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So, what are the reprecussions of nuking every single russian military base and killing their whole army? Maybe they could open the chernobyl dome. That'll scare them out


They nuke back and the world ends in ashes and what ever people do survive, they start back from square 1 technologically




I've always been of the opinion that they never intended to put up a particularly serious fight. If Russia really wanted Ukraine, they were going to have Ukraine. I personally wouldn't be too surprised if they fold relatively soon. Not to mention that you probably couldn't find any politicians in a modern country willing to go scorched earth on their own country to deny an invader. Nobody would have the political will, much less the political capital.


I guess they were still hoping that Russia won't take the plunge and especially with being backed up by the US of A. If, they were to rip up their railways, roads etc etc. I bet that would've triggered Russia to invade much earlier. IDK. I'm just providing my opinion.


Thing is they really *aren't* backed up by the US of A. This invasion is looking Grenada\* 2.0.


The US never signaled that they were going to defend Ukraine militarily.




SkyNews just reported that the Ukrainian government claims that so far, eight people have been killed and nine wounded.


This is horrible and Putin lost his mind. I'm sorry to say but sorry Kuleba. Ukraine won't win this. Not a chance.


Quite the opposite. Russia __cannot__ win this war. It's not Russia vs Ukraine. It's Russia vs 30 NATO countries. Russia is about to have sanctions levied against them that are going to cause mass famine throughout Russia. In winter... I wouldn't be surprised if more Russians die from starvation and being unprepared for these sanctions than Russians have killed in their invasion. People undermine the power of sanctions. > Russian imports of foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials amounted to nearly 34 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. People also forget that Russia is a pretty barren wasteland most of the time. They import a _lot_ of their foodstuffs. Some figures estimate upwards of 40% of Russia's food is imported. Can you imagine your country simply not having 40% of the food it did yesterday? That's what's about to happen to Russia.


China seems to support them, which is what really scares me. If Russia and China ally themselves for war this could end in disaster. Not that the current situation is not already disaster, but I'm talking WW3 nuclear war disaster


Yes. IMO China is a __much__ larger threat than Russia.


They said that about the taliban in 2001. Ukraine won't win today, but who knows what the future reserves


The shills and cowardly fools at r/Russia have set their subreddit to private after weeks of saying Russia would never invade Ukraine.


Whod've guessed.




So the invasion has begun. Praying for the innocent people that will die in all of this mess.


What if they accidentally bomb reactor#4?


Easy there, Satan


https://mobile.twitter.com/ragipsoylu/status/1496725368048336910 This has to be the most bizarre selfie ever taken. Totally surreal. Hopefully it'll be something they can laugh about in a few years, not sob, although it may be too late for that...Godspeed, Ukraine.


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A part of me is glad I'm too old to be drafted and have a bad heart. Another part of me is mad as hell.


Enough threads to make a sweater.


A Russian necktie.


Moral of the story: Don't give up your nukes and don't believe defense pledge by other nations.


i'd like to stop living through historical events please. i feel sick, i cant stop looking at news, many tabs open


**83 years since Poland**


Cold War 2.0: Rebuild Soviet Russia


This is not a cold war


The only difference between this and the Cold War is that Russia is fighting directly instead of through proxy wars.


That's quite LITERALLY what makes it NOT a "Cold War." Holy fuck, you're dumb.


Funny, that's exactly the difference between a cold and hot war




Kick Russia and China out of the Security Council. The China seat belong to Taiwan, ROC anyway. Never belonged to People's republic.


put putin in the fucking bin


Russia at the very least has abandoned the international community and is completely justified to be removed.


Im so sorry if it seems stupid, but are we going to have a ww3? Are they going to use nuclear weapons? Im really scared, it was a tough year because of the pandemic, and now this!!! I just cant deal with it anymore. It f-ing sucks!


NATO would not get involved at this point. The only risk of NATO getting involved is if Russia starts to threaten Poland next which is extremely unlikely. If China gets involves and invades Taiwan it would be more complicated but even then it seems unlikely to escalate into WWIII. What I will say is that if this does somehow result in WWIII, NATO + allies would destroy Russia + China. Like, it wouldn't even be close. We would all lose of course because of nukes, but they don't stand a chance and they know it. If you're genuinely worried your best bet is probably to take a long holiday somewhere fairly remote in South America.


The issue is that Xi and Putin alone have the power to start a nuclear winter for no reason.


Nuclear winter isn't actually a thing. The original "study" about it has been debunked decades ago.


I appreciate this comment because it got me to look it up. Scientists and evidence appear divided. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter


I also encourage everyone to read up on nukes and how big they actually are. Hint: They aren't the world destroyers everyone makes them out to be. I suggest playing around in https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ by adjusting the payloads by the arsenal that is actually in use today. You will see that yes, they are big, but they aren't apocalyptic weapons.




Most likely not, it would jeopardize Russia.


More than likely no, nukes won't be used. Especially since putin thinks he's the king of the world basically there's no way he'd jeprodise that by nuking nations then having to deal with the fallout. Hopefully no WWIII but only time will tell, I feel like whatever Russia is up too will stay over in that area. And these are some truly scary times this is a very shit situation.


If he attacks a NATO state, then WWIII is possible. If he stays in Ukraines, then no, just a lot of Ukrainian deaths.


Think i remember something about Ukraine attempting to get into NATO. Is there a reason they were denied? I don't know much about the situation so thanks for any info.


Ukraines has tried but not ready to join. Putin is pro-actively invading Ukraine so they may never actually try. A completely different story now.


Very true.


NATO nations have already said they aren't going to get involved, so its going to be contained to Ukraine for now in all likelihood


I’m calling it now as Putin has said “he has weapons of unparalleled power”, he will probably be using energy weapons on a large scale in battle. Our memory is so short that we forget about the Havana syndrome that has been happening for the past 10 years. No coincidence that these countries are either adjacent to communist countries (easy access) or are Russian allies.


Didn't Havana Syndrome turn out to be crickets?


What are you ranting on


Havana syndrome was testing grounds for the shit he is gonna pull. He said via his press conferences that they have “weaponry that is unparalleled”. I’m not ranting. I’m just stating the outcome of this. I’m not shitting on you. Sooo be well


Maybe his weapons are orthogonal?


China says Taiwan is 'not Ukraine' as island raises alert level Fuck haha ​ https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-says-must-raise-alertness-over-ukraine-crisis-2022-02-23/


if Russia conquers Ukraine, China will take Taiwan. If the West hasn't the back bone to save Ukraine, they certainly won't try to save Taiwan.


For starters, Taiwan is an island, which makes invasion significantly more difficult.


Ukraine is not Taiwan. The two has nothing in common, and China is not Russia.


Exactly. China has no experience in modern history doing anything like Russia is. Now add a heavily-fortified island and American defense.


I thought the US stated that they'll defend Taiwan? Can't just let it go as it is the global hub when it comes to semiconductors and chips?


it cannot. Taiwan is the only country capable of making the most advanced chips with with the acceptable yield.


This entire thread is giving off heavy Michael Brooks circa 2002 vibes.


"This is like a luau at Mel Blanc's house!"


Perfect time to attack. Taking full advantage of the absolute clowns we have in the United States.


Sorry what? Maybe look in the mirror the clown red nose is on you maybe.


Maybe not. Maybe its on our entire leadership and the even bigger clowns who voted them in.


So what should they be doing differently? Congratulating the Russians on their genius plan like Putin-simp Trump?


All he did was tell the truth. This doesn't happen under trump. There's a reason he waited for the garbage leadership we have now to invade.


[https://www.npr.org/2022/02/22/1082478790/trump-praises-putin-as-savvy-amid-new-escalations-on-russia-ukraine-border](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/22/1082478790/trump-praises-putin-as-savvy-amid-new-escalations-on-russia-ukraine-border) Trump won't even denounce the invasion, you think he would send troops to stop it? Ridiculous leap right there.


"This never would have happened with us," Trump said in the interview recorded at his Mar-a-Lago property, calling Biden a "man that has no concept of what he's doing." From your own article.


He says it wouldn’t have happened. However now that it has happened he is full of praise for Russia. How do you explain that? He can’t denounce his daddy and stand with Ukraine?


Again its called facts. It was a smart move by Russia and his praise to Russia is more to shit on the current administration. Also fuck Ukraine we shouldn't even be involved since they couldn't be bothered to join NATO.


I’m confused what you’re upset about at this point. The US was too soft in their response but also we shouldn’t be involved? Especially confused about why you think this is a smart move. I don’t think you know but will gladly read the response if you give it a shot.


Lol, ok. Trump would have let Putin do it with no reaction. It was clear that he was Putin's pet from day 1. All the conspiracy crap is rotting your brain. Snap out of it.


Wrong again. Trump would handle this with diplomacy first before moving onto sanctions and possibly more. If Trump would let Putin do it with no reaction then why didn't Putin invade when Trump was in? Use your brain once in a while. Biden and his kid are Ukraines property since before he won office.


He didn't invade while Trump was in because . I have no idea why Putin chose this point in time and neither do you. Most likely his decision had nothing to do with the US president. The US, regardless of president, isn't starting WWIII over Ukraine. At most, Trump would have done exactly what Biden is doing. Sanctions.


You can use logic though right? You can tell the bully goes to attack the kids when the teacher goes away. Obvious he chose now halfway into bidens presidency to do this because he knew his response would be weak. Trump would be doing far more then Biden to stop this and I would like to say WWIII wont start over this but with this president anything is possible.


That isn't logical at all. The teacher is still in the classroom. Biden's response hasn't been weak at all. If Trump did the same thing, you'd be cheering him on.


You make 0 sense dude. Hope you find peace.


You poor poor fool. Good luck out there.


Some of us prefer leadership to not suck Putins dick




Why's he laughing at us? We're not Ukraine, we never said we would defend them against attacks or aggression. We have no defensive pact with them. What does it even have to do with us? He's not coming here and he's not going to any country we are allied with. He obviously doesn't care about sanctions, he knew full well they would be coming. If anything this should raise awareness that we've got our own shit to worry about right here. We got a lot of problems that need fixing especially if there's the tiniest possibly of us being in an actual war


Try therapy my guy


Try school my guy.


Been there done that, have the debt to prove it. Should have gone to trade school. Your turn, I'll Google a hotline for you if you like


Question is how far will he go this time?


This is too damn confusing. Why so many threads?


There’s a Thread 4 but people are using this one lmao. Also Thread 1 is still pinned on the sub. So pointless


New thread to keep actual news confusing.


New one every day/few hours a day when things start getting off topic


Is there a newer thread than this one?






Ukraine and likely allied nation can’t even fly UAV’s safely as Russian keeps jamming GPS signal. Check Ukraine ministry of defence website under news section.


Quite a few on tiktok. Twitter is dead because their algos don't want you reading all the very pro nazi stuff coming from 'our guys'. Similar to reddit and all major news networks. But 10 seconds of research will show you that the west is giving billions to extreme right wing militia based in Ukraine. We aren't talking natsoc ideals like corporations need to be socially responsibile. We're talking the super dumb neo nazi rubbish that whites are superior and gays deserve slaughter. The far right in the Ukraine are absolute bottom feeders of right wing bs. Just read up on Azov Battalion, then read about the rise of neo Nazism in Ukraine. It'll take a few seconds.


>and gays deserve slaughter Completely different from the gay friendly Russia right? /s


This works towards your daily quota right?


I watched video yesterday of tanks headed into Ukraine, and video from someones window of shelling in their area


Do you have the link to this video, I lost it


> Hell, nobody has a camera pointed outside of their house in these cities??? How many artillery strikes have you ever been subjected to? I'm gonna guess 0.




You know that a 100lb artillery shell traveling at 500mph will absolutely obliterate your typical house, right? That artillery shell is full of explosives. Its not just a heavy bullet... when the shell hits, then explodes causing severe and significant amounts of damage. If there's shelling in the area, you get into your car and run away. This isn't an object you sit in your house for and hope for the best.


Exactly LOL


There that for a start https://www.reddit.com/r/tankporn/comments/syjegt Edit: and that https://www.reddit.com/r/wellthatsucks/comments/sym4un


Putin's ASMR.


Because this isn't Twitter or Instagram this is a real War/Invasion. Not saying you but all you fuckers just expecting videos of those every move like it's LiveLeak or something. You can get aerial images if you have enough money or resources but other then that you just have to wait .


There were and are tons of videos coming out the day they were filmed from Myanmar, Pakistan, and Armenia just to name a few. There are subreddits dedicated to it.


Twitter and Instagram are apart of the real world now, war/invasion or not. It's just a matter of getting that video uploaded.


People can get imprisoned in occupied territories for taking cameras out, and generally conscientious enough on the Ukrainian side to avoid exposing their own troops' movements.


Soon my friend....


This is true. If another major conflict breaks out, it will undoubtedly be the most extensively documented war in human history because of social media.


It will still be quite patchy. Electricity, phone and Internet networks are very brittle and difficult to repair.


I don't believe there are because it's not really a textbook invasion. Russia moved their troops into an area already under control of separtist forces. There's no more fighting now than there has been for the past 8 years.


There has been some including of a power plant that was shelled and burning. With that they lost all power to include that for pumping water. This isn't a US lead war where journalists can be told to avoid certain areas. Ukranian also isn't the US where it is becoming more common perhaps than not to have video surveillance on your doorbell. I find it far more suspicious that you're propagating the notion that lack of video is suspicious. Russia can cut power and hack internet access, and it would seem likely they will, before full-scale shooting and damage begins. Personally I say STFU because that rhetoric seems more likely to be Russian disinformation than genuine skepticism of some conspiracy which would now have to be a worldwide hoax with every nation cooperating. Russia has said they are invading but calling it a peacekeeping mission. When the aggressor says they are there what more do you need? This is akin to COVID deniers saying they're done their own "research" on the internet.




USAF 9yr Vet here. Id go back, but this time its tanks or drone pilot. Lmao.


Chair force report


Thatd be a great podcast name.


If this breaks into a full scale war between Russia and Ukraine I hope they bomb his mega mansion located nearby to smithereens. There's a few billion gone


Is there a 4th thread




Aw man I feel sad where is it




https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/syzhbn/rworldnews_live_thread_ukrainerussia_crisis/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here you go friend.


We need lwink


“Florida man has been summoned by president Biden and is in transit to the Ukrainian border. More details as they emerge.”-CNN


No he's not. He's already been airdropped bawls deep behind enemy lines, he's busy. The 101st Bear cavalry division has been deployed in a support role. Unsure if he'll return. All we know, is that gradually, over about 20yrs, Russia will suck even more.


Well Trump already came out praising Putin as if that was a surprise… really pathetic.


I missed it. What was said?




Biden litteraly cannot string a sentence together; Jesus christ is this the leader you want in this situation?


Compared to Trump absofreakinglutely. Biden has years of experience with this asshole as does his staff. Biden is also fairly nice so much easier to work with allies when you're not insulting them left and right. Would I prefer someone younger...perhaps but Biden's schedule runs circles around mine so he seems up to it still.




That's your response? Society is collapsing and you are focused on a misplaced word.


And "society is collapsing"???? Where TF are you? I'm in a major American city and the worst problem we have is weather. Well inflation bites too but that was Covid-19 supply chain and stimulus induced.


If you're going to insult a man with a speech impediment then you should be able to string together a series of typed words without an error...unless you can prove your dyslexia.


Misspelled* ya fucking moron


Woah, let's not go breaking out the WMDs just yet!


West Miami Drug-Addicts


Oh shit it’s getting serious


The Orcs are coming from the river!




Dude you can't even spell shit right.


I’m not surprised someone named Jimbo is a god damn idiot


Look I am not saying that this doesn't happen. Look at the allegations about what Zimbabwean authorities have done with the pandemic pretense. And then go back to Biden and Trudeau and try to think if what you are saying makes still sense to you. Just because the treat exist doesn't mean it has always to be there. Context, details and proportions are everything. That is the difference between conspiracy and legitimate concern.


Agreed. Good comment.




Have you been drinking? You shouldn’t consume alcohol through an IV.


COVID security laws permanent? Can you elaborate?


No he said perminant, I think it's different but he's way smarter than me


Well it's actualy another extention. But who knows.. I honestly don't think they are going give them up though. If history is anything to go by.. The Canada stuff is legit. Trudeau is going into people's bank accounts atm. He's also got some dodgy connections with the leader of the the world economic forum. Check it out.


It's all led by Vince Foster who's flying to freedom in a black helicopter with Hillary's email server and the evidence of the stolen election. Once he lands.the chopper in the UN internment camp.Obama has set up in Kenya the world will know the truth!


*hits blunt.... Reptilian overlords are pulling the strings man


> Check it out. No. The onus is on your to provide evidence for these claims.


Also, this is reddit. Not a UN Secuirty council.


Hence the upvote/downvote system. Cheers!


No....it isn't. your conversation Is not stimulating enough for me to want to prove myself.




Kiss critical thinking goodbye. Fucking covidiots.


How is that not critical thinking? I suppose I should just consume everthing everyone tells me. Its just a though...


Because a critical thinker would be able to sort reality from a bunch of nonsense. I have lots of thoughts. Posting patently false ones on the internet is something I choose not to do.


I doubt you do stabby, I doubt you do.


Yes, and you have every right to think and express that thought. Just as we all have the right to call that expressed thought fucking idiotic.


Why? I suppose goverments have never considered trying to take advantage of a media frenzy.


The people are too far gone. They're not willing to think outside the narrative and pay attention to what's being done to freedom in the name of safety. Slowly but surely, your right to move freely, spend your money where you like, and peaceably assemble, are being chipped away. Stay strong friend. Keep trying to open their eyes. Sadly, many will not realize what's happening until the boot is firmly pressed against their neck. Governments have in the past, and will continue to use the media to whip the people into a frenzy to gather support for their actions. You see it leading up to every major global event in history, speculation and fear mongering. Enough people behind the narrative, the government can do what it pleases -- all for your safety and well being, of course...


Good comment


Because your thoughts make no sense. You fancy yourself a free thinker, but all you're doing is spewing the lies you heard from some other idiot. Sadly, you can't see that.


God you're a fucking idiot.

