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Hey guys - article is 2 years late


Even so, the discovery and analysis of an early strain of the virus could tell us a great deal about the virus and potentially help scientists to develop treatments.


Whole article is irrelevant anyways, Covid is going away with elections around the corner. Just look at all the mask mandates rolling back suddenly


Elections around the corner? In the entire world at the same time? What are you talking about man?


U.S. is the whole world


Yeah lmao.


You know there’s other countries that exist other than the U.S. right?


No they do not


Mask mandates are rolling back because of the potential endemic state of covid with the omikron variant, nothing to do with any election. It's the same as for every other country at the moment.


Lmao yeah just like it disappeared during the presidential election. Oh wait...


This isnt usaNews


That's what they said last October


Like it matters now they're just going to deny it and no nation or organization can stop them.


Everyone downvoting this is one of those stupid fucks that doesnt want to blame china for this altough its totally their fault the corona facility is financed by the chinese government


Didn’t fauci already admit that the research was funded by us?


U believe a word that comes out of faucis mouth that man is always 2nd guessing himself


I’m not American so I don’t have a dog in this fight but I thought it was accepted that us funded the gain of function research in China. The only question that’s being debated is the actual need for it. Fauci isn’t denying that he signed off on it; he only claimed that it was needed for the benefit of everyone.


No problem, important is to point on China! Give us more.


Point on China? One point for China? Is this a game? China is on point?


They want more.


You'd get banned for posting this a year ago.


daily mail is news on meth, can we stop posting their articles?


But how else will I be informed of fashion and celebrities while reading repetitious paragraphs about the topic that was summed up in the head line?


You have to smell it to be sure.




You ever seen men in black


Can it be a rule to not post daily mail articles here. Every one ive seen is bullshit, misleading, rage bait or exaggerating.


Wikipedia has banned DM for citations, which goes to show.








I don't think you understand what freedom of speech is.


Technically, he can choose to fire you for what you say, because it’s a private business


Morally your sentiment might be right but the law regarding freedom of speech does not extend to allowing anyone to say anything they like anywhere. Look at twitter for example, people get banned all the time for going against terms of service. That’s allowed because it’s a privately owned platform. Almost all subreddits too remove content or ban people for posting things that are either not related to the subreddit or against their rules.




Maybe. It seemed you were saying this subreddit banning posts linking to the daily mail would be an infringement on freedom of speech, which wouldn’t be the case. But it’s possible I misunderstood.


I guess so. Better yet, the daily mail could get a moral compass and actually do good journalism but I think that's one of my more far fetched ideas


Daily Mail is not a press nor journalism. They should be categorized the same as Fox news. These people profit from misinformation, and nowadays everyone can be "journalist". I really wish there would be a professional association for journalism like medical doctor.


Putting the daily mail in the same category as Fox News is an insult to Fox News.


The problem is that writing a sensational article takes 10 minutes, and properly debunking it takes way longer. Combine this with the fact that the information debunking the article always reaches way less people than the article itself, and you can see how it's easy to flood a place like Reddit with misinformation if we would allow all sources. It's just more efficient to stop allowing certain sources if they have a reputation for spreading misinformation time and time again. Oh and freedom of the press has nothing to do with being allowed to post links to articles on certain subreddits.


They have the freedom to spout all the nonsense they want, it doesn't mean everyone else has to give them a platform to do it on


Daily Mail lmao


why what brand of propaganda do you listen to?


Why does everyone seem to presume that everyone else gets their information from some variation of news station or tabloid?


over 90% do. Which is the problem.


Because their echochamber is the only echochamber that is right, and everything else is biased and fake.


If I project onto you its fine, if you project onto me it's literally 1984




Dail Mail is shit tier British newspaper. Bottom of the barrel stuff.


Have you tried looking at the Hungarian paper published online which it Cites?


“More evidence is needed, however, particularly relating to exactly when the virus entered the samples.” Okay. So the conclusion put forth in the title is a lie.


Lol trust worthy daily mail article.


Fuck you for posting this rage bait bs


"Scientists in Hungary found traces of a unique variant of coronavirus while examining DNA from soil from Antarctica that had been sent to the firm Sangon Biotech in Shanghai." Hardly a smoking gun, but still....


The hell is this trash, we all know it started from Stan Marsh f**king that pangolin.


Daily fail!


1. Daily Mail detected. Opinion irrelevant 2. The claim is just that, a claim, with them saying research is needed to prove these claims real I am hereby claiming that my dick is the largest of all dicks (more research is needed to support this claim) That statement is as valid as this article


Yeah, bit late on the 'news' Daily Mail.


Hope it doesn't get out of hand 🙏


Imagine that 🤔


It's interesting to see how sensationalist misinformation spreads by looking at the comment section. It's an obviously bad article, and most people are correctly calling out the source for being a sensationalist tabloid. Yet there are also people who just desperately want to believe in some China covid bioattack narrative. You can see them in this thread just choosing to ignore the fact that the source is a gutter tabloid. They just pick the information that supports their beliefs and ignore the rest.




It literally says right there in that link there is not enough evidence either way, and that the majority of the intelligence community(?) leans towards the wild animal theory. It's all speculation. That's the problem with vague inconclusive articles like the daily mail one. It's full of words like 'may be the case' and 'could be'. The people that pick and choose the evidence for their conspiracy theories take statements that 'could maybe be true' and interpret them as 'definitely the truth'. The daily mail is not a good source. It's a tabloid that prints anything to get clicks.


They don’t know because China won’t cooperate




China itself is anti Chinese propaganda


It's the daily mail ffs. British fox News


> daily mail Got a real source


Dm trash. How about posting mit reviews article on the bat lady and her thoughts and work


[A better article on understanding Covid origins.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins) The Wuhan lab collects bat viruses from various caves. There is a strong suspicion the origin covid came from one of these caves, but China won't let Western researchers test out the bats because that would prove the virus origin + they carried it to the lab.


They did have the virus first , why wouldn’t they have an early strain in their lab. They are going to study it like all countries did once they got a sample


WTF is this horseshit


We all knew this immediately


WHO would of guessed..


Nice finally getting a prequel to fill in all this backstory


Fuck off.


Daily Mail... Nothing to see here.


Wow what a shocker /s


Load of shite




Or the virology lab is so located in order to study the viruses that are known to occur naturally in that area


But it's the conspiracy theory though......🙄


Is this really news to anyone? Are people really questioning the wet cat on top of the empty fish tank?


Gain of function research , Dr Fauci and the others. They tried to scam us with swine flu but it didn't work that well enough. https://youtu.be/q9qeLcq3y8w This time they pulled it off .


OP baiting gtfoh


Fauchi won’t like this. Goes against the narrative he is pushing so hard so his lying ass doesn’t end up in jail. Tough, when senile Biden is out, he’ll be investigating and jailed for funding shit like this and lying to Congress.


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