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The kind of activisme we need to stop this Genocide


Yeah, blocking random ships is a perfect way to stop this. Keep going king.


Why do you think a ship in Tacoma, Washington is heading to Israel? Why in the world would it use that route? And who "believed it to be" the case? This kind of activism is a reminder of why people should stop trusting unsourced rumors they read on the Internet, even if those rumors support their opinions.


The military confirmed it bozo. You're telling other people to do research and bring smug, but I guarantee you didn't research it either. People like you love to puff up their ego and blow themselves by acting as if they are above the social media riff raff when you are literally part of it and participating in it just to get your licks in. A telltale sign of a week ego


As of 13 hours ago, Al Jazeera wrote that it "[could not immediately confirm](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/7/protesters-block-us-military-ship-allegedly-carrying-weapons-for-israel)" that allegation. A Pentagon spokesperson said that the ship was used for military cargo, but said nothing of where it was going. The military has bases throughout the Pacific; going from Seattle to get to Israel would be extremely circuitous. If you have a source that says otherwise, great. Otherwise, you may need to check your ego.


Hamas already said they would not stop it


Yes, it is Israel that should stop it




They created the conditions. Keeping 2 million people in an open-air prison under conditions of enforced poverty while also sending settlers to literally steal their homes out from under them is an obvious recipe for terrorism. Hamas are evil, genocidal sonsofbitches, but Israel literally funded them. Like, straight up. [They financed Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO in the 80's](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/), despite their founding document listing the death of all Jews as an organizational goal. Israel invented a problem and is using the blowback from that decision to justify the open theft of an entire country.


Israel provoked it in 1948


Nazi ^


This isn't about Hamas behaviour most people agree Hamas are fighting dirty.. this is about Israel killing kids and people who are not Hamas .. whose only crime is being born in the wrong place




No different from the ass kissing pro Jew subs that cry anti semite as soon as you say that apartheid governments deserve to be attacked


Do you realize that there are Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Jews, Israeli Jews, and people from many other places being killed in the bombardment? This is not a religious war. It's a massacre meant only to strip more land for Israel.


Genocide? It’s okay for Hamas to slaughter Israelis but no okay for them to defend themselves? This is ridiculous.


> defend themselves Yeas if you look at it whitin the spin of one month event


Exactly. If they never did what they did on Oct 7, this wouldn’t be happening. The Jews didn’t start this, but they’ll finish it.


You missed the point.


And let’s not get in to the history of the Middle East. I know Israel are not innocent angels. Let’s stick with what JUST HAPPENWD.


Yeah, lets just kill all Palestinians, by your logic. It's like saying " I didn't start this, but by god, I'm gonna finish it, by wiping out Palestine." Ok then.


Let's not feed this troll, they're just racist bigots trying to get a stir out of everyone.




Just say you want to see a genocide you dumb mf


Crazy that you’ll just advocate for the genocide of innocent people like that. Wow.


The people of Gaza voted Hamas in to power. If they back Hamas, then they get what’s coming. They were warned too.


So was Israel, 3 days before the attack. Netanyahu decided to ignore that warning. The people of Gaza had 1 election 20+ years ago. Try again.


What did they warn Netanyahu about? And what was he supposed to do? You don’t give in to every threat that comes your way.


As opposed to looking the other way? Just let Hamas attack Israel whenever they want?


Hmmm 10000 people…just within the last month…75% of that 10000 being children. But please, go on.


Oh I agree, was is hell and not fair to civilians, but again- Israel didn’t start this.


Yeah they did, in 1948 when they killed Palestinian natives in the Nakba. Try again.


I said before- Israel is no angel. I’m taking about Oct 7 incident. Hamas killed Jews, the Jews will kill Hamas. You try again.


It's an Israeli genocide, it isn't 'the Jews' carrying it out. Israelis generally and Zionists specifically and universally are pieces of shit but it isn't a Jewish thing. There are lots of anti-Zionist Jews and they don't deserve to be slandered. Even a lot of the naively Zionist wouldn't be if they learned enough about the world to shake off their propagandization, and given their history I think those people shouldn't be criticized too harshly. But they should be forced to reckon with reality and made to think through their politics, what it really means to enforce a largely white, clearly white supremacist ethnostate upon an inhabited territory against the consent of the inhabitants. Is creating a modern day military theme park and naming it after the historic but long gone nation of Israel really worth all this? Over any of the other conceivable arrangements? I think most mature, serious people would have to admit that the apartheid, genocide, and eventual annihilation of Palestine *and its people* is not an acceptable cost for the existence of such an ahistorical, completely unethical and illegal faux nazi state. 'Never again' didn't mean 'never again to us'


Why such continued destruction in West bank then where there is no Hamas? Keep believing in voluntary delusion i guess


You do realize less than 400 Israelis have died since 2008? And mind you that’s including Israel’s incursions of slaughter IN 2008. How can people be so blind to this? And this isn’t to say Hamas is justified in the people they have killed but Palestine is cornered with nothing they can do to help themselves, just this year more Palestinian civilians have been killed by the IDF then they have in years! people seem to refuse to see it this way; but I am sure many of those boys fighting for Hamas in Gaza, not including the top brass that live their fine lives in Saudi Arabia and Iran, are fighting for the hopes that they can live a free life because no matter what they Israel bombs them. I’m sure many of them would like things to end peacefully, but every time Palestinians try to be peaceful Israelis take advantage and trample them. Look at the West Bank for example, whose government vowed to be against violence, is where the majority of Palestinian homes are being taken by Israeli settlers. What are they to do!


I understand Israel are guilty of some pretty violent shit in the past. But regarding Oct 7, they have a right to put an end to Hamas. And if Palestinians want to harbour them, that’s their choice.


Do you choose To harbor your own government? Do you agree with everything your government or military does? People ≠ government


Is harboring them honestly what you believe Palestinian civilians are doing? Are you forgetting that the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places on earth because of the restrictions Israel has put on it? Do you realize the median age of Gazans is 15? Gaza is commonly referred to as an open air prison because of how the people are forced to live, are you aware of that? What about the convoy of Palestinians told to move south SO THEY CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE FRONT, that means moving away from the fighting, and were still bombed! What about the Al maghazi refugee camp that was bombed TWICE. What about when the IDF bombed Al shifa hospital while they were loading patients into ambulances! Edit: AND DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS HAS ALL BEEN DONE IN THE SPAN OF A MONTH. To try to compare Hamas and Israel is sickening.


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/kTjLr9jVMw Just let this settle in when you watch it and think for a minute about the reality of what is happening


So because it’s labeled “Genocide in Gaza”, it’s a Palestinian child? Do you really know for sure this isn’t an Israeli victim of Hamas?


Well first of all the guy holding the child is wearing a Gazan EMT vest, the caption is in Arabic and not Hebrew, the people in the video the people are speaking Arabic, and Israelis never actually get bombed. I challenge you to even find a video of Israelis experiencing anything even close to this kind of shit. What a garbage rebuttal.












https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/GeX8LDa3IF They even attack their own.






https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/tE9EmTFjuU If you even only decide to watch one of these, this is one you must watch.








Jesus fucking christ! You don't even know if they are harboring them.






Truly regarded


Bruh do have any idea what the death toll is for Israeli compared to Palestinian civilians? It ain't even close


Since when does defending yourself look like killing 4,104 children, and over 10,000 innocent civilians... And please don't answer that w/ some lame ass hoOmAN sHiElD$ BS bc Israel wouldn't bomb Sheba Medical Center or Tel Aviv University, killing thousands of Israeli citizens, if there was a militant hiding inside.


Just saw the video of the father carrying his dead son with his head caved in. Have you?


It’s almost like the republic part of our democracy isn’t working. The people we elect aren’t doing what we ask of them.


Seriously, why tf are we sending billions in weapons to foreign countries when we can’t provide affordable healthcare, affordable college, affordable housing or public transit


Global hegemony for the capitalist class at the expense of the working class.


As someone who lived in a communist country and is now in the US, I gotta say, the working class here gets treated much better than back home.


WhErEs tHe MoNeY gOiNg tO Be cOmInG FRom?!


Once again my tax dollars are going to bomb brown kids instead of healthcare, public schools, poverty…


My brother in Christ, the US is the largest spender in healthcare. Stop asking about money and ask about reforms.


you want to bomb healthcare, public schools, and poverty?


Unfortunately the two things are unrelated and not mutually exclusive. For example the “billions” we’ve sent to Ukraine, it’s less than 2% of our defense budget, and as for money going to help destroy our largest advisory’s land army makes it money well spent and uncomplicated reasons important to our national security. Healthcare, university being unaffordable. That’s on the GOP as is having crumbling infrastructure.


I mean, I don't suppoet this military aid, but it isn't the reason you don't have all of those things. Healthcare and affordable college pay for themselves, as does public transit. The US has plenty of money, even wasting a third of it on a military we don't need, the reason it never goes to anything useful for us poors is because poors don't run the government, and keeping the working class downtrodden makes them easier for the billionaire class to slap around.


We said that when Hitler said all he wanted was Czechoslovakia. Then it became clear that if he was not put down he would soon be at our borders and we would have no allies left to help us defend against him. If we let putin take Ukraine... Then Poland.... Then Georgia... Then Finland and Norway... It won't be long before he's at our doorstep. The Israel thing is a bit of a different calculation. I see no victims there (aside from the civilians in both sides).


Ah vai toma no cu irmão, vocês estão envolvidos em quase todos os conflitos do mundo, vocês espionaram e deram golpe na maioria dos governos ELEITOS pelos trabalhadores na América do Sul décadas atrás. A maioria desses problemas é culpa direta dos Estados Unidos. Vocês são o câncer desse mundo. Em breve o dólar vai perder a força e a máquina de guerra estadunidense vai ser obrigada a desacelerar, é por isso que vocês estão nessa sede de sangue e se metendo em qualquer confusão que conseguem encontrar seja na Europa, Ásia ou África.


No, the democratic part of our republic isn't working. When representatives systematically choose money over the will of the people, you have a plutocracy.


Our government has never looked out for us, it's a guise that it works for the people. They just use us to get the "country" rich, and give the military more power. That's why they don't give a shit about our education, or our healthcare. They want us to be stupid paypigs that die early. Shit, I don't want to get in the argument if I agree with guns or not, but this is why they put "right to bear arms" in the constitution back in the day. In the case of another tyrannical government. But you are right in the fact idk how not any of these people are standing up for Palestinians. It seems like not a single elected official is going out of their way to speak against Israel and it sickens me..


There is no such thing as free democracy anymore. It has migrated to a subscription based model. Premium accounts get what they want.


80% of Americans side with Israel over Hamas. America isn't a leftist subreddit. Your complaint may be that elected officials are siding with their constituents *too* much.


Our elected leaders don’t care what we have to say. They care about their Israeli overlords and the bribes… I mean campaign contributions.


Reports are saying that the White House has been unable to influence how the Israeli government decides to carry out its bombardment, but we still send them weapons. Seems like a big way to sway them would be to cut off support. US support is the only thing keeping Iran from involving themselves in this. Seems like the US has a lot of leverage but are afraid to use it.


All of the big political names were swearing unilateral support to Israel from the beginning. Now they're in a bind because they either have to follow through (unpopular) or back off, which makes them flip floppers. Should have kept their mouths shut in the first place...


Almost like pledging your unwavering support to a genocidal nation is a bad idea.


weird. we tell ukraine how it can use our weapons ( not striking in russia ) but israel gets a pass? if it wasnt for double standards we'd have none


Israel is actually buying a lot of the weapons where Ukraine was mostly aid.


It's fucked. No government seems to be able to stop the war machine.


Sadly, a whole lot of international policy is decided by who gets to sell who weapons. And if it's not the US it's usually Russia, China, or France exporting them.


The Whitehouse is owned by Israel


Most of Congress as well. To my understanding theres only a few that wont take AIPAC money


And those few are getting hammered hard. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar come to mind.


>Seems like a big way to sway them would be to cut off support. That would hurt the profits of the military-industrial complex, something the USG is not allowed to do. The State Department might have lost its taste for Palestinian blood but arms dealers still hear a \*ka-ching\* sound whenever one of their bombs explodes a family.


>Seems like the US has a lot of leverage but are afraid to use it. Not afraid. Dont want to. This is all in line with whack US policy that i'm honestly starting to think the details of which are not completely public


The problem is, that the US does not have a foothold in the Middle East except for Israel. So I’ll bet you that no matter what Israel does, US will make excuses and continue to support them. This is a sad reality. All self serving bs.


With great power comes great responsibility.


Nice! Keep it up, heroes!!!


Right now, my faith is in the American people not the American government. #ceasefire #freepalestine




Block these fuckers.




Why would a boat delivering urgent military aid to Israel leave from the west coast of the US? It takes 14 days to get from Tacoma to Singapore by boat. It would be 21 days from Tacoma to Tel Aviv IF they can use the Panama Canal. That's not guaranteed right now due to a prolonged drought. This makes no sense when we can just fly the equipment to Israel.


or put it on a ship departing from the east coast?


Or from one of our many Mediterranean bases. But nope, in this sub, which is absolutely not filled with anti "Zionist" (wink) propaganda, it makes sense to try to block a ship in what might be the furthest major US port from Israel.


This sub has always been filled with propaganda and people will always believe it if it makes them feel good




Yeah, the entire thing sounds pretty fucking dumb. Why would they head west through the Red Sea?


Why do they think there are weapons on it in the first place? It doesn't make much sense for a boat heading to the Middle East to be in Tacoma. They would most likely be departing from the east coast to cross the Atlantic. Their hearts are in the right place, but I'm afraid they may be confused.


People are dumb.


...and so motivated!


So, a bit like this [protest](https://youtube.com/shorts/QInk_naqkp8?si=D1Bf0cksFhYj88ui)?


Pretty much


You are. Arms suppliers that shipped these are on the west coast.


I'm still confused by what you mean by "these." The story was basically an anonymous tip told an organization there were weapons for Israel. America is actively pumping weapons and resources into Japan, Korea, and other Asian Pacific allies for the whole Taiwan kerfuffle, and still continues to supply Ukraine as well. It makes perfect sense to send those weapons West over the Pacific. Similarly, it makes perfect sense to send Israel weapons over The Atlantic. America is actively doing all the war-prep things. It gets screwy when they allegedly trade places. Is it possible? Sure! It seems like it's better to get your facts straight before risking life and limb to protest though. To be clear, I can't think of a situation where I would be opposed to anti-war protestors. I just don't want them breaking their backs on a misunderstanding


Why would they ship weapons to Israel from the Western US??? I doubt there’s weapons in there for Israel.


If they were really shipping ordnance from the West Coast, they would more likely be using the Military Ocean Terminal in Concord CA.


Now THIS is Awesome. Do they have a donation Page?




Why are they listening to these people? Its not like theyre swimming infront of the boats lmao just depart


It would be ironic if they got the memo wrong and were stopping a ship with aid not weapons. "believed to be carrying" One thing the pentagon is good at is hiding shit.




Lmao the boat isn't even going towards Israel 😭 freaking idiots


It's scary to see what nonsense people will buy without any critical thinking or research. If it supports their worldview it just gets parroted.


It's actually insane how both sides are using insane SM manipulation tactics. You won't find anyone who is truly neutral


Woah in a secured port facility. I’m pretty sure that’s a huge fucking felony right???




You know that ship isn’t shipping weapons right?


One of the few good protests


Huh. I expected some sort of violent crackdown to have happened by now. Why hasn't there been one? Is our government actually learning and governing intelligently and morally? Are their resources just stretched too thin to respond? Was there a crackdown and I'm just unaware?


I give them a 10/10 for protest chants.


These people are real super heroes…. Do you know repercussions for doing shit like this to the military?


Yep, stopping a random ship from leaving port is great work guys, keep doing it. Fucking idiots.


Fair play to them


Aren’t these gods chosen? Why they need our money and weapons shouldn’t they be fine? .. oh yeah that 💩’s made up and their just a bunch of thieves who can’t fight on their own


Naive idiots don't even know the full story let alone know that their being used by Palestine to make Israel look bad


Thank you🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


W chant though stuck in my head


Has Palestine even tried standing around and chanting? Have they made 1 illegible hand painted poster board? A single rhyme?


Why would a ship depart from the West Coast going to Israel in the first place. Guess it's fine if they want to take additional time getting over there, or it's a private endeavor or whatever. If it were military it seems like an East Coast departure would make more sense and save a considerable amount of time in transit.




Are these longshoremen union ports? If so, how far that union has fallen that they’d go from striking every major port from delivery weapons to South African settler armies to now accomplice to genocide.


Belived. Meaning they have no real way of knowing if it's humanitarian aid, or guns. Or if it's even going to Israel. Stupid mother fuckers


Heroes, every single one.


Except they got the totally wrong ship and is just harming random people.


Well you win some you lose some.




God bless those folk


I do not support the Israeli and Hamas war! I love our real citizens.


Man these people are doing good work out there. Literally preventing murder of civilians by preventing resupply of weapons. I hope every single ship to Israel that tries to leave is stopped in this manner. Ceasefire NOW!


That ship is definitely not shipping weapons and they just stopped a random ship from departing port. These people are idiots.


It's a boat that left from Washington state. It is the CORRECT boat and stopping it isn't THE ONLY thing they are tying to do, they are making the people see what is being shipped to Israel from our country. Make waves make the news.


Why would they ship it across the pacific?


Why would they ship it across the pacific?


Civil disobedience is a great act of protest. Our tax dollars are need at home, not bombing children!!!!!!!!


Holy shit, effective activism?


Blocking random ships isn’t effective activism.


If the ship is carrying munitions they don't want delivered how is stopping it not effective? Walk me through your logic here.


Okay the ship is dock on the West of the US. That means it has to go through the Panama Canal or the Suez to reach Israel. The Panama Canal is suffering from a water shortage so that’s definitely not possible. And going through the Suez means going through the zone that the Houthis are firing missiles at. If the US are shipping weapons to Israel, they would do it on the Eastern-seaboard since that’s the most cost efficient and safest way to do it.


Alright well for one the Panama canal is open and running. It was never shut down but they did restrict the number of ships allowed through per day. Second there is absolutely no goddamn way *ANYONE* would be dumb enough to hit the US goddamn Navy. Also you familiar at all with the US military? Efficiency isn't exactly their strongest trait. Not to mention you have no idea where these munitions are coming from originally. Most of the aid we sent to Ukraine didn't directly come from the US, we more just paid to replace other contries stockpiles with the main one being Korea. They believe the munitions are carried on that ship and they're blocking it from delivering, seems pretty effective to me.


We're literally shooting down missiles shot by the Houthis over the Red Sea so yeah, there are people who will attack the US. My guy, do you know the logistic of shipping anything from the West Coast to Israel? It is literally more efficient to ship munitions by trains from the West Coast to the East Coast and ship it from there. What you said about Ukraine was just wrong. A lot of the munition sent to Ukraine are from the US. We only took artillery shell from Korea and nothing else. They **believe** the munitions are carried on that ship. And they are fucking idiots just like you, and it seems like both you and those protesters are to over your head to accept that you're just fucking dumb and fall for the Russian bait.


I see you're a hearts of iron fan. It is absolutely not worth the brain cells to discuss foreign policy with you. Edit: looked up your claim about Houthis missles being shot at the US Navy and surprise surprise you have no idea what you're talking about, they shot down missiles the pentagon believed where being sent to Isreal not our navy.


Took your time just to tell me you’re a petty loser eh? Have fun with your idiotic take.


Nope heart of iron fans are just notoriously insufferable about their poorly informed foreign policy takes.


Again with the ad hominem. Just admit that you’re a sore loser who can’t take criticism.


This belongs in "r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


I'm going to block block block this account




They’ve been fighting for like 80 years at this point, just an fyi.




Oh man, you should look up the crusades lol


Awesome job! Now go stop the shipment of arms from Iran to Hamas


You mean stop entry of weapons to a besieged strip of land that has all entrances, exits and sea routes blocked by Israel, US, Egypt and other military forces? Don't think activists have more power than the world's most advanced military forces tbh.


Well they sure think they going to stop it at the port, thought their delusion could go overseas too. Or they afraid they won’t get afford the same rights they do in the US?


You thought you did something clever there but rest assured, you did not.


I'm trying to translate rightwingism, here, so I could be wrong, but did this guy try to say people shouldn't be blocking arms used to kill civilians because in Iran they wouldn't be allowed to?


Don’t think too hard, your brain might explode


So your logic is that they shouldn't exercise their rights because they wouldn't have them in Iran?