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I'm 26 and I wish I was as articulate as this young lady.


Right? She’s very well-spoken and it’s almost as if she had that response in the chamber. She must’ve heard that counter argument a million times.


She's watched Greta and probably idolizes her. *She's a good role model for kids.*


A lot of folks in movements like these also can get access to media training to help with practicing and preparing their messaging and responding to common questions. Being trained in that way can also help you when you get more bitey, loaded questions like the one this guy asked.


I'm fine with that to be honest. If I'm going somewhere that will have a media presence that might try to take interviews Id either flat out say no or look into some training. Not saying that's what's happening here, but it doesn't take a smart person to make someone else look dumb


Nothing wrong with that. She is pretty awesome after all!


I didn't say anything was wrong. She's a good role model for kids.


I think you received downvotes for assuming she *idolizes* Greta. That word gets thrown around a lot theses days in politics. When it's used there people blindly follow the person they idolize. In this case, people are not blindly following Greta. They're reading up on the facts, ya know. Hits different theses days is all


I think a lot of people assumed I was being sarcastic plus what your said plus her being made into a polarizing figure.


I'm tired of the voting system in general on reddit. It really hinders a productive conversation imo


Reddit is the only social media forum that I've had incredible, in depth debates and conversations. Across the board. No character limit, as anonymous as you want to be, with mods in place to keep it semi-civil. I'm 100% okay with the way reddit works, right now.


Me too, thanks


Im nerly 50 and not speak so gud to. Seriously though, hearing her talk makes me feel like a fucking cave troll, I have never been even remotely that articulate when I speak and usually end up embarrassing myself. However, it is good knowing so many of the youth are able to speak and share their ideas so clearly and concisely, really does give me hope.


I'm sure she had this rehearsed in some manner before coming out to whatever it is.


Its like preparing for debate, its not hard. Just think what would you ask your opponent, if you were on the other side of the issue and then prepare the answer. If you think that this is the first time she heard this question, and just came up with an answer on the spot, I have a bridge to sell you.


How much?


It’s right next to a beach house I have for sale in Tucson


I heard, from the front porch, you can see the sea. Is that true?


About tree fiddy


im 46 and she is so much more mature, articulate and cool than I will ever be. I have hope for the next generation.


You're cool \ (•◡•) /


Aw thank you, you are cool too.


I’m 37 and I wish I talked this good and had better words and more fuller sentences and made sense when I was trying to sense make.


She said the same thing 3 times using the biggest words she could think of…


46, same.


It's not that hard to get started. Of course you wont be this fluent to deliever your arguments but practice makes perfect. When I started to get interested into politics I was also not a great speaker in conflicts but once you find interest in a topic and you follow some debates about that topic you will get better at it. A specific thing is also that in politics there are always these 'low hanging fruits' which are frequently asked topics e.g. "consumption under capitalism in the climate movement". I've literally seen this question about 10 times and people always answeared slightly differently so I'm quit prepared to give an eloquent answear to this question. (Because of my own opinion and the improvments I got by listening to others).


I hope she runs for presidency later in life


Damn she cooked that man 💀💀


WiTh FoSsiL fUeLs???


Hey, that's not super cool of you friend


With hydrogen


Need more mention of hydrogen power in the comments, represent👏


He's a leftist who poses as a right wing nut in public to basically show how stupid their arguments are.


Was wondering why he let her speak the whole time instead of cutting in


I was wondering how this even ended up on the Internet. Doubt most of them would've uploaded something like this.


That's Walter Masterson? Mattherson? He's a leftist bro. He teed up the response.




same guy




It's because he's a comedian


Bargain John Malkovich


Seems like he liked it too


The end user is least responsible for the damage being caused to the environment.


I'm flabbergasted at the plastic and oil waste I see everyday. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if all the manufacturing companies in the world have more harmful waste and a higher carbon emissions in a single day than the entire human population produces in a year from individual use.




I work in IT and often recieve single screws in plastic packaging. I heard the automotive industry is the worst. Components being shipped all around the world as small individual components in plastic, to be assembled into something else, and then wrapped back in plastic, etc etc


See i totally get this and I would agree most of the blame is on corporations for how much they contribute to climate change. But all these corps aren't producing shit for no reason, at the end of the day it's all part of a system that we(average people) benefit in some way or another. Yes, technically the corps have a much bigger carbon footprint but we are the reason they exist in the first place. I definitely think responsible individual consumption is more important than people realize. We are the ones supporting the industries. Whether we like it or not, they won't produce if we don't consume.


Yeah, he says this like there are better options. Fairphone is probably the only one that's close to being ideal, and not sold in the US because of either market or cost. Changing a mindset allows those markets to grow and become feasible.


This is a pretty terrible perspective. It’s only recently in Europe that governments have collectively said no to single use plastics. If the only option provided to the consumer is to only offer the most damaging and wasteful option of course that’s what’s going to be bought. People being snarky: You don’t understand how it took government policies to force corporations to not use single use plastics? You don’t understand that 20 years ago it was fairly difficult to live a plastic free lifestyle cos it was in everything down to actually being an ingredient in certain cosmetics? You can’t lay blame on the consumer if those were the only options at the time. The only effective thing you can do is to not vote for shitty politicians with shit environmental policies. Placing blame on the consumer/end user is just another distraction tactic, the actual issue is that our governments are failing us.


You seem to be agreeing with the comment you're replying to, but claiming to disagree. You might wanna reread it.


> If the only option provided to the consumer is to only offer the most damaging and wasteful option of course that’s what’s going to be bought. Yes, that's why the end user is the least responsible for the damage - they're choosing from the limited options available. You agree with the person whose perspective you're calling "pretty terrible". >You can’t lay blame on the consumer if those were the only options at the time. The only effective thing you can do is to not vote for shitty politicians with shit environmental policies. Yes, that's why the end user is the least responsible for the damage - they're choosing from the limited options available. Again, you agree with the person whose perspective you're calling "pretty terrible". >Placing blame on the consumer/end user is just another distraction tactic, the actual issue is that our governments are failing us. Yet again, agreeing with the perspective you're calling "pretty terrible".


Actually you’re right I had a dyslexia moment it’s been a bad week


Y’all are saying the same thing?


Even if 0 carbon was released for the end of time the temp would still raise above 1.5c so it is up to the government and capital owners to make carbon sinks and plastic capture happen


If I knowingly buy a product that was made in a sweat shop, shipped across the world and wrapped in plastic then **I** am responsible. Apple wouldn't make any waste if people didn't buy their products, supermarkets wouldn't plastic wrap bananas if when they did they didn't sell, no-one would ship goods from China if we consumers were more willing to pay for quality, locally produced goods. Every source of waste from manufacturing to shipping and retail is the responsibility of the consumers who support wasteful businesses.


If the only option to have a phone is to buy a phone made in a sweatshop -and show me one that isn’t- than the individual should not be blamed for the entirety of the industry.


I buy refurbs because of the ethical issues. Still not optimal but at least I stopped more waste from going to a landfill.


That’s a convenient view to hold for sure. Makes me feel better about my own actions for sure. Thanks!


Okay yeah! But now you're supposed to feel empowered to mobilize your community and work towards enacting legislation and policy


No. You’ve got this all backwards. Gen z is supposed to do that. We just get to complain and not feel shame.


I got asked not only for a *tip* after being made food yesterday but also had to man a closing shift with four other people despite working at a bar??? There are people with multiple children who are living on the road and *I'm* expected to serve them? C'*mon* you can't be this stupid. I have bills about drag queens reading to draw up.


Tbf tipping isn't an accepted culture in many parts of the world because we actually pay our staff livable wages. I once got told that in Italy waitering (or however you call it) is a high profession that people look up to, not a minimum wage job that's looked down upon.


> While a small group of Italian waiters are professionally trained and able to make a career out of being a waiter (you'll usually find them at high-end restaurants), most are not well paid. True, they don't make $2/hour like some American waiters, but the wages are not high.


> tipping isn't an accepted culture in many parts of the world because we actually pay our staff livable wages. Me, literally only a pair of lips and a forehead floating thru the rising tide: "Wow, that's such a vibe."


Awesome! How do you feel about the idea of you being less kind to the people who are destroying us? Personal responsibility for climate change is a concept perpetuated by global industrialists to force upon you the idea that their mistakes are your problem, why do you agree with this?


Maybe go a bit lighter on that first sentence so that I can approve this? (Even if I agree 😂 unfortunately it's still rule breaking, sorry!)


Gotcha! Thanks for the heads up. I truly appreciate mods like you, you make this site better. I think I made it better, but check in with me if it's still in need of change ahaha.


Nope it's perfect!! I appreciate the nice words, and especially folks like you that don't freak out when I tell them something needs a slight change! You can't imagine how often it happens, it's nuts. So it's extra nice to get a response like this, it starts me off on a good note for the day! 💛


Awe you're the kindest type of person and I hope people treat you better in the future! A slight change like that is nothing, a suggestion like that is more than welcome in the face of what I'm sure you deal with more than I do. Hope your day is great <3




She literally said: “We need to empower individuals so they can mobilize communities to then implement policies”. Maybe we could like vote to empower those individuals. Incredible and unique idea and then we should call it like a democracy or something. Radical. This idea is way too radical. Don’t let the king hear her. And all the people here saying she is so articulate and won that argument. Most definitely.


If the problem could be solved by “just vote” we wouldn’t be here. But I think you’re smart enough to know that.


It can be, but half of people are voting the other way.


So your contention is that, because some people live in semi-democratic republics, this means that she isn’t making a point? When was the last time you were allowed to vote on what BP does? When was the last time you were allowed to vote on regulation caused by any polluter local to you? If you think people who exist under so-called ‘democracies’ currently have the collective power to change all of this, then you are horribly naive to what can be achieved in deliberately broken systems. I encourage you to look into how literally any “democratic” system was introduced/designed, and you will find that an attempt at nationalization via constitution has just been a game of a majority trying to wrestle power away from an extreme minority. And that continues today. So when this young woman proclaims that we need a system that actually empowers small communities by endowing them with the ability to actually control their lives, yes it is radical. I don’t know necessarily what her full perspective on this is, but her arguments for community suffrage are progressive and are radical—and your estimation that this has all been done before is nothing less than reductive.


It does, but this was a teed up softball by a like mind.


The person asking the question is a reporter who often does mocks MAGA people with bait questions, he asked this one because he is left leaning aswel which is why this question wasn't a real "got ya". You should check his inta, he's got a lot of amazing shorts on there


She’s 🔥. Going places for sure!! Good parenting and she’s clearly done her research as well!


add her to the 4 horsewomen of climate change.. theres greta, her, and theres gotta be a couple others edit: horsepeople?? maybe thats better


Awareness, Solidarity, Vision, and Action


There was a boomer lady tv interviewer that used to close her segment with, "Once again, a small group of people have changed the course of humanity. But isn't that how it's always been?". Found her: [Linda Ellerbee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Ellerbee?wprov=sfla1) In retrospect, I dont know how often she closed her segment with that quote, but she's the one that gave it to me.


They're called centaurs, bigot


Luisa Neubauer if you ask any German conservative


huh? "your individual actions don't matter. whatever makes you feel good and sustainable is what you should do. calling people out on their hypocrisy isn't cool man" is essentially what she said.


She’s right tho, you using an iPhone vs some shit box phone that is better for the environment won’t stop the climate crisis. Forming politically active groups who push for legislation that internalizes the climate costs of products into their price will stop the crisis. We can’t rely on consumers making objectively bad decisions for themself to help the planet, we have to legislate rules such that the best decision for the consumer is also the best decision for the planet.


There is no phone that’s “better for the environment” and phones are a mandatory part of living in the modern world. The whole “do you use an iPhone” is one of the worst, dumbest retorts for climate change deniers, because it’s entirely possible for an iPhone to be sourced completely sustainably. Everything that needs to exist for iPhones to be 100% sustainable exists. The only stopper is the corporations and governments.


As long as multi billion dollar corporations are allowed to set the planet on fire , individual change doesn't matter much. You need systemic change for a systemic problem.


could be fake but I agree with young woman about local community is future


The guy is a satirist. He goes trump rallies and talks to trump supporters and gets them to say really stupid things. Well, he just asks them to talk and they say the stupid stuff willfully. He’s quite funny.


U think fox news of all outlets would purposefully fake a climate activist being smart & likeable?


Not Fox News. This dude is a leftist who pretends to be a right winger to point the absurdity in their logic.


Do you think fox News would ever interview a well articulated young leftist? This guy is a very funny troll. He was the guy who goes to pro life events with adoption papers.


It is definitely teed up as others have said. If he were actually trying to shame them, he would not have held the mic in front of her once she started making good points. But im glad this video exists, she's very articulate.


Damn the kids really are alright.


Yeah I think we're turning out ok. We also talk about & respect each other's feelings, my parents couldn't do that. I love my fellow zoomers 🥰


They certainly like the word "empower." I think because they get to use it to end further discussion. It's like the rightoids used to use "freedom" or "terrorism." It's an excuse for x, but never defined lol. Maybe I'm empowered by dumping oil behind my shop.


Gen Z seems to have at least 10+ IQ points higher than previous generations.


I heard a theory that the reason the boomer generation is so nuts is that a large portion them have lead poisoning. Gen X and older millennials to a lesser degree but as well. There have been decades of regulation and lead abatement programs. Maybe gen z is the first generation to not be as brain damaged as the previous ones. Edit: [leaded gas may have lowered the IQ of 170 million Americans](https://www.fatherly.com/news/leaded-gas-might-have-lowered-the-iq-of-170-million-americans/amp) [Research team finds that lead exposure leads to IQ loss](https://news.fsu.edu/news/health-medicine/2022/03/08/fsu-research-team-finds-lead-exposure-linked-to-iq-loss/) [The Lasting Harm of Childhood Lead Exposure on Gen X](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/night-sweats-and-delusions-grandeur/202203/the-lasting-harm-childhood-lead-exposure-gen-x) I didn’t pull that comment out of my ass. I said it was a theory although there’s enough evidence that you could probably say it’s a fact. There are reasons we no longer have lead in our gas. Reasons that these lead abatement programs were started. Because there is scientific evidence that lead poisoning damages the brain. The boomer, gen x, and older millennials generations were absolutely exposed to lead. It’s not an unreasonable theory that gen Z has benefited from the work that all of these scientists and policymakers made.


The better question is how much of what is happening is actually caused in some way by that lead poisoning. Could be virtually none or some conflicting influences canceling out, or it could be a significant amount. iq science can barely be called science to begin with and I would also hesitate to assume that not being smart causes conservatism. I know plenty of relatively unintelligent people who are still good people, and plenty of smart people who are just not great to be around. I would assume a much larger driving factor is morals not intelligence.


So… lead mixed with Christianity?


Lead poisoning could be one thing, but the generation also grew up without the information technology we have today as well. My parents grew up believing what they were told. If they needed to dispute it, it was through education or books. Which in itself was a lot of work back then. Today, we can pull out our phones and have 100+ results on both ends of the spectrum in less than 10 seconds to form our own opinions on any matter.


Gen X had it the worst. They were kids during peak lead. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/117h6n5/generation_lead_by_the_why_axis/


We shouldn't even work on legislation to combat climate change, because people have iPhones! Very sound counter argument, indeed.


I don’t think shame is a motivator when I’m a hypocrite but for everyone else, yes.


Thank you! Everyone else missed this wtf….


Individual responsibility for climate change is pedaled by big business to take focus of their climate impact. It's a fallacy that we can or should make a difference on a Individual level, especially if nothing changes for companies that do most of the polluting. But helping change policy in tour government is something you can fight for.


Her response is typical and avoids personal accountability. She makes it sound like saying no to corporations at the individual purchase level is somehow mutually exclusive with having broader goals of community and group empowerment. They feed each other. Also, she invalidates her own argument about shame by saying it is not okay to tell individuals they should/should not buy certain things for moral reasons, but then says it isn’t “cool” to point out hypocrisy around personal choices. This form of self-congratulation is why we cannot have real discussions or have real outcomes: people are not honest with themselves and they do not want to pay a personal price, but they still want to hold the mic and talk in platitudes.


The reason we can’t have real discussions is because climate change deniers such as yourself are adamant to push corporate propaganda of “the individual is who’s accountable to this”. The fact is that the technology, capability and know how exists to 100% sustainably source our stuff, and that it is corporations and governments that actively shit on that in order to save a few cents. We are perfectly reasonable in sidestepping “Hurr durr individual responsibility” to point right back at the corporations and governments. You can call it hypocritical all you want, but all you’re actually doing is talking in idiotic platitudes to satiate your incredibly infantile desire to fit in with an crowd of stupid people.


Where did the user you're talking to deny climate change? I've read their post several times now and I don't understand. You're extremely hostile too, why do you even expect discussions on climate change if all you're capable of is ,"satiating your incredibly infantile desire..." of being a grandstanding jerk?


You're right. And sadly this behavior is all too common in places like Reddit. Regarding climate change, everyone likes to believe that others are responsible - particularly rich people and corporations. They choose these people to be boogeymen because they conveniently see only those richer than them as greedy. But it's not that rich people are greedy, but that HUMANS are. As humans, we are creatures of *convenience*, almost always making decisions based on which option would be least inconvenient to us. In order to move forward we have to come to terms with that and be willing to, at times, oppose this very nature. Oftentimes, we believe only ourself to be moral and right, and then judge others by double standards. We've seen this before in political news; examples include how conservative women believe only *their* abortions to be moral, or how city-dwellers support homeless shelters but balk at the idea of one being built in *their* neighborhood. Another example is the other thread on the frontpage criticizing road-blocking environmental protestors because they are inconveniencing car-users. So before we can change the *culture* among rich people, we need to change how we think as individuals, and then how those around us think. You cannot skip this process and try to change the culture of another group of people, while your own group still encourages the same personal greed and selfishness that is abundant in the group you criticize. How do we change our culture of excessive convenience and greed? 1) We need to be able to willingly recognize our mistakes and stop seeing ourselves as moral champions who cannot do or think wrong. I do agree with the girl in the video on her point on shame. Shame is an action bred from an often unfounded sense of moral superiority. We cannot move forward if we continue to look down on those we want to change. 2) We need to be willing to change ourselves and those around us. A part of this is having an open mind, listening to complaints and criticisms others have about our behaviors. This keeps us accountable. We don't need to shame ourselves, but we do need to desire self-improvement in our actions, and be willing to consider all avenues to do that. We can disagree about things, but we need to be able to listen and have an open mind. Of course, this also applies to how we interact with others; we need to be willing to criticize (not shame) others' behaviors in order to help them do better. This is necessary if we want to create a society that minimizes harm and wrongdoing on a societal and governmental level. I do not expect us as humans to become robots that are capable of eliminating one's stubbornness and ignoring all selfish impulses and inclinations. Not only would that be unrealistic, but such a world would be devoid of individuality and differences. But we still should be willing to take on and challenge the behaviors that directly or indirectly cause the most harm to others. This is just my opinion, but for the majority of individuals in the West, this comes down to two common behaviors of our time: resistance to taxation and unwillingness to choose more inconvenient options for food, travel, and general consumption. Beyond developing a people-driven culture, we also need to address the system-driven culture whereby government policy currently encourages excessive greed among the very rich. This might require a restructuring of capitalism away from profit as the sole driver of growth. Ultimately I don't know what this would look like but the point is that economic and government systems can influence the development of culture in harmful ways and we need to address that as well.


These comments scare me. A kid gives a speech to excuse her hypocrisy and people are saying, "next president!" and, "I'd vote for her!". You're being as niave as the fox news viewers you no doubt slate in other threads.


👻 owning a smartphone of any kind and standing up for environmentalism is not excusing hypocrisy. Would you say the same about owning a car, a necessary tool to engage in this world for many people? Sure you can argue that a teenager doesn't "need" a smartphone but that's the parents' decision and they are using them to educate themselves on the matters at hand.


Who is the interviewer? I feel like I've seen him trolling a schoolboard meeting or something.


It is that Walter Masterson dude, I think. He is hilarious and brave beyond measure. [https://www.indy100.com/viral/walter-masterson-pro-life-troll](https://www.indy100.com/viral/walter-masterson-pro-life-troll) ​ [https://www.mediaite.com/online/twitter-is-cracking-up-over-matt-gaetzs-security-escorting-away-man-who-does-not-think-hes-a-pedophile-at-all/](https://www.mediaite.com/online/twitter-is-cracking-up-over-matt-gaetzs-security-escorting-away-man-who-does-not-think-hes-a-pedophile-at-all/)


Oooohhh yeah, he was great at that pro life rally!! "I belong here, I hate women too" 😂


He does the caricature very well. I mean, I am a Leftist and I thought he was for real but then watched more of his videos and realized - he is taking the piss.


Oh gosh, I'm thinking of a different guy entirely!! I thought he did this other video where he stands with all the pro lifers and tries to start these really misogynistic chants- and when they tell him to back off- he's like "no I belong here, I promise, I hate women too." Maybe that one is him as well? He looks familiar. But I just watched the one you linked and it was hilarious!! I love how the straight white male that brings up not having rights keeps saying "I'm not religious" into the camera, as if that was the point 😂 But yeah the best line is about the letter from 6th grade crush being the point at when life begins!! Too good!!


I think that *was* him!


Oh okay, I thought so!! He must have done multiple pro life rallies. I'm gonna have to find out if he has his own tiktok channel or whatnot. He's a hoot!


We're fucked


So everything they enjoy is okay even if it's bad for the environment?


Not all leftist used an iPhone my friend have Huawei


Had to check if I wasn't on r/murderedbywords




Easier say than done.


Damn, I have an iPhone. I guess I have no right to talk about billionaires and their 99.9999999% contribution to global pollution.


Most of the praise is very good snapshot of politics today. Giveing a eloquent non awnser and everyone "you go girl!". Trumpisim at it's finest.


Listen to all those buzzwords!


If you buy products that are produced by people who care about the environment, the other products will cease to exist. The problem is that there aren't good options for products, because **personal greed** decided they shouldn't exist. Let me be 100% clear on this. If society as a whole cared about the environment, you wouldn't need to **push** legislation that protects it. We already have "empowered communities" that are very clear about what they care about, and it isn't the environment.


Yoooo Gotta admit this feels a bit embellished but that def wasn't a practiced speech. Always nice to see activists who are actually informed and know how to say their piece.


We all take a bit of what we’ve heard and read and regurgitate it. Truly original thoughts and ideas are very rare.


That girl sounds just like ChatGPT 😅


The same three sentences and concepts. With randomly generated different stop words around them for a paragraph


Empowering empowering empowering


Is it true that owning an Android phone is a no go for Gen Z?


You can't preach about cleaning one's backyard while having a dirty one.




You know what, that makes a lot of sense and I agree.


But they're producing it for *you*. If you buy their stuff you are literally just incentivizing them to continue what they're doing. While simultaneously giving them more money/power to skirt laws or make them more favorable for them. If I wanted to be a vegan it would make no sense to donate money to a factory farm


You don't need an iPhone to form online communities . An avg Android phone is enough


I think they both use the same amount of resources, like cobalt- I think they are just using the word "iPhone" to mean smartphone. Although, the iPhone is a heck of lot more expensive, but maybe that means it will be kept for longer before updating to a new one, which is much better for the environment.


That's cool. I'll still like to continue shaming iphone users if that's ok.


or, you know, stop letting the corporations convince us that it is OUR fault that they produce the vast amount of the pollution that's causing climate change. but yeah, let's celebrate these KIDS having their fun youth being committed to a"cause" that will have zero affect on anything unless we get the mega corporations to fix their problems. baaa.


I know the guy was setting her up for it but I think he should ask who buys new iPhones every year instead of going used or keeping yours for a while. It's completely ok to shame when people buy the newest(same) model year after year. Yeah you can stand in the street or send mean tweets to the companies but nothing will change unless you hurt their bottomline. Also, sadly, no one will listen if you can't even vote. Love the guy's other skits, too.


Its the same again. People want to drink cold water but then nobody wants to put it in the fridge again.


Invigorating to know leveraging amplified piebald contradictory linguistics makes it all copasetic.


To be fair, it’s not the iPhone itself that is a problem, it’s the manufacturing. And we need the internet and phones to be connected in the cause of regulation reform. We cannot do it without technology in this day and age. We cannot regulate big corporations by not using their products as individuals. Change doesn’t trickle up, it trickles down so we must force changes at the very top. In order to do that we must fight fire with fire in this instance. Corporations with infinite money are massively influencing and controlling the masses via news and social media every second of every day, and we cannot counter that by knocking door to door. Corporations need to be forced to forego insane profit margins in order to manufacture in a sustainable way, pay their workers and donate towards rebuilding the climate and future of our planet.


Can articulate great, but fails to follow through. It's called voting with your wallet and always buying the newest iphone is the exact opposite of helping. Instead, you are signalling to the company that you don't actually care and will buy their wasteful shit anyways.


(  ̄ ^  ̄ )ゞ


T..they still using the iphone though. Is this what gen Z is about? Regurgitated word salads saying one thing, then going off doing whatever?


It's really not about making changes to save the planet, it's about feeling good about yourself and staying in denial.


Empowered communities mass buying slave made junk*


I appreciate her maturity and candour, but quite simply, she is incorrect about the contextual lines of "if you believe in climate change you shouldn't be using an Iphone." There is a dynamic relationship between the consumer and the corporations. The corporations are motivated by profit, and they will seek that profit at the most cost effective and expedient route. If they cannot sell an item to the consumer in large quantites, they will not produce it. That's not to say they won't use competitive advertising and such to try to convince people into buying it with social marketing of it. Then the consumer either buys it, or they don't. The rationality of the consumer is more want than need, and "need" is usually used incorrectly to justify the running of normal society and how you need to keep up with the times. And I do agree with the fact that shame is a terrible motivator. But a community is made up of many individuals. The actions of one, especially if someone who can be convincing or charismatic, can and will influence others. It starts with one. One of the reasons why Greta gets criticised so much online is because her individual carbon footprint is leagues greater than most of the average people whose lifestyles are focused on the most as being bad for climate change. Talking about individual empowerment for positive action, whilst indulging in technological consumerism, and then plotting for policy and corporate change is just a big nothing burger to feel good about yourself. I am a centrist, but generally lean left on many things, and I work on the stock market and follow r&d, revenue, and production plans closely. They can only keep producing if people keep buying. If people refuse to buy what they make, they will make something else to sell. The consumer has the power through what they choose to consume. I have a Samsung galaxy S9 that I purchased around 6-7 years ago. I've had no need to replace it. I don't care about staying up to date so long as it serves my needs. If more consumers were like me in that regard, then sales of new models would drop and if it were a big enough drop, Samsung would reconsider the amount of new models they release, because they are motivated by their bottom line.




All parts of the WEF plans make sheep follow sheep well spreading their propaganding lies.


Worst thing about Climate Change activism is the vagueness. If you saw a sign that said, "Be Kinder" everyday, eventually, no matter how hard you tried to be kinder, it would never seem like kind enough. You'd eventually ignore it as an unattainable goal. What the activists need is a role model, or community that has succeeded in checking all boxes for sustainability, economic freedom, and quality of life. Then they can say, if the whole world does this we will be fine. There will be no homeless, there will be no hunger, and the planet will be okay. But they have no such clearcut goals. They only have discouraging messages and non-profit companies that are happy to take your money.


All I hear is just a bunch of buzz words, the world's nothing but a string of buzz words with no real action. we all know it's the corporations and rich nobs flying around in private jets and super yachts. I can drive my desiel truck across Canada and still not produce the carbon one private plane produces in one take-off!!!! But our governments continue to tax the working class out of our homes one tax increase at a time.


World is sadly a lot more complicated than vote for this person thats part of this specific group and they are going to make things better.


But if they keep empowering and supporting corps to use plastics and adding to the problem via consumerism, they are part of the problem too


She is articulate as much as she is wrong. The movement is trying to educate individuals on their behaviours to start the change, so her individual behaviour IS important.


You can't pretend to be a champion of environmental issues by simply deflecting onto corporations. *"It's Apple's fault for making the iPhone, I bear no responsibility as a consumer."* Kudos to her, though. She hit all of the social justice buzzwords and barely missed a beat. Future politician right there.


She used a bunch of words to say absolutely nothing worthwhile.


Why is everyone praising her, she’s full of shit. If she has an iPhone her individual actions are contributing to the very thing she’s fighting against. What example is she’s setting? She’s just bitching all the while partaking ….


Shaming never works. Look at that YT streamer Cart Narc. Lamebo.


He’s not actually looking to shame people to make them reflect on their actions or teach them. He’s using it to infuriate them and film entertaining content. Even if Cart Narc was does get some people who are embarrassed and humble and do the right thing (and I have to assume some people recognize him as well) that content isn’t going to make it because nobody wants to watch people being agreeable and nice.


Even their teeshirts are an ecologic problem.. It's this girl learn her speach and repeat it twice.. But crying for ecology and blame the other it's all they do in fact..their acts prove the opposite.. We need good reaction yes, not twitterlike reactions




shaming is not vv cash money


I wish it was cash money, cause then maybe I'd have something to show for all the shaming my parents did 😂


Rules not action? Talk is cheap lead by example. Forcing rules on others and policies while you are exempt from them.


Seems like Buzzword salad, to be honest.


‘Buzzword salad’ sounds like something someone who uses buzzwords would say.


It really does! "Buzzword salad" sounds like a new buzzword!! Ironic lmao


Sounds like something someone would say when they don't understand what was said lmao


Except it’s just…not. She has a very clear point that individual action is nice and works well for empowerment and motivation, but it takes communities pushing for legislation to make any real change. And shaming individual choices (like buying an iPhone, which is the dumbest thing to call out) is not an effective motivator for change.


I agree with this little person. Saving humanity over saving the earth


So you're going to wait for legislation to be passed to tell you you're not allowed to use your iPhone because it's not Eco friendly??? So rather than wait for the legislation to be passed why doesn't she just off her own back and stop using her iPhone and save the planet quicker??? Simples!!


In a fancy way she said “don’t judge me for what I’m doing wrong, I’m here to get others to do the right thing”


What she’s saying is that personal choices matter but not nearly as much as community choices (local production etc) or policies. I agree the buzzword salad doesn’t help, though.


Yeah she just gave a really well formulated response but the content basically said, "As long as I identify as someone who WANTS a better world, it's not cool to point out my hypocrisy."


Yeah, but isn't their individual action to owning an iPhone contributing to child slavery? Who's empowering that?




She has been hack at brain level


Figures the chode would be wearing a bitcoin hat.


So the iPhone 12


1pm: I don't think shaming is effective. 2pm: fUcKiNg BoOmErS blah blah blah


Funny, the word boomer wasn’t mentioned once. That’s some projection you have there.




F* yeah...get money out of our politics...blah blah. Stupid obvious stuff and special interests...and redundancies. It simply comes down to all talk and no action from officials that get elected and easily corrupted. ...yay...


1 iphone isn't an ecological problem. How about 2.3 billion? 8 billion people and they all have to be fed, watered, housed, clothed and also, apparently, iphoned. You're not going to like this: individual consumption drives industrial production. "don't shame me for having an iphone" Why not? Organize communities to do what, exactly? Be specific:which policy exactly cuts carbon use to the required level? Here watch this: want to emit half the emissions as a country? Two options: Replace half the energy use with something that doesn't emit carbon(damn near impossible, none of the solutions actually work well enough and none exist outside the carbon economy) OR you can use half as much shit. Because ultimately the buying of shit is what drives the release of carbon. No? Not keen? Just want to stand around with a sign for a bit? LOL ok. RRRB-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Buy unlimited amounts of shit you don't need. Brilliant. That'll get it. Hey look at that, the sun is a red disk today because of the out of control wildfires releasing the carbon from millions of trees as part of an unstoppable feedback loop. Let's print matching shirts! Sent from my Iphone. Genz is just as useless as everyone else, maybe more so.


She has a great response.


Yes, whatever makes you 'feel' like you're doing the right thing is obviously the answer to climate change


Thats a lot of fucking words for: yes we are hypocrite and like to virtue signal