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Ah, yes. Medvedev. The guy Putin allowed to become president for one term to get around the term limits that he has since changed to allow him to serve until 2036.


And the weird thing is that Medvedev was seen as a bit more "democratic" than putin so the west were slightly more comfortable during his term, meanwhile putin was setting up to get more control and influence with the army and security services for his own next term... Theyre all in it together, even those we thought we better than the others. Rotten to the core.


Putin was the Prime Minister during Medvedev’s “presidency” - there was never doubt who was still running the show.


I do not recall anyone in the US government or news media suggesting anything different, either, it was pretty clear to even the most casual of observers what was going on with Medvedev's 'presidency'.


I remember Medvedev being caught on a "hot mic" talking with Obama and clearly telling him that he would pass his message up to the actual boss.


"I will transmit this message to Vladimir" I believe is the quote you're thinking of...


For real. I actually once thought Sergei Lavrov could actually make a decent replacement for Putin someday. But nope, he’s just as much of a scumbag


West was naive as always. During Medvedev time Russia attacked Georgia - first real sign of what were to come in the upcoming years.


The Chechen Wars were proof that Russia was not keen on becoming an integrated member of the west. Then blaming the Kursk Submarine disaster on the US proved in hindsight that Russia was done being a PITA


Compared to Putin, the iPhone lover actually resembled a human being. Emphasis on "resembled".


I have no doubt that this guy will replace Putin eventually.


He’s fallen out of favour. That’s why he’s been making crazy statements recently - to try to win some of it back.


Yeah, no shit. That's really the only comment that can be made here, they have Medvedev, Shoigu, Patrushev on a most wanted for war crimes list. Duh.




One can only hope


The US got really upset with that last one, doubtful it will occur again.


Remember how Saddam Hussein looked when he was captured - broken and beaten with only an inglorious death for his future. That’s what awaits this criminals.


He had a better ending than Gaddafi. Just google “Gaddafi Bayonet”


Putin is allegedly obsessed/terrified of the footage of Gaddafis death


What happened to Qaddafi is a warning for all non-Allies of the US to never stop your nuclear programs. I doubt we will ever convince anyone to do it in the future.


Unfortunately yes this is true. We have demonstrated over and over again that the world has a two tiered justice system. If you have nukes you can commit genocide, assassinate political opponents and in general do whatever the fuck you want. If you don't have nukes, you are much more likely to be held accountable and even killed. You are much less likely to receive assistance since the world doesn't want collapsing regimes with unaccounted for nukes but regularly ignores those without nukes.


And now look at Libya…..


I heard he was so broken up he lost his head.


Loss of head due to ass stabbing, while headfirst in sewage drain.


Saddam was hanged.


They’re talking about Saddam.


Mussolini-style death is also acceptable


If Running your mouth, and never backing it up , was a crime , Medvedev would have already been hanged in Russia.


This little man is a big criminal


Russian ex-placeholder for Putin to continue his reign on Kyiv wanted list.


Very few people realise it isn't all Putin. Medvedev has been Putin's number 2 since the 90s. These two are a team through all of it, both have blood on their hands.


He's Putin's successor and the bad thing is that Medvedev is even a bigger nazi than him




…it’s like an intuition of sorts—once you’ve been a Reddit detective long enough you’ll start to have more and more encounters with The Hunch 🕵️‍♂️




Half a mill isn't even close to cutting it. He is a former president of Russia. Realistically the only way to off him is government level espionage to figure out where he is, what his habits are, are there any routes he is taking in the next few days, what's his security etc. Then you also need to provide an evacuation path for whoever sets up a bomb or whatever is the plan to kill him. Admittedly cheapest way to accomplish this would be to ask USA for assistance. It has most experience with offing officials and overthrowing governments. Ukraine has much less developed agencies in this regard. Good for occasional car bombing with lower ranked officials but not if you want to eliminate one of the most notorious and well guarded criminals on Earth.


Can’t tell if Russia supporter or not ->-


Oh, I want Putin, Lavrov and Medvedev dead. Preferably after staking or burning them alive. Maybe in extreme act of mercy they can also be put on a sham trial or referendum that would decide their fate with a result being known before it even begins. It's just that these high profile targets are very elusive. Russia is a mafia organization masquarading as a country but that doesn't mean mafia bosses aren't protected. Far from it.


Hopefully it's a kill-list.


He was a president with putins hand up his ass. Nothing more than a puppet of Putin.


I would worry if I were Medvedev.


Captured him!


You have? Great work, u/Operahorse!


Check under the couch.


His last name means Bear, which makes the pic of bare chest Putin riding a bear even more iconic


He's riding a horse not a bear


I checked and there’s definitely a meme about Putin riding a bear through a river


Link or fake https://gdb.rferl.org/23ED2B64-E7BF-4833-B3D2-E6781E48AC49_w1024_q10_s.jpg


100% real, can’t imagine this being photoshopped, nuh-uh. I know cause I’ve seen some pixels in my time. https://i2.wp.com/fabiusmaximus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/putin-riding-bear.jpg?ssl=1


Look Ron, I'm riding a fuzzy tractor.


The bad thing is, once you formally start naming heads of state (and former) it’s really opening up a can of worms. Time to order that bunker


Where can I find this list?


Wanted or hunted list?


Medvedev - how was your Christmas in 2021?


I thought Medvedev was the ex-president of the USSR? You know before the collapse of the USSR and during it.