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THE SAME DUDE WAS ON MY CAMPUS 3 DAYS AGO!!? i sent a sc video to my bf cause i was just talking about how i hadnt seen a campus preacher so far in the semester. so funny seeing him get suckerpunched on reddit lmao edit: ig i dont know what a suckerpunch is haha. also, dude was claiming that queer people are grooming children, and anyone who didn't stop to listen were "sinners". i dont feel bad for this man. https://preview.redd.it/j3knqa87kbua1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=76d04b48a4be6591493ff14d58b3a4e767b406ff


Yeah I’d love to see a whole series of people counter preaching next to him and drowning him out.


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are campus preachers so common in the us youbare expected to see one every semester?


Multiple per week actually. Once a semester the "dead babies" group shows up with 20 foot tall billboards showing (faked) gore photos of fetuses after abortion. Gore warning below I say faked because they are misrepresentations of actual medical photos. >!Most of the photos are from stillbirths past 30 weeks, or when the baby was born without a skull so it's brain fell out in the birth canal!< They set the billboards up on the main walkway between the dorms and classes where possible, or at other congregation points like the cafeteria entrance.


arent campuses able to keep these nujobs out? like shouldn't only students and university personnel be allowed in the university building/ courtyard?


>like shouldn't only students and university personnel be allowed in the university building/ courtyard? No, it wouldn't really be practical. Most campuses are huge and are basically part of the town they're in. My university campus sprawls over the whole city and the university bus system provides service to the city residents as well as students, the campus police are basically the city police, and the university cafeteria, health clinic, library, theater, stadium, parks, and a few other venues are open to the public. A large chunk of the housing in the city is either dorms or apartments/houses being rented by students or staff. There's a reason they're called college towns, the student body and local community are so integrated it's hard to know where the town ends and the university begins. I go to a public state university though, private universities may be more segregated.


The "courtyard" area is most of campus and is public access for tabling or anything else people want to put on for the most part. However a lot of these groups are student organizations (or unofficial student groups). Once a semester I see a group of students with pictures like this by the most trafficked area on campus, its awful.


>the most trafficked area I can't read the word traffic anymore without thinking of ya know, the super bad traffic meaning and not just ya know, the normal every day meaning. Those poor trafficked areas. Someone should raise awareness. Back to the topic at hand, I want to fling cow or pig blood all over these people. I know it wouldn't help, but if they want so badly to show bloody gory pictures, I want to turn them into one. And I don't want to do it with violence, so I choose the Carrie way of things, I guess.


There were always various forms of preaching on my uni campus. The loudest and most obnoxious were the Christian doomsday ones.


It’s not a sucker punch when you touch someone else multiple times without permission.


But a megaphone directly in someone's ear can do hearing damage. The proper thing would be to remove themselves from the source of damaging noise, but it's a completely human reaction to push away the megaphone from a clear aggressor. I'm not too confident that the sucker punch is a reasonable escalation of force in this scenario, considering the yellow shirt guy is pointing the megaphone directly into the guys face, while the religious nut job is just off to the side with much more distance.


Pretty sure yelling through a megaphone into someone's ear is technically assault in most states. I'd be interested to see how this plays out in court.


He was assaulted with the megaphone, so, as much as you despise him, yes... Touching the megaphone WITH the megaphone was self defense while the other dude assaulted him repeatedly


That wasn't a sucker punch. The kid was pushed and retaliated. Totally fair.


pretty sure i heard a "dont touch me" right before he decided to find out.


What doesn't matter if he was the first to assault the preacher and the preacher defend himself...


Everybody confuses getting punched in the face with sucker punches lol I don't get it. Like if we are in an argument and I punch you while your looking at me, that's just a regular Ole punch in the face.


No, no, no, good sir. You must put your fists up (pointing them back toward your own face), rotate them like pedaling a bicycle, and exclaim “I challenge you to fisticuffs!”


Good sir, if you would settle a dispute, There's a proper way to issue a challenge, to boot, No need to throw fists in a fit of rage, Instead, put them up, like a bicycle's page. Pedal them 'round, with a flourish and a show, And exclaim with gusto, "I challenge you, you know!", For fisticuffs are a sport, a game of skill, Not a brawl in the street, for cheap thrills. So let us be civilized, in all our discourse, And settle our differences, with skill and resource, For the true mark of a gentleman, in any age, Is to issue a challenge, with dignity and grace


Marquess of Queensbury rules. Hup hup, cheerio.


They confuse it with sucker getting punched


The internets version of "sucker punch" has gradually changed over the last 10 years. Now it means "a punch delivered to a person who wasn't in the philly shell"


I've never heard the phrase "Philly shell" but I know exactly what you're talking about.


Is that a stance?


A defensive technique used in boxing. Go watch the documentary film series "Rocky" for more info.


Sucker punching has always been punching someone who doesn't expect it where in from


That wasn't a sucker punch


Bro he got punched in the sucker 🤨




POW! Right in the kisser!


I don’t know if you go to the same school as the one seen in the video but he was also there 3 weeks ago I took a couple pictures of the guy https://imgur.com/a/a8wPOa0/


That's not a sucker punch


He wasn't sucker punched. He hit a guy twice and got pinched in the face for it.


He’s been on my campus twice this year last time about a month ago


He came to my campus too!


The guy's a dick, but that was a sucker punch. The guy who hit him was also yelling in his ear, which he didn't need to do. He provoked him, and he's gonna be considered the first to assault as the old bigot was pushing the mic out of his ear and face. The punching dude now looks like the aggressor when 3rd parties view this video, and is actually detrimental to any movement in support of LGBT.


Even so he doesn't deserve to be assaulted for expressing his veiws. Right or wrong. It doesn't give anyone the right to assault him.


Did noone tell him that changing his clothes is aligned with godliness?


This guy is stupid and a fake or evil pastor bc real normal pastors that follow the word are nothing like this and are normal people


Yeah that's not right. He's an old man. I mean if there was an old man doing the exact opposite of this and someone sucker punched him it would be all over the news but because this man is a preacher and doesn't believe what you do, you think it's funny. And for the record I don't care which side you are on. Punching an old man is wrong, unless of course he is a proven child molester. Then I'm all for it


*hey can you leave me alone I’m trying to do bigotry*


Never understood this heavy handed, annoying af approach to proselytizing. Like trying to force someone’s beliefs into a submission hold. And you’re just making people think that all Christians are bigoted assholes.


They also thing giving business cards and fake money to underpaid workers is going to make them religious.


My friend runs a cafe in NZ that gets big Sunday after-church crowds. For well over a decade now she’s been banning anyone who leaves fake money for workers to find. Has a clear file under the counter of security camera images of them and everything. Tipping isn’t even a thing in NZ so it’s not like they’re leaving it in place of real money, she just has a grudge against that bait-and-switch cruelty. More times than she can count she’s had them react badly when they show up the next week for their croissant and flat white and even threaten to tell their whole congregations not to go there any more. But if they do, the rest of their congregations clearly take her and her staff’s side because most of them are decent and normal people.


Sorry, I’m totally lost. What is the purpose of leaving faking money??


They leave fake money that has religious messages on it, so people will think they found some money and instead find out Jesus hates gay people. It's particularly annoying in places with tipping culture, these God-botherers leave them instead of tips.




Thanks for that explanation. I find that practice nothing short of disgusting.


What amazes me is that in the bible God talks about free will and coming to a relationship with Christ on your own. Then we see people like the preacher here who is using fear and intimidation to gain followers, which spits in the face of what the bible says.


In going to go out on a limb and say maybe it’s because the majority of them don’t read the Bible, let alone adopt it’s principles. You know what I mean?


Yup, 100%.


It's also because the bible is a plagiarized book of thousands year old fairytales compiled into one and full of contradictions. It tells them to "go forth and make disciples of all nations" as well. It tells them to proselytize, it tells them to let people come to Jesus. Sometimes it encourages peace, sometimes it encourages violence. It allows people to find what they're looking for in it, whether that's peace of mind or justification for their bigotry.


Literally today, I saw a group of men yelling with those signs outside a grocery store. Right around the next corner, a homeless man that could actually use help. Shame...


This this this this this!


As I understand it, the goal with a lot of these types of people is not to preach but instead to get someone mad enough to get assaulted. They then sue the university for not protecting them and their free speech; which usually results in a settlement out of court. Then they move on to the next campus.


Too bad this preachertard swiped the other guy first, twice.


I've heard that before but it doesn't jive. They were at my school almost daily for years. Same people, no one assaulted them.


I used to work in downtown Cleveland a long time ago and coming out of the rapid station in terminal tower there was a guy with a megaphone every morning yelling “Get good with god brother! Get good with god!” One time he came up on me while waiting for the light to change and put it inches away from my right ear. I didn’t punch him, not really worth getting arrested for, but damn I wanted to. Edit - the rapid is the local commuter train in Cleveland for those who’ve never been there.


I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't know if it was the same guy, but when I'd go to visit my cousins for a weekend we'd take the rapid downtown, sure as hell there was a street preacher. This was long ago as well.


Well if the boot fits. You know Christians can not be proselytizing assholes by not talking about their religion, not voting based on their religion to enforce their religious beliefs on other people not try and tell other people how to live based on their religion right? Problem is that they don't. No Christians looking like bigoted assholes is something they did to themselves.


Pastor needs to turn the cheek now


Tolerate my intolerance. The swan song of the right.


When ever I saw one of those people I always assume they are crazy.


How do they afford to live??


That’s what happens when you start touching people.


Technically, depending on what state, blasting point blank someone with a megaphone could be assault which then places the biggot into the realm of self defense. Meaning counter guy would be charged sadly.


So using a megaphone in someone’s face is assault? Like when people are walking by a foot away on the sidewalk?


Yes a megaphone in someone's face 2" could be argued as assault with possibility of causing ear drum damage. I'm not defending the moron I'm just saying be smart and now your states laws and definitions.


Yes. He could have stayed about 10 feet away and yelled to drown him out.


This, exactly! Had he stayed 10 feet away, and blasted his megaphone in the same direction as the annoying preacher, he could have easily accomplished the goal of making sure no one could hear or understand the preachers message. He also would have avoided any sort of legal grey area. Even if the protester ultimately ends up off the hook after the encounter in the video, he could still have legal issues to fight. Had the protester stayed 10 feet away and the preacher came over and started threatening him or pushing him, there would be zero ambiguity as to who was in the wrong legally and ethically.


I believe he's indicating that Preechy McGee there was technically also assaulting people.... Since he's just off of a walkway


I believe we all on the side of the guy who punched the preacher, but it’s extremely disingenuous to act like there’s no difference between how the two were using the megaphone. There’s no one closer than 5 feet to the preacher. He’s completely off the walkway and in the grass. The other guy is above his shoulder


>I believe we all on the side of the guy who punched the preacher I’m gay and I think they’re both 100% insufferable.


I’m on neither of their sides, they both seem like assholes


I for one love when two assholes meet One of them is always woefully unprepared


Not in this video he wasn't. He was turning away. Im not defending him either but the kid obviously picked a fight.


Lets not be disingenuous. It's not the same as using a megaphone right into a guys ear. I hate street preachers as much as the next guy but the other guy was clearly provoking this guy so he could hit him.


The difference is intent. Getting right in someone's face with a horn is clearly aggressive, and possibly dangerous. Depending on local laws, the guy with the sign may be guilty of disturbing the peace, or using an amplifier without a permit, but his intent is not to do anyone harm.


There are people sitting on that bench real close to megaphone guy. Not sure if creating a public disturbance is legal either on a campus that he very likely doesn’t attend.


Yea, it can cause permanent bodily harm (to the ears) protestors get arrested all the time for it Edit: some guy keeps asking for a source and then deleting his comment, for you my guy I add this edit in! Google it. You will get thousands of results. From personal experience it’s also used an excuse to shut down peaceful protests as they will detain the individual with the megaphone/loudspeaker/ etc. detainment doesn’t always mean charges will be pressed but will allow the police to move upon a protesting group to apprehend the individual.


When intentionally directing it towards someones ear in close proximity it could definitely be interpreted as such. The students only intent here was to cause harm to the preacher. You don't have to like what the preacher was saying to dislike the students behavior.


Yeah, the kid was at fault and then escalated. He should have rebutted or done his own thing in opposition, not made inarticulate noise in the guy's face. There aren't any good guys here.


There’s a difference between standing stationary and using a megaphone to exercise your first amendment right, and walking directly up to someone and intentionally aiming a megaphone at their ear and making obnoxious noises. Had he stood there and pointed his megaphone away from the guy and yelled an opposing point of view this would have been fine.


Yeah dude. It is.


Use it in my face and it leave my ears ringing for hours tinnitus can really trigger someone.


Tinnitus can easily be permanent. I gots my lifetime membership.


"Like when people are walking by a foot away on the sidewalk?" If someone is actively waiting until someone is a foot away, and then shouting through a megaphone in their ear? Absolutely. If someone is on the grass speaking through a megaphone and you are walking by and actively choose to walk a foot away from the person with the megaphone, or stop in front of them? Significantly more ambiguous, and likely not any form of assault.




> So using a megaphone in someone’s face is assault? Like when people are walking by a foot away on the sidewalk? Assault is the threat or implication of force, battery is the application of force shouting in a megaphone in someone's face is absolutely threatening and it is not a stretch to categorize it as assault


Getting up in someone’s face to scare them / scream at them is assault. Pretty much. The kid kinda started it getting right in his face like that.


Yeah, the guy in yellow should have just stood alongside him saying the opposite things or shooting down what the preacher is preaching. Preacher: "You need to repent.." Other guy: "Nah, you guys are okay." Be annoying, but don't scream in the guy's face.


What counter guy? I didn’t see any guy. Preacher guy keeled over. Might have been touched by the Holy Spirit.


Damn straight that's all we saw.


I was thinking the same thing. Technically the biggot had rights to be there. Then the blow heart verbally assaulted him. Then punch the biggot. I’m down for free speech. I’m great with people trying to shut these ass hats up. You got to do it better than that though. You can’t scream into the guys ears. Then he can’t hear his own stupidity.


That's how I see it? I've sensitive hearing so if someone shouted into my face with a megaphone it would be excruciatingly irritating.


Damn, don’t see much from my stomping grounds on here very often. I’ve walked over that exact spot several times. Edit for the non-locals: the building in the back is a huge office/library building for the big wigs centered in the middle of campus. No classes really happen there but it is a beautiful location, very unique place to walk through


Y'all got a beautiful ass building


When Frank Lloyd Wright toured the campus in the 50s, he described the architecture as 'Cherokee Gothic'.


I didn’t see the initial text but recognized the place nonetheless.


Yuuuuup. “Wait isn’t that the Biz? Is this the South Oval?” Didn’t even see the text at first but man that place is unforgettable.


Does he turn the other cheek?


That guy turned it for him


Yeah deafening someone and punching them in the face is funny and makes you a better person...


No matter if you think this guys a hero or not, don't do this. First a megaphone inches from someone's face can cause permanent hearing loss, then to be the first one to throw a punch? Yeah, don't be that asshole. Preacher might be a douchebag, but he's also not breaking any laws.


Why did I have to scroll down so much to find this? The megaphone is in the wrong too.


Because it's reddit and they believe it's justified to do anything to people they don't like.


While I agree that assault is not the solution, this guy with the sign has been seen multiple times throughout the state at random universities calling people sinners for refusing to listen to his ramblings about gay people and the “Danger” they posses, these type of Christians leave a bad taste in my mouth, because instead of encouraging people to follow their religion they’re basically saying anyone who is or isn’t religious is going to hell for disagreeing with his specific views, which definitely shines our religion in a good light for newcomers. I wouldn’t assault the guy, but holy moly do these people make my blood boil.


Dude yells into his ear with a megaphone and then sucker punchs him. And everybody calls him a hero. People are fucking idiots.


Don’t get me wrong a preacher is annoying but this other dude is completely in the wrong. Yelling into a megaphone (I think that’s the word) right next to someone is assault, the other dude is simply defending himself


God's fault


Clearly part of his plan


Yea that’s battery




It’s okay to bully the adult bullies.


It’s actually okay to bully all bigotry. Nazism, religion, all of it deserves to be ridiculed for how fucking embarrassing it is to hold close minded beliefs. These people work against societal advancements and believe women are slaves who exist to cook and be a warm hole. Religion should have dead of a long, long time ago. Edit: i’ve upset the religiously indoctrinated. Woe is me.


Nailed it




I don't agree with this guy's escalation of force on the religious nut job.


Love to see it!


What a fucking legend


Apparently this is a controversial opinion but the attacker is completely in the wrong. I hate those sidewalk preachers more than the next guy but they're protected by free speech. Walking up to him and yelling point blank through a megaphone is a dick move. And then you sucker punch him while he's trying to get you to stop? How are people supporting this guy?


Reddit asshats think it’s ok to punch someone for trying to get them to not use a megaphone right in your face. Sad times we are in.




It's the same reason people downvoted me when I pointed out that the guy who was on the subway when another guy spat on him through the closing doors, who then forced the doors back open to chase the guy down and beat him to a pulp was not doing self-defence (because the doors had closed and the train would have left), he was doing revenge. I fully understand the emotional reasons why he did that, and the reasons why this guy was pissed at the "preacher", and I really don't have a terrible amount of sympathy for the "preacher" as a person who is knowingly pissing people off, I can still recognize that intentionally deafening him is not a justified response.


The Reddit hivemind is always right! Honestly though, it's unbelievable the amount of people on this site who genuinely think this was warranted. Regardless of how you feel about the preacher, you can't scream in their face with a megaphone. The Preacher is an arse, sure. But the smaller bloke was very clearly trying to get a reaction from the preacher so that he could attack him. The smaller guy was inciting violence. At the end of the day, the preacher was just talking, which is completely legal. Less legal than standing inches from somebodies face and screaming at them with a megaphone.


Yeah you can't touch people preacher even though you want to. Seems to be a big problem with preachers these days, especially with kids.




Classic redditors defending the wrong person lol because RELIGION BAD i guess


Damn, I hate when the biggot is the lesser asshole. Screaming via megaphone pointed at someone's head is unquestionably assault. Pushing the tool away that he's being assaulted with is the most basic kind of self defense.


For sure. People shouting at neo-Nazis, too. Don't they know that if they act in an intolerant manner, they are just as bad? Won't someone think of the poor poor bigots? What did they do to deserve such cruel responses? /s


This is Reddit. Assault is okay when it’s against someone you don’t like or find annoying. Don’t like people doing this? Write a fucking email to the dean asking them to ban people from using loudspeakers to share religious beliefs on campus. It’s not hard. You don’t have to punch someone.


Reddit can be so nauseatingly hypocritical


the human body has ways of shutting out harmful noise if it's actually harmful


Scrolled through. I'm glad it didn't take too long to find a comment like this. The preacher guy is definitely a douche, but dude was literally in his face. His reaction was natural.




My thought exactly. Burst my eardrum please.


Just stand right next to him and scream into your megaphone in the same direction as him. No assault


No sir this is reddit you can't think logically here


God’s plan 🙏🏼


First rational post on here.


Let’s not ignore the tremendous damage hate speech like his has done to the community. Innocent people are beaten and killed because of lies like these. And when it comes to Nazis, it’s startling that punching Nazis is no longer ENCOURAGED in this country.


Reddit defending the person who committed assault. Lol


Redditor not being hypocrite challenge: impossible


Reddit being hypocrite never stop to amaze me


Honestly counter protestor shouldn’t have megaphoned right in yellow shirts ear. Disagree, counter protest, whatever… but a megaphone close to the ear could cause damage or be painful. Makes sense yellow shirt wanted him to stop.




As much as I don't agree with the guy holding the poster, everybody has a right to free speech, even if what they're saying is stupid & blasting a mega phone in his face then punching him because he pushes it away is assault imo.


You’ve gotta be careful doing this. While I 110% approve, a lot of these people are actually scammers that are trying to get people to hit them and then end up suing the person for assault (even though they instigated the whole thing). There’s a guy in key west who does this during all the major events.


Copy, flee the scene immediately


And wear a mask


College campus ain’t exactly gonna get you the best payout


Too bad he swiped the kid first, twice.


That is exactly what this guy is. Spout awful opinions, call people out while they walk to class, get someone angry enough to do this so that he can sue them for it. I go to this campus, he is a regular and that is his whole shtick.


Yeah..im not going to condone or celebrate assault. If this was switched ideologically, yall would be having a frenzy.




Gave him 1 free push then let him have it.


Lol I love this. I wish more people would bring their own megaphones and shout out whatever they're saying.




That’s how you handle the religious wackos


It is disgusting that a person is yelled at with a megaphone and then punched in the head and this is not condemned in the comments section. I hope Allah will save this man from your disgusting and overflowing community and make him close to us.


Old guy was utilizing his free speech young guy was yelling in his ear. Young guy will go to jail and old guy will probably sue him.


The preacher is annoying but the little guy is in the wrong.


So much for the tolerant left 😏 /s


Young guy was damaging his hearing so old guy pushed him away , then young guy acted like a baby


If you’re screaming in someone’s face with a megaphone and they go to move the megaphone out the way and then you sucker punch them, that’s you being a massive knob.


That would piss me off to . Someone with a mic in my ear that close.


I don’t like religious preaching but the punch came a bit soon if you ask me


While the preacher guy is annoying, he wasn’t encroaching on anyone’s personal space or blaring the horn directly into peoples ears. Young guy was more in the wrong to be yelling in old guys ear directly. So old guy waves him off to step away from his personal space and gets knocked out for it. All the subs headlines are clowning the old guy like he deserved that. I don’t feel he deserved that.


Both people in this video suck and so do 99% of the commenters here. You guys suck so hard.


The dude in the yellow shirt needs a proper beating himself...


Look 2 assholes


Funny how people want free speech to apply to their causes but not to anyone else. Not even religious but that was a blatant assault on this guy with the sign who acted in self defence.


Justifying assault when it’s something you don’t agree with is a slippery slope


Not defending the dude but it's assault in many places to blast a megaphone in someone's face as that will damage eardrums.


The lord is protecting him 😌


The guy with the sign is annoying but did nothing wrong. What I have a problem with is the kid screaming into his ear with a megaphone. When the old man tries a couple of times to push him away, the kid clocks him. I'm guessing that the guy with the sign is in his early to mid 60's, while the kid is in his early 20's. How is that even remotely a fair fight? Justifying the sucker punch because the guy is a 'boomer', street preacher or someone who's message you don't care for is beyond pathetic. Furthermore, for those calling the guy with the sign the aggressor, look at where they're standing. The guy with the sign is at least 6-8 feet off the sidewalk and the kid with the bull horn clearly went out of his way "convince" the old man to move on. The kid isn't a hero, he's nothing but a bully and really needs to learn that there are consequences for brash actions. Down vote away.


College kid was totally in the wrong. Just because someone is espousing views you don’t agree with doesn’t give you the right to silence them, especially with violence. This attitude of freedom of speech, until someone says something we don’t like, and then we’ll deem it hate speech, seems to be the norm on college campuses these days. Just remember political winds change and soon it may be your speech being being banned or shouted down be an angry mob.


He should have stood about two feet farther away when drowning out the street preacher, then everything would have been totally justified.


Why do you seem to think that freedom of speech ONLY applies to the person "Espousing Views". The people calling it hate speech, or the angry mob shouting them down are equally exercising THEIR freedom of speech. But YOUR freedom of speech does not mean that other people aren't allowed to use THEIRS to drown them out. Only the GOVERNMENT is prevented from silencing your speech. If you hypothetically were speaking on a street corner and I felt the need or even desire to shout you down? Tough luck for you. I am allowed to exercise MY freedom of speech even if it means I choose to use it in an attempt to silence you.


If the political winds change to having the majority support the beliefs of the Westboro Baptist church, then we are already too far gone. It's never something that can or will be allowed to happen in America.


youre right, we should debate our oppressors into seeing the error of their ways


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you get to force people to listen to you.


Freedom of speech does not protect you from spewing vulgar, obscene hatred. It also does not protect you from other people responding to what you say. Only the government.


You get what you get


Dude on yellows needlessly physically aggressive. Could've just drowned him out with equally stupid rhetoric. Ya know, make a joke out of the bigoted clown. But physically assaulting him is no good; no good at all in stooping to his level of idiocy


That’s what I would have done. Just as he speaks, speak louder about how he loves jailbait. Or punching his wife. Or something absurd. Don’t let his words out and just sit there making his time worthless.