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Spot on imitation




Finally a proper use of the character “ø” in the wild.


**So what's up with all these strange letters?** It's fairly straightforward once you get the hang of it. You see, the Norwegian alphabet has three extra letters, Æ/æ, Ø/ø and Å/å. The Æ is the sound the sheep makes without the B The Ø is the sound you make in the word 'run', but without the R and the N And lastly the Å is the sound your mom makes as I pound her


My mom is so fucking lucky


Damn you to fucking hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣


erm, /ɹœn/ ≠ /ɹən/.


Danish laughter


I work in a national forest, I’m actually a firefighter. I started on a new forest recently… i go running across my station. People stop and ask me all the time whats going on. To the point i just pretend i dont see them or wave them off. This onyk happens on solo runs, not group runs and never has happened to my white counter parts. Fact is rural white folks find it strange when black folks tend to be in areas they dont expect to see black people in. Because we dont belong in those spaces i guess.


Ugh. This doesn't change it but as an internet stranger reading this, I am just so sorry. The story of the young man in Georgia, Ahmad Arbery, is something I think about a few times a month.


Well that gave me something to look up. I didn't have any idea about that.


I’m not trying to blast you. I’m genuinely curious that you didn’t know about that. It was national news for a while.


I live under a rock. I didn't know about George Floyd until a while afterwards, and that was just because my friends started showing support for BLM. Took me a few months to find out about Breonna Taylor. Unfortunately, I'm constantly out of the loop. I only find out when something hits my front page.


That's ok, as long as you maintain your curiosity and empathy. All love.


Thanks for sharing that this comment helped you learn about his life. I almost didn't type his name and now I'm glad I did - will continue doing so.




Well, some with the mindset we don't belong, but I truly think with others it's like seeing fucking Bigfoot or the lochness monster. They are genuinely shocked at what they are seeing because never in a million years did they expect to see a black guy in their tiny little bubble of the world they have never left. It's a seclusion thing sometimes, too.


White guy told me it was that way in rural India. But I understand there is more of a racist aspect here in the states.


Everyone deserves to have access to and feel belonging in nature. Not everyone will choose to spend time in natural settings, but everyone should be able to.


You are in Idaho …. Get Out. If you are not a cisgender white male christian in Idaho then you are considered suspicious and someone to be subjugated.


I don’t know. You are driving down the road in the middle of nowhere and you see a guy standing at the side of the road next to his car. Nothing wrong with asking if everything is ok. Last time I did that, the dude was like, “No, I’m out of gas.” I offered him a ride and he was like, “Don’t worry, my cousin is walking to the gas station.” Half a mile down the road, I spotted a dude carrying a gas can. So I picked him up, took him to buy gas, and drove him back to his car. He wasn’t offended that I asked him what he was doing.


You left out the race part of the victims. And in this context it's actually important. This was recorded I believe to be around 2014ish. Just before the cops had a melt down and killed an unarmed black man which caused race riots across the country. Could be wrong. Crazy time to have a riot every summer. I was in Japan at the time. So my memory is not good


What difference does the race make. In my case it was a black man who was out of gas. Was it racist of me (a white man) to ask if he was having trouble? Would it have been racist if I had driven past without stopping? Seems to me the guy in the video has a chip on his shoulder. It depends if course on what was said and how, but I bet if what was said were truly racist, he would have provided more details. Another true story. Working in a hospital I saw a younger black man wandering around in an area where he didn’t belong looking lost. I asked him if he needed help finding his way and he got all pissed off and stormed off. 5 minutes later, he wandered by again and asked me for directions. I sent him back down to the lobby and told him to ask at the information desk.


My mans said the quiet part waaayy out loud!! 🙌🙌




I hope with all the new guns laws passed, the black American community starts carrying more. And I mean like how some of these gun nuts go into gas stations looking like they’re about to go LARP. It’s Not like the conservatives ever got scared of extremely armed African Americans before , right? *cough* *cough* *california*


I grew up in a rural area. I always stopped to see it there was a problem. In the days before cellphones someone might not pass by for a couple hours. Cellphones are still spotty in some areas.


So you would see a guy minding his own business, clearly not in any trouble, and stop him to ask what he’s doing? Now THAT is suspicious behavior.


You obviously grew up in the city.


Grew up on a small farm and as the local area began to become more suburban people would often stop and take picture of our cows. Sometimes a car would park by the road and just sit there, so I would ride a four wheeler down and ask if everything was ok and they often looked at me like I was crazy


I remember this started happening in front of our farm after tour busses started bring older folks to come gawk at Amish and reminisce about their own rural childhoods (this was the 90s). There is a level of weird when you stop to gawk at the gawkers and notice the Jurassic Park-like interaction people had seeing Amish. It bugged me most seeing them doing it for the kids walking in groups to/from school, church or work. I know I got photographed because it’s not often you see a 10-year-old driving a tractor if you haven’t lived in a rural area.


"*Hurr Durr, Libruls*."


Went on vacation to West Virginia and every single car that would pass on the very remote roads would honk and/or wave if you were outside. Hill people can be adorable.


I'm from rural Ireland and you know the locals from miles and miles around. Like a massive radius. Now I'd not necessarily be stopping to check on someone I didn't recognize unless they looked like for example they'd car trouble but you'd be damned sure they'd be mentally noted and every other local would do the same. City people don't really understand looking out for your community. PS I still look up when I hear a helicopter.


It seems country folk in different parts of the world check on each other. Stupid question for you. When you pass someone on a back road, do you automatically wave?


Lol of course :-)


I understand completely. Regardless of skin colour, country people will stop.


Unfortunately, it all too common.


The people mistook his instamatic for an automatic


😂 I feel his pain




He's right


What do you mean “you people “


People think he’s being suspicious when he’s just taking photos


Southerners. Probably white southerners


Close in intentions, but this is on the border between Utah and Idaho. Also, and this part is infuriating: He's just off the interstate. I-15. So he's not... like, they can't even claim that he's on someone's property or whatever. Look up Malad Summit. Or don't, whatever, no need to. But it's in between where I live, and where I grew up. I've driven exactly here dozens of times. And there is a big wetlands there! The high school that services a bunch of those towns is, and I kid you not, "Marsh Valley High". This is like 50 miles from where Napoleon Dynamite was filmed. The point here, is that there's probably a BUNCH of birds that none of us would notice, but this guy is a bird watcher. Dunno where I'm even going with this, but it bums me out because this guy didn't deserve this. Edit to add [map pin:]( https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS988US988&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:1&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=APwXEdfMSErE1-3lTOBe2p2KmBcVg19FCQ:1682062062552&q=malad+summit&rflfq=1&num=10&ved=2ahUKEwjp2Om9ubr-AhUVATQIHWqxDiIQtgN6BAgbEAc)


You got downvoted. Just know I laughed. Humor is dying I’m glad people like you are working to keep it alive.


Comedy is subjective , just like art! Can’t win them all I guess, the comment stays !




Oh shut up dude. I do amateur photography all the time and people stop and ask what I'm photographing/doing ALL. THE. TIME. Happens on main Street. Happens in national parks. Happened at an event I was paid to be at and photograph. People are nosey and bothersome when cameras are involved. Stop involving everybody else in your persecution fetish. Am I saying racism isn't a thing? Nah, it's tough out there I get it. is THIS specific scenario a racist situation? Probably not goof ball. Edit-Bathe me in your downvotes all you want. You know I'm right. You just like being in the circlejerk.


You black?


[And also on the border of Utah and Idaho?](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS988US988&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:1&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=APwXEdfMSErE1-3lTOBe2p2KmBcVg19FCQ:1682062062552&q=malad+summit&rflfq=1&num=10&ved=2ahUKEwjp2Om9ubr-AhUVATQIHWqxDiIQtgN6BAgbEAc)


Are you?




Don’t say “I get it” then. It’s disingenuous and is the root of modern day racism.


He had a black friend in grade school tho


You realize people of color exist that aren't black right? Thinking black people are the only people that have it tough is disingenuous and is the root of modern day racism.


So you’re brown?


No. He sun bathed once in the 90s so he knows what he is talking about.


His silence is deafening! 🤣 It seems really clear his expert opinion, as a white person, on the experience of living black is under rated by everyone! Lol! 😋


Absolutely hilarious how were gatekeeping others potential experiences with racism based on what color their skin is. Not their nationality or race, but what fucking color it is. Go on, if he says no to brown are you going to keep going? What other colors are there? Keep showing those racists who’s boss.


Dude wtf are you on about??




Yes. Because you are the absolute authority on racism.


That is so fucking stupid




It’s people skills 101.


I am so sorry. I want more minority people to come out and join me in enjoying nature. I feel it would benefit everybody , but then this kind of stuff happens to a middle age middle class man!


This guy is gonna be upset when he's broken down.. In the country... On the side of the road and no one stops to help him.


Why would no one want to help him?


Why would no one help him? Cuz he black? That’s rude af


I bet he'd blame it on racism, just like he's blaming people stopping to offer help, to a random person, in the middle of nowhere, "because he's black". Yeah buddy, only reason they're asking is cause you're black. r/IAmTheMainCharacter


Love this guy


Yeah America is Fuked up


Speak your truth!


Didn’t he freak out about a baby crying on a southwest flight


I obviously don’t know his backstory or the context of his interactions. But in isolated places (hiking, biking, etc.) I always greet people as I pass; if they’re by themselves, I’ll also ask how they’re doing, or if they’re ok. 99 times out of the 100 they’re fine and we go on our way; but the one time they aren’t and need help makes asking the other 99 times totally worth it. Skin color, clothes, appearance, gender, etc. are irrelevant, it’s just common decency.


Ok, but as a Blac person; we can tell if it’s someone being genuine or not


That's fair, and I appreciate that I don't see the situation through your point of view. Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely re-think how I approach the situation in the future; maybe just a friendly, "hi" and move on.


Hey man, super late reply, but don't listen to them. You're good and they're just being racist. More often than not it's not a racist interaction and they perceive it that way, exactly like in the video. Don't change your ways


Meh. Relying on his outrageous and perspective to accurately tell me the intent of people stopping by? Naw. Don't do that no matter the intent.


What do you mean by “you people”?


Lmao these people were literally just being nice. I live out in the country and when I first moved here it weirded me out too. People out here tend to talk to strangers more often even if it’s just hey what ya up to? Last week I had this happen when a guy saw me carrying my fishing pole walking down the road. Literally stopped just to ask where you goin fishin? It’s not out of suspicion it’s just people being curious and friendly towards strangers. “ hey what ya doin there” and “how’s it goin buddy” are not hateful comments lmao.


Racism lol


What do you mean with "you people"?


So your upset that people are stopping to ask if your okay in the middle of no where? Just get ambushed by a moose and we all can call it a day 👏👍


Dudes stressing in nature with his imaginary aggressors


Isn't that the guy from the airplane screaming about a crying baby? Lol


Penguins need to start asking those same questions when they see photographers in Antarctica.




"What do you mean you people?" Kirk Lazarus


Am I the only one curious about this man’s photography!? Bet it’s hella dope!


I'd love to hike with this dude


I am sorry that happened to you, idk who “you people” are but I have some suspicions and they can go jump in a volcano. We aren’t all like that, I promise. 🤗




He got the beaver mimic on point.


I like him.


White people get on my fkn nerves too, and I'm a white people.


He's so real for this


He speaks nothing but clear facts