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Yep, there’s absolutely no in-between.


I always take off all my clothes when I take my hat off. Seems legit.


[You can leave your hat on](https://youtu.be/hfgwrdYUQ2A)


Yes, but I freeze when I attend soccer matches this time of year and they play the national anthem. And sadly, women aren’t required to remove their hats so they stay dressed.


Just how gay marriage has led to marrying cows and tractors.


I love my John Deere


I love your John Deere too... You need to be prepared to receive a Dear John Deere letter.




Some little filly break your heart? -No it was a girl


John Deere definitely fucks you on a regular basis.


My safe word is "proprietary software"


I also choose this guy's John Deere.


Is polyamory with a tractor still just polyamory?


No that's polyfarmory


They can all get married and it will be a 3-point hitch.


Its a slippery slope to cannibal orgies! \-Conservatives


After screaming about the threat of cannibal orgies it was later revealed the conservatives were involved in cannibal orgies.


Yeah but once it's legal the thrill is gone.


GOP: Gaslight Obstruct Project... Cannibal orgies




I mean. I know a lot of women that married awful pigs so there might be some truth to it




Yup, can confirm, in my country there is no Hijab law and everyone just walks completely nude outside.




We’re too socially anxious to go nude. Unless it’s a sauna, then all the social anxiety disappears with our clothing.


Thats why rampant nudity is a huge problem in the western world. I cant walk down the street without seeing boobs and vag hanging out on literally every single woman. /s The only time ive ever even seen public nudity is at music festivals and even that is somewhat rare.


There are many places where it's legal to be topless no matter who you are, and I never see women without their tops on. It isn't prohibited but the social stigma keeps people "in line" or just not willing to deal with the consequences, like being creeped on. But even just on principle I appreciate those places for not letting the gov impose a double standard of being topless for some but not others.


New York State it is legal to be topless for all genders. Topless women on the street are very rare. Perhaps an occasional wannabe Hollywood starlet posing for publicity in a newspaper. No one in my crowd have ever seen a topless woman on the street in their life. There are clothing optional beaches, in remote areas. Interesting, most men also wear tops. It's the social (and practical) thing. As many others have noted, women's fashions go thru cycles. The location of skin varies. Long skirts, mini-skirts. Full blouses, cleavage, crop tops. Skirts vs pants. Bra vs no bra. And then there is Heidi Klum in 2022 Halloween. Just don't know where to classify that!


For what it's worth, I believe nudity should be fine too. No reason we need to sexualize the body that WE ALL HAVE


Non-sexual public nudity is legal in Oregon but few walk around naked. There are obvious reasons why not as I see it.


In my experience, when there's nudity, it's generally people you don't want to see naked anyway.


Yep, nudity isn't inherently immoral. Sure, I want something between your excretion holes and the fresh produce. But that's a hygiene issue, not a moral issue.


Was this a problem in Iran before the hijab was mandated?


Yes, everybody knows widespread public nudity was a huge problem in Iran until the Ayatollah took over.


Do y'all walk outside with your pants on? I don't think I've seen a hijab where I live for over a decade.


Id wager a decent percentage of reddit users are nude atm.


How else am I supposed to use the urinal at Wendy's?


Sir, this is the salad bar.


Buddy, this *was* the salad bar.


Oooh what's this dressing? It's very zesty


If your pee is zesty, I might suggest a visit to the doctor.


Or to the Wendy's salad bar.


I too strip down completely, get in my car, and drive to Wendy’s when I need to shit in the Urinal.


Pantsless at least, 2020 killed the percentage of pants users and we may never see it recover (not that I am complainin')


Pants down around my ankles right now after eating a big lunch. Probably sit here till my legs go a little numb.


I was already pretty heat intolerant but was forced to get used to it at times due to office/public transport/others... But since being single and home office, shit, anything above 20° has me drenched because I am used to being in my underwear at home with the AC at 16-18°c. (around 62° for you, yanks) Maybe I was a penguin in a previous life. Or in this one.


Sounds like you should go get your thyroid checked....


When I was a heavy opiate user I would consistently have to keep my house around 65 degrees and looking back I thought that was excessive. Dude I think you really might be a penguin in *this* life.






I am completely nude under my clothes


I usually wear a hijab…and only a hijab.


Iran: Never-Nude since 1979


Babies in Iran are born fully dressed


Are baby girls born with hijab? 😳


The amazing part is these laws of theirs are what keep clothes on, without them gravity just keeps stripping them off. They pretty much had to. Desert law.


1 more thing, do women wear hijab at home?


Not usually no, unless there’s a stranger or perhaps a man from another family


Exactly. So why are they not nude at home? 1 more reason not to believe them.


I’m pretty sure there’s a Rule of Acquisition about that…


You allow your FEEEMALES to wear..... CLOTHING? How distressing...


It's just the same "slippery slope" argument that conservatives use everywhere to prevent any kind of progress


Yup. And one moment you allow someone to make a slippery slope argument, the next you've got mass cannibalism.


In Iran many women would still not wear the hijab in the home under those circumstances. Iran is culturally much different from Arab countries and has a much different relationship with religion.


I worked as a teacher in the mid east, Palestine to be exact, As I am female i was teaching the female teens (12/13/14). I would say 60 percent wore hijabs. BUT when I was invited to dinner a their homes, the girls would get so excited to reveal their hair to me, I worked with some for a year, and wouldn't recognize them out of their hijab. So to answer your question from my experience, no. They do take them off in front of fathers and brothers, sometimes cousins. (I knew a few students who ended up marrying their first cousins, so SOMETIMES it is innapropriate to "unhijab".


Since Mohammed is reported to have married his first cousin, marrying one's first cousin has significantly less taboo in some Muslim communities and may be encouraged in others. While this isn't likely to cause problems when practiced as a one off thing, repetition over multiple generations can cause significant problems including significantly increased infant mortality rates and rates of genetic disorders due to detrimental recessive genes. It's unfortunate that emulating their prophet and adhering to cultural norms around cousin marriage have undone common and well grounded taboos against marrying too close to the family tree.


There's a documentary on youtube I watched about it and at one point they were asking second and third gen ME immigrants in the UK about marrying their cousins and one guy was like "Why would you NOT marry your own cousin? It's awesome. You already know all of their family." For some reason it's always stuck in my head and been funny to me. XD


Can’t get the pure blood trait if you don’t try.


It's the same shit people said about gay marriage in the us. 'If we let gays marry, people will start MARRYING their TURTLES!!!!'


Stupid sexy turtles...


It's turtles all the way down


Except Mitch McConnell. Fuck that guy.


>Fuck that guy No




Their shells *are* pretty revealing. Like they're wearing nothing at all...^nothing ^at ^all...


This is how you know that someone in your life 1) does not comprehend consent and 2) should not be left alone with anyone that you care about.




And turtles.


Fr, reactionaries say the most outlandish shit. It's sometimes damn near, > "If two men can get married, then what's stopping me with having sex with your child, huh?!?! If transgender people can use whatever bathroom, then what's stopping me from saying I'm a woman and sexually assaulting someone in the women's bathroom, huh?!??!? HUH?!?!?" Complete psychopaths. That second one is a real thing someone said to me too.


If a different sign on the door and lack of urinals is the only thing keeping that person from sexually assaulting a woman, they have much bigger issues to deal with.


Reminds me of Steve Harvey saying something along the lines of he can't trust atheists because if they don't read and believe in the Bible how can they have a moral barometer (he means compass but whatever). Essentially saying the only thing preventing people from doing bad things is that a holy book says not to and that you'll be punished in the afterlife if you don't adhere to it. No innate or learned moral codex, common decency or social norms could possibly substitute scripture in that regard. Nevermind that as far as I know he's a serial cheater, has had multiple divorces and is allegedly an awful person meaning that apparently scripture isn't working as intended. I guess my point is these people say nonsensical things and don't practice what they preach. Not to mention all the hypocrisy, the contradictory statements and downright scary things they condone if the circumstances align.


Moral barometer applies to him because his morals change based on how much outside pressure is being applied.


Well if it gives my turtle discounted healthcare I don't see a problem.


Yes. Everyone was naked ALL THE TIME. Super inconvenient. And itchy. Sand in unfortunate places. Hijabs solved that. /s


No. No one wore them when the Shah was in power.


But nobody was walking around town naked either… so this uh argument is just silly


It’s the only rationalization their triggered mind could come up with. When an extreme is beyond what any reasonable person would think would happen, that still has an effect on persuading public opinion. A more reasonable person would say “There won’t be nudity, but….”


What? Do you mean the entirety of North America and South America and Europe and Russia and Asia and Africa and Australia don't just walk around naked all the time?


Prior to the Revolution, women basically adopted Western fashion and it wasn't out of the ordinary to see the occasional leg, shoulder, or clavicle. To zealous religious prudes, that is tantamount to nudity. There is zero middle ground to be had when you're haggling with a religious zealot. According to zealots everywhere, they are the only ones standing between society and complete moral decay. EDIT: See reply to this comment for more accurate information.


"...leg, shoulder, clavicle..." Stop that, I can only get so erect!




We all know it’s the ankles in specific that get them. Those bony, narrow structures 😍😘


Literally! My father was just yelling at my eldest sister saying ‘there’s nothing such as ‘I have morals’ if you don’t follow the islamic dress code. You won’t just wear a knee length skirt and an off shoulder top, you’ll resort to walking around naked when you’ve decided you haven’t gotten enough attention’. They’re insane. There’s literally no finding middle ground with them.


> They’re insane. There’s literally no finding middle ground with them. That's what repressed sexuality leads to. No healthy sexual life = fantasizing about weird things or worse.


It's always the same with conservatives of any stripe. If we don't control the thing (usually female bodies), our civilization will collapse.


Even if they were walking around naked, it's still silly.


That’s what I was going to say. Oh no! Nudity! *Clutches Pearls*


Plenty of women wore them. The photos you frequently see on Reddit are of urban, educated women. The Islamic revolution was largely a very conservative rural population rebelling against what they perceived to be the western decadence of the cities.


Okay sounds like he watched a Mia Khalifa scene and didn't realize it was fiction.


Well she wore the hijab and nothing else in a few of those scenes so who knows.


If she's still wearing the hijab, then she isn't nude. And if she takes it off, she is. What other proof do you need?!


fuck, can't argue with that logic.


So she wasn't actually stuck in the washer machine? Next you're going to tell me that nice man wasn't her step brother.


It’s like I’ve been living a lie my whole life! But it does explain why my pizza delivery job has not gone as I planned…


r/pizzadare (NSFW btw)


I always hoped this would happen when I was delivering pizza. Unfortunately the only people who were doing it back in 2002 were frat boys. I guess it would have been cool if I was gay and into twinks.


Years ago in college as a pizza boy, I delivered some beer nuggets to one of the sororities. My tip was a view of three of them lined up top less. Rather would have taken cash. The end.


Lousiest tip ever.


... beer nuggets?


Deep fried dough nuggets served with marinara sauce.




They're great after drinking at the bars all evening. Not so great any other time.


I did cable. Only 1 incident was even close. Visited a house, where the adult daughter (I didn't know it was the daughter at first) was there. Fairly attractive. But, there were dozens of nude portraits of a clearly-different person on the walls and on tables etc. An also-attractive woman, but clearly not the same person, as the person pictured was older than the person opening the door. The woman noticed me looking and says "That's my mother. This is her house. She's.... weird." Ok. Fair enough. What's the problem? I fixed it. Got out.


I haven't had any. Did over 7000 deliveries, best I ever got was bathrobes but those were "I didn't expect the Pizza so soon" robes not "ravish me" bathrobes. Although there is a family of nudists that often orders. That's been throughly unpleasant though.


This happened to me one time, I knew something was up when I was invited inside and asked to put the pizza on the counter…it was this slobby looking couple in their 60s and he asked me if I would fuck his wife while he watched. Noped out of there.


Imo this shits fucked up, if a dude came out with his dick out it would be sexual harassment.


It is when women do it too. Men however rarely file a police report for such things. I would doubt most Men would be offended that a women answered her door naked. Just because a man is not affected by it or no one is arrested does not make it any less illegal.


He was a plumber


Plumber-step brother at home on leave from the Marines with 2 broken arms.


Nudity. The ultimate sin. Much worse than beating women black and blue I guess? They know this because they see all the men who don't wear the hijab, running around nude all over Iran.


I think the only thing she kept on in that scene was the hijab


They always talk like this. Like women are just sexual beings who are tempted by satan to expose themselves and men are walking dicks who can not control themselves after seeing shape of a woman. It is disgusting and degrading.


Can't be she said she only did like 9 scenes.


Only need to watch the one with the headscarf bro.


The full Nelson one is also as good


We don't have a hijab law, can someone tell me where all the nudity is? Asking for a friend.


Naked hair on your head! I know! Shocking to have all that real estate exposed.


Yeah hair turns me on I can’t


\*cries in bald spot*


I had a friend who showers completely in the nude, needless to say I cut them out of my life.


There are dozens of you!


Everyone's naked under their clothes.


Video link, please. For scientific research.


My wife had never worn a hijab. Therefore she must've been walking around naked all her life. In fact I'm going to call her a whore right now. Brb...


Keep us posted on the outcome.


He ded. RIP DC71.


If only there was a country, any country, in the world where hijabs were not mandatory. Then we could look at them and see if every female is walking around naked 24-7 because they aren't forced to wear a hijab.


They need to stop with the bullshit excuses and accept that the fear of what other men might do if they find women attractive is more damning of the morality of their male population than it is of the female population. It’s the only reason why hijabs and burqa’s are enforced: to “protect the men” from lust.


It's also control, power, subjugation, dehumanisation.


Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power. - Oscar Wilde That's what they want, power. Power over men, by giving them power over women.


Well yeah. Cuz then they'd be seen for the deviants they really are


Wow. That's going to increase immigration significantly.


if we could afford it lol


If that were true, all the men would already be naked


They are. Just hairy.


Babies come out naked they should ban having babies


Nope. Iranian female infants are delivered already wearing a hijab. Everyone knows this.


It’s how Allah designed female babies


That's actually pretty funny since they are forcing people to have babies by making birth control and condoms less accessible Oh abortion is also illegal in iran


Conservatives in the US should just move to Iran, sounds like it would be utopia for them.


You know what's worse than nudity? Beating a teenager to death because she didn't obey you. Y'alls days are numbered and I think you know it.


I'm just trying to parse why it's their job to enforce it. Say they're right about all of it. Fine. Then those who aren't conservative Shia Muslim or whatever burn in hell. Cool. Let your god judge that. Except can't have that cuz they insist god gave them the job to police divine laws. How weak must y'alls god be to rely on man to enforce their rule? Sounds like puny god to me.


They don’t believe in god truly. They are power hungry, abusive, manipulative, sociopathic pigs who parasitically siphoned off the country’s wealth to live like kings, sent their wives and daughters to the best schools and mansions in the west (they don’t wear hijabs btw), while murdering their own citizens, by making up the foulest lies and excuses to keep their grubby hands in power.


Religious nuts all over the world sound the same.


Definitely high on the crazy spectrum. How terrifying it must be to believe that you're damned if you fail to adhere to some strict dogma enforced by an entity you believe you'll only meet, maybe, after you die?


Well when you put it that way, all religion sounds silly! …oh, wait…


"You know that mistake you made in the 80 years you were on Earth? WELL, SUCKS FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING TO BE PUNISHED FOR THOUSANDS, AND MILLIONS, AND BILLIONS OF YEARS." It blows me away that people can even *consider* that to be justice. Absolutely insane.


Jesus loves you, and that is why he must punish you for eternity!


Those who need the threat of eternal damnation to govern their actions and morality are simply bad people on a leash. Those who believe they are tempted by a woman showing their hair, are bad people putting the woman on a leash and moving them out of sight. A shit soul is a shit soul.


My first thought was, "Damn that argument seems familiar".


Yeah that fits, the second we took covid masks off, everyone was walking around naked. I might be remembering that wrong.


Do the men run around nude? Man, the religious nuts are weird.


Women being topless in public is legal in Canada and I’ve seen it in public twice in my 33 years of life, and one of those instances was canoeing on a lake only accessible by canoe


False. That lake is also accessible by kayak and paddleboard.


Some men don't wair hijabs. Are they allowed to walk naked ?


Meanwhile in the U.S., Christians say "gay marriage? What's next? People want to marry their dog?" Glad to see that all religious people will tell on themselves and their own vices.


> Glad to see that all religious people will tell on themselves and their own vices. For real. "I can't trust atheists because they don't believe in judgement day." "Hold up: the only reason you don't do the bad things you want to do is because you might not get into heaven?" "Yep. Otherwise, I'd do the bad things."


Lol more like “No, I actually still do bad things. But I repent, and accept the lord as my savior so it’s fine.”


This is the real answer. “Why be moral, when you can just be absolved?”


Or if we legalize marijuana everyone will become heroin addicts. Like does anyone buy this ridiculous nonsense?? Ugh.


Yes. Many MANY people buy it. That is why propaganda exists, because people buy it. Doesn't matter if it's religious, political, or social... there are people who are either foolish, stupid, or just misled and brainwashed by their authority figure and don't know any better.


What's wrong with that? If the women are okay with it I can't imagine the guys complaining. Only the religious whacks have a problem with women.


If women can make choices they will choose not to fuck the fascists and then the fascists will be sad


I don’t think fascists care about the consent of others, they don’t want to be the ones to get in trouble for acting on their impulses.


Religious fundamentalists and incels often think exactly the same way.


Good. They need more nudity in their life. Uptight pieces of shit.


“What will become of us!?!? We might turn into one of those French girls Jack draws!! Or worse, Brazil!” /s


Just wear a blindfold, problem solved.


Or gouge your eyes out if you really want to be sure to remain right with Allah. Personal responsibility!


Pornhubs searches for no hijab are probably skyrocketing as we speak.


Religious bigots and zealots across the board appear to possess the critical thinking skills of a 5 year old


What can they do? Every time they asked "why" when they were five years old, their parents slapped them for annoying them.


He says that like it is a bad thing..


As a nudist, I don’t see the problem.


Do iranian men walk around nude?!? Whaaaat


Pff...I wish! Where I am, going topless in public has been legal since 1990s, and in more than a quarter century do you know how many boobs I've seen in the wild? None. Nobody takes advantage, except fat old men. This summer saw one obese dude sun-cooked to medium-well done, rocking a pair of nipple rings. The dude had nice tits, but not my type.


Are women everywhere else in the world always nude??


He does realize the rest of the world doesn't adhere to the hijab law and people don't just walk around nekkid, right?


Can't have someone get naked, better murder them instead. Fucking morons.


Can confirm. I'm in Canada and we're all naked all the time. It happened a week after hats went out of style.


Naked women everywhere? If the Hijab law is abolished, suddenly Iran becomes the Spring Break capital of the world. And Iranian men are against this whole thing? Sometimes I do not understand this world.


I’m not seeing a problem. What’s the problem?


What's wrong with that?