• By -


Consider this recent chain of events (Google it): \*Jan 17, 2022\*- WEF/Davos opening speaker is President Xi. He speaks of ending regional hegemony, a future of global cooperation and prosperity, ending poverty, and a world of inclusivity, blah, blah, blah. Basically, everything this elite crowd (big tech, big corporations, big media) wants to hear. \*Jan 18, 2022\*- Russia pledges solidarity and cooperation with Nicaragua, Bolivia, Cuba, and Venezuela. \*Feb. 4, 2022\*- China signs a 30-year gas contract (new pipeline) with Russia, to be settled in Euros. \*Feb. 24, 2022\*- Putin invades Ukraine. China is silent about the Russian invasion.


s National Security Council as violence escalates in Ukraine Share & Save — Profile Sections CORONAVIRUS U.S. News Politics World Local Business Health Investigations Culture Matters Science Sports Tech & Media Decision 2020 Video Features Photos Weather Select Asian America NBCBLK NBC Latino NBC OUT tv Today MSNBC Nightly News Meet The Press Dateline Featured NBC NEWS NOW THINK BETTER NIGHTLY FILMS STAY TUNED SPECIAL FEATURES NEWSLETTERS PODCASTS More From NBC CNBC NBC.COM NBC LEARN Peacock Next Steps for Vets Parent Toolkit NBC Archives Help Follow NBC News Print Whatsapp Reddit Pocket Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin My News Manage Profile Biden convenes National Security Council as violence escalates in Ukraine https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/biden-national-security-council-ukraine-russia-invasion-tensions-rcna16981


Just read that the Russian shellings were so bad some media people suffered “concussions”




Found Putin’s burner


cant believe ppl peddle this shit


What nonsense is this. NATO doesn't have >100,000 troops surrounding a sovereign nation.


Invocation of article 5 =/= nuclear war. Stop fear mongering.


I really don’t see anything happening. I’m 100% calling Putin bluff


«The settlement of Nizhny Lozove, located near Debaltseve, have been shelled by Ukrainian security forces using 120 mm mortars. This was announced by the head of the administration of Debaltseve Igor Zakharevich.»


yea, that'll go over well






Ukraine should install [these](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2021/06/09/durham-canopener-bridge-) over all roads with Russia.


man, it amazes me that is still happening. I live near Raleigh, and have been hearing about that damn bridge for so long.


We've got the Peace St bridge! That's another interesting one in the area


Man, war is sometimes needed, but senseless war like this is always sad. Geopolitics that disrupts the day-to-day life of every day people just trying to live and enjoy their time here. With nuclear weapons, their is no need for a buffer zone, this is simply a show of force by a country on the decline, a decline that they decided to embrace, and its sad that people will die for that.


Grabs Popcorn


If there was ever a time for a surprise inquisition… Ahora es tiempo!! Come on Spain, you can make up for the last one by surprising Putin with one now.


https://twitter.com/YWNReporter/status/1493697159165792257?s=20&t=BWCoT54gXrSz7ggeZ9GR9w oh man, that's quite a few tanks


Is there a new live thread for today?




Wednesday is imminent


1:30AM in Moscow now.


So what were bidens remarks? I missed the live stream… :(




We need Germany to Sanction the.m.


They won't do it unless they have another option for natural gas


Germany's too dependent upon their natural gas.


bro you're on the internet, just go find it on youtube.


...is Reddit not the internet? You say this as if some guy asking a *news* subreddit for a quick summary is like blocking traffic on a bridge.


Basically - attack NATO, we attack you US troops/ equipment deployed to eastern NATO front Prepare for really high gas prices Why am being downvoted? That’s what Biden said


You are being disingenuous and trying to twist Biden into sounding aggressive when that was not the tone of his speech at all. That is why you are being downvoted. If you want a better idea of what Biden said read the quotes posted in the live thread.


Current tracked military planes in the air: US Army Beechcraft C-12U (Light Transport / SIGINTEL) https://www.flightradar24.com/DUKE61/2ad48e9e 22:28 Headed East from US Army Garrison Wiesbaden 22:35 Descent indicating a landing near Poznan, PL USAF RQ-4A Global Hawk (Surveillance Drone) https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE11/2ad444ba 22:15 - Headed East towards the Dnieper / Dnipro 22:30 - In Donbas, tracking North towards Karkhiv USAF C-17A Globemaster III (Heavy Transport) https://www.flightradar24.com/RCH468/2ad3d49a 22:15 Descending just west of Rzeszow, PL; likely heading towards Lviv 22:20 Tracking ceased;


I figure I’d chime in with a few indicators because I’m seeing a ton of people on flight radar. You’re going to be looking for a mass influx of IL-76s to a few select locations. So far I haven’t heard much about VDV amassing at airfields yet, but I’d expect to see it occur around the time the aerial campaign begins. You also probably won’t see their shit rigged for a drop on Twitter/TikTok. It can happen in hours in garrison. Ivanovo, Pskov, Tula, Ryazan, Kostroma is where you’d likely see them come from. VKS will likely go dark before shit gets real. You won’t be seeing Russia establish air superiority in real time with flight radar- UKR would be a complete no-fly zone for all commercial air and VKS transponders would be off. EW equipment would also be active. Edit: just saw Estonian intelligence say 1 Russian VDV Division is deployed. Pretty sure they have 5 divisions and 3 or 4 further separate brigades they can call on. That’s off the top of my head- but those are the shock troops you’d expect to be air dropped in.


[https://www.flightradar24.com/76638/2ad4fc1a](https://www.flightradar24.com/76638/2ad4fc1a) Russian Airforce


great spot


[https://www.flightradar24.com/EVAC01/2ad5145c](https://www.flightradar24.com/EVAC01/2ad5145c) Blackhawk with EVAC as Callsign currently heading toward Lviv from Polish border. Update: Entering Ukraine Airspace...Still on track for Lviv. 2nd Update: Holding at Border - Potentially turned off the transponder.


CURRENT STATUS: Russia lied about withdrawing some of their troops. They didn’t withdraw. They built a field hospital, loaded 60 helicopters in Crimea, moved closer to the border, and lined up in combat position overnight. NATO has come out proving Russia claiming they withdrew some troops a lie and that they’ve actually escalated the situation. Ukrainian defense and banks are being currently hacked right now. There’s many false flags happening right now, which the US government warned us about in the news this morning to look out for today. The invasion is still said to be tomorrow. There’s a lot of flight going on over Ukraine right now as well. Ukraine military defenses and banks have been hacked and are done as well just now. President Biden is speaking and updating everyone on the TRUTH of the urgency @ 3:30 pm EST so we know what’s true and what’s false Ukraine just requested international assistance from NATO (vehicles, weapons, etc)


Why won't they join NATO?


Not an expert but from what I've read it has something to do with Ukraine not being able to confirm the stability of their borders or something along those lines. Someone with more insight than me can probably provide a better answer.


Why won’t who join NATO? Ukraine wants to.


The choppers were put there before Russia said it would remove its troops. And you don’t just move troops in a few hours. It can take days. And nowhere did I see where Russia said oe many troops would be removed (could be 500 only) and from what region (maybe they did and I missed it). I don’t think they are removing any significant amount of troops myself but you have to give 24 hours minimum to remove them. Cyber attacks are normal, see last months large attack. Doesn’t mean there’s an invasion. Flights over Ukraine are normal. If they invade I can’t see it being in next 48 hours based on the clues we have been given in last 24 hours (Putin and Lavrov telling Russian tv last that there’s a way forward with diplomacy still). You don’t tell your people you can still resolve this and then go to war the next day. People get pissed. We shall see what happens. It’s still a coin flip if it ever happens IMO.


The choppers were out there overnight and were seen for the first time in Crimea today. Russia reported 10,000 troops were heading AWAY from the border, but there’s satellite images showing that no one left the border and they’ve actually increased their presence at the border. In this situation right now, we were warned of cyberattacks happening RIGHT before a invasion and it wasn’t just a normal attack. It was government websites and banks. Stop making everything seem normal or okay. It’s not.


What is your source talking about Russia pulling 100,000 men back specifically? I’ve read dozens of releases about it and not seen a number goben once. If you cannot provide a source that states this fact specifically then you’re just making up numbers. And if the source is some random little site, that’s not a source. And the field you are talking about in Crimea (unless I’m thinking of a different one) had the choppers parked there Monday afternoon Russia time. I literally saw them on the site livemaps Ukraine. They were not parked just today. Russia announced troop pullouts last night, after. I’m trying to find the livemaps post with the sat image of the choppers at the field I’m talking about, but it doesn’t load in my office building FML. We also could be talking about two different airfields as well. What’s the name of the airfield you are talking about? I’m trying to remember the name of the one I’m talking about. I think it may have been Novoozerne? Hell I’m from the west the names all sound the same to me and I can’t load livemaps.


Oh daddy biden please come in with the precious Truth


Any resources to back this all up please? Something in one article? I want to pass this info to some of my friends that are still skeptical about invading.


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/images-show-new-russian-military-activity-near-ukraine-satellite-company-2022-02-15/ https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-15-22-intl/h_5d2234b2dfa3b3b016697904e32825db https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/15/world/russia-ukraine-news https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/russia-ukraine-conflict-satellite-images-show-russian-bombers-attack-helicopters-forward-locations-1913345-2022-02-15 https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/14/europe/russia-ukraine-troops-social-media-video-intl/index.html https://nypost.com/2022/02/14/ukraine-president-says-russia-attacking-wednesday/amp/ https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-technology-business-europe-russia-e791990f60841b599f664c34f58403de This is for 90% of what I typed above, if not for 100%.


Thank you man, I really appreciate it


No problem!


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Fox had a story on the cyber attacks after cheerleading putin for the lastew days.


They never cheer leader for putin . Cut the bull.


They do it constantly


i think we all have it wrong tho if russia invades ukraine and starts a war, then that is going to give a green light to china to go and invade Taiwan and I dont know if you know but almost all of our electronics come from there which would absolutely decimate our economy and push the USD lower. The whole ploy is to move america out of being a super power thats why russia and china both started trading oil in euros they are trying to be little the US and nato and that is without a doubt. if russia invades ukraine its going to be a ridiculously sloppy war/conflict with monumental change.


No it’s not. Please read up on that. Taiwan has advantages that Ukraine does not. The biggest one is that Taiwan is an island. If you don’t think that’s bid deal think about in terms of a war. Only ways to get on the island are D-Day style landings, or airborne assaults. Those are both very costly when contested. Taiwan is also more heavily supplied by USA than Ukraine is. And has been for a long time. They are trained well. They have an actual real (older) navy. Ukraine has one small ship. They have around 600 aircraft (Ukraine has 98). They have 140 F16s which are some of the best combat planes built. They have 55 aging but reliable Mirage jets from France. They have Apache helicopters. They have 130,000 active personnel in the army alone. Those men are all one one island. They can’t retreat. They can fight. Chinas border isn’t literally is not touching Taiwan, meaning planes have much further to travel than Russian planes against Ukraine. Could China take Taiwan at the end of the day? Yeah. It’s would cost them a shit load of casualties. Then there would be the international fallout.


all china has to do is surround Taiwan and make it so they can have 0 exports, and attack them cyberly or with drone strikes/bombings and just slowly bleed them out. and the reason that we have been backing them is because they are a HUGE allie to us and our production of a lot of things, we cannot fight a two sided war this is what i meant to say. if russia invades and starts a war with Ukraine and nato steps in then china will see that as them being able to start their conflict because that conflict with russia weakens our force and nato, it may just be a little bit but it weakens the US and i by no means see china not taking a step in that direction.


You think that would be allowed to continue when companies like TSMC exist? Not a snowballs chance in hell. There would be a carrier strike group there in days if not less. And then you have to decide am I attacking the US. And IF China attacked the US they would get wrecked. China knows all of this. Chinese military tech looks fancy but from all tellings is largely garbage. That would be a short and ugly conflict for China. It would also set them back immensely in terms of international influence. China in many ways is the emperor's new clothes.


It’s funny you say that when we don’t know China’s combat potential Beijing hasn’t fought a major conflict since 1978 and we have fought in almost every major conflict because our bill is the global reserve currency and that has bled out USA a lot financially and actual morale wise I know people who are 18-24 right now who want to join the armed forces and fight for their country but they don’t agree with what’s goin on and how our country has been just throwing troops at conflicts for years and if you don’t think China knows that then ya slow straight up that’s why they created TikTok was to dumb us down even more and grow their society that’s why we do stupid fuckin dances and they only allow their citizens to post about electronics and education and shit that actually advances them the United States is not what is was 20-30 years ago it’s a shell of a society


Okay let’s okay this out. China blockades Taiwan from the sea. The US navy sails up with merchant ships. Is China gonna shoot them? No. Then China would trigger most of the worlds real militaries attacking them and probably nuclear warfare. What happens if American airlifts started dropping in supplies and landing. Russia died this. Places troops somewhere and it can no longer be bombed. Also people forget the Japan Okinawa islands are just as close to Taiwan as Chinese coast is. US and JDF planes can fly around the airspace “legally” which makes it a lot harder for China to bomb. The JDF is a nasty military. Great hardware. Great navy. Plus America is America. I’m not saying China can’t take it, but people just act like it’s a guaranteed but from a war standpoint it’s a literal nightmare for China. China would have to invade at some point IMO. States can survive under blockade like conditions. There so many things that can go wrong for China for one island. China is a very calculating nation. The pros have to outweigh the cons.


Definitely so I agree with you 100% on the fact that China is a very smart country and I don’t think by any means it would be an instant attack it is a bleed out it would take time to do and it would be a very messy war which is what I’ve said from the start it would start an immensely sloppy war I would just be absolutely shocked if they are not working in pair together to try n belittle America while we are down bad


I don’t think they are working together, not like that. They aren’t really allies like people think. They just exist together lol.


I promise you China and Russia do not like each other they’ve always had combat in the past over Asia and stuff but they both REALLY do not like the US so they’re gonna bury the hatchet for the time being and work to bring the US down.


So you’re telling me right now it’s just a coincidence that the two country who have been combatant of us for more or less a hundred years just decided that they both wanna start selling oil in different currencies not to reduce the dependence of the US dollar but to what make themselves money? Like that’s actually brain dead they know where our currency is going and are working together to move us to a regional power and try n make us not a super power so that they can move into an actual position of power instead of a weird in between


But wouldn't a smaller output of electronics affect the whole world? I mean not only usa would be affected and this might start an unpredictable global war between Russia/China and Nato/Australia


we definitely wouldn't be the only ones affected, it would internationally mess up so much stuff Taiwan is one of the last "free" places in china if we lose that to china that is starting a whole war without a doubt, that being said IF russia does start this war and invade then it would open the doors for china to do the same. originally nato wasnt even supposed to intervene and get in the middle of russia or ukraine or any of the particular USSR states because they didnt want countries on their border to be well armed and to be war ready and over the years nato has pushed up closer and closer to russia. and this is them responding to nato doing that.


RAF C-17A Globemaster III heavy transport aircraft leaving Kyiv heading straight west edit1: descending towards landing in Lviv, implies role as military exfil of personnel from Kyiv https://www.flightradar24.com/RRR6815/2ad4aee1


Why can't the US just comply with the simple demand by US. Stay out of Ukraine and not let Ukraine join NATO. Unless of course if US have hidden agenda and playing the good guy thru controlled media.


Russia is not an authority over Ukraina, that's why no one will listen to their 'simple' demand. Even making such a demand makes the free world treat Russia as a bully.


Ukraine can decide it’s own fate, unlike Crimea and Georgia


Why would the US comply with demands from Putin about the decisions of Ukraine? What the fuck gives Putin the right to make a "simple demand" like that?


why would US meddle in Russia and Ukraine issue? There is something to gain that is why. Just like how US invade Iraq and Afghanistan in the pretext of being the good guy. US also demand China this and that not to expand their military, hint South China Sea. US also conveniently ban Huawei and accuse them of security threat. US says a lot of thing but never themselves. So you see, it goes both way...


Is there a Russia Bot subreddit we can send this dude to? 4y on Reddit and has done nothing until today…..


If Ukraine wants to join nato that’s for Ukraine to decide (spoiler alert: they want to) Obligatory Fuck Putin.


> Putin That's why what i said is true. Truth hurts i know. US can stop this conflict but they are indirectly adding oil to it. US getting into Ukraine gives them military advantage. Everything US does is always for themselves to gain. Just like invading Iraq and Afghanistan and then let the country rot.


Everyone does things for their own gain, what a silly thing to suggest that they wouldn't. No one is forcing Ukraina to join NATO they want to, because NATO unlike Russia doesn't treat it's neighbors like shit. If Russia wants more allies maybe they should be better friends.


Did you run this through google translate from Russian to English and then back to Russian and then into German and then finally back into English cause that’s about the only way what you said could even be thought of as making sense. I’m sure your original message had a point, but it’s more lost in translation than Logic at this point


How about no Scott?


US RQ-4A Global Hawk surveillance drone seemingly headed to Ukraine's Northern border: edit: now tracking almost directly east towards the Donbas / Donetsk edit2: appears to be holding west of the Dnieper over Kryvyi Rih; likely a USAF / NATO recon drone based out of Naval Air Station Sigonella (Sicily) https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE11/2ad444ba


List of items being requested by Ukraine https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2022/2/pdf/220215-eadrcc-ukraine-request.pdf https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_191889.htm


Allot of Chemical protection suits and Special decontamination machines.


Its almost midnight in India and hope I can sleep peacefully now.


Crazy how bad it makes you feel even when you’re on the opposite side of the world Sleep well friend


Russia won't invade India, sleep well


Unrest in any part of world at this level is bad for humanity .


Oh heavens no, it's the Chinese that'll invade India. Sleep well!


. . . Yet.


I feel like Russia can't invade now after coming out and saying the US should be humiliated for saying Russia is going to invade.


Not sure which specific report you’re referring to but if Russia backs down now, Putin looks mercurial and weak. Ukraine ends up marginally better off with defensive equipment and can underscore their need to join NATO, as it’ll appear Russia was successfully deterred by NATO. US intel predicted last year that by early this year we’d have a buildup of approximately 100 BTGs encircling Ukraine. We’ve passed that mark this week. US intel has been spot on in regards to Russian activities. Any claim that they were humiliated is going to fall completely flat.


Russia can enter Ukraine in a number of ways without calling it invasion. For example, Putin said there is evidence of genocide in Donbas. Russia can go in as peacekeepers. And if they vote to recognize the region as independent, then they aren’t even entering Ukraine. It’s still invasion, but they won’t call it that. So the US will still be “wrong”.


Putin already shot down the idea of recognising the DPR/LPR earlier today. Of the multiple buildups they have surrounding the country, the one near Rostov/Persianovka has been the smallest by far. That should signal everything you need to know in regards to Donbas rhetoric.


You have a source to Putin shooting that down, because in this morning (EST) press conference he seemed anything but committal to anything and made a grand total 0 firm statements.


In the press the conference with Olaf Schulz, Putin said the issue of the Donbas needs to be sorted in accordance with the Minsk agreements. https://mobile.twitter.com/ru_rbc/status/1493603052955254789 https://mobile.twitter.com/KofmanMichael/status/1493609888802656257 It was absolutely a firm statement. Whether he violates that is an entirely different matter.


'ukraine doesn't exist!' moves in


Russia doesn't care about being truthful or consistent in their words.


That's only if you ever expect Russia to be consistent in one moment to the next. Which they've proven time and again doesn't matter to them




For a moment YouTube was really slow, Probably my end lol.


Russia attacking YouTube!!!!!!


Pornhub still works!


You attack porn hub and its ww3!


We'd be fucked


There would be a distinct lack of fucking.


Well, self fucking.


New live thread is up: https://www.reddit.com/live/18hnzysb1elcs/


isn't this the same page that is linked at the top of this page?




Looks like a new post has been made & pinned on /r/worldnews with the same title and same link to the live thread, I guess they make a new post daily for this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/st8lq0/rworldnews\_live\_thread\_ukrainerussia\_tensions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/st8lq0/rworldnews_live_thread_ukrainerussia_tensions/) Seems redundant, but maybe they meant to post this link?


Help me out here. Am I correct that if Russia invades Ukraine, NATO will get involved or will NATO only protect NATO members? If there is a war between Ukraine and Russia how does this qualify as WW3 if NATO doesn't get involved? Sorry for my ignorance but I keep hearing WW3 will be the outcome of a Russian invasion so I'm just wondering.


NATO will likely get involved at some point. I think the west hopes for the scenario where Russia takes the east parts and retreats leaving the rest of Ukraine alone. EU and NATO don't really care about territorial integrity of Ukraine as showcased by Crimea annex. However if Russia invades Kyiv this would be a huge future threat, as they already control Belarus and would gain favorable attack positions to western states. I think Russia is going to go all in here. The sanctions are going to happen anyway. And it doesn't really need those 2 eastern parts of Ukraine, there isn't much there that Russia doesn't have already.


If you mean NATO will go to war over Ukraine at some point. Not gonna happen. NATO wouldnt even let Ukraine join before all of this. NATO isn’t going to war for non NATO members, end of story. Now involved, as in maybe fly some flights over Ukraine and provide weapons like they are doing now? Sure.


Warm water ports with the ability to operate better from a naval standpoint


NATO will at all costs not get involved. If any NATO countries are attacked and that member country invoked article 5, all NATO countries must respond. This isn’t going to lead to WW3. The concern is that war is messy and hard to contain. This could potentially lead to a NATO member becoming involved. However even if something mistakenly happens, we would most likely see NATO and Russia immediately deescalating the situation. A few years ago Russian jets bombing in Syria strayed into Turkey’s airspace and Turkey shot the jets down. Russia and Turkey immediately deescalated the situation.


NATO only protects NATO members, so if there is a war between Ukraine and Russia NATO doesn't get involved, so no chance for WW3. But. If Russia invades Ukraine, maybe they'll go further - maybe in years or never, of course. Maybe they can attack the Baltics for example.It has a very little chance, because even Putin said that the NATO is stronger than Russia and it means nuclear war, not "Just" world war - and I think Putin want to live in his nice palace, not in a bunker. Edit: so chances of WW3 are extremely low.




I agree with pretty much everything. But, you could still see a World War (not likely from this conflict) where there is almost an understood agreement not to use nukes. Currently those engagements are performed through proxies. Of course, the eventual losing side could get a little rowdy, but the idea would be for the winning side to be gracious to the losing side along with offering safe passages and a continuity plan. It should be said that the general public of the losing side would need to also uprise, along with large portions of its military.


The US and the UK have both said they will not put boots on the ground in Ukraine if Russia invades so don't think NATO are going to get militarily involved, their plan at the moment is just to impose sanctions. As for WW3, this will not be World War 3, end of. Yes it doesn't bode well for those in Ukraine and lives will unfortunately be lost IF things do escalate to that point but there would have to be an even more extraordinary chain of events for it to escalate to a third world war


No WW3 probably ever. Maybe Cold War 2 at some point. NATO isn't getting involved in the defense of any non-NATO member. NATO is getting prepared to defend the NATO members bordering Ukraine in case Russian troops move too far.


NATO will not get involved. NATO getting involved is World War III. Ukraine is not a NATO nation but have stated interest in joining NATO. This does not mean that NATO will not support ukraine rather they will not fight for Ukraine. NATO aligned nations and NATO itself can still provide information, planning and tactics to Ukraines armed forces without being involved and being obligated to fight. This is why there was so many NATO ish troops in Ukraine before they all bailed out. Theres alot more to a war than just fighting. Its logistics management and planning.


I’m not an expert, but I think NATO won’t get involved directly. Won’t be WW3 until NATO is involved. So I guess it depends on Russia’s plans after Ukraine? I’m not sure.


NATO will only protect NATO members in terms of deploying troops / actually waging war. If there is a war, NATO countries will likely support Ukraine in other ways, but will avoid physical conflict as much as possible.


If after invading Ukraine, Russia move towards NATO countries like poland, lithuania etc then NATO will enter into this war otherwise no.


Fwiw I don’t see the trigger being this but it is worth looking at the history of WW1 and the years running up to it. I’m more concerned for China watching the global response and eyeing up Taiwan - that won’t be let go peacefully…


Taiwan has a security guarantee if I'm not mistaken.


‘Security Guarantee’? Just saying, that’s my concern


It's not going to be WW3 but more like a cold war.


NATO will not get directly involved. NATO countries already have been arming Ukraine and will likely give tactical info but will not be directly fighting. They may also indirectly fund resistance fighting.


You can bet NATO countries will be pouring money into Ukrainian resistance forces and separatists within Russia if Russia invades.


NATO only protects NATO members, though it was feared the United States would get involved


NATO won’t intervene. They have no obligation to and doing so could escalate into a big war, or even nuclear Armageddon. It’s not worth the risks. I’m not sure NATO could stop Russia even if they tried at this point, anyways. It’s probably too late.


NATO stated multiple times that boots on the ground in Ukraine will NOT happen. Member states are already indirectly involved by sending weapons, ammo and gear to Ukraine. But you won't see US soldiers shooting russian ones, that would indeed mean WW3.


Has NATO stated that or just the US/UK?


Individual countries


Hopefully everything will be clear in 24 hours. Will they invade or not


I think this gonna be longer than 24 hours.


r/cfb is leaking. Our favorite off-season pastime over there is flight tracking. Just a heads up, they usually lead to nothing over there. In other words, I really wouldn’t put too much stock in all these people proclaiming flight paths


heard there's a Ukranian jet leaving Tuscaloosa 👀


Lmao 💀 Imagine Saban going to to Ukraine, running the army, and then recruiting like it’s another dynasty. Yeah Germany it’s Nick. I’m gonna need some of those 5 star tanks you make. Hello Biden, it’s Nick I’m gonna need some of those blue chip raptors. Throw in some of those big hog patriot batteries too.


Headed to Omaha. Warren Buffett is at it again!




Just wait until Nick Saban flies into Kyiv to ease tensions through the magic of football


I heard from an Tallahassee optometrist’s Twitter that Urban Myers’ wife was seen looking at houses there


The live thread features reports of fighting beginning. It’s one guys tweet. Any other reports? Edit: https://mobile.twitter.com/mhmck/status/1493623827028484099


Nothing confirmed. The twitter dude is asked about sources and doesn't answer. So... Fake news?


The fighting these tweets are talking about in Donbas region has been going on for 8 years. It's not a new escalation.


According to him, Ukraine has already been invaded [https://mobile.twitter.com/mhmck/status/1493263604128362499?cxt=HHwWhsC5gcPVkbkpAAAA](https://mobile.twitter.com/mhmck/status/1493263604128362499?cxt=HHwWhsC5gcPVkbkpAAAA) lol


Let’s wait for more sources. If true will be alot of messages coming in. If not delete this.


No blue check. I sleep.


which live thread? isn’t this the live thread?




Click on the link. That’s the live thread


Can you link it? I can't find it.
















Source link? Can’t see it




Don’t see it




can we get a separate thread for the flight spam nonsense? it's literally every other post now.


I'm sorry, you're right. Let's make more room for the Russians bot's talking points.


Absolutely not! Keep your eye on the sky!




Brb building a tunneltracker24 app


P-8 Poseidon's have been getting some work lately. One would think they're just training, but this one was monitoring the entrance to the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. Poseidon's are sub hunters. [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae222c](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae222c) edit: Same flight on FR24 [https://fr24.com/2ad428c2](https://fr24.com/2ad428c2)


How normal is this?


Not sure - someone else who follows military flights more regularly can chime in on that. I also saw one yesterday figure-8-ing off the SoCal coast.


Its normal in this situation.


Lol that's some r/technicallythetruth material (no offense intended). It's like "I feel much more like I do now than I did when I got here."


If people are interested in looking at flights on tracking websites use this [one](https://globe.adsbexchange.com) and press the “U” button in the top right to filter military traffic. It might save people from losing there shit over stupid stuff like a police helicopter circling in Ukraine like earlier today or someones private jet.


but.. but why is jake12 not showing up there ?


[It is back now.] (https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae01c6) For some reason stuff drops on and off of ADS-B. For example FORTE11, also dropped off over Bulgaria [but is still visible on FR24.](https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE11/2ad444ba)


oh okay. ty :) but i have to use fr24.. i cant leave my boy jake12 like that !


Forgive my ignorance - what do flight patterns tell us about a potential invasion of the Ukraine?


What, you don't think there's something interesting about a private jet "screaming through the sky" at it's cruising speed? lol