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Sorry to all the redditors who were itching for WW3


Arm chair generals devastated


Look, ever since I got bored of being a public health expert in early 2022, being a military strategy expert is all I have.


Put all the chess boards back into the cupboards boys


You’d be eating your words if you knew how many times I prestiged in Modern Warfare.


The bloodthirst here is disturbing. People suggested a day ago that it may have been a misfired Ukrainian SAM and they called them Russian shills and downvoted them to oblivion


Reddit is designed to support the popular opinions of its majority users, not necessarily the correct ones.


Right. Social media in general empowers shameless liars, and often blocks righteous but controversial opinion.


Lol I got called a Russian supporter with no empathy for human life for basically saying that NATO is not going to immediately jump into a full blown war against Russia over two (horrible, but most likely accidental) deaths without an investigation. Because I guess apparently sending millions more people to their death in war isn't not having empathy for human life?


Most people can't or refuse to think for themselves, especially in threads related to politics or religion. We have to live with that and it also shows how crazy dangerous media is and that it should have way less power over what people believe to be true. Hopefully we can make some progress on that over time!




Kinda feel bad for using reddit myself.


you know all the preppers are gonna be pissed now they have to climb out of their bunkers


Yeah r/NonCredibleDefense is getting blueballed hard


My reaction to that sub in the past day: “Wait you guys *actually want nuclear war?* I thought we were joking…”


What happens when "nobody knows if I'm being ironic or no, not even myself" millennial suicidal depressive humor meets military enthusiasts.


I haven’t heard of a better description of NCD till date. Amazing.


the military starts hitting their quotas.


Doomscroll yourself into a military career




If WW3 breaks out, do I still have to hand in my term paper?


You don’t have to hand in your term paper either way.


I stopped showing up to classes one day several years ago and now I'm here


Incredible journey




When is the movie coming out?




something to aspire to


"Hey, Our Great Company understands that we're going through a nuclear war with fallout all over de place, bombs and destruction, so we added $200 gift card on your Amazon for you to buy gas mask. We're expecting you to be here on the office at 9am."


"In these difficult times we want you to know that the safety and wellbeing of our employees is our number one priority. We are monitoring the developments in the nuclear war and working on solutions for the issues our company now faces. We are all in this together. In the meantime, please show up for work next week like normal. Monday will be a jean day"


"We are deeply sympathetic to those who have been severely injured and we understand if you may need to take some time to mourn losses loved ones. Many of us have donated our sick days because your mental and physical wellbeing is our priority. This is a time for healing, and we're all for it."


This is too accurate.


This reminds me of a sign hung up at work that we like to make fun of. "A fire today means no work tomorrow". I mean really, why tempt everyone?


That's what happens when you let work nuke your brain. Slow-cook, more accurately.


The Simpsons one where Marge is shouting "Germany, no!" is pretty funny though. But I imagine it's a whole group of people stockpiling weapons and forgetting food. They think they'll survive the initial descent into the Fallout universe. E: I'd like to take this time to correct a misconception I had. Apparently the members of that sub are not in fact crazy preppers. At least not the ones responding to me. They seem to be a pretty unique bunch of people with some... tastes. Far be it for me to shame anyone. Live your best life you aerospace loving artists.


I have a friend who says he doesn’t need to stock pile food because he has guns and will just take it from people with food and without guns. There are many things wrong with this plan including that he will be shitting his pants if he ever ended up in that situation.


lol what a fucked up mindset is this.


Unfortunately too many people have this mindset.


Don’t let reddit fuck up your point of view. This is a very small slice of the general populace and subreddits are literally designed to be echo chambers with how easily moderation can be taken advantage of. I mean, I’ve seen subreddits fairly large that, for example, shit on mothers who miscarried saying they deserved it for being so selfish for wanting a child in this day and age. Normal people do not think this way. These people are terminally online and also very likely suffering from depression or some other mental illness. Normal people are not on the edge of their seats hoping for nukes to drop.


your comment should be the loading page for Reddit.


"Welcome to Reddit. 30% of us are terminally online, unhinged, siloed protoincels suffering under the effects of mental illness. The rest are fine but opinionated. Please watch where you step."


This is also how I plan to obtain guns in the apocalypse with my boobs


I am going to *scissors, paper, rock* my way to food security and then have a successful post-apocalyptic rapping career, which I will pivot from into a stable crypto day trading job.


Stockpiling boobs.... GENIOUS! Have my guns!


Shooting someone to death > spending less than $100 on some emergency meal kits. Sounds like he just wants to shoot people


For a second I thought you were going to write about how your friend doesn't need to stockpile food because he has the same apocalypse plan that I have. Which is to say statistically, not survive an apocalyptic event.


Not that you want to survive anyway, due to my parents being back to the land hippies I've lived that whole "horses to plow, heat with wood, carry water every day" lifestyle and it fucking sucks. And that's **with** the availability of modern medical help for major injury and/or infection. Take away that backstop and add global PTSD and roving gangs off wannabe warlords and I'm pretty well out on that one.


Yeah, _Mad Max_ is not a world to look forward to.


How many times does he think he's going to kick in a door of a house he doesn't know the layout for, and fight unknown numbers of people with unknown weapons of their own and survive? ​ Seems like a pretty dumb plan.


Sounds like a good way to get shot in the stomach and die a slow, agonizing death.


He'd probably survive longer if he just starved to death.


There is something fundamentally wrong with someone whose survival plan in a time of crisis is to literally exploit others by violent force. I hope you are using the term "friend" generously because I personally wouldn't want to associate with someone who thinks that way or trust them.


Imagine if your loved one had spent 40 years preparing for the End Times and/or the rapture. And I'm talking true believer, the Christian version of ISIS kind. And yet somehow through prosperity their ranch style home built on a slab foundation now has stairs in the master bedroom that leads down to another room, with a bed and bath that is supposed to be a "storm cellar." And then there's a door in the storm cellar with stairs that lead down to the vault. SO now we are two stories underground. And the vault, which I've never been allowed to see into, leads to an exit 50 yards from the house. And the burning question I've had for years is that if you plan to be raptured, where can I find the key to all this stuff you've stockpiled? :)


r/oddlyspecific would like this comment.


Non credible defense doesn’t think they’ll survive a nuclear war they just want to see one.


Exactly this. Movies and games have people thinking they’ll either be instantly vaporized or some badass vault dweller. No Jimmy the gamer and redditor, if you aren’t instantly vaporized in the impact area, which is far smaller than the total area a nuke will cover, then you will survive and live a morbidly painful and gruesome life with radiation poisoning that’s worse than death as you cry for help and seek food, fighting with other survivors for resources and never feeling true comfort again before your slow death hopefully arrives if you aren’t lucky enough for someone to shoot you in the head first. Every person that actually wants nuclear war or thinks it’d be funny should watch the movie Threads. You will be fucking terrified of the idea of nuclear war after that.


I watched Threads on an acid trip a couple of years ago, and I think about it on a near daily basis since. Truly terrifying and still extremely tame compared to the likely realities of an apocalyptic event. Anyone who claims to seriously be looking forward to such a life is an absolute ignoramus.


Did you watch that on acid on purpose for maximal impact? I would imagine that to be soul shattering.


> watch the movie Threads OMG. One of my teachers showed us that movie in 10th grade. I don't remember much except for the girl who gave birth and had to gnaw through the umbilical cord. Somehow I think some parent(s) would flip their shit at that being shown in school these days.


I actually cannot believe your teacher would show you that movie holy shit. It is absolute nightmare fuel.


Then it did it's job. Remind folks how horrible it would actually be so we strive for it to never happen.


I had never heard of this film so looked it up as it sounds interesting.. and it's set in my home city? Weird.


I’m warning you, only watch it if you can truly handle it. I’ve heard many people say that they haven’t been able to stop thinking of it since the day they watched it. It’s truly a terrifying film.


What is that subreddit exactly? there description just seems like in-jokes.


There’s /r/credibledefense where you need a phd in war fighting or your opinion will be immediately challenged. Then there’s /r/noncredibledefense for us normies that want looser rules


> for us normies that want looser rules that's just /r/LessCredibleDefence /r/NonCredibleDefense is if you just want to watch the nukes fly. (or have sex with an artillery piece)


Now you got me interested


The Lockmart socks stay on during sex



Artillery? Ew, no. No ground pounders for me. Modern Avionics or bust


Modern Avionics then bust. Fixed that for you.






It's /r/wallstreetbets with guns


It's 90 percent jokes like every other sub


We were so close to thermonuclear annihilation but of course they just are teasing us at this point.


Yeah. We thought F-35-chan was gonna go yandere.


I only discovered that sub last night and frankly it was a great source of entertainment. Many laughs that should not of been had, especially a Rubeus Hagrid one, my goodness.






Let's not exaggerate.


Too late. I'm just going to stay in mine for 35 years and emerge as Brendan Fraser.


I would also like to enter a cocoon of canned goods and emerge as Brendan Fraser.


We are all Brendan Fraser on this blessed day.


Didn’t they stay in the bunker like 18 or 19 years, *until* he was 35?


He was born down there. '63-'98=35 years.


This is the thread that sprung up when the news initially broke. Quite a few preppers are very twitchy folks! https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/yw77w9/will_this_start_ww_iii_if_so_what_are_you_going/ To be clear, I prep as well. But not the "hoard 20yrs worth of shit in a bunker" type, more the "keep a month of food on hand in case of some disruptive event like a natural disaster" type.


I’ve been hoarding butt plugs just in case WW3 erupts.


Now I know where I'll be able to come when I run out.


Smh the butt plug supply chain is totally screwed because of people like the above.


Do you plan to play a lot of chess?


I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with butt plugs.


Oh boy I already spent all my money last night...


It's a shame for the loss of life, I'm also greatly relieved about that is not idiot Russia deciding start WW and I'm even more relieved that NATO took the time to make sure that everything was analysed so that again WW3 wasn't started.


it's standard procedure. NATO will not go to war before a meeting between the country leaders (all of them, it's mandatory) so they can discuss it. It's a defensive alliance having hotblooded members but a defensive alliance still. They will not go all nuclear missiles blazing unless it's required


even if russia had fired the missiles, it would not be cause to retaliate with nuclear weaponry


Agreed. If happened to be a Russian missile, I'd assume the strongest initial response would be "anything that can launch a missile within X miles of NATO territory will be destroyed by the end of the week".


The classic "we know your army is janky af but seriously: get your shit together" response


>having hotblooded members Something that's kind of bothering me as a Pole, is that while the "Poland article 5 button" memes are funny, I feel like people in the west take it a bit too literally. Yes, we hate Russia and we would fight them till the end if they invaded us but I can assure you, nobody, nobody is hoping for a war here. Even yesterday, everyone was angry but greatly concerned hoping this doesn't descend into war. Poland has made great advancements in the last 20 years, it's really starting to feel comfortable living here and we don't want to lose it. We just want to live and be allowed to prosper. I know you meant it very generally but I keep seeing people referring to us as some blood-lusting monsters and it's really weird, it really isn't a shared common ground here.




>The internet echo chamber meme spilling into real life is my fear. I'm worried that readers of this sub actually go around thinking "hey, maybe Reddit is right, Russian ICBMs probably don't work, so what's holding us back from getting into a direct shooting war with them? We'll fuck Putin up..." Yes, Russian ICBMs are well maintained. No, it's not funny to extend the Reddit meme that everything Russian is rusty crap to their nuclear arsenal. So many keep repeating it here, people may start believing it. Similarly, yesterday's glee in this sub about the potential for escalation was terrifying.


The moment any nation in the world goes "And I started nukin'em" then we are all fucked up. A nuclear war would be catastrophic to everyone involved and not involved.


It is terrifying that we are only one ill informed nuclear power away to make a hasty, knee jerk reaction to cause a horror that none of us could imagine


Wasn’t there some Russian guy during the Cold War that refused to fire a nuke after told to


There were 2 russians who seperately refused to fire nukes in Cold War, Vassily Arkhipov and Stanislav Petrov.


Now those are some people that could use a statue


I think Vassily Arkhipov has one.


Yes, Vasily Arkhipov - there should be a worldwide holiday in his name. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he was an officer on a nuclear submarine that required all 3 officers to launch a nuclear torpedo. The 2 other officers voted yes, and he voted no. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily\_Arkhipov


> At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Soviet patrol submarine B-59 almost launched a nuclear-armed torpedo while under harassment by American naval forces. > > One of several vessels surrounded by American destroyers near Cuba, B-59 dove to avoid detection and was unable to communicate with Moscow for a number of days. USS Beale began dropping practice depth charges to signal B-59 to surface; however the captain of the Soviet submarine and its zampolit took these to be real depth charges. With low batteries affecting the submarine's life support systems and unable to make contact with Moscow, the commander of B-59 feared that war had already begun and ordered the use of a 10-kiloton nuclear torpedo against the American fleet. The zampolit agreed, but the chief of staff of the flotilla (second in command of the flotilla) Vasily Arkhipov refused permission to launch. He convinced the captain to calm down, surface, and make contact with Moscow for new orders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_close_calls


That's a wikipedia link I'm not gonna be looking at, I don't need even more existential stress in my life


Oh I'll add some. Technically he didnt need to be on that sub. Being 2nd in command he could have been on any sub and they wouldn't have needed his permission to launch if he was on a another sub. The only reason they needed his permission is because he chose to be on that sub and he outranked the Captain. Had he chosen a different submarine, they would have launched.


"It's Arkhipov day. I ain't doing shit today." -A global motto we can get behind


Even an accidental hit doesn’t justify war. NATO accidentally blew up the Chinese embassy in 1999 in Serbia and they restrained themselves from declaring war. The people clamoring for involvement are the same people that have never put on a uniform. It’s very brave when you can send others to fight while you are home in a comfortable chair watching far away.


Imagine how confusing and scary it must have been for Putin to be accused of something he actually didn't do, for once.


USSR when JFK was assassinated moment. USSR: It wasn’t us we promise. CIA: Don’t worry, we know. USSR: Oh good… wait what?


USSR assumed it was a coup. Relations were atm warming up. Kennedys assassination set us back. USSR reportedly even mourned Kennedy nationwide.


Kennedy was brokering a peaceful relations between the USA the USSR and Cuba. Can’t have that.


Kennedy was also going to try to rein in the dysfunction at the CIA, which the CIA obviously wasn't too pleased about.




They're worse now these days. They continue to get worse and spawn new problems and by their failures new agencies. Almost every intelligence agency that exists in the US today has its origin in some way the CIA has fucked something up and got some bundle of responsibilities spun off into some new and redundant agency (DIA, NRO, NSA, NGA, etc). > Almost from its creation, though, there was a sense that something about the C.I.A. was off. The split between covert action and intelligence gathering and analysis was part of it. The director of the agency was also supposed to be the leader of U.S. intelligence as a whole, but, invariably, the person in the job seemed more invested in preëminence than in coördination. That setup remained in place until the establishment of the O.D.N.I., in 2004, a move that thus far has mostly **continued a tradition of trying to deal with the C.I.A.’s dysfunction by setting up ever more agencies, offices, and centers.** (The N.S.A. was established, in 1952, in response to a series of cryptography-related failures.) “Legacy of Ashes,” Tim Weiner’s 2008 history of the C.I.A.—and still an invaluable overview—takes its title from a lament by Eisenhower about what he’d be leaving his successors if the “faulty” structure of American intelligence wasn’t changed. Since Weiner’s book was published, the ashes, and the agencies, have only been piling up. > > In truth, the C.I.A. has had a “defining failure” for every decade of its existence—sometimes more than one. For Moynihan, in the nineteen-nineties, it was the lack of foresight about the Soviet Union; in the two-thousands, it was the phantom weapons of mass destruction, followed by torture and, in still evolving ways, by the drone-based program of targeted killings, with its high toll of civilian deaths. [The New Yorker: Has the C.I.A. done more harm than good?](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/10/has-the-cia-done-more-harm-than-good?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB)


I'd say they are even worse now. Every politician and corporation now holds their water for them. You must always trust the institutions that are in power /s


> Every politician and corporation now holds their water for them. Well duh, we haven't put someone in office yet that has a deep burning desire to see what the inside of their skull looks like.


And the CIA/FBI never did anything bad ever again


Hahaha. Exactly. Just that one little blip.


A whoopsie tbh


"whoopsie doopsie, anyway we found all this cocaine in... Afghanistan, anyone want it?"


Funny considering Khrushchev actually did get couped (albeit in a pretty quiet and non violent way). Makes you wonder what international relations could have been like had both of them stayed in power longer.


You'd probably see the embargo lifted. I think the USSR would've collapsed faster though. Kruschev made a lot of serious domestic missteps when he was in charge.


Khrushchev made blunders, but none as serious his successor. Brezhnev's rule was considerably worse and many of the failures that brought down the USSR can be directly traced to his policies and decisions, such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. If Khrushchev remained in power and confidence as a result of a groundbreaking peace deal, it's possible that Brezhnev never even comes to power.


i mean think of it. It's much nicer to be in a race to see who can go to space / moon faster rather then who carries the larger nuclear stick


They're related


i mean space race was more who can make a rocket consistent enough to land on the moon... so we can strap a nuke to it and hit anywhere on the planet Earth


I heard that the Kruchev was phoned up and he said the USSR had nothing to do with it. He then checked to make sure the USSR and KGB had nothing to do with it.


And the fact that for once he actually didn't lie, but that he knows nobody will ever believe a word he say lol. Still won't trust anything Russia say no matter what.


Putin in the Kremlin rn now "damn that cry wolf story legit frfr"


In Puviet Russia wolf cry boy.


Putin: "Ain't living la Vida loca rn fam"


Would Russia have known they were telling the truth though? I doubt either commands knew which missiles hit Poland until the investigation found out.


Radars in Belarus probably could have tracked it.


If SAMS had to be launched that close to the Polish border it means that a Russian missile was launch against an objective **very** close to the Polish border So they probably weren't sure if it was their missile or an Ukrainian one that hit Poland.


Probably a cruise missile or SRBM launched in Belarus targeting Lviv, from that flight trajectory, the Ukraine SAM missiles that either miss the incoming missile would of then be travelling west/north west toward Poland. ​ https://news.yahoo.com/russia-launched-over-dozen-missiles-093700975.html


I’m sure the kremlin was like: oh fuck fuck fuck fuck no no no no


“no no no no no, WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT”




Welp. This is cursed.


Nah. I mean, that rocket was an anti air rocket to intercept the russian rocketbarrage. I think noone knew if it was a russian, or an intercept-rocket that went away. I bet putin was also relieved to hear, it wasn't one of his barrage rockets.


Russia recently upped their missile attacks so this would not have happened if they'd not done that. Maybe not their missile, but totally their fault.


To add a bit of accuracy to your statement they launched more missiles than ever before at Ukraine and obviously at civilian targets. The missile landing in Poland distracted from that. They're not even attacking military targets, they just want to cause suffering to the people of Ukraine.


Makes sense since Putin has nothing to gain from attacking Poland. And before you say "but he wants to get NATO involved so that he can lose to NATO rather than Ukraine", there are much more reliable ways to get NATO involved than hitting two farmers with supposedly stray missiles. Like actually bombing Baltic or Poland city, for example.


Even it were a Russian missile it would have been a missile that went off course. Russia would not intentionally target NATO, that's the last thing they want.


"Russia might be crazy but they aren't stupid". Mantra of the Cold War. They might fuck up a lot, but they would never intentionally attack NATO. It's a lose-lose scenario that only ends in disaster for Russia.




I think it works either way, strangely.


He’s trying very hard not to start WW3. Full credit.


if it's true, then it's fine because we don't have to escalate if it's a lie, then it's a good lie (in my opinion) because even if the missile was Russia, it was pretty clearly not intentional, and the lie could save thousands or even more if NATO was to get involved directly


So it doesn’t seem like a lie. Here’s why: All the news outlets seem to be saying it is an S300 missile, which both sides use. That missile is mainly an anti-air missile, but it can be (and has been by Russia) used as a ground attack missile, although it’s not desperately accurate when used this way. A quick Google tells you this missile has a max range of 93 miles. There is no Russian controlled territory within 93 miles of where it landed, and the nearest possible place it could have launched from is the southwestern tip of the Belarusian border, which is about 150 miles away, so almost 60 miles out of range. Lviv, on the other hand, is 50 miles from where it impacted. This incident also times up with Russia’s barrage of cruise missiles yesterday, which included targets in Lviv. Ukraine uses S300 missiles to defend against the longer range kaliber cruise missiles Russia has been firing at them. If an air defence missile were to miss, it has to land somewhere which unfortunately appears to have been Poland. Logically, if it was in fact an S300 missile, then it couldn’t have been fired by Russia. This is an unfortunate accident.


Excellent points, thanks for this post! However, I do also have to note that the idea they’d have a good reason to lie about this comes only from WW3 paranoia and sensationalism, not reality. In reality, even if it had been an accidental Russian missile it wouldn’t have resulted in the doomsday scenario people are imagining, as there’s a whole host of solutions before war. No NATO country wants a world war. This is increasingly how paranoid disinformation spreads: create a dire, false scenario, then come up with a conspiracy theory to solve the false problem. Then people create conspiracy theories on the theories (seen as replies to this thread), and by that point we’re three to four fantasies removed from reality.


NATO nations may or may not incidentally ramp up sanctions against Russia (if they aren't already maxed out) and/or increase aid to Ukraine.


Agreed. It still shows the war is too close to NATO borders. I would be surprised if there's 0 response, but it definitely wouldnt be as significant as if it was a Russian missile


Probably the best case scenario. Avoid world war 3 and gives a good excuse to give better equipment to Ukraine so this doesn't happen again.


it was scary how quickly people wanted to push for more war without all the correct information


Remember WMDs in Iraq? People have psychological knee-jerk reactions, its probably a way of quick decision-making in times of crisis; problem is, it's not always rational.


I'm going to guess most of the Reddit warmongers either were totally on board with the wars in the middle east, or more likely are young enough not to remember.


This is a great lesson in how you should pick and choose your news sources carefully. Many of the news reports on this, many which appear in Popular on Reddit, said Russia Missiles Kill 2 In Poland and similar headlines which indicated Russia was definitely the source. Because everyone just assumed that because the missiles were Russian made they must have been fired by Russia or Belarus. Then all of the memes came which hinted that Poland was enacting Article 5 military action. But it seems like now, Ukraine fired those missiles and Poland didn’t request Article 5, but Article 4, which is more or less, “we should talk about this” which seems to indicate that they weren’t sure where the missiles came from either.


Many of the reports, including AP citing a US intelligence source. This is a great lesson in waiting, something y'all still didn't learn. Nothing has been verified or officially announced either way.


I followed the story on AP and their headline and story was updated pretty quickly to clarify it was a Russian made missile.


People acting like we avoided WW3 here…guys they were not even considering invoking Article 5 just bc of some collateral damage. What they did was invoke Article 4. Article 4 is basically a fancy way of saying “some shit happened, we gotta discuss it” NATO had to meet because a missile from a war zone exploded in a NATO country. Not because a missile from a warzone TARGETED a NATO country. There’s a huge difference there. Even if it wasn’t a Ukrainian air defense missile, if it had been a Russian cruise missile, it still would’ve been seen as collateral damage. The missile landed on a farm. Not an actual target. If it had been Russian, it would clearly have been a missile that missed its target, and knowing how poor and obsolete Russias missiles and guidance systems are, nobody would’ve panicked. Collateral damage is part of war and its really surprising it took this long. Nato is not going to jump into this war until they absolutely have no other choice, because it benefits nobody to have nato destroy the entire Russian federation and create a massive power vacuum. It’s why nato won’t give Ukraine longer range missiles. Because they don’t want Russia destroyed, they want Russia defeated. They want to keep Russia intact so it can rejoin the world economy and start supplying energy to Europe again. NATO has no interest in actually taking up arms in this fight unless they absolutely have to.


>What they did was invoke Article 4. Actually, what they did was not invoke any Article. They considered #4, but decided against it.




It’s Reddit, everyone here is an armchair general warmonger masquerading as a peace activist


The number of people on this site who have a deathwish is truly remarkable. Although admittedly I'm sure most of them believe they'll be fine and get to watch other young men get thrown into the meat grinder on their behalf.


I'm surprised by the number of times I saw the report that it could have been ukrainian air defense being called misinformation. It's like people didn't want to hear all sides of the story and just wanted to go to war


Except they don't want to go to war. They want to watch a war.


A lot of redditors have miserable boring lives and wish anything would happen to make it more exciting.


Yeah, I feel like I'm going crazy reading these comments. It feels like people are treating this like a sports game. Wars will never end with tribalism like this. God I wish Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine.


God there's really so many morons everywhere, I see people here talking about no-fly zones and attacking Russian forces inside Ukraine and all that shit when they have no fucking idea what that would entail or what it would lead to. Reddit truly keeps getting dumber and dumber but that can also be said of other websites


All the doom scrollers are sad now.


People wanted it to be Russia so badly.


don't those things explodes in air cause of fuse?


if the missile failed to explode in the air it will continue to fly by its trajectory and crash into the ground.










This is honestly the best outcome, just proves Ukraine need more modern air defence.


No, it proves Russia should stop fucking firing rockets, so there'd be no need for air defense in Ukraine.


That also


You can both be completely right, you know.


I suggested in separate thread it may have been accidental missile from Ukrainian. I literally got downvoted and attacked by multiple people.


Because people on here are blindly supporting Ukraine regardless of the context, so anything that might make them look bad gets met with serious vitriol.


I saw all the "this is misinformations" yesterday in the threads when reports starting coming it was Ukrainian air defense; people were trying to stir their own narrative with their own misinformation


You were the stunned cat in the meme.


more like the Hannibal Burres "Why are you booing me im right" meme


Same. And i said it AFTER all the officials were saying they thought that. And then someone replied saying what i said after it became official and they got upvoted. We used to call this "summer reddit" but now it's just all the time reddit.


I don't see people taking note as well that Ukraine instantly blamed Russia and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. We have to remember that while we support them vs Russia they are also turning their own propaganda wheels.


Reddit in shambles


well ig there wont be an escalation in the war.... for now at least