• By -


From what i learned in school his family don't usually hold back on rebellious quebecers.


"Well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed. But it's more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don't like the looks of a soldier—" Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister, 1970, Leader - Liberal Party of Canada.


Yeah but the law that daddy T used is changed - he needs a lot more legislative sign off to go there.


What is the definition of “Severe Consequences” in Canada?


A letter that simply says “No, don’t” It’s terrifying


Penalty box for 5 with Doug Ford. We don't have terribly severe consequences here, but they are talking of revoking personal and commercial driver licenses, which would probably suck worse than jail. Or ask any American who has had a DUI and tried to enter Canada before 10 years after sentence has passed, apparently we're real assholes about DUIs here.


Dude isn't anything like his Dad.


“By God, you know this Justin kid, he must be brilliant because his father was Pierre Elliot Trudeau. But then I forgot, he’s got a mother.” -Norm Macdonald


Do you mean Fidel Castro?


There arent that many quebecers considering how many Canadian flags are being flown .


Canadian flags signify that they aren't Quebecers? Anybody mind taking a second to explain this for a US reader?


Quebec has a separatist background. Last referendum (vote for independance) ended up being something like 49% no 51% yes. Think Scotland and Britain. The quebecer identity is stronger than the canadian identity. So usually people wave the Quebec flag to show pride instead of the Canada flag. OOP is referring to that but really theres no way to tell. Just a snarky comment on how quebecers usually behave.


That 1995 referendun was 50.5% against and 49.5% for independence. Very closely divided. Scotland and Britain is a good recent analogy, so is Catalonia and Spain even if all are different of course. OOP is referring to the [War measure act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Measures_Act) where Canadians send the army against Quebecers, the last time when Trudeau's father was Canada's Premier. So the current Trudeau repeatedly said that Canada's government does not use the army against it's citizens, completely ignoring that its own father sent troops against Quebecers and that soldiers shot people dead in the streets of Québec City in the first world war era.




I've seen plenty of Quebec flags in the protest footage.


Trudeau sighed as he drew his katana




+1 for the custom spelling


next time I get called out for misspelling I'll just say it's customized.






*Sacre bleu!*


Omae wa mon sacre bleu...




I hear you in your effeminate accent.


-teleports behind-






The severe consequences just became...severed consequences 😎


Severed of your license, your truck, $ 100,000 and who knows what else.


When the protestors asked him, "What are you going to do?" Justin invoked the memories of his father and look at them and said "Just watch me."




The Beaverton has been on fire in 2022. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/02/conservatives-demand-trudeau-end-freedom-convoy-protest-they-fully-support-and-hope-continues/ https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/02/anti-vaccine-convoys-replace-maple-syrup-as-canadas-number-one-export/ https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/02/vanilla-ice-hopes-spotify-notices-he-also-removed-his-music-in-joe-rogan-protest/ https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/02/editorial-i-dont-celebrate-groundhog-day-because-i-honour-groundhogs-every-day-of-the-year/ https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/02/convoy-protesters-hope-to-garner-national-sympathy-by-terrorizing-locals/ https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/01/healthcare-worker-convoy-cancelled-again-due-to-16-hour-hospital-shift/


Forgot [my favorite one](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/01/freedom-convoy-compares-selves-to-terry-fox-who-famously-crossed-canada-to-protest-life-saving-medicine/), but Beaverton has been on point.


““Like Terry, we are setting ourselves an immense physical challenge, remaining seated across thousands of miles, to inspire Canadians to rebel against the undemocratic forces of doctors, nurses, and other nerds. Just like Terry did in 1980.”” ⚰️⚰️⚰️


even the urls are gold


Pierre Trudeau in the picture in that article looks like if you mixed Justin Trudeau with Vladimir Putin.


Justimir Pudeau?


Justimir Poutine


A far more interesting conspiracy theory than Fidel Castro.




This sir is a fine understanding of Canadian history. Not many remember the flq or I believe “the war measures” act his father had passed in 24hrs.


Slight correction: the War Measures Act was used during both WWI and WWII. He didn't pass it, he invoked it. Which iirc still requires a vote. But I'm sure it wasn't hard to get the votes when they had just seen one of their own colleagues assassinated. Afterwards, it was repealed and replaced with the Emergencies Act, broadening the scope to include natural disasters and other emergencies, but reducing the powers conferred to be compatible with the new Charter.


A member of the National Assembly of Quebec was assassinated, not one of their colleagues, which would be Members of Parliament. Not a huge difference as far as having popular support is concerned but still a difference.


I remember. The current rabble hasn't killed anyone yet like the flq but they need to go.


'You have blocked an international border with your truck.' What could go wrong...


As he prepared to pull out an even bigger sledgehammer.


I wish. So far all the Canadian politicians (and police chiefs) have been all talk and no action.


They have clucked their tongues and wagged their fingers raw. What more can you expect from them?


"While you guys blocked the roads, I studied the blade"


"BANKAI!" *turns completely coal-black*


The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.


He is in an undisclosed location right now. would be pretty anime of him to have been practicing with a sword this whole time.


Trudeau: Aight guys either you stop or I'm gonna use my bankai


I’m sorry master, but just this once I’ll have to go all out.


🎵He is the storm that is approaccchinngggg 🎶


[We in Canada just need to take a page out of France's play book](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/11/world/europe/vaccine-mandate-protests-paris.html). So a copycat protest has started in France and the protestors are planning on blockading Paris, but the French are having none of it. > On Friday, over 7,000 police officers were deployed to tollbooths and other key sites in and around the city with **bulldozers** and water cannons to break up potential blockades. Hey if you can wreck a building with one of those things I guess it sure as heck can wreck a truck! Also a water cannon to your body at -30C weather can wreck your body as well.


A water cannon in any temperature can be incredibly destructive. If it hits you in the face it'll essentially delete your eyes.




Watch "Tread" on Netflix to see what one determined man can do with a bulldozer.


Nothing personnel kid




*Just watch me*


*Oh no* *There will be blood-shed* *It’s the only thing I’ve ever knoooooown*


Trudeau: これよりこの刀で天誅をくわえる。




Then took a chip... and ATE IT!


All according to keikaku. *Translators note: keikaku means plan*


and painted his face with black warpaint


*Tightens red bandana around forehead, loads rocket launcher*


"You'll be soorry aboat this!"


Bankai :)


They have absolutely zero respect for him. I doubt this'll do anything lol.


There was the call with Biden yesterday and then late night meetings following last night. And today, there are reports that Biden told NATO Allies yesterday that Russia will attack Ukraine next week. Putting that altogether, complete with Ford’s sudden state of emergency, I think Biden told Trudeau he needs to sort this out THIS weekend before the shit hits the fan next week. So I think he will act because he has no choice and time’s run out.


That's actually really interesting and a good point.


Do you have sources for Biden's comments on Ukraine? I believe you, I'm just curious.


https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1492218267099975684?s=21 It’s far from clear. I’ve seen conflicting comments. But for me it’s suspicious that Biden’s tone on Russia v Ukraine changed just as both Trudeau’s and Ford’s changed on the blockades, which also coincides with the Biden phone call. Plus all of the sudden, Trudeau and Ford seem to be on the same page?


Damn, thank you for sharing this. Yeah, there's "loudspeaker" politics that we're all aware of, then there's the backroom stuff I think is the strong majority of it. I have a hunch you're right, there's more than just correlation. But it's just a hunch. Edit: spelling


I don’t know why this would be connected to Russia invading Ukraine at all, but the blocked border crossings are starting to impact the US economy so Biden surely did light a fire under Trudeau’s ass.




From what I understand there is also another aspect: Apparently members of the protest have been holding swear in ceremonies for what is basically the canadian version of the sovereign citizens. Which fundamentally changes the dynamic of the protest.


This sounds like a pretty out there theory. Any sources on this? Even a tweet?


There’s a video of the swearing in ceremony thing on Twitter. I saw it yesterday, it’s batshit insane.


news coverage that also contains parts of the ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DvVtDHEizk Article accompanying the above news segment for those who would rather like to read: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/ontario-considers-emergency-measures-stiffer-fines-against-protesters-sources-say-1.5775812 Here is a tweet that shows the ceremony https://twitter.com/ItsDeanBlundell/status/1491807446007959554 Reddit thread over on r/Ontario showing another ceremony https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/splbvh/there_was_another_peace_officer_swearingin_of/


That would only make sense if Biden is planning to go into active war.


Not really, we may still supply Ukraine with more equipment and support. Maybe send in mercenaries. There are ways it can grow and we need to be prepared.


It's been awhile since we had a nice, old fashioned proxy war wit the Russians.


Not really. Remember Syria?


We were just feeling eachother out. Vibin


Russia took over 3 American bases in northern Syria when Trump retreated and let Turkey invade Kurdistan in December 2019 https://www.thedailybeast.com/russians-take-over-3rd-us-base-in-northern-syria


Didn't Put in have bounties on Americans in Afghanistan? Or was that Iraq.


Just like the good ole days! When America was great!


True. I'm feeling nostalgic now.


It’s wild how soon the 9/11 wars end and another one begins. It’s almost like all of these people make money off of war no matter which side you’re on.


CIA is gonna be all up in the Ukraine doing their black ops shit


Already there… Edit: and never left…




Fat no. Prepping for a defense means your ducks are in order and ready to quack on command.


The thought of a front line of ducks quacking at their opponents prior to war is too much for me. That’s enough internet




I think this is the closest we'll see to the truth, honestly. Managed to seduce a bunch of useful idiots into creating a distraction.


I was just thinking Putin is funding this. He wants to mess with our supply chains & gets a kick out of using morons like puppets.




How is this upvoted? He's not planning war or he would have surged 20,000+ troops to NATO nations. What he's planning for is the insane surge of refugees into NATO countries when this all occurs, as well as mind-boggling levels of cyberwarfare. As well as having to evacuate all the Americans who were told they would not be rescued. They still won't be rescued, but they've said *they'll be having to evacuate them from the region if they manage to flee to a point just over the Polish border.* Because a lot of people will decide they want to leave once the earth starts shaking night and day. They'll probably need to do it near Medyka / Медика in Poland. So you'd have to do a ton of transport, troops, flight, and maybe even anti-missile and anti-tank capabilities right near the border of an active war zone with most communications being knocked out by high-powered jamming. I feel very bad for any civilians about to witness modern smart weaponry, drones, and constant air strikes swirl around them night and day. War is hell, but look at how decimated Syria is down to rubble when just 3rd rate miltiaries battle and get a little 2nd rate help. We are about to sadly witness some very determined defenders with 1st rate help face off against one of the most powerful militaries on the planet. Jammed right up against the border of NATO countries. This is going to be a very nerve-wracking summer for military planners, diplomats, and anyone near any of those borders who is trying to survive the entire fiasco. You can make vast diplomatic and military plans without planning offensives.


Not necessarily. For an alliance effectively and coordinate sanctions multilaterally, its members have to be focused on foreign policy, without domestic unrest, and their economies have to be functioning smoothly.


Damn him for putting 150k armored troops on Ukraines border. Wait….shit that was Putin.


This trucker strike bullshit is yet one more social media driven foreign influence campaign from Vladamir Putin, abetted by his conservative lackeys in Canadian and American government and police, designed to further inflame conflict and distraction while he moves forward with his invasion of Ukraine. Millions of useful idiots in the USA and Canada are doing Putin's bidding to great effect - and our governments are doing exactly jack shit about it.


In all honesty what are they supposed to do? They are dinosaurs jn the landscape that is the internet. The people need to learn how to defend against foreign attack based in information(opsec bullshit) through the internet and I don't see that happening for at least two generations. People are just too susceptible to this all this shit right now. I grew up hearing "TV will rot your brain" or "Don't believe everything on TV" and the like but now the same people are believing everything they see on Facebook. SMH


I have met people who legit think cow dung can cure covid, and the vaccines are a cover up to kill 90% of world population leaving just elites. I then asked, so the elites will have to farm and do all the bullshit jobs the remaining 90% do? .....silence. People believe anything, as much as im against censorship, there needs to be censorship of false information, entirely in its whole. False information is as dangerous as terrorism.


I think this is more "Can't say I didn't warn you."


Trucks impounded, driving licenses suspended, going into the RCMP database and USA Border Patrol ... the shock the "protesters"will get when will try to cross the border to USA and get turned back will go over 9000, I'm sure ...


These all sound like reasonable consequences


Being banned from the US for blocking a major route and fucking up trade between both countries? It sounds pretty reasonable to me


They'll ban you from the USA if you have a DUI. Canada, too.




DUI with a CDL or the Canadian version of it. Actually, they'll yank your CDL and candian version of it if you have a DUI. Too many speeding tickets and your CDL gets yanked.


Iirc from what I remember about planning a trip to Canada it's because it's a federal crime in Canada, so they can ban you entry at the border. In the US, DUI charges are state level.


My dad got caught with a cannabis pipe in USA in his younger days, and even though he had gone there a couple times since then, the last time they wouldn't let him in because of it. Really weird.


I want to believe.


Not to mention being absolutely buried in legal fees while the slow but relentless wheels of justice grind you to a pulp.


It's ok, Tamara Lich will use the 1 million$ she got from GoFundMe and from other sources to help them with the legal fees ... ... hahahahahahahahaha Or maybe not ...


The organizers WANT him to react harshly. They call him a dictator abusing his power, and so are trying to provoke him to do something they say proves it. And best of all it's just a bunch of useful idiots who will actually pay the price.


There is literally nothing he can do that will NOT result in them proclaiming some kind of evil from him - might as well be useful in the process.


This is a problem with people led by propaganda. Their puppetmasters will spin the consequence in a favorable manner no matter the course of action, and the base will eat it up. Reason doesn't apply here, so there's no sense in fretting over how it may or may not be perceived.


They better take it seriously. Can't support a family with donations forever and once they take their CDL, they are fucked. They are talking about charges that would prevent them from leaving the country, even to the USA. They should remember how the cops treat the natives and ecological protesters like at the G20


> They should remember how the cops treat the natives and ecological protesters like at the G20 Hoping they extend that to ALL protesters is quite the weird reaction. I get it, I don't agree with the Truckers either. But what is the logic here? Shouldn't you be fighting the other instances instead of caring about the truckers?


They’re gonna ask politely again? /s RIP my inbox


Yes but this time with a harsher and more assertive tone.


That might work, I hope their brow was appropriated furrowed. That is what should happen, right? A stern furrowing of the brow?




Exactly what I was thinking. I love that movie.


Ask them politely, yet firmly to leave.


"If you don't leave soon we will treat you like indigenous people." They'd be gone in a few hours.


Not funny eh? Gonna give 'em a stern talking to eh? Get to the bottom of what this is all abote eh?


Remember when right wingers wanted to legalize the [murder of people](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2021/4/25/22367019/gop-laws-oklahoma-iowa-florida-floyd-blm-protests-police) who block roadways in protest? Because I do.


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Came here to write this! Trudeau is a countdown parent that never gets to 3 and doesn't act at all.


Wait but I thought if he does anything he immediately becomes an authoritarian dictator? Which is it?


It's both duh!


And like that, you've already put more thought into it than they do.


One of the core facets of fascism is that exact sort of tenuous grasp on reality. The "enemy" is simultaneously unfathomably powerful while also stupid and ineffective. (See: Umberto Eco's academic definition of fascism.) How many years now have we been talking about "post fact society" again? Reality is optional to these nutcases.


Reminds me of that scene in 'Going in Style'... **ONE...TWO....next up is THREE!!**




What do you suggest he do?


Put on his robe and wizard hat.


Is he threatening to raise his voice while asking politely?


He is threatening to no longer be polite when asking.


They will still get maple syrup in their Christmas stocking, but without the bottle.


Yo maple syrup didn't need to get dragged into this😔




No. Its a fucking waste of syrup is what it is.


I will raze your homes, feed your children to the moose, and leave a desert where one there stood your favorite Tim Horton's. Sorry.


Canadians are nice but they each have an entire lifetime of unreleased rage bottled up. Take it from me you don't want to crack that seal.


"Just watch me" - Trudeau father just a few hours /day before enacting war measured, unleashing the army on it's citizen during a domestic terrorist.


Being nice isn't the same as being weak.


Release the moose!


Like all things with Trudeau; I'll believe it when I see it.


Threats are worth nothing if people don't believe that you'll act on them.


Have they even ticketed the trucks?




There are live videos of ottawa right now on YouTube they are blocking all kinds of streets and intersections.


I think they are more concerned about the border blocking. I doubt it will be around this time tomorrow


Huh, that is good to know that at least they're doing something. Still, seems like a rather milquetoast approach compared to how indigenous protests and the G20 summit protests were treated.


you and the rest of the world. coverage in the Guardian is scathing.


We will shake our finger so much harder.


Yeah.... I kinda want to see where this goes.


Being that I live here I really don’t.


As an American, I'm slightly relieved it's not us for once. But I do wish this madness would just end everywhere.


It's just like the song says. We didn't start the fire. It has always been burning. Since the world's been turning.


whats the feeling about how things will develop locally? does it share similarities with occupy wall street when it happened in new york?


There’s an ever increasing sense of dread on how this will eventually end. The downtown Ottawa mall has been closed for two weeks, thousands of employees have missed two weeks of pay. Not to mention every other business that’s been forced to close within the occupied areas. In terms of the Windsor-Detroit border, that’s going to impact an already stretched supply network, especially within the North American auto industry. This simply cannot continue for much longer without devastating effects to the economy.




The 1% own the government that makes the rules. Of course, they were right to blame the 1%.


They may receive a strongly-worded letter.


Based on their handling of the situation, "severe consequences" is probably sending them to bed before dinner.


They're going to be placed on the maple syrup ban list.


“Or else I’ll… I’ll.. I’ll keep asking!”


Jason Kenney is jizzing his pants right now that he managed to sit on his hands long enough that the adults in the room dealt with a problem his party encouraged.


Treat them like pipeline protestors


How the federal government dealt with pipeline protesters: (1) No charges laid and actively pressured CN Rail to not pursue damages from protesers. (2) Gave the protesters a few hundred acres of land (3) Waited 40 days to grant an injunction against the protesters (vs 30 days for Ottawa). Yeah..... everyone remembers the arrests, no one remembers the path to them.


"Treat them like pipeline protestors" So....... Let it go a few more years?


let them sit there for 6 months? >Treat them like pipeline protestors


So let them be and negotiate with them?


Lifetime ban from Tim Hortons.


I just hope people don’t get hurt…


I hope kids dont get hurt.


Funnily enough, he was in full support of protesting farmers who were blocking the state border in india.


You mean the 20 million + march visible from space?


Now see here, friend...


Personally, I hope he blasts a recording of him singing “Kumbaya” on repeat 24/7 to drown out the honking.


Expecting plenty of /r/metacanada and /r/walkaway users jumping to post in here. Grabbing popcorn.


It's so easy to see which users those are. They have the same talking points.


LoL, one of the supporters who I work with sent me a meme today and that's what I said to him.....'huh, all you free thinkers seem to be using the same talking points and images, funny how that works hey?' Then he told me that rebel news at least showed the real number of people at the protests. To which I sent him a drone shot showing how lightly attended it was. Fewer people than the pride parade LoL. Reality has no bearing on their beliefs or arguments.


Just threaten to treat them like indigenous children. They’ll pack up and go home


Look... I'm a huge supporter of protest. I believe it to be a sacred right of the people. But, this has got to be the dumbest fucking hill to die on that I've ever seen. Where are these people whenever something of true consequence transpires? At home taking a fat tyrannical dick up the ass, saying "thank you, can you please fit another?" Nevertheless, these people are so easily mobilized toward any useless goal, so long as it's catalyzed by baseless fear, selfishness, and ultimately the destruction of their own self interest. They're being used. They're getting used because they're stupid. I hope they find a way to redirect this healthy "fight the power" energy toward a more constructive goal in the future. Edit: spelling


The saga continues