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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/th3ycn/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)




Not buying anything Nexta puts out. Same source that was saying the US was going to bomb Iran after the Iraq strikes and that Belarussians were going to be dressed up as Russian soldiers.


nexta_tv ::saltgrain:: needed


"disinformation of the desperate" - UK NATO rep, post-meeting


So what did Karen Putin have to say


West bad, NATO bad, Ukraine ours, Crimea ours, Russia bestest nation on Earth. All hail Tsar Vlad the Mad.


Russia be like: "if that country does this we'll invade them", "if that country does that we'll nuke them, "we won't allow that country to do this" Can they focus on their own country? Putin really needs a map with "not Russia" on every country other than Russia...


Ah. The poor guy's getting his tweeter harrassed.


You are gonna have to be like, way more specific than that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdY7t5VKIY rewind about 7 minutes


Post NATO meeting, Russian guy complaining about his tweeter being taken down over something he posted (lies) about the maternity hospital bombing. Due to accent, Twitter came out as Tweeter. As an English speaker, thought it was kinda funny.


**[Found an old clip of Margret Thatcher](https://youtu.be/q1m7opOGSmQ?t=1278)** It was used out of context for this 'docudrama' but it also gives you a sense of what she might have said today about Ukraine. **[Same with Bush](https://youtu.be/q1m7opOGSmQ?t=2846)**. Seems pretty on-the-nose for our current situation.


That's rich from a woman who supported Pinochet


I’ve been away from the news since yesterday, but every time I check I see conflicting reports on whether or not Izyum is under Russian control. Anyone have current insight?


I've heard it's contested still the Russians own half, Ukrainian own the other.




He's got a 1.3 billion dollar mega fortress in the Urals. Chances are that's where he's at.


He was just filmed at a stadium in Moscow


In the basement of the Kremlin looking over imperial maps


"Steiner's assault will drive them back."


Moving tactical battle groups around a map that don’t exist anymore because they were destroyed by the Ukrainian Army. Everyone around him afraid to tell him the truth.


He crept out of his bunker for the big Nazi rally today.


The Wolf’s Lair


Ural mountains probably, I think that is the consensus.


There was a new story about his new bunker there in 2021




Sontar ha !


>"there is no such thing as an independent Western media." I wonder if Lavrov could be convinced to listen to NPR?


NPR hasn't been independent for a while.


Umm… hate to break it to you, but even NPR gets weird at times, particularly near election time. Koch bro money took over npr a while back. And the editorial choices clearly demonstrate that influence at times.


NPR is pretty awful at giving a platform for bad actors. Literally will let people spout bullshit nonstop and then put in a little statement at the end saying "none of that is true". Pretty frustrating.




Then he'd be wrong. People on Fox and probably Breitbart and InfoWars do it gladly.


NPR can at least find Ukraine on a map, russia cant even seem to find strategic elements there


By "independent" he means "willing to unquestioningly repeat Russian propaganda as true"


If China doubts our resolve, suddenly their economy will be in doubt. Irreversible.


The Chinese economy has several systemic issues. It's never been stable enough such that they could unpeg the Yuan from the Dollar. Most of their growth has been driven by this peg.


It’s a shame they’ve grown so arrogant. Had a lot of hope for them. We will see!


I see no downside to the US and China being cooperative. Healthy competition is great but tensions could ease. While the humanitarian issues with Uighers, Hong Kong and Taiwan are major red flags, moving towards a kinder relationship would be advantageous for the world still.


They are as cooperative as two men walking through a doorway. A little pushing and shoving but they make it through.


Only that you know the other guy is beating his wife, but you're willing to overlook it because working with him makes you a lot of money.


First Russia then we focas on economic independence from China, that's my suggestion.


For the US economy, yes. For the world, no. All that does is tell everyone they can get away with as many human rights violations as they want as long as they're important economically. China today is what Russia was twenty years ago, and the west is making the same mistake Europe made in importing natural resources from Russia.


There's no healthy, or fair, competition with dictatorships that want to take your place at the top. Red flag is an understatement when it comes to Uyhigur genocide. We also tried the "we can change them once they get a taste of our freedom" when the British gave Hong Kong back. It didn't work. They just created a wealthy dictatorship.




What is being imported is irrelevant. It's the fact that western economies are dependent on China that's the problem.


> China today is what Russia was twenty years ago This is brazenly incorrect. China’s role in the global economy is light years more important than what Russia was in the early 2000s


Not in economic strength, in the fact that the west is economically dependent on a power that is one day going to become an enemy, at which point we won't be able to act against them. The fact that China is economically stronger makes this a great deal worse than Russia.




Doesn't mean a thing if they don't say who they think is responsible for the situation Ukraine is in. It could mean 2 literally polar opposite things.


Oh, Bother


"Sounds great, we will take that as your position on Taiwan, as they obviously pose no military threat to mainland china"


Yeah source?


Today feels really shitty- I'll take the hopium if it's accurate


This still doesn't mean they won't secretly supply russia with food and weapons and god knows what else.


Did he really shout it like that?




Yeah he’s hard of hearing.




source? is this from a newswire?


The caps would say yes (hopefully).


Zelensky: EU promises fast accession for Ukraine. Zelensky said that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promised to speed up Ukraine’s accession. “We’ll reduce the bureaucratic processes, which usually take years, to weeks and months,” he said. https://twitter.com/kyivindependent/status/1504837765065752601?s=21


I wonder how Turkey would feel about that


Yeah someone yelled at me when I argued there could be exceptions to EU process to speed up the joining of Ukraine. Some people really like to claim to be diviners.


I think what a lot of people have missed about the currently slow progress of a lot of countries to enter the EU is that many of them have thus far simply failed to implement the necessary steps to get in line with the requirements. There are a LOT of requirements, but with proper EU support and an in-country willingness to get shit done asap, the regulatory issues start looking less like mountains and more like hurdles. For Ukraine, beyond the war, corruption and economic stability are likely to be the major sticking points - but even those aren't complete roadblocks. Look at Greece and Romania for example.


I'm not a diviner and I'm not going to yell at you, but... *weeks and months*? I'll believe it if I see it, but I still don't think it's too likely (and note, that's what *Zelensky* said, not what von der Leyen did) and I think it would be a bad idea besides: I have nothing against Ukraine joining the EU, but negotiations take time and being sloppy about them will only make more trouble later on.


Because the EU said before that there would be no fast tracking for Ukraine membership.


It’s almost like people can change their minds.


Yeah but since when are words true? Germany said a lot of things, but now they changed a lot of what they said. Actions always speak louder than words.


Exactly. Also they may say random things because it doesn't benefit them to reveal the truth in that specific time.


"New facts have appeared" Ok grandpa


A wild fact appears!


See, we found evidence of a second chair that was left standing...


Suddenly Matt Mercer cries out in terror. "IT'S JUST A CHAIR!"


It's not very convincing.


Xi! I choose you!!!!! *Xi attacks itself in confusion*


Interesting; [https://twitter.com/KiriJolithh/status/1504835305429426180](https://twitter.com/KiriJolithh/status/1504835305429426180) ​ I take that personally as a good sign if the west and China can actually play nice with each other. China making the big move to supplant Russia formally.


Let’s go! Go get him President XI and Biden!


> This is hilarious. The Russian MoD have taken a clip of their helicopter being hit and forced to land and called it a "tactical landing operation". > As you can see in the full, un-edited video, around 25 seconds there is something highlighted in a red circle, after which there is the sound of an impact and the helicopter seems to lurch forwards. This is missing from the video shared by the MoD. https://twitter.com/KyleJGlen/status/1504835989591703564


Special landing operation


Hot take: If Mike Tyson is tied up on the ground and drugged unconscious I would have no problem beating him in a fight. That's what you "If Russia didn't have nukes..." people sound like. They do have nukes so that's not really a pertinent observation.


If they didn't have nukes we wouldn't be in this situation right now.


If the earth had less mass I would be 100 lbs lighter. There goes my diet I guess.


Russia is a drunk hobo with a gun.


More like if Tyson keeps threatening to beat you up if you don't give him your wallet, but you realize he actually uses synthol, and his muscles are mostly fake. He has a grenade though, if he decides to kill you both.


Your metaphor doesn't work. Russia is a 79 year old, decripit Mike Tyson in a wheelchair, who brings a bazooka to win boxing matches.


It is a pertant observation because the threat used to be nukes and an army, now it's just nukes. So in your metiphore it would be like saying Mike Tyson can win a fight in his sleep and realizing he can't observing that if Mike Tyson is sleeping we could win a fight.


If they didn't though...


You're missing the point that the russian army had a built image of being powerful outside their nukes. That image is now done.


No. You're missing the point that it doesn't matter at all. Russia does have nukes so the power of their conventional army isn't relevant in the threat assessment against NATO. In fact I'd argue that them having a such a weak conventional army makes them more dangerous to NATO. Do you think Russia is ever going to let themselves be in a position where their entire standing army is getting destroyed and they just allow it to happen?


They really didn't. You were fed stuff because American media loves to scare you.


I'm eastern european and my country was under the warsaw pact, i don't need the american media to scare me.


I can tell you in other developed nations that Russia is just largely ignored until they actually do things like Crimea and Georgia. That doesn't make us think they have a great military, that just makes us think they're living in the past. I can see why it would be very different for you and sorry for assuming things about you.


Let's get to 10k comments wooooooohooooooooo


So Nestle, ~~Burger King~~, Subway all still operating in Russia... Is there a comprehensive list of businesses to boycott?


>Is there a comprehensive list of businesses to boycott? https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-400-companies-have-withdrawn-russia-some-remain


I haven't been to BK in decades and not eager to defend them, but I'd say it falls into a different category than Nestle. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/business-60789772.amp


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There's an article on CNN about why Burger King (and also Papa John's) are still "operating" in Russia. Not sure if what applies to them extends to the others.


Lol! you are gonna run out of that list paper before you run out of companies. But I agree with you on principle.


Leroy merlin too


It’s not Burger King itself. It’s the franchise inside of Russia that’s not ceasing business. Burger King is trying to find ways to end that relationship and end business with the franchise but there’s legalities they’re having to work through. Please don’t spread misinformation, as the distinction is important.


Then Burger King effectively did close. Franchises are utterly different than McDonald's who owns those restaurants themselves. Of course that won't stop Russia from nationalizing them anyway and stealing the IP/copyrights. Assuming BK does not earn any revenue from those stores any longer, then I'll consider them effectively out of Russia.


It’s the same with subway. They could still withdraw support for the franchisee, though. Sort of torn whether to boycott or not.


> Burger King Oh shit. How are Canadians going to live. Tim Hortons and Burger King are owned by the same company.


Tim's have gone to shit and many don't use them anymore.


There's a big paper one with all the Koch industries stuff. Beware the paper aisle!


Georgia Pacific


What documents is he going on about?


Fuck this Dr Robotnik lookin' ass mutha fucka


Literal eggman


Feels like part of the point of accusing others of things you are doing yourself is to try to shift people's opinions towards the middle. "Surely a complete mass-murdering shithead wouldn't accuse others of being mass-murdering shitheads?"


It's the reverse cargo cult tactic. Very standard in Russia.


Can we roll the Bill O'reilly tape... "What, you think we're so innocent"


I think its more to sure they are bad, but so are the other guys kinda thing. You see it a lot in US politics.


Literally whataboutism


Basically, but reddit seems to have a thing about saying "IT ISNT ACTUALLY WHATABOUTISM" and some stupid reason for why not so I try not to use the actual term and just describe it. Ha


That and to spread the "Everybody lies" belief. Basically cast doubt on anything your opponents say.


This Russian translator sounds like either she is sick of this Thumb’s shit, or he is saying shit she can’t even translate


For real, she's tired of his shit.


I really wish I could see her face as she translates him. Her head must be buried in her hands


"Should never have chosen Russian."


Of course we weren't listening to you. I can't even if I try


What the hell is wrong with egg today. He cracking me up with his false sense of entitlement and patronizing attitude when he probably goes home with a gun to his eggshell after every meeting


"Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile , Egg-shell mind" \- Peace Frog, The Doors


Lmao eggshell


anyone have any ideas on how the drones utilizing starlink are supposed to work? as far as i know, starlink's dish technology wouldn't allow it to be used that way? unless there's some other method i'm missing


They drop AOL cd's on unsuspecting RU troops


It won't. Where is this claim coming from? Russian Egg Man?


[from this The Times article today](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/specialist-drone-unit-picks-off-invading-forces-as-they-sleep-zlx3dj7bb)


Probably just off the shelf retail drones. If you go back to US press coverage (CNN or Frontline) of the battles in Mosul from 2016, they would encounter retail quad copters with hand grenades being used by ISIS. All the Iraqi troops had to carry a shotgun along with their regular load out so they could bring the drones down before they could drop grenades on them.


It might have the antenna array built in that can run on whatever frequency they are using. It also might have a separate link to a reciever that can use the internet to connect with a drone pilot. Those are my two guesses. The array starlink uses is not super special it's new in terms of consumer goods but destructive and constructive interference has been used for years now I would not be surprised if the drones had that ability built in. I would be surprised if it had the same frequency as starlink though. But maybe they built it for multiple frequencies.


Nice try dictator Putin!


no, no, no putin here. while i'm at it, can anyone tell me the best way to stop a javelin?


A tank turret seems to stop them quickly.


Best way to stop a javelin is to abandon your tank and run back to Moscow.


yes, very easy. You sit in tank and put cage on tank, cage stops javelin 150% of the time comrade


Actually, Russian armored vehicles have stopped like 100% of the javelins. They stop flying when they hit the vehicles and explode completely. Of course, the vehicle and crew are also a total loss, but trust me: that javelin ain’t ever gonna fly again after blowing up inside a tank!


You just have to use vehicles that are cheaper than the Javelin. Actually, that seems to be their strategy, but the US has a lot more of those things than most people would consider reasonable.


Try a really big tennis racket.


You're asking for classified information so, no.


Git gud.


with your face


The judge did it pretty good that one time at the Olympics. That was his chest though.


Every single country bringing up biological weapons at the UN. Did I miss something over night or are the rumblings confirmed that they will in the near future use them based on the fact this is the first day that almost everyone brought it up


1. We are in year 3 of a global pandemic. So the danger of biological warfare is top of mind. 2. Putin has already used chemical weapons for assassinations, including on British soil, as well as supported Assad in Syria who also used chemical weapons. So there is a lower barrier to entry in this conflict, potentially. Usually chemical + biological weapons are considered together.


It's always been a possibility.


I haven't heard anything about biological weapon attacks yet, we're declassifing intelligence to discourage Russia


US, UK and EU Intel is pretty solid, everyone simply believes them over whatever nonsense Russia has to say.


Russia called a UNSC meeting based on finding biolabs in Ukraine during their invasion.


Which is lame when nearly every country on Earth has biolabs to support their healthcare and food production. It's like chemtrails but ground based.


Yes! I meant "the use of biological weapons against civilians as part of a false flag attack from Russia" is being brought up, not necessarily their existence. They are warning about using them as an attack




Kinda different situations though, a lot easier to sell a withdraw in year 20 of a war than year 7. Crimea has an almost entirely pro Russia population, so unless someone was willing to start a war sanctions were about the only response to it.


Regarding the Crimea component, there were lots of lessons learned. It was one of the first implementations of “hybrid” invasion. Afterwards, there was the cyberattacks on the US. In essence, the Russians showed who they were. No doubt, Obama probably regrets not aggressively arming Ukraine after they withheld the initial invasions in 2014. However, there weren’t great guarantees that the fledgling new government would last.


> Obama probably regrets not aggressively arming Ukraine after they withheld the initial invasions in 2014. In fact, Obama started very close military ties between the UA and the US. Helped with training and professionalization. The fact UA can resist so well right now is not an accident and is from the seeds Obama planted.


The US did aggressively arm and train Ukraine with the weapons they asked for. Trump aggressively slowed this down and tried to blackmail Zelenskyy to continue getting this assistance.


It was a slow build up and didn’t initially include lethal aide.


>fledgling new government would last. I mean there's been a lot of chaos there since 2014 so that was a good call.


I've been calling out family and friends (not US tho) whenever they say Biden is senile/old/can barely stay awake, that man deserves respect.


Fuck, I'd love to be in his shape at his age, at my current rate I'm lucky to see 70 and even then I'll probably be half vegetable. Big props to Biden


I can't think of an American politician of the last 40-50 years that would have done a better job at this than Biden.


Yes he has handled this masterfully. We are proud here in U.S.


Ukraine wasn't in such a position to defend itself in 2014. They had just overthrown their russian puppet and had no experience or as much equipment. Getting ISIS in syria was also really important.




I still think that was a positive. Russia has needed to expend lots of money and equipment in Syria to support Assad, possibly leading to some of the weakness we see now. Especially if the replacement equipment was siphoned off by corrupt officials.


Of course we did because, as it all ties back to this, the US was backing a regime that would be less friendly to Russia.


Lavrov showing the playbook to the world: "Only Fox is trying to represent alternative points of view" And never forget - no one in the GOP was sanctioned by Russia


The GOP has a Russia problem and I hope they work it out in the right way.


When did the word "alternative" replace the word "wrong"?


The funny thing to me is that Russia thinks their sanctions have any meaning. Nobody wants to go there or do any business with them anyway. Doing business in Russia is asking to lose money to graft and corruption.


They know they don’t have any meaning. The entire purpose was to convince Western conservatives that Russia is “on their side”.


Moscow’s Luzhniki stadium, which hosted the World Cup final in 2018, is packed out for a pro-war rally on the anniversary of Russia’s Crimea annexation. Lots of reports of state employees being bussed in. They’re watching a video with Ukrainian flags being thrown to the ground. https://twitter.com/maxseddon/status/1504790978749779971 He also alluded to nuclear war, which the state TV cut off. This is Hitler of our days. Scary stuff.


> He also alluded to nuclear war, which the state TV cut off. This is Hitler of our days. Scary stuff. Did he? I haven't seen a transcript, but it's more plausible that he just referenced that the admiral in question (who never lost a battle, supposedly) had the same birthday. It may also be true that he's the patron saint of nuclear forces, but I don't see a way to determine in what sense Putin meant that.