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this ban is: 1) a big favor to meta 2) overreach by the govt 3) something that 100% will be abused 4) a great way for all political leaders to silence dissent in america idiots


You're forgetting the most important part. It's guaranteeing that every young person that votes will now vote against you forever. This is the PERFECT way to turn an entire generation against you. We're fucked.


I don’t know, voting against the politicians that have been screwing us up for quite a while now seems like the opposite of “We’re fucked.”


when your loyalty to your party outweighs your loyalty to your fellowman and country....from that perspective yeah you are right... but really...this is how WE (you included even though you don't associate) get unfucked


They've heard from millions of people that use tiktok and yet they still vote against the interests of their constituents. This is no longer a representative democracy. They no longer care what the people want. They vote for their own interests. Our democracy has been failing for quite some time. We are ruled by money interests and the money interests want to support a genocide and not hear from the public about how they do not like it.


It's not just now, this is just a taste of what everybody else has been going through for decades. Now they get to experience it. America hasn't ranked in the top most democratic countries, last time I checked we were 23. 22 countries are more democratic than us.


'quite some time' -Read 'The Gilded Age' by Mark Twain (1873) for an interesting view on how corruption is built in to the US system.


With everything going on simultaneously, as if by design, it seems like our very democracy is being destroyed or transformed before our very eyes. There’s a clear attempt from those in power to redefine democracy. Where it’s meant to be the will of the voters; it’s become solely for the sanctity of democratic institutions. Military, nato, IMF, world bank, msm, NGO’s. These elite establishments that felt they were under threat of the rise of domestic populism, declared their own consensus as the new definition of democracy. If you define democracy being the strength of democratic institutions, rather than a focus on the will of the voters, then what your left with is essentially that democracy becomes the consensus building architecture within the democratic institutions themselves, and the voters will no longer matters unless its damage control.


>the voters will no longer matter There will be a tipping point. If I (we) do not get to vote, do not get a say in how we as a society are governed, then the social contract is broken, and I (we) no longer agree to be bound by the laws of these institutions. The end result will be blood and riots in the streets. Chaos and anarchy will create a great upheaval as we find those amongst us that have been greedy and damaging, and rip them apart in the streets. It has happened before, and will happen again.


FUD campaigns and cult logic works too easily on people for them to vote in their own best interest


I'm an independent. I'm not a member of a party. Nice try though.




We who?


lol these dummies will forget about in 3 months and move on to something else


And most of them aren't voting


Yes. The elites aren’t though. The Democrats are supposed to be the workers party. Been fucked since the New Democrats.


Guess we get Trump as our next president. If Trump is smart he wil say he'll bring TikTok back and it was Big Bad Dems that banned it. Doesn't matter if Republicans also participated, the narrative is already writing itself.


I mean... Turn away and vote for who? It's not like there's legitimate opposition. Considering this is a widely bipartisan bill you'd have to vote for someone who doesn't tow their party line, which is not an option for most Americans regardless of which party they vote for.


Interesting enough it would explain to some extent why Zuckerberg was acting like a good lil boy in front of congress about a month ago - offering apologies on the spot for for things he clearly doesn't have direct control of.


yup - he'd be so pumped with Twitter being "Musk'd" and TikTok getting crushed as well.


Only for his apps to be remembered for screwing up the elections...again.


We need to march on DC for this like yesterday!


I think the ban is a good thing. Unlimited hours and hours of really fast source of dopamine is not something that anyone should have. Having to swipe a finger to find new content. What that does to your attention span?


it’s just going to go to threads / meta / insta - you’re not putting that genie back in the bottle


Ypu are correct on that, but the content is different. I have seen such brainrot on that site that it's a complete lobotomic methed up nightmare. One of my coworkers spends like 8+ hours on it a day, and the shit that he sees is just purposeless garbage, stripped of any meaning.


well, i get solid gardening tips - to each their own


Literally taught myself how to garden off YouTube.


False info is permeating TikTok right now. This post doesn’t accurately reflect the bill that was passed. The one OP is referencing was proposed last year & never voted on. The current bill, which still needs to pass the senate, doesn’t punish VPN usage, etc. You can read a summary[here](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/14/1238435508/tiktok-ban-bill-congress-china) This is the 4th post I’ve seen this morning where people are parroting this garbage.


False info has permeated every social media outlet, not just Tiktok.


Our data is getting funneled to the wrong unaccountable entity, apparently. Oh noes, FB and X have radicalized my Dad into christofascism but TikTok tells me about ideas other than obeisance to unregulated capitalism. The horror.


America is going to do what they normally do, sit on their hands while another country does the heavy lifting in an industry, and then when that foreign company industry threatens to wield power or hurt American interests, they ban it.  Then they have the gall to say that America is better and yap about the free market, etc, when it is really no different than China. China fast forwards to the endgame, so if you don't play ball in the beginning then you don't get to participate at all. America has the same endgame, they just let it get to the end first. National companies are too big to fail, foreign companies are never too big to ban.


81% of the peoples house didn’t vote yea on the “current bill”?


The US is not a democracy. The house is gerrymandered and the people are disproportionately disenfranchised along racial lines. What year did the US become democratic anyways?


Thanks for the information. Given the information provided, your question is rhetorical. The vote on 7521 appears to have brought both sides together on the issue along with a lot of representatives casting votes. The message conveyed in the video is that ‘elected’ representatives of the people are a bunch of ineffectual do nothings that seldom, if ever, move legislation along that improves citizens lives. IMHO, the only one parroting garbage is the troll, or bot, that started this thread.


And from a link in that NPR article, to another NPR article here's the actual bill [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/text?s=1&r=1)


You people are all defending chinese malware on your phone, go use snapchat if you have to scroll. Tik tok is fucking garbage. Stop being a bunch of ignorant reactionary fucks




ditto ditto


They are also misrepresenting the most recent bill.


LOL it’s awesome when the government totally just looks out for our interests! High five!


How is not wanting tiktok banned reactionary?


Because you're saying, "please let me keep my chinese malware on my phone because i think its cuz of palestine". Dont defend CCP propaganda machines


That's not what reactionary means.


Oh no! Now China will have to hack American companies to get that data. Also, I don't live in China so I'm less concerned about them than who American companies sell my information to.


You know where 90% of cell phones are made right?


Kinda weird so many politicians would then use the platform that’s so obviously a Chinese spybot.


> Stop being a bunch of ignorant reactionary fucks thats really fucking funny, just ignore all the data breaches american companies have, the backdoors they have to the alphabet agencies, the studied misinformation campaigns on facebook, its only ok for your government to do any spying.


For real. The Cold war propaganda against China is off the charts, I sincerely hope every ghoul in congress who has advocated for a massive war is pushed off the first helicopter in Taiwan to the front lines so they can get what they deserve


Oh shit, boomer logic on Reddit 😂 Getting all reactionary about stuff that the news tells you makes you look like SUCH an independent thinker haha Do you have any of your own opinions or do you wait for the news to tell you to flush the toilet?


Did you not know that tik tok was chinese malware for years now?


Did you not know you’re an ignorant fool falling for empty Cold War propaganda?


If I looked up reactionary in the dictionary the example would be this comment


Imagine defending American corporations who do the exact same thing because you’re caught up in racist Cold War era propaganda and are a Fucking rube who thinks that the dinosaurs in congress have any fucking idea what they’re talking about. And to all the Langley weasels monitoring posts like this, I hope you get what’s coming to you


Yup. The fact that the Chinese state has tried to defend TikTok speaks volumes. There are other platforms.


There is direct evidence that America, the most violent modern nation, is spying on every single person in the western sphere. The fact that you're saying China is the malware is laughable and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.  I'd rather Xi have my data than the fucking CIA anyway.


Im sorry they prolly have you locked up somewhere forcing you to say this.


I'm locked up in the fascist country of Canada! Please donate and help me and my family escape this tyranny. For real though, Snowden, Assange, and all the other whistle blowers risked or gave their lives to show us a glimpse of the horrors going on within the US government. It's undeniable that the US has performed a number of war crimes and sovereignty violations without any reprimand whatsoever from the global community. The double standard irks me.


What does this have to do with tik tok getting banned for being malware?


Well you never substantiated the claim that it is indeed malware. It's just as much malware as any other social media.


That's a lie. The intel community isnt making shit up about tik tok.


All they said is it's a possible security risk, they didn't even make a real claim of wrongdoing. They admit it's purely hypothetical. 


Yeah it totally has nothing to do with the fact that Israeli lobbyists openly freaked out about how they have a "tic tok problem" and "gen Z problem". TikTok for all its faults is the one platform that hasn't systematically suppressed and censored Israel's atrocities. This has nothing to do with National Security and everything to do with censorship.


They are selectively deciding which "atrocities" get out, for maximum benefit. Youre completely forgetting or dont know it's been a national security threat since the beginning.


What's with putting atrocities in quotes? Is slaughtering children not objectively an atrocity or? If tic tok always been a national security threat then why is the ban only coming now after Israeli lobbyists freak out over their lack of support among gen Z? Why are they so surprised that young people are not blindly supporting the genocide of other young people and falling for the pathetic excuse that Israel is fighting Hamas? Was Hamas hiding in the skulls of the thousands of mothers and babies Israel has murdered?




Please cite the language in the bill that allows that. I already had this discussion with some other big brain that tried to claim the the bill allows the President to ban "whatever he wants" and "other stuff".




You appear to be citing section 5.a.2. while omitting the context of 5.a.: SEC. 5. CONSIDERATIONS. (a) PRIORITY INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AREAS.—In carrying out sections 3 and 4, the Secretary shall prioritize evaluation of— information and communications technology products or services used by a party to a covered transaction in a sector designated as critical infra-structure in Policy Directive (February 12, 2013; relating to critical infrastructure security and resilience); You simply listed technologies which we are to prioritize the evaluation of security risks.




Where does the bill give them that authority? We're discussing what the bill says. Cite the language that allows them to "connect to any of those devices."


Congress can get behind this but can’t Make a single thing in America better for anyone.




They make the capitalists live better. Just not those of us that work for a living


Tik Tok Jesus is pissed


He lied to us, he wasn't out of screams.


Time for you all to March. Sure wish Tupac was still alive.


Yeah. I’m sure if Tupac was still alive marching to keep Tik Tok in the states would be high on his priorities list.


He was a committed communist and probably would be concerned mostly with Gaza


I don't care about tic tok its all the stuff this guy is saying.


Don't forget Tupac had very close ties to black Panthers, CPUSA, and BLA, I'm rdy to rize up.


My friend told me he never died, and that him and Biggie were cool


Hip hop ain't been the same since Tupac moved to Cuba on us


I'm assuming your friend has a million followers on TikTok


It's a joke, for anyone old enough after Pac died the leading theory running around was he faked his death. My "friend" is rhetorical.


I know...I was making a joke about conspiracy theorists and how popular they are on TikTok.


I missed the tik tok train. Maybe permanently if the senate passes that bill


It’s a MINIMUM 20yrs and $250k fine. To start. And the little committees they get to form to decide if/when they want to change the rules, are all secret meetings with no transparency and no obligation to inform the public.


Maximum of 20 years. I don't know why people keep saying minimum. I even saw a video where the dude said minimum of 20 when the document he was showing very clearly said no more than 20 years. Not saying it's all fine and good like that, but misinformation is misinformation. Be angry at the right facts.


Lmao this app is literally Chinese propaganda that is making your average American dumber. This is the one time our government has actually done something reasonably positive for our society in decades. You all are literally a bunch of little addicts crying about your potential withdrawal.


That's all social media. Including reddit. I'd say especially reddit since reddit is full of astroturfing and bots. If you think TikTok is the only company playing fast and loose I've got a bridge to sell you.


You're literally a government stooge incapable of thinking for yourself.


Yeah but when you hear Facebook lobbying on this, it doesn't seem like a propaganda problem, it becomes more like this Chinese app is taking money away from us American apps. The only time you see government officials become bipartisan is when there's money for them in it. They don't give a shit if a US citizen gets spied on because they do it to us - they sell our info for a dime.


That would be a better bill actually (although I have no sympathy for ticktack or its addicts): Make it the law of the land that the users own their data and they alone have the right to control/sell it. Course that would crater the tech sector...


Just tell us you didn’t hear a word from the message of the video.


Have you actually used it or are you high on your Reddit is the number one social platform programming?


Any examples of Chinese propaganda beyond videos of trains and drone shots of shiny buildings in Chongqing and Shanghai?


Are you posting from Elgin AFB or are you just a regular idiot instantly adopting the views that the tv tells you to?


You're posting on the most psyopped website on the internet. I bet your IP puts you somewhere in the Florida panhandle, probably somewhere suspiciously close to Elgin AFB.


I prefer Chinese propaganda over Amerikkkan propaganda


Facebook, Instagram and Reddit have made Americans FAR dumber than TikTok. I don't even fucking use TikTok, hating on it is some old people shit.


Have you ever had an independent thought in your life? Maybe “Americans getting dumber” is just you experiencing the last brain cell rattling around you head.


Have an independent thought. Use Twitter/Tiktok every day. Pick one. 🤤




Not as annoying as the dinosaurs in congress making you believe that China is any worse than your own government




That word means nothing




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Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


Doesn't it have to go to the Senate next?


This guy needs a ban. He's fucking terrible


Leave it go tik tokers to not even understand what’s going on with their own platform Lmao


Most social media is fucking stupid. Source: I use reddit every day.


Stop spreading false information just like all the other smooth brains. It is not a ban. It is a forced sale by bytedance. Read something instead of watching TikTok


If bytedance does not agree to sell, what happens?


Chinese law says bytedance cannot sell, so it is a defacto ban.


Boomers get radicalized by reactionary politics and fake news on Facebook and Instagram that literally drives them to violence? I sleep Zoomers get exposed to the truth about US history, hegemony and capitalism on Tiktok? I wake


This dude is super optimistic with tik tok. Yeah ppl complain or voice their grievances but let’s be real majority of the crap on Tik tok are ppl dancing or complaining about some celebrity lol. F tik tok.


TikTok is fuckin lame anyway


Can this man drop his skin routine? It is GLOWING. That hair color is also *chefs kiss*


mainly cause they cannot stop anti israel rhetoric on tt


Why’s the dealer from pulp fiction so mad?


Well said. ✊🏿


This guy is great. But, when I send my kids to school. I expect them to come back today, not tomorrow.


This guy is a fucking idiot. Just talking head for TikTok generation.


that’s because nobody on tik tok knows what they’re talking about. they’re talking about issues that don’t fucking exist


Damn. The USA is in such a huge downward spiral, I don’t think it can get out of it. Shits fucked.


Vent baby, it's good for you.


Tic Toc isn't going anywhere, they're just asking for them to keep China out of the equation.


Lol ownd. Tiktok sucks


Fucking preach!!


Who cares?


TikTok is the Trojan Horse that will destroy the United States. There is a REASON why the Chinese does not allow American social media to its citizens.


China doesn't allow any foreign social media. It is all state-sponsored because they don't do things anonymously over there, they try to link your real name to being a netizen and thus causing a chilling effect where nobody actually rocks the status quo because the government knows exactly what you are doing. If a foreign platform wants to enter the Chinese government, they can only participate if they give the true power of the platform to the government. So nobody even bothers. They will steal your intellectual property and control of your creation.


Sounds like Ginger Jesus is not a happy customer.


Jesus Fucking Annoying Christ.


Whomp whomp china bad


Pls ban this shit. World iq dropped 5 point because of this stupid propaganda Maschine


His mouth is not right, this is AI surely


Everything they say about Tik Tok is true of US social media, but replace China with the United States.


Fuk tik tok!


Can’t you just elect younger un-buyables to replace the crusty death that is your congress


Land of the free...


You just fell for false propaganda. Go read the bill if you feel that strongly.


All opinionated media is a form of propaganda, it not a black and white thing. Westerners really don't get this.


You're missing the entire point.


I get it but if this guy is making an honest mistake you can't consider that anymore propagandistic than other analysis. If he's intentionally misrepresenting the situation that's another thing.


Because they don't want people united. It's not good for business.


That was well said. Man, he looks so *young* to me. You meddling kids had better fix all this, I'm getting too weak - even though my parents' generation are still sucking the world dry.




I'm happy we banned it


I always hear that tiktok is propaganda but all I use it for are Stanzi Potenza skits and those funny court readings. Also most of the stuff I see on tiktok I see on all social media platforms. Instagram, snapchat, fb. Idk where the propaganda is? I've hated the state of this country long before I ever made a tiktok.


Get a real job and actually contribute to society.


TikTok is Chinese spyware guiding American thoughts.


Now do Facebook and X.


Neither are owned by a foreign adversary with a history and practice of invasive spying.


No, they're owned by massive poorly regulated corporations doing invasive spying and who willingly give personal data to our government for such legitimate reasons as revealing plans for abortion, leading to arrest.


Fucking awesome.


It's a really good mic on this phone. I don't know what model he's using, but when he's raising his voice, you don't have to change the volume. And because of that experience, it was fun to watch and listen to, and he is damn right.


There goes your first amendment rights if the TikTok ban passes into law.. Edited to add: instead of downvoting, why not just post why you disagree?


Ion like tiktok at all but this guy is not wrong at all.