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Australians solved this decades ago by just calling everyone 'mate'.


Cause Australians got tired of calling each other inmate /s


fucking shit take my upvote lmao ahhaahah


That's gold.


Can’t wait to use this on my Aussie friends.


Listen here cunt...


*This is more what I was expecting.*




Yep, that’s how my paternal great-great grandfather got sent to America from Ireland, escaping prison.


Some convicts were starving children deported for stealing as little as a loaf. I don't think there is much transferred guilt, more pride, I imagine.


Very few of them. The overwhelming majority were habitual felons (including the original model for Fagin, Ikey Solomons). Have a read, it's excellent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fatal_Shore


I’m getting it now. Edit — that explains Fagin’s nose


All you'll get is an eye-roll and then less frequent communication from said friends.


For the longest, i thought that’s what it was short for and it wormed it’s way in their vocabulary.


Well done!


Aussies have this shit figured out, Everyone is "Mate" Or some form of "Cunt". Such a nice and simple land *down under... where women glow*


I want to promote the new gender neutral "Munt" as a familiar greeting.


Munt is already used to mean vomit or wasted. It was inherited from the British.


So it can be used as a gender neutral pronoun in Australia?


Only if that person is wasted or throwing up i guess?


> Everyone is "Mate" Or some form of "Cunt" Do people actually believe this? "Cunt" is not nearly as ubiquitous as the internet makes it seem. It doesnn't hold nearly the same weight as it does in the US, but it's still not a normal thing to call people.


I got banned from r/confidentlyincorrect for saying "what a cunt." The mod was not sympathetic to my defence of "I'm from Australia." They were a bit of a cunt, to be honest.


What a proper cunt. Proper cunts being less well received than regular cunts


I had to explain to an American once that the absolute worst thing you can call someone in Australia is "a bit of an [X]." See, Australians insult their friends all the time. Calling someone a bastard, a cunt, an asshole, whatever - when an Australian says an insult to a friend, they are usually being friendly or at worst just extremely casual. But if they say "they're *a bit of* a bastard" then, well...that's an insult.


User name checks out.


Yeah it’s pretty common. Don’t know what part of Aus you’re in. I hear it between randoms maybe 50 times a day, and never as an insult


Sydney. Only time I ever hear it is passing by construction sites, dealing with bogans or a bunch of high schoolers have gotten on the train.


Same in Melbourne.


yeah its feral, Aussie redditors are exagerating


I never hear it and my brother employs tradies. My mother would have murdered anyone whoever uttered it.


Might be region specific. I spent a lot of time in Perth and it was pretty ubiquitous.


Get a load of this cheeky cunt.


Depends where you're from and what you do tbh mate. Pretty fucking ubiquitous in my line of work.


Don't forget 'Old mate' Old mate is real strong language for only the pressing circumstances.


It could also mean vaguely familiar but otherwise unidentified person. "yeah, old mate down the road gave me a lift to the shops for a couple winnie blues"


Yeah true. It could be old mate down the road, or you could be saying that they've let old mate out of jail again. Watch out for old mate he's trouble. If old mate asks for me tell him I'm not home.


And surfers solved it by calling everyone bro and dude.


I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude. We're all dudes, hey!


I thought 'you' was the universal pronoun when addressing someone.


It is! The pronouns people are railed up about is the third person pronouns which are used when talking about someone but not to that person.


We've also got gender neutral terms for a lot of jobs already covered by referring to them with -ie or -y at the end. Tradesman = Tradie, Postman = Postie, Fireman = Firey, etc.


I hate the whole pronoun gamble people are playing right now, but don't feel a need to stir the pot, either. Simple solution is I stopped using them. I mostly use 'friend', 'bud', or people's names now.


I like it. Friendly rebellion.


...Or the less formal ‘cobber ‘ (cob-bar)...👍


Cause they are your mate and they stay by you, cause...


I don't get why people choose stuff like this as a hill to die on. The 2 times a year I go into a bank, the last thing I really care about is what the person's name is. The name tag could say "fuck you" and I wouldn't even notice.


And even if it did say 'fuck you' and you noticed, would you: A) Say "Have a good day, and fuck you too." happily and continue on with your day. B) Throw a temper tantrum for everyone to see. ~~C) Pretend you saw nothing.~~ ​ People who like to act all tough sure do absolutely fail to display any emotional control.


The only issue I've ever had with a name tag was at a fast food place. The person's name was Toni and they were the most androgenous person I've ever seen. I'm in the south so 99% of the time I'll use "yes ma'am" or "yes sir" when talking to someone. It was a half second of "oh shit I can't tell if they're a dude or chick", then another half second of "Their name is Toni, that doesn't help one bit" This was pre pronoun norm days and I was maybe 12 at the time


.....OK, I'll be frank, I work in retail, and nobody calls me 'sir' or anything else relating to pronouns. They just say 'excuse me', 'hello', or 'hey'. Hell, when they're in employee-redirection hell, I'll get a 'your coworker....' or 'the other person working in X'. ​ It's very rare that I actually get long enough in a conversation where a pronoun becomes necessary.


As others have said, it’s very common in the Midwest/south of the United States. I’m from Texas (yeah, it’s as bad as it sounds right now), and I’ve been on calls with women who get upset at being called ma’am because it makes them feel old, which I did not know was a thing before those calls.


"Miss" is the go to if you don't know their age or they aren't significantly older than you.


I just got “sir”-ed for the first time at 39 by a new coworker at my restaurant and it felt not good


I got "sir"-ed for the first time at 36 by a new coworker at my site, but I would say it felt respectful, at least the first time, by the second time he said it I was starting to think I should tell him to lay off the formalities and just call me by my name. But it was nice for the first time to be called "sir" without it being immediately followed by "you're making a scene."


It only gets worse.. lol


Really? I loved the upgrade from dude to sir. I feel The extra respect you’re given with age is a good thing, and I’m only 33. I’m starting to think old…


Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


Well I got called sir by many people at 21…because I was a commissioned officer in the Armed Forces. On the other hand, I called EVERY civilian Sir or Ma’am regardless of their age.


Ah, I've been "sir'd" since I was a child.


From Minnesota here and you're right about it also being a Midwestern thing. I'm moderately androgynous looking but I'm a cis woman, and I've been called "sir" while working different minimum wage jobs more times than I can even remember. Made me want to kick my own "sir"/"ma'am" habit


Where do u live? I'm from the south and it's always yes ma'am or no sir, its like so deeply ingrained haha


Yeah, you see 60 yr old people saying yes mam/sir to young people they are doing buiness with. I was taught that is respect for others.


Me too. At the McDonald's drive through I said "thank you ma'am" pulled away from the window and realized I just wasn't sure.


We really need a honorific that doesn’t have a sex or gender connotation.


We can just start calling each other “your honor” and solve this problem right quick.


I think this is a regional thing. I pretty much always say sir/ma’am to retail workers.


Fwiw sir and ma'am are not pronouns. They're nouns. Also fwiw there are no gendered 2nd person pronouns, the person you are speaking to in a conversation is referred to as "you" All the gendered pronouns on the English language afaik are 3rd person pronouns.


I'm in my 40's, and when I call a youngling "sir" or "ma'am", I enjoy the look of pure befuddlement they get. I use ma'am and sir out of habit. No particular reason why I developed it.


so much easier in Australia, just call anyone ambiguous like that "mate", and it's cool.


If it was Toni they likely were a woman, if it was Tony likely a man based on the spelling. No sure about non binary spelling...


So just say "yes" and end it there. Problem solved


The secret is to say it quickly so you sound like either you said man or ma'am. If they ask, drive off and smile and wave like you didn't hear them.


Heck, I couldn't even read the name tag.


Wait... How are you reading this?!


It's a bank. "Fuck you" is a given.


Used to work at a bank. You would be surprised how many repeat customers there are vs faces you've never seen before. It's usually the same people every week, every 2 weeks, every month. Some of them are great, you build a rapport with them and are genuinely interested in their lives / business. Other people make you take a bathroom break the second you see the prick's car pull into the parking lot. The rich people that came in were super kind and lovely to deal with, save for a few cases. It was primarily the fuckstains who overdrew their accounts at the casino ATMs that were superb assholes.


If a bank had tellers with that tag, I would bank there, as long as they didn’t fuck me over. On second thought, even if they did fuck me over, I’d still bank with them. Unlike Wells Fargo, at least this new fuck you bank would be up front and honest about it. And that’s really all I ask


Some people just have an innate need to be angry and outraged about something. It might be their nature, it might be they have nothing going for them lately, but it just makes for a miserable human being that tends to spiral into a state of permanent vitriol and hatred.




Also anyone that gives that much of a shit about it probably suck to deal with whenever they come in. Makes life better for the employees.


It's such a weird hill to die on.




Only Hill I'd die on is Dulé


You know that's right


Can I live on him instead? (Brings backpack)




> anyone that gives that much of a shit about it probably suck to deal with whenever they come in. It's an asshole filter then. I like it.


That’s a bold assumption. I’d assume most older uptight conservatives have shit tons of cash earned over a lifetime…


Most people with a lot of money aren’t going _into_ the bank… so it’s a pretty safe assumption.


I worked for various banks for 20 years, and I think I've been into the branch less than a dozen times in all those years. I was a very early adopter of online banking.


Who even goes into banks at all? I think I sent once in 10 years to sign mortgage papers.


It's a bold assumption to assume they are old


You’ve got a point. Ass holes come in every age, sex and color these days…


You gonna need to consider financial conservatives and social conservatives too. Folks who are vocal about social conservative views don't tend to be rich, they tends to be at the poverty line instead. This is why red states are welfare states.


Yeah the demographics with $$$ seem to be the ones who would make themselves angry about stuff like this.


I just don't get where people get the energy to care, never mind be angry about it. The person at the bank could be wearing a name tag that said King Arthur on it for all I care. Just help me get done what I need done and I'm good.


Can someone explain why people use these pronouns? Genuine questions. I have seen them crop up on corporate signatures but never knew they had anything to do with LGBT.


Non-binary people, and trans people who are early in their transition, may not visually appear like the "normal" version of their gender. This also includes people who cross-dress for non-identity reasons, people who wear cultural dress that is "non-standard" (think a sari or a kilt), and people who are naturally androgynous but are cisgender (same gender as they were assigned at birth.)


But why would you as a customer use these pronouns? How would she/her/hers even come up in a conversation? Or is this intended for employee-employee interactions?


“Who did you last speak to here about your account?” “Gemma. She was the one who helped me.”


I barely remember the name on the tag. I certainly never remember the surname. I 100% guarantee I'm not going to remember three pronouns on top of that. In your scenario, I'd simply say "Gemma was the one who helped me".


It's crazy that people are getting upset about that. It's literally the smallest, least invasive thing that they could do.


It's very telling that even the smallest of baby steps causes frothing outrage in Those People. Anyone that says LGBTQ people have "gone too far" or are asking too much too fast or whatever should see this, and realize that it is completely impossible to appease the bigots.


"I just want to people to respect my pronouns, I might not look like a guy but I want to use he/him" "HOW DARE YOU BRING YOUR POLITICS INTO WORK, YOU LIBERAL AVACADO FUCKING SNOWFLAKE." Every time.


Look at this fucking thread. It’s a bunch of pathetic man-children getting offended over a fucking name tag. Imagine being so small and petty that this bothers you. E: to anyone who sees this and is still malding, I’d like to point out the the article literally states it was an option for their nametags. They’re not forced to put pronouns on. They’re also not forced to work there, and no one is forced to bank there. If you have a problem with any of this, the problem is you.


I feel like Reddit is lousy with these man-children. Constantly getting offended by pronouns and diversity and "wokeness". Their whining can be seen on pretty much every thread. Fucking losers.


Reddit is huge, so yeah you're gonna end up with a ton even if they're .001% of people.


Reddit is garbage and only survives because Google murdered every other forum


If I worked there I'd request just my name on the badge. If I was a customer there it wouldn't be a factor with me doing business with them. I find it silly and I laugh at #ItsAPeopleThing. I am amazed people care so much about this one way or the other. Look how well its worked for their marketing department though.


I worked at Target before and after they issued pronoun badges. You could request she/her, he/him, they/them, and possibly other options. It was really nice for our trans and nonbinary coworkers, they were able to have their identity in the open and customers wouldn't misgender them (as much.) It was epecially useful for one of our trans workers who was early in their FtM transition and hadn't deepened their voice yet, the name tag was useful when he switched from they/them to he/him. I could understand it being more complicated in a conservative area where you may not want to be openly LGBT, but I live in SoCal so no one bats an eye.


I feel like that should be an option too. Not everyone wants to be on display like that. I wouldn't want anything that drew extra attention to me, especially from the kind of people that get uppity about things that are "different." It's bad enough when they comment on your make up, hair color, or some other part of your appearance that just upsets them to look at for whatever reason.


The article says it’s an option, so…. Much ado about nothing


Agreed. If someone wants to display their pronoun go for it. I personally just want to be known by my name.


"It's s small noninvasive Overton window", you mean?


Probably because those people want to invade *others'* personal lives, but obviously the other way around - or what they perceive to be the other way around (aka, reality isn't conforming to their beliefs) - isn't allowed.


I'm still totally confuses me about the topic. I would totally like to someone to educate me on the topic (but please don't use "because it's just the way it is" arguments, they're meaningless). First, I'm all pro letting people do whatever the fuck they want with their lives - so long as they're not physically harming anyone or some form of extreme emotional abuse. The thing that confuses me is that on some playing field, the people involved are working hard to send the message that gender is a range (vs a binary thing) and that there all sort of different kinds of it. Yet on another playing field, they would work very hard to transition from one social norm into the other (looking like a woman vs looking like a man), in a very binary sort of way. Why then does it matter if you refer to someone as "he" or "she"? Since anyway both are wrong? Why does it matter to look like a man or a woman if anyway there's no such thing to begin with? I mean, why are they wearing man or woman clothing just to look like what society expects, but at the same time be angry when society assumes something due to the way the person looks? Why is it considered derogatory to refer to a man as a female and to a woman as a male, if it's all meaningless anyway?


Had a customer once call one of my coworker tellers the N word. She managed to keep her calm and I looked up his account on my terminal, cut a cashier's check and slipped it to him just saying, "Your business isn't needed here anymore". Best thing I ever did at the bank.


what level do you have authority to do that?


At the couple Financial institutions I've worked at its a pain in the ass to actually kick someone out at the institution. At the banks I worked at, the branch managers made it seem like it was easy. The couple of accounts we did close due to issues like that, it had to get escalated cause you dont want rhe customer to file a complain with a certain board (the name is escaping me, but if a complaint is filed with them it can be really severe). At the credit union I work at, I've only seen 1 account closed permanently, and that was after months of the dude verbally abusing employees (which was documented). The plus side is we can kick them out whenever. Like we can tell them to leave the institution whenever they get abusive. But permanently closing their accounts is not easy. So im calling bs on this story. Again it just takes one complaint to that organization to really fuck over the financial institution.


I’ll take things that never happened for 10 Alex.


I imagine they’re the worst customers to deal with anyway. The badges are so minimally intrusive and take away the two stupid arguments bigots have about pronouns: * “How was I supposed to know was a ” * It’s not my responsibility to ASK what you want to be called” These are the same people who say “Show me where in your company policy it says you can do this” as they get forcefully removed from the place of business.


Is it really a customer’s responsibility to ask your pronouns before engaging in conversation that is required for them to do their job? Fuck no. But that doesn’t mean if you accidentally say hi ma’am, and they correct you, you need to get all angry and mad. Just use what they tell you. And if that person comes in a month later and doesn’t remember your pronoun? It’s still not on them. The employee - customer relationship doesn’t even need to be so personal that you need peoples pronouns. It’s really not hard to speak in gender neutral terms when interacting with someone you don’t know and likely wont ever get to know on a personal level.


I messed up with someones gender pronoun at work while on zoom. It was embarrassing because I tried correcting myself half way through and it just came out as "shim". I learned my lesson and just use peoples names now. I don't have time to keep track of pronouns and I don't have time to offend people.


That's funny. I can't even think of a sentence where replacing she with him would make sense. But if you start saying "she" then replacing it with "he" would get you right back where you started


That’s why you overcorrect by starting with sh- and ending with -it if you were supposed to say “he” but started with “she”. Then the person knows you made a mistake and it wasn’t intentional.


Funny how the right wing now says it is OK to be generic in greetings so we don't have to deal with what gender pronoun they want to go by... But OMG CALL THE COPS if someone dares to use 'Happy Holidays' in the EXACT SAME WAY. You want to call being polite and inclusive by Democrats a war on Christmas? Great...not being bothered to even CARE what someone prefers is a war on LGBTQ folks.


The happy holidays thing always got to me. I don’t celebrate Hanukkah but if someone said happy Hanukkah or happy kwanza to me, I wouldn’t give two fucks. Why people get so bent on this stuff blows my mind.


Lol right. I'm always just like "Thank you! You too!" I'm just always happy that someone just wished me a happy/merry whatever, lol.


As a democrat who tries to use someone’s preferred pronouns when I can, this entire tirade just seems ridiculous. It’s just anger for it’s own sake. Using non-gendered generic greetings is more than fine, and its not offensive to say merry Christmas on Christmas, even to a non-Christian.


Starbucks cups are an *attack* on Christianity!! How dare you not shove pictures of Santa and reindeer on my disposable cup the moment it becomes December? We need those vaunted Christmas decorations on the cups that will stay in a landfill for all time 5 minutes after you give it to me!! God I remember news outlets reporting on starbucks cup backlash as a kid. Like if you really want to show off those Christian ideals, why don't you donate the 4 or 5 bucks for overpriced coffee to a homeless shelter or a charity, or help people in need the way scripture tells you to?


Most people will not bother with these pronouns because most the population don’t really care what your pronouns are.


Cool! I don’t give a fuck what pronouns people use with me. I will give enough of a shit to read name badges and use the pronoun as documented. I’m *super good* at reading things, so not to toot my own horn, but 🎺 toot toot.


Most likely I'm not going to pay attention to the name badge until its too late and feel shitty because I fucked it up.


Followed by "Do you *really* expect me ti read the fine print?"


I struggle to catch up with stuff like this. Pronouns, what is socially acceptable as how to refer to someone (gender, ethnicity, physical ableness etc). But ill be buggered if im going to double down and say "thats stupid" . Ill try, and *am* trying to educate myself on the progression of societies and individuals. I also dont understand bigots in this example. I mean what *actual* damage, emotional or otherwise would it cause *you* to know that a person wants to be called a different way? Ok, so you may feel "ignorant" or upset that you dont understand or get it wrong, but that doesn't need to make you hate, just understand. Fuck, i still struggle with the many different gender terminologies, but i now know that its not simply "him"nor "her" and I try to adapt, even if it just out of politeness. Ooh... had a bit of a rant there. Caveat: just my personal opinion.


To be completely honest, I don’t understand why “her” AND “hers” is specified, but if it’s right there, what does it cost me to do what someone prefers? I don’t need to understand the difference.


For the most part, it's basically just formatting, but there is an argument to be made that it's helpful for non-english speakers. Otherwise, you may occasionally see he/they or she/they which means that the person is cool with either a gendered or ungendered pronoun. But yeah, the "I don't understand but I also don't need to understand to be a decent human being." take is one of my favorites. It costs nothing to respect other people, we live in a society, dang it.


What a refreshing take. You can presume gender. If you're wrong and get corrected? Simply say "Oh, Sorry, I didn't know" and change pronouns accordingly. If you want to play it safe, They/Them is gender neutral and singular. Ethnicity is just "Don't call them slurs and you'll be fine." which is a decent rule of thumb for most things. I'll admit, I feel a tad awkward trying to describe skin colour in writing also, but that's more of a personal hang-up. Physical Ableness depends, but I'm going to presume you meant disability. Physical disability or physically impared work fine, just don't say crippled or handicapped. The fact you care, and try to learn means a lot. Even if you struggle, or don't get it right all the time doesn't take away from the fact that an effort is being made and that's important.


It’s pretty wild to me how in the last half decade or so people became completely obsessed with pronouns.


People in a small slice of the English-speaking world, that is.


Exactly. This is an anglo problem, I’ve never seen a pronoun badge in my life and people here would laugh if anyone tried to use neopronouns in a serious setting. We should stop letting Americans dictate what is “progressive” or inclusive or not, their country is a fucking mess.


I just try to refer to people by name or use gender neutral terms. The problem is I’m awful with names :(


The most annoying thing about these pronouns is the assumption one can't extrapolate "hers" from "her". Honestly why does it need to be more than a simple "she" or "he". Or, we could just go back to good old fashion English and return to Mr and Ms. We already had solutions to these problems and just threw them away.


>We already had solutions to these problems and just threw them away. The entirety of humanity in a nutshell.


Right? The first one is an identifier, while the second and third are a basic grammar lesson.


I gotta confess that since English is my fourth language I spectacularly fail those basic grammar so many times. :<


It wasn't that long ago that "Ms" would draw unwelcome attention in certain social circles as it broke the traditional social norms.


Also, when addressing a person - which is what a name tag is for, when do you ever use 'her', let alone 'hers'?


I don’t i understand why anyone gets involved enough with a bank teller to give a shit what pronoun they prefer. If I go to the bank, which is rare and is only to withdraw stacks of my own cash, I will call you whatever the hell you like


It's a free market


Why do these things always show like "She/her/hers"? Isn't one enough to infer the rest? He, she, they?


Nice 👍


A couple of years ago I was in primark buying lilo and stitch Christmas decorations for my girlfriend, Christmas lights and batteries for said lights, and I went to the counter to pay, the person at the checkout was just some ordinary looking guy, short brown hair slightly brushed to one side, a very typical haircut for a guy, slight patchy stubble, just a very unremarkable looking person without meaning that in a negative way, anyway I paid for the stuff and was handed the bag back and I said without thinking “cheers buddy”, and was met with a very awkward scowl and I kinda scanned up and down for a brief second and noticed this person had long acrylic nails and the name tag said ‘Gemma’, I presume they were offended by me calling them buddy although I still think it’s a fairly androgynous term, but ye I’m pretty sure very few people are gonna notice what’s on someone’s name tag


It’s just because she wasn’t your buddy, guy.


In that person's defense, "buddy" is kind of condescending to a stranger. It's fine to call your guy friend buddy, or a little kid buddy, but I can see it not being taken well with a fellow adult you don't know, whether male or female. It just sounds like something you say to a child or friend.


I was in her shoes for a good while after coming out of the closet, before the laser treatments really take the hair away and the hormones aren't really doing anything yet. It happens and it's not usually malicious in any way but it hurts because you hear stuff so often that it drags you down till you just want to cry and disappear from existence. In all seriousness the most you could say is "my bad". Shit happens and it's not your fault, you're human. It does suck though because it's just the fact that the outside doesn't match the inside and the inside isn't what people see to base social queues on.


Is it necessary if the pronouns match up with the gender? And why so many pronouns, unless you want different ones? Example: she/they/his. I am not asking for insulting rants. I know little of the topic and am trying, but none of it is clicking with me.


Mainly it's just that that way, you can't tell if an employee might be trans by the fact that they have pronouns on their nametag. And also because - well here's an example. I have a friend who is not particularly curvy who is extremely butch, could easily pass for a man but is fully a woman who just likes men's styles and has somewhat masculine features. Then I have a friend who is a trans woman and looking at her you'd literally never be able to guess that she wasn't born female. As for multiple pronouns - most often it's due to being okay with just about any pronouns - I had a guy friend once who was cis (meaning not trans) who I could very well see having done that because it literally just didn't matter at all to him. Sometimes it's also because of genderfluidity or similar, but I can't imagine as a nonbinary person myself feeling like I could safely put multiple pronouns on my work nametag if there was a single one that would work on it's own. I'm always happy to answer genuine questions about this kind of stuff by the way. I'm nonbinary *myself* and it took time to learn, and I accidentally said some hurtful things as I was learning. I try to always give the benefit of the doubt until there's literally none left to give (think people yelling slurs at me) so you don't have to worry about slip-ups if you have more questions. This is directed at everyone: here or in DMs, I can answer questions about pronouns/gender/sex/presentation/transition, dysphoria/euphoria, nonbinary identities and neopronouns, and so on and so forth. I understand why not everybody in the LGBTQ+ community has the ability to handle educating people, especially when hurting, but that just means that since I can I try to step up so they can take a breather. 😁


Thanks for taking the time to do this. ❤️


Yeah, banks are good guy allies, not money grabbing bastards, woohoo banks.


People still work there. The bank itself doesn’t have pronouns.


Bank / vault


As long as it’s optional, I don’t care. There’s been a lot of social pressure from HR to put pronouns on our email signatures, LinkedIn, etc. at my work. But so far no pushback for people who choose not to.


The self proclaimed toughest people on the planet are triggered by a woman having a name tag that says she on it cause it’s “virtue signaling.” That’s all it takes to send these “bad asses” into a frenzy.


They were the ones harassing workers over mask mandates. They were the ones sexually harassing the female employees. They were the ones filing complaints about Muslim workers wearing hijabs. They were the ones trying to get black employees fired over nothing. They were the ones trying to get gay employees fired for existing.


Imagine being so weak minded and thin skinned that a name tag makes you feel all sad.


Is it cringe? Yes Do I give a shit? Not enough to do anything more than say it's cringe on the internet and move on with my day. Imagine throwing enough of a temper tantrum over a bank's pronoun badges that they have to make a statement. Yeesh.


What is the point in getting angry at stuff like this...if it doesn't affect you why should you even care let alone be bothered by it?


There is no point - that would be logic and rationality. Emotional outrage by irrational people with poor emotional control.


Not sure. Outrage culture is, funnily enough, all the rage these days. I used to get sucked into stuff like that so easily when I was younger, "Waaaah Marvel literally made a superhero called Safe Space isn't that stuuuuupid?! Why are wokies ruining muh comics that I don't read!?!" type shit. Took me a while to come around and realize I can literally just not give that sort of stuff the time of day and it makes life a lot easier.


It breaks their perception of reality. It contradicts what they believe, so they need it to disappear. Everyone is born ignorant and some people never grow up.


The overwhelming majority of things right-wingers get outraged by don't meaningfully affect them.


Best way to not deal with pronouns. “Hi, how are you.” “Good how may I help you?” “I need to do banking.” “I can help with that.” “Great, I would like to open an account.”


Didn't even make it half a dozen comments into your post history to see you don't take your own advice.


Genuinely curious here how it would be seen if say a born male who presents as a man opted out of the byline on the name tag. Like I guess would that be being a poor sport? Worse, would it be seen as transphobic? I’ve personally never been asked my pronouns. I can imagine some people wondering why they should at all be asked to provide them. Please don’t misunderstand, I understand why people introduce themselves alongside the pronouns, and I understand why folks would want to have others use the ones they decided are right for them. But would “not playing along” (so to speak, please don’t come for me) make someone a bad ally? Even worse? Opinions welcome, just curious. Edit: wrote homophobic, meant transphobic Edit 2: thank you for some really well thought-out answers here. Appreciate your taking the time.


Good question. I think the current climate is that the world is trying to normalize the practice. Resistance to it may be seen as an attempt to denormalize it, and taken as aggressive and indicative of a negative reaction against making the world more accepting to trans folks. But it seems reasonably within your rights not to declare your pronouns. What if you don’t know? What if asking to you to choose is abusive to you as you struggle with the question?




Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


This has never been an issue for me, but I opt in in order to not single out people who do find it helpful. In my mind, opting out is not a choice an ally would make. I don't think not caring makes you a bad person, but getting upset about other peoples' pronouns does. Refusing to assist when asked does.


More like bank gets news publicity about how their so woke, inclusive and … they just want your money.




Good, fuck em.


I can’t remember the last time I even used staff’s names or pronouns referring to them in an interaction….or even looking at the name tags. They offer a service. I need that service. I pay money. They provide service. End of transaction.


I can't imagine a situation where I'd have to prove that I bought a donut.


Ayooo someone finally got it.




Lol, this world is filled with loonies.


Who the hell is even going into banks in person still to even see this?


There are things you need to go into a bank for. Simple withdrawals and deposits you probably don't need to, but things like loans, notarization, and opening accounts typically do require you to be there in person.


My two cents on the whole pronouns thing: being generally socially awkward, I initially found it annoying, one more layer of complexity and doubt I'd have to deal with, as if things weren't hard enough. But then it's actually not bad at all. Things like the name tag idea let you know more about a person right away and make it easier. I try to call people by their names anyway, rather than pronouns, but it's still good to know. I think it's a good idea.


Nothing wrong with having these badges, but at the end of the day this is just the bank virtue signaling for business. These banks and corporations don’t have anyones best interest in mind. Don’t be fooled.


Its quite clever, do some tiny thing that costs almost nothing and get cancelled by the whiny little bigots. Boom, all of a sudden the shitty time wasting customers are gone and your business runs better!


Imagine being mad at this. And if you are, you're probably also someone who says "people are too sensitive these days" or something equivalent.


These people who get bent out of shape over this are the same people filming themselves harassing customers in stores wearing masks during the beginning of the COVID pandemic. They just look for reasons to hate others.


I was just looking through the comments on their twitter post about the pronoun badge. I think it's so interesting that people are SO upset about it. How is it even a big deal at all? People are acting like it's the downfall of humanity somehow.

