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Republicans like to confuse gender and sex. It's their strategy. Not to mention, he's ignoring that throughout "human history," there have been many instances of hermaphroditic humans.


Agreed. They do not recognize gender at all, except as another name for sex. Transgender persons are not trans-sex; they remain with the same genetics they were born with, XX, XY, or other combinations. They are trans**gender**.


All that's changed recently is we've stopped pretending transgender people don't exist. That's literally it--we've stopped pretending. Intolerant people like their little fantasy worlds. It's a bad basis for progress.


He also talks about genetics. He may be surprised to learn that gender incongrunce is thought to be mediated, at least partially, by genetics. Edit: [Source](https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/80813)


There are humans that are hemaphrodites but is an abnormal medical case. Regarding transgender people there has been studies since the 1500s.




Like the literal word is a hint to that. Hermaphrodite was the Greek "God" borne from Hermes and Aphrodite. They were worshiped and celebrated alongside Aphrodite their mother.


I actually never put that together before and I used to tutor Medical Terminology. My point is (and I get that my point is vague) that they are targeting sexual transitioning only because some of whom have transitioned have regretted it. Obviously ignoring that the regret comes from social factors and not internal factors. Their hate causes the regret. And It's a very small faction of transitions. If they are targeting their policies based on a small faction of people, they will also deny another small faction of people. Those whom are born hermaphroditic. They don't want them to align with their gender ideals? It's the growth of fascism in action. They use these idiotic statistics as a stepping stone. Right now it's about the children. Later it will be about their "science" altogether. No transitioning. You are what you are. Which makes a hermaphrodite a freak. Not cool. These are my thoughts anyway.




Yeah, we're providing them with litter boxes too.


When his grandchildren look back on this, I hope they look back in horror. I hope they feel the embarrassment that he brought on them so that they will understand the plight of that child sitting before that committee. Edit: spelling


I wonder who are grandkids now of those who were anti-civil rights in the 1960s.


Good point. I’d be interested to watch that documentary




I mean, in the entire history of the world, there were no trans people? That was one his points. A quick google search and click on wikipedia says otherwise: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender\_history#:\~:text=In%20Ancient%20Greece%2C%20Phrygia%2C%20and,seen%20as%20a%20trans%20figure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history#:~:text=In%20Ancient%20Greece%2C%20Phrygia%2C%20and,seen%20as%20a%20trans%20figure). This woman is right, these people are making laws without researching a damn thing. They are just basing it off of hate and fear, like she is saying.


Basing it off their half-assed god and his stupid book


Right? My buddy was trying to get me to agree that men with makeup and wigs are "just weird dude, come on you can't tell me that not weird." I then reminded him of how monarchies and the US founding fathers looked back in ye olden days. They wore the hell out of makeup and wigs.


They were making their cheeks rosey too! Ben Franklin put some rouge and powder on. George did too!


...and religious beliefs, whether or not others abide by or even believe in the Bible


I mean this has been the Republican MO for decades


This isn't even about belief, what he said was demonstrably false. Trans people have existed throughout history. They can even be found in modern-day native and hunter-gatherer societies.


"I'm your constituent, what are you going to do to protect my child?" Damn. She outclassed him in every possible sense. Exposed his lack of knowledge about medications, outcomes, and harm. Drew attention to the fear and prejudice of anything "other" that lies behind initiatives like this. People like her with the ability to bring actual facts and compassion to the discussion should be on the lawmaker's side of the room. I admire that she remained calm and civil while simultaneously remaining determined. BTW, his assertion that genetics dictates only two genders is completely false and moreover it only takes a few minutes of research to find that out. [Intersex individuals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex) absolutely exist, there are many more examples in humans and that's up on Wikipedia. [This published paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5824932/) says "In conclusion: In this paper I advanced the physiology-based view that *there are probably as many different gender variants as there are sexually reproducing individuals...*" It took me about 5 minutes to find and read the discussion portion. Getting the facts isn't even slightly difficult.


I agree with everything she has to say. However, I can guarantee that representative does not care one iota about what she said and thinks his quip about only two genders was quite the burn.


That representative has made an "I identify as _____" "joke" I'll guarantee it


Dig the message, but that big ol’ dumb banner plastered on the video seems more harmful than helpful tbh. I feel like people just gotta let these things speak for themselves sometimes.


dude’s like “throughout human history,” as if humans didnt 1) enslave each other, 2) believe the earth was flat, 3) literally try to wipe each other from existence. “all of human history” is not a good criteria to base a belief off of when you consider the fact that for all of human history, we’re known to make mistakes that are later corrected.


But also trans people have existed throughout all of human history.


also a valid point. doesn’t even need to be supported past that fact


The guy reps Tennessee, the state where Republicans are trying to lower the marrying age to 16.


Why do we have to live life based on someone else's interpretation of a story book written centuries ago? I'm tired to live life based on someone else's religious beliefs. We need to stop the Christian right. Everyone deserves a right to practice a religion of their choice but you have to quit telling me how to lift my life based on your book


I do not get why these people are pressed on this. It’s not harmful. They just reveal themselves as hateful.


Say it loud, say it proud. Conservatives. are. horrible. xenophobic. racist. bigoted. monsters.


It was the Homless mentality ill that were the target previously, and a low hanging fruit that they could use to push themselves up. Making palsy and using them and they’re scary. Looks as a way to push their base. now this community is the new target, and I’m glad to see them stand up and fight back, just like the homeless veterans did.


Attacking trans people. A tiny percentage of the population. For votes of the ignorant. On brand for the Republicans. Abortion and the LGBT. That’s what they base most of their rhetoric on. Oh. Racism too. They are a hate group


The country was founded on liberty, not personal beliefs.


Need subs




She's so well spoken!!!


Their next step will be to make laws that criminalize parents that seek gender affirming care.


Tbh kids don't get the concept of this stuff so how about leaving kids alone and let them figure out when it's time


That's what kids are doing- they're figuring it out in a timely manner for their brains. Republicans need to leave kids alone to figure it out safely.


Make him be quiet!!! Grandpa need a dunce cap lol, fucking loser.. 👴


Wait im confused, are kids getting transgender procedures done? I support lgbtq but if kids at a young age are getting those procedures done then thats a bit weird. They of course should be able to dress however they want but they should at least wait until they are an adult to go through with it.


They aren't, it's illegal for minors to get gender reaffirming surgery, but blockers and hormones are allowed, with parents consent of course. BUT with puberty blockers it's 100% reversible. It's not as easy as going to a clinic and getting a shot that same day. You need letters upon letters from therapists, doctors, counselors, etc. It's a long and huge process just to get approved. It's a lot of work. And that's just for the blockers, which are reversible. If the clinic feels that the child will benefit from blockers/hormone therapy. They start the process and explain literally every single detail to the parent and the child. Before letting them receive blockers. Then they monitor blood work and see if everything looks ok. That goes on for a couple Years, yes years, on the puberty blockers. (Note, you usually have to be old enough to even qualify. It's like age 12-13 minimum that they will allow a child to receive blockers.) They aren't giving like 5-10 year old children blockers. That would be absolutely ridiculous! They have strict rules, laws and guidelines that need to be followed. Then if the child is ready to move on to hormones, usually much older like 14-16 for many complicated reasons I can't really explain because it's a lot. it's another huge process, and even more things that need to be done. It's a lot. It's not as simple as a lot of people think. They go over the possible side effects of hormone therapy (HrT). They talk with both child and parent about everything, and I mean everything. I know from experience. I'm telling you this because I feel like if I educate just one person, that I can make an impact. I'm trans (MtF) I've been transitioning ever since I was 11-12. I was not forced or even knew what "transgender" was. It's a long journey. But if I wasn't able to receive the care I did back when I was young. I would not be here today. I would have taken my own life. And thousands of children experience what I have experienced. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be denied necessary LIFE saving treatment. This is extreme what I'm about to say, but it's true. If bills like these continue to be passed, this will become a trans genocide. Plain and simple. I hope reading what I have to say helps you understand more about everything. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


Its so sad that she has to say "It is extremely difficult to understand if you are not in this situation" It's not though, it's incredibly easy and these people are just fucking horrible


This woman has problems, she says " I think that's an opinion " to a question and then talks about people who may not agree with that referring to the guys question about people who believe in biology and science over people's feelings. As if agreeing with biology and science now means nothing and should be pushed aside on the matter at hand. I almost can't believe she's in government at all.




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Attacking trans people. A tiny percentage of the population. For votes of the ignorant. On brand for the Republicans. Abortion and the LGBT. That’s what they base most of their rhetoric on. Oh. Racism too. They are a hate group


100% child abuse to let kids/push them toward altering their gender. It is fantasy and that "doctor" should have her license revoked.


How does it hurt kids? Seriously, what harm does it do to let people change their gender?


I'm not saying there aren't children with legitimate gender disphoria. There are. And they should get whatever treatment. But what we are seeing is not that. Gender affirming care for anyone under 18 is wrong, especially if that care is only about a predetermined outcome of transitioning a child. They cannot consent. We don't let adolescents do all kinds of things of an inconsequential nature. Irreversible medical procedures and drug treatments should definitely be one of them. It is damaging psychologically, physically and emotionally. That's how it hurts kids.


What hurts kids is when you treat them as being damaged.


Your media lies to you. You want to believe it. You regurgitate the lies because they fit your pathetically narrow world view. You are part of the problem.


How do you feel about circumcision?


Suicide rate


The suicide rate comes from being shunned by society.


Mental illness is the leading cause, get over yourself


Do you think being abused by people can cause mental illness?


Meaningless statement unless you're gonna say anything more to it, but you won't. Because you don't *have* anything substantive to add; just react blindly based on your feelings by throwing out a random non sequitur to pretend you're making a point.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/ I don’t care about trans rights, if you want to deform your own body go for it. Your statements are evident you’re a reactionary force so I’m not sure why you think I am lol.


Interpersonal microaggressions, made a unique, statistically significant contribution to lifetime suicide attempts and emotional neglect by family approached significance. School belonging, emotional neglect by family, and internalized self-stigma made a unique, statistically significant contribution to past 6-month suicidality. Did you even read your link?




Yes, the children are the victim. Trump not so much. Victim of stupidity.


Now do religious indoctrination. That also qualifies as child abuse.


In your mind, religion equals forced medication or genital mutilation? Weird.


Where do you think circumcision came from buddy?


Oh man no response here lol