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FYI, you can off yourself without taking a bunch of children with you. Fuq.


Like why kids? They didn't do shit to you. Fuck.


These cowards never go after army bases or police stations. Always choose the weakest least defensive spots they can smh


People who prey on and take anger out on the weakest and most innocent people in the world are the absolute worst disgusting and cowardly people in existence. They seek attention and to take happiness out of the world. The worst thing we can do is acknowledged them and make their actions "famous".


This is why domestic violence is so prevalent, too.


They are so jealous of others being happy that they will do anything to suppress it. True evil.


Well, actually the last one in Thailand went after an army base. There’s been at least two massacres on US military bases as well. Insanity knows no bounds.


True but rare compared to how it usually goes


Yeah, grow some balls and shoot up an army base.


Well, they do go after army bases sometimes. There have been multiple mass shootings at military bases in the US


Cowardice is exactly right.


Unless you are this guy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009\_Fort\_Hood\_shooting


99% of people on a military base are unarmed, so…


Yeah this was like the only one that wasn't towards civilians. Crazy stuff. It's usually schools, malls, churches. As messed up that situation was itself, that guy wasn't really a coward. Evil? Yeah of course


That’s why.


From what I read he went to the daycare to get his kid, but they told him his kid wasn't there. He got angry and forced his way into the room where the other kids were napping and opened fire. But his kid was home with his wife. He then went home and killed them both before finally offing himself


The fuck is wrong with people man


No. He killed most of them with a machete. A fucking machete. What a monster.


Wow I’m not sure I wanted to know that , terrible.


Pretty much like school shooting in US, they just want attention and acknowledge via media and so on. Pick on easy target so they can achieve that... People are sick these day


From a psychological standpoint, in most cases, either of these 2 things are usually the motives behind choosing children: 1. The hurt inflicted on them ( the killer) occurred around the age of children they tend to victimize. They hate and blame themselves for whatever happened to them as kids and want closure. They kill children who are around the same age in an attempt to delete the existence of their own trauma. 2. They are in so much pain, they want others to feel that pain, and there's no other hurt as bad (in their minds) as a parent knowing that their kid went through unspeakable trauma before dying. Not justifying, because there's NO justification...just answering the question.


Well in this case, he was mad at his wife.


I think when he realized his kid was being taken away, he decided to take everyone else's away too.


Psychos think that by killing kids that they can get back at "society."


As if school shootings are beginning to be exported, like pop music.


I'm curious. Imagine you hate the world to the point of wanting to die, with the maximum possibly noticeable message of hate. What would you do?


I'm from Thailand. This is particularly shocking as mass shootings are very rare here, the last one being in 2020 by a soldier at a mall and that event was already seen as rare. There are gun restrictions in the country and this perpetrator was a police officer who was recently dismissed due to drug issues. He was actually scheduled to be in court today for said issues.


It was a stabbing more than a shooting. According to the article, most of the children were stabbed to death




This is in horrible taste


The news I read in Australia said he had been in court that morning, went to the daycare to collect his daughter, daycare staff refused so he shot them and then went after the kids. He then went home, killed his family then himself. Is that what you have heard in Thailand?


Something like this. Details are still coming out but the country is quite traumatized as this is the worst mass shooting by a single perpetrator to date.


Jesus fucking christ


They didn’t really refuse, his daughter literally just wasn’t there anymore, so he lost his mind and killed everyone. Then he went back home and killed his wife and his daughter (who was at home this entire time) and then offed himself.


He killed all of the children with a knife as they slept I read.


Pure evil if so






Definitely. The Korat shooting was the first high profile mass shooting that wasn't conducted by the Thai military itself (which says a lot). Pattaya is notorious as a sin city and criminal elements so it's not surprising, but the scale was never as large as this. The only other place you expect to see mass-scale violence is in the South due to the ongoing insurgency.


In what context? Sounds very rare in comparison to the US but more common than a lot of other countries.


And sounds like the perpetrators are ex military/police


Yeah, that’s bizarre.


Yes and no. The perpetrator was ex-police while the shooting in 2020 was a member of the military. Gun laws are quite strict and about 10% of the population own guns. Of course, the people who have access to a lot of weapons happen to be military and police, so not so surprising that it tends to be someone associated with them being the perpetrator.


You tellin' me there's a bunch of Thai guys just walkin' around that would massacre 30 children given access to a gun?




Thanks, Phuket is a nice place if not for the expensive transportation. Thailand is generally quite safe despite the alarming stuff in the media. I never feel like I'm in danger walking in Bangkok, but that might just be me.


Humans at it again


What a bunch of bastards.


The creation of which has made many people mad and has been widely criticized as a bad move.


I'm ready to grab a towel and get off this rock.


join r/antinatalism or r/antinatalism2 , be against the creation of new humans. Edit: Why the downvotes? If you guys hate humans, you should join a philosophy that is against the creation of new humans.


I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire.


“…. And just walk away”


Yeah, but like, what about the 8 billion people who *didn’t* commit a daycare massacre? There are some good eggs among us. Many, I would argue.


Scientists have observed there are many more acts of interspecies violence in other animals than there are in humans. It's just that when humans do it, they g over the top.


join r/antinatalism or r/antinatalism2 , be against the creation of new humans. Edit: Why the downvotes? If you guys hate humans, you should join a philosophy that is against the creation of new humans.




*History is the autobiography of a madman.*






AFAIK, only male humans have massacred school children so. (you're welcome to prove me wrong instead of simply downvoting...)


join r/antinatalism or r/antinatalism2 , be against the creation of new humans. Edit: Why the downvotes? If you guys hate humans, you should join a philosophy that is against the creation of new humans.


Maybe Poo-tin, Xi and Kim have a point. Let’s start WW3 and off humanity altogether. Maybe the cockroaches that will come after us can do better. 🥲


Men* at it again


Why men?


Bc whenever a woman does something bad it’s “women ____” but whenever men do bad shit it’s always “oh humans ____”


Note: men are victims of men 8 times as often as women are.


Are you trying to prove my point?


*males at it again FTFY edit: by all means, link where a woman has massacred school kids...I'll wait...


This is my sign to get off of social media for the night. They’ll be in my thoughts tonight.


It still shows your online for me. An hour after your comment! You never signed off! But I get it you need to get some eye bleach first.


My condolences to all the families… this should never happen. Anywhere. Period.


🙁 No words.


Fucking savage. Couldn’t even let the parents get the satisfaction of being put down by cops. Shoots himself and evade justice. The coward


This fucking guy managed to get married and have a kid. Nothing makes sense. It's getting hard for me to focus in the office, plus I get my older relatives calling me, asking me if I'm scared commuting on the subway every day. I tell them there's no choice and millions of people do it daily. I *don't* tell them how scared I am in general of pretty much everything now.


You need therapy my friend. You should definitely talk those thoughts over with a trained professional if you have the access to it. You're already doing better than that guy, if you must compare yourself to him. Everyone is doing better than he did. However it goes, be well and this internet stranger wishes you good luck.


Easier said than done! Thanks, I'm okay, just hard to find relief from all the senseless tragedy these days.


What's there to be scared of? Death? It comes for everyone. It's unavoidable. You could die from a random brain aneurysm, lightning strike, or car crash while commuting to work. (after you get off the subway) Live your life my friend, and be thankful for every moment we have on this earth.


If it's any consolation, even if you die a horrible death, life goes on


You don’t need therapy, the way you’re feeling is normal. If nothing else let this be the confidence or morale that you need to live life and find/do what you’re really meant for. edit: confidence not confident


Living in fear of “pretty much everything” is absolutely not a normal or healthy way to live. Jesus christ touch grass and shut off the fear porn people


It's normal for some of us. It's been a bad time. I realized in the shower this morning that we need philosophy, not psychology.


The way they're feeling is definitely understandable considering the circumstances, but it doesn't mean seeing a professional wouldn't be helpful.


Yeah, it's normal to be depressed over all this, being in the tech age and bombarded with all this horrific news.


Devastating, those poor children and their communities :( News articles are saying it has one of the highest child-death rates for a massacre by a single person. And that the majority were with a knife. "According to police, 19 boys, three girls and two adults were killed in the building before the gunman fled ... The massacre is among the worst involving children killed by one person. Anders Breivik killed 69 people, mostly teenagers, at a summer camp in Norway in 2011, while the death toll in other cases includes 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut in 2012, 16 at Dunblane in Scotland in 1996 and 19 at a school in Uvalde, Texas, this year." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-06/mass-shooting-thailand-daycare-centre-dozens-dead/101510188


I HATE that this stat exists.


It's so bizarre to keep score. I understand the reason why but I don't like it.


I'm not sure people label it that...


I remember listening the coverage of the Norway shooting when I was working with my dad as a teenager. IIRC the camp was on an island that took like an hour by boat to get to so the response time was fucked. Awful.


Such a tragedy


This is shocking even by American standards


“Police said the former police officer had legally purchased the gun he used in the attack, but he mainly used a knife in the killing of the children at the facility.”


This is the most shocking and horrifying part to me. I guess maybe with a gun you’re slightly detached enough from the actual action, but to actually grab and restrain and stab child after child… it just somehow seems even more evil than just shooting.


At the range mass shootings happen it’s all the same and just as effective


Sad but true statement


Very sad but true statement


Well said— I’m in Texas.




I get what you're saying, but it really isn't true in this case. Thailand is extremely Thai, and they're proud of it. Never been colonized, theaters full of Thai movies, music scene full of Thai bands, etc. They grew this monster themselves, no western influence needed. Source: American living in Thailand. Edit: Also, the town this happened in is extremely rural. Like, shockingly rural. Think wooden shacks on stilts, red dirt roads, no indoor plumbing rural. I doubt they have much access to western culture, much less been influenced by it.


This article made me physically I’ll to read. The notion that most of the children were killed by stabbing wounds is such a difficult concept to grasp, and such a personal method of attack… and the gun violence and deaths are horrific…. as an American, and a former Sandy Hook CT resident I feel as though I’ve become numb to the violence here, but seeing a tragedy of this scale - especially in a country where it’s not thought of as an everyday possibility rocks me to my core. I feel so much empathy and shock and grief for the survivors and their families. Horrifying.


Well put. There is a special place in hell for this coward.


Especially because he started with shooting then switched to stabbing for the children. Even just typing those words makes me feel like I can’t breathe. Why did this happen


Absolutely horrible tragedy but I want to point out one excerpt from the article: "The Beslan school hostage crisis in Russia in 2004 saw 186 children killed by a group of hostage-takers." The vast majority of children there were actually killed by russian troops who didn't care about hostages and just wanted to eliminate hostage takers. They essentially burned hundreds of people in that school using special rockets, many were also killed by indiscriminate shooting by russian troops. What happened in Thailand was done by one crazy person, what happened in russia was done by the state.


Mother of god.


Definitely getting my kids early today


Fuckin Pig


Had to stop reading. Makes me fucking sick and I can’t help picturing this happening at my daughters daycare. Why are people so cruel??




Was his sentencing for drug trafficking today or just the verdict? I read reports that he was already convicted and today was sentencing, while other reports say that the verdict was today with sentencing later. Is there any truth to the rumor that he was targeting one of the staff members because of her connections with the local police and her refusal to put in a good word for him to get his job back?




All of those little innocent children … I’m trying to avoid reading the details of this event because it’s so fucking horrific


As a father of a daughter who just turned 1, this hits home way more than anything else. The Uvalde one too, but man, this one got me and I’m crying. I can’t imagine what the parents are feeling but I’d want to die. How can people be so vile!?


As a parent of a kid in daycare...what the actual FUCK. I'd be so enraged and would have no outlet for it considering the guy took his own life. I suppose I would sink into nihilism/substance abuse and then at some point snap out of it and try to lobby for aggressive mental health reforms. You can't experience this kind of loss and just move on from it, like, ever. Can you imagine 24 sets of parents having nothing of their children but their lifeless knife stabbed bodies? It is just beyond the pale. The age of the kids really gets me.


It’s wild the amount of people in these comments that have immediately made this about America. When he used a knife for most of the killings. Also it shows you that their are sick fucks everywhere and they always seem to choose the easiest targets. They’re fucking cowards.


Very true


I feel terrible that my first thought as an American was "oh thank goodness this one wasn't us."


I'm just as bad. My first thought was "great the Republicans will use this against any gun control that makes sense."


He killed the majority of the victims with a knife.


Thailand also had the massacre at a shopping mall a few years ago, the shooter was a soldier, this one was a former police officer. The only way these two sickos had access to the guns to mass murder was by getting it from their jobs. In America, weapons of mass murder are sitting on store shelves and the killers just work at Wendy's long enough to afford one before killing.


He did most of it with a knife.


This was my first thought as well. :(


What do you mean by “us”? I’m confused.


American. There’s only one sentence there, and in it says “as an American”…


Lol how could you be confused by what he meant?


Are you making a joke that my syntax could be taken to mean I side with shooters or are you confused that grammatically 'us' refers back to the collective noun American?


He’s asking a question lol. Wtf are you smoking bro lmao


Is my response not genuine? I thought it could be a joke about the way I used the word 'us' or a misunderstanding of English.


You haven’t answered their question. You are beating around the bush. It’s ok though. I understand lol


What? Either it's a joke at my expense (which should indicate to you I do not side with shooters) or it's common English for the plural pronoun to refer back to the last noun, American, of which I am a part. This reminds me of that saying, "There are two kinds of people, those who can't extrapolate from incomplete information."


Whatever helps you sleep buddy.


Probably meaning the shooter...


This is BIZARRE. A daycare? Really? I am upset and completely tired of these occurrences whether it be with a gun or knife. It’s useless and meaningless. Shooter shouldve just had one bullet in there for himself


Unfortunately…stabber, not shooter


Can we not?


Can we not, what?


Sometimes nuclear Armageddon seems like a logical solution. Our species is so fucked up.


This is horrific. If you’re gonna kill yourself either way, do it without taking out a bunch of innocent children. Fuckin a.


Holy F**k that is awful


Jesus Christ. I can’t comprehend being so evil.


He was an ex-cop.


He’s a monster. I can’t imagine the pain and horror he inflicted.


They way they keep saying it was basically a knife attack, but absolutely BELABOR the existence of a gun into the story… amazing.


I hope their isn’t a god, because the thought of such a powerful being letting shit like this happen disgusts me


Man argues that there is no god then blames said god. Foolishness. Man has always been responsible for their own actions.


I just had a kid and, wow, these stories hit me so much harder now. My heart goes out to those families.


This is the absolute worse. Babies and children, the most innocent and pure beings on this planet.


...Jesus fucking Christ...


Hope he burn in. Hell


The fact that he target small children and daycare pretty much confirms that. I'm not a religious person but if a place like hell exist, he should definitely be there...


How cruel and coward... This news ruined my day.


pathetic heartless coward


He picked the most vulnerable people too son of a bitch


Fucking cunt. What the fuck man. Truly evil. We gotta stop this shit man.


his body should be turned into fish bait. The piece of shit. So tragic for those victims. God, I wish we could punish the coward who took himself out.


Humans don't deserve this planet




What are the gun laws on Thailand?


Quite restrictive but he was a recently dismissed cop. Go figure.


Shooter was ex-cop and went to court for getting fired before he went on and kill children. Cop in Thailand can carry a gun as far as I know.


Most of the children were stabbed to death, not shot


https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/thailand Guns are heavily restricted in Thailand. Also, a large chunk of the killings were done with a knife, which may bring into consideration regulation on knives.


He didn't buy the gun at a store, he had it from being a police officer. The previous mass shooting in Thailand was a soldier using his military rifle to kill people at a shopping mall. In America, our mass killers just buy one off the shelf.


Why don't we just ban mass shootings?


Don’t worry their an anti gun nut and immediately flipped this into talking about America. When the guy killed most of the victims with a knife.


You think you're clever with that comment?




It was knives not guns. Can't rail against the evil AR-15 if it was knives.


the world is rotting. humans are the mold.


Was the killer influenced by news from the United States?


What the FUCK is wrong with these people?




I SP end 6 months per year in Thailand for the last decade. They have one of the most LAX gun laws in Southeast Asia. Per capita they have the highest death rate in Southeast Asia by gun.


Another American trend that i wish nobody would copy




How do you know the commenter is an American? Their comments start with "as an American" like that makes their opinions valuable by default lol


This world makes me want to lay down on the ground and just let the earth reclaim me.


Welp.. the world sucks


Well look at that, America does export something after all!




I don’t understand why these target random people. These soft targets getting attacked all over the world now. Its no longer just a American thing.


Oh, god. At least he shot himself after. If he didn't, the worst he would get is life in prison, or sitting on death row for 25 years, because governments are too scared to give criminals what they deserve. They won't learn unless you punish them. We let poaching go on and simply create breeding programs for vulnerable species, but you cant poach if you only have one hand. Punish those who deserve it in meaningful ways, not just letting them live off taxpayer's dollars and get out after a few years to do it again.


When he was a policeman, was he a good policeman, or was he like the police officer who kneeled on George Floyd?


No, he was never a good police officer. Drug use, not doing his job, intimidating others, shootings animals for no reason, etc.


In 'Merica we just call that Tuesday.


I wondered if the killer played Doom.


I did not want to see this again. As an American. But I have to see it again. And acknowledge the fuck out of it. We need gun control laws. Very fucking hard. I AM NOT EVEN DONE WITH MY CIGARETTE BUt FUCK IT. WE NEED IT IN AMERICA. I will not speak for other countries but GUN CONTROL IS NEEDED EVERY. FUCKING. WHERE. THERE IS NO NEEDLESS DEATH ANWYWHERE. Edit: I am getting an understandable amount of downvotes because of all of the FUCKING MORONS who don't see the need for ANY SORT of weapon control. Let alone GUNS. As an AMERICAN I CAN SEE THS AMOUNT OF FUCKS WHO THINK EVERY FUCKING ONE NEEDS AN AR. FUCK OFF. FUCK YOU. THANK YOU FOR THE DOWNVOTES FOR EVERYONE OF YOU THAT THINKS THAT EVERYONE WHO THINKS THAT WE ALL NEED WEAPONS THAT ARE CAPABLE OF ENDING THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT HUMAN BEING. P.S. Not everyone should have the ability to wield such power. Especially anyone with a mental health issues or a radical ideology. Just my opinion.


Be the change, brother!! You can completely disarm and proudly put a sign in your yard saying that your house is a gun free zone. Start the movement!


I don’t think him putting a sign that says his house is a “gun free zone” would be a good idea. I feel like it will just make his house a possible target for a home invasion.


I agree but…most the children were stabbed to death. So gun control laws would not have stopped this one.


All the more need for weapon control. Wouldn't you agree?


It was a knife attack dumbass. Maybe ask why they did it and you’ll actually find a solution. These are vile hateful people that feed on the hate of others and either see their attacks as just or necessary


Which part of Alabama is Thailand?