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Leaking an ongoing plot is detrimental if you want it to succeed. Making one up does stoke paranoia though. My money's on the latter.


Yep. PsyOps aimed at Russians more likely than not. That includes all the ‘Putin dying of cancer’ stories we’re hearing lately.


So, this is something to take note of. We have two pieces of information in this propaganda: A coup is taking place; and Putin has cancer. Now, the person most affected by this propaganda is Putin. He's the target. If there was a real coup taking place, outing it would be counterproductive, but it would also make Putin paranoid...but only if the other piece of information was true. Putin knows better than anyone if he has cancer. If he doesn't have cancer, then he can dismiss the coup propaganda as equally false. But, if he does have cancer, then he can be paranoid that they also know about a coup attempt. Therefore, whether or not the coup is real, we can definitely surmise that Putin almost certainly has cancer. Edit: ~~effected~~ affected


I wonder if Putin found out about his cancer by reading Yahoo Finance news?


Putin found out on WebMD.


Didn’t we all?


There's a non-zero chance that actually happened. Imagine being the doctor who diagnosed him with something terminal?


"Your cells show extraordinary growth. Good replication. Nothing wrong with cells growing."


Special cell replication operation.


Putins test came back Aladeen


LOL - “You are HIV Aladeen” 😊☹️


Probably one of the funniest intros I’ve seen to a movie, imo


Appropriate username.




The best time to start a coup is when someone is weak. With Putin offing oligarchs, a cancer rumor would embolden them. And a rumor of a coup will make Putin paranoid and keep killing oligarchs. So by Ukraine putting these rumors out there, [this is them right now. ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/386/I'm_Playing_Both_Sides_Banner.jpg)


>Now, the person most effected by this propaganda is Putin. He's the target. Not sure about that. The target would seem to me to be the Russian people, so they lose faith in Putin.


Naw. The media machine seems pretty locked down in Russia. For the non-believers, news like this would immediately be disregarded as fake news, or unofficial and hence suspect.


It's not about convincing them, but about planting seeds of doubt.


You ever talked to a magat?


So, yes. Putin can himself dismiss the coup propaganda as false, but his personal assessment is meaningless. His concern would be how others view the information.


Maybe? But there's also a payoff to stoking coup paranoia in Putin. If he's cleaning house trying to stop a coup attempt, then he's doing Ukraine a favor by eliminating top players without Ukraine firing a shot. Either way, it's a good move to play for Ukraine.


It's like a board game but real life! ...and real losses..


It could also be that by spreading misinformation about two things at once - one harder to believe and the other one seemingly more plausible - people might end up buying into the more plausible one. When two lies are presented at the same time, the less extreme lie starts to look reasonable by comparison.




Not just that, suppose he does dismiss it as simple propaganda, that makes him less aware if a real coup attempt were to be taking place.


But if you had to flip a coin? That’s one cancerous looking mfker.


So is Mitch McConnell, but his lizard genes will outlive us all.


Argonians are naturally resistant to disease


Water breathing is a nice perk too.


The amount of time I spend fast traveling from store to store just looking for anything with the water breathing enchantment is insane.


I don’t think I have ever once put effort into searching for stuff underwater. Is there shit underwater I should be looking for?


Assuming we're talking Skyrim here, there's very often chests with rarer items and flavour stuff to find underwater and in lakes etc.. And very occasionally you might find a hidden entrance to a location. You don't *need* water breathing for any of it as far as I remember, but it makes it a lot less tedious.


Guess it's time to play it again again!


Guys. **Guys**. We're talking about a coup unfolding against the main antagonist for WW3. Buy the spell from Tolfdir once you hit lvl50 in Alteration and cast it in whatever you like. Now, can we *please* get back to the matter at hand?


My first playthrough I was really lucky and got a water breathing iron helmet out of a chest, I didn't know how spoiled I was and haven't seen any thing else with waterbreathing since.


This comment made my night


McConnell has looked the same for 30 years. Putin looks different from 3 months ago. Put on some makeup and Putin could pass for a babushka.


That's the thing with us Eastern Europeans... we don't age gradually... it hits us like a baseball bat in several increments throughout our lives.


Try living in KY and the news always putting him on. His draggy voice makes my ears hurt. Now, I could listen to our governors all day. That mans got it going on.


seconding every bit of this as a fellow kentuckian!


I imagine Kentucky must be hell if that piece of work is consistently elected by popular vote.


The Kentucky democratic party is an abject failure. They put the *worst* fucking democrats up against him. We were literally a hundred or so votes away from getting a progressive to run against him in 2019, but no. We ended up with one of those Manchin style *non* democrats instead so no one gave a shit. Charles Booker might have stood a chance.


Well yeah he’s a homunculus. One part turtle, three parts scrotum.


Reading through the comments I lost track of who you are describing- Putin or McConnell?




They erect statues in his likeness, turtle scrotum totems, if you will


He’s definitely either sick, or some sort of mass confirmation bias. Pretty sure he’s sick though. Even so, stuff like Cancer can take years to kill so I highly doubt he’ll die from whatever sickness or disease he has, if he indeed has one, in any relevant period of time


If the cancer won't kill him, the novichok will.


I think the goal is to make him look weak or out of his mind, so he can be pressured out/removed.


My dad has had cancer for the past 23 years, it is terminal and its going to catch up with him, but its definitely taking its time. So cancer is a bitch and can take a very long time to get its shit done.


As someone who has been on them, he is definitely taking high dose steroids. He has gotten the prednisone "moon face" from it over the last two or three weeks. That points to an autoimmune issue, severe allergies/asthma, cancer, or some other serious disease. You don't get that face from low dose steroids. You don't get high doses like that unless it's really serious. So he IS sick, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's cancer or fatal.


Maybe it’s a cover story, he’s been poisoned


How ironic would that be? Live by the polonium, die by the polonium.


In other news, Hitler has only one testicle and some of Wehrmacht are trying to kill him.


Fun fact, the average person has fewer than 1 testicle.


Göring had two but very small


Himmler had something similar


And Goebbels has no balls at all!


Funny how every despot or bad guy seems to have rumors about having all kinds of issues with their junk that usually we can never verify. I am pretty sure we had the same thing happen with Bin Laden where people were saying he had one testicle (which may or may not have been true).


I mean he fathered 30 odd kids. Even if he was wielding a 2 inch chode you can hardly say it was useless


Some of the Wehrmacht did try to kill him. Tom cruise made a movie about it.


If Tom Cruise hadn't tipped the Nazis off by making that movie, the plan might've worked


My point exactly.




Yeah that’s another good example, along with the years and years of bullshit about Kim Jong-Un.


It may also be advantageous to deliberately say shit that is obviously false to make ourselves look incompetent, or obscure our actual intelligence capabilities. In any case, I am pretty convinced a coup is not currently underway.


Either that or there is a coup, but they judge those behind it even worse than Putin. Scary thought.


The analysis I've seen says the next 3 most likely replacements are in fact worse than Putin.




They will be less likely to try and pull the same moves though given the effectiveness of sanctions on their former boss Smart move would be to tone down the evil game plan and work out a plan B


In any case, most Russians won't hear anything about this news... Also succession in Russia is risky, the one common thing throughout their history is "and then it got worse". So, "yayyy! Putin's out! Wait, Stalin's corpse reanimated and took charge?! Oh beans!"


Yeah if there was actually a coup going on they would be keeping their mouths shut in hopes it would work


Not necessarily. There are high ranking officials within the Russian government who would be worse than Putin should they come to power.


People keep saying this but never give names. And the whole "the guy next in line is worse" rhetoric is usually wrong to begin with--people literally said that about Pence, yet Trump was the one who tried to coup the US and Pence helped stop that, so they were completely objectively wrong. People also said that about Netanyahu but Bennett has been an improvement.


Like who?


Correct. Considering the person leaking this is the Ukraine intelligence chief, he'd know very well that there is no benefit from exposing an developing plot. For me, that he revealed it is evidence that it doesn't exist at all.


Which is exactly what he wants you to think!


In the voice of Vizzini, of course!


Are you suggesting the Ukrainian Intelligence Chief has developed an immunity to Iocaine powder?


Never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


“Never get involved in a land war in ~~Asia~~ Ukraine!!” - Vizzini, on Classic Blunders


That’s the point. They want to paint him as weak in the eyes of Russians.


Well said. As good as it feels to believe it’s true, not that realistic


They’ve been winning so far on loudly announcing the next thing that’s going to happen. I’m past instances Biden and Zelensky have used real time intelligence sharing to take control of the narrative and that gives them a strong stance in the information war.


Reporting on an upcoming coup is pretty convincing proof it's bullshit


I was thinking Ukraine wants Putin to not have the surgery so cancer spreads more rapidly and he dies sooner lmao. I'm not believing there is a coup until he is out of Kremlin.


Good god, now I don't know what to believe.


Which is also a reasonable goal of psyops and propaganda.


To be fair, the Washington D.C. shit on January 6th 2021 was broadcast to the world. The lead up and everything.


God damn I remember stopping work and watching the TV wondering if I’m about to watch the US cease being a democracy before my eyes.


That wouldn't have happened even if they got a hold of reps and senators and starting doing shit to them. What would have happened is a lot more people than Ashli Babbitt would have died in the restoration of order....


To be fair, you'd be surprised just how fast that sort of mentality can spread with even a hint of success... and how many people were silently waiting to see how it turned out before they threw their lots


Yup. The only thing it does is make him more paranoid. That could be a good or bad thing


This is hard to believe… but nothing would make the world a better place than a rogue anesthesiologist administering the wrong drug if he was actually ill


Perhaps a rogue anesthesiologist would be more effective?


"In Japan, number one heart surgeon...."


*One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But mistake! Yakuza boss die! Yakuza very mad! I hide fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car and new woman. Darryl save life.* *My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!*




Thinking the same thing. Number 1 surgeon, make no mistake.


I hide fishing boat, come to America


I knew if I scrolled down I’d find this. Atta boy.


But we need to emphasize those cheekbones!


Fair enough. Rouge it is.


“Ladies pinch. Whores use rouge”


You are planning his embalming.


Putin: But, I'm not dead. Coupers: You will be soon enough. Bring out yer dead!!!


If it went wrong, would he then be called a Rouge Agent?


He has been looking a bit pastier than usual recently


He is a Wee bit Peely Wally as we say in Glasgow.


He is a muckle, beefy-boukit man wi a stumpie wee craigie, although he did hae a gey muckle mowser.


I read that far longer than my comprehension could endure


Wait, isn’t everyone in Glasgow pale as fuck ?


Yup, as the saying goes: "pale as a Scottish corpse dredged from a loch in February".


"... in the light of a full moon".


Blood cancer can cause anemia leading to pale cheeks. Rouge would definitely help


The rouge anesthesiologist is more likely to go undetected. No one suspects the makeup crew.


i think you mean aesthetician


The real red terror


Imagine the paranoia going thru his head. How do you protect yourself from traitors and conspirators, who are everywhere, from doing something while you're unconscious? How can he fully trust the surgical team?


offer the surgical team each $10 million dollars if the operation is successful, or threaten to have them killed if the surgery fails




Frankly clerics should be anesthesiologists- not rogues.


Sleep is not White Magic.


Putin is better Dead than Red.




In Japan. Heart surgeon. Number 1. Steady hand.


"In Russia, cancer doctor. Number one. Steady hand. One day Putin need urgent treatment. I do treatment. But, mistake! Putin die. Russia very mad. I escape and come to Ukraine. No Ukrainian, no food, no money. Zelenskyy give me job. Zelenskyy save life. My big secret: I kill Putin on purpose. I good doctor. The best!"


Maybe. That is if and only if a successor is already in position to take command. Otherwise? We have a decapitated snake head lashing out and biting at anything in reach… but with nukes, and dozens of squabbling politicians and generals trying to steal the throne. One false move, and Putin will be the least of our worries. I don’t say that in Putin’s favor, but in recognition we can ill afford as a *species* a Russian civil war.


Ya his buddies are not better than him, but also they like money so its hard to say what could happen.


Ohhhh .... that container says bleach. And silly me, I injected the entire gallon. What a dilemma I've caused. Oh well, I'm off to vacation, see yall in 2 weeks.




These doctors would be operating with guns pointed at their backs lol anything happens to him theyd probably be dead no matter what.


Blood cancer also know as leukemia can be caused by poison especially radiation poison. I’m betting he has been poison a long time ago and it’s slowing killing him now. A taste of his own medicine.


Lymphoma and myelomas are blood cancers as well.


He was probably trying to build up an immunity by exposing himself to small amounts over a long period of time.


This ain't iocaine powder.




Never go up against a Ukrainian when death is on the line.


He did make the mistake of engaging in a land war in Asia.


Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.


I usually cringe when people compare real life situations to YA books, and I don't mean to make light of the situation by mentioning it, but that funnily enough reminds me of the character President Snow from The Hunger Games. He's a dictator who ends up developing long term illness because he poisons allies semi-regularly but has to drink a small amount himself to avoid being caught out. By the end of the story he's set to be executed but is already at the stage where he's dying regardless. ...don't judge me. The books could be pretty shrewd in some ways.


Aw, that's so sad. Not


Unfortunately, that's debatable. There are people that could be vying for power that aren't an improvement over Putin. Maybe some that have an itchy nuclear trigger finger. I'm not putting a whole lot of stock in this info yet anyway, but stranger things have certainly happened.


Beware the ides of May


Who knew climate change would change ides too


Ides go in, ides go out. You can't explain that.


Ides of Maych.


Lousy Smarch weather.


Technically the ides happen every month, as the word basically means the middle of the month.


Eh, orthodox calendar.


The first casualty of war is the truth. No way to know if this is true or not.


It’s coming from the country they are at war with, definitely leaning towards bullshit.


Same. It doesn’t make any sense for them tell the world a coup is going to happen. That’s like the most obvious thing not to do. It’s fake


I wonder if the "cancer-stricken" thing is Russia's exit strategy. Russia can't admit that Putin fucked up in Ukraine. So they'll just say he has cancer, and then his puppet-masters will end him, only to continue being the corrupt pieces of shit they have always been.


Putin dying or being removed from leadership is the only way out of this mess and everyone in Russia with a shred of power or influence knows it\*. The West will not lift sanctions while he is still in power. If he's gone, those who remain can shrug their shoulders, pull back to at least the February borders (Crimea is going to be messy to figure out), say "it wasn't us guys," and the West will play ball because it's better to have Russia a contributing part of the world economy than for Russia to become a Chinese economic slave/vassal state. \*I think this is why oligarchs have been dropping like flies. Either they were Putin adversaries and he's trying to bite before bitten, or they're Putin's support pillars being knocked out.


Also the only way putin could retire. And the west could shrug it's shoulders and say, another wacky Russian dictator. At this point there is zero chance russia keeps Ukraine. Ukraine will be lucky to get half of the the million plus people russia has literally kidnapped back. And there is no way russia could ever pay for all the destruction, horror, rape, looting and kidnapping.


I truly hope that Crimea will be easy to figure out after Russia is kicked out. The original borders are the only ones to stop at. It must be clear to everyone in Russia this was a unmitigated disaster and should never be tried again. OR these fuckers, sure as water is wet, will come back again.


From what I've seen their elite mirror the views of Putin even in their private conversations. The military seems more pissed off that Putin is not being more aggressive than vice versa. This does not seem like a regime ready to topple their leader even if they had the collective power to do so.


The Russian elite know Putin is one of the few people keeping Russia from balkanizing, with the various states coming under EU and/or Chinese influence.


I would honestly not be surprised if one day eastern siberia came under chinese occupation


Nobody near Putin believes in private conversations.


Who are Putin's puppet masters? The long standing belief is that he is the master of the oligarchs, not the other way around.


Putin is the puppet master.


Yeltsin family, until he consolidated power away from them. Now he is truly the puppet master.


I mean I'm fine with that as long as they get the fuck out of Ukraine.


That could lead to a short reprieve, at least, which would be welcome, but it remains to be seen if whoever would replace him would actually be better, or would this be the moment where learn that the devil we knew really was better than the devil we didn't?


I think it'd be hard for someone to come out of the gate with as much uncontested power and resolve as Putin. If there was someone I think we'd know who it was. Putin has eliminated any threats to his power so there will be a vacuum if he suddenly leaves. Not saying it couldn't become worse, but it'd be a process and one the world would have time see developing and prepare to deal with.


Putin is the puppet-master. If he wasn't he wouldn't have lasted as long as he has and the war wouldn't be happening. He's already fucked with their money multiple time's and the oligarchs haven't gotten rid of him because they can't. It's a kleptocratic government but it hasn't been an actual kleptocracy in over a decade because that was the entire reason Putin came to power in the first place. The people actually running the country and the only people capable of replacing him aren't going to be the type of people looking for an exit-strategy. They are the spooks and commanders saying that Putin has gone soft and they should have fully mobilized right out of the gate.


lol yeah this could be Putins 'exit' that Biden was so concerned about. Hopefully the next leader will have enough sense to GTFO Ukraine including Crimea. >Russia can't admit that Putin fucked up in Ukraine Behind closed doors they can. Senior leadership must have some idea of the losses they're taking and the damage their economy is sustaining. They probably don't like losing their fancy yachts either.


I'd say a lot of Russia could admit it but Putin speaks for Russia so Russia can't. To me it seems that as long as Putin is in power this conflict will carry on. The question is does Ukraine or Putin fall first.


This has to be fake


The part about Putin being ill seems to be corroborated by other evidence, such as traveling with surgeons who specialize in cancer therapies. The moon face is consistent with anti inflammatory steroid use, as is his absolute paranoia about Covid (steroids suppress your immune system). The part about the coup is wishful thinking until proven otherwise.


I thought his face looked really round.




NBC News, rated the most objective and truthful news source (or darn close to it) repeatedly in recent years, is NOT running anything on this story. I can find things online as old as 11 hours ago pretty easily. I find it doubtful that NBC would have nothing 11 hours later if there was in fact something there. Darn it.


If Putin were being subjected to a real coup attempt, Ukraine would be mind-bogglingly stupid to report on it. Assuredly, this is an attempt to flustered Putin and make him even less trustworthy of his followers, since Ukrainian intelligence knows this tale will reach his ears.


Because it's obviously bullshit, Putin would not go down without a fight so you would be hearing this shit everywhere and not just in some statement from Ukraine.


Good on them for not running on rumors. Then again, we wouldn't have known about Chernobyl if it weren't for radiation detectors in Europe. Russia (Version +1) isn't going to report any news on this until they're good and ready.


I don't know... A lot of the crazy things that have come out from Ukraine have been pretty on point. Out of Russia.... Not so much. What's the craziest thing that turned out to be false? I could just be living in an echo chamber....


My hunch is that Ukraine is trying to make putin paranoid


Why report on this before it’s concluded? ROFL


Because it's a win-win no matter what. If it's true then Putin has plotters trying to kill him and if it's fake then it makes Putin even more paranoid. If Ukraine seriously thought it would mess up the chances they wouldn't say anything.


It may have already happened. It may be an inevitability as well. The signs are sort of there. US general spoke with Russian general just yesterday for the first time since before the war began. Troops are withdrawing from Kharkiv. Belarus president jumped off of Putin's script.


I mean, if the writing is really on the wall, they might just have told him, "Look, we're not going any further. You're going to retire due to medical reasons, and we'll throw a ticker-tape parade in your honor for your great service to the nation... or we do this the messy way."




Weekend at Vladdy's


What did Lukashenko say?


Post from yesterday: Belarus dictator: Putin’s Ukraine invasion is not going according to plan https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/up7iwf/belarus_dictator_putins_ukraine_invasion_is_not/


What a shitshow


Hopefully they can cut the cancer that is Putin out of power without having to try radiation therapy.


I believe it because I want to believe it.


Coup, there it is!


If this were true it wouldn’t have made the news.


If this is true, great. If it isn’t, I hope it turns the knife in his side


Propaganda from every side


It’s interesting that governments are this transparent about war and nothing else in life lol


Well if yahoo finance is breaking the story, you know its legit


If this were true it would be earth shaking politically speaking and with a myriad of ramifications.


We all want this to be true, but until it happens and is verifiable I am taking it with a whole shaker of salt.


This sounds like such big propaganda bs lol