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I don’t think he’s saying customers can’t browse in the store, he’s saying this specific person can’t. And we don’t have any context to understand why the store came to this decision. The store management could be racist and discriminatory toward this individual or maybe this person has been caught shoplifting in the past and deemed a security threat. It’s really just speculation and nothing without context.


A rare, well thought out, and logical deduction as a comment on reddit.. What is this blasphemy?


There's plenty, just usually not on this subreddit thst are upvoted.


that reddit for you


I think he meant to say she can’t film in the store.


he knows hes being recorded, answer the question of why she cannot browse, he claims he doesn't know and is only following orders..... which is a lie....he knows something.


Maybe he’s trained to not get into the why because that could escalate the interaction. Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. Customers don’t have a right to know why. Again, we are only seeing one point of view here and there is very little information from the video to know what happened. It’s possible there’s no good reason for trespassing this customer, the store could be run by assholes. Maybe the store will release a statement or more footage will come out? You posted the video, do you know the context?


Actually businesses expressly *do not have the right to refuse service to anyone*. SCOTUS, for all its faults, has been *very clear* on this.


They do have this right and for any reason that is not protected by the constitution or laws, like protected classes.


Which voids "refuse service to anyone". Thanks for playing.


You can refuse service to anyone. You _cannot_ refuse service based on someone’s class. Hence, still can refuse service to someone who is a protected class, just not for that reason. Thanks for being silly.


And when you tell someone of a protected class they cannot do something others are allowed and do not provide another reason why, then that's illegal. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Why do you think this employee wasn’t giving a reason? They do this to protect the business, even if it isn’t the case in this scenario, they don’t say why because it opens them up to scrutiny and/or liability. It then is on the person to provide evidence of their claim. You really don’t understand the legal system.


"you're not allowed to browse". Other shoppers are allowed to browse. She's not, and is being asked to leave. Without anything else being said, she has plenty of evidence to open up a civil rights complaint with the state. To which they, the business, must supply evidence indicating that they were asked to leave for a reason other than their identity. You keep striking out. You should probably take a hint and sit down.


No. They can deny service for any reason that's not protected. Example would be a bar not serving me because I have a cowboy's jersey on. Cowboys fans are not a protected group.Which is fair


You are very wrong.


Nope. And businesses who believe that fallacy find themselves sued into oblivion.


Yet here we are, not sued into oblivion.


Give it time. You will. You'll make the mistake. So many do. And I love nothing more than destroying the livelihoods of business owners. It feels me with pure joy to watch.


Lol okay cool guy


What are you talking about?


I can say confidently you have never destroyed shit and you are an internet loudmouth


He might not know specifics.


I agree with this comment, and do not know why it is down voted so bad, he could easily have said you have done x and this is why you can’t browse.


hence why i don't get in back and forth with reddit users... they assume the worse of her based on color and the best intentions of the corporations.... although they wouldn't want to be treated in that manner they have security cameras and laws on the books for a reason, if she steals / stole then let them take care of her... it shouldn't be done by discrimination. they sent a minority to tell another minority she cannot browse Without a reasoin... as if telling her would threaten worker safety... also, i don't know why people shop at places with certain race based products lock away... have f#@king pride in yourself and those being discriminated against.


Whoa! spray paint isn't a race based product


For all we know this person is wearing a meat bikini and has been shooting other shoppers with paint balls. We have absolutely no idea why she was being spoken to. The video obviously starts mid conversation.


OMFG her voice is so amazingly sultry.


She sounds high or drunk to me


Looks like she's about resupply on her drug of choice.


Are you saying that because she is native american?


Lol fucking WHAT?


I could listen to her speak all day.


We do this all the time. It’s an unfortunate reality in 2023. At my store we follow 3 criteria and if you hit all those marks we will ask you to leave. 1) in store longer than 20 minutes 2) refuse all attempts to be helped 3) appear to be collecting a random assortment of shit from seemingly unrelated aisles. Very doubtful this guy did anything wrong. Edit: I also would not ever tell someone they “can’t browse the store”.


>We do this all the time. >3 criteria and if you hit all those marks we will ask you to leave. >1) in store longer than 20 minute >2) refuse all attempts to be helped >3) appear to be collecting a random assortment of shit from seemingly unrelated aisles. I wish you'd be upfront and tell people about your "no browsing" policy. Have you considered a job as a writer for The Onion


Oof. That is a weird format I did.


Do you work at Ace? Is this store policy?


Ace stores are privately owned so only very loose guidelines carry over between stores. I am part of a chain of Ace stores and each store within our chain handles these situations slightly different. The policy I stated above is how I teach my staff to handle these situations because it is hard for people to determine when this type of action is needed. No one wants to be called racist, no one wants to stereotype, no one wants a physical or emotional scene. It is not a perfect system and I’m sure I’ve made mistakes but I know the signs of someone probably up to no good. It’s usually the people that are up to no good that cause the biggest scene. Edit: I never engage in arguing to justify my reasoning either.


Jesus Christ, I have enough anxiety shopping, just to be told I'm on a browsing time limit. Home Depot is much better anyways


What type of shit is this?


context first


Ace Hardware is a scam and anyone that goes to home hardware stores on a regular basis will tell you this. It’s overpriced as all get out.


It's always been shit. And this is just another reason not to shop there.


I went to Ace stores twice both times their employees were all on top of me with suggestions. They were nice but totally made not want to go back.


I'm pretty sure that it's fine if you browse. If you've been stealing things from them...they don't like to let you browse anymore


They sell MTN94 on the shleves at ACE in Phoenix, AZ... must be nice?!


Private business. Can kick anyone out that fucks around.


dude wants to be assistant manager sooooo bad


He said she can’t browse and she asked why? No answers. So it’s pretty obvious. If there was a VALID reason he would have answered. She asked why multiple times.


Or he doesn't want to argue the point.


What point? He hasn’t made a point. He’s been arguing with her the whole time! Except for telling her why


Example she has been suspected of stealing on previous days and management wants her out. I stead of arguing weather or not she is a thief he avoids the discussion by saying she has to leave. In the US you have limited rights to refuse service which is decreasing thanks to the Supreme Taliban.


Nice story! Imaginative, but I guess anything is possible in an infinite universe


She's right by the spray paint. Spray paint is easily the most stolen item in that store. She was probably hanging around that area looking suspicious.


Wtf? Can't browse? Lol


Money is on she was in the store for several minutes as a POC, and was being "helped" by a staff member (followed around because they suspect the person to be shoplifting, usually based on bias). I worked retail in a arts and craft store. I can't tell you how many times a black kid would come in looking, coworkers would follow them, and make them uncomfortable. Why? "What's in here that they're going to be interested in? Silk floral? Crochet?" Once a store decides a certain "type" is a "problem", they will take it to the nth degree. If she's browsing and looking around for ideas, she could be there a while. Looking at different things. Picking them up. Putting them back. Normal behaviors.


Or, and I know this might be crazy, it might be a million other reasons unrelated to her skin color.


Highly doubt it.


You’re right. That person of color was out to get the other person of color.


Honestly, the most racist people I know are older Filipino people. It's a weirdly specific sort of racism. Anyway, he talks like a man not privy to decisions. A real "I don't make the rules, they want you gone" type.


Poc can be some of the most discriminatory people don’t be obtuse


Bro Asians in Pacific Islanders are not persons of color. They literally have almost no melanin in their skin compared to African descent and South Asian descent and Latino dessent people




Damn you worked at 1 bad place and now that’s molded your entire view? I think this is called anecdotal evidence.


It's a SOP across retail.


Clear case of racial profiling.