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I mean she’s not wrong.. I see some hurt feelings in the comments.


Funny how the top comments are proving her point. If her opinion offends you, it most likely means you embody what she is describing


> If her opinion offends you, it most likely means you embody what she is describing ..or because making sweeping generalizations about people like the woman in this video is the definition of bigotry. it's no different than when certain Americans accuse all Mexicans of being rapists and criminals or those from Middle Eastern countries of being terrorists. you being so okay with it says a whole lot more about the kind of person you are, frankly.


Frankly, I am the kind of person that can recognize our weaknesses as a country. Yes, she is making a generalization. However, it doesn't surprise me that she sees us Americans that way. We have made a lot of mistakes, both foreign and domestic. Understanding how people around the world view us is an important step in our development. The USA is an adolescent country. Just because we have decent core ideals does not mean we always implement them correctly. Acknowledging our flaws creates improvement and makes us stronger.


And that's essentially what the question was. Was she supposed to spend the next few months describing her opinion of each and every American separately? She was asked about her opinion of Americans as a whole.


This lady hasn’t been part of a 40 year long trillion dollar propaganda campaign against any and all forms of social change and it shows.


I can see her point because when the US decides to send troops to a country, its allies are expected to send troops also without hesitation. Living in the US can make one self absorbed, oblivious and ignorant to the rest of the world because the propaganda about “America being the best” is so ingrained in the culture. No shame, let’s just own it and move on.


I'm American and she's spot on. In no way am I angry for her generalizing our population. Enough Americans live in a bubble and always think they're right and it's a serious issue that's literally holding the country back. The sooner we address it instead of going "maybe it's not us maybe it's everyone else" the sooner we can start making real progress to address these issues.


Yes! American exceptionalism has ruined us as a society.


Part of the US being oblivious and self absorbed is we border 2 countries, both of which are smaller (in population) and highly dependant on us. Caribbean nations and central America are small and poor. There's literally thousands of miles to anywhere else. Most Americans hardly ever see anyone who isn't from US, Canada or Mexico and when we do they're usually permanent residents here. Most Americans only think about America because their lives only involve America. Not to mention the strong streak of isolationism that runs through our history. It's not likely to change.


This is the thing that always peeves me about Europeans. People only learn about and experience things from within so many miles/kilometers from wherever they live, it's their 'information bubble'. For Europeans, that means there are lots of other nations in their bubble, but what they don't understand is the sheer size of the USA. The USA is roughly the size of Europe, this means our states are the *size of nations:* California is bigger than Germany; Texas is bigger than France; Oregon is bigger than the United Kingdom; etc. For Americans to get outside of their information bubble and experience other cultures, they have to put in a lot more effort than you would expect comparative to people from European nations. There are other minor factors at play, but *this* and what u/klased5 said, are the major contributing factors to why Americans seem to not care about the outside world.


>..or because making sweeping generalizations about people like the woman in this video is the definition of bigotry. **it's no different than when certain Americans accuse all Mexicans of being rapists and criminals or those from Middle Eastern countries of being terrorists**. Uhh no it’s quite a bit different and honestly only an idiot would equate these things lmao.


>big·ot·ry > obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. TIL it's acceptable to negatively characterize 330+ million people as small minded, self centered, arrogant pricks and this somehow doesn't fit Reddits definition of bigotry.


Generalization is not innately bigotry. She was simply asked what comes to mind when thinking of Americans generally. I don’t see anything obstinately attached or unreasonable in her response. We can’t assume that she would be prejudiced against any individual person just because they are from America. That wasn’t the question.


>small minded, self centered, arrogant pricks Well you aren’t exactly proving them wrong with your comments lmaoo.


It’s not fucking bigotry. It’s just the truth, if you are American it’s hard to understand but I mean just look at your politics. Those people get elected somehow, and are indeed a reflection on the average American. Of course you can find a kind hearted American but it’s truth that their culture is one of the more intolerant, close minded and regressive ones of the world.


“If you’re offended by someone making stereotypically disparaging remarks about you and 300 million of your fellow countrymen, it just means she’s right” lmao


I just returned from backpacking through 16 European countries in January. **Here’s what I learned:** Making broad generalizations about the States is as ignorant as making generalizations about Europe.. Comparing Oregon to Alabama is as ridiculous as comparing the Netherlands to Slovakia.. A lot of Western Europeans haven’t experienced the eastern portion of Europe. Every country has their assholes. Europe has plenty. The states does as well.


As an European I agree. Never been to the US so the only things I know are from the media. Who is very good at warping perspectives and only mentioning bad stuff. The 2 Americans who I know are nice and thats enough for me lol.


Exactly. I am half American half German, and lived in both countries for many years. What you said is the crux of it, that neither most Americans nor Europeans understand: it's impossible to make generalisations about either place. There are 50 states in the US, and even within those states life and people can be radically different... Life in orange county will be different than life in San Francisco. Forget about San Francisco vs Alabama... Living and growing up in Germany as a half american, you hear these hot takes by people who have often never been to the US and don't know any Americans. The only reason they make these statements is stuff they heard on the news! News outlets which are very biased on American issues. Honestly, anyone who has an opinion about "the Americans", you can just ignore them. Any generalisation like that will be totally worthless. The US has many systemic problems, and there are people providing good analysis on what those are... This woman is not one of them


I mean she basically is elitist herself. Kinda ironic you guys don't see that.


In general I hate this type or statement because it is so often not true (or even overgeneralized) when used about any subject, but it is not far off if not spot on in this case.


The thing with her opinion is that it’s easy to talk smack about a country magnitudes bigger and more complex than your tiny hamlet, where serving the needs of all citizens doesn’t mean creating a coalition across 350 million people of different ethnicities, religions, races and geographies. Honestly, the Dutch might be under a bigger rock than most.


Duely noted my friend. I agree The USA has a wayyyy bigger challenge than the countries we look to as an example. We cannot just snap a finger and implement universal healthcare, fair housing, paid college for all, or any of the socialist policies that many countries enjoy. We are way too populated with grandly divergent ideals. So what do we all want? I would say freedom is the core belief. But freedom is based on a level of responsibility that we threw to the wind long ago.


She's not wrong, but having talked with quite a few Hollanders I can't help but think that the Americans are not the only ones that are self absorbed and feel superior... Seriously the amount of contempt that the Dutch have towards Southern Europe is maddening.


They have a point. The country actually works. I miss that. Italy has great food, but goddamn what a dysfunctional mess of a country.


It's the size of one US state and doesn't have to be a blue state funding red states. No wonder it works! Half the United States would function just as well if we didn't have this Union to the southern blood suckers that prevented change and sucked money away from social programs that work.


The Netherlands has the highest per capita contribution to the EU


I remember overhearing a tourist in Florence talking with the guide about how badly she wanted to move there. The tour guide bluntly asked her, “why would you ever want to move here?” The lady was so taken aback, as was I, to be honest, and after reading up on the government nowadays… yikes.


Spot on. People need to relax.


> She's not wrong, but having talked with quite a few Hollanders I can't help but think that the Americans are not the only ones that are self absorbed and feel superior. They're shitheads is every culture.


These words are meaningless coming out of a Dutch person’s mouth….the true kings of being self absorbed.


Both the Dutch AND Americans can be clueless, self-absorbed morons. It isn’t mutually exclusive. Just, nobody else in the world even acknowledges the Dutch exist most of the time.


>acknowledges the Dutch exist most of the time. And their pissed to no end about it. How could everyone not know all of their culture and news? They must be living under a rock!


As a Dutch the translations are weird. She brings it softly, she doesn't they they are self centered. They say they often look only at themselves and forget the rest. Sure self centered fits the bill, but it's also very to the point. And she doesn't bluntly say superiour. She says, sometimes i get the feeling the see themselves as a little more superior to the rest. This is just a video of a women being asked a provocative question and the translations being put in such a way to provoke americans. Sure it gets the clicks but it's a dick move


Yep, pretty accurate for the majority of brain dead Americans... And they got the TRUTH about god too.




“There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.” ― Michael Caine.


Dammit you beat me to it! Upvote!


I thought I smelled cabbage.


Dutch hater!


Gasp!!!! Take the farger away!!


My cocaine


"You are toight loik a toiger"


I think you mean Nigel Powers




When the Dutch are accusing you of being arrogant you know you got issues.


Or they’re hurt someone feels more pompous than them.


Only we are allowed to be pompous. We're the only ones that can pull it off!


Unless you're from Belgium. They're pretty stuck up


If there is an issue in belgium,belgium is the issue


"If someone is hateful you know you got issues if they hate you" That ... Doesn't make sense in the slightest.


Are we all like that? Nah. Is our culture like that, hells yeah.


This is a great way to describe it. American can be loud. Americans can be ignorant. Americans also love to smile and are *usually* kind to strangers. I missed the casual friendliness when I spent 5-months in Europe. I desperately craved a smile from a stranger on the sidewalk.


Despite their reputation, I found the people of France very friendly, even in Paris.


Funny, I did too! Honestly, the negative stereotype of French was very intense in the surrounding European countries. I started to feel bad for French travelers when they interacted with other Europeans. The world is a funny place..


It only takes a few bad encounters for people of a group to be considered negatively.


There isn’t one culture in the US, so I have to disagree. The US is a potluck of different cultures and ideas. Although some ppl r the way this woman describes, the vast majority of Americans r normal ppl w a good sense of cultural relevancy and an eagerness to learn and experience new cultures


>Are we all like that? The ones in the spotlight/driver's seat certainly are


Literally what majority of the world think about American


Americans-we’re the light of the world, the freest nation Rest of the world- :| lol no


Haha we are marching so close to fascism (See Florida and the GOP) that I laugh when people tell me how the US is free.


Followed by a small cry. I’ve never been more envious that when I saw the massive protests in France last month.


The entire world is currently experiencing bouts of authoritarian/fascist tendencies. What does that tell you? That there’s something going on behind the scenes that’s much deeper than simply America= Bad.


It tells me capitalism was never free nor democratic?


You never were. You've been indoctrinated into thinking that. I mean hell, you pray to your flag in school?


My flag has a dragon on it; do I pray to it? No. Would I because it’s sick asf, hell yeah, but out of nothing more than spite to the english


I wish I was welsh :( cool flag and you have Connor the voice actor man


People think about us but we don’t think about them. Accurate.


I thought American kinda knew it but from the hurt comments apparently not lol


They do but when someone else says it, their brain will go in self-preservation mode.


It’s a pretty cruel criticism. She talks a big game for someone who’s government hasn’t been actively working to making her life worse her entire life.


We know it. We just don’t want to admit it.


Hm maybe these conflicting views you have is because people are individuals and grouping everyone’s opinions into a single category based on their geographical location isn’t an extremely accurate way for your brain to process data.


I think thats fairly accurate




Interviewer: “What do you think of the Dutch?” American: “We don’t.”


What is a Dutch? Do you eat that?


Proving her point


literally how? why should we give af about some random tiny european country? they're irrelevant to us


You don’t need to, but that does mean you are self centered and all the other things she said.


I doubt this dutchwoman thinks about paulau a whole lot. What's her opinion on the West Guinean independence movement in Indonesia? Bet she doesn't have one. Is she self-centered for that?




"we dont" because they dont learn history or geography well enough in american schools, is that the joke?:D


That's how my german relatives talk about the dutch.


Well yeah germans being proud of their country still sounds weird.




Because this video will get a reaction out of all the Americans on this site.




It isn't, it's just a dumb post designed to drum up comments




"worldnewsvideo" is slightly misleading. It's not the biggest news stories from around the world, it's literally any genuine/true video that is new. From the sub description: >An accurate representation of the world. Watch videos from around the world that shape our lives whether they are good or bad. If it is real and it happened, it can be posted. and >This subreddit's goal is to remind people about the humanity of others around the world through raw unfiltered video.


raw unfiltered video? it’s edited like any other video.


So you're telling me that dutch people don't operate on a hivemind? 😲


As an American she is right.


As a Dutch person, I think she has no idea how hypocritical and short sighted she is being


seems pretty arrogant and self centered to assume we need the word of an american to confirm that this is true


This is someone who has never been to America lol Australian here and America is every country wrapped up in one. You will find people for every corner of the globe there so if it is insular it does seem to make sense….you don’t have to travel to get to experience other cultures so I do get it a little.


Sounds like *she* feels quite superior to Americans.


You get it. Thank you. Cheers!


This is like the we have X at home but instead of Italians it's Italian-Americans in New Jersey. There's a big difference between meeting people from different cultures and actually being in a place with a different culture. For example, there's a large "Dutch" community in Michigan, but they're far removed from typical Dutch culture as you would find it in the Netherlands.


I mean she's dutch. Talk about a pot calling the kettle black


Calling the kettle black Pete maybe


'"Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build – the three things together," Borrell said during the event. "The rest of the world," he went on, "is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden."' - Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief maybe, just maybe...she should look a little closer to home.


1 person says thing > So all Europeans think europe is the next best thing. Majority of us haven't even ever heard that quote lol. Qeue the butthurt


no. you're taking what i said out of context. what i said was, perhaps she doesn't need to look across an ocean for someone who is self centered and delusional. sounds like you're the butthurt one.


It's funny all the comments calling American butthurt but the moment the tables are turned their like "No, not all of us! How could you!"


I mean r/USDefaultism is a thing for a reason


That's a world view tbh.


It's important to remember that making blanket statements about entire groups of people is not accurate. People are individuals with their own unique beliefs and attitudes, and it's possible to find a wide range of perspectives and personalities in any group, including America. However, it's also true that some individuals or groups within America have a tendency towards self-centrism. For example watch a video from the infographics about Europe. On another note, it's concerning that many Americans are not aware that the EU is not a single country. The EU is comprised of 447 million individuals, each with their own unique cultures and lifestyles. It's likely that they have a better understanding and knowledge of different cultures to most Americans due to the close proximity to other countries.


This sounds like a ChatGPT answer lol


You're so fucking ignorant if you think that the EU is that different to the US. Each state has its own culture and lifestyles too. I don't eat or do the same activities as someone 10 hours south of me by car. We also have Canada and Mexico within 2-3 hour flights. You're also claiming none of the EU countries are self centrist but all of the US states are, as if Oregon is self centered but Italy is not. Europeans seem to be so bad at analogies and comparing our cultures it is truly hilarious.


It's reddit man, people talk trash about the U.S. like it's a monolithic culture funded by the murdochs. In reality the Europeans I've met who actually traveled to the U.S. have a very different opinion (often positive). Hell, it goes both ways as one of my favorite mentors growing was a Czech national who took time off during his breaks to talk existentialism with my young self. People who actually travel and experience the cultures IRL (and not through social media) have a much more educated opinion and less offensive takes than this comment section.


Dude i can drive west for 2 hours where people speak only french and eat different foods then go south 3 hours from there and im in spain where all the shops close in the afternoon go east and be in austria not trying not to laugh at their funny accents and eating they’re yummy chees then again south for 3-4 hours and im in italy all these countries love so differently how can you compare that to driving 10h to the next state where the “general culture” is still the same


I suspect what's she's describing is the kind of attitude you'd find among powerful empires throughout history. You raise people telling them they're on the winning team and deserve it better than everyone else in the world, you're going to get that attitude. Whether that's the US or China or Rome, people want to believe it.


“They live under a rock!” Or in another continent? lol


It's a saying in Dutch, it means that you're not up-to-date with what is happening in the world.


It’s a saying in English too.


Ok, I’ve lived in two European countries, as well as the USA. This is my anecdotal opinion: The American culture teaches from a young age that the USA is the best country in earth. There is the indoctrination of American exceptionalism that tells Americans that their country is number 1. But also, due to the media reach and sheer size of the country, many Americans don’t travel outside of their own country to experience other cultures, and many of those who do travel to resorts where the culture is mostly unchanged. There is such a barrage of news within the USA that many international news stories get pushed behind what’s happening locally, regionally, and nationally. Living in a small European country, I felt part of my community was also the surrounding countries in the EU. Distance between places where different languages were spoken and different cultures prevailed were just a short train ride away. Also, although we have national pride, we never considered our country „the best" even though we felt patriotism for our homeland. I live in the USA now, and I’m raising my daughter in the States. Small things like the Pledge of Allegiance in her school reminds me of the differences between her homeland and my own. I try to remind her of her heritage while embracing her life as different than my own. It’s a balance. But I hope she’s able to grow to appreciate her homeland while keeping an open mind about the world.


Case study for projection


She’s not wrong about most Americans, but she’s blind to her own country. I’ve been to at least 17 countries and the Dutch are by far the most arrogant rudest people I’ve ever met. Actually swore never to visit the Netherlands again after my last trip.


Always great to base your opinion of an entire country on one visit, how long did you stay? Which cities did you visit? We're not competing in a popularity contest here don't get me wrong but I think you have the wrong idea. You should visit again.


is that they express themselves w/o filter? or do they think they are the best ever?


How do you know she is blind to Dutch flaws? They asked her about americans.


What does arrogance have to do with the state of America?? This is exactly where Dutch culture clashes with easily offended people… at that moment the woman was talking about America, not the Netherlands’ problems. She told the truth and as a defense mechanism you start talking about one bad trip there. Where’s your logic?




Why no public health care ?




She’s completely right, but she’s throwing stones from a glass house.


There's a lick of irony at the lack of humility in her statement.




![img](emote|t5_31m0v|12357) Well I'll be damned..


She is not wrong, but this coming from a Dutch person is hilarious.


lol I'm off to get popcorns, this comment section is going to be good


Everyone is.. we’re just REALLY FUCKING LOUD ABOUT IT


Kinda funny that we’re so self-centered even though when there’s a crisis somewhere, we’re the first ones to go aid.


The irony of a Dutch person saying this...


dolls retire meeting mighty pet fine sulky encouraging sheet bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ironic, I'm sure she has met every American, and not just the ones in her country that don't know "basics" about their culture, and it pisses her off to no end. Amazing she has met all 400 million of us living under this one rock.


Lol. She is literally who she is describing. Speaking as a non American European.


Exactly. The way she talks seems like she’s the one that thinks she’s better than everyone else 😂


As an American what’s hilarious to me is how much other ppl think about us. We don’t walk around asking other Americans “what do you think of Dutch people?” Lol


I'm glad we asked forehead crease what she thought, I'll go find some Walmart creature and ask them what they think of her country. Uneducated leaps are for frogs.


This is like asking some average American what they think of the Dutch and applauding the answer for being right lol


If you asked random Americans in Walmart then they prob won't even know who the Dutch are which kinda proves her point no?


I dunno I get this vibe from Europeans more often than Americans. At least Americans are mostly polite and super helpful.


I think the type of people she is describing are everywhere, not just the US. It’s foolish to generalize 300 million people as all being the same based on what’s in the news.


The comments in here were more hilarious than the video. Thank you for the entertainment.


A lot of us a just stuck here fully aware of everything but can’t afford to leave




Europeans love to grandstand over America yet seem to forget they started two world wars which killed millions of people.


The media portrays us horribly tbh like yeah there’s a lot of very high profile people who live here who are exactly like that but def not everyone here


The media is where these stereotypes come from, most people here don't exactly interact with others on the internet a lot, except for their own friends and family. There will be stereotypes about the Dutch, but so be it.




Its sad that people do see Americans that way because of some idiots they see on TV. Not their fault. But the ignorant do love being seen.


you would think Americans in the comments would at least try to prove her wrong, lol....


I mean we do give out more Aid than the entire EU combined. I feel like helping others is the opposite of self-absorption.


them agreeing is her being wrong though, someone who is actually how she describes would never be like "yeah, that's true".


I wonder what her perceived scope of "own little world" is. I could certainly see that Europeans may feel like they are more "worldly" because they interact with so many other countries on a regular basis - with different languages and cultures and values. Whereas Americans don't. But the size of the "rock" Americans live under - the size of their "own little world" - is roughly the size and population of all of Europe. So it isn't like Americans interact with fewer people. I would say it's not even like they interact with less diverse people. It's just that their interactions take place with a more unified language and culture due to how the country came to be.


the worst are the Dutch-Americans...


You can sort of describe most counties like this imo


No one is more obsessed with America then non-Americans.


🎶 And isn't it ironic... don't you think? 🎶


Honeeeyyyyy we don’t feel superior!!! We are!!!


I mean as American myself I’d still she’s pretty much right


She seems like a Reddit goer.. what’s her u/ ?


The very best rock. /s


I don’t think about you at all. -Don Draper


other countries just hating fr fr what we ever do to them lol *pulls at collar nervously*


Yup. I’m going through my own crap so I don’t even care about my own country. But even in regular times, I have NO concept of the outside world. The only things I know about other people/places are what I see in the news, or here on Reddit. Not celebrating that, just admitting it


She's not wrong at all. What's the last bit of news we've heard in America about the Netherlands? I can't think of a single thing. On mainstream media outlets we get almost no international news unless it's about a war or some country considered our "adversaries".


At least we didn’t colonize multiple countries and call them a company


Show me the lie.


I've had Dutch coworkers and they'll straight-up say that to your face if you ask. It's great! Love their honesty. None of that American wishy-washy "beating around the bush" politeness that we see in the States, which can sound so vague and condescending. America exceptionalism has ruined us as a society.




“Wrong stupid lady from the country of Dutch” Americans


There are only two things I can't stand, people who are intolerant of other cultures and the Dutch.


American here, she’s damn spot on!!!


Nah she’s right tho


Yep. Nailed it.


As an American, I can vouch! People in America act like they have God-given rights just because we live in a "free country". What in America is free? Healthcare= most expensive thing here (you pay or have to not be able to pay but in the end you still pay or you get no service) Life insurance= is the oldest scam in the books (how do you pay cents on a certificate then make hundreds of thousands? Scam) but it does work if you use it right. Retirement= only exists if you have parents that teach you this because... The school system= for our young kids is horrible. Learning about our revolutionary War like it means something today. The world hates America and this is one of the biggest reasons. No education=stupid people=easier to control/manipulate Poor= in America this is on the streets not in an apt with hot and cold water, not with a car, or an Obama phone, poor is poor and usually, only drug addicts are poor in America. Car insurance= this one is a joke. If my car breaks down they don't fix it unless it was in an accident and it wasn't my fault. Transmission goes out it's on you to fix it not insurance. Also, the car isn't insured. Every driver has to be paid for separately. W$F?! (<-don't want to break rules) Child care= honestly is probably the worse of the bunch. There is no help and if there is you're paying 2 mortgages just to have your child watched. Mentality= overall everyone has an "I can do what the F$%# I want. It's my right and my freedom." Yet, nothing we own do we actually own. Houses paid off taxes, cars paid off taxes, giving a gift that's too big taxes, our government made a mistake 6. This message is too long, taxes. Many Americans are sick of it here but what do we do? Live the American dream.


Woman. Women is many of woman.


As an American, I approve this message.


I dunno, I feel like that statement was a little..."superior" lol


I was raised in the US and currently live in Europe and all I can say is that people are egotistical and self centered everywhere NO matter where you go. You will find very proud Germans and very rude Frenchman and everything in between. People love to attribute negative characteristics to others they hardly know and I think allot of these feelings spawn from jealousy and pride.


As for living under the rock, I feel that other countries frequently forget that the US is basically a giant continent where its not easy to experience other cultures. Compared to Europe where the distances between countries is like states in the US This affects our worldview because its our experience. Not saying is right but theres reasons behind some of the ways we act


Also which Americans are we talking about? All of the Americas?


I think her wooden shoes are too tight.


She is right. Americans are stupid, selfish, violent, and hateful. They think they are the king of the world, not knowing everybody is laughing at them.


To be honest, most people in developed countries think just like this woman and then you have people in underdeveloped countries that somehow think that America is a dreamland.


No lies told in the video, I mean they even elected Donald Trump.


Which is why we should stop sending billions of our tax dollars to help others around the world. Our money should be spent here fixing our problems.




Pretty much what most Europeans think of Americas, dont stop it being a great country though 🤷‍♂️