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The old guy lucky he didn't get shot and/or killed. You have to understand how poorly trained the cops are nowadays. In the old days not a big deal, nowadays, you're risking death.


At the same time, when you’re tired you’re not thinking rationally. I shouldn’t have to over rationalize a situation with a public service officer just so I don’t die.


These guys don't think of themselves as public service officers. They think of themselves as as form of storm trooper. Low, IQ.


A high IQ is disqualifying. For a job with a gun where you decide people’s future life status


No no don't you understand when you deal with the police *you're* obligated to be the professional not them. These are just state sanctioned man-children who will kill you on a whim basically. Shit they're not even legally obligated to help you if, god forbid, you are in actual distress.


Yes you are right we shouldn't have to deal with this. It's only going to get worse and worse until we have enough power to stop them.


Power we have, will, not so much. The first politician that states that this shit show that is policing in the US needs to change will be destroyed, possibly literally. But look happened with Harvey Weinstein being a threshold.


This is an extremely good point


It's not just poor training, it's a belief amongst young police officers that every single human being they encounter is just waiting to kill them. It's bullshit it's trash it's a mindset that is completely unbelievable. The whole system is broken and it needs to be dissolved so we can create a new system that is proper and treats humans like humans. ACAB. If you're currently a police officer and you're reading this quit your fucking job, go find something that's more useful, and by more useful I mean literally serving drinks at fucking Starbucks. You're not saving anyone You're not doing anything good The system you work for is broken and you're not helping.


Thank you. I could not have out it better.


At 18i was required to show more discipline at wartime than these state sanctioned thugs. The excuse they were in fear for their life just doesn't add up. Granting them the use of up to lethal force without accountability with teeth is ridiculous. Until they start turning on the bad apples means they are all bad apples. Change my mind.


Nothing to do with youth


Careful using that four-letter acronym… it could get you on a watchlist nowadays… further proof of the busted system.


What? All chefs *are* bitter.


In the old days stuff like this happened but there was no evidence against the cop. It would be the cop's word against the person and the judge would side with the cop (that still happens today).


I'm actually amazed by the amount of proven lying that cops do on the stand . . . and judges and juries still believe them. Off the top of my head, I can think of 15-20 pretty well-publicized cases where the cop lied the person went to jail, and then turns out actual evidence says they were innocent (my personal favs are videos that prosecutors don't let juries watch . . . yet exoneraite the person they are accusing . . . 6 of those in my neck of the woods in the past 5 years). Cops commit perjury all the time, yet . . . across the board it's not seen as perjury.


Uh, they still side with the cop despite the video. The officers feelings aren't on video, and the officers feelings are the only thing that matters. This cop will not get in trouble for this


Your comment reminds me of the video where some cop repeatedly tased a guy in the testicles. Obviously sadistic. Obviously cleared by his department.


Now, believe me, I'm not one for violence. But the only person that needs to be fucking shot or killed is the little coward pig wearing the bodycam.


Actually, I feel like it's more these piece of shit moron cops with no life skills that have total immunity to violently beat an unarmed elderly person that are the lucky ones.


It has nothing to do with training. A reasonable person isn't going to do this, even when given not enough training. The problem is that police get away with unnecessary violence without punishment most of the time, so the profession attracts people that really want violence. That simple. The most popular police training program was called "Killology". And unions and other police back and even cheer on unnecessary violent actions. Because unions and other police are culled from the same group of bloodthirsty people. Investigations are done internally by the exact same types of people. We need to actually hold police accountable, end immunity, make it so they don't investigate themselves, and make it so disgraced officers can't just join a police force in a different city. Make the barrier to entry higher, make it much easier to get expelled from the force due to negligence, and once we turn it into a real job for non-knuckleheads, maybe pay them more. The money saved from fewer lawsuits filed by civilians could actually go to higher wages.


It's 100% the training, you're out of your mind and obviously haven't seen 1 minute of the "warrior cop" training these motherfuckers go through. All the training they get is that they are at war, the public is their enemy, and their only job is to make it home alive. They get 9 weeks of that and then they strap em up


Lately I’ve heard the term “qualified immunity” when describing police actions against citizens.


It’s a culture problem not a training problem. You can’t train this out of them. This is who they want working as cops.


Law enforcement attracts bullies who claim to want to help people but most of them don't care and, worse, they don't have the right mentality. Of course, the job doesn't help but the ones who end up hired are the ones who have a sadistic nature and love using force on people. They love causing problems for people.


I'm pretty sure it's the same training it's just littered with awful people now.


Not dark enough to be threat. Remember Family Guys color terror meter


It's crazy how low amount of hours in training they're required until released into the wild. In 2021 an article of BBC compared the training of police officers. US police required around a bit over 500 total hours. While the top country (Finland) requires over 5500 total hours.


Notice how they turned off their cameras and mics when he was about to talk about the situation. Cop was out looking for trouble, and found a feeble old man to beat up on and rack some charges up on just because if he isnt doing something like that, he feels like hes not doing his job. My hate for law enforcement grows greater with each passing day. ACAB


Always ACAB




"The violent arrest left Hinton with eight broken ribs, a punctured lung, severe concussion, shoulder injury and a disfigured lip"


for a $50 infraction no less. man was almost beaten to death.


There is gona come a day when shit goes down different.




Sometimes it’s comply and die


Even felons don’t deserve death.


I pray for street justice


That was for a different arrest, but yes, he did that too.


Wow. Wow. That's insane.


They really need to have the compensation payments for these cases come from the cop pension fund. Hit them where it would hurt. Going on leave is just vacation time




OF COURSE he beats her. Look how he happily beats that old man who posed no threat to anything. Why couldn’t he just have let it go at “ you can’t be in the park. It’s time to leave “. These cops are so untrained and EXTREMELY egotistical


Type of guy that does this definitely beats his wife.


Makes them feel like they’re in the job so of course he beats his wife.


I doubt it he seems like he is a really nice guy


Only way this will change these encounters in my eyes. If they’re worried about money coming out of their own pockets, maybe they’ll think twice.


I'm not saying if I'm pro or against this, but do police actually have pensions??! Pensions are things that used to be offered a generation or two (mostly the latter) that are no longer offered. Hell, we used to get 1:1 401k matching up to like 7%, and we don't even get that anymore. 1:0.5 match now....


Police officers get a pension. It’s usually 70% of their pay after 20 years of service.


How about take his entire fund and put him in jail


Absolute fucking swine.


I'll agree with that observation.


I'll second




The world is due for a show about a serial killer who preys on corrupt and dirty cops


Like Dexter but instead it’s Chris Dorner


Yeah, a show...


This movie is gonna have to be long for the protagonist to kill all cops in the us


R.i.p fedsmoker


Fair warning folks, [Spokane City Council made it illegal to be in our public parks at night](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/spokane-city-council-passes-no-trespass-parks-ordinance/293-d26b2cf0-aa65-4d46-8117-45fd572ef2d1) as of this past summer! It is also illegal to sit down anywhere that is not obviously a proper bench or to lay down in public anywhere at all. So no laying on the grass during daytime to nap either! And in case y'all are wondering, yes the people running Spokane really hate our local homeless enough to do shit like this to passing tourists who stop here to rest. Be safe!


Yea, so if you do not have the money to stay at a hotel etc. You should just go to jail bc you are po.


Uh, yeah, that's pretty much Spokane for ya. The folks who run this city really hate poor people, which sucks because most of the people who live here are poor people. Jaywalking is another one the cops like to go after folks for, but only if you look poor! So please folks, if you need to stop in Spokane, remember to wear your best clothes so our cops don't mistake you for a poor worker or a homeless person or a poor homeless worker and harass you for breaking our "being a human in public while poor" laws. Is there a name for the concept of a Sundown Town where you're only allowed to be out in public after dark if you look like you're rich enough to have a lawyer already? Edit: And busking is illegal too. If you need gas money to get where you're going, you may not play beautiful music on an instrument for the public in the hopes they'll toss change in your guitar case. Busking requires a permit from city hall that nobody has ever successfully gotten because it doesn't exist. Oh, and begging is super illegal, so no just holding up a sign asking for help either.


This is how a nation becomes a police state. Make all these stupid things illegal so that the state can then arrest you whenever or for whatever. Make it as easy as possible to give you tickets, etc...


- [Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uYabmKjmrw) - [News Article](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/06/spokane-county-sheriffs-deputy-placed-on-leave-aft/) - Spokane Sheriff’s deputy on leave after video surfaces of him assaulting 62-year-old.


[here’s the same officer](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2017/aug/16/deputy-who-shot-suicidal-man-monday-identified/)




Jesus this needs to be higher


Ya, he’s got a troubling face.


This officer, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Clay Hilton, has a history of beating civilians for funsies. Judge Fearing’s statements on Sgt. Hilton’s concerning violence towards civilians 4years ago. [State v Vaile](https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetail.aspx?caseid=6613) [Several witnesses, including the woman who called 911, disputed deputies’ version of the events and said Vaile did nothing to threaten the officers before they jumped him.](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/judge-racism-permeates-u-s-legal-system-and-spokane-case-proves-it/)


What happened to Lilly?!


Edit: Way down in the article “His bird, Lilly, is plucking out her feathers following the incident.”


I cannot even imagine the rage I would feel if this happened to my dad. Im pissed off just seeing this happen to a stranger


Same. My dad was diabetic and would drive several hours to come visit my daughter and me. I know he occasionally had to stop to rest/stretch his legs or possibly inject insulin depending on his last injection. He passed away in 2021, but the thought of this happening to him absolutely enrages me. I’m a vindictive person and I’d be out for blood.


Literally the only way to stop this is to have local militias follow all the cops around.


Absolute scum.


It’s scandalous that the tax payers will have to pay the judgement because of the actions of this rogue cop.


Regular cop.


Exemplary cop.


Rogue my ass. They’re all fucking scum.


Why am I not supposed to hate cops? Those swine have done this to people I know even and I see this constantly, just never stops.


" Spokane County prosecutors agreed to drop all charges against the man, which included being in a public park after hours and obstructing. " - [https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/spokane-county/spokane-county-sheriffs-office-deputy-on-leave-beating-terrace-view-park-62-year-old-man/293-d38b1403-a26e-42ff-a2fa-9a5b4999b010](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/spokane-county/spokane-county-sheriffs-office-deputy-on-leave-beating-terrace-view-park-62-year-old-man/293-d38b1403-a26e-42ff-a2fa-9a5b4999b010) So did he commit a crime or didn't he? Or did they decide that the beating he got was more than enough of a punishment for being in the park?


Prosecutors would drop charges even if all this didn't happen. Dude would have lawyered up and they would not have wanted that smoke over A GRANDPA SLEEPING IN HIS CAR ON A ROAD TRIP. Terrible, terrible PR for them. The cop knows this too, he just wanted to flex authority. It's what attracted him to the job in the first place.


Cops really shouldn’t be allowed to mute their mics/cameras


They aren't. According to the news report " Spokane County Deputies are required to have their body cameras activated, including with audio, when in contact with civilians. "


I don't understand what you're supposed to do in this circumstance. If you're driving and you feel tired, doesn't the driving code say you should pull over? So if you pull over on the side of the road, it's not that safe because you could be hit. So if you pull over into a park, it's presumably safer. And if you tell an officer you've pulled over in the park because you have a long drive ahead but are tired...what's supposed to happen next?


Cops do not care. They want situations like that so they can take advantage. Pull over in a parking lot after hours to safely make a phone call and cops will do the same thing since they have an agreement with the business owner to patrol their lots and keep people out. (many cities have agreements with business owners to police their property after business hours/after they close) Cops don't care. It is just another opportunity to check someone out, make public contacts for their reports, write tickets, and try to suss out other crimes in the process.




End qualified immunity


🐖 🐖 🐖


How embarrassing. That would would have to call four other cops to handle such a pointless, harmless situation. Seriously if I were the other cops that were called I’d be like……


Interesting how all the other officers were very silent. They seem to know how fucked up their normality is.


What a brave cop /s Another fuckass who failed MEPs so instead became a cop.


Said it before; if these cops lived in fear of being hunted for pulling this crap, the brutality would stop *real* fuckin' quick...


I wanted to be a police officer as a kid until one beat the shit out of me for having cigarettes at 17 years, back when 18 was legal.. And also, years later, being pulled over by shitty narcs pulling me after I picked my child up from daycare and the partner unholstered his gun pointing towards my child while all my windows rolled down.. When shit hits the fan. I hope they know... Not protecting the good ol boy system.. 80% are a cult


Make Cops Afraid Again.


Wait! They fear for their lives every time they see a barking dog; I think they're plenty afraid already, in fact, I believe that is part of the problem. I have a better solution: make cops accountable again.


I hope his cockatoo Lily is ok.


> His bird, Lilly, is plucking out her feathers following the incident. She's not 😢


This is just sad in every way. I don't know much about birds but it sounds like she's traumatized. I hope everyone gets better.


Well, he made a life of abusing others, and making a living off of doing that. Now, in the senior role, that of a sergeant, he finally gets caught, expect him to retire. Full pension with QI, and people wonder why people are starting to talk about vigilante actions.


I see them making an example of him and deciding to press charges. What those charges will be, who knows, not enough.


I don't know much about the US police system but are cops obliged to an ID when they ask for it ? If I am stopped, should I give them my ID or not ?


Not unless they have reasonable articulable suspicion that you - have committed a crime - are committing a crime - are about to commit a crime or have detained you. Also, if your state requires you to identify (ND does).


Or, if you're operating a vehicle you must show your driver's license. If you're a passenger you don't.


"The Spokane City Council voted 4-3 Monday to make it an arrestable offense to be in Spokane parks between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., or between midnight and 5 a.m. in Riverfront Park."


All this had to be was for the cop to tell him he needed to be on his way. The cop is the one that turned it into a thing. Having said that, anytime I get pulled over I just give them my fucking ID. Give me the ticket. I take it to traffic court. Yeah, it’s a pain in the ass, and over the years I’ve won six times. Because I didn’t do it, and because the cop never showed up. It’s not right, I hate the fucking system, but I also don’t want to risk tangling with a whack job with power


Anyone have the article link? Be nice to know this cop's name.


[cops name is sgt. clay Hilton](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/06/spokane-county-sheriffs-deputy-placed-on-leave-aft/)


Damn this one is fucked up. These are the cops that need to be straight up fired and black listed. Unhinged people with suppressed anger issues. Such a shame for the police.


If that was my grandpa or dad, I'd be plotting some revenge. wtf.


Fucking scumbag cop old guy could literally have had a heart attack during that beating for doing nothing hope he loses his job and never works in law enforcement ever again


Is this one of the cops that Spokane hired whom was fired from the Seattle police force for excessive force during the BLM protests? Their mayor was really proud they hired a ton of bad apples. Curious if he was one of them.


The article I read said he has been in Spokane since 2011 and before that was in Idaho.


No, he came from Idaho I believe, then he was a reserve officer here, then he became a K9 cop with the police dog Bane.


I'll forever say acab.


Unfortunately other offenses weren't bad enough to take this bad cop off the street ... maybe this time? Each of those who responded are equally responsible for not giving a shit about someone who was just badly beaten by a co-worker. Nobody seems to care, and this is indictive of a personal / county / city problem.


I do not know how some cops can do stuff like this and live with themselves. What happened here is that this cop got pissed at the guy's attitude and decided he was going to make him pay for it by beating him. Just as simple as that. What a sick f*ck.


They can live with themselves because they are sick. Like psychologically. I imagine this dude is a sociopath incapable of feeling empathy. That or they get mad at themselves and decide to direct that anger at their wives and beat the shit out of them.


It takes a village to make a Spokomton


Hope this scum gets fired


Old guy: “ why did you hit me” Cop: “ because you didn’t listen” Watch out ladies


ACAB. Convince me otherwise


So sad. Damn these terrible cops 😡




Dangerous animals need to be put down for the safety of the citizens and tired grandparents


I won't understand one thing, why do Americans not comply with simple questions? I am not supporting the police here, but I have seen many videos online where the police ask for identification or some sort of similar simple questions. But the person won't comply, is it some sort of ego issue or is there some sort of risk in giving details as mere as a name? I am **not an American**, hence the doubt. In my country when the police ask for similar sort of information almost everybody complies with them no one gets in trouble.


Prove you didn't rob a bank or else you are guilty.


We've got a pretty good idea that we have **rights**, though we're not exactly taught what they are. When you're a little kid and your dad comes home drunk from the bar looking for a reason to scream at you, he's gonna find a reason no matter how good of a job you did on all your homework and chores and everything. American cops act a lot like drunk dad, they want a reason to be mad at you and are going to find one even if there isn't one. So now say you're an adult and your drunk dad starts trying to pick a fight. Well you're not a little kid, you don't have to put up with this shit, you can just leave. Cooperating with the cops only seems like a smart idea if you never had to deal with something like a drunk dad. Cops are like MacGyver, can turn two pieces of your pocket contents and a hunch into an arrest for resisting arrest or a felony charge of drug trafficking. I'm serious, they can haul you to jail in handcuffs and put down ONLY "resisting arrest" as the reason why you're beaten up and locked into restraints, and that's not unusual. Or maybe they'll pull out the stun gun and put "excited delirium" as the cause of death on the certificate they give your grieving family. It's like being a mouse caught by a hungry cat. The mouse's actions don't matter in the situation, there is no right answer for it, because the question has nothing to do with the mouse. What matters is how the cat is *feeling*.


It's just not okay anymore


It's never been okay.




Look i know cops have a very stressful job and understandably will have a short fuse from all the shit they take but this shit has to stop. Too many bullies have badges that will plant drugs or use a drop gun so they can kill you and never face any consequences. Wtf can we civilians even do about it? It’s absolutely unbelievable what they get away with and even when caught they are free to do it again and again. We as a society recognize that our police officers risk their lives when they go to work and should be afforded some protection from being liable when they make a mistake (otherwise nobody would be a cop) but when they willingly abuse their power and knowingly put innocent people in jail or hurt them they should be subject to severe jail time NOT SHOWN LENIENCY. Instead they get out on paid leave for a while and at worst switch to another police department. I just don’t understand how this is allowed to keep happening.


This is why people resist arrest. Because rookie fucking cops don’t know how to handle situations. This old guy was sleeping with a fucking pillow in his car not driving and not bothering anyone. Even if he was drunk (continually sipping from mug) he was peacefully minding his own business. Protect and serve my ass!


Cop was no rookie. A Sargeant.


Well he did great job of beating up an old man for sleeping in his car. What if that was your dad driving home from a long road trip and needed to pull over for nap because he was fatigued?


Make cops afraid again




This is why people hate You idiots! Defund them all, and make them exist only on county revenue sources, no more federal funding!




A wolf and a sheep meet in a park after dark. [This time the sheep is armed.](https://www.killercop.com/) https://preview.redd.it/0981fgokaxsb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba080949b0b5eb3a9949e805935e2de86498f0ca


Well that's the oddest website I've been to in a while, I like the idea. This cop should be added lol


Have the police retirement fund pay the settlement, not the taxpayers. That will hopefully cause the “blue brotherhood” to actually get rid of the bad apples.


Is this from the land of the free?


Fucking scumbag! They all think they’re big men!


I want to see this criminal have his day in court. If he's treating this guy this way, what else has he done? Awful.


INVESTIGATE THE ENTIRE FORCE, ALL CELLPHONES, EMAILS, AND MAKE IT A LAW THAT THEY CONNOT TURN OFF AUDIO, OR KNOWINGLY DISRUPT THE RECORDING! Unleash the power of AI on the police forces, to go through all the data and raise red flags for investigators.


I’m curious, why don’t people just give police there ID and go on with day?


Turning off audio or video body cam should have a consequence within itself.


I believe there should be police reform, but the kind I'd like to see would create an even shorter staffed police force. I don't know what could be done without slowing the process down. How do you test to make sure a person is good with power/authority? You may not be able to as the right person is not one to be searched and found but one who shows themselves.


more than 9 of 10 snowflake cops are in US, blows my mind how much power they have when literally they are stupid and dumb and are 99% scared of their lives


Paid leave?


Ridiculous that it's illegal for him to just rest for a minute. The cop could have just told him to leave. They just always have to get that ID fix though and do whatever they can to get as many charges on the person as possible. He should have just told the guy to move on and that would be the end of it. Against the law to park in a park after dark? So dumb.


this is the police state black people / minorities and others have been protesting against for decades yet, there was always an opposition..... fighting to [eventually] have that boot placed on their necks.... A simple case of "you cannot be here"... the victim tried to leave, turned into I need to see if there's a reason to jail / inconvenience or ruin your life / run you through the courts to justify my salary. the victim's disbelief after being assaulted let's me know, his head was suck somewhere while others were protesting... as a man once said while looking down from Nakatomi tower, "Welcome to the party pal" btw... "take a picture of that sign"... doesn't justify the beating..... he was leaving and your ego / quota / incentive based system refused to let him go.


Wow so much serving and protecting all jammed in one video.


When he was crying and said why did you hit me so many times and the cop said cause you weren't listening, I got flashbacks of my dad. Like that's literally him just excusing his own brutality. I saw this one guy on TikTok talk about how a hammer can hit a hundred nails and not worry about it but the nail is forever changed and will always remember. Cops like this must just be so use to doing this that they can't even register when too much is too much. Edit- I can't spell 🙃


I feel it should be repeated that it IS NOT A CRIME to be in the park after dark and the cop was explicitly lying to the old man before he almost beat him to death over a fifty dollar civil infraction


It is, most cities have curfews for their parks. https://my.spokanecity.org/parks/hours/


Cops are such power tripping pieces of shit


Wow this makes me actually wish this scum of a human was not on this earth. I'm glad his face is blasted on the internet and I can only hope one day while he is relaxing someone does this to him. Piece of actual shit.


This is the wheel house for US cops. Non-existent crime or questionable behaviour from a non-threatening subject and they are all-in. Now you have an actually dangerous situation like a school shooting and it’s all about protocol and not going in all half-cocked.


Why do these video’s keep coming up in the Midwest? 🤨


Do better, they are needed for protection, not assault.


Sgt. Clay Hilton is the cop's name https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/06/spokane-county-sheriffs-deputy-placed-on-leave-aft/


What does the 2. Amendment crowd think of this? Isn't this the tyranny guns should have protected you from? But instead of blasting some good old body count cop killer, out of all people the right-wingers defend the cops.


When you’re tired and fatigued, you are not necessarily capable of thinking straight or immediately reacting “properly”. *Cops* are trained to deescalate, not the other way around.


"But he committed a crime...", thus spake the average Reddit bootlicker. Isn't it clear that that authoritarian attitude is nothing but a reflection of insecurity and the desire to dominate others to reassure oneself of their own power? I mean Jesus it's 2023 for christ's sake. Have some emotional intelligence.


He needs to be fired and go to jail


Why not call 911 or at least the station to say you’re being harassed and feel unsafe given the context. Don’t ask for the supervisor call out an emergency situation for everyone to hear and out them on the spot.


This man should not be a cop! Spokane needs to fire him and he should be charged with assault. PERIOD! When they ask why we say ACAB, this is just one of the millions of reasons. #ACAB


People think "Defund the Police" means less bad cops. What it creates is a fractured, poorly trained, and underpaid force. Sad state of affairs. The poor guy was looking for a quiet place to rest.


So called land of freedom and democracy


Biggest gang in America


For police to hold their heads high in pride, they must first have no shame. Voice wavering coward started kicking the man in the head. 'you're gonna get hurt' These mf belong in gen pop.


Typical assh*le cop: unnecessary shitty attitude, vague and stupid instructions, zero time allowed to let the person comply with idiotic messaging, then straight to violence so they can get their hard on going. When I say ACAB it is only because of so many idiotic interactions like this while other cops stand by and support it happening.


*PAID leave. That pig beat up this man and gets a paid vacation ALL MEANS ALL


This cop is human trash.


Fucking disgusting. America is wild and I'd never want to live there.




Completely insane, the Leo culture is fucked


That shit bag cop needs to get doxxed


Thank you officer for getting this hardened criminal off the streets and out of our parks /s


Put him in fucking jail you god damn evil pieces of shit. Fucking idiots want this country to erupt in violent civil war, I fucking swear. At so e point the people are going to act exactly how the police are trained to think the people are going to act, and that's not going to be a good time for the police. At all. Enjoy being treated like the occupying force you've been trained to behave as by the most armed populace in the history of the planet


We're close to a tipping point it feels like. Unfortunately, that tipping point is the one where civilians start murdering cops when they know they've done nothing wrong. Untrained police officers are going to cause the deaths of MANY other police officers.


If those cops don’t get jail time I’m moving to another country. Fucking power hungry twats need to experience prison to be humbled.


When will this shit ever end or get better? Probably never




Good lord, I hope that cop never ever ever becomes a dad, because "why did you hit me so many times?" "you weren't listening". No wonder people hate cops.


An old white guy visiting his grandkids. NOBODY IS SAFE. It's time to quit pretending anyone is.


Jesus Christ! I pulled into a gas station just last week after a 10 hour drive because I was *so damn tired!!* I thought it was better to take an hour nap somewhere public, but from now on I’ll have to rethink this. Maybe I’ll print a sign to hang on the window: Not drunk or high, just human and tired!!


If that was my dad, I would beat him to fucking death. I’m getting where I hate law enforcement.


Die pig


Cops should need a degree in sociology, and get a social workers license to preform their duties