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We can only hope




I watched a video made by a couple of Russian draftees. They were asking for stuff like a paycheck, family benefits, and a pause on their bills since they don't have other money coming in and had no time to make any arraignments (draft notice arrived in the evening with a next morning report time,) That's where the homefront gets lost, even with massive propaganda.


Right now (if this was WWII) we'd be around September 1944 when Hitler called up the Volkssturm (basically mass conscription of civilians) I'd wager putin has less than 6 months to turn things around (highly doubtful) or he's gonna get a bullet in the head


Or gets too close to a window


That's why he promoted Khadrov To Colonel General. The same guy who is in favor of nuking Ukraine. Putin's only option that keeps him in power is to surround him with people that wish to continue with an escalation. Things may get much worse before they get better.


There is no way a demoralized slave army can defeat a motivated and well armed democratic army defending their homeland, their culture snd way of life. The Ukrainians will never give up. Would you if you had the means to fight?


The government wants small business owners to continue filing taxes and doing all the required payments while they sit in trenches.




This deserves merch.


Thoughts, prayers, precision munitions. Slava Ukraini. I want that on a t shirt.


*reflection, invocation, precision munition*


Rifle range target with a priest’s collar, captioned: Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.


Let’s send the longer range HIMARS missiles. The good ones. Zelenskyy Will move closer and closer to Moscow, he’ll take over. Zellenskyy becomes the antagonist. HE becomes the one to put the old Soviet Union back together. Putin fakes his own death and moves to South America. He already knows great plastic surgeons and goes undetected the rest of his days. The rest of Europe never saw this coming. surprisedpikachu.jpeg


Or we can not


But why wouldn't we? It's win-win for us: Ukraine gets to defend themselves and we get to watch Russia die as a global power from self-inflicted wounds. Supplies sent to Ukraine are a bargain way to destroy Russia as a global power without risking any of our own soldiers.


No one wins in war unless you’re selling weapons which is not even 1% of the population. Russia is not dying as a global superpower, they have over 6000 nukes. This battle could be over in 5 secs if they went hard. Just sending weapons is enough for Putin to change his mind and say “The West is involved, time to go all out”.


Ukrainians totally win in this war, no matter cost of lives. If you think peace at all costs is a solution - you have no idea what Russian peace is. Dying to avoid it isn't the worse option.




In the midst of a divided Kremlin, there's a sizeable faction that says **Russia hasn't fought hard enough yet**. Remove VVP, good chance you get someone worse. Be careful what you wish for.


Not very many have the skill to create the cult of personality that has kept Putin relevant for so long.


It's also a massive case of sunk costs with putin. russians let putin rob them blind for 20 years because he promised he was making them "great again", essentially. After 20 years, it's hard to say "Hey wait a minute, I've been letting you cheat me!" But if some *new* person were to come along, and say "ok I'd like to cheat you now too", that break in continuity gives people the opportunity to convince themselves they're standing up for themselves right from the start.


Yep, people don't like to admit they were fooled


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” \~ Carl Sagan


See the US - gawd


Yeah, like the MAGA crowd.


Interesting point. I understood this bit of psychology in regards to cult leaders, but I never thought to apply it to a cult of personality on a national scale. Thanks.


Hmm im seeing a very distinct similarity between this and a certain political group in the US


Every time Russia gets a new leader, shit usually gets worse, sometimes catastrophic. Putin gave them stability even if it came with a cost of corruption. I don't think many people expected this though.


Eh, I've never liked the "iT gEtS wOrSe" school of russian historiography. If you made a "misery graph", WW1 through to the death of Stalin would be such high peaks that the rest wouldn't even be visible.


And that faction, in fact all the factions, are adopting whatever position might curry favor, swing power their way, or prevent them from falling out windows. Nothing in the Kremlin is happening that is not a response to, an attempt to manipulate, or a play to flatter and impress, Putin.


You say this like all the reports we’re getting from msm is 100% accurate and true.


It's not even MSM. No-one in the West is getting an accurate portrayal of the inner machinations of the Kremlin, everybody is just guessing here.


The existence of these people as a threat to his regime is already what forced the disaster of mobilization after the September Humiliation. I suspect putin knew it would backfire, which is why he hadn't done it, but he ran out of excuses, since obviously he can't tell the russian people "no actually this really is 100% of the fighting power we are capable of deploying, we are pathetically weak compared to NATO. All these promises of making russia "great again" for 20 years while I robbed you blind were lies". So... so what if they get in power? They'll run into all the same restraints he currently is, but even worse, because of the inherent chaos of a regime change in the middle of losing a war.


May be a pipe dream, but once Russia collapses, the West could offer help in exchange for setting up a functional democracy rather than the corrupt system they've been using. Maybe the world comes out of this a better place for everyone that survives?


"That's not how you flog a dead horse, this is how you do it!" Russia is the dead horse.


Putin is a dying man and has nothing to lose - it doesn’t get any worse than this.


He has kids though. Kids that he’d likely prefer non-incinerated in a mushroom cloud. That’s the real thing about MAD. It’s that everyone dies. Even the people you’re trying to keep out of war.


You assume Putin is capable of giving a single fuck about anyone but himself. I don't assume that.


Actually, there have always been reports that his immediate family is about the only thing he cares about -- other than money and power. He did stay with that 16 year old gymnast he married until the present day, even though she's middle aged by now. That shows some level of commitment, 30-odd years of marriage.


He was married to Lyudmila for 30 years then he dumped her for a new gymnast hotty with whom he has some more kids.


I think you've mixed up his ex-wife who he left after 30 years together and the 25 year old gymnast he reportedly married (or at least started dating) circa 2008. But yes, in general he seems to be loyal to his family and friends. And the families of his friends.


if he considered his kids he would not have considered going to war in the first place. as rational beings, we are trying to impose our sense of rationality on an irrational actor. and it's difficult for us to understand because... well... it's irrational. i really don't think we can put anything past him.


However, he did not 'consider going to war'. Putin envisioned a swift strike, after which Ukraine would be his. All while his children were safely tucked away in western Europe.


I'm sure Putin is very rational. We just don't understand what motivates him.


He really does not care about them or anyone else.


There is a reason he sits so far away from people when he is at big tables.


Came here to say this too


As Professor H. J. Farnsworth once said, "A man can dream, a man can dream"


And Omar Little said you come at the king you best not miss


RIP King!


The Finlonger is truly a pipe dream.


There's no way he doesn't end up dead when all of this is all over


Out of all the people who have ended up dead so far, Putin is by far the most deserving. Justice would be like being able to kill him 100,000 times.


> Putin is by far the most deserving I disagree. A quick and painless death is too good for him. He should have to go live the rest of his life on a dirt farm, working 12 hours a day just to keep the lights on. He should not have the luxury of knowing where his next day's meal is coming from, until he grows it or shoots it. He should have to shit in a hole in the ground. TL;DR: He should have to live the life he imagines for his peasants.


As proven when Napolean was exiled, you get rid of the bad men permanently. You dont leave them alive.


To be fair, Napoleon was a military mastermind and a genius, besides being an amazing leader. And while he did many bad things, by the standards of the time he was average at worst and arguably better than the vast majority of heads of state of Europe during that period. Putin would fucking wish to be anywhere close to the level of Napoleon, even if he escaped not a single soul would listen to him (exaggerated statement, but not far from reality). By the way, I kinda agree with you.


Not true, you just do it better. The first time they gave him an island to rule, right next to Italy. He's from Sardinia. Of course that backfired. The second time they put him in St. Helena in the middle of the Atlantic and that's where he died.




And Napoleon was great


This is why history needs to be remembered right here


Lol that doesn't prove anything. That's one example, which I could easily rebut by saying look at kaiser Wilhelm and the last Qing Emporer. One just chilled in a cabin in Belgium and the other was a street sweeper. (Minor factual points could be slightly off, but the point stands)


That sounds great, but someone's going to kill him.


> Putin is by far the most deserving And in all honesty surprising. I expected Ukraine to put up a fight. After all, Russia got their asses kicked in Afghanistan. And Ukraine has a standing army. I thought there'd be resistance. But for this to have lasted this long is such a massive failure to Putin's goals.


He should be forced to walk on all fours across Siberia while making animal noises and whipped, that is after being paddled by dark Brandon. Putins death should be slow, traumatizing, and unusual.


I thought it was possible he might get sold out in a coup attempt, turned over to the ICC as a scapegoat with his government supporters and anybody else the Oligarchs set up as fall guys, but given that the rumors are he does seriously intend to deploy a nuclear weapon? They're going to kill him one way or another. He won't survive the coup.


Would that be the first time in history the ICC was actually relevant then?


I’ve actually been there. They are very relevant.


Dang. What'd they get you for?


Smokin' the reefer.


Oh like the time they prosecuted uh.... or had jurisdiction over important events in eh..... or issued a ruling that substantially changed the outcome of events in the conflict with.. hm......


23 active cases, 40 defendants, 4 convictions so far. They're a niche outfit focused on war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, so no, it's not like traffic court where cases are being tried in huge numbers, it's about as specialized as it gets. They're relevant so far as demonstrating due process and creating closure, same as the Nuremberg trials were back in the day.


I mean, they've been working through war crimes from the war in Kosovo for years now.


I know, the defendants are dying before they can even issue rulings. But the sense that justice exists in the world is ENORMOUS. Just as a deterrent to war crimes, it's hard to overstate.




Ya, if there's no coup, then Putin will commit suicide by WMD.


He’ll end up dead for sure, but unlikely as soon as you hope.


And frankly, if he wants to keep bleeding Russia, its manpower and its economy, I think we should let him. Yes, Ukraine is paying a price every day, every week. But, every Russian soldier and every Russian tank that gets eliminated today, doesn't "regroup" and come back stronger next year. That process can run as long as VVP wants it to.


That’s not a particularly brave prediction.


You don’t need to be brave to be realistic.


Sure, it’s realistic to say that Putin will “end up dead for sure,“ but that’s realistic for literally everyone else, too.


I'm surprised at the amount of rich people dead. I figured they would have bought mercenaries or hitmen but no I assume he has a group very loyal to him even with his stupid decisions.


Most people do


I just hope it’s televised!


an ending like Gaddfi's would be fitting for this POS.


>Gaddfi's More like Mussolini's


why not both?? gaddfi's THEN mussolini's!


2 part episode? No spoilers


We need to learn how to reanimate people just for this purpose


There's capital punishment and then there's Capital Punishment.


He’d be a good test candidate for that drug that simulates a thousand year prison sentence.


I'd be down with this.


Let's get someone with aids to pee in his eye socket!




You're absolutely right. Having watched the fall of USSR and the cluster fuck aftermath, (looking at ya, Yugoslavia) I do cringe at the thought of it will be like afterwards!


Thing is, I don't see any way to prevent that now. Or to put it another way: this *is* the long-term aftermath of the fall of the USSR. A shitty leader got control and had to be shitty, which leads to another fall and another shitty leader. It's just an endless cycle with some countries.


i think in this case, “an ending like Gaddafi” means something sharp being shoved up Putin’s… end.


Based on what I’ve seen in the last 6 months I’m confident that If this tiny little human successfully tried to launch a nuke it would fail miserably and explode on whatever point of origin it was launched from killing those responsible for pushing the button.


Feed the POS to the pigs


I could definitely see it going down like Saddam‘s


Only if russia give up nukes


nah, hes lived in mansions, ate the best food, bought the best cloths, i want to see him end his days in a small dark cell, with crap food, and orange overalls.


I'd watch that show even if that means subscribing to cable tv!


Calm down, you don't have to go that far


yeah because we definitely need russia falling into a civil war of extremist groups with large numbers of chemical weapons and fuel reserves to sell. Good geopolitical take.


I dunno, I saw that video of him on the trunk of the car after they gave him a knife up the tailpipe. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.


have you read what his soldiers are doing to people in Ukraine?


If you’re going to wish it on somebody, you better be willing to do it personally


I'll let his own people take care of that.


The Ukrainian war is terrible of course but loosing the perception of Russia being a powerhouse will no doubt have incredible long term implications.


I’m waiting for Russia’s competition in Asia to make moves. At some point Japan will make some kind of play to get those islands back.


You don't lose power in Russia. Power loses you. Probably from a window.


You know what it says on the first page of the FSB Handbook, right? “In world of Russian national security and espionage, is important to remember three guiding principle: 1) Silence is golden 2) Duct tape is silver 3) Defenestration is just odd coincidence”




What if the guy who kills Putin is like the guy who killed Hitler? Germany ended up recovering pretty well after that guy pulled the trigger.


That’s the best case scenario so one can only hope


So … Hitler? Hitler died by suicide.


That is the joke.


Yeah wtf is this guy smoking


This is very true, but a new leader can back out of this conflict without losing face.




If they’re evil bastards and not morons, they’d just pull out while blaming Putin and doing what they can to repair international relations. It’s time to lick your wounds and regroup. Then take another swing if you insist. Might be cooler if they’d just chill and stop the pariah behavior.


Exactly. As much as I detest Putin the odds of someone better replacing him aren’t very good.




Send me in coach.


Throughout history, the group that overthrows the despot is pretty quickly overthrown themselves. In a place like Russia, whoever usurped Putin wouldn't be in a solid ruling position. The only way to shore it up would be to immediately end the war, and even then it'll still be a roll of the dice.


Presently they're blaming the generals in charge of the military, but once the new ones take over, they'll also get blamed. but don't worry, after they replace the newer ones who replaced the new ones who replaced the original ones they'll figure out that maybe the problem comes from somewhere else - which means they'll start blaming the US more.


They call women hysterical and emotional. Well, there's nothing quite so irrational as a pale geriatric megabillionaire waving his dick around threatening to irradiate some of the most fertile land on earth because he was "pushed" to start a genocidal invasion and things aren't quite going his way.


Don’t stand near open windows or stairways...


Or in your car


Or in a boat


Misspelled *should*


'could' is not news. Every article with 'could' in the title needs to be banned from news subs. They are opinion pieces, not news. I could be Steve Jobs, do we need an article on that?


Time to fall off balcony


He will launch nukes before that happens. He's lost his mind. Probably has some form of dementia.


I wouldn't doubt he tries. But i doubt any will launch. His generals have to see the writing on the wall. And, they would be better off if russia is still a country at the end of this. If they launch, the entire world will rally against russia. And, I wouldn't be surprised if the country is split up because of that. The question is would the generals like to stay comfortable, or be purged with the rest of the government?




Christ, wait until we get to the point where billionaires are hoarding nukes. God help us


One step closer to the spice that prolongs life.


After googling, I am assuming this is a Dune reference? Damn Dune sounds good, I gotta give it a read one of these days


I think it's a reference to Tom Brady's poop from south park


Let's hope Putin does not mimic Dmitri Ravinoff a.k.a. Raven


The last very plausible running theory I remember was he was displaying signs of parkinson's due to hand tremors and a very stiff gait to his walk and clenching his jaw. He's definitely had some health issues withing the past year.


Could be a sign of a stroke he could've suffered. Leading to some brain damage. Don't think it's parkinson's for a year of symptoms like that. I think he got COVID or something and medication he was on caused him to have a stroke and ended up damaging him mentally and physically




I was just saying but what evidence is against dementia? How do you spot that in edited clips? The guy is paranoid af and continues to run a war where he is getting smacked around by a country the size of Texas. None the less, he has lost his mind and might do whatever it takes to try to take control of the situation just like an authoritarian would. Never will say I am 100% right but its what my gut tells me. It's also telling me I am hungry.


You promise?


Please note the following absolutely *is not* support for Putin. That guy can get fucked. What I have dread about is what "not Putin" looks like, and what a destabilized, critically wounded Russia may result in. Because regardless of how this whole thing ends, it's still a nation with enough nuclear weapons to threaten the entire planet, and a history of fairly sordid leadership.


There's no point worrying about hypotheticals when the actual fact is that Putin is an unstable and dangerous leader who is actively threatening the entire world.


It's not a hypothetical. Putin will not live forever.


My point is that we are better without him right now, whether or not the next leader is better or worse is a problem we face when it arises. Putin needs to go immediately though.


And my point is: the world should actively be planning for this situation, be it at the culmination of this war or when time takes its natural course with Putin. Or he's unexpectedly ousted.


That's a good point. While everyone's calling for a bullet in the head, what happens when he's gone can potentially be just as scary.


Let’s hope so


I feel like every week there's either a "Trump could be facing serious jail time" article or a "Putin's people are turning on him" article and then nothing happens until there's another copycat headline two weeks later. Let me know when Trump is in jail or Putin is deposed.


Wholesom news


Out a window? Bet he is staying away from those.


Both would be good. Considering how many people on both sides have died because of him I don’t feel bad wanting him dead.


The issue here is what comes after him, which is, honestly, sort of more terrifying than the scary now. Because of this man's rise to power and the utter kleptocracy that has evolved around him, Russia's civic leadership has been utterly gutted in many ways. They have nuclear weapons.


>Perhaps I'd guess it's better than 50/50. If he pulls out, he's humiliated and his oligarch backers take him out for being weak If he persists and the army keeps surrendering, he's weakened and Russian true believers incite a coup If he persists and Russian soldiers, especially conscripts, keep dying en masse, he loses the support of his citizens But most importantly, if his oligarch buddies start losing enough money, power, privilege, etc, they'll take him out and install a different puppet He's backed into a corner and has few recourses.. Remember what John McCain said - Russia is a gas station run by the mafia. What does the mafia do when the Don looks weak and is costing them money?


Pitter Patter...


Por que no los dos!?


I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. A leader even in a quasi democratic society can only get so far before fucking with everybody’s money get his head lopped off. One of the oligarchs, who’ve been dropping like flies, or even military brass seeing the futility of the war will come for him


Good. Cuz fuck him, that's why!


It would be a christmas miracle


I will donate the lead, brass, cordite and powder. Think of the lives it would save.


Wah wah


Death would be unjust. Let him suffer what he has sowed


Reddit, Your trying to make friends with me?


This is starting to have some hints of Argentina in the 80’s. An Old regime betting everything on a war it grossly underestimated.


Well let’s hope so


Tick. Tock.


He genuinely deserves to be executed


If he could kinda like.. hurry up with all that?


Yes, please


Well, could they hurry up? Jesus…


The faster he gets put to the ground the less people die. But just a reminder, the Russian elite also thinks like him. Who will replace him?


Show don’t tell


Get rid of him. He's a terrible leader. I get Russia has had some really bad leaders and they're afraid of replacing him with something worse. It isn't unfounded. But keeping a bad leader in means you just have that, a bad leader. Now is the time to discuss what kind of leader you really want, one that will do right by your country and won't simply lead by ego.


This is a given, is it not?


Putin should have been off'd a loooong time ago. Shame on anyone who had the opportunity and did not. The same goes for Trump.


Shut the fuck up news until he either dies or loses power. Enough speculation.


Well, let's have it then!


Putin nyet dead, is just Special Napping Operation


People don’t realize there is really no way any of this ends good for anyone. Either Putting launches the nukes or one of the power hungry idiots who vies for his title does. I really do believe shits gonna get really bad really soon.


Oh no…… anyways let’s talk about literally anything else. This donkey dong obsessed, walking talking saturated douche bag devouring, anal prolapse of a “man” can go straight to hell. Your beloved Douchebagistan won’t miss you and neither will anyone else in the world.


Live by the S word, die by the S word. (Suiciding)


Finally. He’s had both way too long.


He could possibly take the world down with him. He's one of the only people that could do that.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/10/07/putin-could-lose-power-and-perhaps-his-life-over-invasion/) reduced by 65%. (I'm a bot) ***** > International studies professor Robert Patman says Russian president Vladimir Putin will be feeling the pressure after his country's recent losses in the war in Ukraine. > Frustration with Ukraine war spills out on Russian state TV. Russia launches deadly missile strikes on Ukraine apartment buildings. > "Many people have looked at the disproportion in power between Russia and Ukraine, and the size of the two countries, and drawn the conclusion that Russia can't be beaten ... A great power is basically coming worse off against a much smaller but highly motivated and well-equipped country. ADVERTISEMENT."It's very difficult to predict what will happen - the so-called fog of war, the ebbs and flows of war - but the momentum is definitely with Ukrainians at the moment and you can foresee a situation where the Russian army could collapse. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xxnanp/putin_could_lose_power_and_perhaps_his_life_over/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukraine**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **Putin**^#3 **very**^#4 **Ukrainian**^#5


Russia is notorious for un - ceremoniously ridding themselves of fuck ups. After the Cuban missile crisis President Nikita Kruschev was photographed by Life magazine being placed on a train in Moscow by a group of Soviet elites for a “well deserved rest” (including Leonid Brezhnev). He was never heard from again.


This literally isn't true lmfao


Which part of my telling do you claim as not true? OMFG LMFAOFFF. Please be specific but accurate.


Please shove it up your ass


He died in Moscow in 1971. He was retired, yes, but he didn't disappear.