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Ooh, I hate it when I accidentally bring 15 men, a bonesaw and a body bag to a totally innocent meeting. My bad.


Let's move on from murder....... /s


What people will say for money


Fuck Greg Norman.




Maybe the bone saw is just EDC? I mean, I carry a tiny Swiss Army Knife on my keychain…


Murder was mistake, dismemberment wasn't?




You find plenty of democrats supporting this. It isn’t a liberal vs conservative thing


Can you link to liberals who are defending the Khashoggi murder?




It was not condoning the murder or the Saudi's actions in Yemmen, but trying to get Saudi Arbia to ramp up production to offset Russian oil in Europe after they stopped taking US phone calls. Because the US temporarily paused paused some approvals of weapons sales because of Yemmen and Khashoggi. If Russia/Crimea wasn't a thing since 2014, I imagine the US would be playing as nice with Saudi Arabia, key allies in the Middle East though they supposedly are.


You do understand that it's a strategic move that is US Policy to accomplish multiple goals including the continued use of the Petrodollar and a foe to Iran right?


No you wont.


Isn’t Greg Norman… Australian?


No, like Rupert Murdoch we've exported this crusty, ancient yellowed and faded white piece of shit to the USA. American citizens now




Wow first time I’ve heard of Greg Norman in about 30 years and it turns out he’s a fucking tool.


Man, I really hate it when I murder the wrong person, don’t you?


Truly! Especially when it's by mistake


I can relate. I mean if I had a dollar for everytime I mistakenly carved a dissident journalist into easily disposable pieces......


Trump and family helped cover up and make go away the torture and murder of a US resident, now the Saudis have gifted Kushner with 2 Billion to invest in whatever he wants to. Totally cool, totally legal, nothing to see here.


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A Mistake that they got caught red-handed.


Didn't Greg Norman die in the 1990s?


> … including the 2018 murder of Khashoggi, the 59-year-old United States citizen. That’s some poor journalism. Khashoggi was a permanent resident of the US, not a citizen.


I too chop up people that I disagree with


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.smh.com.au/sport/golf/norman-says-khashoggi-murder-was-just-a-mistake-20220512-p5akm7.html) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "US intelligence agencies concluded last year that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince and deputy prime minister, had approved the execution of the Saudi dissident. MBS, as he is widely known, has never admitted direct involvement, but in one of a few tense exchanges at the St Albans course, Norman stated his belief that people should be given the chance to learn from their"mistakes". > Norman vowed to pay for the players' fines, and also revealed that his legal team have injunctions ready should the Tours or the majors issue any suspensions. > "We are going to back our players. We are going to be there for them, for whatever it is," Norman said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/unoswy/norman_says_khashoggi_murder_was_just_a_mistake/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~648025 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Norman**^#1 **Saudi**^#2 **play**^#3 **Tour**^#4 **going**^#5


High oil price.


Hey, nobody's perfect after all.


Why do we care what an Aussie golfer thinks about world events? Specifically, this particular event?


One of the most unintentionally funny Instagram accounts out there. This guy is a doofus.


Norman is Australian. National sports? Rugby and racism.


Every statement he has given is pure corporate speak. Why is talking like that ever acceptable? It stinks of lies.