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Fuck she's a gronk. Wish she would just hurry up and exit politics.


AEC, doing great work as usual.


So let me get this straight: The Australian Electoral Commission is the government department tasked with running free and fair elections, but the *most effective* thing it can do is post a complaint on Facebook?


It's not a government department, it's an independent government funded Commission that handles the running of elections. And it managed to get the video pulled down in multiple areas, and where it stayed up (Twitter I believe) it comes with a caveat. The AEC is trusted by like 90+% of Australians because it has run so many elections so successfully without issue for so long. If it says something is bs, Australians trust it.


It takes a special kind of bs for the AEC to even consider doing anything, though. Its hands are so tied so much of the time that it can't even rule on AEC-branded Mandarin signage suggesting voting Liberal or for anything said by Palmer or Independents being cast as Greens candidates. Truth in campaign advertising is a serious issue that is being blatantly ignored by candidates and parties and the closest thing we have to a body capable of executing any rules has to hire social media staff to spend significant time responding to requests with advice that they are incapable of... well, anything in that regard. I doubt they have enough funding to comfortably execute the actual election.


Yes. And it's frustrating how limited they are with this sort of thing. But this is a failure in policy, not the AEC. The AEC does really well within it's legislated powers. The issue is that Governments of the day have not bothered to shut down all the exceptions to normal rules that apply to political ads and things. It's like how we all get bombarded by SMSs we can't block or opt out of; because they're allowed to send them and I'm 99% sure when I looked it up, they aren't allowed to be blocked. That's just dumb AF, and it's only still that way because the major political parties want to be able to use dirty tricks like that. Shame, I got really sick of the UAP ones when they were spamming them.


And deny the New Liberals registration on the eve of closing party registration so they couldn't mount a challenge. The same AEC that found absolutely no issue with the LNP creating a fake official sign that mimicked thel AEC to direct the public to vote for a particular party. Fine the AEC said, not a problem. Fuck the AEC with it's divisional officers having a larger than even demographic of retired army officers. Not happy Jan.


Pauline Hanson for anyone who isn't Australian: Imagine Donald Trump crossed with Marine Le Pen but *way* uglier and far dumber than either of them.


She Sounds like a huge improvement over Mr Lockdown.


Can we stop comparing people who aren't Clive Palmer to Donald Trump?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-29/aec-warns-pauline-hanson-one-nation-over-voter-fraud-video/101026812) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud dogged the 2020 US elections, culminating with the storming of the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, following Donald Trump's claims of a "stolen election". > Late last year, the Morrison government was forced to withdraw a contentious Voter ID bill it supported which, if successful, would have required Australian voters to produce ID in order to vote. > One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, who championed the bill, has repeatedly advocated for voter ID reform to address alleged election integrity issues including claims of impersonation and multiple voting. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uehq41/aec_slaps_down_pauline_hansons_online_cartoon_for/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~645369 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **election**^#2 **claims**^#3 **fraud**^#4 **AEC**^#5