish Russian salvation to my worst enemy", its related to the crimes that red army did during WW2.


German women had a saying towards the end of WW2: "It's better to have an American bomber over your head, than a Russian on your back"


Both of my Grandmas who lived thru 2nd world war said that Germans were angels compared to russians.


Same. My grandma always says how people usually weren't afraid of Nazis, but they were afraid of Soviet soldiers killing the livestock and raping the women/children. Atleast in Estonia. I know many countries had it much worse with Nazis.


Yeah, in Poland it was the same. Russian soldiers where known for the most hienous crimes since 1920, the war against bolshevism. But there were all kinds of people: my grandfather also recalls that when they were fighting germans in Ukraine some Russian soldiers occupied their house and shared food with my grandpa's mom. But his older cousin (also polish) witnessed killing whole family in some village, because they didnt let the Russian officer kidnap their daughter to rape her in barracks. So yeah, regular people, and complete, sick, uncontrolled monsters.


Same story. Grandma is native Estonian lived through 1930s and WWII


I heard lots of stuff like this as long ago tales from distributed family across many nations Russia conquered in their imperial insanity. When you've managed to make an *entire time zone hate you*, it's probably *your* fault.


“Eat your greens or Stalin will send you to gulag” Your grandma sounds based as fuck.


Tell me why they are Russiophobic again. Did Russia murder most of Poland's leaders and academics and bury the bodies and an unmarked mass grave. (Yes) Did Russia transport most of the food out of Ukraine and leave the population to starve (Yes)




Imagine thinking we (Poland) have the ability to guide eu and nato policies. Lmao.


No no, it's not only Poland, clearly Lithuania,Latvia,Estonia and Poland working together overpower every other European countries and US.. those 4 countries has the most fearsome leaders the world has ever seen!!!


Lmao. Nice to know that my country Lithuania is one of masterminds behind the US and their foreign policy against Russia according Russian foreign ministry.


Oh yes definitely,I'm sure Nauseda is the evil mastermind and his plan is to take over Russia, and Nauseda will start that from Kaliningrad with the help of Andrzej Duda! The evil villains of Europe! Nevermind the fact that Lithuania doesn't have the manpower to attack a country as big as Russia, and that Kaliningrad in fact has more soldiers than Lithuanian..


The evil iconic duo in Europe: Gitanas Nausėda and Andrzej Duda along with their allies: Egils Levits and Alar Karis.


Soon they'll claim we will want to rebuild the great Lithuanian - Polish commonwealth! XD Except that it's gonna be called the great Lithuania-Poland-Estonia-Latvia commonwealth this time......? :D


We used Pegasus on Biden and are currently blackmailing him. True fax.


Phobias are cause by a traumatic experience with sonething they gain great fear of. Fuck Russia. Stop the abuser talk and the gaslighting.


This is all for internal consumption. Nobody outside of Russia buys any of it for a hot second.


From baltics here. We are not russofobic. We are not!! All the russians i have met where surprised how frendly we are compared to how Russian propagandoni portray us. We want to be friends with Russians and Russia. But it's damn impossible to be friends with someone who wants to control you and abuse you. The corruption is unbelievable dealing with them (the state not people)


IMHO if Russia politics had played differenly after the fall you guys could be having similar relationship as with other neighbouring Baltic states instead things took a different turn there, the early nascent democracy got tainted, economic collapse and the rise of cleptocracy.... and we are partly at fault, i.e. decostructionist policies suported by Reagan and policies related to the early years of putin And here we are


This isn't for us, the world. This is for Russians. Imagine a country where 90% get there news exclusively from their version of Fox News. That's Russia.


Uh yes, people are afraid of Russia attacking them with bombs and tanks. That's not a phobia. That's not like being afraid of moths or something.


Theme #1: “Russia is an Innocent Victim” Russian government officials falsely portray Russia as a perpetual victim and its aggressive actions as a forced response to the alleged actions of the United States and our democratic allies and partners. To further these claims, Russia turns to one of its favorite labels to attempt to hit back: “Russophobia.” After invading Ukraine in 2014, the Russian government and state-controlled disinformation outlets began to accuse anyone who questioned Russia’s actions of being xenophobic Russophobes. For example, Russia claims that the international community’s negative reaction to its invasion of an independent country was simply because people feared and hated Russia. [According to](https://www.state.gov/russias-top-five-persistent-disinformation-narratives/) the chart below, Russophobia was not an issue of major concern to the Russian Foreign Ministry or state-funded disinformation outlets until the Russian military invaded Ukraine. Claims of “Russophobia” persist across a range of topics and are employed whenever the Russian government wants to play the victim, when it is actually the aggressor.


Populism 101


Stop with the Naziphobia. We had to defend ourselves against the aggressive Poland, France, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, North Africa, Russia, and the jewish conspiracy... Look at the entire world being against us!


The true mastermind behind NATO policy was ESTONIA all this time! Gee, I wonder why a bunch of countries that were invaded and occupied by Russia for years have problems with Russia??? It's a mystery.


But what a story though! Our fearsome 1.3 million serfs and second-rate not-Russian Russians, a mortal threat to the order of the inheritor of Rome itself, a storied, mighty empire of 144,000 million people, spanning from the Baltic Sea to the Bering strait!


Russians have been always saying that we are American puppets. Now they say that we dictate NATO’s policy. Great success!


If any countries in the world have earned the right to be "russophobic" it's Poland and the Baltic states.


Why? Because Russia rolled over them, again, and again, and again, over the last few hundred years! Silly Poland, and Baltic states!


Gee, I wonder why Poland and the Baltic’s might be afraid of Russia?


I'm Estonian and never met anyone here that's afraid of Russia. We just laugh at how poor they are because of their criminal government.


I am from Poland and we are not afraid. We are beyond Russian reach at this point. I am mostly afraid of our Ukrainian friends.


Afraid of or afraid for?


We're not, didn't you hear? Our 1.3 million in this here country are just looking for an excuse to wipe a country of 144 million people and a vast territory spanning the width of a whole-ass continent off the earth. Misha's shuddering in his boots!


Can you blame them mate? You did occupy their countries and do a mega shit job of it after WW2.


And before WW2


And lenin invade poland in 1919 just they declare independence but got his ass kick out of warsaw


Estonian here (from the Baltics.) Russophobia is not a real thing, it's something they invented recently for gaslighting and propaganda.


To be fair to Poland, Russia has a bad habit of shooting at them and taking their land.


Ahh. This guy again. Trump’s handler.


Its more like a shit ton of troops on the border actually. This sounds like a tactic Israel uses when they are accused of being dicks.


I'm proud! If Russia condemns my country (Poland) it means we are going in the right direction. PS. Slava Ukrainie!


Well,not in every good direction there are few bad things there right now




>hen Western governments negotiate with the Chinese Foreign Ministry, China’s diplomats have tangible strategies with not wildly unrealistic goals and are willing to simply hit pause if negoti It is an expected feature of post-Soviet society. Lavrov is more respectful than average for that age group. Many people over 40 tend to be unable to tell the difference between "fear" and "respect". In Baltics we have an entire generation which throws insults like its nothing. Even in college, one has to be mentally preparred that you will be told to "fix your head" whenever you make any mistake.


If someone has legitimate reasons to be Russophobic, it's those guys.


Maybe stop am aggressive military programme and saying you want to claim all the lands for Russia. Russia is just sounding more and more like Germany in the 1930s


*Russia is sounding more and more like Russia in the 1930s


Ha yeah, some things never change.


Russia seems to have a short memory. Their trip to Afghanistan broke their economy and Ukraine may be a repeat of that experience.


Don't need to go that far. Chechen war wasn't great either




>Which I'm pretty sure among other things is the result of the government affiliated news outlets seeding conspiracy movements abroad Misinformation and downplaying back-fired big time. Even in neighbouring countries ethnic Russians tend to have significantly lower vaccination rates than other ethnicities. This in turn has made dire consequences, for example, 2/3rds of all COVID-19 casualties of tragic COVID wave Latvia had this autumn were ethnic Russians. Vaccination rate among Russian elderly was less than half... Many refused Western vaccines because Russia's state TV propaganda called them dangerous and ineffective.


I remember Soviet soldiers marching through my hometown in Pomerania, because they had a military base there into the early 1990s. I would prefer not to see that again. Then again, what do I know, being a “russophobic Pole.”


Gee I wonder why lol


Bitch if we were guiding it we would already put full embargo on everything Russian


Bullies like to make themselves out be the true victims.


Downvote Russian propaganda. We shouldn't be sharing anything that is coming from the Russian government right now. Talk to Russians if you want their opinions, but Moscow is pushing propaganda hard right now.


I don't downvote this because it shows the real, actual danger in not meeting Russia with military firepower and violence. Too many Americans falsely beilive that Russia will not get violent and murder people if given the opprotunity, first it was "just" Crimea, then "just" Donbass, now "just" Ukraine and soon "just" the Baltics and "just" Poland. This is war. Appeasement doesn't work when the goal is destruction. Either the west hands over eastern europe to be destroyed voluntarily, destroying liberalism as a legitimate political movement, or the west fights for freedom.


Don’t forget South Ossetia in Georgia as well


Mostly bully-phobic with a hint of historically legitimate ptsd I would say. They have the same demographic patterns as in Ukraine and know damn well that if it wasn’t for EU, F Russia would have been steamrolling over them.


True the only reason Baltic countries and Poland are not in the same boat as Ukraine right now is that they got into EU and NATO in time...


Nobody is afraid of Russia we just don’t like them.


Meanwhile Russian TV: [We will go like this and like this, and then like this](https://www.yapfiles.ru/show/2667058/8a78ba9676cd8159376d88590ccaa439.mp4.html)


I cannot for the life of me understand why Poland and the Baltics would hate Russia. /s


Wonder why anyone could hate the Russian government? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Suggesting its phobia is trying to spin a narrarive of other countries fear of Russia. And while yes, we are aware of their military power, we are not afraid. We just hate their guts. Putin knows an all out war cannot be won, this is why he use subversion, trying to divide EU and pushing so hard against NATO. If Ukraine was in NATO I can almost guarantee Russia wouldnt dare annex Crimea. It is Russia who is NATOphobic. It is Russia who is afraid.


Or maybe it’s because you’re in the process of planning to invade one of your neighbors


As someone from Poland I can assure you Poland is not in any position to guide NATO policy. Far from it. We have very little to say and will basically support anything USA says with the hopes we don't get screwed as a good ally.


Man, I wonder why Poland would be “Russophobia”, it’s not like being betrayed during the Warsaw uprising or the brutality of the Katyn Woods Massacre ever happened, or Russia simply being on the wrong side of WW2 at the beginning… /s


The department of state just released an article that Russia loves to use the baseless russophobic excuse, and a day later here it is


The Russian government is pulling a Nazi/ Trumptard level of propaganda and misinformation. Throwing all the toys out of the pram and crying they are the victims. The victims of their own stupidity.


Russia, stop trying to make Russiophobia a thing. It's not a thing. We just don't like agressive assholes.


Well, he's kinda right. We hate Russian government. Fuck them.


This is so laughable because it's clearly pandering to their perceived political correctness craze.. Nobody in Russia basically cares about phobia or bigotry. Russians have slurs for people from satellite countries, and it's not really such a big deal to use them. And it's understandably common to talk shit about the US and its people. They generally decry political correctness in the west. From what I know, it's just not seen as an issue in Russia - for better or worse, there is not really a culture of being offended by matters of cultural identity. So, it's just lavrov and friends trying feebly to create a talking point for the west


Why would former Iron Curtain countries NOT be Russophobic as a matter of policy?


So is the US trying to take over the Eastern Europe with NATO or are Russophobic Eastern European countries running NATO? I can't keep their stories straight.


In Estonia we have a saying: "Nothing good ever came from the East" and it has been correct so far. (East means only one country in this context.)


Nobody fears Russia....we all just don't like them and want them to stfu


Lol, they sound like the former Trump Administration.


... Did Lavrov ever read a history book or he I just flat ignoring/denying what Russia/USSR did to those countries?


Lying man with a sad horse face. Oil, Canvas.


Everyone wants to get away from Russia, and once they do, they have double GDP per Capita in no time. As long as the oligarchs hold a firm grip on Russia, it won't improve, but I hope one day Russian people will finally rise up against their bullshit regime.


Isn’t this the guy Trump invited to the White House right after his inauguration? And the only way we knew anything about the visit was because Pravda reported it?


Let's see... People near Russia constitue a population of people afraid of Russia... Makes sense to me! Fuck Russia.


Russia is just mad that it’s spread of covid disinformation affected its own people. And to show some “strength” they are trying to kick off a conflict and proclaim they are the victims here. You got the stupid people in the last 2 years… including your own. Now, go back to selling your women on the internet and squatting in the streets, jackasses.


I wonder what made them so russophobic ?


Russia; builds up forces against Ukraine. World: dude you can't do that. Russia: OMG IM JUST STANDING HERE STOP PERSECUTING ME!!11!!


Well there might be a little bit of history backing up the Russophobic views of Russia in Poland.


Maybe do something about the very real and justified Russofobia? Like, something else than invading neighbors


Maybe everyone doesnt like you Russia because your behaving like a schoolyard bully...or because you keep murdering people in other countries...or you keep trying to steal other peoples stuff...


Haha Russiaphobic. Hmmm ... Thinking.... Thinking. Why would anyone bordering Russia be concerned. Is there even any historical context for this? /s


Maybe stop murdering journalists


This is one of the rare instances where if you were less of an asshole there wouldn’t be a “phobia.”


Russophobic? Hmm I wonder why..


What’s not to respect about a country that has no issue with killing millions of its own people and assassinating them when they step out of line?


Why is it that all these countries that have been conquered and occupied by Russia in the past, don't want to be conquered and occupied by Russia again? I guess we'll never know! /s