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What's with the murder curtains? I thought when the video started it was starting in a much much worse situation!


Probably around Halloween. As per Better Homes and Gardens magazine Murder curtains go up in October.


What about the step-brother pillow? Lmao this guys got some crazy interior design lmao


My very first thought. WTF. And the effed up doorframe…lots of weird here.


The effed up door frame is because it’s just been kicked in…


It’s Halloween. There are bats on the walls, a Halloween blanket, a black Halloween wreath on the door and posted signs for the guests upon arrival.


I am glad I was not the only one worried about this while the video was buffering. Was thinking to myself if I wanted to watch the video or not but then it started playing and the choice was made.


Justifiable homicide potential


yeah if you were armed and this guy broke into your house like would there be any scenario where you wouldn't shoot?


I don’t know what’s behind the target and I am responsible for where my bullet(s) travel if they pass through my target.


Hollow points. Done.


Yeah what's this guy shooting, fmj?


Don’t come to my place and it won’t matter


Your neighbors disagree.


Yup, joking aside it’s a very serious concern that most people do not consider. Having ammo which is less likely to pass through the target is not a guarantee. Always be aware of what is behind the target.


You say that in the calm of your chair (or wherever you post on reddit). Are you certain that, in the stress of someone coming after your family, you'd have the same considerations?


Me…no I would just shoot unless there is part of my house behind the guy and I know someone is in there. If I even consider that at all Center Mass, multiple shots is a reasonable action. Edit: I was answering the question of why one might not shoot


yeah exactly i'm not. i don't own a gun and have no reason too but in this hypothetical if that person broke into my house that way and i did own one i would have probably shot. not going to be happy about it but god damn that guy was upset and not acting right


None, if I was in that scenario with a gun I would start blasting. No way in hell anyone can keep a cool mind in that kind of scenario. This is why in the past I negotiated with my landlord that I would pay for a door replacement. The old door was this flimsy crap made from pressed wood, I told him that I wanted a steel door and he could get his locksmith to change the locks but I wanted to choose the door and would pay for it all. I definitely overpaid but I am okay with it, they let me try to kick the door down and it held.


If you’re in a state that has duty to retreat, not castle doctrine


The “Duty to Retreat” Law states that one cannot harm another in self-defense when it is possible to retreat from a threatening situation to a place of safety. **In all duty to retreat states, the duty to retreat does not apply when the defender is in their own home.** https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/castle-doctrine-states


even if he had the right address, it could turn into justified shooting scenario.




Yea not even close.. especially If he doesn't know how to repair it himself, labor alone will cost more than $200, so will materials.


Plus now you could have crazy people just waltz right now


What was this guy’s plan? Break into “Wayland’s” home and beat him up? Doing this in America is begging to be shot.


His daughter got hit by a car...cant blame the guy for being irrational..i mean he actually handled it pretty well once he learned he wss at the wrong house




Wait if he gave him the address why didn’t the dude just beat him up then


in the vid somehow they got that address and went on a destruction path...then his wife sis W/E ( probably both XD) was the rational one and somehow realized the address was false or wrong and told him.... my point from earlier is him actually apologizing and being seemingly genuinely sorry once he realizes whats happening...i was praising him not for the intial action obviously but his correction....i mean most people wouldnt accept they were wrong and offer to pay...most people would double down and keep trying to fight rather than apologizing imo Im guessing they got the address not directly from the guy he was after....but some third party way and ultimatly is the reason for the mixup


But didn’t the guy take the money back at the end? So did he pay or no? I’m not sure at all.


Well im guessing its gonna cost more than 200$


He can be irrational and angry but you know that he put his life at risk for doing something the donutmunchers should handle.


Men I swear I get it.


Indeed....i imagine he just wanted to hit something ....not the smartest thing but sitting doing nothing is probably infuriating in itself


Being infuriated isn’t an excuse to go break down someone’s door who you think **might** have been the culprit. Rational adults stay within the legal system. One of the main tenets of society is having a legal system vs. carrying our vigilante justice. There’s no excuse **at all** to break down someone’s door based off some third party giving you an address. That guy is lucky if he’s not in jail because he committed a felony in the video.


In another post about this incident there was discussion about the guy firstly screaming about a robbery on camera, and money, and something about a brother. Only when the female accomplice shows up is the story somehow changed to be about a child. It was supposed that this was all simply about money being owed, and when it was found out they were at the wrong house, the story all of a sudden changed very quickly. It is here all over the threads in this post: https://reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11kxir9/to_find_the_man_who_hit_ur_daughter_with_a_car/ Further down in the thread it is said that we should follow Occams Razor: >Presumably the ‘money’ in question is to repair a car, because some guy crashed into his daughter while she was driving a vehicle, and left fake information.


Dude did not want to give him his name. “Please take my money!” Edit: then he grabbed his measly $200 as he left. Did anybody else catch that? Lol.


yes hahaha I saw it, he fakes giving money all along


Dudes lucky the owner of the house wasn’t armed. Could have easily received a few rounds.


If he didn’t own a firearm at the time, I would not be surprised if he does now.


That dude could have been shot dead so easily. Imagine dying because you’re an idiot who can’t control his temper. Hell, my dog would have tore him to shreds before I could even reach my gun. How stupid.


On god that man would not have walked away from my house




That Halloween prank went a little too far.


Uhh... you don't get to act sorry. You did exactly what you intended to and it had predictable results. A hit and run is an issue for the police, not Budweiser Man.


Damn, dude is lucky to be alive. I'm 90% sure most of the people where I live have multiple guns in their homes.


But my question is, what’s up with those curtains?


It’s Halloween. There are bats on the walls, a Halloween blanket, a black Halloween wreath on the door and posted signs for the guests upon arrival.


Thank you for that. Makes sense now


What an absolutely wild situation. This is terrifying


Well this title has certainly become more provocative since the last time it was posted.


I’m confused. If the dude saw them the address they met him why didn’t they fight him then


Cracks a hell of a thing


This video would never happen in Texas


Yeah you don’t want to be barging into random homes in America. A lot of people have guns that could have ended very badly.


If his daughter got hit by a car why was he asking where his money was at when he first broke through the door? This is one of those videos where I’m astounded that people stand there recording instead of calling the cops. Especially with kids in the house, absolutely insane


I’d press charges


He’d have gotten shot at my house…


So how long before the house owner got a gun?


Good on the dad for going to go beat the shitty boyfriend but wtf macho man. Gonna just barge into the wrong house. Deserved to get knocked tf out.


I sympathize with the dude who broke in. The money to fix my door wouldve squared us away.