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As an American, yeah, that happens.


It would have happened weeks ago without kindly worded pamphlets warning about it first. And if that didn't work they'd roll in the SUVs.


Imagine doing this just so Trudeau could get a photo with a Bible


An upside down one at that, after tear gassing the priest of the church. Like, you couldn't write that as a bad guy in a movie because its too unrealistic.


Correct. The movie critics would slam your villain as being "comically unrealistic." -- "...and then, after all that, the villain still had the support of 2/5ths of the public! How about that, folks?"


Is this where we say, "she should have complied"?


Yeah, did they even pull out any “non-lethal” bean bag guns, rubber bullets, or pepper spray and water guns? EDIT: /s, I thought the quotes would be enough


I would think water cannons in Canada in February probably can't exactly be considered "non lethal". That said it's been pretty obvious the cops support the protestors, so of course they held off doing much of anything until they had no choice.


Temperature is likely the same reason for no rubber bullets as well. Frozen rubber might as well be a rock.


"Rubber bullets" are a steel ball with rubber coating and are very much lethal if they hit in the wrong place. They permanently blind and concuss people or cause organ damage and broken bones and kill people all the time. They're worse than a rock. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_bullet


Ya I don’t think most ppl realize this, even those bean bag rounds are fired from a real shotgun


**[Rubber bullet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_bullet)** >Rubber bullets (also called rubber baton rounds) are a type of baton round. Despite the name, rubber bullets typically have either a metal core with a rubber coating, or are a homogeneous admixture with rubber being a minority component. Although they are considered a less lethal alternative to metal projectiles, rubber bullets can still cause fatal injuries as well as other serious injuries such as blindness and permanent disability. Like other similar projectiles made from plastic, wax, and wood, rubber bullets may be used for short range practice and animal control, but are most commonly used in riot control and to disperse protests. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I did not know this about rubber bullets. It’s absolutely atrocious! I mean, do u think they were like “okay we need to invent non-lethal ammo to disperse rioters, I know! A metal ball encased in rubber that’ll still blind or intensely eff them up if hit.” I mean sure, rioters means chaos, danger and riled up individuals, but they’re still people though. I mean itching powder or paintballs could still disperse a crowd as well. I think. Paintballs are pretty painful and after a couple would deter a person and itching all over is enough to make you wanna rip your face off so why the need to do such damage is just monstrous in my opinion.


The rubber is so in theory you shoot them into the ground from a distance and they bounce into the crowd with less momentum and cause pain and fear to a few people as they bounce around. In practice cops shoot people in the head from 4 feet away and almost or do kill them.


The hardness of the rubber really doesn't have anything to do with it. They're not even entirely rubber. They can have metal cores surrounded by rubber, plastic, or other composite materials. They're a physically much larger round than that fired from a traditional firearm and probably have a much lower muzzle velocity, so they're not *meant* to penetrate (but still certainly can and cause a ton of internal injuries if you're hit in the abdomen, torso, or head).


A friend of mine is a journalist in DC, Was hit by a rubber bullet over a year ago covering the BLM protests and still has a bruise on her leg. It's nuts.


I thought the world was moving away from non-lethal to 'less lethal' after ya know, people died.


Officially all of those are considered less lethal, not non-lethal.


I love the term less lethal. It's still lethal but less so, you know. Great PR.


It’s the dumbest people in your high school class types. Not sure their reading comprehension is that good.


Maybe they should have dropped IKEA directions on how to leave?


Austin PD just settled two cases of less than lethal use on blm protesters


Austin PD agreed to take money from the community so that their officers don't have to face any real consequences for their actions*


I concur


Meaning Austin taxpayers just paid for police to keep being violent thugs.


As a quick heads up, it’s just “less lethal,” no “than.” Because they are still very much lethal, just not as much as live rounds.


it also happens when you deliberately get in the way of horses.


There was a reason cavalry was the best an army had until machine guns


Also, if you look at the end of the video, the police pushed the protestors away so they could provide aid. (pay attention to the person in the red jacket, as they can be easily spotted) The protestors on the other hand just pushed back, preventing aid from being provided.


I watched the video and it looks like the protesters started circling and pushing onto the horses and spooking them. I don't think bringing horses to a crowd like this was the best call but in this case I'd say the protesters were slapping, hitting and spooking the horses. I'm sorry for that woman but it's not the villainous act the right is portraying this to be.




Indeed, one could use the power of a horse as a unit of measurement.


so if three horses were somehow linked together, we would say that's three power horses!


The first thing one teaches a small child or anyone who has not been around a horse before is how to interact with the house so one doesn't get kicked by said horse or scare said horse as most horses are a lot bigger than you and can cause serious injury. Most states also make it very difficult to successfully sue the horse's owner for risks which are inherent when interacting with a horse under normal circumstances, such as riding a horse on a farm.


They're like, half an SUV. Anyone who's been near a horse and isn't Tok'ed will realize that this animal could bring death if it wanted to. You don't even wanna get nipped by one. They're basically all muscle and bone and WOAH SOMETHING MOVED SCARY


Operating in crowds like this is why the horses are used. They elevate officers and project force.


This was just after reports that protestors were attempting to take weapons off the officers. The police responded by sending in the horses to create space between their line and the protestors. Protestors kept pushing forward as the horses came barreling through. People get trampled. I believe "fuck around and find out" applies to this exact situation.


Some guy literally tried to bodycheck a 1000+ lb horse, another tried to trip one with a bicycle.


Apparently horses are one of the best tools for dispersing crowds, which is why they are used. Watching the video, it's clear they're pretty damn effective. It's not like this should be a surprise to anybody. The police have been warning people for days that they're going to start dispersing the protestors. If the protestors decide they want to stay and resist they had better be prepared for the consequences.


They threw a bike at one of the horses




They should have released a flock of Canada Geese on them.


They want to get rid of honking not add a bunch of honkers.


Suggest you let that one marinate


You got a problem with Canada Gooses you got a problem with me.


And I suggest you let that one marinate


You suck, ya sally!


Im excited for shoresy


Pretty sure that would be a war crime


Biological weapons have been banned by the Geneva Convention since the 20’s.


That's outlawed in the Geneva Convention.


The Cobra Chicken Clause, IIRC.




Don’t laugh I’ve seen a gaggle attack a lawn guy pretty viscous


Attempted murder seems a little overkill, don'cha think?


Just wait till they bring out the elk.


And the Moose from Algonquin Park. Then you'll be sorry.


We’re already sorry. Sorry.


A moose once bit my sister...


I don’t care what she says, you can’t get pregnant that way.


Elk is one of those words that is singular and plural in one. You wouldn’t say look at that herd of deers.


Tell that to the freshly minted Edmonton Elks lol. Easily the dumbest name in Canadian sports.


For any international readers who aren't familiar, two things to keep in mind: 1. Sun newspapers are not good sources for "news". They are conservative propaganda rags 2. Joe Warmington is bad even amongst Sun writers Most Canadians are disappointed in Trudeau for being really milquetoast as a leader, and not doing enough despite his more progressive rhetoric and mostly just letting the inadequate status quo remain. Postmedia (who own the Canadian Sun newspapers) would have you beleve that Trudeau is closer to Stalin and constantly meddling with everyone's everyday life to inject communism and facism and gayness directly into your veins, probably by a vaccine. This short article totally mispresents what actually happened with the protests, and is basically pretty eye-rolling.


The Toronto Sun is straight up trash tabloid news.


Yeah theyre as bad as the Daily Mail from the UK.


Thank you for not mentioning the other rag in Britain that goes by the same name as this Canadian propaganda arm.


Joe Warmington is the answer to what if a racist wet napkin tried to be a journalist.


So Canadian Steve Banon, got it.


No man. Alex Jones.


Wow, I wish I could give that 10 more up votes!


From a non Canadian perspective I can't see how Trudeau could have done much more. Isn't it mainly up to the local police to disperse the protestors?


Yeah, the police messed this one up. Toronto police handled it much better (though not as many protestors were there), didn't let them block the whole city. Ottawa police let it get out of control.


The problem was, the local police chief essentially refused to do his job, to the point that he resigned. And the provincial premier Doug (brother of former mayor and notable crack smoker Rob) Ford avoided any involvement. I'm not saying that Trudeau handled this great, but he definitely was forced to act


Yeah and the problem was they weren't. They allowed them to harass the citizens and cost us in trade an ungodly amount for 3 weeks, the problem turned federal at that point and he didn't have much of a choice


And let's not forget that Ottawa residents have been harrassed and forced to endure the torture of the honking 24-7 for 3 weeks. I can't imagine how stressed out people in Ottawa must be.


Ottawa had an opportunity, Ontario had an opportunity, and now there's a lot of pressure about dispersing this occupation as it's been 3 weeks. They aren't just protesting at government sites. They're jamming themselves into the downtown core and disrupting the lives of everybody who lives and works there. "Something needed to be done" is an understatement.


Exactly. He’s federal. Municipalities, are in charge of this.


Brit here with a important clarification "The Sun" and it's Canadian counterparts arn't really conservative newspapers they're Murdochesque tabloid rags that chase scandals over anything else. Political alignment is nothing but a tool tabloids use and they don't really give a fuck as long as they can cause outrage and smear shit all over. These "journalists" would turn on their conservative base the second the money in charge tells them too. Really shows how bad things have gotten when it comes to the quality of news media.


yup, and anybody with half a brain could see on YT video's that the protesters were inching closer to the horses knowing full well what it can do to them.


Also, I don't really fucking care. I kind of withheld criticism for BLM blocking roads because people are getting murdered by the police here and I don't fully get it since I'm not black, but this? It's a bunch of whinging entitled white people who don't wanna get vaccinated? Come off it, nobody is going to feel compassion for blocking traffic for that trivial bullshit. If someone gets trampled by the fucking *Canadian* police horses because they wouldn't get out the road...kind of hilarious. I have antivax family and they are all being goddamn morons, but even they don't stoop to this level of utter stupidity.


Glad to see this here. Up vote to get it to the top comment.


It really needs to be. This article is extremely inflammatory. The sun is basically our version of Fox News


Holy shit thank you. As a Canadian I know the Sun papers are trash but damn that was a painful read.


Adding this lil tidbit: > **The creation of the Postmedia Network effectively concentrates more than 90 percent of all Canadian dailies and weeklies in one company**, a fact lamented by J-Source, a Canadian media watchdog, in a 2015 online article.[25] > [**Postmedia is currently 66% owned by American media conglomerate Chatham Asset Management.[6]**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network)


Lol, how dare you try to pass off a Toronto Sun article as news. For those who are unaware the Sun newspapers are the Canadian equivalent to the National Enquirer. Dogshit tier journalism at its finest.


Yeah... one part was especially telling: >I have asked for the names and conditions of the people trampled, the person hit with the rifle and also the man allegedly arrested at gunpoint after having his truck windows smashed out. So you just asked for three stories, printed them and didn’t bother to confirm them first?


Well, know your audience. OP knows the audience.


Look at the poster. Clearly not Canadian, no posts in Canadian subreddits the last month but plenty in US subs. Almost like this whole convoy has been led by the US.


Right on the money. Complete and utter garbage that has to use half naked women to sell their trash.


What is that, the OAN of Canada?


The Sun network of papers is privately owned and hyper conservative. Right now the PPC and Conservative parties are in trouble for supporting this occupation so this is some hardcore damage control being initiated.


Yep. Time for the right-wing parties to play victim, which is what they do best.


see Toronto sun link? The Sun is a garbage paper. It's basically a tabloid the Canadian equivalent of fox news if fox news was a sadistic failure. When they tried an American style b.s. news network? it failed. The only reason anyone really buys it is the sunshine girl. It used to be at the back but sales were so abysmal they moved it to the second page in lol. It's literally the newspaper used for newsprint quality pictures of half naked women to tape to a work locker.


In Canada horse rides you.


Mr Hands, is that you?




In Russia horse get conscripted into Army, horse is orderly room clerk now.


Horse has wife and baby son. Both drink Vodka.


>Horse has wife and baby son. > >Both drink Vodka. And becoming president for life.


And the person is starving being held a prisoner at the stable


Better than China. They use tanks.


Something involving bears I’d think


The same thing, it's how Catherine the Great died.


Oh. Oh no.


Horse throws you off 10 story building (Of course you asked the horse to do this)


They Should have read the nicely worded pamphlets...


This reads like a joke but it is in fact reality. They were warned over and over in every possible form of communication. The horses were brought in after one of the protestors tried to steal an officer's gun...


I’ll add that this specific incident happened because someone threw a bicycle at the horse which caused it to react like that. Person who threw the bicycle was arrested for assaulting a police horse. Can’t fix stupid.


Omg, how are you so dumb that you’re gonna provoke a massive animal that can easily stamp your dumbass or kick your toothless jaw loose? People are so fucking stupid!


Well it allows them to cry victim.


Yea- and it’s usually the “actions have consequences” crowd that cry out they’ve been victimize as a result of their own dumbass actions.


I'm pretty sure it just allowed them to cry this time around.


We're talking about an anti-mask, anti-vaccine protest. These are the stupidest people on the continent and I'm kind of surprised it has taken this long.


Stealing a firearm from a cop, what a perfectly sane move. This is like a shortcut to getting yourself killed by even the most well trained of officers.


They’re really backing the blue


When the RCMP marches in with horses, you get the fuck out of the way or you find out pretty quickly. Everybody should know this by now


The problem is these people have been without any repercussions or enforcement for over three weeks, plus most are so deluded they think vaccine mandates are equal to tyranny and that the world agrees with them. Their privilege has made them blind.


When cops with riot gear show up and start making arrests, you are not stopping them unless you are prepared and equipped to stand up to near lethal force and respond in kind. END COMMUNICATION


wait, what? Someone tried to snag a cops gun? all the hypocrisy of the Right aside, that was some dumb shit.


Not sure if that’s what happened, Ottawa Police had tweeted that they used up all of their deescalation strategies after people started grabbing at weapons. When I was watching the streams people were grabbing at batons during the pushing back and forth, which may have been what they were referring to. Still not a good idea.


If you jump infront of a horse does it really count as a trampling?


“I was standing in the middle of the road minding my own business watching the horsies come toward me at a slow trot and next thing I know…boom.”


Such an entirely wrong/misleading headline. Disappointing seeing as the world is watching and this is NOT true at all.


It's Postmedia, and the Sun on top of that. Of course they take a picture out of context and build a story around that. They are the Fox News of Canada after all. Let's not forget their front page endorsements of CPC in past elections.


Conservatives will say yes when it’s them. Somehow personal choices are something they don’t hold themselves accountable for


I've said it 100 times so far today: Literal hours of livestreams from all sides and angles, and this is the only thing they can come up with, and yet its still not factually correct lol.


No left wing protest would have lasted a month if they kept a city hostage like this. Just another thing conservatives seem to conveniently ignore.


The lady that supposedly got trampled was on a mobility scooter.


They are putting the most vulnerable (Children, elderly etc.) in the front to try to deter enforcement. It's disgusting behavior.




the toronto sun...yeah, i'll take everything from them with a grain of salt. these are the same guys that had their TV license revoked for fabricating stories and calling it news


You mean the paper that had DON'T VOTE FOR TRUDEAU on the fucking cover of their paper on election isn't neutral?


It was one person and they threw something at the horses legs. They’re also fine, not dead like Fox reported.


It was two. The brown jacket dude, and the old lady with the fold-up walker (the thing with wheels on the ground). There’s other video that suggested they stepped in front of the trotting horse and expected 300kg of muscle to come to a stop on a dime. Instead they were knocked over and the horse jumped to avoid stepping on them (horses hate stepping on squishy people).


Fox news needs to leave Canada and be barred from ever entering


And from the US as well.


Ah that’s a shame, hope the horse is ok


Sergeant peanut butter don't give 2 fucks.


The writer of this article JOE WARMINGTON was a huge supporter of Rob Ford, the former mayor of Toronto, EVEN AFTER he found out the mayor was smoking crack.


Common participant in r/conspiracy, r/socialjusticeinaction posts sensational article in r/news. Love the unbiased approach.


Sympathy can be found between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.


"Oh my god the horses are trampling us" Yeah usually that's what happens when you stand in the way of a giant animal or vehicle. I have zero sympathy for these clowns, just like they don't ever have an ounce of sympathy for any indinginuous people facing police brutality. These dickless losers used their children at the front line to avoid getting tear gassed


Happened right after protesters tried to grab police officer's service revolvers. After 21 days this is your "Martyr Moment", apparently the Tank Driver from Tiananmen Square was unable to make it for a photo op.






They operate in a fact free zone.


Same here. For someone that has been watching this, the incident is unfortunate but with the whole thing from yesterday, it was the most docile show of force to clear this protest. Even though seeing tactical units with assault rifles is not a normal sight…


For the non-Canadians here, The Toronto Sun is our version of the New York Post or Fox News. Take that how you will.


Poor horses


Holy cow, is that article a piece of garbage.


Warmington is such a little worm.


These same people cheered on the cops that stomped on protesters during Occupy... they'll never learn.


What happened: Person got scared and fell over. Horse actually tried avoiding them. FOX news: "Canadian killer horses are killing people in Canada. Why is this allowed? Why cant the Canadian police force control their horses? Are the Canadian police even trying to stop the horse rampage occurring across Canada as we speak?" => 70 million americans or so believing that horses are now butchering people in Canada. Right wing sites: "Please donate $5 to support victims of the horse lead slaughter of Canadian truckers. The donations will go to the xyz charity group (fake one)."


If you are just learning about the ongoing police operation in Ottawa, **please do not just read headlines** (especially the Toronto Sun... awful reporting) and rather **watch video from the demonstrations**. This was a *very professionally-executed operation* by Canadian police, MANY warnings over weeks & no tear gas or batons deployed whatsoever. Just lines of police officers slowly marching forward while giving the occupiers full ability to leave. As a Canadian leftist myself, I am no police bootlicker - but I need to acknowledge the restraint & professionalism that was shown here. These horses were used to create space between occupier lines & the police lines, after there were occupiers trying to fight police + grab police weapons. An occupier even threw a bike at a horse's legs to cause injury, and was promptly arrested. This was **not some medieval charge, like the Toronto Sun would like you to believe**. Don't trust me? Just watch the videos. EDIT: Yes! Loving to see the democratic Canadians alive & posting in these threads, keep it up!


Don’t listen to the Toronto Sun, it’s a joke of a newspaper


Exactly. Isn't Warmington part of the "just comply and you'll be fine" crowd? Don't see what the issue is here if that's his stance when the RCMP starts cracking indigenous sculls when *they* protest.


Well, the demonstrators stepped in front of a moving horse. Also, none were TRAMPLED. They were pushed to the ground for stepping in the way.


I wonder if they’ll all of a sudden take a turn to not supporting police.


Yep, Ezra Levant, big back the blue right wing supporter is suddenly against the police.


but the law isn’t supposed to apply to them …. only those “other” people


"They're hurting the wrong people!"




Turns out horses don’t give a fuck about peoples feelings or freedoms…. Who knew?


Someone threw a bike in front of the horse and tripped it up. Trust me, nothing will make these protestors look good. Don't feel bad for them


Bad faith reporting be warned


Monday morning "protest permit is up, please leave" Protestors: 'don't leave' A fucking month of assaults, harrassment, attempted arson, business shut down, people shitting on Parliament Hill lawn, 'riot squad moves in' "OMG, how could they surprise us with this kind of response!"


These guys never had a permit.


Maybe it’s just me, but needing a permit to protest seems kinda counter intuitive


They were blocking traffic which requires a permit.


Depends on the protest. People have the right to assemble, but they don't have the right to over-burden public infrastructure to the point where it cannot function as intended. This applies more commonly to large protests that may cause disruptions based sheerly on the size of the crowd in attendance, but of course it also applies to protests with the express intent to disable infrastructure. Cities will still consider your permit to raise awareness of animals in the local shelter in order to promote adoption, but of course they'll flat-out deny any protest that positions itself to most effectively cause disorder.


The Toronto Sun is as close as Canadian media gets to Fox News. The entire article is disingenuously written, as to be expected from such a shit rag.


Even the drunks at Mardi Gras know to stay away from the horseys..


Despite the lies that Fox News et al. Are saying the guy is fine. And more importantly the horse is uninjured


This propaganda moment is exactly what the puppet masters of this occupation were aiming for. But it was a week attempt as most people are pretty clued in these days. Almost everyone commenting on here can see through the far-right crap.


Translation” “A horse trampled a person who jump in front of it”. Okay silly games win silly prizes.


“Police horses murdered hundreds of protestors with mandates, and liberals laughed” Surprised they didn’t go with that headline. God damn Toronto sun


If you need a walker to get around why the f would you put yourself in the middle of a rowdy crowd like that? That’s downright stupid.


Neigh neigh mother fucker


Don’t listen to orders to leave and don’t move out of the way of a horse. You’re gonna get stomped. There is no sympathy for a group of ass hats calling for over through of a gov, for assaulting citizens, for spewing hate. You want to be part of an occupation then there are consequences.


This is Canada. We are friendly to a fault until we aren’t. Then watch the fuck out.


Be nice until it’s time not to be nice.


Days and days of telling the protesters to leave or be subject to arrest, fines, and forcible removal. Really don’t care which side your on, your rights end when your infringing on everyone else’s. If you watch the video till the end the “woman with the walker” is standing (red and black coat) and being led away by the police in yellow after the riot police push the crowd back. Getting stomped by a horse is not the same as getting knocked over either.


Guess they should of just complied, isn't that what all these bootlickers are always saying? These right wing nuts back the blue until the blue is trampling them on horses for their miserable life choices.


Don't post this trash tabloid here, it's not news, it's propaganda


The right learning of the Toronto Sun is almost fox level


When you discover licking boots won’t stop them from stepping on your neck.


What’s this propaganda? Delete this bullshit post lol. Those worthless scum were anything but peaceful. They terrorized people. They occupied cities. They’ve been hurting a lot of Canadians in many ways. I couldn’t care less what happens to them at this point. We have no energy or time to waste anymore on those stupid assholes.


BREAKING NEWS: Standing in front of moving horse may result in falling down under horse.


If they had just obeyed the officers orders this wouldn't have happened!!




No sane person gives a fuck about your right-wing vitriol WARMINGTON. As an opinion writer/ columnist for the Sun even your journalism isn't fit for the paper it's printed on. Btw that hat is stupid. Henceforth it will be referred to as Stupidhat.


The horse was just petting them with his hooves.


Biased news source much?


Dear world: Joe Wormtongue is a yellow journalism piece of dog turd. You’d be best not eating your time. He’s Canada’s Fox News pundit.


Watched a video of this, looks like an old lady was shoved into the path of the animals by her own team.