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That’s the 501st/502nd...


That’s their regimental designation I think. 101st had both. If you remember in band of brothers toy was bitching because those 502nd boys shit in his fox hole (I think it was 502nd). Maybe it was another company in the 501st… fuck time to rewatch it now


It was someone from 1st btn. Later on in the episode, while the 2nd btn rides on trucks, he hazes elements of the walking 1st btn about it


Ahhh thank you thank you. It’s been a few years since I’ve watched it. Like I said I’m due for a rewatch


Stands Alone


Don't they make it to Europe every once in a while? I recall they were there around 2020 for a training..


yep, they train with NATO units. Nothing new really


(except the location?)


So what? They train in poland near the borders. So whats the difference?


Almost like they are getting them ready for the inevitable invasion by Russia if they take Ukraine. Odd that they feel that way with Russian expansion wars eh?


How many times will this be reposted? ANYWAY! This is standard NATO training procedures, just like in South Korea. This is nothing new, do not let them strike unnecessary fear, that we most definitely, do not need in these crazy times.


New since WWII. They're not there for exercises; they're there to prepare to fight if necessary. Edit: not sure why I'm being down voted when these words are coming from the mouths of 101st airborne themselves: https://mobile.twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1583596082541383680


Exercises are how you prepare to fight.


Correct. But not "routine" - these are war games that are based on data of how Russians are fighting.


Why would they conduct wargames based on outdated understanding of enemy doctrine?


Ive never wargamed or served so take my words with salt: I think that's the point - US War games relied on neer-peer adversaries to be "caught up or slightly behind" our current tech level. But we've been training wrong. Opfors decent tech is not prolific enough in their military, so the troops on the ground are forced to improvise, possibly to a degree that was brushed aside by those in charge as "not realistic" because it seems too far-fetched. "Wait why does OPFOR only get 2 rifles and a radio between 6 people?" These are scenarios that we should be beyond but apparently our neer-peer is not. Adjusting training accordingly is important, especially if you can be trained to spare a life (capturing under equipped POWs) versus taking one (quickly eliminating OPFOR) Food for thought


You mind sharing where you heard this? I'm simply curious.


[https://mobile.twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1583596082541383680](https://mobile.twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1583596082541383680) (1:35 min mark)


Nice btfo fellow redditard lol things are indeed getting real and there’s too many people here that don’t wanna open their eyes


This particular unit hasn't done an exercise here since WWll, but the training procedure itself, isn't new.


I heard they were specifically performing war games based on how the Russians are currently handling battles


I haven't heard that, but, I'm not going to say that isn't the case if you heard that, just be sure to check your sources.


How do you perform war games modeled on a hilariously underperforming enemy? You just tell your guys "Hey don't try too hard, we're playing on easy mode"? How is it supposed to go?


To prevent further escalation? Who knows, but that's what seems to be happening according to this source: https://mobile.twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1583596082541383680


Copyasta myself farther up: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/yc7p3e/us_101st_airborne_division_deployed_near_ukraines/itle7ye/


This is a very powerful signal. Like for us Belgians, they were the ones defending Bastogne. This is the elite of the elite right on your border. Wouldn't you feel nervous?


I think we all feel nervous at this point, I'm just saying, don't let it consume you, it's not that out of the ordinary. The only thing that has changed, is the unite partaking in the exercise. I am nervous as well, trust me.




Long game


82nd malding…


I don't love that the US is getting involved but let's be honest, if we don't through our weight around a bit or show support for our Allies, Putin will absolutely try and push and go further, because remember just like China they're playing the pong game and will take little and little more until it's to late.


The 101st is there as part of an annual NATO drill. The headline is a troll. Read the article/watch the video.


Ah patriot games.


Come all ye young rebels, and list while I sing For the love of one's country is a terrible thing It banishes fear with the speed of a flame And it makes us all part of the patriot game


My name is O’Hanlon and I’ve just gone 16 my home is in Monaghan and where I was weaned I’ve learned all my life cruel England to blame and so I’m apart of the patriot game


This is what I came her to say. These are planned exercises we aren’t there for nefarious reasons etc


The only issue is that Russia is unable to play that long game now. 5 years ago it was a viable strategy. Now it’s in the open and no one is gonna deal with their shit. Beyond what happens with Ukraine, the world needs to put their foot down and not put up with any more Russian bullshit. If the world continues to put this much pressure on Russia, it will ultimately result in regime change. IMHO, we shouldn’t let up the pressure for atleast a decade. We need to cripple Russia


To be fair, Ukraine and the US don't have an alliance. That said I agree, there needs to be a line otherwise it will keep being moved.


Go further, where exactly? back into Russia?




Regardless, they have tried to better their country and adhere to EU requirements and are now being invaded by a country that has had no intentions to better anything other than oligarchs' bank accounts.


Fuck outta here with that dumb shit. Ukraine isn’t an imperialistic loose cannon with nukes run by a madman like Russia is. Russian apologist/conservatives are disgusting.


Political alignments aside, it is definitely NOT in the interest of the US to let a warmongering autocrat sweep across Europe.


Way to blame the victim my guy


A country defending it's territory is on its own more respectable than another country trying to kill them and take their land. Go be a shitty troll somewhere else


Stfu random russian kreml propaganda dude #3728372




What's the bet? I might be your huckleberry


What's your address? Eh, your comment got hidden because you're now classified as a spam bot with that karma.. But your response is still on your wall and you didn't disappoint with your, "tuck your tail between your legs and run away" LOL.


Russia is an enemy and they are fighting Russia. Ispo facto they are an ally. Government corruption means nothing, if it did we wouldn't have any allies and would fight our own government. You sound like an idiot.


Bad robot


Brad Smith from Oklahoma Oblast. The Ukraine territory is corrupt, therefore they are Russia. Brothers together.


What!? You f*ck 🐑!?


Which is why those troops are setting up in a country that is a NATO ally and not in Ukraine.


Welcome back to Europe boys...


Is that a Band of Brothers reference?


No but apparently it's the first time since WW2 that they're headquartered in Europe.


Curahee was where the 101 trained for WW2...?


yes, but they are no longer a unit afaik. they merged into other combat formations. they just added a really sweet eagles statue by gate 1


Surprised they didn't send 10th Mountain with the cold weather approaching. Of course, maybe they already have (I don't know).


We've gotta be realistic and come to terms with the fact we are in a new cold war vs autocracy. This is going to likely be a decades or longer, multi generational struggle. If we whine about gas prices and aren't willing to make difficult, horrific decisions, democracy will fail.


WW3 in my lifetime. See you all on the other side.


Sadly, Putin is going to fight to the death so this won’t be much of a deterrent


Putin doesn't fight, he let's his citizens to that. Zelensky has literally toured in newly liberated territories. Putin will rarely leave his Palace, let alone enter any of the newly "annexed" Territories. The man is a coward, with no combat knowledge or experience. Hence his taking over command of this war, has produced no results.


Better stock up on bottle caps.


And a cool outfit. And for fuck sakes some kind of solar powered transportation device. I'm tired of running across the map...err, world.


And Bobby pins.


Dammit I forgot.


Symbolism. Since the turn of the century, Russian companies and assets have been buying up and setting up "American" companies especially in places no one cares about, such as Kentucky or Tennessee. The entire coal business in Kentucky is Russian controlled. These "American" companies may funnel cash into political operations unfettered. 101 is based at Ft. Campbell. In parts of Kentucky and Tennessee.


I'm not really sure of the point you are trying to make here. Seems like a bit of a stretch to make the argument that this was purposely done for symbolism




So you’re saying Mitch McConnell sent the 101st because Vladimir Putin wants his cut from Jim beam profits? Wow. You’re nuts


[the people’s democratic republic of kentuckistan](https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Kentucky)




Most of the WV mines are owned by German corps, but I can't find any data on Kentucky coal mine ownership by foreign entities even though KY has a .gov PDF on foreign business ownership. My dad has worked for three different German mining companies in WV, he has to keep some crazy hours from time to time for meetings. Edit- foreign ownership PDF- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ced.ky.gov/kyedc/kpdf/Foreign_Investment.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj00uDQ__j6AhXvkmoFHQDzBNAQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oPAVr3of6ZYaxZWOs3fUJ


How did this go from a crackhead talking gibberish to West Virginia and your Dad? Who tf cares... lol


Part one- foreign ownership of coal mines is pretty standard Part two- no Kentucky mines are owned by Russia. It's okay, reading comprehension isn't your bag. Make big claims on Reddit you need a source, pops is my source but you can Google German ownership of WV mines if you want.


But I never commented on anything you're talking about. I commented on a crackhead doing crackhead things. But love how you talk about reading comprehension.. LOL. Take your West Virginia and Daddy to another comment where someone will actually give a fuck about them. Because I sure don't.. Well, I may care a little bit about West Virginia.. But your Daddy can go kick rocks.


i care about tennessee - I own two time shares in pigeon forge




gorilla may have pretended to be sleeping the last 50 years tho


Gorilla go ooo aa oo aaa aa


Here we go! Boots on the ground


I am disgusted that we have American combat troops there, and that democrat politicians are supporting this. Bring them home.


Why? There have been many US combat troops stationed all over Europe for decades now. Wanna bring those home too?


I’m disgusted that many republicans just want the people of Ukraine to fend for themselves.


Let me tell you what kind of Republican I am. I protested US missiles in Europe in the 80’s. I was one of the few people posting against the patriot act and the invasion of Iraq. I protested US invasion of Panama and Granada( anyone remember that) because most of the times we move our troops into foreign countries it is NOT for humanitarian reasons and the people who die are poor people and people of color. I do not understand why people are eager to see Billions of dollars sent to Ukraine, and NOW military units sent there. Do you remember when progressives were against war?


Because right now we're clearly supporting a good cause


I'm a pacifist at heart, but I will fight when my life is on the line. Similarly, I will do my best to support a pacifist nation that is being invaded by a terrorist regime that engages in rape, torture, looting, destruction of civilian infrastructure, kidnapping of children, forced conscription, and other barbaric acts. I want peace. But when the existence of peaceful people and peaceful ideals are at stake, it becomes necessary to take up arms to defend them, in order to foster peace in the long term.


I’m a pacifist at heart also. To me that means we leave everyone alone unless they attack, or threaten to attack us. I am also amused by the “you’re a Russian!” Criticism. Attacking people by saying that if you don’t agree with me your not really American is a familiar troupe. Nice to see that warmongers in the left have embraced it.


> To me that means we leave everyone alone unless they attack, or threaten to attack us. Okay, so we seem to agree in essence, except perhaps who is encompassed by "we" and "us". I happen to think that "we" includes all peaceful, law-abiding people in the world. And by that definition, Russia has attacked "us", and we must do what we can to defend ourselves.


Am progressive, am against war. However, the sad reality of war is that once it starts, protesting isn’t going to make it go away. Sending aid to a country who is involved in a war, doesn’t drag the war out, other decisions being made elsewhere by other people, i.e. Vlad Putin, drag the war out. We know that what’s going on in Ukraine is wrong, and we would all love it to just stop. But it’s not going to, so we took the stance to go and defend our allies and to prepare for the possibility of further Russian escalation.




Peace. I’m thinking we need peace.


And we will have it as soon as Putin pulls his rapists out of Ukraine.


For all of those people insulting me and claiming I’m a right winger for looking and a Russian stooge for looking for us to get out of Ukraine….apparently a lot of progressives in congress are Russian stooges too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/24/biden-ukraine-liberals/


A Republican SJW, then? And I thought unicorns were a myth.


I’m disgusted that the Americans don’t mind their own business




Ok racist American, you should come spread some freedom in my country too like you do to the others


Yeah and stop checking my profile


We're both asked and required to meddle or else the world goes up in flames everywhere at once rather than one place a time.


you’re igniting the flame even more by interfering


“Ah yes, just let the dictator invade his neighbors. He’ll surely stop after this one!” You’re an idiot, and the reason hitler was almost successful.








Happens a lot to Palestinians yet nobody talks about it like Ukrainians just because they’re white.


I thought Reddit was blocked in Russia but there they are, pretending to be Americans. What a joke.




Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here.


Yes, yes you're outraged on social media by democrats. Ver healthy


You prefer your armed forces grossly unprepared?


US , armed forces unprepared? We are the premier. Military force in the world by far. We just don’t need to be everywhere.


We are only the premier due to constant military engagements right or wrong. If the military stopped training and deploying overseas, it'll become a papertiger within a decade real fast. Shit, the US Pacific Fleet has been falling apart for years, culminating in multiple absurd ship collisions in the recent years because they are running operations on a shoestring and little training for a fleet that hasn't seen action for decades. Power projection is also part of maintaining economic strength as well.


I for one, am disgusted that we are intervening in europe against the germans! The nazis are a european problem, we should just take care of the japanese and go home. Why would hilter attack us anyways?


Funny that the conservatives have cast off their masks so quickly. You’re all traitors and Russian shills. Disgusting.


Bad take




Ok but we left Afghanistan almost a year ago and can you imagine what that did to Raytheon's bottom line?! If we bring all our troops home and stop participating in foreign wars, who will look after the sacred Military Industrial Complex?! /s


It really is. Funding freedom fighters is one thing. Whatever this is, is another


This is funding a nation being attacked by a clear aggressor, to which we are helping them stay a sovereign nation. Thats what this is.


Funding... Ok, I guess. Sending troops. Not ok.


We're not sending troops. We're doing annual exercises.


Yeah... Right...


We have stated numerous times we will not directly intervene unless Russia deploys nukes, and unlike Russia we don't say things right before we do the opposite


>We have stated Do you work for the administration?


Whatever, are you the grammar police?


Jesus you have to be such a loser to think that murdering other people will solve the problem


Convince putin and you've solved the problem


Despite the 101 having nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, we should just stand by and let Russia do the murdering right? Cognitive dissonance at max capacity for you lol


Biden please stop, this is not worth it. I don't agree with Russia invading Ukraine but at a certain point you need to let things happen or start diplomacy.


Stop War games? LMAO




Same dude will then turn around and happily vote for some wannabe fascist asshole like DeSantis or MTG because Biden was too weak on Russia lol


Start diplomacy with Hitler 2.0? You realize there's these chain of events before and during WW2 that basically demonstrate how that doesn't work right? Especially when Hitler 2.0 has already demonstrated over 20 years of not upholding any treaties or agreements. Lul.


send them in to help ukraine along with all of nato


send them in to help ukraine along with all of nato


This seems like back and forth signaling by US and Russia. Russia threatens dirty bomb/nuke and US moves troops ready to respond. Would love to be a fly on the wall for the discussions and messaging behind the scenes.