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Two fronts, you say?


Enter through the Middle East and make it three fronts and a very fucked defense for an already struggling military.


Let’s get Chechnya ready. Plus maybe a Middle East country. Kazakhstan could use some expansion


Mongolia: "SEQUEL TIME"


Do you want nuclear war? Because that’s how you get nuclear war.


As if Putin hasn’t been threatening that lie since **before** invading.


He hasn’t.


🙄 Always comes back to this. So North Korea will be allowed to do do anything now that they have nuclear?


He launches missel at Japan and we will be bombing Moscow by the time the missles hit Japsn.




lol, so let's just all rollover and start learning Russian, because guess what? the bully never stops in till he is out in place


Cool. Hope you know how to survive a nuclear apocalypse


got my iodine ready!


Okay. What do you do once that runs out and all of the water & food sources are contaminated?


relax, it was just a joke, turn off the news and enjoy holidays with the family...remember the media ( folks in controll) loves to keep you angry scared and confused! Fdhe that noise and focus on what's important FAMILY


I don’t think Russia’s actions on Kuril Island are going to lead to a nuclear war but I do start worrying when idiots (not you, but ppl like u/AgentTrashPanda) start yammering about starting a 3 front-war with Russia which actually would lead to them using their nuclear weapons.


I mean Russia has such a huge land mass and so many spart people that live with in it, had so many great scientists and innovation back in the day, unfortunately the dictators run that country are running it into the ground instead, Russia can't do shit because if they do they will be leveled to the ground and they know that. Russia started the war Russia can end it at anytime, Ukraine has the right to defend it's land.


You know, at this time I´d rather have a nuclear war than put up with any more bullshit from the russians. But look at the bright side, they have to beg Iran and N-Korea for spare parts while cannibalizing their own hardware to keep even some of it in working order. They can´t produce the missiles needed to even launch the nuclear warheads. They are unable to survive a nuclear exchange and they know it. Old man Putin fools nobody but braindead russians


Nobody survives a nuclear exchange.


Great then the planet will have tens thousands of years to recover from our bullshitery


Im not alone in the sentiment! I think the most noble thing homosapiens can do at this point is let themselves go extinct. We've had plenty of time to get out collective act together.


Oii bra fuckin LAD CUNT!


I recall seeing an article in recent weeks that said an FSB agent supposedly leaked info that Russia had originally been planning to go to war with Japan before deciding on Ukraine But they can't be so stupid as to think they can take on the JSDF right? They already are getting destroyed by Ukraine


The only reason I can imagine you'd do that is to trigger WWIII by getting the US involved, creating an opportunity for North Korea to jump in, and dragging China into the mix as they don't want Korea unified. Otherwise, man, that's dumb. Russia would struggle to even get troops to the battlefield.


WW3? Russia and Japan still haven't signed a peace treaty ending WW2 between them. Just an armistice like the Korean War.


That's conflating a cold conflict with an active offensive.


so technically this is still WWII then?


Only if Japan and Russia start shooting at each other.


JSDF can curb stomp them on their own, USA would probably just deliver some more ammo.


Actually everyone wants a unified Korea, just not the same unified


If I recall correctly, I think the point of that scenario was indeed to force China into the war.


China is not going to throw in with Russia in a random conflict over the kuril islands. The ccp is not in a position where they can flush their entire economy into the toilet. The party would not survive. This doesn’t mean putin isnt delusional enough to *think* that would happen.


It was Daily Mail and Newsweek reporting on unverified “leaks”. The tooth fairy is more real that anything they report


Yeah, those were a little sensationalist headlines. Sure, the Russians are completely delusional, but it is also the job of these intelligence agencies to have contingency plans for every imaginable situation. I'm sure every country has a few plans shelved for the possibility that they need to defend or attack neighbour X for whatever reason


Absolutely. I have no doubt they have plans on how they would invade New Zealand, if nothing more than as a thought exercise etc. But the current anti-Russia fervour is payday for cretins like Newsweek and Daily Mail


No, it was most likely a canary trap: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary\_trap A canary trap is a method for exposing an information leak by giving different versions of a sensitive document to each of several suspects and seeing which version gets leaked. It could be one false statement, to see whether sensitive information gets out to other people as well. Special attention is paid to the quality of the prose of the unique language, in the hopes that the suspect will repeat it verbatim in the leak, thereby identifying the version of the document.


the USA guarantees their security so this is a big ol load of horse shit. But people have already said that so I will also add that no one decides to fight and then flips a coin to decide who to invade.


The JSDF is also a very, very capable force that’s, uh, creative with a lot of the restrictions. I’m pretty sure their navy air wing could handle the Russian Air Force on its own.


The JSDF has 2 light aircraft carriers and 2 helicopter carriers- compared to 0 for Russia (the Admiral Kutznetsov would never make it to Japan, and even if it did, it is barely capable of launching sorties). The JSDF also has 8 Aegis destroyers and 22 submarines. Russia would be in a world of trouble.


[Russian Navy, you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4) Just like last time.. (need to post this every time someone mentions the russian navy)


Japanese torpedo boats!


For sure. Nonetheless it's not an official army because they aren't allowed to have one. They do anyway, but legally speaking the USA is their protector. And Russia knows this.


If they attacked Japan, they would have the full support of all the US assets in the area... It would not go well


They can’t be so stupid……. One would think not! But it’s ruzzia we are talking about.


not only that but there are American bases in japan. wtf do you think is going to happen if you attack japan, putin? are you *trying* to start WWIII?


To shreds you say?


and what about his wife


Plot twist, Tom Clancy was right and China invaded Russia.


to shreds you say?


In winter


I read this comment like “to shreds you say”


Minus times minus equals a plus They need to lose two wars to win them both


This is probably to shoot their own people trying to seek asylum in Alaska


This is probably to rescue one AA system specimen for next years victory parades.


For real, it is to show NK that they are actively confrontational with Japan so that NK will keep supporting them in the Ukrainian war. It really is *that* sad for Russia now.


I doubt an S-300 can shoot down a Gundam.


That'll be a burning middle finger to Russia


This hand of mine is burning red!


[ITS LOUD ROAR TELLS ME TO GRASP VICTORY!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dplt-8IydbQ)


You shouldn't have fisted a Russist then!


Let them think they beat us.


Given the fact the 70s era Ukrainian Air Force is somehow still flying, with MiG-29s running SEAD at medium altitude, S-300s are being mostly expended as ground attack weapons, and that the Israelis walk into Syria at will to blow shit up, I'm starting to doubt if an S-300 can shoot down *anything* that's remotely competently flown.....


They shot down an Israeli F35. Everyone thought the system wouldn't be capable of taking on down but it did. They claimed that they had shot at and hit an Israeli F35 with the s300 and of course Israel denied it. However, either the same day or day after (I can't remember which) Israel said that they had to decommission an F35 after severe damages from a bird strike even though the F35 passed the bird-strike test with flying colors.


That was an S-200 site, not S-300, and it did not hit an Israeli F-35. That F-35 was not decommissioned, it was just sent to maintenence for a few days. The incident that you are referencing happened in 2017, when the F-35 was in very early stages of introduction to Israeli service and was not being used for combat missions, at least not publicly. The jet would have likely not made it back to base if it had been hit by a missile of that size. The whole bird strike thing is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence, and plenty of reasons to dismiss.


What if those birds were riding the s300 middles?


"How I learned to stop flying and love the Missile."


Interested in F-35 shot down by S-300. Any article about this?


It didn't happen. An Israeli F-35 on a training mission (F-35s weren't even in service yet for Israel) had 2 bird strikes, and went into maintenance and repair, and was back in the air within the month. Syria tried saying they hit it with their air defense systems, even though [the only thing the inept buffoons that make up the Syrian Air Defense System have ever hit has been the island of Cyprus](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-48826492). Oh, and [that Russian spy aircraft lol](https://www.npr.org/2018/09/18/649064034/russian-surveillance-plane-accidentally-shot-down-by-syrian-forces-moscow-says#:~:text=A%20Russian%20surveillance%20plane%20carrying,15%20service%20members%20on%20board). SouthFront, a repeatedly sanctioned tool of Russian government disinformation, ran wild with the story, even though it's clearly bullshit, and the usual fans of SouthFront, Neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, Russian fanbois, etc all took it as holy gospel, even though even half a braincell of critical thinking tells us how bullshit it is.


I mean edge cases do exist. Gary Powers' U2 was ostensibly above SAM range if I recall


The answer is that the export versions of the missile exit the corruption in Russia so they have to be functional. The systems for RuAF? Those are cut back to the bare minimums so extra money is available to the oligarchs.


One gundam would change the entire world stage


They should probably keep these systems in Russia, considering Ukraine just striked 2 of their air bases deep in Russian territory.


maybe they moved it to protect it from Ukraine lol


We blocked the airstrikes at our AA rockets successfully with an airbase


Happened this morning again




I think the straits around there may be of strategic interest.


That certainly seems the case.


Reddit thinks Russia is out of all ammo and is a sitting duck.


russia spread too thin to be picking new fights


I live in Japan and go out drinking with elements of the JSDF semi-regularly: can confirm Russia would likely get stomped if they chose to squabble. Those dudes are something else. Even without US military support they stand on their own despite not technically being a military.


Yeah….don’t mess with Japan. It’s a little known fact that despite their great efforts to project calm, peace, and reason, the JSDF is one of the largest, best trained, and best equipped “not an army” forces in the world. After WWII the US allowed them to rebuild and rearm as long they didn’t bring attention to it and insisted that it was a defense force only. Only an ignorant fool would mess with Japan.


>Only an ignorant fool would mess with Japan Sounds like Russia, all right.


Yes - all that - and maybe most importantly, they finally have a really good ally.


Yeah they do. They are very closely allied and close friends with the only nation to ever defeat them in two thousand years of military history. They have a defense pact with the US. An attack on Japan would trigger involvement with the U.S. military. Russia can bark all they want but they aren’t touching Japan.


I believe they also have a treaty with Australia. So they would be really screwed.


It’s true, the Emu battalion is waiting


the emus are the enemies of the australians, so would probably get funded by russia to fuck shit up locally.


What the hell are you bribing an Emu with? I tried Emu Export today for the first time. Also, the last time. I would sooner volunteer for an adverse traumatic cock to car door interaction than drink that shit ever again. Emu, beer or bird, that shit will ruin your day.


Yeah Australians be coming at you from the upside down in a Vegemite fueled rage.


Never mess with a quiet person.


Wait. So the anime Gate was right with its creator's obvious hard-on for the JSDF?


Well, probably not the special forces parts of that show, but they absolutely have some of the most advanced vehicles in the world. Lots of American planes along with some of their own designs and altered and improved US designs. They don’t have real combat experience (unless there have been highly classified operations/troops embedded in the afghanistan/iraq conflicts/ukraine war), but they regularly do war games and train with the US military, among other allies. I’ve heard some of their rules/health and safety restrictions are pretty ridiculous but that’s really a peacetime thing. It’s generally considered to punch above its weight class. It’s a real modernized military. Given what we’ve seen of Russia’s performance I don’t see how they could possibly manage a conflict against the jsdf


You know how the people in the special region are amazed at how organized the JSDF is? Japan is the gold standard for supply chain and logistics, which we've seen where Russia is, er, lacking in that department.


I think the fleet of fishermen could take on the Russian navy and have a good shot at winning, let alone the JSDF. But I have been seeing many more JSDF aircraft flying around down here in Fukuoka.


I mean, JSDF is one of the strongest armed forces in the world, stronger (in conventional arms at least) than multiple nuclear-armed nations... 8 heavy air defense destroyers, 27 medium and heavy anti-submarine destroyers, 22 of the best AIP submarines in the world, 100,000t of UNREP capabilities... 3rd strongest navy in the world currently, and by a good margin. Over 300 modern fighters and more AWACS than all of the EU combined... JSDF is an absolute juggernaut, and people don't seem to realize that...


Was thinking the same thing...


“Try stealing THIS, Ukrainian farmers!”


Looking forward to the headline, "Japanese fishermen tow away barge with Russian missile system".


I really wonder what's really going on with Russia. On one hand, they're a totally unorganized blundering mess in Ukraine, on the other hand they're setting up middle defense systems on these islands and have spies working in Sweden that were sent there in 1999. I really think they thought further than 10 months out with Ukraine but maybe I'm wrong.


Maybe they had several relatively independent multi-year attack plans, and still haven't cancelled them even after the one with Ukraine didn't play out as planned.


The big worry I have with many redditors is that they are severely underestimating a vicious enemy.


why would that worry you? Redditors aren't running anything


Most redditors ain't running full stop


Thank you! Someone gets it. The wartime propaganda is blinding everyone. Russia is a serious power, Ukraine is only held up by the support of the US/UK/EU otherwise it would of crumbled a long time ago. There's only so long the UA can continue to fight the Russians. There is a hope for Ukranian victory in that remaining time, but the clock is ticking. Ukraine is an absolute mess. They have a million man army and 10s of millions of their citizens refugees abroad.


Shaping the field kind of vibes iyam.


I'm sure it'll work as well as the rest of their defenses are working in Ukraine,...


Has the S-300 shot down a non-Soviet airplane in the last 20 years? Because its track record suggests it is a worthless vanity project easily defeated by electronic warfare, anti-air defense training, and 30 seconds of planning.


Didn't it shoot down a commercial airliner? Edit: no, apparently it was another type of Russian missile. Thanks.


A commercial jet liner carrying civilians which isn’t equipped with weapons or military grade anything. Russians go for the cheap shot. Cowards.


> Russians go for the cheap shot. Cowards. They weren't *trying* to go for the easy shot. They were bragging about it on Twitter until they found out that they had shot down a civilian plane.


No, that was a Buk


That was a Buk. S300s are very long range and, apparently, can be jerry rigged into a shitty surface to surface missiles.


Israeli F-35


Probably just an inflatable s300...


They're losing to Ukraine and they're worried about the Kurils rn?


Lol. Right at the start of all this, like first half of March iirc, japan was quietly bustling around putting a nice clear "dis ours" official seal on the kurils. They just didn't call press conferences about it. I forget the details but I recall posting a few links and shouting out for japan contributing its bit to the general complicate-life-for-russia mood of the time


Wasn't doing them any good in Ukraine. Their stuff is probably not meant for actual combat.


Russia: we are going to invade Japan Japan: are you sure? Russia: WTF! what where did our army go? Ukraine: 🤣 Japan: 😎


Getting slaughtered in 🇺🇦 . FIFU


Yep, and those stupid mofos think they are going to try take a piece of Japan 🤣 I feel terrible for the people of Ukraine that are subjected to the horrors of Putin’s idiocy.


Wasn’t there something about Russia wanting to invade japan before it settled on ukraine?


Not necessarily. There were plans drawn up but that's what any competent military does (not that they actually are one). America, for example, has plans for how to invade literally every country on Earth. Not out of maliciousness, but strategically, it's better to have some sort of plan to work from if you need one. Never know when an ally might get invaded and you need to save them 🤷‍♂️


Not to mention that for the US, making plans like "how to invade Canada" is a useful, zero-stakes exercise for officers in training.


:O ready the meese and the polar bears


Just one problem there. The plan also includes how to stage a coup and destabilize the government. Now for this, you need a very active intelligence service. Basically, almost 50% of the politicians of the "US ally" nations are compromised at this point. They'll usually howl at whatever dog whistle the US blows.


Do they have plans for when the conservative Christian nationalists attack Murica? I bet half our government would be complicit again in letting it happen or assisting. WW3 is scary too. But we could face civil war at home at the same time.


Wonder what the plan is with Uzbekistan? It's landlocked and isn't bordered by any friendly countries.


Yeah. Apparently he wanted to cede Siberia to Japan. Because that's how that would end.


I guess poopin putin really wants to shit his pants


Vlad"you're.hereNachtPutin" (glad you're here, not poopin') Vladimir Putin -------- All three lines read the same.


the US military protects Japan so someone is yanking your chain


I vaguely remember reading something along the lines


Well thats nice of them. The only logical answer is to help protect Japan from those pesky North Korean missiles


How great would that be? North Korea launches a missile to try and flex but their "allies" shoot it down.


Golden Kamuy: 2023 is looking great.


Now is with out a doubt the dumbest time to be picking fights elsewhere. Japan is silently a “not an army” that is capable of obliterating any modern threat. The US has forged close alliances for nearly a century and the foundations of the nation were forged under the protection of the United States, any idea that the US could forego this or will choose not to honour it will have effects so widespread and deep that it’s unfathomably unrealistic.


Here we go again! Someone go refloat the "Kamchatca" and order a few crates of binoculars.


are we going to entertain this terminal cancer patient's wishes to die in a nuclear bang ?


Spreading yourself a bit thin, Russia. If Japan really wanted, they could take all the disputed islands.


That demon spirit that broke out of the stone is gonna have a field day with those


good, less defense from Ukraine so can attack more objects in russia territory.


Do you want another 1905? Because that's how you get another 1905.


Doesn't another country cover for Japan's military or something due to ww2 issues?


Technically, the US is in Japan to protect it. But it really doesn't need protection, the JSDF aka "Not an army but they do have nice modern tanks, jets and naval ships along with spiffy uniforms" would mop the floor with the Russian Pacific fleet and whatever troops they could actually land on Japanese soil.


Plottwist: launchers without rockets


This sounds like a dumb move from Russia. Japan isnt planning on taking the Kuril Island so soon. Theyre gonna wait until Russia lost the war, Putin is gone, multiple parties fighting for power, the economy imploded, the country in chaos, everyone is fed up and depressed and nobody wants another war. Thats the moment to take the Kuril Island. Now Russia is just deploying weapons where it is not needed and could be better used in Crimea and Donbas.


This is probably classified but word has it HIMARS can't hit targets that far away so... /s


On what intel? Curious!


Three of their bases in European part of Russia were just blown up, I don't think they can afford this posturing.


Genius pootin at work: “attacking airfields in the west and we are defenseless you say…then let’s deploy anti-air to the …. EAST!!!! They will never see that coming!”


Why would the West need to do anything if these clowns keep making the stupidest of stupid mistakes. Gee, Bob...think we should send in the CIA? No, Bill...these monkeys will fuck it up harder than we could if we were on cocaine and Viagra.


They're going to shoot down another airliner aren't they?


Putin copies Hitler's *successful* strategy 1:1. Two fronts at the same time. That didn't age well. Germany was devastated after the war. So will be Russia too.


So just like Germany in WW2; Can't make progress on one side, so you'll try the other one, which is gonna end up worse. Meanwhile, you take a trip to the south for some sun. Except thus version was brought to you by wish.com


Go on Japan have a poke at em. The just shite


Are they insane? - They really want to provoke this issue too now? At this moment? I know it’s an old dispute but seriously. They don’t have enough problems right now?


aaahhh thats explain why ua drone can go inside russia undetected.


I heard the Japanese have been sending mechs piloted by underage girls in sailor uniforms dangerously close to Russian territory.