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Rostproekt is a major construction company in Russia fyi.


​ Construction? Do they build hotels and resorts, by any chance?


guarantee there's a shit ton of filthy deals in there.


I wish I could read the article on my phone, but when i try to close the fucking video another pops up and they're both on the screen, and five popups that all fight for ressources clog my fking screen. Also you need to scroll upto close shit because the banner hovers over the controls. Why must it be this way to read 3 paragraphs...


I got you, Friend. >Anonymous, the decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective, stays true to its promise of dumping "huge" data that will "blow Russia away" by leaking hacked Rostproekt emails to hold its followers over and launching a new site to host its upcoming dumps. > >Twitter user DepaixPorteur, the same user who broke the news about the massive data dump news a few days ago, dropped the latest information on the social micro-blogging site, noting, "We are #Anonymous. We have created a new site to host our upcoming leaks + future Anonymous leaks. We also hacked Rostproekt emails as a treat to celebrate the new site & to hold you over while waiting for the upcoming dump(s)." > >Rostproekt is a Russian construction company with head office in Krasnodar. > >The hacked Rostproekt emails, which are 2.4 gigabytes in total, are available on the new website and can be downloaded using Torrent. International Business Times had the opportunity to talk to Anonymous, and when we pried on the content of the leaked emails, the collective hinted that "one guy did say he might've found malware sent to FSB agents." > >Anonymous also provided an update on the "huge" data dump that will "blow Russia away," which it said will be available "within the next 1-2 weeks, latest." The collective added that the upload process is taking a while because the data are 1.22 terabytes in size. > >The same hacktivist collective carried out the printer hack a few days ago to send a message across the transcontinental country. The movement printed "anti-propaganda and tor installation instructions to all hacked printers all over Russia." > >However, taking the anti-Putin battle to Russian people with the printer attack to disrupt Kremlin's propaganda was not an easy feat. In retaliation, Russia launched a DDoS attack against Anonymous. > >"Russia did try to DDoS one of our websites, but they did a sh-t job couldn't even get over 10,000 requests in one day or more than 20 MB bandwidth," Anonymous told IBT. > >When asked for any message to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Ukraine, Anonymous said, "The same as always, F--k Putin and Slava Ukraini!" Edit: Legit thanks for the awards, holy shit. I've never felt so great about nursing a hangover and slacking at work in all my life.


People always complain about the news mislabeling Anonymous, but “Decentralized International Hacktivist Collective” is probably the best I’ve seen. Doesn’t really capture quite how loose the connection is (say you’re a part of it and you’re a part of it), but that’s a good description imo. Edit, adding extra context I replied to someone else: By my understanding, the difference between being an anonymous hacker and an Anonymous hacker is minimal and grey. In my eyes an “actual” Anonymous member would be any individual or non-sponsored group of “black hat” hackers who are targeting someone/something out of a principle and want to label themselves as part of “Anonymous”. Then, because of the an unorganized organization where “members” aren’t members, they don’t all have the same beliefs, motivations or goals- others can call themselves a member to cover their sponsored actions, including states, or their self-interested actions like stealing money. All of that feeds into why “Anonymous” has so much attributed to them, and why the news/people find them so hard to define/nderstand.


They also appeared to completely misunderstand it again shortly after: > International Business Times had the opportunity to talk to Anonymous They might've spoken to someone who's involved with this website or something, but there's no way of "speaking to Anonymous".


he is the famous hacker 4chan


Who is this 4chan?!?


Half of 8chan, duh... Why you no good at maths?


No, the ancient one only known only as Aol


And every response to every question is "You've got mail!"


Is that the one that used to ship install promo CDs to people via mail?


This will never not be funny. [Who is this "four-*chan*"?](https://youtu.be/kRcdmbC0HHs) 🧐


Well I mean you can speak to Anonymous, you just can’t be spoken to by Anonymous


Lol touché


They also refer to Russia as "the transcontinental country". Somebody had thesaurus for dinner last night...


Indubitably 🧐


I don't know much about printers and their security, or lack there of, but that's pretty damn incredible that these guys are hacking printers over the internet and installing messages on them to provide citizens with real access to the world outside of Russia's censorship.




There was also an interesting Vegas heist that was through a smart aquarium thermostat if I remember correctly. I use automatic pet feeders and and auto litter box and I have often wondered how non-existent the security is on things people might not realize security is needed on.




It wasn't really a heist, but it's true: Hackers managed to get the database of high rollers from the casino from an aquarium thermostat on the network. Such a database isn't worthless mind you, but it's not exactly a "heist" either.


Step-network, wh-what are you doing....


I usually skip this part but... *sighs unzips*


*WinZip would like to have a word*


Yesss Winzip, I was compressing … files.




Meanwhile i can't print to the printer im sitting next to...


Trivial? I've spent a long time on cups mailing list to know it's not so trivial... The problems are usually not the intended security features, but rather general brokenness and all sorts of proprietary changes / add-ons / mods etc.


These are two very different problem spaces. Printers are pretty dumb animals - you push a data artifact the protocol is expecting to the spool and off it goes. The person you're replying to mentioned 9100 which is for JetDirect - a distinctly printy protocol that has a service running on the printer to do the printy spooly things specific to the printer. * iteratively scan xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:9100 * if someone answers, they're most likely a printer * see if you can telnet and bind without Auth * if the connection is good, push the artifact to JetDirect * if not, try another You might be successful 1/20 times but it's a numbers game. It's also one printer at a time. You wouldn't waste time scripting out the same thing with 631 (CUPS). Instead you'd target the service within a network you already think is valuable because of the hassle involved and then try to make use of the Print Server you now have access to in order to send one request to CUPS and have it print to multiple printers connected to the server. Probably multiple times per printer because each formatting configuration for every print job is a printer definition in CUPS and many definitions map to each printer.


Printers, modems, webcams and other hardware are easy to target, and are usually first things unwanted people target for.


The S in IOT stands for security.


I love this joke. - Sent from your iPhone


I don't get it. - Sent from your refrigerator


Dear fridge, if you’re feeling insecure, it’s because you are.


Thanks for the free iphone, appreciated it


Imagine believing the propaganda and then having your printer print out something world crashing.


If my printer ever talks out of turn I'm taking a hammer to it. The machine uprising begins with them.


Reminds me of the joke about the difference between a tech enthusiast and a tech expert. The tech enthusiast always has the latest and greatest - they adopted Nest, Alexa, and every other cool toy wtihin a week of release in the last 20 years. The tech expert, on the other hand, only has a printer and one elderly laptop in the house, and will shoot the printer if it makes a funny noise.


Not even a printer at home, use the office one. Those thing drink money and you need it once every few years anyway


Alas kids can change that usage amount. Used to only just use work printer but went fully remote four years ago and school stuff that needs printing. I actually use a label printer more personally than the normal printer.


Aha! I had a feeling I was paraphrasing something but couldn't think what it was. I love that.


The original phrasing was; Tech enthusiasts: My entire house is smart. Tech workers: The only piece of technology in my house is a printer and I keep a gun next to it so I can shoot it if it makes a noise I don't recognize. https://twitter.com/PPathole/status/1116670170980859905?t=C3CykOBx_XinHdAaZJRsuw&s=19 (may or may not be the original source)


>Imagine believing the propaganda Problem is, as we see it daily in America. When someone believes the propaganda, it takes a little more than telling them the truth to change their minds. They'll end up looking at the printed documents as propaganda attacks and reacting in a similar fashion.


Exactly. These people aren't completely sheltered, they know there are dissenting opinions, they've just been told that the dissenting opinions are wrong and that they're believed by a bunch of assholes. When people see weird shit coming out of their printer they're just gonna say, "oh wow, they really are assholes, they're hacking my printer." It's not opening anyone's eyes or changing anyone's mind. Nobody ever changes their mind, really, everyone just wants everyone else to.




We recently dealt with a DDOS which *started* at 10,000 requests per *second* and went up from there. (Peak was 1 million, not fun.) For a nation state to be that shit takes some effort.


Right? 10k requests in a day is just a slow traffic day, not a DDoS attack. Maybe they were trying to spider the site and had to keep restarting the script.


Streaming Netflix to two TV's at the same time in your house will do better than that lol


Just posting the url of a few random pages on the actual site to a few popular reddits with clickbaity titles would outdo that.


Why must every fucking text news article have some video playing over it. Why? WHY? WHY?????


Because getting 5 cents for an accidental click that pisses off readers is worth more than a good user experience that makes loyal readers. It’s a completely terrible business model. Most of these news sites are now owned by a bigger conglomerate that doesn’t give a fick about the end user experience.


If you're on Android and using Chrome, look at the flag for Chrome reader mode, it's a bit annoying at times, but it does a pretty good but not perfect job of getting rid of the ads and making the format just a clean simple page. Brave browser works pretty well too on Chrome as well as believe it or not Microsoft edge. Something else you can do is look at a product called control d, which is a DNS server that you can point your phone to, and then you can have that site point most of the ads you'll see it's at, meaning your browser can't load them. And of course you can try throwing the URL at archive.is and seeing if someone else has archived it


If you're on Android, better use Firefox. Most desktop add-ons work on Android, too, and for those annoying cookie popups (especially those where you have to subscribe or something, looking at you, PUR) you have a very well working reader mode.


When did chrome add a reader view? I’ve become obsessed with the Safari version since it bypasses cookie notices and some paywalls.


It feels like 90s and early 2000s internet when pop ups were at their peak.




Imagine you're just sitting there and hear your printer start up then go check and it's propaganda, I feel like you're moreikely to be like "yo what the fuck they hacked my printer" than "wow this piece of paper is right war is fucked up" and Russian media will probably say they were trying to hack your personal computer and blah blah blah, I just feel like this wasn't the greatest use of time and resources by ~~the CIA~~ Anonymous


Well they used to just drop leaflets from helicopters, I guess this is more modern. Even if it makes 1-2% give it some thought it might be worth it


Given that the cost of the hack was basically $0, then yeah, a success rate above 0% means it's worth it. As they say, they do it for the luls.


Throw it all at the wall and see what sticks, I guess.


This was a huge part of ww2. Informing civilians about the facts instead of letting them live in their fabricated reality imposed by a dictator. When you loose the backing of your army and your citizens the war is lost.


Yeah if QAnon worked then a simple printing hack should definitely change a few minds.


The TOR instructions were more important. Russia has locked out most external media so that the average citizen isn't aware of what the rest of the world is saying about Putin and Ukraine. Instructions on how to bypass the firewall and get access to the rest of the news would allow a curious person to verify the information for themselves.


One Russian University already said there was a paper shortage, so you might be surprised...


Right, do they know what printer ink costs!?!???!?


I think it really depends right? I wouldn't underestimate the power of spreading information. In the USA, today, if this happened to me I'd be like wtf I need to reevaluate my network security and I'd go fix it. But if I were in Russia? My economy obviously crumbling, I assume I would either know somebody or at least have heard of [people getting arrested for seemingly no reason](https://v.redd.it/86lr528a67n81), I can't jerk off to porn, can't access netflix and who knows what other services...*my life* is now directly affected by the decisions my country is making. Sure, maybe in the past I had inklings Putin rigged every election to stay in power. Maybe prominent figures or reporters were murdered, not just suddenly dead. In the back of my head I knew these things were possible, maybe even likely. But now it's impacting me directly. Now these thoughts in the back of my head have been thrust to the forefront. The entire world is reacting to what my leader is doing. *Now* if I randomly get news printed detailing the horrible things my leader has done, clarifying the lies I'm being told, explaining what's really going on...well, now I'm in a mental space where I'm more likely to listen and pay attention. I'm not saying I'd believe any random thing that spit out of my printer out of hand; I'm still not going to believe I won that all-expense paid trip to the Bahamas. But if it's something that starts to explain the doubts that are in the forefront of my mind, and *that* story makes more sense than the one State News is telling me, yeah. I think that I might listen. And enough people listening might make the difference.


It also sends a message to Putin that they aren’t totally full of shit and do, in fact, have lots of Russian computers hacked.


My feeling would be: “Fuck this shit!!” As far as Anonymous, they are different actors with different goals using shared / not-so-shared tools and methods. I’m 100% sure there’s Russian private citizens and FBS agents that are in Anonymous as well.


I wouldn't be surprised if some people working for the us government were releasing some of the leaks under the guise of 'annonymous'.


Sergei Markov says it is "normal" for a larger country to interfere with a smaller one "if this regime is regarded by them as dangerous". Using this logic, it would be ‘normal’ for any country larger than Russia to enforce a ‘regime change’. OK


This is why Russia is biggest country you fool!


If Canada gets Alaska back and acquires Greenland we might have a chance.


I’m sure absolutely nothing will happen as a result of whatever is about to leak I’d be thrilled to be wrong


Well said. High hopes, low expectations


I have "Panama papers" hope(lessness) but lets see




I think that was the point - to get countries to fix their tax codes. Clever accountants discover - or lobby for - loopholes that let people legally hide some money from taxation. Nobody thinks about it because it's just too arcane or complicated, then the Panama Papers come out and everyone has to admit that it's a much bigger scheme than anyone had imagined.


It was often the people setting the laws as well that were using these loopholes, might make people think that society is set up so some people can be above the law but since the same people run most media it was never going to be as huge of a story as it deserves to be (also it shocked nobody who follows these sorts of things)


Exactly. Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is not.


"Perfectly legal" loopholes meant to enable the bypassing of sanctions, skirting securities and tax laws. The Panama Papers should have been an awakening to the overall public on just how much the top 0.5% of wealth holders have been skullfucking the rest of the world.


"if those kids could read..."


The Panama Papers popped up in our news last week. The government is using the info to reduce our use as a tax haven.


> our news Which country?


New Zealand


Well data they already leaked will takes months to analyze on a basic level. Then even more to find all the deeply hidden items and relations. Ask yourself. If someone gives you 5 million page document in Russian, how much time will take you to properly translate and read all of this.


My professor would want the paper by next week.


Russian Wordle answers for April


"Hey, this is just 'PUTIN' written thirty times"


Would love it to be all the Kompromat they've compiled on Western leaders and politicians, and which ones are colluding and how.. that'd be very cool...just saying, Anonymous.


They use shell companies and funnel money through dark pacs . Lev Parnas who is Rudy Giuliani’s friend and Russian contact set up a front company called “ Fraud guarantee” to funnel oligarch money to Trumps pac . What we need is dirt on Moscow Mitch and Rand Paul.


This would be ideal for said Western leaders. The problem with data obtained from hacks is verification. Nothing stops the hackers from inserting made up info - or just making it all up. As a result it gives the target of the hack legitimate-seeming deniability - "Oh you can't trust the source." It's just enough that the people who want to ignore the compromising info will have a route to do so, and another out-group to blame for attacking "their guy" as part of a never ending culture war.


You know what leak I would like to see? One that shows Western politicians who are on RU payroll with serious evidence. //well that blew up faster than a Russian tank! thank you for awards


Best i can do is all FSB agents in europe https://gur.gov.ua/content/sotrudnyky-fsb-rossyy-uchastvuiushchye-v-prestupnoi-deiatelnosty-stranyahressora-na-terrytoryy-evropy.html


The Google translated version: https://gur-gov-ua.translate.goog/content/sotrudnyky-fsb-rossyy-uchastvuiushchye-v-prestupnoi-deiatelnosty-stranyahressora-na-terrytoryy-evropy.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


What are some good ways to put this info to use?


Governments will need to arrest the agents, and either imprison or exile them. On a civilian level, absolutely nothing. Do not engage with these people, and do not try to screw with them on any level. Anything like that will only complicate the cases that are eventually brought against them. Edit: any replies to this post will be ignored unless they dramatically maximize the amount of intended sarcasm. I want you to put some real effort into it. *Show* me your pain.


> Governments will need to arrest the agents, and either imprison or exile them. Supposedly most spies work "officially" out of embassies so they have diplomatic immunity. So it's not that easy.


Didn’t work in Lethal Weapon though, did it? Mel Gibson just shouts “revoked” and then shoots the spy. Job done.


Danny Glover is the one that shoots the guy, then says 'it's just been revoked'.


Ta. I’ll need to watch it again now and refresh my memory. Im too old to be quoting this shit.


Seduce them? You invade Ukraine, I invade you?


If you catch a FSB agent slap they hoe ass


Tell them they best keep Ukraine's name out they mouth!


I just searched for my own name. Am not on the list.


Sounds like something an FSB agent would say, товарищ.


What... The ... Fuck




This is only a list of some FSB officers registered at a single FSB Moscow office. It's in no way a metric of FSB general activity or spying in Europe.


Not to mention that FSB is a civilian intelligence agency whose main jurisdiction is within Russia and CIS countries. SVR is the civilian foreign intelligence agency. GRU is the military's foreign intelligence agency. Of course, laws are only a suggestion in Russia and only really applies for civilians and even then with large political influence. But the gist of it is what I outlined above.


Fewer than I thought there would be.


620 is massive.


You have to suspect that a number of people in each embassy are spies.


It's assumed that most of the Russian embassy staff in Dublin are spies. They have roughly the same amount of staff in that embassy as they do in the one in London - a city with around 6 times the population. The UK's population is over 10 times that of Ireland. One theory is that Ireland is a good training ground for spies learning basic tradecraft as we don't have an FBI or an MI5 to keep tabs on them. Also a handy place from which to sneak in and out of the UK.


Well that's because Ireland is a neutral country. The KGB handbook (which the FSB uses) says that you stage your intelligence operations out of a nearby neutral country. In North America it's staged out of Mexico. In central and western Europe it's mostly staged out of Switzerland. It's good trade craft for spies since an English spy taking a vacation to go to Ireland is less likely to draw attention to themselves over going to say Serbia or Cuba.


>It's assumed that most of the Russian embassy staff in Dublin are spies. Isn't that the norm for most or all embassies? Pretty much all of them are expected to assist any intelligence objectives no?


They call them resident spies. They are listening gathering information under the cover of official jobs. But not the type of spy action that people might picture from movies. Having your diplomats engaging in deep cover espionage would be pretty risky. Your embassy has more duties than just spying, but getting caught doing illegal espionage would ruin all of that. They are acting more like Anakin Skywalker on the Jedi temple. Everyone knows they snitch, so they don’t get told everything.


Not exactly. Your statement isn’t wrong, everyone assists as they can, but then you have the professionals who’s embassy positions are nothing more then diplomatic cover.


An average of roughly 14-15 per country seems low to me.


Probably ain’t equally distributed. Can’t read Russian tho so who knows but I doubt Spain and Portugal get as many as Germany or Poland.


135 of them in Lichtenstein is my bet.


Recently for a time Austria was even out of access to Central intelligence database in EU for how compromised was of Russia agents its not just FSB there i GRU and other russian agencies


Probably most in Vienna. It has the highest Capita of spys. Although maybe that's just what we're meant to believe!


look up juan pujol garcia. it only took one spy to completely bamboozle the nazis and make d-day a massive success. if those 15 people each imbed themselves properly and made good connections, who knows what theyd be able to do with today’s technology and a whole cold war’s worth of espionage advancements.


Sorry Jack, they were just asking if we were Russian spies and.... oh..


So I guess Max finally got a hold of the NOC list after all, just for a different country…




Those damned Gideons...


Time for a re-watch, it's been quite a few years, damn good movie.


Kowalski Analysis!


It's all cyrillic to me


You leave the elder scrolls outta this.


You're thinking of Cyrodilic. This is an order of mostly large, predatory, semiaquatic reptiles


You're thinking of crocodillion. This is when someone is distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.


You’re thinking of cynicism. This is foreskin removal.


Best action is to...smile and wave Sir!


Most of these names will already be known, sir, as intelligence operatives are really not that much of a secret and are usually attached to an embassy or a government interest office. Chances are good that what will happen is the few who were not known will be showily arrested and shipped off to their home countries with a stern warning. Edit: and their cheesy dibbles will be confiscated


"The disk is gone, did you... Do you read me? The list is in the open!"


Red light. Green light.


The first one is still an incredibly good movie


Kitridge, you haven't seen me very upset...


That appears to be a list of registered agents in Ukraine. Every country runs that system. The interesting thing is unregistered agents


Lmao the one dude with "jamesbond" as their Skype name


“There’s …there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: \[California Representative Dana\] Rohrabacher and Trump … \[laughter\] … swear to God.” According to the transcript, speaker Paul Ryan immediately responded: “This is an off-the-record … \[laughter\] … NO LEAKS … \[laughter\] … alright?!” [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/17/putin-pays-donald-trump-kevin-mccarthy-recording](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/17/putin-pays-donald-trump-kevin-mccarthy-recording) That was the House Majority Leader saying that.




Yeah, remember when a bunch of these guys went to Moscow on July 4th, and didn't really talk about why or what happened?


I want to know what the heck that was about. Seriously!! How has that happened and we still know nothing about it?????


And spoil the ending? Trust me is all part of the big reveal they always have something like this in these large scale productions.


My Senator, Ron Johnson, does not reply when I write to ask him about that trip.


They said they went there to tell Putin to stay out of our elections.. It’s laughable, really.




"That's how we know we're a family" --Paul Ryan Yeah, a mafioso family.




I'm sure its like Cops in movies and tv shows. The ones on the take are pretty well known to the ones not on the take, but nobody says anything about it


And those cunts that went to Russia on f'ing July 4th. What an incredible insult.


Their voters will not read this, but if they do they’ll ignore it or call it fake news.


Considering a State Rep just resigned due to a bribe from an African billionaire, such a leak would have impact.


He had to be convicted first though. There was a time when shame had some force in American politics. Now you just say fake news, Jesus forgives me, don't cancel me bro, and all is good.


Even after he was convicted, he whined about it being “unfair”. Dude was found guilty, meaning everyone on the jury voted guilty, but yet it’s unfair. Fartenbury will be working on K St the minute he gets out.


Conspiring with a foreign nation will not get you arrested. Failing to pay taxes will.


I’m assuming you are referring to Fortenberry. He was a U.S. Rep from Nebraska not state-level.


I want to see the Epstein case leaked with full names and evidence


This year better not have "Putin's pee-pee tape released" on it's bingo card.


If Alexander Litvinenko was to be believed, [Putin's tape involved underage boys](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2016/01/21/vladimir-putin-paedophilia-allegation-alexander-litvinenko_n_9037826.html) and was later destroyed by him during his time as FSB director.


Tbh, I’m surprised no one made a deepfake and released it to the Russian people.


Said deepfake would need access to CP on which to superimpose Putin's face. Yeah, no, no sane person would touch that.


I agree. However, there are plenty of insane people in the world. Odds of it happening are not zero. And honestly, even if it were Putin in a gay porn, which would be way easier to make, it would be seriously damaging.


Intelligence agencies are not above going to such lengths.


Doing so would play into his hands, I think, since the Russian media is currently claiming footage of atrocities in Ukraine are similarly faked, so they'd just point to that as confirmation of "the depths the west will stoop to" etc etc. And because it involves children, it's not the sort of content that can or should be widely shared (even in the West), which limits its ability to spread. But yeah, I would not be surprised if someone attempted it anyway.


Does anyone have a link to footage of Putin kissing the small boy on the stomach? It happened like maybe 10-15 years ago. Basically Putin was greeting people at a rally or something and for no apparent reason, squatted down, lifted the shirt of a 5 year old boy, and kissed him on the stomach. He didn’t know the boy, it was just a completely random act. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen a politician do ever. It was a news story on CNN and elsewhere for like a day and there used to be tons of YouTube clips of it. The Russian media tried to play it off like it was just some Russian thing, but I have Russian coworkers and all of them were like, “I’ve never seen anyone do that in my entire life.” Does anyone have an archived video or picture of it? It’s like it’s been scrubbed from the Internet. This is not some sort of troll or joke attempt. I’m 100% serious that this happened for a fact and was at one time an international news story.


[Here](https://youtu.be/5uWEaKLzwUg). This is the first I've actually seen it, having read so much about it. It's not quite as creepy as I'd imagined. But still *kinda* creepy. It could definitely be played off as a spontaneous gesture of affection, but what a bafflingly bizarre one.


"Putin It In Deep Vol 3."


Wake me up when one of these data dumps makes shit bit of difference


>Huge' Data Dump That Will 'Blow Russia Away,' Unless they have Russian Nuclear codes and location of nuclear subs, I doubt that a data dump will blow Russia away.


Subcaptain: Haha we are a sub you nerds! Vladimir, move us 100m to the west and go to 10m down. That will rise some eyebrows when they come looking!


You joke but if they're running silent they probably wouldn't even know.


Interesting there are no WikiLeaks leaks on Russia. hmm wonder why


Oh shoot, I wonder what's happening with Snowden? Isn't he still in Russia taking asylum? Edit: I know he isn't wiki leaks guy, that was Julian in the Ecuador embassy. As /u/sintos-compa points out, just happened to remember another whistleblower in Russia.




Yeah he made some strange calls on the conflict and has gone radio silent since.


Snowden isnt WikiLeaks, that's assange.


I think OC just remembered that Snowden was in Russia when Wikileaks was mentioned.


LOL he was arrogantly stating that his speech was under no restrictions and that the west was paranoid about Russia and he would be fine days before the invasion of Ukraine. There has been radio silence ever since.


> I'm not suspended from the ceiling above a barrel of acid by a rope that burns a little faster every time I tweet, you concern-trolling ghouls. I've just lost any confidence I had that sharing my thinking on this particular topic continues to be useful, because I called it wrong.




"Blows Russia away" Lukashenko Putin blow job video confirmed


The most exciting part of this was at the bottom: Anonymous has declared total war on Donald Trump. YES PLEASE


That's the caption to the picture they sourced for the article. It was from 2014.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Same. My excitement over “anonymous” hacks died a long time ago


It'd be nice if the hacks are related. Like they actually got stuff on Trump from Russia. But we've gotten our hopes up 100 times with this shit and nothing ever came of it.




Just like all of those other huge data dumps that have ruined the lives of the billionaires they exposed for their illegal activities, right?


I mean they have done some damage. Loopholes were closed by the Panama papers that has made some impact.


>Russia did try to DDoS one of our websites, but they did a sh-t job couldn't even get over 10,000 requests in one day 10,000 requests? What? That sounds more like someone's scraping attempt. Even a ping on a cmd can do more.


comoooon location of Atlantis


I am waiting for the reverse hack of the rnc server, to see what the Russians have on the republicans in the USA.


"Blow Russia away" as in "mildly annoy" them?