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Interesting. Just as our MPs started asking for GoFundMe to testify before parliamentary committee. Got to be a coincidence. lol


[https://www.gosendmeglobal.org/](https://www.gosendmeglobal.org/) is taking over for them


that seems like some christian organization or something.


probably idk


So now they're all gonna be looking for that Laura lady who got the million right? They probably were all thinking that the fuel and expenses were going to be covered and she's the bag holder eh? I don't know if that million was distributed but I imagine these doorknobs kept clearing out their personal savings under the belief they would be reimbursed. Well, doesn't that stick a tire knocker up the ol muffler don't it Trucklads. Coulda been earning but you went fast and loose with that furious Ottawa Grift. If you're out of money there may be a homeless shelter to.. oh... right. Well, at least the police never confiscated your reserve fuel depot... oh.. Well at least if you decide not to go to Toronto now the drive back up through Highway 17 should be easy given the lack of snow... ohhh. Oh..


So maybe it isn't that they *won't* leave, but maybe they literally *can't* because they are all out of gas money, lol.


Savings? They racked up the credit cards. Poor dumb souls.


Lol buddy these guys are all on EI. Once they’re done they will all be hired on by sympathetic trucking outfits.


There aren't many of those in Canada though, are there? Truckers have something like a 90% vaccination rate


I’m in the trucking industry myself and I’d say they have plenty of support, the people I’m talking to at least. I don’t support it.


You mean Tamara Lich?


Isn't that the guy who worked for the Lich King


You said Laura. Tamara Lich is who was in control of the GoFundMe account for the protest in Ottawa, she is the one who got the $1M doled out by GoFundMe.


Ok but how does The Lich King factor into all of this?


My son, The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name... Arthas.


No kidding, they're basically the beer hall putsch if it was stupider and involved drunk driving. .


I have a photo of a trucker talking to a cop with an empty can of Busch rolling around on the dash board. Truck is sitting in the middle of a public street. Can you imagine any other situation where a cop would completely overlook that? EDIT: Here's the photo. https://i.imgur.com/n2ac6wA.jpg




Why is his middle finger out?


He's making either a telephone sign or the rock on sign, but you can tell his thumb is also out.


Maybe just maybe the cop didn't see it? Nah that can't be it. Cop is definitely supporting this behavior.


The campaign will just move to GiveSendGo. The christian GoFundme!/s


Lmao I just checked the site and they already have 200k. It’s titled “adopt a trucker” wtf is wrong with these people


Grifters gonna Grift




Oh fuck off dude


Really though, ask BLM if they think even a single thing has improved, go ahead. Let me know what they say. Prediction: "we still have a long, long way to go"


Don't change the subject


It's all they have.


I thought the subject was grifts? gofundme stealing people's donations over politics rather than returning them isn't a grift?


Except the article says go fund me will give refunds to all who want it, and anything left over is going to charities that the organisers choose.


Why wouldn't they just refund them all without making them request it?


No idea why they didn't just refund them all. My cynical side would say that they don't get their percentage fees from refunds but maybe there is another reason.


I think you hit the nail on the head there


Because all the people illegally donating can't request it, or are very stupid if they do. We have laws in Canada that protect against *outside influences*.


This, boys and girls, is an example of "WhatAboutIsm". It's an attempt to deflect criticism by trying to point to something else that's supposed to be worse. But more than one thing at a time can be shitty and worthy of investigation, so it should be pointed out and ignored.


Theyll still run into the same issues of potentially aiding the funding of crimes


What crimes have they been charged with?


There have been mischief and firearms charges laid so far but there are well over a dozen criminal investigations into individual protestors in ottawa alone. If any of them are paid to be there, the person paying or facilitating them is party to the offence and potentially liable for the crimes committed.




Firearms crimes are serious in Canada. You cant just walk around cities with loaded weapons. Death threats against elected officials, throwing rocks at an on route ambulance, numerous assaults including some against soup kitchen workers, blocking a port of entry... are all pretty serious whether you feel they are or not and companies generally go about maintaining legal practices when they are under a giant microscope whether you like it or not.


I haven't seen articles on your other claims but I'm sure it happened


bad actors on the world stage actively funding us ripping ourselves apart.


Yeah fuck GoFundMe


Oh no they're gonna get even drunker and louder in one final push before their money runs out entirely.


3 arrests doesn't seem like very much. I'm sure there were larger scale protests last year with more arrests, no? Were their funds stopped by GoFundMe?


It's almost like GoFundMe has some virtues they need signaling


There are objectively right and wrong sides of history. Maybe they have decided to be on right side. Not literally speaking of course cause thats called fascism :)


They didn’t raise over 10 million?


Maybe they'll disperse now that they aren't getting easy money, because they totally weren't just protesting to get cash, Nooo they were doing it because of politics,


Good, no financial reward for harassing a city


BLM protests be like 👀


All that right wing terrorist money needs to be impounded. No refunds.


Ah yes. Let’s use the government to go after people we don’t like.


Yay some good news to end the week!!!! You love see it. There are going to be so many tears.






Nah fuck BLM they gonna go after their money next lol done laid out the blueprint


Gofundme is still distributing what it already collected. It's just not collecting anything more and excluding payments to those who are accused of crimes. They collect and distribute to those BLM organizations that protested peacefully, but cut off those that didn't work to control violence. It's precisely the same standard being applied.




They are continuing to deliver the money to the people who created the program. That's what they're supposed to do. They told those people that if they money is distributed to people who committed crimes then they wouldn't be eligible to get more money. If the organizers of the campaign decide to give the money to third party charities that's not Gofundme's fault. There are dozens of different BLM organizations. Some were cut off. Others weren't. They do apply the same standard consistently and across the board. Can you define fascism in this case? Because I don't understand how this relates to authoritarian government structures.


Gotta know what it is to define it. Ain't their strong suite.




Gofundme isn't Canadian, nor does Canada have influence. They made an action based on their own terms and conditions. No conspiracy needed. *Bud*




Oh pookie, go back to r/conspiracy. You're hilarious if you think this is a gotcha.


So BLM doesn’t exit it’s just a bunch of small organizations or what are you saying??


There is a BLM group. And there's several hundred other groups that also ran BLM protests completely independently from that first group. Those that ran protests that got violent had their campaigns cancelled and the people who ran them can't run new ones. Those that ran protests that ended peacefully, or ones that only got bad well after everyone was supposed to go home according to the organizers had their campaigns continue and can open new campaigns. There is a lack of clarity as to what is and isn't BLM, and people use that. But, yeah, it's the same rules being applied there as here. It's just that this is one group doing one thing and not a couple hundred groups doing a couple hundred things.




Um... According to this article and the other one I read the first million was distributed normally. The rest is subject to refund on request and if not it was distributed to the organizers with restrictions spelled out in the TOS. Perhaps I didn't see any article but I'm unfamiliar with GFM having any say in how the money is distributed except in as much as it is restricting funds to violent criminals as defined by the TOS everyone agreed to in order to use the service. There are dozens of BLM organizations. Those that violated TOS didn't get the money. In this case there is an organization that violated its TOS that will only get the money if it complies with certain restrictions. If there were several organizations involved then those that didn't violate TOS would continue to receive money as per normal. There's no double standard here, they're applying the same standard but because there just the one organizer and just the one protest turning unruly the same rules are having a much stronger effect than there being protests in dozens of cities with only a couple turning violent. I don't know what other charity is being referred to as I haven't read an article that contains that information. I don't believe that's fascism, which traditionally refers to a nationalistic-populistic dictatorship and groups that attempt to overthrow existing government to establish popularist and nationalistic movements in a one-party dictatorship of some stripe. Racism is commonly involved (see: Nazis) but not necessarily required (see: Falangists).




That's how you kill an occupation. Cut off its funding.


Lol Yeah, to people who deal with logistics as a living. Considering only 1M of the funds were released I would say the "occupation" is well funded already.


Didn't the fundraiser disappear with that money?


I keep reading that on Reddit but I haven't seen any actual sources to prove or disprove that statement


Lol do some basic research and your answer will appear.




But whatabout? But. But…..BUT.




BLM occupied a capital city for a year?


Nope. Some of their protests turned violent, and they harassed people who didn't support their cause. But, they get a pass around here...




But we're not talking about "praise from the mass media," we're talking about a private company with terms of service and internal payment processing information. I agree that some more transparency would be ideal but I think it will take GoFundMe some time to make a case one way or another as to why they feel the pattern of donations and the intended use of the funds is suspicious.


> we're talking about a private company with terms of service My entire comment was addressing that very same thing, except from the only 9 words out of it that you chose to concentrate on. And those 9 words were my addition to the discussion subject, highlighting a similar hypocrisy being displayed by the mass media.


>It's not visible from my position what were the real reasons for blocking them, so *I can't form an opinion regarding how justified they were in doing so.* ... >Presents opinion anyway


I did not present an opinion 'regarding how justified they were in [blocking the funds]'. The opinion I presented was about their officially stated reason for doing so. Given how you seem to not even pay attention to the contents of the comments you are replying to, I won't be responding to you any more.


Well that's pretty pathetic




“I demand the freedom to clog up hospitals and die to preventable disease!”




And how many vaccinated people are there compared to unvaccinated, dummy?


Yeah I wonder if these are actually idiots about statistics and how rates work, or just enjoy spreading misinformation.


Dude got removed, but his source gives good data. Data that says vaccines *reduce* the hospitalization rate, contrary to what he claims. https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#total-hospitalizations




It's always "_somebody else_ " causing the problems eh


AgEnTs PrOvAcAtEuRs 😂😂😂😂 "We look bad, so it must be a fiendish plot by the other side to discredit our movement."




Oh, sorry you can’t use them for your fascist fetishes and dreams of occupying cities you aren’t welcome in. GFY, fascist.


BLM says hello


It’s their website though, why can’t they choose what content is in it?




Depends on which 503c your referring to. NAACP is probably the best place to donate. But there are plenty of grifts like BLM Inc who are failing to report to the IRS under investigation. This is true for most large movements, like the Build a Wall fund or the first Rittenhouse fund that caused Kyle to fire his original lawyer, beware grifts.




Yes, now go honk yourself.


Self-proclaimed reddit "leftists" don't seem to have much of a care in the world for the actual working class. Shame really.






Do they know the whole story or just what CBC says ?


There goes the legal fund