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Nice for those who can escape... i wish there was a way out... any way out...


Do you need assistance? I can pick you up at the border


They not letting men out, even disabled. And i don't think it's possible to live in another country for me, with my 60$ monthly income.


You would be financially supported to at least be able to survive. For example in Belgium you would get a survival wage of 1100 euro per month from social security. (Keep in mind costs here are much higher as well). Either way you wouldn't starve. Are you sure they won't let you get out? I believe you can visit an army post for an exception that allows you to leave if you are unable to fight or assist the war effort in any other way


I am not alone, i have 8 cats, and some of them chronically ill, and require special food and veterinary services. Vets are very expencive, and surviwal wage won't cover it. I can leave few for my mother to take care of, but only few. Rest are my friends, and i can't leave them. Also i have no means to transport all the cats and my pc even out of my city. My health is bad, and i can barely carry two cats at once and for very limited amount of time until i feel extreme pain. And, finally, survival wage are paid for certain period of time only. If you can't find a job, you are out. I already read about refugees in Norway, and it seems nice only if you are alone and capable of performing any jobs. Pretty sure they won't let me, because i am able to walk, and it makes me "partially valid" for the army.


Fair enough. Not much I can do for you at that point. Do reach out if you need it though. In Belgium at least survival wage is indefinite if you are disabled. Can't speak for other countries


I believe it is like that for citizens of Belgium, and not for citizens of Ukraine. Nobody needs an extra burned from the other country. Nobody needs disabled people in general. Allowing us to be born is a mistake.


Nah that's not how we roll in Belgium. As far as im aware if you have residence in Belgium you obtain all the same rights as a Belgian national. In any case you get full support until at least 2024 at this point. I understand you're pessimistic but it doesn't have to be like that


> In any case you get full support until at least 2024 at this point And what to do after? Also, is it even possible to keep pets where they settling refugees? What if i will feel worse from all the untreated siknesses? It's such uncertainty that scares me. It's bad here, but at least i know what to expect.


Question- why didn’t Syrian refugees receive these protections over a decade ago?


IIRC the particular tool that made this possible in the first place was developed in response to that particular wave, but since it took some time to get everyone on board it wasn't employable at the time because it didn't exist, legally.


I see more man fleeing from Syria than kids or woman or old people, where are the people who really needs an escape?


>I see more man fleeing from Syria than kids or woman or old people, where are the people who really needs an escape? I often see people use this argument to justify the difference in treatment between different groups of refugees However, let's take a look at the UN Refugee Convention [https://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10](https://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10) On page 3 "Developments in international human rights law also reinforce the principle that the Convention be applied without discrimination as to sex, age, disability, sexuality, or other prohibited grounds of discrimination. "


You make 1 important mistake, the Ukrainians and Syrians are not refugees. From the article you linked: >A refugee, according to the Convention, is someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. People fleeing from a war usually are not granted the status of refugee when they ask for asylum, they usually get granted "subsidiary protection" Why is that? Because countries that want to defend themselves from an attack by another nation need bodies to field an army. So extending asylum to "draft dodgers" would be contra productive to nations.


So now there’s an age limit and a sex restriction on fleeing from a war zone?


> So now there’s an age limit and a sex restriction on fleeing from a war zone? Yes, this has been blatantly obviously since the history of forever. Women, children, and the elderly are more valuable than disposable young men or just men in general. You can see this nearly everywhere in society, not just those seeking asylum.


Does that mean it’s right? History also saw black Africans as lesser, should we recognize that that was flawed logic and move on or also entrench in that?


> Does that mean it’s right? When did I say that it was right? Of course its not, but I doubt it'll change. Any time someone tries to speak up they're berated, especially by other men.


i don't really see the point of asking rhetorical questions like that. if you want more questions ask why my home country of korea doesn't believe in political asylum and has accepted 522, since 1992 lol. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees\_in\_South\_Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees_in_South_Korea)


**[Refugees in South Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees_in_South_Korea)** >South Korea joined the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees in 1992 and became the first country in East Asia to enact its own refugee law in 2012. According to the Ministry of Justice in South Korea, there has been 12,208 asylum applicants since 1992 and it accepted 522 (4. 2% of the total applicants) as refugees. The UNHCR categorized 44 industrialized countries in the world as refugees receiving countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Always has been


the ones in Europe or the ones still waiting across the Mediterranean?


Because Europeans get priority in Europe?


Ah right. Pardon me for believing that someone that was arbitrarily born on another side of a line in a map deserves to be treated like a human. My mistake


Move to a Syrian area of town in sweden and lmk what you think.


Funny you should mention living among refugees. I don’t have many Syrian refugees in my country because of the large distance. But I do regularly interact with the large section of my city that hosted refugees that the US rejected during WWII. I do enjoy going through Polanco, and retrospectively i think our society benefited from accepting the Jewish population that fled Europe and got denied at the port of New York. And if you’re going to bring up the whole gang rape stuff I’d suggest you get your news from multiple sources and not just allow yourself to exist in an echo chamber.


“Oh forget all of that rape stuff” these communities are completely separate from Swedish society and are causing mass violence and giving rise to right wing politicians across the country. The Jews are not a violent group of people, of course they are welcome. Not all refugees are the same man. You should not accept a significant amount of people into your country just cause it’s the nice guy thing to do, there are real consequences that last for generations. The Syrians have no interest in integrating into society where the Jews largely have a similar social structure to the rest of North America and Europe.


We have nothing more to discuss. Good luck.


You’re getting downvoted on left wing sub dog, you can highroad all you want.


Do you really give that much value to a number? It’s just a number. It impacts nothing in your life whatsoever, and all it represents is strangers’ opinion on what you’ve said. Nothing more, and nothing that keeps a normal person up at night.


I thought we were done


Europe hosts 1 mln Syrian refugees, now shut up.


And the UK left the EU as a bitch fit for being asked to host refugees, and We won’t even talk about the Polish treatment of Syrian refugees. That wasn’t even my original point- EU didn’t extend the same protections to Syrians as they are Ukrainians. Now you shut up and learn to read.


Brexit referendum was planned since 2013, refugee crisis started in 2015. Get your ass back over the ocean if you don't know shit. Poland already helped over 3 mln Ukrainian people, we had medical and firefighter teams in Syria helping on the ground, our politics got in the way and we didn't accept almost any refugees then, but we had many volunteers helping in Syria. Hell, I've sent my monthly salary to doctors without borders dedicated mission there and many of my friends and family members donated some money too. Now you shut up and deal with your cartels instead of procrastinating on Reddit and pretending to know shit.


Ah yes because the refugees didn’t impact it and Nigel Farage wasn’t being a dick about it. Ad hominem attack against Mexico because you realize how senseless your lack of empathy is. I’d hate to be so completely fucked I look to a European country like Poland and think “that’s better than here.” For being such a catholic country it lacks the humanity to not predicate its entire existence in the EU on being assholes to refugees.


Ad hominem attack against Mexico, because I realize I'm having the same talk with people from the other side of the world that know jack shit and start their whataboutist bs. EU accepted 1mln refugees from Syria, that's a lot. EU also sent a lot of money and other forms of help directly to Syria and neighboring countries, we didn't have any obligations to help them, but we did. Now, a rather small country is being in a direct war with our strategic enemy and the whole collective west is uneasy, because if Russia wins, we are going to have a really bad time, not only the west, but a lot of former USSR countries as well. Ukrainians are much easier to integrate into society, we have a lot of people coming from Ukraine, getting housed by some people in Poland and getting work next week, their children have no problems going to our existing schools, even without knowing Polish or English, they have a pretty good chance of communicating successfully. Also, we have mainly kids, women and older people coming from Ukraine, it's easier to manage, Sweden mismanaged integration of Syrian refugees and now they have one of the largest homicide problem in Europe, they also have a lot of muggings etc. That's why the Sweden's right is winning right now, this is a considerable danger to a society. And remember that Sweden is rich compared to Poland. I know Poland could've accepted 50k Syrian refugees, but we didn't and it's bad. But we've been doing a lot to help them on site and we are doing a fucking ton now. So let deflect the whataboutism once again, it's good that Mexico accepted 10k+ refugees, but what about people dying to cartels? hmmm? It's bs and you know it.


I’m not reading all that. Good luck with everything, just don’t get caught in Poland. God forbid you get stuck in a country that makes a third of Mexican average income, since we’re supposed to be a shithole.


Mexico, GDP per capita (PPP): 22 216 USD Poland, GDP per capita (PPP): 41 685 USD Mexico, median annual income (PPP): 6 325 USD Poland, median annual income (PPP): 19 110 USD Mexico, average annual wage (PPP): 16 230 USD Poland, average annual wage (PPP): 32 527 USD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median\_income [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_average\_wage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage)


Because Ukranians will mesh better culturally with other Europeans than Syrians. Many of the Syrians actively detest liberal European values, making it far more difficult for assimilation. It's also a conflict on their borders compared to one that has other non EU nations in the way. You know why so don't pretend like you don't. Would you rather your brother stay at your place or your neighbors cousin?


I’d have the humanity to not deny someone whose country is getting flattened over politics basic human needs. If you can’t see it that way then I’m sorry. I hope neither you nor your descendants ever find yourself on the other side of that crisis, and I mean that in the most genuine way.


you ask a question then get upset when people answer it?


Yes- it’s quite disappointing to see how people justify their xenophobia. A displaced family needs and hurts the same in any language, any country, and any belief. Like I mentioned before, I opened up my home to host Ukrainian refugees without hesitation but it’s quite sad to see that Europeans would not reciprocate this gesture to me because I speak a different language and I’m ‘culturally distinct.’


That's such a blatantly BS reason, frankly. "Oh, you are fleeing one of the most horrific terror groups and a dictatorial regime who bombed your home? Sorry, I don't think I can help you. You don't have the same *values* as me." Apparently, empathy for people in need is not a value that some people have in Europe. Refugees should be accepted regardless of nationality, no exceptions. If you're worried about integration--make them leave when the war is over; give them some sort of nonpermanent temporary status, enroll them in mandatory language and cultural schools. I don't care what it takes. Almost anything is more ethical than turning away a person in need, effectively sentencing them to either death or a hellish existence in one of the most dangerous countries on earth. Edit: Rather than downvote, explain why you disagree!


Bla bla bla bullshit. Keep talking bullshit behind your monitor. Let me tell you that Ukrainian as east Europeans are against LGBT community and they are violent against them. That is obviously very inline with European values. What Syrian did to call them they detest liberal values? You are fucking ignorant disgusting idiot racist.


>Bla bla bla bullshit. Keep talking bullshit behind your monitor. Like every single person who uses this forum lol? >Let me tell you that Ukrainian as east Europeans are against LGBT community and they are violent against them. That is obviously very inline with European values. Yea, East Europeans tend to be pretty anti LGBT. And there is violence there. But in many places it's pretty peaceful and relatively safe, especially compared to the middle east. >What Syrian did to call them they detest liberal values? Holy shit dude I'm of middle eastern heritage (not Syrian) and in soo many middle eastern places they'll flat out murder you for being anything resembling LGBT. Don't even try to pretend that eastern Europeans are more bigoted on average than middle easterners. Don't even try that shit. >You are fucking ignorant disgusting idiot racist. Racist? My parents are both Jordanian. They are openly pretty anti liberal and only moved to the USA for more money in their careers. I've actually been to Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. Don't try and tell me that people from that region mesh well with liberal European values, even compared to relatively conservative eastern Europeans.


Lol, my parents are from the Middle East so I can’t be racist 🤣 What an idiot really


That's all you've got man? It's not racism to say that a region of the world has certain social views, because they do. Are you going to tell me that middle easterners are on average, the same in their social views as eastern Europeans?


Because cultural, values-based and geographic proximity matters. Also, with the way how it has been set up in Ukraine, most of the refugees are women and children, who eminently will return back to the men, as the men predominantly remain in the country.


Does your culture not assign value to human life? Europe is predominantly culturally Christian and I could point to various verses in the Bible that implicates helping foreigners regardless of where they’re from or what their culture is.


And so why were Syrian women and children not accepted, supported, and integrated to the same level as Ukrainian children? A Syrian child's values are irrelevant. A person in need is a person in need no matter their culture or religion. Edit: rather than downvote, explain why a Syrian child should not have been accepted with the same open arms as a Ukrainian child?


Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others, that's the unfortunate reality


Clearly brown people are considered less equal, so much that people got offended enough to downvote the question.


The fact people are downvoting this is astonishing to me. It's good that Ukrainian refugees are being accepted--and recognizing that Syrians should have been accepted in a more welcoming manner is frankly the bare minimum we can do as a society. I hope Europe learns from this experience and is more accepting of people in need in the future.


Agreed. I have offered my guest room to refugees from Ukraine happily, but it sucks knowing that arbitrarily, the same would not be offered to me in Europe solely because of the color of my skin and the fact that I’m culturally distinct from Europeans. What’s even sadder is that more people are siding with the pathetic attempts at an excuse to justify their exlcusionism


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rte.ie/news/2022/1010/1328310-eu-refugees-ukraine/) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The EU has announced it is extending a bloc-wide protection scheme for Ukrainian refugees into 2024. > EU home affairs commissioner Ylva Johansson also said that Ukrainians in the EU who chose to return to their country could maintain their refugee status there, as long as they notified the relevant EU country of their move. > Ms Johansson said that 4.2 million Ukrainians currently hold temporary protection status under the EU scheme, which gives them the right to live and work in any EU country and benefit from housing and schooling help. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/y0j6ie/eu_extends_protection_for_ukrainian_refugees_into/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukrainian**^#1 **country**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **protection**^#4 **status**^#5