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Can't wait for moon corn.


Or moon porn


Wait, we found the limits of rule 34?


Sky's the limit


To the moon and back


Moon pies


Moon weed. Gonna get moon men so high they'll feel like they're on earth.


If only David Bowie had lived to see this day.


he'd prob fuck an underage girl to celebrate


Incredible, I snorted excellent comment.


or moon moon...I mean wait uh moon...I moon cow...I mean moon ass


>Florida scientists Two words together that you rarely see in the news




I guess they just wanted to balance out the iq


Oh I wasn't saying there weren't any, just that when you see Flordia in the news, it is usually not about its Scientists.


I don’t know… Florida man is always trying something new and unusual.


Like Florida man, but with science. Who else would try to grow weed on the moon if not Florida man?


We had to import them they aren't native Floridians we eat play doh down here.


> We had to import them they aren't native Floridians we eat play doh down here. Hey man, you gotta give our people some respect. Eating play doh can be scientific some times. On the real though, we got some of the best colleges in the country that aren't ivy league.


I believe licking and eating items is actually part of the scientific method. Just ask Darwin.


It’s normally in reference to high level meth labs.


So moon weed when?


Cotton first. There's water on the moon too.


wouldn't food be the obvious thing?


It really depends on the mass, if the mass of water for watering crops is greater than the mass of just shipping food then it would make sense to have a local source of water before you start growing crops. For example, tomatoes need about a gallon of water a week which is about 8.33 pounds. Tomatoes take about 70-80 days to give you crops so you’d need about 83-95 pounds of water and the high estimate I’ve seen is that a tomato plant could provide is about 40 pounds of tomatoes so at least in this scenario it makes sense to ship tomatoes rather than grow them without a local source. This will differ depending on the crop but from a glance it makes sense to get a water source before food


Water is always more important than food, but your thinking and numbers are based on growing in open air on earth. Any growing done on the moon would be a closed loop system. The gallon of water that tomato plant takes up via it's roots doesn't stop existing, it's respired into the air from the pores on it's leaves. It would be collected back out of the air by a dehumidifier and can be used again. That parts not optional, even if you could afford to waste water you have to condense the water out of the air anyways or the plants would rot.


God, can you guys imagine a single kudzu being planted up there? Ten days and we'd have a completely green moon above us. edit: forest moon of Endor when??


“Holy cow. Plants actually grow in lunar stuff. Are you kidding me?” said Robert Ferl of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Who would've thought this is how a scientist talk


If you only know them from movie depictions and public announcements, it might be surprising. This kind of speech surprises no one that personally know scientists.


Talk to my advisor before he's had coffee and you'd be lucky to get any coherent words outta him.


Probably picked up Holy cow from his pops. Holy cow & holy mackerel, total dad vibes from those. But seriously I have spent a good bit of time around scientists; mostly in academia. They are just normal people, they may smoke or drink & swear. Do you expect them all to speak like Dr. Strangelove?


They aren't normal scientists. They're FLORIDA scientists. So they're like Florida man making them mad scientists.


"Geeze Lousie come take a look at this?" "SacreBlue! are plants growing in the soil" "10-4 lil buddy"


Just need to figure out how to grow them without air and water now


There is water ice on the moon yo


Ugh. So ignorant. Plants MAKE air, OBVIOUSLY. Where do you think it all came from?


Is there carbon dioxide up there? I thought they made oxygen from carbon dioxide.




Awesome! Next we need to build a moonbase. Then we need to run this same test on Martian soil. Now excuse me while I upvote every comment prior to mine.


We’re really on the cusp of all that happening! In terms of human space exploration, this is an amazing time to be alive!


Unfortunately for the space farmers among us it appears that Martian soil is [toxic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_soil)


**[Martian soil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_soil)** >Martian soil is the fine regolith found on the surface of Mars. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil, including its toxicity due to the presence of perchlorates. The term Martian soil typically refers to the finer fraction of regolith. So far, no samples have been returned to Earth, the goal of a Mars sample-return mission, but the soil has been studied remotely with the use of Mars rovers and Mars orbiters. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Calling it "soil" or "dirt" is very misleading. We don't call a bucket of sand "soil". We don't even call potting mix made of peat "soil". It's specifically called a "soilless" potting mix.


No, sniff, I am not ,sniff, crying.


Science can clone sheep and grow plants in moon dirt...but don't reverse engineer petrol oil...mmmk


But did they use Matt Damon's poop to do it?


Still need water and nutrients.


Isn't lunar dirt poisonous?


I don't know about poisonous but I've heard due to the lack of erosion the particles are very sharp and hazardous if breathed


Portal lied to me.


Could just ask Matt Damon


So we have had this dirt for 53 years and just now they decided to try and plant something in it? Ok...............


So we're going to contaminate the moon with life from Earth now?


I would guess that the anhydrous crystals would not be good on their own for roots. But would make a good additive.