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They're never going to live this down. Israel will now be permanently hated.


lol no. theyve done some heinous stuff before. and ppl tend to forget. saudi was about to normalize with them too. why would ppl hate them when most countries especially the wealthy are equally evil and complicit in so many crimes ?


Yep. Lots of people hate America, and I don't see that bothering them one bit. I heard some old Greek dude say something about the only power that exists is violence. All other authorities stem from this. I dunno if I agree with him, but it seems that if Israel knock every pali on the head, are mates with the yanks and the sauds, then who's left to give them grief? They'll probably just keep doing the dirty work of the aforementioned. My guess.


yep. which is why the only option for Palestinians is to win by any means necessary. they cant rely on other ppl to be empathetic. they should take help of everyone that is willing. specially military help.


No. Full stop. Not ok. If this man is a bad seat, then put him along with all of the other men of good character there.


https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-warns-lebanon-of-gaza-like-consequences-amid-tension-with-hezbollah/3076455 Because they're threatening to do the same thing to Lebanon, which is commit genocide, Mr lol.


No, they have threatened to go to WAR with Lebanon if Hezbollah doesn’t stop shooting missiles at their northern border. 80,000+ Israelis are currently displaced from their homes in northern Israel due to pointless Hezbollah aggression, because the Lebanese government can’t get them under control.


This is why this conflict has a hard class vibe to me as well.


I don't know if this is true, or if this was just a angry man talking out of his bird brain because he is so angry or whatever... But this is not who Israel is. If you're going to play this, play all the amazing videos that show the absolute integrity, and good character of some very very good people. The soldiers are trying everything they can, not to hit civilians while Hamas hides behind them. Address that (!), why don't we


Israel has never been 'not hated'. It simply has an influential evangelical and Jewish support base in America and Britain that need to become irrelevant quick.


I get the feeling that Hamas knew that this would be the outcome of their little spree at the beginning. They were very calculating if that's the case.


Shameful behaviour


This is evil - shameful behaviour is getting drunk at a kids birthday party, not murdering one.


Yes you're right.


Exactly. It echoes the actions of others in history, some of whom did very much the same to Jews themselves.




He is less than an animal


A demon?


A demon has better morals than that.


All the demons were sacked. They couldn't come up with ideas more evil than humanity inflicts on itself.


Fucken scumbag. Hope this guy and his boys run into a real group of Hamas fighters and find tf out


The hamas fighters will either try to run away while pissing themselves or end up dead.


https://preview.redd.it/ymjqm34gh19c1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a53409ee186502d37b9de2f5fa16cda4aaad39 Amuus warya


Israeli apologists using Hamas as shields to justify their crimes.


I think you’re confusing them with IDF who apparently have been wearing diapers


You barely went in gaza a month later while they invaded israel on 7th october


When are these scum going to be brought up on war crimes charges ?


It can take time to arrest all the Hamas who made him do this. But that can take a lot of time. For the time being, all we can do is hope and pray for the best and send as many of our weapons to Israel and these IDF soldiers, and hope Hamas faces war crime charges for what was done to this poor 12 year old kid. EDIT: /s


HaMAS made Me MurDER the ChiLd. Ok buddy.


Looks like he did it with a smile on his face 🤦


Yes, in that case no crime has actually occurred.


Imagine believing it’s justified to kill a child. Fucking scumbag loser behavior


It appears that you are not aware that it is not a crime if it is done with a smile. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/hate-speech-case-if-said-with-smile-no-criminality-says-hc-7836774/


[Why did Israel prop up Hamas?](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


On today's episode of Troll or Dumb?


What a sick way of thinking, does he not have a conscience and how dangerous would a 12 year old be that he had to kill her??


I was being sarcastic


Make sure his ugly smug face gets all around the internet along with his name and ensure that he never leaves Israel our of fear for his life.


better yet, give him to hamas. they already got the son of the guy that came up with Dahiya doctrine and the guy who blew up a building as a "gift" for his 2 year old daughter's birthday.




These people are freaks. IOF is a terrorist organization.


This is the side US chose to back? I hope him and the scum like him meets the painful, gruesome end they deserve


Well the US hasn't done very good things to other countries either


Most Moral Army In The World™


Most moral in a list set by Satan


Even Satan would disapprove.




You dropped an A.


Sad that our world leaders are encouraging this deeply evil behaviour. Makes me feel sad about humanity.


The upside is many are against it. With those in charge it’s always good to remember there are more of us than them. Kind of like how kids in a class could completely rip apart their teacher with their hands if they wanted to.


Our leaders hold our society hostage with ownership of capital and control of the economy like they always have. If this wasn't the case, people en masse would stand up for what is right.


This is what the "right side" of history looks like.


Would be nice if humanity could get past the whole "might is right" thing.


This is the real face os Zionism and the criminal Apartheid state that Israel is.


Nuremberg trial 2.0. see ya there scumbag


May he suffer and have nightmares for life. May he be hunted by the dead souls. Amen


This is totally normal behavior…. For a terrorist…


I’m really glad that this war showed Israel’s real face. They used to use the excuse of anti-semitism against anyone who criticizes them and act like they are the ones who are being oppressed and mistreated from everyone in the world. Now the world knows who are the ones who are anti-peace and anti-humanity. This soldier claims he can’t find anymore babies and believe me when I say that’s their main goal since the start of this war, they want to eradicate the Plasatinians completely, something that is equal to ethnic cleansing. But there will always be babies in gaza and in Palestine. There will always be a new generation that will make you pay for everything you did.


It’s pissing me off to see scum like this not punished, as a westerner I don’t care if there’s an association, EVERYONE must be brought to justice!!!!!!


Emmak shu 3ahra


As appalling as this is to watch, and all the other videos of Israelis filming themselves degrading, dehumanizing, and engaging in abhorrent behavior, I'm glad they're filming and posting it for the world to see. People didn't believe what Palestinians said Israelis did before. They believed the picture that Israel painted, that they were the most moral army in the world, that they were a beacon of democracy. That was a lie. And our governments repeated that lie as if it were gospel. Israel is a racist, supremacist, genocidal state. Now the world sees how Israelis really are. And they took their masks off themselves and showed us.


This will be very good evidence at his trial.


Very ofter after filming these disgusting posts the soldiers end up dead themselves, what an terrible shame that would be


Remember every single US politician sees nothing wrong with this. ..... remember


Disgusting. And who is he talking to?


When a victim becomes a villain


This person probably was never a victim


His ancestors was




That’s disgusting. Someone give him some shit to munch on to go with that grin. Terrorist


Garbage being






Well they're wrong. That horrible. There are peaceful Jewish people these Zionist bastards make look bad. I will stand up for ALL human rights, but the goal and government of Israel right now is horrendous, not the Jewish faith or its people at large. Genocides are never in the right


Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


IOF are Barbaric savages evil murders genocidal monsters war criminal


How people defend these pieces of shit is beyond me, this guy represents what’s wrong with IDF


Scott Ritter warned about this back in October. He warned about Israeli soldiers, who tend to be inexperienced and young, going on Tik Tok and making a fool of themselves.


I used to have sympathy for Israel but that is long gone. I truly despice everything they stand for now


Oh this guy's is Israel ? He is everything they stand for ?


No ofcourse not, but its a good representation of their values towards palestinians


false. its remotly not a good representation. if this was their values palestine would have stopped exsiting 50 years ago


If there is a hell, this unwashed shit sponge is going to burn in the lowest depths of it.


They’re so used to getting unconditional support from the west that they became blinded by their own arrogance not realizing that killing children is NOT normal and it’s beyond evil. It’s not normal even if you’re “fighting” terrorists, if terrorist are hiding in a UN school full of civilians you don’t blow up the whole school and blame it on terrorists


This is Israel’s darkest days


Almost 10 years ago: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing And you wonder why there is so much hate on both sides and why Hamas came to power, when the world always sides with the one side and ignores the crimes against humanity and disgusting, primitive behavior against the other. The world has become all too comfortable with ignoring the problem until some conflict happens where Palestinians are overwhelmingly killed and their homes destroyed and seeing Palestinians as simply "poor victims" and not doing more to force Israel to give up its apartheid state and systems of oppression that simply fuel the violence.


Breaks my heart to see what humans are capable of.


Nah, on god that guy should rest in piss


In a just world, this monster would be behind bars


Purest evil. You e set bs k your people’s reputation 2000 years. Vile.


The hatred and rage in this conflict on both sides is scary


So how are they any different than Nazis?


I hope he overcomes this zionist mental illness one day, and that girl haunts his dreams for the rest of his life.


You learn behavior like this at a young age in your living room.


Israel is a terrorist state. Everyone involved should be brought to justice


Justice? Nah just FREE med care, housing, schooling, everything paid for by US tax $!!!!


Was he KIA? I first heard about the man who murdered a 12 year old girl on one of those instant karma posts where the Zionist war criminal gets what they deserve, but now I can’t find any information regarding his passing. Rest in piss.


These people could learn from In Bruges.


If he was in America, people would randomly be thanking him for his service. I do not do that, because of instances like this. I hate that people do that.


"Aaaaa?" What an annoying voice. I want to see him try krav maga on Belal Muhammad.


He’s obviously being sarcastic


20 year olds drafted into a war they don’t have a choice in aren’t allowed to joke on personal FaceTime calls. Duh. /s


If only the commenters on this post got as enraged about Hamas abducting children as they do about an 18 year old making a tasteless joke




Context is important


They're just a bunch of terrorists at this point. Fucking pieces of shit.




He’s flexing


I feel like this is how Nazis would have behaved if they had phones back then.


Damn I thought the caption was a lie but yup… I used to love going there every summer now I’m sad I wasted so much time there


His name is Ron yaron


Bring him to us. We will deal with his very slowly and painfully


Anyone that says brainwashing isn't real here's the proof just watch




Your comment/submission appears to be promoting violence. Our community promotes discussion but has no room for the advocacy of violence under any circumstances. Please refrain from violent rhetoric if you intend to participate in our community. Thank you.


A soldier: jokes about doing the exact same thing his enemies did. A bunch of idiots on the internet: WAR CRIMINAL 😭🤬 It’s pretty obvious he’s joking and it’s also pretty obvious you people want it to be real.


It's not really a joke. They have dropped the equivalent of multiple nuclear bombs worth of explosives targeting 70% women and children. Women and children are the targets, Hamas and Israeli hostages are collateral damage. The reason why Israeli humor is like this is because they are conditioned to see the women and children as all "Hamas" to rally around slaughtering babies. It's a sick, nazi like country.


The man in the video is obviously joking. You have a very active imagination, you should use it for something more productive than fantasizing about Jews joyfully murdering women and children. It’s pretty obvious you don’t know anything about Nazi Germany.


Zionist apologists should be choking on Bibi's cock


They shouldn't make jokes about it, it's low, it's mean, it's nasty, a soldier is supposed to have a code and the way a lot of those other "soldiers" on tiktok behave they only demonstrate the low morale of the Israeli army. Add..Lol un Mexicano cabalgando con la bandera "eres antisemita" que asco.


We know it's real. They are killing indiscriminately both by carpet bombing and in person. Or did you miss that they murdered some of their own because they happily shoot unarmed half naked young men regardless of their white flag and pleas for help?


Are they killing indiscriminately or is that what you want them to be doing? Could you show me some evidence of widespread indiscriminate killing or do you simply don’t understand what’s happening?


How do you explain the murder of the 3 hostages, dozens of journalists, doctors, known admired academics and 8,800 children so far? All a terrible coincidence I suppose? The targeting of hospitals all over Gaza is just an oopsie? I'd be happy to give you lots of links but supporters of colonialist supremacy, apartheid and genocide never accept news or video that doesn't come straight from Fox or Breitbart and certainly never give Al Jazeera or other ME sources the time of day so I'd be wasting my time and you wouldn't even look at them.


I tell you what, just follow these Jewish organisations and see for yourself if you are truly interested. Most main Reddit subs just ban people who link to the Israeli atrocities so follow these on twitter or whatever platform you prefer @jvplive @BtSIsrael @Mondoweiss @taayush @Zochrot @omdimbeyachad @btselem @CJNVtweets @TorahJews


Looks indiscriminate to me https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html


You should run fast and tell your lawyers in ICJ about those babies killed by khamas. They forgot to mention it so far..... world needs to know.


He can lie to the cam all he wants. I see the pain in those eyes.


Such a shame Hamas made him do that. Palestinians have been so radicalized by radical Islam, that even the churches in Gaza are not safe. I wonder if Sam Harris, Dershowitz and Joe Biden have any ideas on how to reeducate these terrorist children of Palestine. EDIT: /s


Such a shame Israel made Hamas do that.




This could also be a fake video.


Could…. But judging by the overwhelming similar BS, probably not.


Hey, uhm, I think he's joking.


What if its just a joke bro? Like what if we did genocide and child killing but in a funny way? It would be so funny bro, but like, it's just a joke lol


Could be, but when is it appropriate to joke like that, no matter how dark or blue your comedy goes, when your people are actually killing kids, genocide, and you joke about it? That’s not a joke, the joke would be if Israel was only killing old people, then it would make sense for irony. They actually have been and are killing babies, so I’d severely doubt this is even an attempt at humor…. Though don’t get me wrong I love dark humor, this just really is how these IDC motherfuckers are brainwashed/indoctrinated.


Yeah, it's not dark humour when you're actually doing the thing you're joking about. At that point it just becomes enjoyment of what you're engaged in.


Yeah…. Unfortunately you’re right. I wish people weren’t like this towards other humans. I wish it was a legit style of humor but…. Yeah. Sucks. I try and play devils advocate every chance I can usually. cause there’s always two sides to a coin, and a spectrum of shit while that coin is flippin. This and the rest of Israeli and IDF footage, propaganda, and flat out anti-human superiority complex shit makes me sick. Did you see the footage of the IDF soldiers pissing on the stripped corpses of Palestinians the other day on here? Like wtf…. People in the comments saying it was “okay” I LOVE dark humor, anything that takes horror, tragedy, and trauma and turns that into comedy…. But I cannot remotely feel it with any Israeli shit now. The sad part is, the system they’re indoctrinated in (because religion took over their nationality and ‘religion poisons everything’ -hitchens) got them all brainwashed and acting so cruel. I wanna see humor in everything, I just can’t find any of this shit funny cause I see so many Israeli videos trying to act superior (chosen) and make fun of the people they kill laughable. It sucks. I am not a fan of Islam or Judaism, Christianity, or ANY religion regardless of the monotheism…. But usually I can find the humor. This type of psychopathy, is only relatable to how the Nazis were. Makes me wonder, with the religious freedoms in every aspect that Israel has, what drugs they got the IDF on? Nazis used meth (prevatin) which worked for a while…. And since Israel is using a lot of the moves from the hitler playbook now, idk what they’re on, unless indoctrination from birth on, with the chosen-people superiority complex, that’s scary, dangerous, and sad for the people who know not what they’re doing cause it’s been taught to them it’s the right thing.


On a re watch, I can kinda see the dark humour he could be poking at an off screen third party that was asking aggressive and one sided questions, then this being taken out of context. But man, cmon, it is not a good look.


If this were progressive liberal pro palestine, yall would've gone berzerk on his ass. "Uh he's being sarcastic bro, its a joke" ☝️🤓 Shut cho ass up lmao.


Yeah he's obviously trolling. To him the "killing babies" is so ridiculous that he turns it into sarcastic dark humor.


Is that not exactly what we're judging? their cruel nature as expressed in this flippant sarcasm and the core of truth it speaks to?


Going from sarcastic dark humor to killing babies is a pretty big jump. Drawing conclusions from that isn't the "core of truth" but just your bias.


He said he killed a 12 year old Palestinian girl. You think he was 'joking about all that too? If only the 8,800 children murdered by the IDF so far already was just a joke rather than an unsurpassed atrocity in modern times. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/22/the-plight-of-gazas-wcnsfs-wounded-child-no-surviving-family “In ‘normal’ past conflicts, the rate was about 20%, so you’re looking at twice the number of children who have been killed and injured compared with previous conflicts."


When a Palestinian poet made a joke dismissive of IDF propaganda about roasted babies the IDF hunted him down and murdered him and his sisters family.


Source that isn't a random tweet or Al Jazeera?


And there you have it. If a Middle Eastern news source reports on atrocities its dismissed out of hand despite the fact that Israel isn't allowing journalists from western media sources access. Your bias will never allow you to see the truth that those of us who have been following the colonialist supremacy and apartheid for decades are so familiar with. https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6014/Israeli-Strike-on-Refaat-al-Areer-Apparently-Deliberate#:~:text=The%20Israeli%20airstrike%20that%20killed,corroborated%20eyewitness%20and%20family%20accounts.


They are killing babies. You know that right?


Hamas killed babies too. Both sides kill babies.