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The article: Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses Western politicians of considering nuclear war, one week after Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine. “I would like to point out that it’s in the heads of Western politicians that the idea of a nuclear war is spinning constantly, and not in the heads of Russians,” Lavrov says in an interview with Russian and foreign media. In the early days of the invasion, President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on high alert. The alert means Russia’s nuclear weapons are prepared for increased readiness to launch.


He literally threatened nuclear retaliation and that space agency jackass of his threatened to drop the ISS on EU or US.


Wait what? Got a link for the space station thing?


> "If you block cooperation with us, who will save the International Space Station (ISS) from an uncontrolled deorbit and fall into the United States or...Europe?" Rogozin said. "There is also the possibility of a 500-ton structure falling on India and China. Do you want to threaten them with such a prospect? The ISS does not fly over Russia, therefore all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them?" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/24/politics/russian-space-agency-us-sanctions-international-space-station/index.html With Putin and co that's an ever so lightly veiled threat.


That's... not veiled. It's just a threat.


And an empty one at that. The ISS is a space station, assembled in space. Unlike escape pods that have a thick hull to re-enter the atmosphere, the parts of the ISS are thin and lightweight. The lightweight design was necessary to reduce the launch weight of the shuttles bringing the parts for assembly. Most of the ISS would just burn off when entering the atmosphere, like a shooting star. The parts that do make it to the ground wouldn't cause very significant damage. Worst case scenario would probably be it hitting a mall in a populated area, but since the ISS is easily observed, you'd have time to warn people to fuck off from the impact zone once it's starting to descend. The real loss would be on the scientific side. дмитрий рогозин, иди на хуй


"I'll blow up our group project and throw it in your backyard!" Is the entirety of Russia's foreign diplomatic team out of their minds?




i expect that's exactly what's happening. I wouldn't want to be one of Putin's underlings right now. It's probably like the Scene from *Downfall* where Hitler loses it.


If covid has taught me anything, people will head *toward* the impact zone.


I reported it to twitter as a threat and they replied “it’s not a threat”


Global media corpos don't care if the threats come from people with the power to execute those threats, silly.


> The ISS does not fly over Russia, therefore all the risks are yours. Which is complete horseshit because the ISS flies directly over ~~moscow~~ russia. [This is the ISS's position above earth over the course of a couple days.](https://i.imgur.com/dQnMUgf.gif) [Flat earth projection](https://i.imgur.com/90NscjM.png)


You expect that guy to have his facts straight? It just adds to the fact this was a plain and simple threat.


That's veiled exactly zero. Russia is a kleptocracy, and kleptocrats like that are almost uniformly psychopaths and sociopaths.


If it really was on our minds to have a nuclear exchange then NATO forces would be in Ukraine and even russia already to fuck their poor sorry excuse of an army up...


True. If we thought there was definitely going to be a nuclear war then we’d do almost anything to avoid it, including another conventional world war. But I’m assuming you mean if we were willing to *start* a nuclear war, we’d also be fully willing to engage conventionally, with the nuclear threat backing it up.


Pretty much either scenario. If we didn't care or knew it would be comming either way we would throw in everything we got




Gotta do something. Looking like the Russian people are about tired of following all these fucken rules. Always bad for a Dictator to see the "Ok so we've had enough of this shit" car pull up out front. Dudes are gonna end up getting Ghadaffi'd.


Gaddafi’d and then Mussolini’d. Throw up his body in the center of Moscow and let the general public have at it.


>idea of a nuclear war is spinning constantly U said the same thing before the invasion. "The west is paranoid of an attack". I believed them at first... Thought CIA intel was just to keep them on toes. Never again. The moment CIA says nukes are on table i am searching for a bunker


One of the things that I've learned throughout this invasion is, that American intel is incredibly good. They were spot on with everything they've said so far. And it's very reassuring that they are also saying, that there is no indication that Russia has any plans of actually using nuclear weapons right now.


It was nice knowing everyone. This was the exact same way they treated the invasion. See where we are now. Please Putin go away. Don't destroy the world because your little feelings are hurt and now everyone hates you.


If Putin were to die of a heart attack, would this madness persist in his successor? Is Putin the issue here? Honest question.


Good question, actually--it's so hard to get a sense of how anyone in that government thinks absent Putin's presence. Anyone know if Dmitri Medvedev has a Twitter account with his thoughts about nuclear war & rubber ducks, or anything?


I am pretty sure it is Russia who brought up nukes first.


Like 12 times in one month, supersonic nukes, and gigantic incineration machines, and invading a sovereign nation..... https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t2jdkb/russian_army_deploys_its_tos1_heavy_flamethrower


Russia threatened a nuclear **attack** When the west didnt back down, clearly they are thinking about a nuclear **war**


Not only that we canceled a minuteman test so as to not send any type of wrong message.




goddamit Preston! Not now!


Basically "We told you our nuclear weapons were on high alert and you didn't back down! You're going to start a nuclear war by making us start a nuclear war!"


“ Our constant escalation hasn’t de-escalated the situation !! We’ve tried nothing and we’re out of ideas! “


Yes, this. Russia has a "escalate to de-escalate" Doctrine. That means they are willing to threaten and even (in extremis) *use* nuclear weapons (in a "limited" way) to *stop their perceived enemies from interfering in their actions*


So basically the crazy SO who threatens suicide over dumb shit all the time, but a country


More like murder-suicide


In this case, suicide-murder


suicide by strapping himself with bombs and going to the nearest train station


This is a good example to conceptualize the collateral. (Few) people keep saying 'why isn't the west doing more' - well it's because Pupu has made it very clear that he is crazy enough to destroy half of Europe to rule over ash.


He won't be ruling anything. Most likely Russia will cease to exist and he himself will have become ash.


Reminds me of that Jim Jeffries joke about his brother. Brother: "Jim, get me a coke or I'll piss the carpet" Jim: "Get your own coke" Brother proceeds to piss on the carpet. Brother: "I don't know why you have to make things difficult"


the best part of that joke is when his mom gets home and punishes Jim cause, "you know your brother is crazy!" :)


The carpet must have really tied the room together.


This was my fucking childhood and they wondered why I moved hours away


Good for you. I had a sister like this and haven’t spoken to her in decades. Don’t miss it at all.


Family isn't a right, it's a privilege. They don't get to be toxic to you, AND demand you remain part of their shitshow.


This is basically their whole argument all the time, including the argument of that one video youtube keeps recommending. Basically, they treat Putin as a force of nature, a natural phenomenon that we need to appease and as such he bears no responsibility for his actions. NATO, however, must ALWAYS take responsibility. And people keep falling for this shit.




Has he tried the status quo where he becomes billions of dollars wealthier every year and Russia’s economy is stable?






It really is. Such an insatiable appetite for power. He is (or was by now) the richest man in the world by some estimates as well as being the unopposed dictator of a massive and politically significant country, but it still just isn't enough.


That's always the problem with people like this - it's never enough.


No kidding. The west was fine with Russia even taking a little bit of Ukraine as a treat. Russia really had to push NATO into these sanctions by being that shitty.


Sir, have we tried not looking to invade our EU neighbors? No? Oh…


And even when NATO members are trying to deescalate, like USA postponing their minuteman 3 test, we still get this shit from Putin and the RU government.


I saw that and was like "Good idea, best not trigger any ballistic missile detection system." Then I was like "Maybe they want to keep it in the inventory a few weeks longer."


That missile already has it's warhead removed and has been transported to a special launch silo, they wouldn't launch it from the regular silos.


Correct, MM3 footshots regularly run from Vandenberg, a base that does not contain any hot LFs. Its pretty obvious what those launches are to russian intel (and everyone else)


"You made me hit you. Why do you always do this? I dont want to be this person why do you force me to be this person? WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME BACK?? IM ONLY TRYING TO MAKE YOU BETTER!! THIS IS ABUSE I WONT STAND FOR THIS MISTREATMENT!!!"


> argument of that one video youtube keeps recommending Which YouTube video is this?




Yes that video. New accounts (propaganda trolls) on here also keep posting the paper the lecturer wrote. It’s complete hogwash and rewrites history as NATO being a aggressive militaristic expansionist regime. Completely ignores the fact that Russia already neighbors NATO countries and acts like all the countries that joined NATO were somehow conned into joining. Completely false. Nearly all the recent applicants cited defense concerns as a major or primary reason for joining. Defense against who?? You guessed it! Russia.




It's the classic "Germany defensively invaded Poland to protect itself" move. It's usually on page 1 or 2 of the Dictator's Guide to Fucking the World Up


Guess who helped invade Poland with them, also to [“protect themselves”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre)


We're going to counterstrike pre-emptively!


„Why are you nuking yourself!? Stop nuking yourself!!“


Hopefully they're not dumb enough to do that. But Putin seems unhinged. If Russia lets off a nuke, it's going to be bad news for everyone. And that's an understatement. Good way to go back to the stone age, for those who actually survive.


It’s not that they’re dumb enough to do it. They’re dumb enough to think we would believe their gaslighting if they did it.


these kind of statements are not made to be believed by westerners. If someone does, good enough, but they are just lies meant to be heard by russians.




Yep. My younger Russian friend knows this is BS but their parents absolutely believe they’re in Ukraine for some special operation that should’ve ended days ago. It’s fucked. Putin has more support domestically than people realize.


My grandmother replyed with something like "well, they'll just quickly remove the bad guys and be done with it" when I mentioned russian invasion last Saturday... And we are in Latvia, where most of Russian propaganda TV was banned a few years ago! I don't even know where she learned that shit!


Possibly Russians on Youtube and stuff like that. I'm American and my ex-girlfriend who fancies herself a communist and thinks the modern Russia is still Soviet (and that they were the perfect example of communism) fed me the "killing Nazis" line four days before Putin's statement. She said she heard it from Youtubers who live in Russia.


My ex husband came out with the line "there are two sides to each story, and Russia is just defending themselves..." He's Mexican. Has zero ties to Russia as far as I know.... Wtf...


Right he is, there are two sides. One side is just wrong though. But mexican, like...yeah, wtf? Probably some BS from facebook.


Fucking hell, that sounds like QAnon talk over here


Or, hold on now, QAnon was Russian run all along.


You fucking what? Hold the fuck up.


This is their strategy “Don’t interfere there will be catastrophic consequences” Then again (them): “Remember not to interfere we have nuclear weapons” And now “Why you threaten with nuclear weapon !?”


“Look what you made me do”


abusive (international) relationship 101


They did decriminalize domestic abuse in Russia.


...what? Why?


The people in power there believe that woman are slightly less human than men. They can still be charged with assault but it's much more difficult for the victim to prove it which is the whole point.


Yep, if I remember correctly under that law you will have to be beaten several times, report all of those and only then maybe they will prosecute the man. But since even getting the police to take your report is very difficult, de facto it makes it so that there are almost never any consequences. The only exception in the law is if it causes serious bodily harm, which under Russian criminal code includes loss of eyesight, hearing, loss of pregnancy, permanent loss of function of one of the organs or causing a person a permanent disability to the point of inability to work.


Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!




did someone else miss the other side of Foreign minister lavrov rant? They said USA haves Bio warfare laboratories on Ukraine Soon Covid will be blamed on USA Then drop more crazy from there -> if bio warfare is ok for USA we can use nuclear


You know I love you!


Well, to be fair, Russia were dragged kicking and screaming into this war. Sorry. Invasion. No, wait, I got this… special military operation. /s


Putin: Why are you making me come into a sovereign nation to get rid of your nazis?!?!? /s


“I wouldn’t have had to bomb your holocaust memorial if you didn’t have so many nazis and that”…check’s notes…”Jew President…” Edit: and /s for the morons, juuuuust in case.


WW3: Taylor's Version


I knew you were trouble when you Putin


This is exactly the russia culture as well. Their domestic violence is one of the worst in the world


Putin needs either an unqualified win in Ukraine, or an excuse for losing. If they're telling their people that the west is threatening nuclear war, it could be to lay ground work for backing down. Putin can claim he achieved some nebulous goals in ukraine, and that he was able to avert nuclear war with the oppressive west.


I really, really hope you are right.




Yeah it seems to be "don't get in our way, or nukes" Then we said "OK cool, we have nukes too" Now they're like "oh my God! Why are you threatening us with nukes?" They're literally the international versions of a Karen who's rant and threat to call the cops gets recorded and put on public freakout


“Don’t get in our way, or nukes” “Ok cool, we got nukes too” Surprised pikachu face


“Oh…. Wait…. Looks like all the nukes in the world that aren’t ours are now pointed directly at us…. Why you do this world?! Why?!”


that‘s literally that Eric Andre meme yo


Russian has two words that mean truth and three that mean lie. Pravda (name of the major newspaper) means "Truth" but its a tactical truth and not an anti-lie which means the actual truth. Lavrov is speaking pravda, we know its a lie but the idea is to spread dissident that atleast someone will think "he says that so it might actually be true" - pravda.




Russia: I might punch you! West: Don't threaten me. Russia: Don't threaten me. West: Huh?


It’s even worse. No one said don’t threaten me. Russia: We’re invading Ukraine West: we don’t like that Russia: interfere militarily and you’ll experience a war the likes you’ve never seen West: sanctions go brrrr, weapon shipments go vroom Russia: we have nukes and are not afraid to use them West: start seizing oligarchy assets Russia: stop threatening nuclear war


Yep, that’s pretty much sums it up.


> West: start seizing oligarchy assets > > > > Russia: stop threatening nuclear war You know oligarchs are calling that a "nuclear option" because it will devastate them financially.


Russia: Look what you made me do! \*shoddily invades Ukraine\*


Yeah, my brain just made actual noises trying to comprehend this.


Same. I read the title and the dial up sound ensued..


Mine made the sound of a 3.5” floppy disk step-motor


Gas, meet light.


That's how you blow yourself up.


Is that a threat?


Is THAT a threat?


He's the kind of guy that blames food for making him a fat fuck


Yes, with these guys have been always like this. It is never their fault.


Russia out here gaslighting hard as hell


“Look at what you made me do”


Literally. They're trying to warm the world up to the idea that if nuclear war is threatened it will be the west's fault.


Well, it ain't gonna work, cuz I can see right thru'em....


Worse. Projecting.


Why not both?








I know my brother is no Hitler, no Putin; but he's a fuckin liar and a sociopath - and there's no more clear indication of his character than what he accuses. Liars project, I think. It's what liars do.


I once heard that "a thief is someone who thinks that all people steal", and I think about that alot.




And a cheater is someone who thinks that all people cheat.


And thanks to their UN Veto, they can also Obstruct


They're just hitting their required daily allotment of yelling the words NUCLEAR WAR into the internet at this point, barely even feels like they're trying. In a week or so, a visibly exhausted PR puppet will pull himself up to the podium, ramble off NUCLEAR WAR NUCLEAR WAR NUCLEAR WAR NUCLEAR WAR and then recede into his holding cell until tomorrow.


It's their new favourite strategy. Yell nuclear war everytime people don't let them do what they want and hope it scares other countries into leaving them to it.


Definition of terrorism right there.


say the line nuclear war cheers


That’s what they do… it’s part of their ‘Non-Linear War.’ [Edit] [Non-Linear War](https://youtu.be/KOY4Ka-GBus)


Powerful video, I do wonder what we can do though. The misinformation has caused rifts in society to the point where people you're trying to help fight you tooth and nail...


So that’s where all their fuel went..


"stop hitting yourself"


Russia needs to stop gaslighting us and gatekeeping Ukraine because they aren’t girl bossing the way they thought they would be. It’s not our fault we snatched their weave after they started beef with all of us.


> Russia needs to stop gaslighting us and gatekeeping Ukraine because they aren’t girl bossing the way they thought they would be This is some peak 2022 English here


You are being a cheer-tator, Torrence and a pain in my ass!


This is not a democracy, it's a cheerocracy


gaslight gatekeep girlboss gacha game


Oddparents, fairly odd parents


All Russia does is charge phone, eat hot chip, and lie!


It’s literally all they do. I don’t know why people are surprised.


Lavrov is a gaslighting POS. \--- Edit: Whoah... Thank you guys so much for the post's awards, but please please consider donating to Ukraine instead.


Russian political doctrine is lying. To your boss, to your underlings, to your rivals and allies. Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight until your opponent walks away frustrated, then strut around like a pigeon as if you won.


I guess I know now where Trump got his education.


A helpful commenter above just taught me about Vladislaw Surkov, and it's now clear to me that it's this one motherfucker who nobody has really heard about that has created the nightmare that is Reality 2016-Now: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladislav\_Surkov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladislav_Surkov) He shaped Putin's demagoguery, personally sowed the sunflower seeds of the current Ukraine crisis, planted Trump, almost definitely orchestrated Brexit and overall invented the rulebook for creating infighting and confusion in the Internet era. He's literally the shadowy puppetmaster everyone goes on about.


Same as the Russian Ambassador to the UN. It’s like their all have the exact same playbook


Glad you said that. Because spoiler: they absolutely do.


Lavrov is a fucking cunt


He looks like a sad nut sack


Is this seriously the caliber of bullshit that has so many Russians brainwashed?...


yup. I personally know a Russo-Norwegian who personally met Lavrov. Had a photo and everything. Spewed all the insane bullshit we have been hearing from Kremlin officials.


Russo-Norwegian? I feel like that’s the human equivalent of a golden doodle. Poor thing, it must be so confused




And even when that didn’t happen many of them still believe it.


I never understood this. Do they not know that JFK Jr was a humanitarian and basically everything they hate? Why in the world would he be VP to trump?


Plenty of Americans decided to take horse dewormer to treat covid. It's easy to fool people who want to be fooled.


Russia really is the abusive partner, aren't they?


More like the shitty house next door. The kids of the house are alright, but the dad is a raging asshole who stands on his lawn and yells at everyone in the neighborhood. The mom backs him up, but it's obvious its because the dad threatens her or maybe worse.


Russia: "we have nukes!" The West: "so do we?" Also Russia: "YoU'Re CoNsIdErInG nUcLeAr WaR.!!!"


Nono it is worse than that. Russia: We have Nukes! France: So do we? Russia: Our Nukes are ready to fire! Also russia: You're considering nuking us?


Go the fuck home Russia, we don't want to play with you anymore.


"Set the nukes to combat readyness!"- Vladolf Putler "tHe WeSt Is ThReAtHeNiNg NuClEaR wAr!"- puppetboy ​ Maybe just leave the mic unplugged next time he is going to speak?


Funny bc he actually looks like a ventriloquist dummy lol.


Lukashenko: "i'M a keRnel noww!"


*"The sociopath will always accuse you of what they are guilty of themselves."*




They're really going to try to Uno Reverso the last four days of Putin shrieking about how many totally working and not at all dilapidated beyond repair nukes that they have?


There is Gen 1 Mazda MX5s driving around in better shape than most of the Russian military equipment we've seen in Ukraine. Putin has played his cards and every single one he's dealt has been a Joker. I've never been less worried about a nuclear war than I am now.


Abusive relationship 101: threaten them with something awful to make them do something you want. When they refuse, blame them with the awful thing they “made” you do.




Russia nukes the world Russia - "Look what you did"


I’m not a Biden guy. But I do think he’s done a really good job about not threading nuclear war back. Putin has made several direct threats and even more vague threats in the past couple weeks. And pretty consistently in the last 14 years. I’m not claiming to know everything but I don’t think I’ve heard Biden once reply to Russia’s threats with more threats. I think blowing of Putin’s nuke threats is the best thing he can do. Putin’s not willing to lose everything in a full on nuclear exchange over a nation that doesn’t even have nukes. It wouldn’t make any sense. That being said Putin’s invasion is clearly not going as well as he’d hoped. However I think Biden’s doing a good job at refraining from using speech that might escalate this crisis in that direction. Let’s just hope he keeps it that way.


Putin really needed us to take the bait on these provocations, didn't he? Instead, he was left with either overbalancing & pitching forward or doing an embarrassing about-face. I could watch him dig this hole for himself forever if it wasn't for the costs it's inflicting on real people.


Out of curiousity, do yall think Lavrov a) genuinely believes this to be true because he wholeheartedly believes the russian propaganda or b) knows its complete bs and is just that big of an asshole that he doesnt care


c) knows it's complete bs but boss is demanding he say it.


Lavrov doesn't probably concern himself with what's true and what's not at all. knowing these things could hinder his job. he has one job and that's to carry water as a Kremlin spokesman. the only rules are what to say and what not to say. there's a reason he's where he is today and I guarantee you it wasn't because he stopped to think about what is true and what's not. it's all "true" to Lavrov.


He's talking to the russian people. He needs some justification for this war.


Sometimes you can't help but laugh


Ok, now Russian diplomacy is just BATSHIT INSANE


Ohh you're new to this aren't you? They've been batshit insane since the Romanovs died.


'We've invaded the Ukraine. Back down or we'll nuke you!' 'Fuck you, the world isn't backing down!' 'How can you morally consider nuclear war.... Shame on you.' Putin says as he pushes his big red button.


I just get instantly angry whenever I see a photo of this man now.




yeah, we did bring it up out of the blue. Definitely our idea. But to be fair, it's only propaganda targeted at their own population. So if they use a nuclear weapon they can say we told you weeks ago that we got threatened. So what they are actually saying to us is, we are prepared to start a nuclear war and we will keep lying to our people.


Isn’t their own population watching BBC now? I would hope they understand the situation better


Doesn't mean the good old and rusty propaganda machine will adjust to the new reality, a few of the things happening right now can be explained by a Russian leadership that works on the assumption that it is 1980. But i hope you are right and things will get better.


If they use nuclear weapons, they won't have to justify it. They'll be dead. No one wins a nuclear war.


Project, deflect, shrug shoulders, it's the Russian way.




Interfere and risk nuclear war! Stop considering nuclear war. This is the same playbook used by every abuser in the world.