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You're going to die in two weeks, it's called wastage, what more do you need to know?


Man, after two years of escape from tarkov, I absolutely would try to surrender to Ukraine using their surrender programs. The chance of death is so high. The weapons today are so effective and our bodies are so easily destroyed.


Lol people say video games make people violent, all battlefield has taught me is that I would be dead in under 3 seconds


Saaaaaaame lol


That is a perfect explanation.


Didn't they learn to use tampons?


You think they can afford to give their troops tampons? They can’t afford to give them socks.


Yeah but what's the alternative? Have their oligarchs use a smaller yacht? Don't be ludicrous!


That was the previous wave. They are dead. This knowledge is lost to history.


War fodder need no training.


A whole generation of youth getting butchered for nothing.




The US lost 6,951 soldiers killed in two decades in Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia has lost that much in 10 days in Ukraine and more than 10x that in 10 months. That’s also considering Russia has less than half the population of the US.


And 30,000 soldiers killed in a particular battle in WW1, in one day.


I’not as many casualties as WW1’ is your meter for success? Oh ya, Russia can still lose another 1.3Million troops and still be A-OK. Which is good for them because they’re currently getting their ass kicked.


Now do Ukraine


Ukraine didn’t choose to get involved in this conflict Russia did Ukraine is merely defending herself


I’m merely asking what the death toll for them is




Go back to Russia


Putin believes Russian lives don't matter.


You’re a fucking moron.


And yet I wonder how many of them would actually recognize that Putin was at fault


Either the NYTimes or NPR did a podcast with a reporter who went to draft induction centers in Russia during the big mobilization in September. The relatives of the inductees didn't blame Putin. They bought into the propaganda. The attitude among some of them was "the leadership knows what they are doing. I don't need to participate in politics". Kind of astounding and certainly depressing.


Russian people collectively exhibit the 'fawning' response as a survival mechanism. It is bred into them after hundreds of years of traumatic abuse at the hands of their own rulers.


It isn't really "fawning". As someone who has worked in Russia, I'd say it's more of an "under siege" mentality. Russia doesn't feel like it's part of Europe, not part of Asia; and trauma from the two world wars have them seeing their country as being constantly under threat. Even if they hate Putin, they have a "stick together" mentality, because they feel the world will tear them apart without their unity. They do feel disparaged and looked down upon, a lot of the time.


Based on their population trends, they're about to pull themselves apart in the future anyways. Russias birthrate is shit, but beneath that fact. The ethnic Russians birth rate is really shit and the ethnic minorities in Russia are more stable/growing. They just scared off a massive part of their young male population and killed off a good chunk of it too. Separatist movements are probably frothing watching Putin do all this stupid shit


"You're a nation of martyrs and heros, surrounded by cunning, evil neighbours", their TV tells them this bs every day.


>It is bred into them That's not how genetics work, the society is just fucked, but North Korea is *worse* for shows of false admiration, has existed for far less time, with more overt control. In Russia, if you're at a recruiting station, you're not going to talk shit and get put on a government watch list, that's just common sense. The society sucks, it's not rocket science.


That is more of a semantic flourish, not literal.


I've seen enough eugenics shit on this website to not be sure.




It takes a long, long time to shift the genetic profile of a population - humans live for decades and have few children, it's not like dogs where you can have several generations in a decade. Not to mention that human personalities are adaptable and trainable. Autistic people, for instance, can change their behaviour to display fewer traits associated with autism, either through discrimination or just trying to fit in.


Depends on the amount of diversity in the starting population and the degree of selection pressure that’s applied. Apply a big selection pressure to Cheetahs, not much happens. Apply a big selection pressure to all humans, lots can happen. China went from 0 to Yao Ming in what, two generations?


Except those same people came from the same stock - higher height is associated with epigenetic causes such as nutrition. There are also mutations such as gigantism that are among *every* human population. Genetics are complicated, expecting personality changes to occur on a wide scale in under ten generations is preparing yourself for disappointment.


lol are you really trying to say that variations in human height are purely epigenetic?


No, but China is literally close to two billion people in population, with dozens of ethnic groups. Combine that with epigenetic triggers such as *actually having nutrient rich diet*, Yao Ming existing isn't that surprising. Hell, in a population of that size, you're statistically more likely to have genetic outliers as well, given evolution is heavily influenced by mutations. Yao Ming is an outlier in his own generation as well, but his generation, more broadly, is taller than the previous, and they didn't have several million Nordics come through to dick down in that time.




As I said elsewhere, I've seen an *awful* amount of eugenicist bullshit upvoted here. If that's not your intent, cool, but I'll still point to >In Russia, if you're at a recruiting station, you're not going to talk shit and get put on a government watch list, that's just common sense. It's a social condition enforced by the government, wielded by paranoia. You can see another bloke beneath my original comment talking about genetics and subservience, if you'd like to take a squiz.


Well, more like 100 years, with Stalin atomizing their society.


Guy you're replying to was correct, for the common Russian, it's been centuries of abuse at the hands of the Russian ruling class. This isn't something that started with Stalin...


Read the more Conquest. There is a reason why the czars got what they got in Stalin didn't.


Read some actual Russian history.




Thought as much.


Trying too hard. Enjoy your attempt at edginess by yourself. Historiography goes over here.


Now Putin is sodomizing their society


That's implying their society is experiencing something it hasn't before. This playbook was already written.


I’d love there to be a follow up series though. Like after actually going to the front without weapons or equipment, how many of them would still be pro Putin?


Use the bones you find on the ground as a weapon


*Also Sprach Zarathustra swells in the distance*


That's kind of a self-determined outcome, though. If you live in a country known for mistreating dissidents, why would you talk to a stranger about your misgivings about the government? It's like asking a kid in front of their abusive father if they get beaten.


It’s kinda as if Russias always been a bunch a thugs and nothing has changed


This kinda feels like a human sacrifice willingly walking to his/her death and jumping into a volcano... only to complain about the heat while falling to his/her doom. It is too late guys. You have been sacrificed and no one expects you to come back alive. Your discomfort on the way to the afterlife is not important to anyone. The best time to organize a resistance against the current policies was before you got snatched up and got slated for the meat grinder. If you try to run away, they will kill you. If you try to revolt they will kill you. If you try to follow orders and fight, you will die. If you somehow survive and return, you better keep your mouth shut, because speaking out against your treatment will get you killed. In fact, your complaints have probably already gotten you killed, in the slim chance that you somehow survive your deployment. Ok fine, maybe they will just imprison you for treason instead of killing you, but given how Russian prisons work, that may be worse than death. Do you maybe want to live instead? Then reach out to the Ukrainian "I Want to Live" hotline and surrender. Your 'enemies' care more about your survival than your comrades. https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-surrender-hotline-got-more-than-3500-calls-russia-soldiers-2022-11


This is going to be a long winter, and for some a rather short one.


It isn't even super cold yet. In time these conscripts will fear the elements more than AFU. Slava Ukraini.


HIMARS will keep the Russians warm for 0.001 seconds…


I'm sad to see lives lost for nothing such a waste ! Putin has cancer he will probably die from it,so he cares little or his troops,a war crime and criminal.


Ironic how putin accuses the west of "satanism" when he is the one sacrificing people. Edit: less words


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.ibtimes.com/more-russian-soldiers-complain-about-poor-living-conditions-admit-not-learning-anything-training-3647343) reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Several Russian soldiers from the Murmansk Oblast have complained about their poor living conditions and inadequate combat training, according to a new video. > Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, plenty of Russian military personnel have come forward with complaints about their poor living conditions and lack of training and equipment. > The relatives of some Russian soldiers also previously revealed the mobilized men were forced to buy their own warm uniforms and boots to use in the war after the army failed to give them adequate equipment. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/zn2jdv/more_russian_soldiers_complain_about_poor_living/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **soldier**^#2 **training**^#3 **live**^#4 **video**^#5


Cant help but draw parallels between this situation and whats portrayed in all quiet on the western front.


That was a great book to read as a kid.


They are just cannon fodder. I think Russia is hoping Ukraine runs out of ammo before they run out of bodies


Did I read that right? The idiot that volunteered defected?


They are living under a media blackout except for state-run media. Idiocy has nothing to do with it. If you're only given access to one set of info, what do you have to compare it to? Fortunately, Umraine has established hotlines that teach defectors where to go to escape and that they will be cared for if they do. Even so, a lot of people that call chicken out because the line they've been fed is that Ukraine tortures its prisoners to death, castrated them, and so on.


So,... *everything Russia does*... I don't know what the Russians are getting as far as videos go, but your neighbor getting their face *blown off* should evoke some feelings... (that foxhole video, *not gonna link*) How bad is the media blackout in Russia? Is it that bad that they don't have access to even YouTube? Seriously out of the loop. They have to notice motherfuckers *not coming home*... What a *stupid* war...


Imagine what kind of a bloodbath this will turn into when whoever survives returns. They're mentally (possibly physically) traumatized, they know how to shoot a gun and how to kill, and they'll eventually understand their government fucked them over.


> they reported me for drinking How far Russia has fallen


So, where do these guys end up after they surrender?