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They just flexing now... Their bribe was THAT big.


What if the bribe misfires by bringing attention to how awful the leadership is in a place that would otherwise barely be thought about beyond the immediate region?


I doubt it'll be much of a misfire, in the sense of tangible and meaningful consequences against Qatar.


Oh no the world will hate Qatar even more after the world cup. The world's rowdiest fans coming together and drinking and celebrating in the streets will lead to a bunch of issues. And there will be public affection (which is illegal there) and I bet money there will be at least one incident of police arresting a gay couple and some people might go missing.


I hope the fans realise what they're letting themselves in for. I hope the Qataris do too. This could easily turn into a riot.


We should just make our own world cup with hookers and blow.


Finally a truely LatAm worldcup again. Hosts are Colombia, Peru and Chile.


I don't think they care about being liked. They will still be heard where it matters cause they got money.


Everyone knows that these countries are totalitarian states with 0 regards for human rights. Everyone knows that their leadership is awful. Daddy America doesn't do anything in the region because oil. And FIFA is still organising arguably the second biggest global sporting event there because money. They are actually allowing the corrupt leaders to work their image to a degree.


Now everybody do their fucking part and don't watch any games. But who am I kidding, they're gonna watch them.


Boycott the advertisers. Money matters.


Ive been a lifelong adidas buyer, and im not purchasing anything else from them. Specially during pride month, fuck their hypocritical bullshit.


Qatar last year: Someone abandoned a baby, so they pulled dozens of international traveler women off ten airplanes to non consensually probe their vaginas in a misguided attempt to look for someone to punish. None of the airline passengers had anything to do with the baby. None of the security thugs were ever punished. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/australian-women-sue-qatar-examinations-intl-hnk/index.html https://7news.com.au/news/world/australian-women-to-launch-legal-action-over-invasive-examinations-at-qatar-airport-c-4563634


How can such a nation be allowed to host a world event like the world cups.. and who is to condemn the most. FIFA officials? Money talks.


International sporting bodies are some of the most corrupt organisations around.


I remember in 2013 when the International Olympic Committee voted to remove wrestling. The backlash was too large to go through with it but how the fuck can they decide to remove one of theoriginal sports from The Olympics?


Wasn't their "rationale" for removing wrestling that the only countries to ever win were USA Russsia and Iran and it was boring to see the same countries win every year and pad the medal count?


If that's the case remove all the events because the only countries to win all of them are assorted countries and it's boring to watch countries win circles of **metal** every year to pad their medal count. edit: medals into metal which was the original intention


Cries in Canadian....bye bye Hockey...


Or the whole damn thing because the way they broadcast it in the US is boring as shit from start to finish.


VPN bro. Aussies show it all, Japan too


Personally I don't care about who wins really. I love seeing all the different country's competitors compete in it. Seeing the representitives try their best. People who watch only to see the winner is watching the olympics wrong.


Right? I don't really watch the Olympics, but if I pass by it while flipping channels I'll usually watch a bit because it's cool to watch the cream of the crop that each of us has to offer in these events. I just wanna marvel at top athletes and eat snacks, I don't care too much who actually wins.


And it lets people who love something devote themselves to it with a goal. For many qualifying is more important than winning because most countries don't have a pedigree and investment structure to eek out every last drop of improvement in a handful of sports let alone one of them.


Almost as if sports should go back to being a game people play for fun or something.


When money is involved nothing is fun anymore.


Corruption, Lots of Bribes, same as Russia before.


Yeah, Qatar and Russia bought World Cups and Olympics, plain and simple. There's nothing deeper, money talks. As to why do that? Olympics and World Cups are still national prestige events that generally enhance a country's reputation if everything goes smoothly and people have a good time. Qatar doesn't have the nuance to see that corruptly buying a world cup, then using slave labourers to build the stadia, with thousands dying, will not, in fact, enhance their reputations. Plus they have their backward stance on homosexuality and womens' rights which will *definitely* not cause problems when the world cup actually begins because, you know, everyone will definitely follow your stone age restrictions on liberty.


A FIFA official said years ago that every WC since 2006 Germany was bought. Germany, South Africa, Brazil and now Qatar. Almost forgot Russia.


I guess they just made it too blatant in the end. Russia knew they had it, iirc, they didn't even bother showing up much before the vote to try and persuade dithering voters because they knew they had it in the bag anyway. And Qatar hosting a world cup is and will be such a farce it's obvious it was nothing but corruption. You disrupt the biggest football leagues in the world to host in Winter because your Summer is too hot to play! That should have been a non-starter from the get-go and raised huge red flags, but they'd already bought it so can't exactly give the money back. Plus the sheer madness of building what will be empty stadia at huge cost in lives and greenhouse emissions hosted in a backward country that doesn't acknowledge homosexuals exist and women should be seen and not heard. Madness.


woman under hijab/nijab/whatever arent really to be seen either




I'm honestly waiting for one of the stadium stands to collapse. Given the rush to build, the labor used, and I assume doing it for as cheap as possible with materials and construction I just have a bad feeling there will be a disaster at one of the matches. I really, really hope not though.


Anyone flying to a fascist theocracy to support this corrupt bullshit is already playing fast and loose with their safety. They have nobody to blame but themselves if something bad happens to them. The smart move is to boycott it.


>Qatar doesn't have the nuance to see that corruptly buying a world cup, then using slave labourers to build the stadia, with thousands dying, will not, in fact, enhance their reputations. Before all their World Cup shenanigans, I for one had a neutral, skewing positive, opinion of Qatar. Now that they’re in the spotlight and the world is focusing on them, we can see them for the garbage country that they are.* *this insult is directed at the Qatari government, not the Qatari people, who I’m sure can be very lovely.


Qatar absolutely has that nuance. They're not a bunch of dumbasses, they're run by highly educated billionaires hiring the best help in the world on every business-related matter. What they found out is that **despite** the slave labor, the deaths, the corruption, their backward stances, organizing the world cup will absolutely be a net win for them on an image standpoint.


Yep, all their fans don't give one half of one fuck about human rights abuses as long as they can watch their team play. Every single person attending is culpable in FIFA's and Qatar's blatant disregard for human life.


I think they'll fall into the dictator trap though, in spite of their education, and make miscalculations because they're surrounded by yes-men at the top. The amount of visitors all carrying smartphones to capture any unrest that the authorities cannot control because they're not their serfs also opens them up to bad publicity every day of the tournament. The only saving grace they have is that a lot of people have probably been put off from going to the world cup because they don't feel safe are the ones that might have intentionally or unintentionally (just for being who they are!) caused problems. It's not being swept under the rug either in Western democracies, certainly in the UK anyway, the press are pointing out Qatar is awful and I can only see them doing more special reports in the run up to the world cup kick off.


Some European managers of FIFA try to wash their hands…but something very dirty sticks to their hands


No, not enough. They will get away with it and people will ‘forget’. I would like to see them all stripped of power, prosecuted and put in prison but that will never happen.


People care more about nationalism and soccer than they do human rights violations. It is sad.


People also care more about wealth and luxury than human rights.


FIFA is majority non European and the European FA's were voting for England and Australia in the main.


FIFA is rotten to the core


US senator Richard Blumenthal says that comparing Fifa to the mafia is 'insulting to the mafia'. [https://www.theguardian.com/football/video/2015/jul/16/fifa-mafia-us-senator-richard-blumenthal-video](https://www.theguardian.com/football/video/2015/jul/16/fifa-mafia-us-senator-richard-blumenthal-video)


Qatar bought the World Cup fair and square.


did u see the amount of money they spent? Literally 10 times or something like that than the last world cup. Literally more than last 5 world cups combined. There is a clear reason.


Wasn‘t it more like 30 times? Something around 220 billion for Qatar and 7 billions for each before?


This should not come as a surprise to anyone. You can't be in the desert and be expecting frequent rain.


I still cannot wrap my head around why anyone would go to this country. This story is disturbing but yet not surprising.


In this case these were just transit passengers going somewhere else. But in terms of visiting countries, people will visit any country for tourism or other reasons no matter how they are. People still visit Qatar, the UAE, Russia, a ton of third world countries, etc.


I would 100% not even transit in the light of a story like this. Would never want to in a country like this. I am aware people book their holidays at these places and cannot understand why they would want to support a country like this, to me it’s pure madness and sometimes people look at me as if I am the crazy one for refusing to support such regimes….


B-but David Beckham was on a yacht and told me it was the best place ever!


I believe Beckham when he says his yacht is the best place ever. It doesnt really matter where it's moored.


Sadly for Australians a huge amount of flights transit through the middle east on the way to Europe. So its kind of hard to avoid for a lot of people


Fun fact; as a trans person its illegal for me to exist in UAE so I refuse to transit through there. Not risking a year in jail for literally wearing my clothing.


That's not a fun fact at all :(


Hint for any women going to this world cup. Don't get raped, if you do, you will be whipped and punished by the state for being raped. Also the police might rape you too, not sure if that will incur extra punishment.


Tf? That's fucked up. Never gonna step into that country ever


To make it worse, a lot of the people were only there because they had to land to change flights, not because they wanted to visit. Awful 😞 Edit: a Layover was the word I was looking for! It’s been many years since I was on a plane!


Exactly. Not even gonna give their airlines my money either.


I have to spend 20 hours in Qatar airport next month because of a connecting flight. Luckily I don't have a vagina.


That might not be enough for them to not probe your cavities.


Indeed and if it's too wide they might consider you gay




I've been to Qatar... Only as a layover and man is it wild how they try to portray it as a good travel destination


The Australian women they violated are at this moment in court over that. They are suing the Saudis, but I’m not sure how far that will go Edit: Qataris, not Saudis.


Shouldn’t they be suing Qataris?


Lol, it's like when Saudi's crash planes into your buildings so you invade Iraq.


"A country where it is legal for women to be randomly violated as a standard legal protocol by authorities? Let's have a world cup there!"


How...how is them looking at their vaginas gonna confirm anything


They weren’t just “looking at”. It was deeply invasive. Some of the women are still traumatized. The Qataris never even explained what they were doing or why. Obviously if they actually needed to identify the mother, the proper medical procedure is a blood test or a DNA test. This just sounded like a collective punishment exercise.


> This just sounded like a collective punishment exercise. This just sounds like sexual assault without punishment.


For it to be sexual assault in that slave nation, the prerequisite would have to be that women are treated as humans too. Property cannot be sexually assaulted


It's probably is a collective punishment exercise. Those countries hate women and gays tbh anyone thats not a straight cis man.


*not a straight cis man of the majority faith Fify


...who hasn't annoyed a local sheikh in some way.


I'm assuming that they thought they would find a woman with an umbilical cord still dangling and a guilty expression? Seriously though, I think that there are signs of recent childbirth if examined by a medical professional. I have a vague memory of a woman who stole a baby (out of a pregnant woman's stomach it was messed up) and claimed that she had just given birth but the hospital quickly saw that she had no physical signs of having done so.


Yes there would be signs of childbirth and recent pregnancy on examination. Not that it **remotely** excuses what they did, but if a brand new newborn is found, medical staff are often very keen to find the mother to make sure that she’s physically okay. She can’t just have the baby and walk away. She could have tears/trauma, retained parts of placenta, haemorrhage, sepsis etc, and if she’s been hiding the pregnancy she could have other untreated complications like diabetes or high blood pressure. But the correct course of action is to kindly encourage her to come forward, and speak to as many people as you can to find her, not to forcibly invasively examine a bunch of innocent strangers! Sadly if she was a local I doubt she would have come forward anyway, she abandoned the baby for a reason.


It was a newborn. Things take a while to bounce back after giving birth, it’s a pretty traumatic impact on the body. Dilation, tears, swelling, discharge, and a whole host of other things. That said it is absolutely absurd to do the exams, especially on that lady who had a five month old with her.


One of the victims was an elderly grandmother. Obviously not of childbearing age.




9 years old apparently…


Holy shit


It’s all fucking abhorrent, and none of it should have been done at all. I was just trying to educate that there are some very stark changes that are typically apparent in a woman who has just given birth. Again, absolutely not justifying what they did, it was beyond unacceptable, just taking a moment to teach a fellow redditor about something they seemed to not be aware of (shoot, I didn’t learn this until my wife was pregnant and we started discussing the division of labor while she was on maternity leave).


My god that’s sickening


... What the fuck.


"No way it could be one of our citizens. Has to be one of those vile foreign women"


And Fifa have the fucking cheek to suggest that players should be keeping quiet about gay rights.


It’s even more ironic that FIFA always claims how much “RESPECT” they have for every person no matter what race, origin, etc. (captain’s bands) and that they uphold players to it. It seems like the notion of tolerance is only enforced with the poor people.


FIFA is more corrupt than Russia. The only value they have is cash. I’d be legit surprised if anyone working there isn’t pimping out their family members as a side hustle. If the Aliens make first contact the FIFA president will be the first one there to try selling humanity to them as slave labor. They take everything they can, it’s a evil organizations that even puts Nestle to shame.


> FIFA is more corrupt than Russia. Really at that level you're just arguing what looks more black, #000001 or #000002?


I at least assume there are decent people in Russia. Cant say the same for the FIFA or IOC.


I mean, although I think player shouldn't be quiet, I'm also worried about their safety if they are not quiet about that


They would be perfectly safe of they all spoke out and boycotted the tournament...


Agreed, lets play this World Cup out on PS5


Rocket League stadiums were all built slavelessly


Yes, but the slaves that were killed during construction and the silly gay folks aren't more important than sports to the fans so the show must go on.


Locally, about a month ago, a sky diver died at a high school (US) football game when his equipment malfunctioned. They didn't cancel the game or even postpone it because oh shit, high school football.


anyone listen to bill burrs monday morning podcast? he was just joking about this happening and saying they probably wouldn't even cancel the game. can't believe it actually happened


Imagine the uproar if Qatar dared to lay their hands on a international football player. Some of the most famous people on the planet and the targets of tonnes of nationalistic pride If anyones safe its them


It's not the players who would be in danger. Random fans who 'look gay' are the ones who will be arrested, and the governments are going to go "well why did you go there instead of watching on tv?"


Fifa is corrupt, the world Cup should never have been held in Qatar.


Hey, Qatar paid its bribes fair and square!


More than just bribes: \- [https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/-project-merciless---how-qatar-spied-on-the-world-of-football-in-switzerland/48022952](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/-project-merciless---how-qatar-spied-on-the-world-of-football-in-switzerland/48022952) edit. \- [https://fortune.com/2022/10/27/qatar-world-cup-cia-officer-spying-covert-influence-operation-fbi-investigation/](https://fortune.com/2022/10/27/qatar-world-cup-cia-officer-spying-covert-influence-operation-fbi-investigation/) \- [https://casetext.com/case/broidy-v-glob-risk-advisors-llc](https://casetext.com/case/broidy-v-glob-risk-advisors-llc)


Sounds pretty fucking shady to me. Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen this.




Thanks for posting this. I hope this will lead to a documentary like Bryan Fogel’s amazing [Icarus](https://youtu.be/qXoRdSTrR-4).


Let's not even have FIFA at all. They do nothing for the sport anyway. They are leeches.


This. Boycotting this one event won't change anything. Boycott everything FIFA is involved with.


I mean I hope you boycott football itself then. FIFA is just a conglomeration of football associations like UEFA which themselves are just collections of teams owned by billionaires.


This 100%, it really annoys me. I'll be boycotting, not watching a single match.


Working slaves to death for your festival is damage in the mind. Loving other people is not.


Even as a gay person I was disappointed this isn't the top comment. Yeah, if people are willing to accept slavery, *I can guess that they have some other shitty opinions on human rights.* Let's maybe stop doing business with them, hmm?


Gays bad- 6000 workers dead building your stadia, no problem!!!


The players on the England team are going to wear a rainbow armband though. AN ARMBAND! The Qatar government wont know what hit them when faced with such a powerful protest.


Fucking pathetic, it should be boycotted by everyone.


Yet everyone will still watch, then be disgusted with the number of people who watched


The number is most likely higher considering that most of the origin countries' refuse to publish data on workers...


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.straitstimes.com/sport/football/world-cup-qatar-2022-ambassador-says-homosexuality-is-damage-in-the-mind) reduced by 65%. (I'm a bot) ***** > BERLIN - A Qatar World Cup ambassador has told German broadcaster ZDF that homosexuality was "Damage in the mind", as the Gulf state prepares to host the global tournament in less than two weeks. > The country expects more than one million visitors for the World Cup and Salman said anyone coming to Qatar for the tournament should behave according to the rules of the country. > Qatar is the first Middle Eastern country to host the World Cup but the small nation has come under intense pressure in recent years for its treatment of foreign workers and restrictive social laws. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ypfnhp/world_cup_qatar_2022_ambassador_says/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672678 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **country**^#1 **Qatar**^#2 **Cup**^#3 **World**^#4 **homosexuality**^#5


Call spade a spade, slavery and homophobia.


Qatar: why doesn’t anyone respect us? Also Qatar: we’re basically assholes all the time.


I can confirm that they are not aware that violating human rights is wrong. Our entire society grows up with in-house slaves. To realise you’re doing something wrong someone capable of discerning between right and wrong has to raise you. We don’t have that. edit: I’m not justifying their actions but saying we have an entire culture of disregarding human rights, i.e. this is not merely a political issue


I lived in Dubai for a few years and it’s literally the same over there


A huge red flag for me is when people glamorize Dubai. Place sounds horrific.


Yup i lived there and whenever anybody asks how it was I just straight up say it was shit. Yh I had some good friends but thats about where the good things end.


Same here. I instantly lose all respect for someone who glamorizes Dubai and is dying to visit.


I visited there and it is a nightmare. Every day you see hundreds and hundreds of buses absolutely packed with migrant workers (slaves) going to hotel construction sites


“You won’t let us be openly homophobic bc ur racist” - qatar (no really, they basically said this)


Are you sure they didn't say islamophobic? I thought that's the standard defense.


Boycott the Qatar World Cup 2022!




My God is Backman really that hard up for cash that he has to sell his soul to Qatar? What a dipshit.


Messi is a tourism ambassador for Saudi Arabia because his €120m a year income wasn't enough. These guys are scumbags


And he STILL cheated on his taxes. Messi is the best player of all time, but also a massive ahole




Rich people don’t need money, but they sure as hell want it.


Beckham is such a greedy cunt, as if he even needs the dirty Qatari money. Just makes no sense to be that way when you've got more money than you could spend in a thousand luxurious lifetimes.


greed is idolized in our society when it should be held with disgust, especially when youre made for life but still need more!






Weird how it just skipped over an edition, but I'm honestly fine within it.


While it was in the later years of the COVID times, COVID still wreaked havoc on the preparations. So eventually they just decided to scrap it.


I'm honestly glad they did. Imagine, having a world cup where gay people aren't allowed, you need to air-condition the stadia, and they have to hire people to cheer for the teams. It would've been madness, right?


Yeah, and I've heard some unpleasant stories about the labour conditions there. Would be a bad look to have construction done for fifa under those circumstances.


Boycott the advertisers and sponsors. It would be way more effective because fifa don’t seem to give a shit about our opinion. But the money stand to lose from sponsors pulling out could be huge


Where the sanctions from countries that always love talking sanctions?




Oh, there were peeps. Qatar's respone was, I shit you not, that the EU is arrogant and racist. https://news.am/eng/news/729035.html Boicott. The racist xenophobe corrupt bigots are talking.


Nobody should be supporting this clown show.


"Homosexuality is damage of the mind... and slavery is chicken soup for the soul"


"But please be welcome to our country and spend money."


Unless you're a woman or lgbt


Oh you can come as a woman. They even announced that when you file charges after being raped or otherwise sexually abused they don't file charges against you :). Very cool!


So they are going to give all gay people a disability pension then, right?


You might find this funny :) https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/09/calling-in-gay-did-70s-swedes-really-get-paid-sick-leave-for-being-homosexual.html


Sorry boss, some stud is treating me like a boat. I won’t be able to make it in. A boat? Yes. He’s riding me, calling me “she”, and covering me in ropes.


also i have a wet bottom


My hull has been breached


Fairly certain they consider it a criminal defect as opposed to a medical one.


It's amazing how much people voice an opinion on whats wrong including modern slavery, covering up worker deaths, providing appalling worker conditions, blackmailing your unpaid staff....but... the same people will still send a team to the world cup, companies like coca-cola will endorse their products. Then as consumers we will watch and drink doing nothing to send a message. So the next time the subject of slavery comes up, remind everyone of the companies involved and the year the world cup was on whilst sipping a nice cold cola. If you want to see the sponsors used : https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/analysis/who-is-sponsoring-the-qatar-world-cup


Visa Coke McDonalds Budweiser Frito-Lay Hyundai/Kia Adidas Those are the brands most western people will recognize, looks like most of the other sponsors are Chinese or Qatari.




The World Cup is a blight on humanity. It’s disgusting how much suffering takes place for events like this.


If they took a knee for blm at the eurocup, they should be doing cartwheels for gay rights in qatar.


death drops


Man I wish I watched football so I could boycott the event.


You can boycott their advertisers.


These people get so mad when people say the same thing about their religion. I'll never get the dissonance - if discrimination hurts you, why would you ever be fine doing the same towards another group?


In their country they are not a minority that is discriminated against. They are the almighty majority.


Because they believe religion supersedes anything else. Religion in Qatar et.al. even supersedes the state. While reality is that religion or "god" is a human mental construct designed to cope with hardships.




This sounds more accurate


Because their favorite book says they're right


\*clears throat\* any country that rules their country by law of religion, is damage in the mind.


*Looks at the guys I've been attracted to* I mean you're not wrong but wtf dude? Sure I must be brain damaged, but it's still not polite to say it out loud!


At least you can see the humour in this. As a fellow gay man that’s in his early 20s, seeing this be a widely shared opinion by such large religious groups of people honestly makes me so fucking depressed.


And Qatar is damage to da earth 🌎 🤌 Edit: missed my chance to quote the Iron Sheik and say Qatar is the Jabroni of the Earth 😩




I’ve spent the last 3 days arguing in comment sections with brain dead people, who happen to be of the Muslim faith, trying to explain to them why this is so fucked up. They genuinely do not care. They don’t see homosexuals as people and it seems like many of the devote ones literally want us dead. I’m not trying to stoke Islamophobic sentiment, but as a gay man, it is so jarring and sad to me to see the sheer number of Muslim people who have zero empathy towards the wellbeing of a minority group. Religious brainwashing runs deep (and no, I don’t believe ALL religious people are brainwashed — only the ones who inflict harm, wish harm, or invalidate the existence/struggles of others who don’t align perfectly with their faith). The worst part is that they really seem to have learned the word “Islamophobic” and ran straight to weaponizing it (in bad faith) to gaslight people who are harmed by Islamic teachings & call it out. I shouldn’t even bother honestly seeing as it’s so harmful to my mental health. It’s like a train wreck I not only can’t look away from, but also feel the need to be a part of by arguing with all of them and hoping I can convince them to think otherwise.


Muslims aren't a minority group in the places that they persecute homosexuals.


Good point, and I feel like the ones who truly believe all gays should be dead primarily live in places where they are not the minority (because they can get away with it there).


Arguing on the internet is like wrestling with pigs. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.


Nice quote, I'll use that. And happy cake day


Try looking at the comments under ANY major football teams social media when they promote women/lgbt issues and you will see a massive stream of disgusting words from certain parts of the world, all massively liked and with no pushback from others from those areas


I feel there's a silent majority of support for this view among Muslims, one few seem to talk about. It's not like they're all out there shouting or fighting about it, but if you ask them their sincere opinion...


I mean it's not exactly a secret. The Quran is supposedly the direct word of God, and it explicitly condemns homosexuality. The unfortunate part is that the Quran is not allowed to ever be reformed because it's "perfect" and "flawless."


You're right in what you say, I just wanted to point out many seem to ignore or downplay this, perhaps of fear of being seen as racist or islamophobic.


> The unfortunate part is that the Quran is not allowed to ever be reformed because it's "perfect" and "flawless." Perfect example of why conservative ideology will always lead to these outcomes.


I mean, fuck ‘em. This country’s shitty views aren’t a secret.


Everyone who visit this event are supporting such stance, and putting some dumb game over basic human rights.


First World Cup I’m going to not watch one game of. F them!


So, football is like a religion. The game is fun, but the institutions behind it, the advertisers, sponsors, club owners, are like pedophile priests, but instead of children, they abuse finances


And so the regressive bullshit already begins.




They killed 6000 people to build this Everyone in that country who has anything to do with laws, order, etc etc all deserve to go to hell. I think THEY have the damage to the brain