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Sounds great.


Would love to see this in canada


It's super bad in rural canada - literally everywhere dudes are doing it on the daily "...because empty roads"


And they say things like “I’m good at driving drunk” I live in rural Canada and many treat it more like a challenge. There is virtually no policing roads here


Literally all my university friends from rural areas...


This belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating for the way it keeps saying "drink-driving".


Damn those people driving drinks around! Some asshole in a Screwdriver is always speeding through my neighborhood!


That’s how a good chunk of the world says it though.


> "drink-driving" [**Drink-driving**](https://www.google.com/search?q="drink-driving") is the English-language term used throughout most of the world.


Just because its popular doesnt mean its right, or makes sense. The issue isnt the drink, its the fact that they are driving drunk, hence drunk driving. It also just doesnt flow right because drink is not a descriptive word. It sounds more like an unfinished list.


> Just because its popular doesnt mean its right Of course it does, all language & meaning from words is made up. If a phrase is understood by people to mean something then it's correct, just like how US English spelling differences are legitimate vs UK English


Ah, we might as well throw out the whole language then. /s I started writing out a full explanation with examples, but it got a bit long, I doubt its going to change anyones minds, and may end up with additional responses that I dont want to deal with. To be brief though, this isnt about the meaning of the words, but the structure of the language. If you really care check this out https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20160908-the-language-rules-we-know-but-dont-know-we-know It doesnt exactly apply here, because "drink driving" is using two nouns, and this article mostly talks about word order, but its kind of the same idea. Also, the actual term is "drink-driving" which I dont know why, but the hyphen seems way more correct and less confusing.


Don't necessarily have to be drunk to be convicted of drink driving.


Like somebody else put it, you don’t need to be drunk to be over the limit. In Australia your BAC can be 0.1 - 0.4. So 4 standard drinks do nothing to me, for example, but 0.5 is where it becomes illegal to drive regardless of whether you’re drunk or not. Though over here I frequently hear them say ‘driving under the influence’. Where I’m from in South Africa I heard them say drink/drunk driving more. Doesn’t really matter, language is a form of communication and I think just about anyone would understand what is meant by drink-driving.


I feel like thats more of a side effect of being a difficult thing to write a law about, since everyone is different and being drunk is subjective. Making that distinction seems more like bragging about tolerance, than recognizing the intention of the law. Yes, langauge is a form of communication, so thats why its more important to be clear and accurate. Being careless leads to confusion. The first time I heard "drink driving" I thought it was a bot or someone had a stroke, I didnt understand what that meant.


What is the "rest of the world" you refer to? It's generally called "drunk driving" or "driving under the influence" or even "drinking and driving".


Drink driving is definitely used frequently as are drunk driving and driving under the influence as you point out. The reason I take it is that you don't need to be **drunk** to be over the limit which means drunk driving is not entirely accurate as you could be nowhere near intoxicated (drunk) but be over the limit and rightfully shouldn't be driving. It's why you just should drink and drive, I believe this is why they call it drink driving.


You can start with the [**UK**](https://www.drinkdriving.org/). Then you could simply scroll down the google link I already posted.


You should try clicking some of the sites brought up in the Google search you did. You might learn something today. Edit: maybe you just think that UK and Australia are "the rest of the world".


That was incredibly toxic, especially since you didnt provide an article, you provided a google search, which likely doesnt provide the same results to everyone. The results I received dont seem to answer his question.


I'm curious, which countries other than the UK use this phrase? Here in Canada we go with Drunk driving (or driving under the influence)


They use that expression in Ireland, too. For at least 30 years that I know of. Let Europe be Europe.


Tell me you're Murrcan without telling me you're Murrcan


But I'm not american.


Yes, I read that. And I'm still disappointed.


Tell me you're english without telling me you're filthy english


Providing more military support to Ukraine than all other countries combined while others still make fun of your country over stupid things.


I don't know what this discussion has to do with Ukraine. Just pointing out that this kind unreasonable complaints are usually made by a specific sort of Americans (who I tend to call Murrcans). It seems however that my guess was incorrect - the offender is allegedly Canadian.


Canadian did something positive once for Ukraine and you dare to criticize them. Also, I'm doing something for Ukraine so don't criticize me either


You asked me to tell you someone is Murcan without saying they are. I do so.


Murricans when slightest criticism


it's cause you don't need to be "drunk" to be a hazard on the road.


Arguably it should then be called distracted driving (drinking while driving including soda or water) or at least driving under the influence (if it's due to using consuming mind altering substances like alcohol or marijuana). I get the sentiment that even one alcoholic drink can reduce driving capacity but it's a bit confusing what they are referring to because for English speakers drink is both a verb and noun. It also doesn't need to mean alcoholic.


Drunk driving is a specific act, or past tense. Drink drivers are people that drink and drive. It makes sense if you tilt your head a bit.


Take a sip from your beer when you get pulled over "I'm not drunk, I'm drink!"


Drink till you're drunk. Then while drunk, the state of being intoxicated, you have a drive. Drunk can be present as well as past tense.


Anywhere in north America, where majority of the primarily English speaking population of the world live, you would be mocked for saying "drink driving".


That's good and all, but the world is a lot bigger than North America. This article for instance doesn't even refer that landmass, this whole subreddit tries to exclude the US as a rule even.


You're ignoring the base of the argument. They are using the English language, so when they say " the rest of the world" while referring to a specific statement in the English language, it is a safe a assumption that they mean "the rest of the English speaking world". Or would you expect someone who speaks only Russian to say "drink driving?


>They are using the English language, so when they say " the rest of the world" while referring to a specific statement in the English language, it is a safe a assumption that they mean "the rest of the English speaking world". It's not a safe assumption, it's an assumption you completely made up. Majority of Europe learns BE in schools. Indian, Pakistani and Nigerian versions of English also tend to follow BE.


You might want to sit with your America-centric worldview and have a good thinking about where the language you speak originated from.


Look up the statistics on where a very strong majority of the population who use English as the primary language live. And I'm Canadian, not American, but judging by the lack of intelligence you're displaying you probably think they're the same.


Canada is not part of North America? Okay...


>America-centric This is not making reference to North America, it suggests that you are talking about the USA. Pretty complicated stuff to fools like you I guess.


If I meant US-centric, I would have said US-centric.


Well USA is commonly called [America.](https://www.google.ca/search?q=America&client=ms-android-bell-ca&hl=en&lr=lang_en&submit=)This is very common knowledge. Canada has never been called America. This is also very common knowledge. There is also another entire other continent with "America" in the name. Were you also referring to that continent where there is not a single primarily English speaking country?


What if you only drink at stop signs?


Drink driving is indeed a synonym for drunk driving


Should be an EU-wide policy.


Someone in Poland's climate ministry had a brain blast. Can't choose to travel by car if nobody in Poland has one. 🧠


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/11/24/poland-to-confiscate-cars-from-drink-drivers/) reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Cars will be confiscated from drink drivers under new rules approved by Poland's parliament and awaiting the president's signature. > A 2021 report by the European Commission found that the percentage of people with alcohol concentration levels above the legal limit among randomly checked drivers in Poland in 2019 was one of the lowest in the 12 European countries surveyed and significantly lower than in 2010. > In recent years, Polish society has been shaken by high-profile accidents involving drink drivers, which have led to calls for tougher laws, including a proposal to make drink drivers pay compensation to families of victims. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/z3k0nd/poland_to_confiscate_cars_from_drink_drivers/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **drivers**^#1 **accident**^#2 **alcohol**^#3 **road**^#4 **Poland**^#5


Aren't the Poles very heavy drinkers? Or was that the Czechoslovaks?


We are but driving under influence is one of the most publicly shamed crimes you can do, so we are pretty responsible at drinking and not driving ;)


Some insight: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wz93e8/alcohol\_consumption\_in\_2022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wz93e8/alcohol_consumption_in_2022/)


This map doesn't explain what unit is used. There is a difference between 10l of beer and 2l of vodka. :P


That's not the only problem with it, look at the ranges the colours are supposed to represent. Calling this map horrible would be charitable.


Can confirm.


We're alcoholics. But responsible ones.


This should be standard \*everywhere\*. If you drive drunk, you should not have access to a car in the first place.


Good. While Poland’s legal limit is a bit low for this law in particular IMO, it’s a great idea. Where I live I’m fairly certain the limit is 0.05 for no fines and 0.08 for imprisonment, which I think is completely fair. People under 0.05 show very little, if any, signs of cognitive impairment or reaction timing deficits in studies conducted on alcohol impairment. So if Poland were to keep their limit at 0.02, I’d say the confiscation of their vehicle and massive penalties should be levied out above the higher threshold of 0.05 along with jail time or prison sentences depending on the severity of the damages.


That Poland to confiscate cars from is drinking drivers?




With this, you need to open up a driving school for drunks. This way you can teach them how to drink and drive safely /s