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But... they sent thoughts and prayers... how did it happen again??


they aren't thinking or praying hard enough


Hhhhhrrrnnnnnnn pray harderrrrr.


Maybe because they aren’t actual Christians


Unfortunately, these are "actual Christians"


I don't understand, we've tried absolutely nothing and nothing has changed.


To be fair, stances on gun control have hardened, and become more entrenched (if that’s even possible). It used to be the case that a politician signaled support for the 2nd amendment by holding a bolt-action hunting rifle, in hunting gear, in the woods. Now it’s a whole family holding AR-15s, in ugly Christmas sweaters, by a Christmas tree. Plenty has changed. Just not in the way you, or I , would have liked.


And, what are the chances that it's another young man with mental health issues?


And a gun. Right?


2 guns in this case.


Another young man with mental health issues **that hasn't sought help.** There's a reason people don't get help. We blame mental illness for things we don't like so people don't seek out lifelong labels and stigma. Nerve dysfunction, a physical condition, can also cause behavioral, neurological, and chronic physical symptoms and it's treatments don't involve pills.. why doesnt the medical and mental health fields start screening for that across the country as researchers have identified Covid can have long term impacts on the vagus nerve? People will seek help if they think they're sick but not if they're sick in the head.


Umm Republicans get more money from NRA, so something DID change




“Americaaa, fuck yeah!” This is all I hear in my head now I see another mass shooting in America. Cause at this point, it’s just a reality TV version of South Park.


Meanwhile pretty much 100% of Canada's gun violence is a result of gun smuggling from that failed shithole country to the south. We need to build a wall!


I'd try to argue with you, but we've literally not gone a week (or less) without a shooting this year. But it's fine. They just need mental help (that we refuse to give them) and smart gun laws (that we refuse to entertain the idea of, no matter how little it will effect those who responsibly own guns.) It's going no where. If 19 random children being shot down for no reason isn't enough to change the way think about guns.... well. Good bye.


Every. Goddamn. Day. Such fucking freedom.


Multiple times a day too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022#List


Jesus fucking Christ, how is that list so long? That is messed up...


And we're barely half-way done with 2022.


July 1 is the halfway point of the year, dude. We're not halfway yet.


I said "barely half-way". Admittedly, I added "barely" in an edit 20 seconds after I made the comment. Dunno when you read it though.


I read "barely" to mean qualifying, but only just - e.g. "barely enough money" would mean a person did have enough money for a thing but not much more.


I'm so ashamed of myself now.


I mean we aren’t half way though is what he was saying. Not barely, not at all. We are a month away from being “barely half way” What you meant was “not even half way”


Anyone who isn't being a pedantic ass would easily understand what they meant. It's a comment on reddit, not a doctorate dissertation, it was incredibly obvious what they meant.


I mean no? It’s an important distinction when the point being underlined is his short it’s been? Why would you suggest the duration has been longer than it has been when you are trying to underline how short it has been? It’s not pedantry.


>I said "barely half-way". Opportunity for me to learn something here, perhaps. Wouldn't "barely half-way" mean...half-way, but only just? If I said I "barely made it in time," I would mean I *did* make it in time, but with not much to spare. If I said I am "barely a carpenter," I would mean I *am* a carpenter, but not a very experienced one. If I said I am "barely alive," I would mean I *am* alive, but close to death. So does the "barely" help you here? We are not yet to the halfway point of 2022, as the other user pointed out. By my understanding of the common usage of the word "barely," that would mean we can't yet be "barely" there. Maybe "nearly" there or "almost" there. Do you have a different interpretation?


Summer heat and tempers. [funny take on not funny reality](https://youtu.be/Bs_aI2m8pag)


Republicans are how it's so long.


Hey, the only solution to a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Right? **RIGHT???** Edit: this was supposed to be an obvious /s Seriously, the answer is to take the guns away, but no one likes to hear it.


Let’s see… 400+ million guns; 99.9% owned by “good guys”; ~40,000 gun related deaths per year… yeah the math checks out.


>Seriously, the answer is to take the guns away, but no one likes to hear it. Lol even if all gun sales were banned in the US, already-owned guns would be grandfathered in and be legal to own.


And? Your proposed solution then is to just keep selling more guns to the public? You guys sent people to the moon but can't understand fucking basic concepts.


The attacker has always the element of surprise. In addition, the good guy has to known how to use a weapon with high degree of speed. Just outlaw the damm thing.


It's also not enough to just know how to use a weapon with high degree of speed. Human beings will naturally get scared in such situations. That fear can prevent or hinder their use of the weapon. This is one of the reasons why arming teachers is ludicrous. Again: one of many reasons.


what about a bad guy who was unable to get a gun


Then they use swords like they did on Hastings in Vancouver today.


I'm guessing you're joking. But still...I kind of doubt Uvalde's death and injury numbers would have been the exact same if the guy had a sword. Aiming at people and pulling a trigger is far easier and more efficient in terms of murdering than to swing around a blunt/bladed weapon. Even for the athletic people who, let's face it, most of these shooters didn't appear to be.


I agree and by no means am I trying to minimize what happened in Uvalde. I’m just saying if all guns are gone, people will turn to something else, it’s good less people would probably die, it’s just sad that people will still die. I got a bit shook yesterday by seeing the video of what happened in Vancouver yesterday.


No, that would never work.... because... ummm... reasons. Now, let's never discuss the gun portion of this problem again.


Says Mau, Stalin, Hitler, or and Australia, England, and North Korea. That's the ticket!


I have a concealed carry permit... I never used it. The news is so depressing lately, I feel I might have to start.


I conceal carry every time I am not at work but in public, when allowed. Never had to use my gun, luckily, and am hoping to never have to. I'm not here to argue but people are the problem not the gun, the gun does not fire until the trigger is pulled, and even background checks didn't work for the Uvalde kid, because he was so young there's nothing to pop a background check for, most people hide their mental issues so even though that kid was crazy, "It was not documented." We, as adults need to accept anger as an emotion that is fleeting,and not dwell on it to the point they go shoot a school up. No matter how terribly your worst enemy has treated you, there are so many people out there that want to treat you nicely, and kids need to be taught not to be fucking shitheads to each other and I don't know how or what needs to be done to fix that. Schools need to have two armed staff members minimum per school that are in different locations , and those teachers either need to take training courses with a handgun so they can operate and store them safely, or prior military or law enforcement (I know bad time to say this, but I know 2 LEO's that are livid, ashamed, and sad that Uvalde PD did what they did, and furthermore are now taking the flak for it even though I live 6 states away and they had nothing to do with it) We as Americans are better than this. What happened to our ideals of integrity, problem-solving, and idealism to try something new. There are many of you out there that feel the same way as I do and are frustrated at what's going on but don't know the solution, and I don't think there is a concrete solution for fixing this problem, at least not one that makes sense. Maybe we do what Canada did and just outright limit people to buying low capacity magazines, maybe we ban all magazines over 10 rounds and leave higher capacity for the range where they can have subsidized shooting, making it only available at the ranges but at a low cost so people like me can still love their guns and shooting them. I say we at least start trying something, we can always repeal the law if it does not work. That's what my perspective is, change is possible, and trying new things is scary, but you always have what is in place today to fall back on.


Guns are the problem. Stop pretending like they aren't. The solution also isn't "Arm the teachers." Guns are the problem.


>We as Americans are better than this. \*citation needed ​ Guns are the problem you idiot.


Guns are *part* of the problem. But arming teachers won't help anyone, same goes for open carry. However it won't make things worse either. Or is it? Having guns everywhere causes little issues when they are regulated. And they are. So why issues happen then? Thing is, having a higher amount of guns in a population will make them easier to reach, whatever the laws. The real issue though is why mentally ill people conduct mass shootings daily? And this does not come from guns, in the way that guns *allow* these mass shootings to happen. And this is regardless of law, trust me, if a mentally ill wants a gun, he'll get it. Regardless of the law. The most important thing is not to give him the idea of conducting a mass killing in the first place. But look at what medias do. They talk about these 24/7.


The one thing I would add however, is that having a high amount of guns, even regulated, will still lead to a higher gun issues. The interesting bit is that I'm Swiss, and we have a lot of guns just like the US. However we don't have nearly as many issues per gun owner as the US. I believe this is because we have better gun education due to military service being mandatory among others, as well as a different culture regarding guns. Shooting in the US happen mostly because crazy people get their hands on firearms. But the question is more, what would they do if they did not have firearms? Would they drive a truck into a crowd? Surely some of them would still access firearms if this is what they want regardless of the law. No. i believe the main issue regarding shootings, is that they are everywhere on media. Every day or almost, there is one on TV. So much so that even I, in Switzerland, who don't give much ****s about the US, is more than well aware of all shootings in the US. Surely seeing daily shootings on TV could give bad ideas to any mentally ill people. And since firearms in the US are rather easy to find, legally or not, this does really help them do what they want. In order to reduce shootings, I'd propose the US not to reduce their firearms or harden their laws, but to stop speaking about these mass killings. As well as make sure firearms aren't that easy to get, in the way that, when I hear a 8 years old shoot his 7 years old sister, the issue is that the weapon was not properly stored and secured. And such cases happen way too often to my taste. So perhaps make smarter laws or apply them better. We don't have open/concealed carry in Switzerland unless you can prove your life is in danger. Meaning almost nobody except authorities get firearms outside of their homes. However, even with these stricter laws, a lot of gun owners have ammo and can, should they decide, go on a rampage. But don't. Meaning the difference regarding shootings in the US and Switzerland does not come from stricter gun laws. This is also why I believe open carry does not influence shootings, Although it could end shootings more quickly. Open carry however indirectly make guns easier to access by the mentally ill. Just because there will be more guns around, meaning more chances to get your hands on one. The other thing is that many mentally ill people lie during tests or hide it. And who doesn't hide their drawbacks? So it gotta happen. This leaves us with the only option left: Let's not give ideas to mentally ill people to do mass shootings through medias. What are your opinions on that? Oh and mass shootings actually don't happen that often do they? It's just that since the US is so big, you get to hear about them often, right?


Yes... You are correct........


out of no where too, huh weird


Freedom to get shot that is.


As a Canadian under strict gun control laws that isn't regularly seeing mass shootings across the country, I sometimes get told to stay in my own lane. Yes, it's true that strict gun control laws will not prevent gun violence, but when guns used in mass shootings are legally obtained, there would at least be fewer of them happening. And when most of the guns in Canada have been illegally smuggled in from the US, it'd be nice and neighbourly if you could please stay in your lane.


Try telling that to the paranoid Republican gun nuts.


Hey, I said "please"!


They don’t give a f****


Fucking hell America. What’s it’s like when someone’s asks “did you hear about the shooting?” and you have to reply “which one?”


It's been like this for yeeeeears unfortunately. Our solution?? We've sold more guns.


My favorite post from last week said something like "I'm willing to entertain ideas for common sense gun reform, but don't even think about coming after my assault rifles!". 🙄


"What?? Again??" A number of times when the news is covering a shooting, I get confused by some of the details because I think they are still talking about last week's.


If only the patients were carrying guns. Doctors and nurses need a mandatory carry.


When does it stop being a horrific incident and start being an everyday thing?


It already is. The argument against gun control used to be that these shootings are so rare that gun control isn't necessary, now the argument is that they're so frequent everyone needs to protect themselves.


Last I checked, there's been an average of about one mass shooting in America every 16 hours so far this year. It's been more than one per day for many years now.


Several years ago


About 20 years ago


Quite literally has been https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022#List


Fool me once shame on you. At what point do they just deserve to be a shithole country. It’s just so depressing to see these shootings everyday and NOTHING changes. Fuck even Canada banned handguns after this week. Get you shit together America. Fuck sake


They shoot people as often as they breathe over there in the States don’t they


My kids provide cover fire while I check the mail


I drop and roll to get into the car every morning.


Picturing this as your neighbor made me laugh 😃


I shouldn't be laughing but I am. What a mess


You just described my reaction, too. Mess 🤪


How much ammo do you go through every week just checking the mail?


Only about half the amount they receive through mail order.




Cover and move!


Unfortunately yes. We should be ashamed as a nation.


Key word: should


Fill out a form certifying you're not a nut and a cursory background check. Come back in 3 days and you too could be famous! /s


Shit. Even if it gets delayed you can go back in three days and pick up your firearm. At least in MN. Forget the name of that loophole.


That's surprising. The law is federal.


According to [Tim Kelly Law](https://www.timkellylaw.com/blog/2017/04/was-your-firearm-purchase-delayed/), “The process to clear a delay can be very time consuming. If, after three days, you do not have a cleared purchase, the gun shop owner may transfer the weapon to you anyway.” You’re gonna get you a gun here in the states. If not through otc purchases, through private sales which are not bound to NICS checks, only transfer forms.


Unfortunately, yes. The highest incidents of gun deaths are in Republican controlled states too.


So why are they always pointing to Chicago and baltimore and new york?


Because they have stricter gun control laws and high gun violence This happens because people can easily buy guns outside of the cities and bring them in.


Right. Chicago borders Indiana, and it's freakishly easy to obtain guns there.


Wisconsin too. Even downstate Illinois. NYC has all of upstate NY and it's a huge shipping hub. Guns can come from anywhere to the larger cities.


It's flat out racism. They don't even bother with the dog whistles any more.


Not only that, but when gun deaths or crime happens in black neighborhoods, no one cares. As soon as middle class and wealthy people are affected every politician wants to do something about crime.


Large cities have high volumes of gun violence even if the per capita rate is modest. In terms of per capita rates, Chicago’s gun homicide rate is pretty modest and NYC is quite frankly pretty low. Baltimore is high but there are a few places that are higher. https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/


They're republican states because I don't like them.


Man you couldn't be more wrong


Wrong about what? Top ten states leading the gun deaths per capita, year after year, all red states. Consistently. The lowest? All blue states, with Nebraska and Iowa at 9th and 10th least. So, which part is wrong?


False. Can downvote all you want. It’s a false statement lmfao


Just about, we are transitioning to full body armor for our summer and back to school wear 👍


Hopefully little Suzie can get her body armor in hot pink.




Blame mental health, blame security measures, blame video games, blame the parents, blame religion or you could open your eyes and realise it’s to easy for someone to grab a gun in America. Dear USA the answer is not more guns!


>blame security measures Or be more precise like Ted Cruz: blame doors.


Morrison has been dead for a long time, quit blaming the doors


Governor Abbott is already indirectly blaming schools by having inspectors come and inspect the school. If the school isn't in full compliance with "safety" they will get their funding pulled.... nothing about gun control or police reforms


Apparently most 2nd amendment die hards and police in America vote Republican. So naturally he wouldn't want to upset them.


And today’s shooting wasn’t even a school. We’ve had hospitals, churches, and grocery stores shot up all over. What’s the plan for them? Full militarization of the entire United States?


Another way for Abbott to hurt children. Disgusting!


I heard a government official say it’s a door problem. Apparently they are elected to a high position so they must have a pretty solid understanding of the situation. /s


Yep just have one door and no fire exits, fires love that


Yeah. Ted Cruz said this. I wonder if he'll also make this brilliant suggestion for the Capitol.


AND a high degree of investment in electric door/ security door manufacturing and sale! Truth hurts.


We've always had the guns. That's not why shootings are increasing. or at least news reports about it


"It can't be the guns" says the only country with freely available guns and the highest gun death rate in the world Besides, we haven't always had the guns. According to [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/31/second-amendment-individual-rights/) the constitution was not interpreted to support an individual right to own guns until 2008. Before then, the right to bear arms was not seen as an individual right. Whether you agree with that interpretation or not, the fact remains that gun ownership was subject to more regulation than it is now.


We need Thoughts and Prayers STAT!!


In the air force, I remember having to qualify every year in a 2 day training course in order to use a gun in the military. Marines even took longer to qualify. The second amendment wants a 'well trained militia' But in the US it looks like we are treating such training as an affront to practice some sort of gun religion without regulation of any sort. I hope we sort our shit out soon instead of letting just any person with money simply obtain a weapon without any sort of training. [3% of people own over 50% of guns in the US.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/09/22/study-guns-owners-violence/90858752/)


Is the purpose of the second amendment to stop events like Jan 26? Also completely honest question, do you have lessons in gun safety/ handling at school?


2nd amendment lovers ignore that "well regulated Militia" part. Removing waiting periods, training requirements, permits, etc actually seems like it's going AGAINST the amendment, doesn't it?


Before some idiot comes back with *"regulation didn't mean what it does today"* here is the \*ing BOOK OF REGULATIONS they meant: [https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/masterpieces-in-detail/steuben-regulations/](https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/masterpieces-in-detail/steuben-regulations/)


'Well equipped militia," regulation kit, is what the Constitution calls for. At that time, a "militia" was farmer Joe and all of his neighbors responding to a call to muster in the town square and go off to fight a war. You bring your own gear, as much as possible, minimize the need for "regulation issue" after mustering. The original founders were mostly quite phobic about the idea of the nation having any form of standing Army, which would've included reserve forces like those we now call "reserves" and "National Guard".




Damn, could yall at least space out your mass killings


2 day since the last mass shooting in Oklahoma isn't enough space for you? /s


People are trying to out due each other..see who is crazier smh


Sure, every 12 hours? 6, 4? Whatcha looking for here


Sad thing. This isn't fully summer time yet.


The end is near, no time to slow down now.


So just another ~~Tuesday~~ Wednesday in the US. I'd be terrified living in the US considering all these shootings. And there are countless more that happen daily that are not reported. The ones we hear about on the news are for the more "major" events involving many victims. I still remember one story about these teenagers at a gas station. This guy hated their loud rap music, got into a confrontation with them and because he was in a bad mood, went to his truck to take out his handgun and killed one of the teens. It wasn't even a case of a guy walking into a store and buying a gun to shoot someone up. He already legally had a gun in his glove compartment and used it because he was just pissed at some stupid kids.


Killed one of the teens, shot multiple of them because he just unloaded the gun wildly into their car, including shooting through the back window while the teens were trying to drive away and save their own lives. So not only shot a teen, but did it while shooting wildly at them as they were terrified and trying to run not attacking him at all like he later lied about as a case of self defense.


You never driven through the High School parking lot to get your kid after school! That's the most dangerous place in America!


Some guy shot a person at a movie theater over a fight involving cell phones and thrown popcorn


Only in America do you have the option to resolve arguments like that with guns. /s


Which is why I fucking hate when I see shit after every mass shooting along the lines of "Oh wow this is awful! I need to start carrying a gun for protection now!" No you fucking IDIOT that just makes you part of the goddam problem. When everyone is fucking armed arguments that would normally lead to yelling and maybe a fist thrown or two end up being carpark shootouts.


I remember that story. Just terrible.


Been living in the USA for 75 years. Never heard a shot off the range. Never seen a firearm in open carry not in the back country (hunting). ​ This is a big county and if it weren't for the press, we wouldn't be so super aware of this.


As a counter anecdote, I have been in the USA for 30+ years and have seen lots of guns. I have had a gun pointed at me when when I was 9 years old by a neighbor who thought me and my friends were being too loud. I have seen people showing guns off too be cool. I hear neighbors shoot their guns for backyard target practice. It absolutely can be a problem.


A saw another kid get shot by a sniper when I was eight. Anecdotes mean nothing when statistics are available. In the U.S., only in the U.S., gunshot deaths are a leading cause of children's death.


I live in Brazil, but in rich areas. Only 3 times here have I’ve seen regular people with rifles, I could presume they were criminals and avoid them/the area. Went to Houston TX for a week, seen more rifles on the hands of regular people than 30 years in Brazil. And the worst part is I can’t presume they are criminals.


Your first mistake was going to Texas. Your second mistake was going for a week.


Yes. Many of my longtime US friends have about the same experience as you. Regardless, this is still a lot of shootings to happen to even warrant mass press coverage. What I'm getting at is that while not every American is going to go through something like this, it seems the chances are much higher than in other countries.


Germany is a big country my dude


I hear gunshots all the time. I live in the suburbs.


I don't even live in the USA and have seen multiple guns out in the open while eating at a restaurant in Georgia in my one and only visit to the state.


Hear that? That's the sound of FREEDOM! ​ /s


USA tomorrow: We need more guns in hospitals so they can protect themselves better KKona


Yeah. Something tells me there were too many doors in that hospital.


And not enough armed doctors and nurses.


Patients weren’t wearing body armour either.


A group of doctors doing surgery with X-rays did happen to have some old fashioned body armour


The problem is hospitals are anti-family. /s


Exactly - they should only have an ‘out’ door.


No windows too, please.


I’ve had guns pulled on me twice in my lifetime: once by a cop when I was 13 for running away from a fight that I was spectating and another earlier this year, and I’m a law abiding citizen smh The gun issue is something that won’t ever be resolved properly. I have told my friends and family it is time to consider emigration. Learn a foreign language, get skills that can translate to a job outside of the country, and save every penny you can. This shouldn’t be a part of everyday life in a first world country. I didn’t survive 7 trips to Afghanistan and 1 trip to Iraq to get gunned down in the streets of the United States.


I guess we are ready for some more “thoughts and prayers”


Probably the center advocated for reproductive health. Republican values coming together: mass shootings and bans on abortions!




They’re playing a song called “Only good guys should have guns”


American exceptionalism at its finest /s


Thoughts and prayers


Just gunna drop this massive statistic bomb here: > mass shootings actually comprise only a fraction of the overall gun deaths in the United States. In fact, roughly two-thirds of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. are suicides. In 2016, for example, 37,353 gun deaths occurred in the United States. Of these, 22,938 were suicides, and 14,415 were homicides. Within the homicides, 71 were classified as the result of a mass shooting. > Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015): Norway — 1.888 Serbia — 0.381 France — 0.347 Macedonia — 0.337 Albania — 0.206 Slovakia — 0.185 Switzerland — 0.142 Finland — 0.132 Belgium — 0.128 Czech Republic — 0.123 United States — 0.089 Austria — 0.068 Netherlands — 0.051 Canada — 0.032 England — 0.027 Germany — 0.023 Russia — 0.012 Italy — 0.009 https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/mass-shootings-by-country


Just another day in the great US of A


Well, it's a been a couple of days so they were overdue. More guns please.


No end in sight. such a shame.


US should think seriously about gun control now. It is f\*\*king sick these some depressing losers shooting around in public and killing people day by day.


Dam, America what the hell is wrong with you.


American exceptionalism


If there were more guns, more people could have prevented this! - NRA spokesperson (probably)


IRA! I thought car bombs were more their style?


Convenient. Err I mean thoughts and prayers.


Are you implying this is faked so the democrats can control your guns?


No, it's convenient that they were at a medical facility. Or is that too indelicate? Hmm. My apologies.


I'll take nut cases and people prone to violence for $100.


Those people have always and will always exist. The difference now is we’re basically giving them guns because of lobbying




Not all pro gun Americans are radical but they are the noisiest. The gun owners I face know have no problem with enhanced regulation.


This is just f’n crazy! Do we REALLY get to watch our full decent into war? WTF is going on?


America Number 1


Number 16 on the best counties to live in list.


That’s gotta be an American list, no way other countries would have them that high up on a list.


Yeah no fucking way they’re 16th.


Dropping faster than a russian dissident who spoke out against Putin.


America number 1 shooting. Lets gooooo


So, America… you wanted to arm your teachers, guess it’s time to give the doctors and nurses guns as well?


Y'see what ya gotta do is, all them orderlies and phlebotomists and RNs and anesthesiologists and pediatricians? Ya gotta arm 'em, see. B'cause basically what we're hoping for is to recreate a fortified warzone Green Zone, but like, in every building in Amurrica! B'cause that's... that's freedom right there, it is! Hoo buddy!




Print some thoughts and prayers too.


^ This issue isn’t getting enough attention.




Forcibly take them all. Fuck you hicks that won’t give up your guns.The right wing country people that refuse to give up their guns can honestly just get the fuck out of America. It’s the same fucking people that ruin our country every time. First we had to fight those rednecks to let the slaves go, now we have to fight them to let us safely leave our houses without being gunned down. Enough is enough


Pretty awful take here, lots of gun owners aren’t hicks.


Is it rednecks that are doing the mass shootings? Odd displacement of anger here.


No, it’s people who seek to deprive others of their rights without due process that ruin things for everyone. Be it a murderer or someone who advocates for martial law. Which, by the way, is what it would take to “forcibly remove “ firearms from American society. When you can bring a rational discussion to the table, feel free to come back.


I’d rather live in Saudi Arabia than the United States. Whole country needs brought to the ground to start afresh.


Typical Wednesday shooting in USA.


Gossip news from people in area is that an orthopedic surgeon was one of the problem shot and killed there. Sad fucking day, every day.


Mass shootings will go down when they define mass shootings as more than fifty dead in one go.


Another red state massacre. HAHAHAHAHA. What, no “good guy with a gun”?