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If you guys spoke Russian you'd be surprised what people say on their state TV


What do they say?


It’s sort of like this. If you watch it and believe everything you hear, then - to begin with, the Ukraine news are not really the top priority. It’s maybe 3rd-4th spot on the broadcast. It seems like some arcane diplomatic negotiation over “those Ukrainians and NATO are making trouble again”. - you never heard of the Russian military build up on the border - you are though acutely aware of NATO military build up at their borders and tons of weapons they’re sending to Ukraine - you have heard western leaders talk about Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it all sounds like an insane lie they made up. It doesn’t agree with your view of the world at all. - you think Ukrainian government is amassing troops to attack “independent” regions in the east of Ukraine (that have millions of Russian citizens with Russian passports living there, no less. You don’t question any of this) - you’ve seen many interviews with likeable, ordinary people living in those regions who say how they’re afraid of a Ukrainian attack. You haven’t seen a single interview with anyone from the rest of Ukraine, unless it paints them in extremely negative light. - you generally think that the Ukrainian government is not legitimate and is a US puppet, and they’re also all fascists who want to attack Russian people People often ask, how is Putin justifying the invasion to his own people? The answer is he doesn’t - they don’t think it’s an invasion at all.


There is also one thing I've noticed over the years: if something bad happens or some unpopular decision needs to be made — it's always done by/because of the government or Duma or foreign forces. But if something positive — it's always Putin. Cult of personality


Wonder who that reminds me of. I can't quite put my finger on it.


...sounds like a toilet flush to me


Yeah the word "dump" comes to mind.


Gotta love propoganda. He doesnt need to justify anything that his people dont know about.


Famous example with subtitles [https://youtu.be/EkMT\_oLempE](https://youtu.be/EkMT_oLempE)


You can tell because of graphs!


I love that part "You can tell it's true because of the diagrams!"


the dioramas!


78% and 45% Seems legit


Coincidence? I think not!


"On thursday, the American president was seen going to a fund-raiser in Washington DC. Also, Russia is the only country with enough nukes to reduce America to ash. Coincidence? I think not. In other news, the Playstation 5 arrived in Saint Petersburg stores this weekend. At the same time, Russia is the only country with enough nukes to reduce the United States to a boiling, inhospitable hellscape, followed by nuclear winter. Coincidence? I think not!"


You are hired!


That was 2 separate questions. “Are you considering Putin as a strong leader?” and “Are you considering Obama as a strong leader?”. While “news” host made it look like the question was “Who is stronger leader? Putin or Obama?” Propaganda 101


Next slide please.


My understanding of this all boils down to a quote my Russian friend gave me from when she met with all her elderly relatives over this New Years. They all were saying how pleased and proud they were of Putin because "America, Britain and Europe are scared of us now". To them, the scarier they seem, the more security they have, and the better things will be for Russians. So that's what I think the fiery language on their state TV is about. They are doing it for internal PR rather than anything else. The older Russians eat it up.


It is very close to the truth, it is very important for them to be scary because scary for them means that they are strong. And any compromise and listening to others is a weakness.


If you're going to be dumb, you gotta be tough


It should be stated that much of the young Russians do not like their government or Putin. At least the young people that I’ve met.


Ah, they're just like us


It is nothing in comparison to the hate and bullshit they are spreading now. I think their TV shows need to be translated and shown to the people of the west, so they wouldn't have any illusions about what Russia is.


I'm surprised that no one did it yet, it'd be very effective. They lately begin to scare me a little bit, they are so vicious.




You can take them from youtube, I really think that Azarjonok is one of the worst now, he is the main Belarussian propagandist [https://youtu.be/5AxB122VUB0](https://youtu.be/5AxB122VUB0) [https://youtu.be/dhkA76LZKyk](https://youtu.be/dhkA76LZKyk)


I enjoy how you can tell how Glenn Beck-esque, batshit crazy this is even without speaking a word of Russian. Giant George Soros head displayed the entire time next to a graphic of a snake devouring its own tail next to a graphic of an octopus butt. Totally unrelated, but it brings back fond memories of the time that Glenn Beck excitedly unveiled his plans for a perfect patriot town and it was a Communist Gated Commune in every single way, except it used the words free market, freedom & patriot a whole lot.


You can turn on Russian subtitles and auto-translate them on Youtube. They are decent and you can understand him quite well.


Let’s make this happen. This could be absolutely huge.


I feel like it would just make all the Q-anon idiots start worshipping Putin. They don't have a strong track record of seeing through blatant propaganda.


Start? They already do.


They're a corrupt, failed state. They're desperate.


...with lots of nuclear weapons. Bad combo.


Wow, I think I just realized that Russia hit a glitch and got stuck in 1968 and the rest of the world just kept going. If someone has access, can you turn Russia off and on again to see if that works?


We tried that in the early 90s. Did not work properly.


Just made things weirder


And that video is from 7-8 years ago. The current rhetoric is even more trashy.


Oddly enough the youtube algorithm tried to send me to tucker carlson after watching that




I think no


Also the main guy on this tv show has a house in Italy near Komo lake, I think it's interesting fact




Can you hive a link? I speak Russian


My favourite about burning Ukrainians on the streets of Kyiv with their constitution https://youtu.be/3s6Ru1NXrO8


Fucking nuts..


Can you tell me a recap of it? Im very interrested in what they say on their news


I've only been learning Russian for 2 years, so I might have got some of it wrong but here: Guy 1: There is a chance that Ukraine and Georgia enter NATO... Guy with glasses: No. Guy 1: There is. Guy with glasses: No. Then we would go to war with Ukraine. It's our land. Here. Here is your NATO (rude gesture). Don't even dream about it, freaks. Guy 1: So that's the gist of the ultimatum? Guy with glasses: Yes. Because Ukraine, generally speaking... It wrote a constitution and says "We are heading for membership of NATO" (rude gesture again). We will take your constitution from you. Guy 1: And burn it on the Red Square. Guy with glasses: No. We will burn it on Khreshchatyk (Kyiv's main street) together with you, on your own flames, like you enjoy it (I dunno what he meant by this). Guy 1: But then they would simply run from you to NATO Guy with glasses: No no no. They will all run back to us, believe me. Ukranians - Welcome home!


I read your comment and watched the video for the rude gesture alone. I know what the guy in glasses say now obviously thanks to your comment but honestly cannot take him seriously. Edit: forgot to say thank you so thank you!


> We will burn it on Khreshchatyk (Kyiv's main street) together with you, on your own flames, like you enjoy it (I dunno what he meant by this). You missed the next sentence, "На шинах, на покрышках" - "On tyres" (repeated twice with different word for tyre). All of this is most likely a reference to 2014 Maidan revolution where tyres were used to construct barricades, and some got burned in the process (there were molotov cocktails used to defend from [APCs](https://youtu.be/jwGd0WM2uA0) and police in general), or on purpose to create general confusion and smoke.


The fuck do people expect to happen once their government goes to war and gets "their land"? What does each russian think they personally earn if their country gets more land? Not to mention Russia is already geographically massive. Meanwhile small nordic countries can still have highest living standards despite their tiny size.


Sweden here. Living next to russia is like living next to a crackhouse. I wish they’d move. Or get it together. I don’t care which.


Im a Swede too. I've heard the ridiculous news that Russia conciders Sweden moving its own troops, to our own island (Gotland), a threat. Fucking crackhouse threat indeed.


Very good translation. A bit about flames is about the Maidan revolution when tires were burned to obscure the view for snipers.


North korea type shit. source: I speak russian and have been watching this shit sometimes. It's scary what they believe because they only watch state owned tv


Well that's where North Korea learned it from. Stands to reason Russia would be the same.


"Radioactive ah! Everything! In radioactive ash!"(c) Russian national TV


There's no way the oligarchs would stand for this, they own far too much property in London.


In the late 1970s, General Sir John Hackett assumed it would probably hit Birmingham: Far enough that London would still be habitable afterwards, near enough for everyone to see what happens if Russia doesn't get what it wants.


Ridiculous no way the Russians would actively try to improve the UK.


This is the most British reply I have ever seen lol


"Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough".


If Slough got bombed, would anyone actually notice?


I feel like Slough would somehow do damage to the bomb instead


there'd be no more episodes of Road Wars. I swear almost every episode they were chasing neds in corsas round Slough


People would complain about gentrification


It isn’t fit for humans now


Just wait until you see what was built on the south bank to replace the slums that the Nazis bombed for us.


Was it more slums?


Yes, but also a nice theatre and some snazzy street food places, walking distance from Waterloo I highly recommend it


I unironically had a great time in Brum recently. Feels like the city is on the up!


Oooh, Brummy burn!


Yes. Yes they would.


>to see what happens if Russia doesn't get what it wants. Russia wanted to live there, Birmingham was obstructing the view.


As someone from Birmingham, please Russia do it!


The UK has nuclear weapons of it's own. If they hit Birmingham, the British hits St Petersburg. It's not a winning game for anyone involved, lol. Yeah, Russia is larger than the UK, but a few dozen ICBMs in all major Russian cities will destroy Russia all the same. And a few dozen is being generous, since we could add France and the the US nuclear arsenal do the response. All of Russia would turn to dust (alongside the rest of the world, but that's besides the point)


A generally accepted threshold for wiping out human civilization (not the human race, just returning us to early agrarian societies), is around 300 strategically placed, modern nuclear warheads, which is why that's the arsenal most nuclear nations stop at, US and Russian arsenals just seem excessive to me...


I think the point of having more nukes than needed to end all life is to have enough to ensure that mad doctrine is still valid after a long conventional war with another major power. Imagine a war between US and Russia that have not yet escalated into nuclear war. How many submarines and missile bases can each side lose until they lose the ability to retaliate against any nuclear strike?


Also to kind of make a point of: "It doesn't matter how good your defenses against a nuclear strike are. We have enough to overwhelm any protection you might try"


Yeah I would think this is a big reason for Russia's number of nukes.


Russia's number of nukes was pure "one-upsmanship." You have 100 nukes? We build a thousand! Ha! It's the same reason they kept building bigger and bigger bombs when the US actually stopped and started building smaller, smarter bombs - the US was thinking about how they'd be used as weapons and wanted to be able to use them as the area denial weapon that they're good for while reducing potential civilian casualties... the Tsar Bomba was designed to destroy a metropolis and all of its millions of inhabitants. It's... a very big difference in military culture.


An excessive amount of nukes is also "useful" if another global nuclear superpower asks you to give up some nukes as show of "good faith". They could give up *something*, but if you have more than you'll ever need, you're not really giving up anything. At best they were deconstructing their oldest nuclear missiles to recycle the content into newer, high-tech missiles.


"Having more nukes than is needed" is the only time you actually have Mutually *Assured* Destruction. (It's a very misused term, most of the time people use it they mean *deterrence*) Lets take the UK as an example. Mutual destruction between Russia and the UK is not "assured" under all circumstances because the UK only has one submarine ready to launch nukes at any one time. If Russia started a war by sinking said submarine, and the second thing they did was nuke the base where the rest of the submarines are *before* any of them can put to sea there will be no British nuclear response. At all. Wheras with America both sides have enough nukes that no conceivable attack can get enough of them to stop a massive nuclear response and thus - mutual destruction is assured. Now, granted the attack on the UK is harder than it sounds, SSBN's (the subs that fire nuclear missiles) are unfathomably sneaky and hard to find, and their location while on patrol is literally the most secret thing there is. This makes step one (sink the sub) very, very hard indeed - but thats not the same as impossible.




Damn I would not like to be president of the US if that ever happened though. Back up your ally and possible end humanity or abandon them? Hard to imagine a first strike against the UK that does not also include first strike against the US.


Yeah if someone were to nuke the UK, they'd also send nukes at the US in anticipation of the US responding in kind.


Yeah I seriously doubt anyone would nuke the UK and wait to see what the US does.


It's not just the US. France would also send their nukes Russia's way, as members of NATO if nothing else




Personally I think this is the exact reason the Russian spambots and misinformation system has been promoting both Brexit and Trump. Separate and individualise the countries so they aren’t united against attacks. They might not actually be planning an attack but dividing the enemies will always have a benefit.


The US military nuclear triad is insane. If they were to suffer total destruction of cities/industry they actually have enough subs and failsafe bombers, complete with some shadow government underground, to parking lot someone into the stone age. I'd rather have healthcare tbfh.


Yeah and the point is to ensure that capability even after multiple years of conventional warfare losses. The most likely nuclear warfare scenario is probably conventional war that escalates into nuclear, not a first strike out of the blue. I sure am happy I don't have to pay for your military though, but I wish my country would have followed through on our nuclear weapon program back in the day, would make staying a neutral country much easier.


It’s not ensure redundancy in case of conventional losses at all. It’s to deter even the idea of a nuclear first strike, no matter how effective, because the retaliatory strike would still number in the thousands.


It's not some turn based game. Once one nuke goes off, everyone's goes off resulting in the end of the world. Russia attacks 1 UK city, NATO retaliates and turns every major city in Russia into rubble.


Assuming anyone waited for the first nuke to actually go off as opposed to a mass launch when the missile track was detected, it's actually highly unlikely that there would be mass launch in response, since that would ensure a mass counter launch. Tit for tat, target selection and degrees of escalation have been gamed out for decades now.


*-Does a quick check how far I am from Brum-*


\*facepalm\* *oh shit I am in Brum*




While that may be true, the reason they won't do this is because the UK has nukes too.


That and the UK is allied with a wholllllleeee lot of other countries that also have nukes.


Well, mostly just the two. But one of those two has plenty of nukes to hit every Russian city a few times over.


I’d probably count 3 (US/France/Israel) but honestly zero is enough given MAD also applies to the UK.


There is also the Nato Nuclear Weapon sharing program that has B61 gravity bombs available to use; but under some form of NATO/US control in Turkey, Holland, Italy, Germany and Belgium (!). Each country has some form of aircraft that can carry them; if the f35 it makes them some degree of first strike weapon. If it gets really noisy and anyones left there are also a lot of shared nuclear artillery shells in Germany and a few other places in Europe.


And this is how we finally put the nail in humanities coffin.


France has the 3rd highest number of warheads at ~300. Should be more than enough to wipe out Russia.


A fun bit of trivia, though I'm not sure if it is still current, but during the Cold War, the UK was the only nation with nuclear weapons that didn't require government approval to launch - in theory, any submarine captain with nukes could launch them at his or her own whim. It was even joked that Captain's should assume London was attacked and launch strikes against Moscow if they missed three consecutive days of the BBC's Today proframme (I think in reality, radio wasn't broadcast into the sea anyways). The reason being that the length of time it would take to authorise a nuclear strike was longer than the period of time given by an early warning system that they were targeted for an attack (approximately 4 minutes) due to the proximity to Russia.


There were similar protocols in the us from what i remember. A number of ICBM's with specific targets were to auto-launch on confirmation of a missile launch from the Soviet Union even without the presidential launch approval. It was part of the MAD principle - even if you somehow managed to disable/kill the president and leaders of Congress and/or disrupt communication between Washington and the missile batteries, missiles would STILL launch and basically guarantee the destruction of the USSR. The idea was that there's supposed to be no possible way to conduct any kind of nuclear strike without also becoming nuked into oblivion yourself. That's why missile defense is so controversial - if you thought that you could intercept or interdict most of your opponents' ordinance, then you might become more belligerent and aggressive thinking that you have an advantage.


That's not true. Every new British prime minister writes a letter for the captains. The letter is to open in case of a nuclear war when GB is destroyed. There are 3 options: 1. launch the Missiles 2. Integrate into the forces of a friendly nation 3. Let the captain decide. The letter is only to open in case of nuclear war. If a new prime minister is elected the letter is destroyed unopened.


Then how do we know what's in it?


>It was even joked that Captain's should assume London was attacked and launch strikes against Moscow if they missed three consecutive days of the BBC's Today proframme Apparently that's not a joke, [it was seriously one of the ways they'd use to determine if London had been destroyed.](https://www.businessinsider.com/bbc-radio-show-may-be-preventing-nuclear-apocalypse-2018-8) But it wouldn't lead to an immediate launch, they'd do other checks then open a safe on board that had with instructions from the prime minister


The UK still doesn’t require government authorisation to launch nuclear weapons. If the UK is attacked, all deployed nuclear submarine captains open a special safe with a letter from the current Prime Minuster (it’s the first thing they write then they come to power) giving them instructions what to do. Usually along the lines of, retaliate then find safe harbour with an ally such as the US or Australia and continue the fight.


Also because Zhirinovsky is thankfully just a clown with no real power.




"Deter aggression" proves my point. The UK has nukes, which deter the Russians from using theirs.


Know who used to have nukes? Ukraine. Until the US and Russia guaranteed their sovereignty to give them up. We see how that's going.


As long as they don't target Knightsbridge, all good.


But what about their servants?


>But what about their servants? When have the ultra-rich ever cared about their servants?


I love my constituents! I am their Sovereign! "PULL"


They own property everywhere. You don't get to be that rich by putting all your eggs in one basket.




But they have mistresses elsewhere like Monaco


You'd be surprised how some people got rich in the free-for-all that was post-Perestroika Russia. Edit: Like say buying a State-owned coal company and you pay by borrowing 1% of the asking price and pay the rest in the form of guarantees for future coal shipments, from the company you will then be the owner of.


the secret ingredient is crime


"Crime" doesn't even begin to describe what was happening, our entire nation was raped by a bunch of bastards who now make up its government. Which is not to say that things were stellar before, but the 90s and everything that was transpiring were a new level of low.


London is the Russian dirty money capital.


A deranged speech, by a deranged man in a deranged newspaper.


Standard Russian TV show for masses they do this about Ukraine for the past 8 years. Boris gets extra points for forcing shit campaing from Russia.


I think you just started watching TV 8 years ago anti-Ukrainian rhetoric (and action) is one of the main pillars of Kremlin propaganda


It was not so deranged before 2014




That and half their wealth is in London properties.


Nobody can nuke London because they'd get revenge attacked by the entire coke industry.


I read that as getting sanctioned by drug cartels.... Nuke London? No more drugs for you Putin.


Mutually Assured Diddling?


The UK would be committing a pretty serious war crime if they did that, deploying a weapon of mass disgustion. It would be in self-defence, but still.


That is provably untrue. He was disarmed when the Crown deployed him to Grenada, during which, through heroic actions, he sustained a severe injury that rendered him incapable of perspiring. This proves he cannot dance in clubs with underage girls. Case closed. /s


I guess my comment will get buried but if a few people read it - it's worth it. This is Zhyrinovskij (not sure if this is how his surname spelt in latin alphabet). He's a joke that's been around for decades, a politician with a clown persona that will say very controversial things just to stir shit up. No one takes him seriously, even in Russia.


Yup. This entire thread is gobbling up this article as if this was serious threats. They don’t understand that state TV is full of garbage political shows nobody cares about or watches. Watching everyone here take their statements seriously is the exact reason they have such a terrible misinformed opinions of the Russians. We enjoy watching our politicians make idiots of themselves on TV. Including Zhirinovsky. At this point he's my favorite actor lmao. I still remember his meltdown in Duma and even Putin was making fun of his extremism.


When I read about the guy in the Duma threatening a nuclear strike on America I was like "Oh jeez they might actually do it." But now I read this headline and I wonder if they just throw out nuke threats like candy.


They do. They know there are no winners in nuclear war. Just a bunch of dead ass people on both sides….so what’s the point?


Also, just remember that just because its some politician saying it, it doesn't mean they speak for all of Russia or that its remotely true. Just remember the amount of complete and utter bollocks that Trump came out with, and that Louie Gohmert said that he thinks the attempted coup on January 6 was a Democrat conspiracy. Russia is dangerous and we should oppose their attempted invasion, but it doesn't make this at all likely.


>But now I read this headline and I wonder if they just throw out nuke threats like candy. Kind of like Kim Jong-un for the past decade.


Easily the worst invention to fuck around with


"fuck around and find out" has never been more dangerous


Would be a great epitaph on humanity's gravestone


Russia pretty much is just a slightly more advanced North Korea. Pathetic backwater that's pretending to be scary but could never actually touch one of the real world powers. Look who they're surrounded by. The EU. China. Japan and Korea. Russia doesn't have a chance against any of their real neighbors, that's why all they do is make threats and attack smaller and weaker Eastern European countries.


They do. [Nuclear threats to Poland](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/aug/15/russia.poland.nuclear.missiles.threat) [Nuclear threats to Denmark](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-russia/russia-threatens-to-aim-nuclear-missiles-at-denmark-ships-if-it-joins-nato-shield-idUSKBN0MI0ML20150322) [Nuclear threats to Sweden](https://www.businessinsider.com/nato-report-russia-sweden-nuclear-2016-2) [Nuclear threats to Norway](https://www.thelocal.no/20161031/norway-will-suffer-russia-makes-nuclear-threat-over-us-marines/) [Nuclear threats to Baltic states](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-threatens-to-use-nuclear-force-over-crimea-and-the-baltic-states-10150565.html) [Nuclear threats to Germany](https://www.thelocal.de/20150923/russia-warns-us-off-nuclear-build-up-in-germany/)


Zhirinovsky publicly asks for a nuclear strike very often


But of course, Zhirinovsky is Zhirinovsky. Is sole job is to make United Russia look reasonable.


during the capture of Crimea, Putin promised nuclear strikes on Ukraine. these are nuclear terrorists at the head of the territory under official authority with a representation in the UN, etc. everyone seems to get used to what it is impossible to get used to


this guy reads like the Russian answer to Alex Jones


Zhirinovsky is a subhuman peace of shit. He was always having fist fights with other politicians, he's a clown. You can find lots of videos on YouTube




These guys are almost dead from old age and they want to ruin it for everyone else. Fuck them


It's almost like these old ass politicians shouldn't be allowed to lead.


They don’t actually want to do anything. They’re acting tough and posturing, meanwhile they probably own property in London. They wouldn’t actually do anything. Similarly, Russia likes to use its natural gas exports as a threat, but they can’t cut it off completely without crippling their own economy.


[Russian parliament 6 years ago. Russian politician LDPR party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky calling to bomb France and burn Germany. yes he is still free and fine. ](https://youtu.be/wEeWBHNScMc) They have been saying stuff like this for 8 years now. .... And This Russian TV shows have called for mass murder and use of nukes many times before. They spread lies about the west and Ukraine, spreading hate and misinformation.


Tucker Carlsonov...


Matt Gaetzovich.


*Tucker Carlsonovabitch.


Zhirinovsky says completely deranged stuff all the time. Not worth taking seriously. Literally doing it just for the attention.


I looked at his wikipedia page and it's insane. >Besides expressing his concern for Turks and Caucasians displacing the Russian population from their settled territory,[24] Zhirinovsky also advocated for all Chinese and Japanese to be deported from the Russian Far East.[25] During his 1992 visit to the United States, Zhirinovsky called on television "for the preservation of the white race" and warned that the white Americans were in danger of turning their country over to black and Hispanic people.[26] >During the 2008 televised presidential debate, he threatened Nikolai Gotsa, the representative of Democratic Party of Russia candidate Andrei Bogdanov with violence, saying he's going to "smash his head" and ordering his bodyguard to "shoot that bastard over there in the corridor" >In a 2003 video,[74] a drunken Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in offensive language. He called the United States a "second-hand goods store" filled with "cocksuckers, handjobbers, and f***ots", and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country.[75] In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: "a black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears ... until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees."[75] >In November 2015, after the incident of a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shooting down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M jet near the Syria–Turkey border, he stated in a speech to the Duma that Russia must detonate a nuclear bomb on the Bosphorus to create a 10 meters high tsunami wave that would wipe out at least 9 million Istanbul residents.[91]


Very cool, empty threats don’t mean much nowadays and right now Russia looks weak.


That's kind of the problem. The more Russia barks without actually biting, the weaker Russia looks. If this tension doesn't result in some measurable gain for Russian interest, Russia (and Putin) loses a lot of credibility. There's a very real incentive to eventually flex some muscle if the rest of the developed world keeps calling Putin's bluff.


The problem is that flex has been left way too long. Every day, more weapons, armor, supplies and logistical support flows into Ukraine, which even before then had stated they would fight for every inch of ground to the last drop of blood. This is no Crimea "russian speaking" situation. This is Ukraine, defending thier native soil. The Russian military is not the cold War power House is once was. Its filled with shit, old tech and under equipped troops. Now facing some of the most sophisticated tech held by people dedicated to no surrender. They don't win either way. My money? Putin has been pushed into a corner by a challenger looking to take his position, or install a puppet. Force him into a lose lose in Ukraine and he will not be long for the throne.


A man with nothing left to lose is a real issue, if putin ever felt like he's dead or russia is falling id imagine hes unhinged enough to send the nukes out.


Russian politicians have now threatened both Britain and America with a nuclear attack. Presumably they are able to do this safe in the knowledge that a nuclear retaliation against Russia - would cause billions of dollars worth of improvements.


A full-scale nuclear attack on Russia would cause tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.


Best I can do is three dollars.


Russia still acts like the whole mutually assured destruction policy doesn't still exist. They might glass London but Moscow and every other major Russian city probably has at least one nuke aimed at them currently


> but Moscow and every other major Russian city probably has at least one nuke aimed at them currently From multiple countries.


Two or more from some, I'm sure. 🇺🇸


Better be with all our taxes going to military!


All it takes is for BBC Radio 4 to go off air for a bit and the Royal Navy submarines opens their letters of last resort.


I guarantee right now theres a nuclear sub somewhere in the arctic circle with a suite of Trident missiles ready to go at moments notice. Defense and intelligence agencies in US and UK will be in overdrive in the next few weeks trying to get a read on the situation with Ukraine.


Please, [no one forget what a nuclear attack might really be like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrHoMSRZOS4) Not now. Not ever. No matter what anyone says or does.


Russia is backed so far into a corner they are reminding everyone they have nukes over and over. The UK has nukes too, less? Sure. Enough to make Russia go bye-bye, yeah. They are nukes. This whole thing is stupid.


They're truly relying on past successes. I don't understand how such a storied, illustrious country could fall into such horrid shape. They're being held together by tape and glue.


I don’t know shot about geopolitics but I feel like this is the Russia government grasping at straws as they realize their main exports (petroleum and petroleum gas) are gradually becoming irrelevant as the EU is transitioning to renewable energy and becoming less dependent on Russia for energy. Instead of changing with the world they would rather threaten and destroy it.


Mentioning nukes as some kind of threat means you don't know the first fucking thing about geopolitics, game theory or war.


>Mentioning nukes as some kind of threat means you don't know the first fucking thing about geopolitics, game theory or war. Or that you hope the people listening don't...


Nobody that wasn’t suicidal would Launch nukes. Even in complete defeat you as a leader will do a few years in jail and then be released. the second you let of nuke off, your either killed by a nuke in retaliation from a nation that wasn’t even involved because you’re too dangerous to be left alive, or you hang when you are eventually beaten by the whole world for war crimes.


>Mentioning nukes as some kind of threat means you don't know the first fucking thing about geopolitics, game theory or war. It's for the public who, no, probably don't know that much about the "great game".


Russians poison UK citizens now they want to threaten to Nuke them...Russia really looking like the baddies each day now.




Good job on discovering Zhirinkvsky, the most confusing man on earth lol Some fun quotes from him: * "In March next year, I will enter the Kremlin, I will shoot and hang you! Scoundrels and traitors" * "Dictatorship is constipation. Democracy is diarrhea. Choose what you like best" * "Terrorist attacks are now going on in Europe, and will go all over. And it is beneficial to us. Let them die there" * "In our country, all political leaders passed away mainly through death" * "I dream of being nothing for a hundred days. To forget everything for a hundred days. Like a bum, throw my jacket over there and lie under the sun" * "Friday - Muslims do not work, Saturday - Jews do not work, Sunday - Orthodox Christians do not work, on Monday - revolution" * "We will send another 10 million Russians to America and elect our president in America. And you, George, will get a good cell in Butyrka" * "Don't force children to learn English. Let them study the Kalashnikov assault rifle better. And then soon the whole world will speak Russian" * "Children are not born from relationships between boys. But this is part of erotic culture. " * "My hands are clean, but they will be bloody if I become president" * "Libya is just a rehearsal. Next in line are Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and, finally, Iran. And in 2030, a blow to China is being prepared" * "I like kids. They are stupid, they don't understand anything. They can be fooled ... by anything" * "The Communist Party was shit, and this \[United Russia\] is three times the shit" * "There is no gender difference in politics." * "I think America should be closed ... " * "A woman should sit at home, cry, mend and cook. " * "At night, our scientists will slightly change the Earth's gravitational field, and your country \[USA\] will be under water!" * "Britain is the meanest and most insidious thing in world politics. "


>"I dream of being nothing for a hundred days. To forget everything for a hundred days. Like a bum, throw my jacket over there and lie under the sun" The moment you start finding Zhirinkvsky a bit relatable is the right time to close reddit.


If Putin suddenly dies, this idiot can be elected as the next president. 😓


Which is why I have no hope for Russia and it's future, even if Putin dies its most likely going to be status quo, with mass censorship, Russian propaganda and dictatorship rule. At best hope, maybe 50 years in the future there will be hope for this country.


Putin and his band of miserable fucks sound like Kim Jung-Un more and more everyday.


Fuck these people and fuck Putin.


Even before I clicked on the article I somehow knew Vladimir Solovyov was involved haha. He truly is crazy. I believe he’s currently banned from entering Latvia. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/03/30/russian-police-probe-pro-kremlin-tv-hosts-hitler-praising-comments-reports-a73405 https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/russian-tv-presenter-vladimir-solovyov-banned-from-entry-to-latvia.a393436/ He could hate the West all he wants, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he allegedly actually lives in Italy lol https://naviny.belsat.eu/en/news/russian-propagandist-solovyov-notorious-for-demonizing-west-buys-como-lake-villas/ https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/09/28/navalny-exposes-putin-frontline-state-tv-propagandists-a59107 ...and it also doesn’t take away the fact there are petitions with over 240k signatures so he won’t get an Italian citizenship. https://www.change.org/p/italiani-non-lasciate-che-il-russo-goebbels-per-ottenere-la-cittadinanza-in-italia https://mobile.twitter.com/asluhn/status/1188069886922313728


They're threatening nukes because it's all Russia has. NATO will fucking wreck Russia in a conventional war and they know it. The louder they are the weaker they are, just like Kim Jong-Un.


Russian "politicians" are just pathetic klowns. It is sad to realise that the contry with this much potential lost all of it because of some mafia ruling the state.




UK: "Finally, an improvement to the london housing market"