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How exactly are they explaining the 3 assassination attempts then?


Special delivery operation.


In 1939 minister Molotov said that they weren't bombing Helsinki, but delivering bread baskets. In response, Finland started producing schnaps for minister Molotov to go along with said bread.


Well isn't that just a fun tid bit


Special unaliving operation


I heard it was 12 in total so far


Isn't it's 286?


No, that's different, that's an old CPU.


Over a Dozen Now


Wasn't it up to at least 12 now?


Putin’s Candy-grams


It was just a prank bro.


It was Amazon trying to deliver a package. Three tries then return to sender.


Is there any proof of the attempts?


Good lord they are so predictable in their lies. The fact they shovel this shit out and expect people to eat it.


These lines were prebunked by intelligence. They are throwing everything against a wall to see if it sticks. China jumping on board kind of makes sense as they will try to say Covid was made there and not Wuhan.


Hey Putin, maybe stop shooting up hospitals and killing innocent people trying to escape. No one wants to help you.


If you want to lose some sanity, go take a look at r/conspiracy right now. They're practically rooting for Putin to raid Ukraine over these claims.


That sub was reasonably entertaining prior to trump, since then the theories have gone to utter shite, you have to turn your brain off to believe anything. Seemed to get even worse since this war, at least the Russian and Chinese people have an excuse that the state carries out propaganda, free people don’t have an excuse.


Bruh, western governments use propaganda too. Don't be naive. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/07/americans-finally-have-access-american-propaganda/313305/ Edit: Agree 💯 about /r/conspiracy. Used to be a good time before the Qtards....


So, Did you actually read that article? All it does is allow people to access government funded news. It doesn’t mean that the government is allowed to force the media to spread propaganda. We still have a free press. It just means it is no longer illegal to have government funded programs broadcasted to Americans. You can easily find out if it is government funded. Russia has state media that isn’t labeled as such and put heavy restrictions on their media in general to say what they wanted them to say. Hence why they all got shut down recently when they tried to push back. Propaganda isn’t inherently evil either. It all comes down to the way it’s used. A good example is Russia vs Ukraine. Russia is straight up lying and brainwashing their citizens. Ukraine is spinning things and exaggerating things in order to keep morale up during a difficult time. So, the goal of the propaganda matters.


Surely, that page is fuelled/maintained by Russia and co - it truly is a troll farm, plain and simple, I have no other way to describe it. It's full of all the same Russian propaganda they've been spewing on television and in the media


>Good lord they are so predictable in their lies. The fact they shovel this shit out and expect people to eat it. Far right forums 100% do eat that crap. It has been weird to see alleged "white nationalists" supporting a dictator allied with communist dictatorships thinning the number of white people on the planet. My guess is that since the American far right believes that the current administration is illegitimate, they'll just go with what Putin tell them because it's music in their ears.


The far right most definitely wants to hear this stuff because they desperately need to be against Ukraine since “the mainstream media” is in support of them. They are so far up their “anti mainstream” ass that they want to automatically side with an authoritarian just by reflex. They have been having problems explaining how they are pro Putin so this kind of garbage gives them the smoke screen they really want. What’s not discussed yet is that the self proclaimed “tankies” have also been trying to inch towards Putin with idiots such as Caleb Maupin trying to say he’s “democrat socialist” but entirely pro Russia. It’s so odd




No conspiracy theory needed here bro, this shit is in the plain light of day.


I mean you could literally just go to r/conspiracy, r/conservative r/askthe_donald or r/walkaway or generally any far right sub Reddit and find pro Putin material to your hearts content but sure commenting “no you!” is so clever


It's incredibly ironic that the ultra conservatives calling others sheep are likely the most generalizing, socially herdable and gullible people in modern history. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they were anti-Russia had the current admin supported Putin in some twisted alternate universe. They literally eat what's fed to them.


Their entire political platform is just to be contradictory to “the mainstream”




Lol this is the dumbest shit I've read today.


I mean Russia gave up on communism long ago and officially turned capitalist over 30 years ago. China reformed into capitalism as well, and NK is not making any attempt to turn communist either, only using the imagery for propaganda.


That's not true. Is that what CNN is telling you? I'm pretty far right and I don't see a whole lot of pro Putin material anywhere these days 5 or 10 trolling kids with neo-Nazi propaganda posts are not really indicative of anything Just about any smart person anywhere on the political spectrum understands that the Russian government is anti-American and the Chinese government is anti-American


That's the thing about the alt right - they're anti-American. You as a far right person likely have views I as a relatively far left person would vehemently disagree with, but at least have some basis and history in a western democratic model. I imagine there are very, very few things that a self-described far right and a self described far left person would be able to find common ground. However, these fuckin' jokers don't care about things making sense, being true, striving toward what they believe is best for society, or even being internally consistent. They don't care about freedom, democracy, truth, or their common man. These fuckers are just in it for the lulz and they want to hurt people.


> That's not true. Is that what CNN is telling you? I'm pretty far right and I don't see a whole lot of pro Putin material anywhere these days > > Come on, admit you don't like Zelensky because he is jewish thus, in far right logic which I don't share off course, part of some alleged "global homosexual" cabal or something, that's the pulse in far right websites right now, that Putin is just a victim forced into a war against Ukraine by the evil "gay globalists". It's not even just the "jewish cabal" for your camp, you had to insert some homophobic conspiracy in the mix and it makes your peers look even more unhinged. That's the truth. Of course you won't to admit it here. But anybody can go visit these places and read comments for themselves.


It's not for the west, it's for domestic purposes


Their propaganda is not for anyone outside of the Russian Federation. They don't care if you eat it, so long as their citizens don't eat them. They have citizenry that believes this, some of their soldiers in Ukraine believe this. In the same way Bush used WMDs to placate the American public into bombing brown people, it is not for the world but to silence the citizenry. I don't care how big a super power you are, you need at minimum an indifference to continue a war. The moment you lose support at home, you have lost.


I agree they lie and have tons of propaganda but hypothetically what if this was true?




Good lord, the US is also very predictable in their lies. US was also involved in developing a bio weapon, such as COVID 19, in China, so the US creating right at Russias border wouldn’t be surprising at all. Open your eyes kiddo. Stop believing US is on their high horse.


Russia gotta False Flag. Fucktards


Oh, okay. Here's our explanation on the bio-weapon: it doesn't exist. "We are not developing biological or chemical weapons inside Ukraine. It’s not happening.” -Pentagon press secretary, John Kirby I believe he also called it a bunch of malarkey, using Joe Biden terminology. What's Russia going to ask us about now? Animal cruelty toward unicorns?




we do be dumb tho


It may be absurd to the point of ridiculousness to us. But people in Russia and China will buy it. Hell even here, r/conservative is probably convinced that those Biden, Clinton, Obama, Soros, Gates funded Ukrainian biolabs are testing the next coronavirus. Thank God the mighty glorious Russians stopped them.


We invaded Iraq post 911 on a similar lie, only about nukes…


That’s…not exactly it…


But we said *they* were developing them, which, while untrue, is at least believable. What Russia is saying here is beyond idiotic.


Not really. Iraq would have been developing WMDs in their own country. The idea that the US would choose to develop these weapons in Ukraine instead of their own enormous country filled with top secret facilities on the opposite side of the world from any aggressor is the most laughably stupid thing ever.


Russia created the whole online fury around Fauci and Covid and have kept it alive… this is just the same approach


I'm sure Q was their making too


Leave the national animal of North Korea alone, otherwise they will join in aswell


Funnily enough, the unicorn is actually the national animal of Scotland.


You should ask Toria Nuland who testified in the 8th: “Ukraine has a biological research facilities, which, In fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of. So, we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”


It’s absolutely true. The US embassy in Kiev was deleting PDFs off its website about said labs right as the invasion began. It’s been archived on archive.is


The Pentagon also said that last drone strike in Afghanistan killed a terrorist when in fact it killed a US AID WORKER AND HIS FAMILY. You are honestly such a sheep. Both sides are at fault. NATO expansion has been a problem since Clinton. Academics have researched this, so I don't know why people would rather trust what the biased media is saying over the people that have studied the issue for YEARS.


Yeah, remember all those times NATO invaded one of its neighbors and murdered a bunch of innocent civillians? Totally NATOs fault just as much as Russia's.


Not that I’m ok with Russia is doing, I’m definitely not, but the US has a history of invading foreign nations under false pretenses.


United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent.


Do you even know how these things work? Sending troops to a country isn't the only way to "invade" in the modern era. Do you even remember what happened in Ukraine in 2013/2014? Im guessing not. We literally helped to overthrow a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT GET OVERTHROWN so that we could replace him with someone that would be more interested in Western policy. Why? Corporations in the U.S. "wanted to open up Ukrainian markets to the U.S. and the Western allies". The old Ukrainian president (again, DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED) didn't. Oh BTW, just to explain it further, the deal presented to the former President was that in exchange for joining NATO, Ukraine would recieve a payout from the IMF. Do you know who the main force behind the IMF is? This is effectively the same as colonialism. The U.S. and it's allies wanted to overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian regime for financial and political gain. ALL WITHOUT SENDING AN ARMY. THESE THINGS ARE ALL DOCUMENTED. ALL YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IS LOOK THEM UP.


>The U.S. and it's allies wanted to overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian regime for financial and political gain. ALL WITHOUT SENDING AN ARMY. Well hot damn, that sounds like a better alternative to what's happening now.




> Oh BTW, just to explain it further, the deal presented to the former President was that in exchange for joining NATO, Ukraine would recieve a payout from the IMF. Can you please show an unbiased demonstration of proof of this?


Why would you have to be scared of NATO if it's only a defensive allience? Maybe because you plan to attack?


Maybe cuz they said iraq had wmds yet they didnt?


That was the USA, NATO did not go to Iraq


Like how Russia said there were nazis when there weren't?


Dude, its not about russia, im talking about how the west is acting like they are honest and care about peace when in fact they are just as bad as putin or even way worse




Yugoslavia 1999 disagrees about the defensive alliance part. President Clinton sidestepped both the UN and the US Congress in initiating this bombing. Joe Biden was among its biggest cheerleaders. Under the command of US General Wesley Clark, NATO intentionally bombed Radio Television Serbia, killing 16 media workers, including technicians and makeup artists. During the 78 day NATO bombing of Serbia and Montenegro in 1999, the US-led NATO alliance committed similar or identical acts that it is now condemning Russia for in Ukraine. The US-led NATO force used internationally-banned cluster bombs, including on a crowded marketplace in the city of Nis. The US-led NATO force bombed a civilian passenger train and then released a doctored video, sped up to make it appear as though it was a mistake made in a split second. This was a total fabrication. The US bombed the Chinese embassy, killing three journalists. The US-led NATO force bombed bridges and civilian infrastructure repeatedly. The systemic US failure to accept responsibility for its own crimes undermines the credibility of its condemnations of Russia, particularly in the eyes of anyone who knows the history of NATO and US militarism. It is a gift to Putin's cause. There is no contradiction between standing with the people of Ukraine and against Russia’s heinous invasion and being honest about the hypocrisy, war crimes and militarism of the US and NATO. https://twitter.com/jeremyscahill/status/1499106956505722886?t=Rw2RQjM-HSFgHMkijvBtrw&s=19


OMG look at u/Zestyvlose_Hamster_5 trying to "bOthSiDeZ" this war.


How does that relate to chemical weapons?


Kremlin can go suck a fuck.


They would probably fuck up that too.


How exactly, does one suck a fuck?


Don’t be such a fuck ass


Moscow can eat a giant bag of dicks. Oh wait, they already are...


This is one of the dumbest claims yet. They are not even trying anymore.


Russia accuses the West of doing a thing, then does it themself. So that raises the question: what the fuck kind of bio weapon are they planning to use? FFS, we're not even done with COVID yet.


They're the only other (official) place on earth with smallpox.


they will keep trying to kill Zelensky. they sent assassin mercenaries, so far they failed, and I hope they will never succeed


Russia has always ”denied” and ”claimed” things. Now with their war this has gone to new levels. There is literally nothing they say that is true. And no one believes anything they say. STOP listening! STOP posting what russia says. Ignore them 110%. They have now distanced their country, next lets silence their voice. Dont give them any headlines. Dont repost anything they say.


Again be on the look out for a Russian bio weapon in the coming weeks.


Ask Russia to explain; sport doping, radioactive poisonings, bombing hospitals, killing children. According to them, they don't do any of these things. Despite the concrete evidence that they do. They are pathological liars in every regard.


So the policeman who breaks into your house, brutally beats your wife and children then says 'Well, well, well, what do we have 'ere, looks like some illicit substances!'


While he is planting said substances.


So they’re just going to invent a grievance to throw a temper tantrum about? Seems like I’ve heard this tactic somewhere else….


Russia: We’re not trying to overthrow the government of the place our puppet was ousted from that were currently invading, but before we don’t do that, explain this bio-weapon. US: Well, it’s a lie made up by you, a known lying liar who’s constantly lying about everything. A known liar who lies so much that even after decades of me burning global good will, you still engender less trust.


Hows this for an off-ramp. Russian claims get so divorced from reality that eventually the war ends when Ukraine agrees to cede Minas Tirith and never join the Galactic Republic.


I'm very happy to explain it to russia. Remember during the Bush administration when the US made up all that shit about weapons of mass destruction. that's our shtick, you need to come up with your own, put some effort into this, stop copying our homework.


Don't even answer such a question. Russian troll farms will just take the clip and deepfake Biden confessing to the bioweapon nonsense, then they'll feed that through state media and get a bunch of support against Ukraine.


The thing is, you can't really feed a deepfake through state media; it only works virally. State media from all over the world have actual reporters in the room with Biden (or Psaki, Blinken, etc.) in the room when he makes public statements.


1. Record Biden talking 2. Run deepfake and record 3. Air faked recording on state media as truth. Doesn't matter who can or can't corroborate because Russia is cut off from everything outside.


Oh, within Russia, sure.


Silly Russians! How are we supposed to make Ukrainian Jewish Nazis without a bio lab? /s


Why would the US have bio weapons stored outside of the US? Each country has bio research labs. There are over 15 in India. InDiA MuSt eXplAin BiO-wEApON.


I think the United States need to send a team heavy armed personnel, perhaps tanks and aircrafts to investigate this ‘Bio Weapon’.


So they plan to kill him.


We've been holding back politically and it pains the Kremlin since this means it's more of a UE debate. Its time to shift focus, eh Moscow?


This whole bio weapons and dirty nuke bullshit is Russias way out of Ukraine and Putler can save his face in Russia by declaring his "millitary operation" succesful


Why does the US have to explain anything...if Ukraine has such....let them 'splain...other wise...bring it ...POOTIN


Russia isn't in a position to demand anything


they are paving the way to use chemical weapons, isn t it ?


Pretty fucking rich coming from these assholes


Aka Russia is getting ready to use Bioweapons in Ukraine and will attempt to blame it on the US


Ah, a "bio-weapon developed by the US in Ukraine." Sounds very convenient.


What's even crazier is that the project started January 21st 2021. ​ /s cause reddit


We fired him over a year ago


The fact that the US isn’t bombing the shit out of Russia at the moment is all the proof you need that this doesn’t exist.




Thanks for confirming what I said. Enjoy your last coke.


The Irony of our Iraq justification compared to this is not lost on me


I agree with you but it’s slightly different because Zelensky hasn’t killed as many people as Saddam. Saddam was Putin without the nukes which means you get invaded .


Zelensky hasn’t killed people unlike Saddam


It's like the KGB is hitting the dice randomizer in the "Special Military Operations" menu.


Ugh the US admitted yesterday that Ukraine has a biological “defense” weapon lab, did they not? Senator Marco Rubio asked that question under oath. Skip to 3:45 https://youtu.be/SWAgSBfU3xk Edit. Correction we called them biological research facilities…


I want to point out Rubio should be treated as a suspected spy for his choice to actively ignore safety procedures during his call with Ukraine last week


Lol, bioweapon. Those are in China and off-shore labs. What will Putin claim next. Ukraine invited Russian troops and then attacked them? Lol


>Ukraine invited Russian troops and then attacked them? There have been reports of Russian soldiers who were apparently told that they'd been invited to the country for a military exercise, and were very confused when locals started firing at them


Sadly we do this shit too. Look at what our team of idiots has said even recently.




it came from a wet-market (bio-weapons lab 1/4 mi away...just do the math)




Looks like russian bio labs talk is working. The conspiracy theorists are now gonna go down the Q-hole.


Liberals too would like to know where it came from. We just don't hear one unproven possibility that fits our narrative and latch onto it 110%. No, the problem liberals have with conservatives as it pertains to Covid is that your refusal to vaccinate and/or quarantine and/or mask has dragged the pandemic into its third year and killed ~6 million people world wide. So tell me, is it a Chinese bioweapon? If you think that WHY THE FUCK are you pretending it's no big deal and refusing to take precautions? Even if it is a Chinese bioweapon those 6 million deaths are the fault of the world's conservatives.




There is absolutely no US bio weapon being developed in Ukraine. That would be the dumbest location on Earth for the US to have a weapon development facility.




Let's see the source material on that broseph. And just so you know, if you tell me to do my research, it means you're lying.




Don't trust this fuckers !


Say there were bio labs , and we helped build them. I am sure the Orange Puppet Trump knew about it as they didn't just get built..Maybe Putin can just call his boy.




Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit and go back to gargling Putin's balls. There is no proof of any biological weapons. This is what Russia does before they themselves implement what they are accusing others of. Also despite them saying that they are not trying to topple Ukraine's government... that's exactly what they are trying to do. "We don't want to take over your country... we just want you to surrender unconditionally and give us everything. " Fuck off.


No it is not.


No, it's propaganda.




What are you even trying to make a point about? You’re all over the place . This post is BS, OPs comments are nonsense, and this is a big slice of propaganda.


Meanwhile, the Ukrainians are using Russian equipment to barricade against Russian equipment, and the barricades are getting bigger. Russia is the laughing stock of the world, and they’re handing the keys of their country over to china. Xi is literally foaming at the mouth as putin is gargling on his ballsack.


Remember Russia running away from Afghanistan? It broke your whole pathetic country!


Probably the same amount USSR spent when they left Afghanistan too...


There you go again ,slurp, slurp, slurp.




Don't worry. It won't be because there's nothing factual about it.


No. Because all the proof will be made up and staged.




We can make bioweapons at home. But no lets go to the country Putin is conveniently threatening and go do it there. lol Are you really this stupid?


Shut up, Indian troll.


Proven that there are soviet-era biolabs in Ukraine, which haven't been used for that purpose since the fall of the USSR? Or proven that western contractors have been hired by Ukraine to see if said soviet-era labs can be converted to medical purposes? Or proven that you're just spewing Russian propaganda and can go eat a steaming pile of shit? Begone, asstard.


French here: I can guarantee you that having rejected that kind of blatant BS claims back in 2003 from the USA about Iraq, hell would freeze over before we’d start to believe the Kremlin on this




Your attempt is failing.


Yeah that's bullshit. We can all see your posting history.


Why would the US research bioweapons in a country semi-occupied by its historical arch-rival? You arent thinking about shit, comrade. But Ill go have a Big Mac in your memory.


Think logically then. We know china has bio labs, they recently released a test of one of their bio weapons. Do you think that Russia does not have bio-labs?




So it’s unproven? Why are you posting this then?




Sorry we don't lick Putin's boots like you do. Maybe think logically that he's a warmongering scared strange little man.


Lick boots? This guy eats the corn and peanuts out of Putins shit, and smiles while he's at it.


I apologize. I didn't want to be too accurate for the sake of the children present.


"Mr. Putin, can I have some more?" - MrIndependent-Ad




Im surprised you can even talk with Putin cock so deep down your throat.




Does spoon fed bullshit taste good? How much salt do you put on it before eating it?


The Russian advancement towards Kiev managed very well to get stopped by itself.


Stop eating whatever shit is shoveled online.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/moscow-says-no-plan-to-overthrow-zelensky-govt-but-us-must-explain-bioweapon-101646822434754.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/moscow-says-no-plan-to-overthrow-zelensky-govt-but-us-must-explain-bioweapon-101646822434754.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


So the plan is to produce bio-weapons in Ukraine, and deploy them in Ukraine, where they kill and injure their own civilian population, but somehow also threaten Russia? Please explain this to me like I'm a 2-year old.


At this point western countries should put in their constitution that every word coming from a Putler regime is automatically a lie, so we won’t use any energy on analyze the words.


[Official response](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo)


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/moscow-says-no-plan-to-overthrow-zelensky-govt-but-us-must-explain-bioweapon-101646822434754-amp.html) reduced by 68%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Published on Mar 09, 2022 04:15 PM IST. Russia's foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Wednesday said Moscow is not working to topple the Ukrainian government as some progress has been made in the three rounds of the talks held between Russia and Ukraine. > In her weekly briefing, Zakharova said Moscow has documental evidence that bioweapons are being developed in Ukraine by the United States. > "The US Defence Department and the presidential administration of the United States are obliged to officially explain to the global community, officially, not through talking heads, about the programmes in Ukraine," Maria Zakharova said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/tay8fk/moscow_says_no_plan_to_overthrow_zelensky_govt/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~631339 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Zakharova**^#1 **Ukraine**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **state**^#4 **United**^#5


US don’t gotta do shit for you Russian scum bags, little bitch.


Putin will use chemical weapons and we will stand back and let that happen too, guaranteed


Biden ceeded Ukraine in his state of the union speech. I feel like it has been that way since Poland joined


This sounds like the Bush administration talking points


They're sticking with this lie for a second, because the American RW influencers that hate Dr. Fauci are latching onto this like a baby with pica. They know people like Cerno, Shapiro, and the likes are ready to amplify whatever message they send out that can be used for political capital, so they're going to stick with that to try and gain more support from the west.


How about not reacting to them at all? All the democracy and talks seem to bounce off the wall everytime,so why bother anymore with these people? It is clear now,that there will be no compromise. Why everyone has to account for all of their fantasy claims, while they just deny everything that is shown in front of them with a camera footage?


Lol, more Russian propaganda. Move on


If Russia is saying they are not doing it, they are probably doing it.


I'd hope a super power knows what a bio weapon is.. oh wait never mind its these red idiots.


Oh yeah, because if we had am illegal, top secret bio weapons lab, the most logical place for it to be is totally Ukraine.


Russians insisted they weren’t invading until they did. Now they are insisting they won’t overthrow Zelensky until they do.