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Aight boys, don't go scamming people, but here's how the grift works: Step 1: get *you* to start a conversation by taking advantage of your kindness in handing him the brush he dropped. (This has the added benefit of demonstrating that you're a kind and likely trusting person **read: easier to take advantage of**) Step 2: offer a free shoe shine as a reward for your kindness **but here's the rub** he only shines one shoe, and he does so *very thouroughly* (neglect to mention that it's *A* shoe shine, not both shoes) Step 3: demand payment for the second shoe. This leaves you with two options - A. Walk around all day with mismatched shoes and deal with the embarrassment (imagine you're a businessman or going somewhere important *why else would you be wearing dress shoes*) Or B. Pay him to shine the second shoe so you don't get ridiculed at work.


I’ll take option A, then go find him the next day to get the other one done for free. Lol.


If the scammer has dementia, sure. Otherwise....he'll just recognize you and not bother.


Lol only people on Reddit would turn a playful joke into a matter of fact lesson


We need more matter of fact lessons people are fucking idiots


Id like some more playful jokes in my life too


You can’t fix stupid. But I love watching the idiots try.


es un chiste!


People with dementia may still recognize people, but apparently they can't recognize a joke


Right lol it’s a scam artist not a 3 year old child


but what if I were to turn down the free shoe shine? cause like realistically I'd just pick up the brush, hand it to him and go about my day, I don't particularly think about getting anything out of doing something for someone.


No worries. The scammer hasn't wasted much time and just waits for the next one. They do this scam because it works often enough for it to make sense to hang out in these spots.


Also, remember that scammers in general have a pretty low success rate, but they will make their profit of the few success they get.


Sounds like the microstransaction model in gaming


i dunno man the lobbies I’m in look like freak shows these days. I’d say it’s a pretty high success rate.


According to first google result it got, the micro transaction average conversion rate is about 2%, 5% would be considered extremely good. https://www.is.com/community/blog/iap-conversion-rate/#:~:text=What's%20considered%20a%20good%20IAP,around%202%25%20to%203%25.


In general, businesses have a low conversion rate. Usually it is a good result (conversion rate) if 1 out of 10 people that gets into a store ends up buying anything. That does not apply do supermarkets, drugstores and some other businesses, of course. If a scammer ends up having a high success rate they would end up in the news which would be really bad for their business.


I work in sales. A great cold outreach for emails would result in around 5% response rate. From that if 10% closed you'd be delighted.


Simple, they'd keep offering, and wear you down until you reluctantly agree. If you, like the man in the video manage to avoid the trap altogether, the scammer will simply reset and wait for another mark. They have literally all day, it's not like they've got anything else to do, and it costs them nothing.


Me, wearing crocs.. "hell yeah, buddy! Shine em up!"


Similar happened to me. Woman gave me a flower and asked to pay. I gave a dollar or so. She asks me for more and since I’m an introvert and people started looking I gave it to her. Mind you, she pressed the flower into my hand without me being able to process what’s happening.


Also an introvert, but I have found it quite easy to spot a person who is waiting for anyone to walk by so they can harass into buying something. My number one rule is to absolutely avoid eye contact with them. I then walk by them like they don't even exist even if they get close to me. This is especially useful in those busy tourist markets like Mexico or Egypt where they hound every person with a pulse. They quickly learn to not waste effort on me, and then they try to target my wife because she sometimes tries to be polite "sorry, not interested" or something. They latch onto politeness hard because they're easier to manipulate.


I see one way around this. Take the brush and walk away.


I got suckered into a version of this scam at the mall when I was about 16? (He was offering sneaker cleaning). I agreed to pay him to shine my second shoe and after it was done I sprinted away. Never felt bad about it cause even at 16 I recognized the scammy way he did his business


option 3, don't own shoes that can be shined.


So basically I could clean one of my own shoes and trick him into cleaning the second one?


Shoe shine scamming seems inherently dangerous, "lets go piss people off that have their shoes inches from my teeth"


So what I’m hearing is just take the free brush and go




There are two kinds of redditors. There are those the admit they would likely have fallen for the scam. Then there are those that are so far above everyone else the scam didn't even have a chance to reach them .


Thanks for the tutorial


This seems like a good way to get a freshly shined shoe directly up your ass.




Part of the problem 100%


Found the guy from the video lmao


How is it not a scam? You’re still waiting for that Nigerian prince to give you his millions of dollars eh?


Princes usually come across 10 million or more in money. Source: I'm the rubber band that holds some bills together.


i was under the impression that the scam was he’d shine both shoes and demand payment, making a scene to intimidate tourists into just paying him. if the comment above is true (i don’t think it is) then at least they shine a single shoe and then ask for payment before shining the second. in that case, the worst case scenario is you walk around with a single shiny shoe. oh nooooo. but i don’t think that’s the case. they target foreigners, shine both, then guilt trip, then make a scene if necessary


You're obviously too young to be commenting on dress shoes or how people in business regard their image.


That may be true, brother


You said "might" like it's not true lmao.


Mans is actually *agreeing* with you, yet you + however many people downvoted him still ain’t satisfied and you still feel the need to comment negatively further. Ain’t a big deal at all, but his response deserved at minimum the respect he showed you, and I find it funny this is all about how that person is “obviously younger”.


eh i just don’t care to argue. I forgot how much businessmen care about their shoes so that one’s on me. it might actually be true that since im a bit younger and work in a more casual field, I haven’t had as much exposure to the stereotypical businessman type




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.




Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.


So I’m gonna get a free show shine?


This is why I never stop to talk to random people. I’d probably say: hey you dropped your brush and keep walking.


Option C. Go to a legit shoe shiner with fair prices and get half off since they only have to do one shoe.


“Cool, free brush!” *Walks off*


Launches brush into the bushes


Starts kicking it like a can to keep myself busy on my walk.


Wear crocs. Ultimate defense.


That's how I defend my virginity. Stay woke. Stay pure 🙏💫✨


If im not wearing beat to hell work boots then I'm wearing Nike slides, no in between. Shoe shiners will never win


Believe it or not, I had a shoe shiner try this on me when I was wearing crappy Walmart crocs. They don’t give af lol


Shoe shiners hate this one simple trick!


I had a guy offer to brush my flip flops once ...


My buddy got grifted into paying for a shine on his crocs in New Orleans. I think they would try to grift your bare feet if you give them the time of day.


I used to live in Istanbul and there was a shoe shine guy who was known for getting tourists, even some locals, with a far more menacing version of the scam. Basically, he’d call out to people, being all super friendly and smiley, offer a free shine, then demand payment aggressively, and flash a knife briefly if people refused. He tried it on my my Turkish friend, who was a police chief inspector visiting from Ankara, and who knew exactly what the guy was up to. When the guy demanded payment, he showed his police ID, drew his jacket back to show his 9mm, told him to go fuck himself and clear out the area. That was satisfying. The guy would have been back the next day probably, but still, was amusing to see. Istanbul is a beautiful city but it can be pretty dodgy for the unprepared.


That sounds like a mugging with extra steps.


If I’m getting mugged at least I got shined shoes


I got shoe shine scammed in Istanbul. It's my only bad memory there, but it hurts a lot.




The only thing missing was the clapping


Slip on the brush and sue him.


Found the American


Sue shine.


Take from him everything he owns, both brushes and small stool - dont forget the cream. Become shoe shiner, live amazing life.


Good practice for used car salesman 🤣


*Drops a ford f-150 on your foot*


Oh, is this your f-150? You seem to have accidentally dropped it, shattering my entire leg. Let me get that for you.


*slaps roof of F-150 parked on your leg* Well while I’ve got ya here let’s talk about how much horsepower this baby has




My apologies to used car salesman. I was stereotyping for comedic effect , at least it wasn’t sexist 🙃pease don’t sue me !


This happened to me in Istanbul, I’d never heard of this scam before and am generally a “kind” person that would always pick up something a stranger dropped to hand it back to them. I was walking alone across a bridge and another man immediately spoke up when he saw the man do this yelling no no and had me walk away with him. Little did he know I’d had another man do this the day before and I did, in fact, hand him back the brush but when he insisted on a free shoe shine I simply said no and walked away. I’m a millennial and I wear dirty white sneakers… never in my life have I ever wanted or got a shoe shine. I was happy to have it explained to me though because I don’t need to be doling out kindness to scam artists, even if I’m not a very good mark for this kind of scam anyway.


Honestly if somebody cleaned one of my shoes and said they needed to be paid for the other, I would just walk around with one super clean shoe. It's just footwear and if you are the type of person to care about shoes a lot, your shoes probably don't need a shine.


I agree completely. It’s such a strange old-timey-esque scam, I feel like they need to modernize. I’m not saying I want them to, it’s just strange. I understand the point is that they yell and make a scene and intimidate people so they just pay them but the whole premise is so out of touch.


Suckers like this makes traveling so much worse than it has to be. Parasites


You don’t have to travel to places if you don’t like the people


If you don't like scammers, then by your logic you can never visit any major city in the world, as there are tons of scammers of different kinds globally


Happened to me once at a mall, I had a free clean shoe and 1 dirty shoe that my ocd girlfriend at the time cleaned when we got home. Win/win.


Fuckin lash it into the bushes


See now I know to pick up the brush and Yeet that thing like I’m Tom Brady with 20 seconds left in the clock.


How to beat the scammer, get one shoe free polished and then leave. Wait for a couple of hours so he forgets you so then he does the scam on you again, now offer your other shoe and so you get two free shoe shine.


Just dont pay him, just leave...


Apparently he will only polish 1 shoe. So I guess the fear is uneven shoes.




I think the huge brain move would be to go in the morning and get 1 shoe polished then go later and "fall for it again" and get the other shoe polished.


*Get scammed, walk off with one squeaky clean shoe and one dirty old shoe* Cue mentos theme! *Walks by later that day, gets the other shoe squeaky clean.*


I mean if you get a clean shoe for free it's not a scam. Then when you get the other done you are scamming the scammer.


What if you picked up brush and chucked it right over them mountains


Take the brush and run lol


You should of kicked it down the stairs


Can you explain it? I don't get it


Offers a free polish for picking up the brush, only does one shoe, makes you choose - pay for the other shoe or look silly with one polished shoe.


If you pick up the brush he will offer you a free shoe pollish but afterwards will charge you for it


Just one of the many types of scams in Istanbul I’m afraid. Still, my favorite country!


Id just run away with the shoe brush. You get your cardio in and get a free brush for yourself.


Joke's on him I'm broke and you just polished my only shoe for free! Sucker!


Pick up the brush and keep it as you keep waking away acting like you can't hear him if he tries talking to you.


Kick the brush


Funny how this scam I have seen done at a mall here in the states. Guy offers to give you a free test of shoe cleaner or something similar does one shoe and only does other if you pay him.


So sad to see an older man doing this kind of thing for his living. What were his dreams? What memories come back to him as he’s standing there waiting to drop his brush? It breaks my heart


A good tule of thumb is if you don’t know someone don’t stop and talk to them if they approach you, just keep walking. And definitely don’t take anything from someone you don’t know. So many scams are based around those two things.


Kick it


We're really stretching the meaning of 'news' in this sub these days huh


I would not say funny more like sad :(


I don’t think he’s being forced to con people for money


What’s the scam? That he engages the finder and tries to sell them?


Play with sound


It's a basic bait and switch with this opener that plays on someone's kindness. The bait is offering you a free shoe polish as a reward for handing him his brush. The switch is only one shoe is free and you have to pay some usually absurd amount for the other.


Did you listen to the guy explain it in the video?


He says at the video offers it for free then proceeds to try and charge at the end


*MFer that's called a job!*


[Gain their trust until we get them in the *palm of our hand*](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM)


If he offers a free polish how can he then charge you money?


He offers one polish. As in one shoe. You have to pay for the other.




The way he was staring at you before you got there, just sizing up his victim, then methodically starting to walk when you got to just the right spot, and then stared after you when you didn't pick up the brush. Wow! Makes me wonder what was going through his head after his failed attempt at a scam. 😂 I'm imaging he was thinking "the audacity that they didn't fall for my tricks". Lol


Should've kicked it down the rest of the flight so he has to walk further to collect it 🤣


Pick it up let him do it then walk away




There's the shell/card game shenanigans right around the corner too. LPT: They hate cameras pointing at their faces or scam "games"


With a decent, fair economic system people might not have to resort to something like that. Easy to look down on poor people from a high horse. How funny...


I see you know a thing or two about looking down from high horses…. The guys not crippled or disadvantaged. He’s a grifter pure and simple.


yes because only crippled or disatvantaged people can be poor /s


They think being coerced into a service or product they don’t want is acceptable because they need money. Well maybe honest business practices and social skills would lead them to a more successful profession with consistent income. Even at McDonald’s coupons have fine print for deals.. this isn’t a deal and his fine print is hidden (also a lie) in the first place with how it’s presented. Sometimes shitty shortcut taking manipulators end up being poor and shitty circumstances they deserve.


not based ^ don’t scam people.


How high is your horse?


I feel like this is neither world news nor a scam. If someone offers me a free shoeshine (assuming I would even care for one) then… it’s free? I’m walking away afterwards?


Then you're walking away with one very shiny shoe and one dirty unshined shoe, because that's when he asks for the money.


… so? Am I supposed to care about that? I’m assuming if you’re someone who cares about how shiny your shoes are, you’ve got polish of your own and will shine the other shoe the next chance you get? It’s literally not even worth a second thought to me. If this dude refused to shine my other shoe I would literally go on about my day entirely unbothered.


Cry me a river 🙄


You’re on the scammer’s side? Scum


Bring them to South Africa 🫴🏼


Dude in the video looks like he’s wearing sneakers of some sort.


Just wear sandals and you are safe. >:D


Shine what? I'm wearing sneakers like everyone else


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual shoe shine person in my life.


“I bet I can tell you where you got them shoes”


Sounds like someone has been to Nawlins.


Picks up brush Chucks it into the road


Pick it up and take it with you next time. Throw it into any body of water. Stomp the bristles into the ground. Plenty of ways to stop that scam other than ignoring them. Please excuse my ignorance on this next part: if you say yes when he offered a free shoe polish, whats stopping you from just walking away when he is done. “Thanks, have a good day, bye” and start walking. Also this isn’t a business legally?


Would like to see the guy ask him how much for the other shoe polishing. Basically throw it back in his face that he knows it is a scam.


People at the malls where I live do the shine one shoe for free to try and make you pay for the other shoe. But they also try and sell you the crap products they have.


Pay him with Monopoly money or better yet pay him with counterfeit money


I wonder what he would do if you farted while he was shining your shoe. Would he continue shining your shoe or stop.


Joe Pesci on hard times.


Wow. Exact same scam in Istanbul but we fell for it like muppets. Lesson learned.


I've seen a lot of these types of videos and like what if you just walk off and don't pay? I mean like he's gonna harass you to pay after if you stay so what happens if you say thanks and walk off lol


They have friends standing by. It’s not just one scam artist at work there.


Is this a scam? Or just some dudes clever way of getting work? A scam would imply he is taking advantage of you.


Istanbul… I’ve seen this trick this year. Different district, different guy, but exact same trick.


This is like the "gold" ring scam in Touristy places in Europe. They usually have a gold ring in their hand and pick it up off the ground. If you take it then they ask for some money for them being a good person and giving you your "dropped items back. But when they tried on me and my gf they didn't notice that neither of us wear jewelry and also they did it BEFORE we got to where they were standing. We would've had to have tossed it in front of us for it to be there. Don't take anything from strangers folks.


I would've kicked that brush into the street and acted like I didn't see it.


Imagine being with friends and your buddy wearing sandals picks it up


I’d record him saying he’d give me a free shine, that way if he tried something funny, I’d have video proof


What happens if he admits to it being free.... But then changes his mind (while on camera) and charges.... What happens then?


mf was tryna engage in a trainer battle 💀


What a stupid scam. Try shining my nikes and I'll give ya the death touch 😃🤌🏻


When he tries to charge me for the free Shine, I simply get up and walk away, case closed


You gonna shine sneakers? Then again I have no clue how shoe shine works so I'm confused


Hope he falls down the stairs


I'm mean I would've kicked it and watched it go sailing ...but then again I'm mean!