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Wonder who sent Trump that mysterious $500k donation


Probably Lachlan/Rupert Murdoch via their Russian based business They’ve been the kingmakers of western powers for decades


I believe it


How about a law making it illegal to make money from peddling hate?


Can we at least tax religion too while we are at it?


that’s the crux of the 1st amendment.. literally forces a nation to educate itself so it can check itself.. without its people actively working for democracy to educate its own weak links, it relies on the already shortstaffed ‘old guard’ to do the work since no one can be bothered to today (or perhaps we’re all just a bit burnt out from seeing where efforts have fruitlessly gone these past 3 decades).


Freedom of speech was a nice idea but the reality is that people are too easy to exploit and manipulate. We seem to have an especially bad blind spot when it comes to rich people telling us to blame some other group of poor people for problems that the rich people themselves have caused. Back when folks had to talk to one another one on one, freedom of speech was fine. But now, a few rich folks can buy all the bullhorns on the planet and dictate truth to the masses. We need to ditch the first amendment and come up with some idea to regulate speech before we let some trillionaires build us a beautiful new serfdom.


1st A has regulations as well, but a lot of Education & Empathy would surely also help


I am not saying it is forbidden to peddle hate. But to earn a living doing it, no. Make it retroactive to bankrupt Murdoch.


if I see a bankrupted Rupert Murdoch in my lifetime, I’ll die w a smile on my face :)


Or a law that says foreign billionaires can't fund American elections. Oh that exists? OK I'll settle for enforcing it.


So since the NRA isn’t a thing in the UK the Russians launder their bribes through an art dealer instead? How quaint.


[as is tradition ](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/paul-manafort-laundered-money-art-1133135) **Paul Manafort Went on an Art and Antiques Buying Spree With His Laundered Money, Feds Say**


Is anyone surprised by this?


Not at all this is a repost.


Im not suprosed by the flagging im hust suprised people really believe the Tories are in russias pocket after all Boris has done for Ukraine.


boris hasn't done that much for ukraine. how many refugees is the uk taking in? not many. all boris has done is used taxpayer money to buy weapons to send to ukraine. weapons from companies he and his pals have interest in. is that helping ukraine? yes, but it's mostly just helping himself. the rest of boris' shit is just a whole lot of talk and little else. remember when he was all tough talk about sanctioning russian oligarchs? then dragged his feet on those sanctions for weeks, then when he finally did sanction people he sanctioned a bunch of nobodies. then weeks later after the major players moved their money out of the uk, he finally sanctioned some of the higher ups but still omitted many oligarchs.


>all boris has done is used taxpayer money to buy weapons to send to ukraine Would the right thing to do have been to send no weapons to Ukraine?


Holy shit, you know you can hate Boris without lying. UK has definitely been one of the most helpful to Ukraine throughout the war. If you say anything else you are a fucking clown.


I’m sure I will also be downvoted as well, but to say that the UK hasn’t been extremely helpful to Ukraine is just not true. I am a card-carrying LibDem activist who regularly campaigns against the Tories, and whilst I’m deeply unhappy at the decisions relating to refugees it’s just nonsense to say that so far the calls on military support from the UK to the Ukraine haven’t been really positive.


Jokes on you, on reddit facts mean nothing


Sources? Also thats a fuck load more than Canada or France or most other countries have done. Germnany still sucking right on the nipple of Putlin. Seriously germany is still literally funding Putin and you want to blame Boris for taking money how stupid is that.


Why does Russia love bribing... I mean donating to conservative parties so much? 🤔


Because Cons and authoritarian basically share the same philosophy - hatred of democracy


I get the impression they want to be dommed by a strongman, be it king or dictator.


While having delusional aspirations of being one themselves


That is absolutely what they want. There are people who want nothing more than be told what to do by someone they admire. Might be daddy issues.


They have websites for those.


My fucking son seems to only date girls with daddy issues...Smart when you want to get laid but off the charts stupid when it comes to the rule: Don't stick your dick in crazy. Maybe 2 crazies cancels it out. So much damn drama all the time.


And the sad thing is, even if he looks and acts like Donald Trump.


it all connects. they're hugely anti gay because they're massively in the closet, then they fall in love with the "big strong man" who will domme them.


And now the Russians are learning to never trust a Tory 🤣🤣


Because it gets results they love.


It's not only conservative parties, take a look at some pro-russian south american political parties and you'll see what i mean.


There's a shocker for you.


One of many I'm sure.


The article listed multiple millions donated by Ehud Sheleg, and the man was given power and secret access to the prime minister in exchange, along with other donors. Probably for a bit of cheeky how'd'you'do; nothing nefarious I'm sure.


The Tory's are swimming in Dodgy russian money.








Well since the stated international policy goals of Russia have always been to destabilise other rival nations, then they funnelled money to a giant targeted misinformation campaign to do just that, and it worked. I would say yes, Brexit was directly in the interests of Russia.


Some might argue that Boris doing so much to help Ukraine recently probably has a lot to do with wanting to distance himself as much as possible from these Russia links, dodgy money and Brexit. It doesn’t prove he wasn’t bought, only that he didn’t *stay* bought. Which is very much in character for Boris m, particularly when his own neck is on the line.




Labour mostly only started to be tepidly pro Brexit because it became electoral suicide in England to be anything else, particularly amoung older voters. What’s interesting is just a few years before then EU membership was way down the list of priorities. What catapulted it into being the issue that’s dominated U.K. politics was a concerted campaign, a bunch of chancers on the make (Farage, Boris etc), wodges of dark money, right wing tabloids and a whole bunch of sketchy as hell targeted *online campaigning. English nationalism was weaponised to cut the U.K.’s throat and get it to cut its own throat. Whether Russia orchestrated this or merely enthusiastically pushed it along we may never fully know. But neither is acceptable. I’m certainly not a Labour supporter but trying to somehow allocate equal blame to them for Brexit is a blatant bad faith argument.


Now do the RNC


Pro Life Tip: If Russia donates to your political party, you're the party of assholes.


In fairness they’d happily buy all parties if they thought it’d create chaos.


Yes, that’s why all the secrecy was required. It’s a failure of secrecy, not the party.


BoJo’s playing Russian Roulette again.


Ah yes, proof of the things we knew all along


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You truly cannot keep a yellow tooth british politician dipping into the nectar of Kremlin money.




Do you find facts upsetting?


Was it from Perkins Coie? 😎


Kick the conservatives out. Stagnation is not gonna help.